Zoosyst. Evol. 97 (2) 2021, 345-354 | DOI 10.3897/zse.97.68486 Ree ne BERLIN Idiomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov., anew mysid species (Mysida, Mysidae, Anisomysin1) from Southeast Asia Ja’afar Nurshazwan', Shozo Sawamoto*, Azman bin Abdul Rahim! 1 Department of Earth Sciences and Environment, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia 2 20-21 Tsukimi-cho, Shimizu, Shizuoka 424-0853 Japan 3 Marine Ecosystem Research Centre (EKOMAR), Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia http://zoobank.org/C21D141B-0CDF-427F-8EE3-1FCABAD668C6 Corresponding author: Azman bin Abdul Rahim (abarahim@gmail.com) Academic editor: Kay Van Damme @ Received 10 May 2021 # Accepted 19 June 2021 Published 9 July 2021 Abstract We provide a detailed description, including illustrations, of a new species of mysid belonging to the genus /diomysis W. M. Tattersall, 1922 from Pulau Bum Bum, Sabah, Malaysia. The presence of two segments of antennal scale, a shorter endopod of uropod than the exopod and a pair of minute spines at the apex of the telson distinguishes Idiomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov. from all other species in the genus. The present species is the seventh member of the genus /diomysis and it is the first described in Southeast Asia. It is also the third species of tribe Anisomysini discovered in Malaysian waters. We include an updated dichotomous key of all /diomysis species. Key Words Pulau Bum Bum, /diomysis, Malaysia, new species, Sabah Introduction Mysids are considered as one of the most abundant and widely distributed crustaceans in the world, are known to inhabit all aquatic areas, but they are predominantly found in marine environments (Gan et al. 2010). Wittmann et al. (2014) established the tribe Anisomysini (former Mysini) for the first time, encompassing seven genera; Anisomysis Hansen, 1910; Carnegieomysis W. M. Tattersall, 1943; Halemysis Bacescu & Udrescu, 1984; Idiomysis W. M. Tattersall, 1922; Javanisomysis Bacescu, 1992, Mysidium Dana, 1852 and Paramesopodopsis Fenton, 1985. Today, Six species of Idiomysis have been recorded from various locations. They include /diomysis diadema Wittmann, 2016 from the coast of Dahab, Red Sea; Idiomysis inermis W. M. Tattersall, 1922 from Kilakarai, Gulf of Manaar, India; [diomysis japonica Murano, 1978 from Nomo, Na- gasaki, Japan; [diomysis mozambicus Deprez, Wooldridge & Mees, 2001 from Nacala Bay, Mozambique, South Af- rica; Idiomysis robusta Connell, 2008 from the east coast of South Africa; and /diomysis tsurnamali Bacescu, 1973 from Gulf of Elat, Red Sea. Some species (/diomysis ja- ponica, I. mozambica and I. robusta) are free-living by nature (Murano 1978; Deprez et al. 2001; Connell 2008), while some others (/diomysis diadema, I. inermis and I. tsurnamali) associate with other organisms, such as sea anemones and sea urchins (Bacescu 1973; Greenwood and Hadley 1982: W. M. Tattersall 1922: Bhaduri and Crowther 2016; Wittmann 2016). Numerous species of mysids from the tribe Anisomysini have been discovered in Southeast Asian waters (Sawamoto 2014). To date, only two species, namely Anisomysis (Anisomysis) aikawai Ih, 1964 and A. (Paranisomysis) ohtsukai Murano, 1994, have been identified from Malaysian waters (Gan et al. 2010; Tan et al. 2014; Moriya 2016; Tan and Azman 2018) and there was no record of any mysid of the genus /diomysis. Pulau Bum Bum is situated in the Semporna District of southeast Sabah, an East Malaysian State. It is a con- Copyright Ja’afar Nurshazwan etal. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 346 stituent of the Sulu Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion (SSME) and Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI), making it one of the richest marine biodiversity territories in the world (Ho and Kassem 2009). The most recent discovery was the newly-described Cerapus bumbumiensis Nurshazwan, Ahmad-Zaki & Azman, 2020, collected from Pulau Bum Bum (Nurshazwan et al. 2020). Even though this location is well-known for its extraordinary marine life diversity, there is little information on reef-associated crustacean fauna, including mysids. The present study described and identified Jdiomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov. as a new spe- cies from Pulau Bum Bum, Sabah, Malaysia. Materials and methods The specimens were collected using SCUBA diving equipment on a silty substrate near a large coral ledge of ND Divers House Reef, Pulau Bum Bum in Semporna, Sabah of East Malaysia (Fig. 1). Specimens were initial- ly fixed with a 4% formaldehyde-seawater solution and subsequently preserved with 85% ethyl alcohol after sorting in the laboratory. The body length of the mysids was measured in the laboratory from the tip of the ros- trum to the end of the telson, excluding apical spines. Appendages were dissected using a stereomicroscope (Olympus SZX9) and mounted on a temporary slide with a glycerol-ethanol mixed solution for illustrative purpos- es. An optical microscope (Olympus BX43), equipped with a camera lucida, visualised the images. They were then pencil-drawn and digitised in Adobe Illustrator CS6 ” Kinabalu Sabah BORNEO Figure 1. Map of Pulau Bum Bum, Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia zse.pensoft.net Ja’afar Nurshazwan et al.: /diomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov. following guidelines by Coleman (2003). The terminol- ogy used was according to Wittmann et al. (2014). All specimens were deposited in the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Muzium Zoologi (UKMMZ), Bangi, Malaysia. Results Systematics Idiomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/BA9ADF20-A 7DB-4C50-B301-D3036F77925B Figs 2-6 Type material. Holotype, adult male (BL. 2.3 mm, UK- MMZ-1611); Allotype, ovigerous female (BL. 3.2 mm, UKMMZ-1612); Paratypes, two males (BL. 2.0 and 2.2 mm), one female (BL. 2.2 mm) (UKMMZ-1613); two females (BL. 2.6 and 3.1 mm, UKMMZ-1614), ND Divers House reef, Pulau Bum Bum, Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia, 4°26'43.2"N, 118°39'08.1"E, SCUBA diving, 29 November 2018, 10.5 m depth, collectors: Abu-Bakar A.Z., Azman B.A.R. and Dendy A.O. Diagnosis. Antennal scale 2-segmented, with short apical segment, scale without any spine; rostrum subtri- angular with broad rounded apex: thoracic exopod 1-8 with 7-9 segments; thoracic endopod 1—2 robust, thorac- ic endopod 3-8 elongate; all pleopods longer than wide; fourth male pleopod with distinct exopod and endopod not separated by sutures at the base, exopod terminally with 1 large barbed seta (armed with a few setules); en- SEMPORNA PULAU BUM BUM ND DIVERS Sandakan Zoosyst. Evol. 97 (2) 2021, 345-354 Figure 2. /diomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov. (freshly fixed), A. Lateral view of the holotype (BL. 2.3 mm, UKMMZ-1611); B. Lateral view of allotype (BL. 3.2 mm, UKMMZ-1612). dopod of uropod shorter than exopod; telson with a pair of minute spines on terminal margin; telson length ratio to sixth abdominal somite is 0.8. Description for male. Head and cephalic append- age. A pale-white and brownish body part (Fig. 2A, B). Orange to the yellowish-red cornea (Fig. 2A, B). Stout and bulky body (Figs 2A, 3A) due to slightly double-flexed pleon antero-dorsally; short carapace, exposed last three thoracic somites, upwards-pointed trapezoid-shaped wing-like extension (Fig. 3A); subtriangular shaped ros- trum (Fig. 3B) with broad rounded apex (subtriangular and bluntly pointed) extending between eyes reaching a middle basal segment of antennule peduncle; very large eyes (Fig. 3B), globular; the cornea is wider than eye- stalk, covering almost all of the eye surface. Antennule peduncle (Fig. 3D) with three segments; the basal segment is the longest with a ventral short lobe on subterminal position with three setae; the median seg- ment is the shortest with a ventral short lobe on subter- minal position with three setae; the terminal segment is almost 0.5 times as long as the first/basal segment, with eight setae and one plumose seta, hirsute appendix mas- culina present; inner flagellum with four segments; outer flagellum with 9-10 segments; aesthetascs present. An- tennal peduncle (Fig. 3E) is very short and stout, with three segments; antennal scale is extending beyond anten- nule peduncle, long, robust and broad; suture present at 11-14% from apex; terminal segment with five plumose 347 setae; proximal outer margin without plumose setae from the base of antennal scale is 64%, while proximal inner margin without plumose setae 1s 27%. Mandible (Fig. 3F) with incisor and molar process; well-developed lacinia mobilis; the molar process 1s present; palp with three segments; small basal segment without setae; median segment with eight setae along the outer (lateral) margin and three setae along inner (mesial) margin; terminal segment with six normal setae and four plumose setae. Normal maxilla (Fig. 3G) for the genus; exopod bearing five apical setae; two-segmented endo- pod, the sub-ellipsoidal shaped terminal segment with seven setae including two normal setae. Normal maxillu- la (Fig. 3H); basal lobe with nine large spines; precoxal lobe with two long setae and two small setae. Thoracopods. A round basal plate of thoracic exopod at both distal corners with 7-9 segments with the last 3-4 segments bearing 1—2 plumose setae; robust thoracopods 1—2, slender and elongated thoracopods 3-8; carpopropo- dus of thoracic endopod 1-8 with 2, 2, 2, 1-2, 3, 1-2, 1, 1 segments, but some segmental borders are not well distinct in thoracopods 3—8; smaller dactylus of thoraco- pods 3-8 than thoracopods 1-2; nail of thoracopods 3—8 is more slender compared to thoracopods 1—2. The first thoracopod epipod (Fig. 4A) is linguiform-subtriangular without seta; seven-segmented exopod, first four seg- ments without seta, the fifth segment with one plumose seta, the sixth and seventh segments with two plumose setae; normal and robust endopod, densely setose along both lateral margins of the ischium to dactylus, each seg- ment bearing 1—2 plumose setae; nail with a swollen base. Second thoracic exopod (Fig. 4B) with eight segments, last three segments with 1—2 plumose setae; robust tho- racic endopod similar to the first thoracopod, but armed with lesser setae, from basis to dactylus bearing 1, 0, 2, 2, 6, 7 setae, respectively. Third thoracic exopod (Fig. 4C, D) with nine seg- ments, the last four segments with 1—2 plumose setae; thoracic endopod is more slender and elongate instead of robust, two-segmented carpopropodus, all segments are armed with setae, dactylus 1s smaller than in thora- copods 1-2, the nail is more slender than first and second thoracopods. The fourth thoracic endopod (Fig. 4E) is similar to the third thoracopod, carpopropodus, with 1—2 segments. The fifth thoracic endopod (Fig. 4F) is slightly longer than in the fourth thoracopod, merus nearly equal in length to the preceding segment, three-segmented car- popropodus, elongated and slender nail. Eighth thoracic exopod (Fig. 4G) with seven segments; thoracic endo- pod is smaller and more slender than other thoracopods, merus 1s longer than the preceding segment, separate car- popropodus, short and small dactylus, the nail 1s shorter than other thoracopods. Pleopods. Pleopods 1, 2, 3 and 5 (Fig. 5A, C, E) re- duce to simple separate plates, each with 4—6 setae of different lengths, longer than width; length of pleopod is more than twice its width. Male pleopod 4 (Fig. 5D) has distinct endopod and exopod, both undivided and basal- zse.pensoft.net 348 Ja’afar Nurshazwan et al.: /dijomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov. G ~sH \\ WZ ( hy Figure 3. /diomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov., holotype (BL. 2.3 mm, UKMMZ-1611). A. Habitus; B. Anterior body, dorsal view; C. Posterior body, dorsal view; D. Antennule, obliques dorso-lateral view; E. Antennal; F. Mandible; G. Maxilla; H. Maxillula. Scale bars equal 0.1 mm for D-E; 1 mm for A; 0.4 mm B—C; 0.05 mm for F—H. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 97 (2) 2021, 345-354 349 Figure 4. /diomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov., holotype (BL. 2.3 mm, UKMMZ-1611). A. First thoracopod; B. Second thoracopod; C. Third thoracic endopod; D. Third thoracic exopod; E. Fourth thoracic endopod; F. Fifth thoracic endopod; G. Eighth thoracopod. Scale bars equal 0.1 mm for A—G. zse.pensoft.net Idiomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov. Ja’afar Nurshazwan et al.: 350 ELI LIST, \\ SPOS SS B. Pleopod 2; C. Pleopod 3; Figure 5. /diomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov., holotype (BL. 2.3 mm, UKMMZ-1611). A. Pleopod 1; D. Pleopod 4; E. Pleopod 5; F. Uropod; G. Telson. Scale bars equal 0.1 mm for A—G. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 97 (2) 2021, 345-354 SOL Figure 6. /diomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov., allotype (BL. 3.2 mm, UKMMZ-1612). A. Habitus; B. Antennule, oblique dorso-lateral view; C. Antennal; D. Pleopod 4; E. Telson. Scale bars equal 0.1 mm for B—E; 1 mm for A. zse.pensoft.net 352 ly not separated by sutures; endopod with three plumose setae; exopod has one small terminal seta and a large- barbed seta (armed with a few setules). Uropod and telson. Uropod (Figs 3C, 5F) has a short- er endopod than exopod; both endopod and exopod have plumose setae all around, without setae on both margins of the proximal part of endopod and exopod; endopod with 14 plumose setae; exopod with 19 plumose setae; large statocyst (there are circular borders between am- bitus versus tegmen and ambitus versus fundus). Telson (Figs 3C, 5G) is approximately 1.12 times longer than the width and 0.8 times longer than the sixth abdominal somite; short, subtriangular with rounded tip; extending halfway across statocyst of endopod:; smooth margin, ex- cept for apex with a pair of minute spines. Female. Similar to male, except for the following dif- ferences: stouter and bulkier body (Fig. 6A) than male due to marsupium; marsupium of female on the eighth thora- copod is larger than seventh thoracopod, large with short setae along the distal margin. Antennule (Fig. 6B); inner flagellum with seven segments; outer flagellum with 12 segments; aesthetascs is present. Antennal scale (Fig. 6C) with suture present at 10%-—14% from apex; from the base of antennal scale, 70% of the proximal outer margin is without plumose setae while 45% of the proximal inner margin is without plumose setae. Pleopod 4 (Fig. 6D) is similar to male pleopods 1-3, 5; longer than its width with six setae. Telson (Fig. 6E) is approximately 1.03 wider than its length; apex with a pair of minute spines. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type lo- cality; Pulau Bum Bum, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia. Ja’afar Nurshazwan et al.: /diomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov. Colouration in freshly fixed specimens (based on UKMMZ-1611, BL. 2.3 mm; UKMMZ-1612, BL. 3.2 mm; Fig. 2A, B). Zesty orange eyes. Antennal scale, carapace including thoracic and translucent abdominal somites with a combination of small orange, yellow and black patches. Remarks. The present species is the seventh mem- ber of the genus /diomysis, but it 1s the first species of this genus to be described in Southeast Asia. It is also the third species of the tribe Anisomysini found in Ma- laysian waters besides Anisomysis (Anisomysis) aikawai li, 1964 and A. (Paranisomysis) ohtsukai Murano, 1994 (Moriya 2016; Tan and Azman 2018). The genus /dio- mysis can be easily classified into two groups, based on the antennal scale; (1) entire or (11) 2 segments. /diomysis inermis, I. mozambica, I. robusta and I. tsurnamali are in the group of an entire antennal scale, while /. diade- ma and I. japonica are in the group of two-segmented antennal scale. The presence of the spine, which is ex- clusively in 1. robusta, distinguishes the group with the entire antennal scale. The present new species, /diomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov., has two antennal scale segments, similar to 1. diadema and I. japonica. However, they can be differentiated by observing the apex of the telson. Both I. diadema and I. bumbumiensis sp. nov have a pair of minute apical spines exclusive to these two species; on the other hand, /. japonica has a bluntly rounded telson apex. The endopodal uropod in J. diadema shows a clear extension beyond the exopod, but this structure is shorter than the exopod in J. bumbumiensis. Key to species of the genus /diomysis (Based on males) 1 Notseenmentecranitenial SCaley. ..:.:0.. cords st iic.gs ccm tep ute eet ete tacts E AMS She lyre ae shana et Lend peat ces Suet Ahhh ent nt ees hens 2 - ANTSHINASEAlS WAT TV Or SES IICN Soc eee ee ne ee er recap dese ccna eee pe eee Mates 5 2 POAC SeROUNICLECSOSL RUE cee kl. tues AMM 2 ill ees Mees Se A Me Se es ee el cee Oe EN 3 ~ Liakstaveal Wormol ace MlendateleteaUla\ ry go.c1 8 a0 gn ak ee SAMO San Oe OS 5 ROL 28 aeRO SIE A RUeE eS Seen eres 4 ao NOtSeorenLea: aritenitalEScales AVIS Ol Tei one aatyilie ac cee Sebo de cake eb llbaak on lvlneans yabtane dade este Minds cabs Utagis ox tlasteoetel ess !. robusta ~ Not-sesimented antennal: Seale; withoutzsoines ccc es or. fe Se ed nd ee or ee te ce 2 /, inermis 4 PICO DOdal WKOOCGUS SUDeGial. TO SKOI OG: ence crac tee such toe be anueon wae ny erp teeees aree ie ene no eee Rea hae cet toe Seeger ae |, mozambica - Encdapodal Cropodls cheanhy Sherer Uitan pexOD0 Clie os Bett eo de oe Les aro Te Betas Rona a eran, /, tsurnamali 5 =) Of aui hy. ce18 (ylel—ehutlkciolniec| 61-5 ¢ arene a Pee Oey eee Pes ean ner ners av WEEE RORY Coe Rereeat LEC EEY accion aot Pen Rene Ty coer ee !, japonica ~ elSOnvapex withise Daler grmlMUtG2S DINGS exe ee Scene terre k cade sigben deve sas cseg vets Bei wady p Peau sec ukcip was enteryy sae ones ee tO 6 6 Endepocdal-uropodscleaglysexterids DevourcdiexOD OG tas isece ras Bea cry eesete eyes OSE oA andy soegeer ai ecg eodebee eee !. diadema FAC pOdlal UnSOGCuUS-SMOGISN TTAINRE XG OG Fe tar naul enn hana Reet ann Seana neal Rernaul ievs Sng tad |. bumbumiensis sp. nov. Discussion Idiomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov. 1s the sole representa- tive of this genus in Southeast Asian waters. /diomysis bumbumiensis sp. nov. was relatively abundant and eas- ily found in the shallow water of lower than 15 m during night-sampling sessions (28 November 2018 and 29 November 2018). As they were directly collected using SCUBA diving equipment, supplementary information zse.pensoft.net on their natural habitat and body colour is available. The recently described Cerapus bumbumiensis Nurshazwan, Ahmad-Zaki & Azman, 2020 was also observed in the accompanying fauna. Although one species of Idiomysis was categorically described in this paper, fellow mac- ro-photographers discovered further evidence of at least two other distinctive species of /diomysis in the vicinity. Idiomysis \ives either in a symbiotic relationship (diomysis diadema, I. inermis and I. tsurnamali) or Zoosyst. Evol. 97 (2) 2021, 345-354 Table 1. Morphological variation of seven species of the genus /diomysis, including the new species. 353 Characters I. diadema I. inermis W. M. I. japonica I. mozambica I. robusta [. tsurnamali I. bumbumiensis Wittmann, 2016 | Tattersall, 1922 | Murano, 1978 | Deprez, Wooldridge | Connell, 2008 | Bacescu, 1973 | sp. nov. (Present & Mees, 2001 study) Body length Male: 2.2-2.3 Male: 3.4-4.4 Male: 3.3 Male: 2.9-3.9 Male: 4.9-6.0 Male: 4.2-4.5 Male: 2.0-2.3 Female: 2.2-3.3 | Female: 4.0-5.0 | Female: 3.7-3.9 Female: 2.6-2.9 Female: 4.8-5.4 | Female: 4.2-4.5 | Female: 2.2-3.2 Rostrum Broadly rounded | Broadly rounded | Subtriangular Subtriangular Broadly rounded Triangular Subtriangular (bluntly pointed) (bluntly pointed) (pointed) (bluntly pointed) Antennal scale Two segments Entire (no spine) Two segments Entire (no spine) Entire (spine) Entire (no spine) Two segments (no spine) 6-8 (no spine) Segments of 7-10 7-8 thoracic exopod 1-8 Male pleopod 4 exopod Single segment | Single segment | Single segment (no spine) 7-8 7-9 Two segments Single segment | Single segment | Single segment Endopodal uropod | Clearly extend Subequal to Subequal to Subequal to exopod Shorter than Clearly shorter Shorter than beyond exopod exopod exopod exopod than exopod exopod Telson apex A pair of minute | Bluntly rounded | Bluntly rounded Bluntly rounded Bluntly rounded | Bluntly rounded | A pair of minute spines spines Length ratio 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 of fifth to sixth abdominal somite Length ratio of 0.8 telson to last abdominal somite Distribution Coast of Sinai at} Kilakarai, Gulf | Nagasaki, Japan Nacala Bay, Park Rynie, East Gulf of Eilat, |Pulau Bum Bum, Dahab, Red Sea of Manaar & Mozambique Coast of South Red Sea East Malaysia Moreton Bay, Africa Australia Occurrence Swarms between | Amongst weeds, Near rocky Near uneven rock Near sandy Hovering over |Near coral ledge; bottom spines of sea urchin sea anemone Depth range free-living (. japonica, I. mozambica and I. robusta). Idiomysis bumbumiensis is a free-living mysid that was found swimming in a swarm on the silty substrate. By comparing the body lengths of all the species of the ge- nus /diomysis, this new species is one of the smallest species, besides /. diadema. Another feature that dis- tinguishes species within the genus /diomysis is the length ratio between the telson and the last abdominal somite. As this feature has not been described for the six known species, the ratios are calculated, based on the original-drawn figures describing each species. The ratio 1s mostly 0.8—1.0, except for J. mozambicus, which has a ratio of 0.4. The ratio of the present species is 0.8. Thus, the telson of most /diomysis species is es- timated to be more than 4/5 times as long as the last abdominal somite, while . mozambicus is 2/5 times as long as the last somite. As shown in Table 1, 7. bumbu- miensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from /. inermis and J. tsurnamali by several morphological features: two segments of antennal scale and a pair of minute spines on the apex of the telson. Table 1 shows a brief morphological variation from each species of the genus Idiomysis. More research would be required to uncov- er more underwater macrolife, particularly in this area known as the heart of the Coral Triangle. More unique and unidentified marine life would undoubtedly be dis- covered with the overwhelming support of local under- water photographers. and patches of sand 1-8 m 14m 4m 2-38 m 1-20 m medusa or sea anemone substrate, amongst rocks and low-profile reef silty substrate 10-11 m Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Mr A.Z. Abu-Bakar and A.O. Dendy for their assistance with field sampling. A special thank you to ND Divers for providing accommodation and Mr Lai Wei Zhong (Ocean Park Travel & Tour) for his invaluable assistance and logistics throughout the sampling process. Many thanks also go to the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) Sabah for or- ganising the exploration under Voluntourism Bum-Bum Island Exploration Program in conjunction with Visit Malaysia Year 2020. We gratefully acknowledge Dr Luiz Felipe de Andrade, Dr Rofiza Yolanda, Dr Kay Van Damme and an anonymous reviewer for their thorough and constructive reviews on an earlier version of the manuscript. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education (Malaysia) under the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS/1/2019/WAB13/ UKM/02/3). References Bacescu M (1973) A new case of commensalism in the Red Sea: The mysid Idiomysis tsurnamali n. sp. with the Coelenterata Megalactis and Cas- siopea. Revue Roumaine de Biologie, Serie de Zoologie 18: 3-7. 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