Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 261-268 | DOI 10.3897/dez.68.69090 > PENSUFT. yee BERLIN Revision of Iranian Schoenlandella Cameron, 1905 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Cardiochilinae) with descriptions of two new species from Hormozgan province Ilgoo Kang!, Ali Ameri, Michael J. Sharkey? 1 Department of Entomology, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, 404 Life Sciences Building, Baton Rouge, LA, 70803 USA 2 Insect Taxonomy Research Department, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEQO), Tehran, Iran 3 The Hymenoptera Institute, 116 Franklin Ave., Redlands, CA, 92373, USA http://zoobank.org/A6DSB80A-5 LAD-4337-803F -3B83E40D95B3 Corresponding author: Ilgoo Kang (ikang1@Isu.edu) Academic editor: Jose Fernandez-Triana # Received 25 May 2021 # Accepted 12 August 2021 @ Published 20 August 2021 Abstract The Iranian species of the genus Schoenlandella Cameron, 1905 are revised based on morphological characters. The current work provides a key to species of Iranian Schoenlandella and species descriptions of two new species: S. angustigena Kang sp. nov. and S. latigena Kang sp. nov. This work results in increasing the number of Iranian Schoenlandella species from one to three species. Key Words Old World, parasitoid wasp, taxonomy, Western Palearctic region Introduction The Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran) is located in the West- ern Palearctic region, and 26 Holdridge life zones exist in the country (Sanjerehei 2014). Approximately 40% of the country is in the subtropical latitudinal region and ~80% of the country consists of periarid, semiarid, arid, and su- perarid life zones (Sanjerehei 2014). One of braconid sub- families having the highest distribution in arid regions is Cardiochilinae Ashmead, 1900 (Dangerfield et al. 1999). Nine species of Cardiochilinae have been recorded from Iran, including just one species of Schoenlandella Camer- on, 1905, S. deserta (Telenga, 1955) (Gadallah and Gha- hari 2019). Among cardiochiline genera, Schoenlandella has the most species in arid areas, especially in the Afro- tropical and Australian regions. For example, in Egypt, seven species of Schoenlandella have been recorded, which account for ~13% of Schoenlandella species in the World (Edmardash et al. 2018). Despite the abundance of the members of the genus in other arid countries in the Afrotropical and Western Palearctic regions, no ad- ditional new species of Schoenlandella from Iran have been recorded. In several collecting trips by the second author (AA) from 2013 to 2019, a total of forty cardiochiline specimens were collected. These specimens were sent to the first au- thor (IK) and identified to the species-level using Danger- field et al. (1999), Edmardash et al. (2018), Oltra and Falco (1997), and Telenga (1955). Fifteen specimens collected in Hormozgan province located in the south of Iran were confirmed as two new species of Schoenlandella based on morphological data. The characters of these two new Species were compared with the characters of paratypes of two close Afrotropical species, S. testacea (Kriechbaumer, 1894) and S. variegata (Szépligeti, 1913). In the current paper, species descriptions of two new species are includ- ed along with images of diagnostic characters. Distribu- tion maps of each species are created and provided. Copyright //goo Kang etal. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 262 llgoo Kang et al.: Revision of Iranian Schoenlandella Cameron, 1905 Figure 1. Malaise trap operating at one of the collecting sites in Hormozgan province. Methods Specimen information Specimens used in the current work were collected by AA by Malaise traps from 2013 to 2019 in Hormozgan province (Fig. 1), Iran, and paratypes of S. festacea (Kriechbaumer, 1894) and S. variegata (Szépligeti, 1913) were borrowed from the Texas A&M University Insect Collection (TAMU: College Station, Texas, USA). Holotypes and most paratypes of Iranian Schoenlandella species will be deposited in the Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum of Iranian Research Institute of Insect Taxon- omy Research Department, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (IRIPP: Tehran, Islamic Repub- lic of Iran), and some paratypes will be housed in the Canadian National Collection of Insects (CNC: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada). Morphological analysis Morphological characters of all specimens were exam- ined using a Leica MZ75 stereomicroscope. The mor- phological terms and terms for wing veins are based dez.pensoft.net on Dangerfield et al. (1999), and Sharkey and Whar- ton (1997). Most terminology is available on the Hy- menoptera Anatomy Consortium website (http://portal. hymao.org/projects/32/public/ontology/). The reference for terms of surface sculpturing used in the work is Harris (1979). Habitus photographs were taken using a Visionary Digital BK Plus imaging system (Dun, Inc.), equipped with a Canon EOS 5DS DSLR camera. The generated images were stacked using Zerene Stacker v.1.04 (Zerene Systems LLC.). Plates were prepared and edited using Adobe Photoshop CS 6 (Adobe Sys- tems, Inc). Distribution maps of Schoenlandella species were created using QGIS 3.10.0 (QGIS Development Team 2019). Google maps were downloaded using the QuickMapServices plugin. Body parts of each species were measured via Adobe Photoshop CS 6 (Adobe Systems, Inc), and all measurements are given in mil- limeters. In the species descriptions, each number in parentheses indicates 0.01 the actual length, width, or height of each body part. For instance, 12 and 345 in parentheses (12:345) indicate 0.12 mm and 3.45 mm, respectively. The following acronyms are used: POL: distance between posterior ocelli, T1 (first metasomal tergum), T2 (second metasomal tergum), and T3 (third metasomal tergum). Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 261-268 263 Re sults subsequent designation by Viereck 1914 (synonymized with Car- diochiles Nees, 1819 by Szépligeti 1911). Removed from synonymy Taxonomy by Whitfield and Dangerfield (1997). Schoenlandella Cameron, 1905 Ernestiella Cameron, 1905 (Cameron 1905b) synonymized with Schoenlandella Viereck, 1914. Type species: Ernestiella nigromac- ulata Cameron 1905 (Cameron 1905b). Schoenlandella Cameron, 1905 (Cameron 1905a). Type Species: Schoenlandella nigromaculata Cameron, 1905 (Cameron 1905a) by Diagnosis. See Kang et al. (in prep.). Key to species of Iranian Schoenlandella 1 A. Notauli smooth; forewing stigma entirely pale; metapleuron mostly smooth (Telenga 1955)........ S. deserta (Telenga) - B. Notauli crenulate (Figs 2B, 4B); BB. forewing stigma mostly melanic, basally pale (Figs 2A, 4A, 4F); BBB. metapleuron DOSTELIOR WESEPOM GINS C til OUI CGE Clg 282 Co Viera. Ue ameee tele tasteaciz« x eernonade tts Nenceemcdeleas easel minal Macca aida wen easter steel Iuetanteigatvars enamel eae ameeaee 2 fe 2 A. Length of gena longer than eye length in lateral view; AA. hind basitarsus shorter than combined length 2°*-4"" tar- eS OA (ol daha arene appre MR eal heres ct AULA hy geen Aer Eo Met hand ce NE ROR ecto Any Ri Dette cae ch OUR A S. latigena sp. nov. — B. Length of gena shorter than eye length in lateral view; BB. hind basitarsus longer than combined length 2"°~4" tar- SOMMOKOS or Mena en scat aga lgecer ited een tens. iano ental nana! Batis igor teat IWR ree ge NM AeA 2 RW oA S. angustigena sp. nov. Schoenlandella angustigena Kang, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/F60B09B5-1B56-444D-B668-86A AB4F270A3 Fig. 2A-G Material examined. Holotype: IRAN * 9, Fayrab, Roodan (Rudan), Hormozgan; 27°8'29.39"N, 54°12'20.89"E; 377 m; 23. II. 2017; Col. Ameri. Paratypes: IRAN * 29, 14, same as holotype. 29, Bazyarai, Minab, Hormozgan; 27°10'36.83"N, 57°2'12.44"E.; 34 m; 06. V. 2016; Col. Ameri. 12, Boo moosa (Abu Musa), Hormozgan; 25°5 25213 T'N, 55° 1135-84" Ex9 2m» 1s. TV. 2016: Col: Ameri. 192, Chelo, Minab, Hormozgan; 27°8'3.62"N, 56°58'49.71"E; 16 m; 05. IV. 2016; Col. Ameri. 19, fe- male, Zakin, Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan; 27°50'25.33"N, 56°18'12.33"E; 1176 m; 09. IV. 2016; Col. Ameri. Diagnosis. Schoenlandella angustigena sp. nov. can be distinguished from other Iranian Schoenlandella species by having the following combination of characters: gena ap- parently shorter than eye length in lateral view (Fig. 2C),; hind basitarsus longer than combined length of 24" tar- someres (Fig. 2E). Hind wing mostly infuscate, hyaline at basal fourth, apically gradually darkened. S. angustigena dez.pensoft.net 264 iran , Hormozgan , Roodan , F 27° 3'29.39°N,64°12'20.89°E 2017-02-23 vim Col: Ameri llgoo Kang et al.: Revision of Iranian Schoenlandella Cameron, 1905 Figure 2. S. angustigena sp. nov. A. Lateral habitus; B. Dorsal habitus; C. Lateral head and mesosoma; D. Anterior head; E. Hind tarsus; F. Dorsal scutellum to T3; G. Ventro-lateral metanotum. sp. nov. is similar to the Egyptian species, S. acrenulata (Fischer, 1958), but S. angustigena sp. nov. differs from S. acrenulata by possessing a greater number of antennomeres, pale upper face and glossa, pale scutellum and propodeum, relatively short hind tibial spur and long ovipositor sheath, Description. Body 4.90-6.25 mm. Head. Eye dense- ly setaceous with short interommatidial setae. Flagellum 33—36-segmented. Length of gena ~0.79x longer than eye length in lateral view (37:47) (Fig. 2C). POL ~0.69x longer than diameter of anterior ocellus (9:13). Face mostly smooth, ~1.01< longer than its width (84:83). Clypeus with two weakly developed tubercles; width of clypeus ~2.06x longer than its length (70:34). Galea elongate ~1.97x longer than clypeus height (67:34) (Fig. 2C, D). Mandible bidentate. 5" maxillary palpomere 0.89 longer than apical palpomere (17:19). Mesosoma. Notauli entirely crenulate and acutely meeting at base (Fig. 2B). Scutellar sulcus broad, with 5 or 6 crenulae. Length of scutellum 0.97x longer than basal width of scutellum (68:70). Postscutellar depression crenulate, as long as anterior width of dorsel- lum. Dorsellum without median carina. Pronotum medially dez.pensoft.net sculptured, carinate-rugose. Mesopleuron mostly smooth. Precoxal sulcus medially crenulate not reaching anterior and posterior margins of mesopleuron. Episternal scrobe shallow and wavy. Posterior mesopleural furrow entirely crenulate. Metapleuron anteriorly smooth, posteriorly ru- gose, groove between metepimeron and metepisternum crenulate. Propodeum mostly rugulose; propodeal spiracle ovoid; median areola of propodeum well defined with car- inate margin, carinate margin narrowly meeting at both an- terior margin of propodeum and nucha, its median width as long as its median length; transverse carina of propodeum medially strongly developed and reaching lateral margin of propodeum. Legs. Fore basitarsus ~1.13x longer than com- bined length 24" tarsomeres (63:56). Mid-basitarsus as long as combined length of 24" tarsomeres (70:70). Maximum width of hind femur ~1.72* longer than apical width of hind tibia (50:29); cup-like projection of hind tibia absent; basal spur on hind tibia ~0.66~* longer than basitar- sus (71:107). Hind basitarsus laterally slightly expanded, but not expanded as in Hartemita Cameron, 1910, ~1.13x longer than combined length 2""-4" tarsomeres (107:94) Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 261-268 (Fig. 2E). Claws pectinate with obtuse apical tooth. Wings. Forewing wing length: ~5.71 mm. Hind wing length: ~4.66 mm. Forewing apically infuscate; Ir absent; 3r ba- sally spectrally present (79, 13’) or absent (12); 3RSb broken basally, angled at basal third; second submarginal cell elongate; 1a absent. Hind wing infuscate mostly, hya- line at basal fourth; apically gradually darkened; r entirely nebulous and pigmented; RS tubular at base, apically neb- ulous and pigmented; M+CU apparently shorter than 1M; M tubular at base, apically nebulous and entirely pigment- ed, gradually fading apically; 2—-1A present as basal stump. Metasoma. T1 ~1.14* longer than its apical width (83:73). T2 with a pair of curved submedian grooves, anteriorly deeply impressed, posteriorly gradually weakened (Fig. 2F), median length of T2 0.53 longer than median length of T3 (31:59). Fourth and fifth metasomal sterna membra- nous posteriorly, medially unfolded. Hypopygium slightly impressed medially but unfolded, acute apically, its surface entirely sclerotized (Fig. 2G), its length 1.26x longer than its height in lateral view (88:70). Ovipositor sheath slightly downcurved and gradually expanding from base to apex, anteriorly bare posteriorly densely setose with long setae, length of protruded ovipositor sheath ~0.53= longer than hind tibia (109:207). Ovipositor downcurved. Male. Same as female except for body length and col- oration. The body length of male is slightly shorter than females. The medial mesonotal lobe and ventral meso- pleuron are pale in the male specimen. ogle = a cine Ts a ©2015 Go i = ® S. angustigena sp. nov. 265 Color. All specimens are mostly pale, and the fol- lowing areas are melanic: antenna, vertex, frons, apical mandible, galea, median mesonotal lobe (mostly), ventral mesopleuron, inner hind tibia apically, apical hind tarsus, and ovipositor sheath. Wings apically infuscate, stigma mostly melanic except for base. Five specimens have a melanic mesonotal lobe and a pale ventral mesopleuron, however they share all other morphological characters with other members of S. angustigena. Host. Unknown. Distribution. Members of S. angustigena sp. nov. are known from Bandar Abbas, Minab and Rudan, as well as Abu Musa Island, Hormozgan, Iran (Fig. 3). Etymology. From the Latin, angusti-, meaning “nar- row’ and gena, meaning “cheek”. Schoenlandella deserta (Telenga, 1955) Cardiochiles desertus Telenga, 1955 (Telenga 1955). Schoenlandella deserta (Telenga, 1955) (Dangerfield et al. 1999). Description. See Telenga (1955), Oltra and Falco (1997), and Edmardash et al. (2018). Host. Unknown. Distribution. Members of Schoenlandella_ deser- ta (Telenga, 1955) are known from Azerbaijan, Egypt, Iran, Morocco, Spain, Turkmenistan, and Uzebekistan Figure 3. Distribution map of the members of S. angustigena sp. nov. in Iran. dez.pensoft.net 266 (Telenga 1955, Oltra and Falco 1997, Yu et al. 2016, Edmardash et al. 2018). Schoenlandella latigena Kang, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/607DD3B2-B524-432A-A 5F0-5692E1713B64 Fig. 4A-G Material examined. Holotype: IRAN * 2, Bazyarai, Min- ab, Hormozgan; 27°10'36.83"N, 57°2'12.44"E.; 34 m; 06. V. 2016; Col. Ameri. Paratypes: 19, same as holotype except for the colleting date; 21. IV. 2016. 1<, Boo moosa (Abu Musa), Hormozgan; 25°52'52.37"N, 55°1'13.84"E; 9m; 15. IV. 2016; Col. Ameri. 29, Zakin, Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan; 27°50'25.33"N, 56°18'12.33"E; 1176 m; 09. IV. 2016; Col. Ameri. 19, Mosaferabad, Roodan (Rudan), Hormozgan; 27°44'50.62"N, 57°13'36.08"E; 459 m; 06. V. 2016; Col. Ameri. Diagnosis. Members of Schoenlandella latigena sp. nov. are most similar to members of S. deserta (Telenga, 1955). Compared to members of S. deserta, members of S. latigena sp. nov. possess a more elongate gena (Fig. 4A) and a melanic stigma (Fig. 4F). In addition, they share crenulate notauli (Fig. 4B) and a sculptured metapleuron (Fig. 4A). Members of S. /atigena sp. nov. are also similar to members of an Afrotropical species, S. variegata (Sze- pligeti, 1913). Members of these two species share densely setose eyes, broad face and clypeus, ventrally melanic mes- opleuron, apically infuscate wings, and short and slightly expanded hind basitarsus. However, members of S. /atige- na sp. nov. can be distinguished from S. variegata by hav- ing relatively shorter interommatidial setae (Fig. 4C), nar- rower face, longer gena, longer hind basitarsus, and longer gan, Minab, Bazyarai /iran Hormoz | 27°10°36.83"N §7° 2'12.44°E 2016-05-06 M34 llgoo Kang et al.: Revision of Iranian Schoenlandella Cameron, 1905 and unfolded hypopygium (Notes: Female members of S. variegata have a medially folded hypopygium.) (Fig. 4D). Description. Body 6.25—6.45 mm. Head. Eye densely setaceous with short interommatidial setae. Antennomeres 32—33-segmented. Length of gena ~1.12< longer than eye length in lateral view (47:42) (Fig. 4A). POL ~1.27x broader than diameter of anterior ocellus (11:14). Face weakly sculptured, mostly finely punctate, ~0.85= longer than its width (73:86). Clypeus with two strongly devel- oped tubercles; width of clypeus ~2.59x longer than its length (70:27). Galea elongated, ~2.15x longer than cly- peus height (58:27) (Fig. 4C). Mandible bidentate. Fifth maxillary palpomere as long as apical palpomere (15:15). Mesosoma. Notauli entirely crenulate and meeting acutely at base (Fig. 4B). Scutellar sulcus broad, with 6 or 7 cren- ulae. Length of scutellum 0.83 longer than basal width of scutellum (54:65). Postscutellar depression crenulate, as long as anterior width of dorsellum. Dorsellum with or without median carina. Pronotum medially sculptured, carinate-rugose. Mesopleuron mostly smooth. Precoxal sulcus medially moderately crenulate not reaching anterior and posterior margins of mesopleuron. Episternal scrobe shallow and wavy. Posterior mesopleural furrow entirely crenulate. Metapleuron anteriorly smooth, posteriorly ru- gose; groove between metepimeron and metepisternum crenulate. Propodeum mostly rugulose; propodeal spir- acle ovoid; median areola of propodeum well defined with carinate margin, carinate margin narrowly meeting anteriorly, posteriorly reaching submedian of nucha, its median width as long as its median length, transverse ca- rina of propodeum reaching lateral margin of propodeum. Legs. Fore basitarsus ~0.90 longer than combined length 2™‘_4"n tarsomeres (47:52). Mid-basitarsus ~0.89x longer Figure 4. S. /atigena sp. nov. A. Lateral habitus; B. Dorsal habitus; C. Anterior head and dorsal mesonotum; D. Ventro-lateral me- tanotum; E. Hind tarsus; F. forewing; G. hindwing. dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 261-268 © S. latigena sp. nov. 267 Figure 5. Distribution map of the members of S. /atigena sp. nov. 1n Iran. than combined length of 2-4" tarsomeres (54:61). Maxi- mum width of hind femur ~1.65< longer than apical width of hind tibia (51:31); cup-like projection of hind tibia ab- sent; basal spur on hind tibia ~0.74* longer than basitar- sus (58:78). Hind basitarsus laterally slightly expanded, but not as expanded as Hartemita Cameron, 1910, ~0.90x longer than combined length 2-4" tarsomeres (79:88) (Fig. 4E). Claws pectinate with obtuse apical tooth. Wings. Forewing wing length: ~5.21 mm. Hind wing length: ~4.36 mm. Forewing apically infuscate; Ir absent; 3r ba- sally spectrally present (3) (Fig. 4F) or absent (29, 1<); 3RSb broken basally, angled at basal fourth; second sub- marginal cell elongated; 1a absent. Hind wing infuscate at apical third; r entirely nebulous and pigmented; RS tubular at base, apically nebulous and pigmented; M+CU appar- ently shorter than 1M; M tubular at base, apically nebulous and pigmented, gradually fading apically; 2-1A present as basal stump. Metasoma. T1 ~1.15x longer than its apical width (69:60). T2 entirely smooth, median length ~0.70x longer than median length of T3 (38:54). Fourth and fifth metasomal sterna membranous posteriorly, medially un- folded. Hypopygium medially slightly impressed, acute apically, its surface anteriorly fully sclerotized medio-pos- teriorly less sclerotized (Fig. 4D), its length as long as its height in lateral view (90:90). Ovipositor sheath slightly downcurved and gradually expanding from base to apex, anteriorly bare, posteriorly densely setose with long setae; length of protruded ovipositor sheath ~0.47 longer than hind tibia (92:196). Ovipositor downcurved. Male. Same as female except for the following char- acters: antenna 33-segmented, scutellar sulcus with 8 crenulae, scutellum antero-medially with melanic spot, propleuron ventrally melanic, mesopleuron mostly me- lanic, hind coxa brown medially. Color. Body mostly pale; the following areas are me- lanic: antenna, vertex, frons, apical mandible, galea, me- dian mesonotal lobe mostly, lateral mesonotal lobe anteri- orly, ventral mesopleuron, inner hind tibia apically, apical hind tarsus, ovipositor sheath. Wings apically infuscate, stigma apically melanic. Host. Unknown. Distribution. Members of Schoenlandella latigena sp. nov. are known from Bandar Abbas, Minab, and Rudan counties as well as Boo Moosa island, Hormozgan, Iran (Fig. 5). Etymology. From the Latin, /ati-, meaning “broad” and gena, meaning “cheek”. Discussion The taxonomic status of Schoenlandella was discussed by Whitfield and Dangerfield (1997), Dangerfield et al. (1999), Mercado and Wharton (2003), Papp (2014), and Kang et al. (in prep.). Kang et al. (in prep.) treated Schoenlandella as a valid genus based on morphologi- cal data and using the phylogenetic data of Murphy et al. (2008). dez.pensoft.net 268 In Iran, members of S. deserta(Telenga, 1955) have been recorded only from Gulian province located in the north of Iran near the Azerbaijan-Iran border. From the samples collected in Hormozgan by AA, specimens of S. deserta were not found even though the species is distributed not only in Iran, but also in other countries. This may be a re- sult of the mountainous nature of the region. The Zagros Mountain range stretches ~1,600 km from the northwest to the south of the country, and the Alborz Mountain range stretches from the northwest to the northeastern of Iran. These two mountain ranges may play an important role in restricting the distribution of S. deserta in Iran. Of course, further collecting is needed to confirm their absence. Acknowledgements We extend appreciation to IRIPP for the loans of Irani- an specimens and providing financial support for this re- search. We also thank Dr Karen Wright in TAMU for the loans of paratypes. IK is grateful to Dr Rodrigo Diaz and LSU AgCenter for their financial support as well as Dr Chris Carlton and Ms Victoria Bayless for friendship and improving English skills. IK also thanks Dr James Whit- field for sharing his knowledge of cardiochiline braconids. References Ashmead WH (1900) Classification of the Ichneumon Flies: or, the Super- family Ichneumonoidea. Proceedings of the United States National Mu- seum 23(1206): 1-220. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00963801.23-1206.1 Cameron P (1905a) On the Hymenoptera of the Albany Museum, Gra- hamstown, South Africa (First paper). Record of the Albany Muse- um 1: 161-175. Cameron P (1905b) On the phytophagous and parasitic Hymenoptera collected by Mr. E. Green in Ceylon. Spolia zeylanica 3: 67-143. 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