Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 189-206 | DOI 10.3897/dez.68.66200 > PENSUFT. ee BERLIN Four new species of Agraphydrus Régimbart, 1903 with additional faunastic record from China (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Acidocerinae) Zhen-ming Yang!, Fenglong Jia’, Lu Jiang*, Qiang Guo? 1 Institute of Entomology, Life Sciences School, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510275, Guangdong, China 2 Shenzhen Wilde life Conservation Division, Shenzhen, China http://zoobank. org/F88F 5F2B-EC5A-408E-98 19-0 188E87DB024 Corresponding author: Fenglong Jia (fenglongjia@alilyun.com) Academic editor: James Liebherr # Received 20 March 2021 # Accepted 19 April 2021 # Published 18 May 2021 Abstract Four new species of Agraphydrus Régimbart are described from China: A. pseudoniger sp. nov. from Shangyou County, Jiangxi Province, A. komareki sp. nov. from Shangchuan island, Taishan County, Guangdong Province, A. sabulosus sp. nov. from Fengkai, Guangdong Province, A. dapengensis sp. nov. from Dapeng peninsula, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. Diagnosis and illustration of the new species are provided. The key given by Komarek and Hebauer (2018) to Chinese species of Agraphydrus Régimbart 1s updated. Key Words Agraphydrus, Acidocerinae, China, Hydrophilidae, new species, Oriental region Introduction Agraphydrus Régimbart, 1903 contains common water scavenger beetles occurring mainly in the Oriental and Afrotropical Regions (Przewozny 2017). But it was ig- nored by hydrophiloid specialists until 10 years ago. By 2013, only 18 species had been described (Short and Fikaéek 2013). Hansen (1999a) established the genus Megagraphydrus Hansen, synonymized with Agraphy- drus by Minoshima et al. (2015) and all known species transferred to Agraphydrus, and 7 new species from the Oriental region including South China were described. Minoshima (2016) described a new species from Japan and reviewed all known Japanese species. Two species of Chinese Agraphydrus were described by Jia (1998, 2010). Komarek and Hebauer (2018) reviewed the Chinese fau- na and described 33 new species. The fauna of the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Afrotropical Region, West- ern Asia and Australia were reviewed (Komarek 2018, 2019, 2020; Komarek and Freitag 2020). A total of 199 species are now known (Komarek 2020). Most of them occur in the Oriental region including four species that are endemic to Kyushu, Shikoku and adjacent islands, and Ryukyu islands which are considered as part of the Oriental region. Materials and methods For this study, we have examined more than 2000 spec- imens of Chinese Agraphydrus species. Aedeagi of the holotypes of four new species were dissected. After 8—10 hours in 10% KOH at room temperature, dissect- ed genitalia were transferred to a drop of distilled water, remaining membranes were removed under a compound microscope, and the cleaned genitalia was subsequently mounted into a drop of glycerin on a piece of transparent plastic attached below the respective specimen after they had been photographed. Habitus photographs were taken using a Nikon DS-Ri2 mounted on a Nikon SMZ25; lay- ers were captured and aligned in the NIS-Elements soft- ware. Photographs of genitalia were taken using a Zeiss AxioCam HRc mounted on a Zeiss AX10 microscope with the Axio Vision SE64 software. These images were Copyright Zhen-ming Yang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 190 then aligned in Helicon focus (v7.0.2). SEM photographs were taken with a Phenom Prox scanning electronic mi- croscope. All images were digitally enhanced using Ado- be Photoshop CC 2019. Morphological terminology used in the description mainly follows Hansen (1991) and Komarek and Hebau- er (2018). Examined specimens are deposited in the following collections: IZCAS Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zo- ology, Beijing, China; SYSU — Collection of Sun Yat-sen University, Guang- zhou, China. Taxonomy Agraphydrus dapengensis Yang & Jia, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/25E5AEAS-765C-4254-9D89-03 11C3B56F29 Figs 1A, B; 3; 7A Type locality. China, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen, Dapeng Penisula. Material examined. Holotype: male (SYSU); Guang- dong Province, Shenzhen, beside Nan’ao highway; 22°30'32"N, 114°31'24"E, 4.viil.2019, Fenglong Jia, Zuqi Mai leg. Paratypes: (3 exs., IZCAS, SYSU): same data as holotype. Diagnosis. This species is distinguished from other species of Agraphydrus by the following combination of characters: labrum, clypeus and frons black; preocular patches indistinct; head without microsculpture; maxil- lary palpi with apical palpomere about 1.5< as long as penultimate, palpomere 4 without apical infuscation; an- tennae with eight antennomeres; elytra with four rows of systematic punctures; mesofemora pubescent in about basal 2/3, pubescence restricted to a narrow anterior mar- gin and posterior strip on metafemora; aedeagus with parameres is about 1.5~ as long as phallobase, corona lo- cated in middle position; parameres with cuspidal, hook- like subapical protrusion. Description. Form and color. Total length: 1.7— 1.9mm; elytral width: 0.9-1.0 mm; E.I.:1.2—1.3, P.1.:2.19- 2.38, elytra ca. 2.8-3.15x as long as pronotum. Body broad and oval, weakly convex dorsally. Labrum, clypeus and frons black, clypeus with weakly light brown preoc- ular patches laterally, smaller than eyes; maxillary palpi unicolored yellow, pronotum dark brown with moderate wide reddish-brown lateral margin; elytral black with nar- row reddish-brown margin; ventrites black; femora and tibiae dark reddish-brown, tarsomeres yellow brown. Head. Labrum with dense, fine punctures, without mi- crosculpture. Clypeus (Fig. 3A) with angularly excised an- terior margin, without microsculpture, ground punctures as on the labrum, interspaces 2—4™ as large as punctures, dez.pensoft.net Zhen-ming Yang et al.: New species of Agraphydrus systematic punctures distinct; ground punctures on frons as on clypeus, systematic puncture distinct. Eyes large, not protruding. Antennae (Fig. 3B) with eight antennom- eres. Maxillary palp (Fig. 3C) about as long as pronotum in midline, 0.75—0.84= as long as maximum width of cly- peus; length ratio palpomere 4:3 =1.27—1.31, palpomere 4 asymmetrical. Mentum (Fig. 3D) with several fine punc- tures on lateral portions, without microsculpture. Thorax. Pronotum ca. 2x as wide as long, pronotal ground punctures as on frons, surface between ground punctures without microsculpture, systematic punctures distinct, forming a row in the anterolateral and located lateral middle position of the clypeus, each with a long seta. Elytral ground punctation as on head and pronotum, surface between ground punctures as on pronotum; with four distinct rows of systematic punctures, mesal rows of systematic punctures reaching anterior margin. Pros- ternum slightly convex, without carina medially, with a transverse groove. Mesoventrite (Fig. 3E) with moder- ate bulge, abruptly declining posteriorly, with horizontal ridge posteriorly. Metaventrite with distinct mesal con- vexity, bearing a small glabrous area posteromedial part. Legs. Pubescence present on proximal 2/3 of profemora (Fig. 3G) with oblique hairline, on about half of mesofem- ora (Fig. 3H) with straight hairline, restricted to a narrow anterior strip on the basal half of metafemora (Fig. 31). Abdomen. Ventrite 5 (Fig. 3F) without apical emargi- nation. Aedeagus (Fig. 7A). Length: 0.53mm. Phallobase about 2/3x as long as the parameres, manubrium wide at base, about third of the width of phallobase, apex handle shape. Parameres wide at the base, margin nar- rowing apicad; apex obliquely, with cuspidal, hook-like subapical protrusion and with strong constriction in the apical 1/4; middle margin slight sigmoid-shape. Basal protrusion extending into 1/5 of the phallobase. Median lobe wide at the base, strongly narrowing toward apex; apex dentiform, almost as long as the parameres, coro- na moderately large, located in middle position; basal apophyses long, vertical, barb shape, almost reaching half of phallobase. Etymology. This species is named after the type local- ity, Dapeng Peninsula, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. Distribution. Only known from type locality. Remark. This species shares similar dorsal color- ation, maxillary palpi unicolorous yellow, mesoventrite with strong mesal bulge and similar aedeagus with A. activus Komarek & Hebauer and A. anhuianus Hebauer, but differs from them by its clypeus without small medi- an notch, antennae with eight antennomeres, pubescence restricted to a narrow anterior strip on the basal half of metafemora, phallobase moderately long and the lateral margin of parameres slightly curved (phallobase short in A. activus and A. anhuianus, the lateral margin of param- eres straight in proximal 3/4 in A. activus and lateral mar- gin slightly sinuate in proximal 3/4 in A. anhuianus). It Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 189-205 Lor C ; D Figure 1. Habitus: A, B. Agraphydrus dapengensis sp. nov. C, D. Agraphydrus komareki sp. nov. dez.pensoft.net 192 shares maxillary palpi unicolorous yellow, mesoventrite with distinct mesal bulge and metafemoral pubescence restricted to anterior margin or absent with A. /ongipalpus (Jia) and A. calvus Komarek & Hebauer, but differs from them by parameres with hook-like subapical protrusion and median lobe with corona located in middle position (parameres without hook-like subapical protrusion, medi- an lobe with corona located in basal position, crescentic sclerotized structure existing in A. /ongipalpus; param- eres without hook-like subapical protrusion, median lobe with corona situated in distal to midlength, shield-shaped sclerotized structure existing in A. calvus). Agraphydrus komareki Yang & Jia, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/C40E8204-E492-4147-B202-CF76A8871E2C Figs 1C, D; 4; 7B Type locality. Curna, Guangdong Province, Taishan County, Shangchuan Island. Material examined. Holotype: male (SYSU), Guang- dong Province, Taishan, shangchuan island, Rhesus mon- key provincial national nature reserve, ca 21°46'12"N, 112°51'39"E, 10m a.s.l., 19.1.2019, Fenglong Jia & Zu- long Liang leg. Paratypes (13 exs., IZCAS, SYSU): same data as holotype. Diagnosis. This species is distinguished from the oth- er species of Agraphydrus by the following combination of characters: Labrum, clypeus and frons black; preoc- ular patches present; clypeus entirely microsculptured; maxillary palpi with apical palpomere about 1.5—1.6* as long as penultimate, palpomere 4 without apical infus- cation; antennae with eight antennomeres; elytra with four systematic punctures; meso- and metafemora pu- bescent in about basal 3/4; aedeagus with median lobe wider than parameres, corona large, located at basal third; parameres with indistinct subapical constriction. Differs from A. gracilipalpis by eight antennomeres and features of the aedeagus. Description. Form and color. Total length: 1.6— 2.0mm; elytral width: 0.8—1.0mm; E.I.:1.1-1.3, P.1.:2.1- 2.4, elytra 2.6—-3.0x as long as pronotum. Body oval, convex dorsally. Labrum, clypeus and frons dark red- dish-brown, clypeus with reddish-brown preocular patch- es; maxillary palpi unicolored yellow; pronotum dark reddish-brown mesally with light red brown margin; elytral dark reddish-brown, lighter posteriorly; ventrites reddish-brown or brown; legs light brown or light red- dish-brown. Head. Labrum entirely microsculptured, with few punctures at the anterior margin. Clypeus (Fig. 4A) with angularly excised anterior margin, entirely microsculp- tured, ground punctures sparse, interspaces 3—4~ as large as punctures, systematic punctures distinct. Frons with dense ground punctures, interspaces 2-4 as large as punctures, systematic punctures distinct. Eyes large, not protruding. Antennae (Fig. 4B) with eight antennomeres. Maxillary palpi (Fig. 4C) 1.2-1.3x as long as pronotum dez.pensoft.net Zhen-ming Yang et al.: New species of Agraphydrus in midline, about as long as maximum width of clypeus; length ratio palpomere 4:3 =1.5—1.6, palpomere 4 asym- metrical. Mentum (Fig. 4D) with sparse coarse punctures, microsculpture existing on lateral portions. Thorax. Pronotum ca. 1.1—1.3x< as wide as long, pro- notal ground punctures as on frons, surface between ground punctures with shallow microsculpture; system- atic punctures indistinct, only several coarse punctures existing on the middle of the lateral part. Elytral ground punctation slightly larger than that on head and prono- tum, interspaces 1.4—1.6 as large as punctures, surface between ground punctures as on the pronotum; 4 rows of systematic punctures distinct, with strongly reduced number of punctures, mesal row not reaching anterior margin, intervals without coarse punctures. Prosternum slightly convex, without carina medially. Mesoventrite (Fig. 4E) with distinct, flexuose and narrow mesal carina. Metaventrite distinctly convex mesally, with a small gla- brous area posteromedially. Legs. Pubescence present on about 2/3 of femora (Fig. 4G, H, I), hairline oblique on pro- and mesofemora, slightly oblique on metafemora. Abdomen. Ventrite 5 (Fig. 4F) densely pubescent, api- cal emargination semicircular, with a row of strong setae. Aedeagus (Fig. 7B). Length: 0.33mm. Phallobase about 2/3x as long as the parameres, manubrium blunt basally. Apex of parameres truncate, almost flat, weakly inclining toward midline; lateral margin straight, with indistinct subapical constriction; inner margin slightly concave subapically; basal portion extending into about half of phallobase. Median lobe wider than paramere, apical third gradually narrowing apicad, apex bluntly rounded; corona large, locating at the basal third; basal apophyses moderately short, bending laterad; reaching third of the phallobase. Etymology. This species is named after Dr. Albrecht Komarek, a specialist in Hydrophilidae, who works at Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria. Distribution. Only known type locality. Remark. This species belongs to the group of species entirely chagrinate clypeus and unicolorous maxillary palpomere 4, together with A. igneus Komarek & He- bauer, A.umbrosus Komarek & Hebauer , A. gracilipalpis Komarek & Hebauer and A. schoenmanni Komarek & He- bauer. It differs from A. igneus by eight antennomeres (nine antennomeres in A. igneus), pronotum without anterolat- eral chagrination, lateral margin of parameres straight and parameres slightly constricted subapically (lateral margin of parameres strongly sigmoid and with distinct subapi- cal constriction in A. igneus), from A.umbrosus by eight antennomeres (nine antennomeres in A.umbrosus) and parameres moderately narrow, lateral margin straight with indistinct subapical constriction (Parameres moderately wide; lateral margins very slightly curved with distinct subapical constriction in A.umbrosus), from A. gracilipal- pis by eight antennomeres and lateral margin of param- eres with indistinct subapical constriction and median lobe with apical third gradually narrowing apicad (lateral Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 189-205 margin of parameres with distinct supapical constriction and median lobe with margins of ventral face converging to narrow, parallel-sided apical half in A. gracilipalpis), from A. schoenmanni by eight antennomeres (nine anten- nomeres in A. schoenmanni), lateral margin of parameres straight with indistinct subapical constriction and median lobe with corona locating at the basal third (lateral mar- gins of aedeagus distinctly sigmoid with strong subapical constriction and median lobe with corona located at apical third in A. schoenmanni). Very similar to A. reticuliceps, differs in its small size, entire chagrinate clypeus, eight antennomeres (nine antennomeres in A. reticuliceps), me- dian lobe with apical third gradually narrowing apicad and bluntly rounded apically (median lobe apex globular, with subapical constriction in A. reticuliceps). Agraphydrus pseudoniger Yang & Jia, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/60 AE015E-045B-493C-A25 1-4224BB6296B5 Figs 2A, B; 5; 7C Type locality. CHINA, Jiangxi Province, Shangyou Coun- ty, Guanggushan Nature Reserve. Material examined. Holotype: male (SYSU); Ji- angxi Province, Shangyou County, Guanggushan Na- ture Reserve, ca 25°55'11"N, 114°03'04"E, 846m a.s.1., 21.vi.2015, Fenglong Jia, Yudan Tang leg. Paratypes: (47exs., IZCAS, SYSU): 21 exs., same data as holotype; 3 exs., Jiangxi Province, Suichuan County, Nanfengmian Nature Reserve, 816m a.s.l., 26°17'04"N, 114°03'52"E, 18.vi.2015, Fenglong Jia, Yudan Tang leg; 3 exs., Guang- dong Province, Dadongshan Nature Reserve, 19-22. vi.2013, Fenglong Jia leg; 24 exs., Guangdong Province, Nanling, Dadongshan, 22—26.v1.2009, Fenglong Jia leg; 5 exs, Guangdong Province, Lianzhou City, Dadongshan, 23.1x.2008, Yun Wang leg. Diagnosis. This species is distinguished from other species of Agraphydrus by the following combination of characters: labrum, clypeus and frons black; without preocular patches; maxillary palpi with apical palpomere slightly longer than penultimate, palpomere 4 without apical infuscation; clypeus without microsculpture, an- tennae with eight antennomeres; elytra with four rows of systematic punctures; meso- and metafemora pubescent in about basal 2/3; aedeagus with apex of the parameres distinct bending mesally, corona large, located at subapi- cal position. Description. Formand color. Total length: 1.9-2.3 mm; elytral width: 1.0-1.2 mm; E.I.:1.1—1.2, P.I.:2.1—2.3, ely- tra 2.5—3x as long as pronotum. Body oblong oval, dis- tinct convex dorsally. Labrum, clypeus and frons black, preocular patches absent; maxillary palpi unicolored yellow; pronotum black with reddish-brown margin; el- ytral black; ventrites black; femora and tibia dark red- dish-brown, tarsus yellow. Head. Labrum with dense, fine punctures and sever- al coarse punctures. Clypeus (Fig. 5A) with angularly deep excised anterior margin and small median notch 193 (Fig. 5B), without microsculpture, with very sparse ground punctures, coarser than that on the labrum, inter- spaces 1—3~x as large as punctures. Systematic punctures distinct. Ground punctures on the frons as on the clypeus, systematic punctures distinct. Eyes small, not protruding. Antennae (Fig. SC) with eight antennomeres. Maxillary palpi (Fig. 5D) 1.0—1.1< as long as pronotum in midline, 0.9-1.0x as long as maximum width of clypeus; length ratio palpomere 4:3 =1.0—1.3, palpomere 4 asymmetrical. Mentum (Fig. 5E) with fine and sparse punctures on the lateral portions, without microsculpture. Thorax. Pronotum ca. 1.10—1.25< as wide as long, pronotal ground punctures sparse, as on frons, interspac- es 1—3x as large as punctures, surface between ground punctures with microsculpture, systematic punctures dis- tinct, located in the anterior and lateral middle position of the clypeus, each with a long seta on the middle. Ely- tral ground puncture slightly larger than that on head and pronotum, interspaces 1—2~ as large as punctures, surface between ground punctures as on the pronotum; with four distinct rows of systematic punctures, mesal rows reach- ing anterior margin. Prosternum slightly convex, without median carina. Mesoventrite (Fig. 5F) with narrow, nee- dle-like and strong median carina, extending to middle of mesofemora. Metaventrite moderately convex mesally, with small glabrous area posteromedially. Legs. Pubescence present on proximal 2/3 of femora (Fig. 5H, I, J), hairline oblique on pro- and mesofemora, straight on metafemora. Abdomen. Ventrite 5 (Fig. 5G) round, without apical emargination, with a row of strong setae. Aedeagus (Fig. 7C). Length: 0.31mm. Phallobase about as long as parameres, manubrium wide and trian- gular. Base of parameres wide, slightly narrowing apicad, apical 1/3 strongly narrowed, apex blunt, moderately bending mesad, lateral margin straight at basal 2/3, cam- bered in apical 1/3, basal protrusion extending into about half of phallobase. Median lobe slender, shaped like an index finger, margin cambered; apex bluntly rounded, slightly shorter than parameres, corona moderately larg- er, located at subapical position; basal apophyses long, reaching to half of phallobase. Etymology. Specific name derived from Latin “pseu- do”, false, and “niger”, black, refers to the similarity with Agraphydrus niger Komarek & Hebauer, 2018. Distribution. CHINA (Jiangxi, Guangdong). Remarks. This species shares four rows of distinct systematic punctures, absence of clypeal microsculpture, unicolorous maxillary palpomeres, antennae with eight antennomeres with A. fasciatus Komarek & Hebauer, A. niger Komarek & Hebauer, A. yunnanensis Komarek & Hebauer and A. Jongipenis Komarek & Hebauer. It differs from A. yunnanensis and A. longipenis by eyes small, mesoventrite carinate (A. yunnanensis and A. lon- gipenis without mesoventral carina), parameres mod- erately curved inwards subapically, median lobe with corona located at subapical position (apex of parameres not curved inwards, median lobe with corona located at dez.pensoft.net 194 Zhen-ming Yang et al.: New species of Agraphydrus C D Figure 2. Habitus: A, B. Agraphydrus pseudoniger sp. nov. C, D. Agraphydrus sabulosus sp. nov. dez.pensoft.net dez.pensoft.net Mesoventrite; F. Ventrite E 1 50pm -—————+1 30nm a 100um 100um Mesofemora; I. Metafemora. 5 = oO = & a (0] QO. 8 4 = 1S) S E E ps Ee =] oO oO. = O < - fo) S S. Nn S = SQ. aS x a <= S oY) xX Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 189-205 . Profemora; H Figure 3 = Zhen-ming Yang et al.: New species of Agraphydrus 6 A Pj cameenctmen, oe #. ot ae i. Pe Z PF, NG hs -}——+ 4 100um 4 100m Figure 4. Agraphydrus komareki sp. nov.: A. Clypeus; B. Antennae; C. Maxillary palpi; D. Mentum; E. Mesoventrite; F. Ventrite 5; G. Profemora; H. Mesofemora; I. Metafemora. dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 189-205 WSS We pe ROS XS re x Ae Be, e. +4 Atenas 100um eA s ee og, Se Fo it , To Figure 5. Agraphydrus pseudoniger sp. nov.: A. Clypeus; B. Clypeus; C. Antennae; D. Maxillary palpi; E. Mentum; F. Mesoven- trite; G. Ventrite 5; H. Profemora; I. Mesofemora; J. Metafemora. dez.pensoft.net Zhen-ming Yang et al.: New species of Agraphydrus -———— 100pm Figure 6. Agraphydrus sabulosus sp. nov.: A. Clypeus; B. Antennae; C. Maxillary palpi; D. Mentum; E. Mesoventrite; F. Ventrite 5; G. Profemora; H. Mesofemora; I. Metafemora. dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 189-205 WUT"? 199 muy "~ muy "0 Figure 7. Aedeagi: A. Agraphydrus dapengensis sp. nov.; B. Agraphydrus komareki sp. nov.; C. Agraphydrus pseudoniger sp. nov.; D. Agraphydrus sabulosus sp. nov. base in A. yunnanensis and A. longipenis). Shares small eyes, mesoventral carina with A. fasciatus, A. niger and A. fujianensis Komarek & Hebauer, similar aedeagus with A. fasciatus, A. niger and A. politus Komarek & He- bauer, differs from A. fujianensis by abdominal ventrite 5 with apical emargination, coloration of pronotum and elytra (dark yellowish to rufous brown in A. fujianensis, black in A. pseudoniger), parameres moderately curved inwards subapically and corona of median lobe locating at subapical position (apex of parameres not curved in- wards, median lobe with corona basally in A. fujianensis); from A. politus by small size, with four rows of punctures (ten in A. politus), phallobase about as long as param- eres and apex of parameres moderately curved inwards (phallobase slightly longer than the parameres, parameres strongly curved inwards subapically in A. politus), from A. fasciatus by clypeus without preocular patches, prono- tum and elytra black and parameres slightly longer than median lobe (parameres about 2x as wide as median lobe in A. fasciatus), from A. niger by clypeus with a deep ex- cision anteriorly and small median notch and mesal rows of systematic punctures reaching anterior margin. dez.pensoft.net 200 Agraphydrus sabulosus Yang & Jia, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/A752C9B0-3C60-4426-AC26-FOE2DE083E0D Figs 2C, D; 6; 7D Type locality. Cumna, Guangdong Province, Fengkai County, Heishiding Nature Reserve. Material examined. Holotype: male (SYSU); CHI- NA: Guangdong Province, Fengkai, Heishiding Nature Reserve, ca 23°31'N, 111°52'E, 20—22.x11.2014, Fen- glong Jia, Renchao Lin, Yudan Tang leg. Paratypes: (9 exs., IZCAS, SYSU): 4 exs., same data as holotype; 5 exs., Jiangxi Province, Shangyou Country, Guanggushan Nature Reserve, 846m a.s.l, 25°55'11"N, 114°03'04"E, 21.vi.2015. leg. Renchao Lin, Yudan Tang. Diagnosis. This species is distinguished from the oth- er species of Agraphydrus by the following combination of characters: labrum, clypeus and frons black; preocular spots present; clypeus entirely microsculptured; maxil- lary palpi with apical palpomere about 1.5< as long as the penultimate one, palpomere 4 without apical infus- cation; antennae with 9 antennomeres; elytra with four irregular series of coarse punctures; meso- and metafem- ora pubescent in about basal 2/3; aedeagus with median lobe narrowing toward the apex; parameres with obvious subapical constriction. Description. Form and color. Total length: 1.9- 2.1 mm; elytral width: 1.0-1.1 mm; E.I.:1.1—1.3, P.I.:1.3- 2.2, elytra 3-4 as long as pronotum. Body moderately oval, moderately broad, slightly convex dorsally. Labrum and frons black, clypeus black mesally with yellow preocular patches, as wide as eyes; maxillary palpi uni- colored yellow; pronotum unicolored light yellow or dark brown mesally with light red brown margin; elytra light yellow or light yellow mesally, lateral and anterioral mar- gin black. Ventrites black; legs light to dark brown. Head. Labrum entirely microsculptured, with sever- al punctures at the anterior margin. Clypeus (Fig. 6A) almost entire surface covered by microsculpture, absent only from a small posterior region; ground punctures only present at the non-microsculptured area, as on frons, interspaces 1—2x as large as punctures; clypeus and frons with distinct systematic punctures. Eyes mod- erately large, distinctly protruding. Antennae (Fig. 6B) with nine antennomeres. Maxillary palpi (Fig. 6C) 1.2-1.5x as long as pronotum in midline, 1.0—1.1 as long as maximum width of clypeus; length ratio pal- pomere 4:3 =1.4—1.5, palpomere 4 asymmetrical. Men- tum (Fig. 6D) with several coarse punctures in lateral portion, without microsculpture. Thorax. Pronotum ca. 3—4x as wide as long, prono- tal ground punctures as on frons and clypeus, surface be- tween ground punctures smooth, without microsculpture; systematic punctures distinct, located at the middle of the lateral margin. Elytral ground punctures as that on head and pronotum; systematic punctures distinct, arranged into 4 rows, mesal row not reaching anterior margin, intervals without coarse punctures. Prosternum weakly dez.pensoft.net Zhen-ming Yang et al.: New species of Agraphydrus convex, not carinate medially, with a transverse groove. Mesoventrite (Fig. 6E) slightly bulged. Metaventrite with a bulge mesally, hydrofuge pubescence present on the sur- face, only absent from a small area on posteromedian part. Legs. Pubescence present on proximal 2/3 of femora (Fig. 6G, H, I), hairline oblique on pro- and mesofemora, straight on metafemora. Abdomen. Ventrite 5 (Fig. 6F) trapezoidal, with dis- tinct semicircular apical emargination. Aedeagus (Fig. 7D). Length: 0.3 mm. The length of the phallobase 2/3= as long as the parameres, margin distinct bend toward slender, pointed manubrium. Apex of parameres obtuse, moderately flat; lateral margin is curved in basal 3/4, sunken in apical 1/4; mesal margin slanted but straight; base extending into about 1/3 of phallobase. Median lobe wide basally, narrowing toward apex, apex delicate; corona moderately large, locating at middle of the median lobe; basal apophyses slender and moderately long, slightly bending laterad; reaching the 1/3 of the phallobase. Etymology. This species is named after the holotype acquisition environment, which has a lot of sand. Distribution. China (Guangdong, Jiangxi). Remark. This species shares almost entirely cha- grinate clypeus and unicolored maxillary palpomere 4 with A. arduus Komarek & Hebauer, A. annapurnensis Komarek, A. connexus Komarek & Hebauer, A. flavo- notus Komarek, A. gracilipalpis Komarek & Hebau- er, A. gilvus Komarek, A. igneus Komarek & Hebauer, A. narusei Komarek, A. ogatai, A. orientalis Komarek & Hebauer, A. reticuliceps Komarek & Hebauer, A. schoen- manni Komarek & Hebauer, and many individuals of A. umbrosus Komarek & Hebauer. Its dorsal color 1s very similar to some individuals of A. connexus, differs from A. connexus by parameres with apex obtuse, moderate- ly flat, manubrium slender and pointed (parameres with apex delicate and bluntly rounded, dorsal face connected with base of median lobe by distinct median band and the manubrium conical in the A. connexus). Its aedeagus is very like that of A. flavonotus Komarek, from which it differs by clypeus with distinct ground punctures (ground punctures obsolete on clypeus in A. flavonotus), four rows of systematic punctures distinct (indistinct in A. flavono- tus), mMesoventrite with moderately distinct mesal bulge (strong in A. flavonotus), apex of median lobe delicate and basal apophyses reaching the 1/3 of the phallobase (apex of median lobe flatly and the basal apophyses reaching half of phallobase in A. flavonotus). Differs from A. arduus and A. igneus by pronotum without anterolater- al chagrination, parameres with apex obtuse, moderately flat, lateral margin of the parameres slightly curved and median lobe narrowing toward apex (parameres with apex delicate, bulgy, lateral margin of parameres slightly sigmoid and median lobe with blunt or flat, rarely slight- ly indented apex in A. arduus, and apex of parameres strongly inflated, lateral margin of the parameres strongly sigmoid and apex of median lobe bluntly rounded with numerous distinct setae on top in A. igneus). Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 189-205 201 The key to Chinese species of Agraphydrus The key to Chinese species of Agraphydrus (Komarek & Hebauer, 2018) may be modified as follows (the species with an asterisk means it has been examined): Elytrawith-9-10: rows (oft COARSE DUNC LUNES fess ssevee cca sancad ns sepaot vate xc arate nn vite d Eamon ta eatved cea nape nd gogo Ov eitew ea es na estes 2 Lemnos table densonnle 4 2 Elytra with:4 6; OWS: Oi, GOArS es DUNG TUNES.) ethan ace eddie Ban dMae As VIE ath Pade cieeiatedlaMnctch sh HAaALanE Lebeau, 4 Antennae with nine antennomeres; coarse punctures on elytra arranged in almost equal rows; pubescence present at least on proximal 2/3 of metafemur (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 87); aedeagus: fig. 129 0... ccc ccc cence cence eens BE OR ore cone neal aM SE a oS titer os PARR oe tee ach ih Sa ein eine ed De IE ANE Agraphydrus attenuatus Hansen, 1999 Antennae with eight antennomeres; coarse punctures on elytra arranged in four primary rows of closely spaced punc- tures alternating with four to five secondary rows of widely spaced punctures; pubescence present on proximal half of metafemur (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: Figs 106, 112); aedeagus: (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: figs 148, 154 ).... 3 Elytral punctures in secondary rows widely spaced (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 28); aedeagus (Komarek and He- DAUCTAZO Le ite DOA) ee i saeidece ee sedi 8S etter ey Goseale Agraphydrus insidiator Minoshima, Komarek & Ohara, 2015 Elytral punctures in secondary rows closely spaced (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 34); aedeagus (Komarek and He- Daven 20 le iio eof) oR mn gel SS Se EN oe eR Tl dae Me ee LS on ee Agraphydrus politus Hansen, 1999 Six rows of very distinct, coarse punctures present on elytra, mesal series 1 consisting of few punctures near anterior margin;habitus: (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 35); aedeagus: (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 155)... Bada furan yet abe swe Seh ea Aes oe 1a biecd tea conten Main ene aaa SRnades ic cay emanated « aede tears Agraphydrus puzhelongi (Jia, 2010)* Four rows of distinct or indistinct systematic punctures present on elytra, mesal series 1 present in posterior half, pres- SLO ADSEML WPAMTEKION JITAUT as Sesscen Sema nr seeds ceca ea eteaine canscnittetdigd nena Hh stan vecnacntD acs 28 atspg Satewlansmcnoesa in dUaataes Shetsgg mathe nk COs Ct Rechays Selle dremel tee 5 Anterior margin of clypeus with angulate excision, median notch present (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 47); aedeagus: apex of median lobe indented, parameres with lateral projections (Fig. 7C, Komarek and Hebauer 2018: figs 125, 127).....6 Anterior margin of clypeus with evenly rounded excision, median notch absent (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: figs 48-53, 55-67); if median notch present (in some individuals of A. fasciatus, Komarek & Hebauer, 2018: fig. 54), then apex of median lobe not indented, parameres without projections (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 141)... cece 8 body length 1.9-2.3mm. Antennae with eight antennomeres..............:0::066 Agraphydrus pseudoniger Yang & Jia, sp. nov. body length 2.5-3.0mm. Antennae with nine antennOmMeres ..............ccccccceceeeceeeececeeenteeseceeeecscueseseeeseeceseseessseessseeenens 7 Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 127): parameres with distinct subapical bulge on lateral margin............... DEL se tntedes Ie do Meh teu CHR Aten tte ee MME SUI stack ein ANS Gc OTL Ledilele. Tata tyre Agraphydrus anhuianus (Hebauer, 2000)* Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 125): parameres without subapical bulge on lateral mMargin.................0606 cas 0 Mee kidney. 7 ok Pim cd lgees \. eons au anan | ana Ae een Be mean ns SARE be SPY eo Aouad eae Agraphydrus activus Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Clypeus chagrinate, at least at anterior margin, in some species chagrination restricted to a very narrow seam at ante- OF, IRTAROUN Ayre bate reieclnln welche de fred wieder galndaeh pend anh bxeeceds iidaueteer seed ater secislaue ores get ls beecesciledece rad en chat genulcce prea hat hay pe suliaueer, 9 Clypeus entirely lacking chagrination, some species with narrow microsculptured seam at lateral margins or in antero- lateral CornerA DU Hever aaMteriOr (Ay OU, cos 2 cceusi4 ce Mer ec) 4s deactlin sh ARE cmp ee ad Bacula h ba aT mm 2 5 aul oy Ceca mmn ted tare Ae 28 Maxillary-palpomere-4. InfuSCaled Ap ICAlYy. fcc: assvececesnmnwer' at areas exten aneme nn wtiete J taeae ia eiainennnned 44 Aikgl Overs denne antes Le Regis ba 'vatve eens eb ets 10 Maxillany paloomere 4'notintuscated:apicalliy....c. Mund ncee lu etdmboee Leg pti de ana ee anade db btacetl es Btataeek Li cil detobl ar di cates 12 Ground punctures on pronotum and elytra moderate; aedeagus: corona in basal position of median lobe (Komarek & ebavlete OO TSAR. 0528) oe «ser J osc su Pat bole sE ances aicAl Mawes Agraphydrus umbrosus Komarek & Hebauer, 2018 (partim)* Ground punctures on pronotum and elytra very fine or moderate; aedeagus: corona situated in midlength of median lobe(Koniarektand*tHebauers2Ol Sr figs 126 BLGz rot, «See, soctbdre -Baliten onges ste oes era deeae egy coe tides show teu wegen telat ae le Ground punctures on pronotum and elytra very fine, interspaces more than 2x as wide as punctures; aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 126): lateral margin of parameres straight........... Agraphydrus agilis Komarek & Hebauer, 2018 Ground punctures on pronotum and elytra moderate, interspaces 1-2x as wide as punctures; aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 164): lateral margin of parameres curved............ Agraphydrus variabilis Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Clypeus entirely or almost entirely chagrinated, or chagrination restricted to anterior half .............ccccc ccc eec eee eee eee eee ees 153 Chagrination of clypeus restricted to a variably extended area on less than anterior half ................cceccecc ees eeeeee eee eenees al Pronotum with weak anterolateral chagrination; aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: figs 128, 147): apex of param- CLASalnilateel + tera FesteMSICNFAD SEM Cee recipe etd er edetlisaete EAA® tery or ecbleue ersed an beh dar edeliieay Se LA Rana alters deiacase peed aes saeeee deca s 14 Pronotum without anterolateral chagrination; aedeagus (Fig. 7B, D, Komarek and Hebauer 2018: figs 137, 146, 157, 159, 162): apex of parameres not inflated, lateral extension present Or ADSENL...............ccccceceeceeeceeseseececeeeeseseeeeseeaes 15 Elytra dark brown, or light brown with a darker sublateral band widening anteriorly; clypeal and elytral ground punctures fine (Komarek and Hebauer, 2018: fig. 4); aedeagus:( Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 128)... ccc cc cence ee ee een enes cee On cg hap eee ae SP ee Oe oe 5 era ee Sn a oe ors ee De: «eee ee Oe od Agraphydrus arduus Komarek & Hebauer, 2018 Elytra unicolored yellowish or ferruginous; clypeal and elytral ground punctures moderate (Komarek and Hebauer, 2018: fig. 27); aedeagus:( Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 147)... Agraphydrus igneus Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* dez.pensoft.net 202 18 19 20 21 28 Zhen-ming Yang et al.: New species of Agraphydrus Pronotal and elytral ground punctation moderate, body length 2.4—-2.8 mm; aedeagus: (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: (oie e ya Rey fo ene Sa Nak wane POR A hy Sook PFET OROOR TSS TF sOEY PEOSO EE ENA boii hE EERO TS Cae icee REY PAT URE EDN Tei oo MOYERS TRO as tht 16 Pronotal and elytral ground punctation very fine to fine, body length 1.6-2.2 mm, rarely larger (some individuals of A. umbrosus may reach 2.5 mm); aedeagus: (Fig. 7B, D, Komarek and Hebauer 2018: figs 137, 159, 162) .............. iy Elytra slightly attenuating from anterior margin to apex (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 26); aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 146): parameres with lateral extension............. Agraphydrus gracilipalpis Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Elytra parallel-shaped (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 37); aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 157): param- GPSS WAILTMOUHEXLOMSTON nnn, 42 declines ped hares poctluset et dd rayantna esate bey Agraphydrus reticuliceps Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 137): parameres distinctly connected with base of median lobe by a distinct bandeshaped median-extemsienirn' sw tecoraceedenccuus she eramag esa cae Agraphydrus connexus Komarek & Hebauer, 2018 (partim) Aedeagus (Fig. 7B, D, Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 159, 162): parameres not visibly connected with base of median IGG Tamed edna Se eee tle pedal es eee he Wet ee, 5 OO Wn we OE oe ee Ute ah te ote Ba wie Je hue a ania OP Jan: 18 Aedeagus (Fig. 7B , Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 162): lateral margin of parameres weakly curving, corona at basal HOSEO ir Oik sie Cla INOW Mea re Pek... ade er tee ae Pata an ANTM IP a Ma PR ne se eaten on ARM seer ad irc Aven tes oleh OE noe cern basta 19 Aedeagus (Fig. 7D , Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 159): lateral margin of parameres distinctly curving, corona situ- ated atimiclenethof mredian lobe ers... seer lake orgs secblice Pritts nce cest deere tummy soollllte Pep Mehl dtas eee ieee eee yam 20 Antennae with nine antennomeres; aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 162) : Parameres moderately wide; lat- eral margins very slightly curved with distinct subapical CONSTIICTION .............cccccccceceeseceeeeceecececeeaeseeaeseeeseseeceseeeseeseness Basciy Malte 0 honed eo dPagnatt wabatt eee cate useainn cnet Mane eee mats er eee Agraphydrus umbrosus Komarek & Hebauer, 2018 (partim)* Antennae with eight antennomeres; aedeagus (Fig. 7B): Parameres moderately narrow, lateral margin straight with in- CUSTIME TS UDA PIC Al CONS UEICTIONN args ecebe ae octqe dedlniowaateabherph Hae ehyeadnunpp arent aidan dieters satel Agraphydrus komareki Yang & Jia, sp. nov. Aedeagus: basal portion of parameres reaching half of phallobase. median lobe narrow basally; basal apophyses ex- tending to half of phallobase (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 159).....Agraphydrus schoenmanni Komarek & Hebauer* Aedeagus: basal portion of parameres reaching 1/3 of phallobase. Median lobe wide basally, narrowing toward apex; basal apophyses extending to 1/3 of phallobase (Fig. 7D) .............cccccee cence eee Agraphydrus sabulosus Yang & Jia, sp. nov. Pronotum largely yellow, unicolored or with small mesal infuscation; aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 132): median lobe distinctly shorter than parameres, basal lobe very SHOrt..............cccccccececcceceeesceceseseceeeeseceeeeeueaeas D2 ae Antes es WSln Rh etme ae Rebel 4 Be ae Se Se Agraphydrus cantonensis Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Pronotum largely dark brown or black, with narrow yellow lateral margins or with decreasing intensity of coloration towards lateral yellow margins; aedeagus: median lobe not shorter than parameres, basal lobe as long as parameres or SAUL VSO GEN 5 the etre atte aett ne AaaaeR race taaetet es eeedoae diet Wlaese tiene eee ica ald cee UREN Patel ca eet Rarraltehe Meet ett cal ER oe tone hate Peed aga teen 22 Body strongly attenuating towards elytral apex (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: figs 12, 16 ), eyes very small (Komarek and Mebavier: ZO WS eilOs. SO Seoul: \hexss a: orice rece re eae Sar 8 sre Me eden ae EA ht ae Cx see eek edn we Me CaaS ae | eed Doers Were ca Se ee ene Ns 23 Body not attenuating towards elytral apex, eyes large or moderately large ...............cccccccscceceeeeceeeeceseececueeeceeseseeeeaeeaes 24 Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 138): parameres with subapical constriction, apex inflated, corona proximal tex mickensth oft Sclifa hy: WOW = tit. 825 ieee cee ick gales Re dav opted hs IP 2 Agraphydrus contractus Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 136): parameres without subapical constriction, apex not inflated, corona distal Tosimalength:Onemedianilo we... 5as. TSO ea 5) ce cree wists ds Recast ns exacpenecntonateidint Gee 2 site an mmc i ee Ae Hem Su eee earns of Rectnge US Hatta opens oaeee RE alse. eltrectasiag bre 35 Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 158): apex of parameres with lateral ExteNSIONS ............cccccecceeeeeeeeeneeeeneees eee ee ate ince pe ee ee ore, A ec be An Soe ce oid Re Olt Sin ee Agraphydrus robustus Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 134, 135, 139): apex of parameres without extenSiONS...............cceeeeeees 36 Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 135): apex of parameres strongly bending MeSad ..............ccceceeeec sense een eees fees vellllas gpl goth oniger Sot sere eg dem eies dc teika fe Mee angz es oh anes pun sun iacocliitees Agraphydrus confusus Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: figs 134, 139): apex of parameres not strongly bending mesad.................. 37 Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 134): apex of parameres attenuating APICAC ...........c cece ccc eeeceeeeeeeeeneeeenenes Peaks sath asteaita RN ee eh a Rd Ne a ee ees Uta ee Agraphydrus comes Komarek & Hebauer, 2018 Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 139): apex of parameres not attenuating APICad ...........cccec ccc eceeeeeeeeeeeeneees tesa lshgaticead seers = kee oars Bern ele ots aad ce acto ng paeleteiterr dee as Aoemsanl extent eeitmertomene eases Agraphydrus coomani Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Body length > 3.0 mm, width > 1.5 mm; clypeus yellow, with or without small central infuscation; eyes slightly protrud- ing (Komarek and Hebauer, 2018: fig. 43); aedeagus: (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 163) .......... ce cecec eee ee eee eee es ides cabliane poeddard shies delldady beds g mediates daisinus phtbann hee elccsilaudeps Abed tyes geclacee’ Agraphydrus uncinatus Komarek & Hebauer, 2018 Body length < 3.0 mm, width < 1.5 mm; clypeus dark brown or black with or without yellow preocular patches; eyes not lelceud a Ucalh gf ocgeWene: tacr FPL RR RUE pES LS toed cerita FEU L CY GAM orem ey PERT OMENS ot creer eet PPE EPP OU RANE | SoM cers acy FPEREU SGM Good core Saat PRION Ode rs ney FEET ON eETE 39 Antennae with SISAL ANTEMMOMICRES A... cae de cece ae cite cee uttered yf nag dbvtetin to nem nih estene eo aeait alate elte care cteidagd Re ed Ua tetan soca ns ndite de Pageap ayes cerecn ne 40 ANTennae with Mine ANIMMOMICFES: Lian Lo. .e ha, Sunt n 5 Meum ak fila Loa mlen 2 Wu tn. as. Geum ak BtMlche osu at Seat tuwae! 46 Abdominal ventrite 5 truncate, apical emargination ADSENL ..............cccccceceeeececeececeeeeceeaececaecucueaesaseesacaesuceeauseseeseneeags 41 Abdominal veniriterS {with tapical ermrareinawlOMnn..c:..0: sh. S.astits fo24 aaaecill be ka glee Ladnaaes cs Saaiiute «tele Pualued’ back soihetedtbsaacpeneae 43 Body length 2.0 mm; habitus broad (E.I.: 1.3; Komarek and Hebauer 2018: figs 21, 24); eyes small, lateral margin of clypeus 2.5-2.6x as long as lateral margin of eyes; length ratio palpomeres 4:3 = 1.1-1.2 (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: figs 72, 73); mesoventrite carinate; metafemoral pubescence present on proximal 2/3—3/4 ............ccccceceeseseeeeseeeeeees 42 Body length 1.7 mm; habitus slender (E.1.: 1.5; Komarek and Hebauer, 2018: fig. 45); eyes large, lateral margin of cly- peus 1.5x as long as lateral margin of eyes; length ratio palpomeres 4:3 = 1.5 (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 81); mesoventrite without carina; metafemoral pubescence present on proximal 4/5; aedeagus: fig. 165 00.0... cece eee srrecheceaptebgansce tae eda hated came othe hat et tgasddoe ai eee eat topical clans seer teenage: Agraphydrus wangmiaoi Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Maxillary palpi as long as pronotum, slightly shorter than clypeal width; aedeagus:(Komarek and Hebauer 2018: 1 te eS tat Ll Ad et Mc hel te lola alee teu ne hla la ltt ge aR Ml Ade oll Agraphydrus fujianensis Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Maxillary palpi 1.2x as long as pronotum, as long as clypeal width; aedeagus: (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 141)..... TryhcRerhaales oh te Metall oe Weert: bi distri tad etek andl tae timer bee tek peed 2 ale tats Agraphyadrus fasciatus Komarek & Hebauer, 2018 (partim)* dez.pensoft.net 204 47 48 Zhen-ming Yang et al.: New species of Agraphydrus Eyes small, lateral margin of clypeus 2.4—-2.6x as long as lateral margin of eyes; clypeus 3.8-3.9x as wide as long; length ratio maxillary palpomere 4:3 = 1.1; mesoventrite with low MEdIAN CaLiNA..........ccccccec ees ee eee eceeeeceeeeceeeeeeneneeees 44 Eyes moderate to large, lateral margin of clypeus 1.9x as long as lateral margin of eyes; clypeus 4.8-5.3x as wide as long; length ratio maxillary palpomere 4:3 = 1.3; mesoventrite Without Carina.............ccccccececeeceeeececeeeseeaeeeeseseseeseees 45 Clypeus with yellow preocular patches; pronotum and elytra brown (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 21); aedeagus: (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 141).......... ccc ccecccceceeeeeeees Agraphydrus fasciatus Komarek & Hebauer, 2018 (partim)* Clypeus without preocular patches; pronotum and elytra black (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 33); aedeagus: (Kormarekcand: HebaviereZz O18! tig “L533... sc/rcciiavee ed lage oeigeselisteerrecd yas Agraphydrus niger Komarek & Hebauer, 2018 Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 166): median lobe moderately WIdE................ccccscecceesececeececeeueceesececueeeeneas uu SRE deren hk BML a ama OB Saat See nich RR Tek a Rl CROP em CO AS Buti 8 Agraphydrus yunnanensis Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 151): median lobe very Narrow..........ccccccc ccc ce eee eceeeeceeeceeeeeeeeeneaeeseaeaeeaeaens MAY Ses Pe Rah ea at eB eNah es BAM AY Loon eh aust RU SR ORAL Mandl al Ls Agraphydrus longipenis Komarek & Hebauer, 2018 Clypeus and pronotum dark yellow mesally, elytral systematic punctures very coarse, mesal row 1 reaching anterior margin, an additional series of coarse punctures present along lateral margin in most individuals; aedeagus: (Komarek iM Oe mie ab 1Orei geil bs cay [tee tle O22NN Sem oe demminmnen el seats ane WR i tn) oe i er Agraphydrus fikaceki Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Clypeus and pronotum dark brown or black mesally; elytral systematic punctures indistinct or moderately distinct, me- sal row 1 not reaching anterior margin, additional lateral series ADSENL................ccccececceceecececeeeeceeeesueaesecenaesanaeseeaeees 47 Eyes large, lateral margin of clypeus 1.7-1.8x as long as lateral margin of eyes; mesoventrite with mesal bulge; abdom- IalFEIMArSTTALION yPTESST sua aks Coes Pe Se Sa as ee a he eta eee ee are abn Cue oa ey ee day Toe, onan, 48 Eyes small, lateral margin of clypeus 3.2 as long as lateral margin of eyes; mesoventrite with low crescentic horizontal ridge; abdominal emargination absent; aedeagus:(Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 133)... ccc ccc cc ecc ec eeeeeeeeeeeeen ees A Uasek em ais Oe A 520 OO Se Rs ee, es AR ol OO Lee Agraphydrus chinensis Komarek & Hebauer, 2018* Ground punctures on pronotum and elytra fine; maxillary palpi 1.1x as long as pronotum; length ratio palpomeres 4:3 = 1.4 (Komarek and Hebauer, 2018: fig. 80); aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 161): apex of parameres flat WiILLOUMOGOJECTONIS: acts. was’ vase ttes nth beeen sha Badal Mamie ebes « 1a ab eased Meme boeedte. Agraphydrus splendens Komarek & Hebauer, 2018 Ground punctures on pronotum and elytra moderate; maxillary palpi 0.8x as long as pronotum; length ratio palpomeres 4:3 =1.1 (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 77); aedeagus (Komarek and Hebauer 2018: fig. 152): apex of parameres with two lateral projections...............ccccceeeeseeeeceseeseeeeeeees Discussion For a long time Agraphydrus was a group of scavenger bee- tles, ignored by entomologists, that is, until recently. The study by Minoshima (2015, 2016), Komarek (2018, 2019) and Komarek and Hebauer (2018) shows that it is a very species-rich genus and many new species can be expected. The vast majority of the individuals were collected south of the Chang Jiang, Asia’s longest river, divid- ing China into its northern and southern part. Only two species, A. jilanzhui Komarek & Hebauer and A. audax Komarek & Hebauer, are distributed northward over the Chang Jiang to Gansu and Shaanxi, respectively. No rep- resentative is hitherto found in other Provinces north of the Huanghe River. The Japanese fauna is usually considered as Palearctic by entomologists (e.g., Hansen 199b). However, there is no doubt that Ryukyu islands are part of the Oriental re- gion (Jia and Tang 2018). Lots of data on insects show that the fauna of Kyushu, Shikoku and adjacent islands, is very similar to those of Taiwan of China and the Phil- ippines (Hansen 1999b; Short and Fikaéek 2011; Prze- wozny 2017), but clearly different form other Palearctic regions including north Honshu and Hokkaido in Japan. So, Kyushu, Shikoku and adjacent islands should be con- sidered as part of the Oriental region. Based on known data, the Chinese fauna of Agraphy- drus is more similar to the fauna of Southeast Asia than dez.pensoft.net Agraphydrus masatakai Minoshima, Komarek & Ohara, 2015* to the fauna of the Indian Subcontinent. Of 42 known species from China, only four species are known in both China and the Indian Subcontinent. 4. pauculus (Knisch, 1924) and A. pygmaeus (Knisch, 1924) are only known from Chinese (Xizang), India (Uttarakhand) and Nepal and can therefore be considered as endemic to the Hima- laya. A. connexus Komarek & Hebauer occurs in China (Hainan), India. Except A. coomani (Orchymont) that is in the Oriental (China, Vietnam, India, Southeast Asia) and Australian regions, another 10 species, A. activus Komarek & Hebauer, A. agilis Komarek & Hebauer, A. arduus Komarek & Hebauer, A. confusus Komarek & Hebauer, A. connexus Komarek & Hebauer, A. igneus Komarek & Hebauer, A. /ongipenis Komarek & Hebauer, A. setifer Komarek & Hebauer, A. masatakai Minoshima, Komarek & Ohara, A. attenuatus (Hansen), are also dis- tributed in Southeast Asia. Obviously, the Chinese fau- na of Agraphydrus has a closer relationship to Southeast Asia than to the Indian Subcontinent. (Komarek and He- bauer 2018; Komarek 2018, 2019). Acknowledgements We are grateful to Professor Shen-yu Miao, Guangzhou University, for providing this opportunity to the second author for collection. We thank Zhu-qi Mai and Zhuo- yin Jiang, the graduates of Sun Yat-sen University, for Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 189-205 their help in collecting and photographing the specimens. We also thank Albrecht Komarek, an Austrian specialist of Hydrophilidae, and Robert Angus, who is a special- ist on aquatic beetles, in UK, for their reviewing, and also improving the manuscript for English. This study was supported by GDAS Special Project of Science and Technology Development (2020GDS YL-20200102021, 2020GDAS YL-20200301003) and by Shenzhen Wilde life Conservation Division. References Hansen M (1991) The hydrophiloid beetles. Phylogeny, classification and a revision of the genera (Coleoptera,Hydrophiloidea). Biolo- giske Skrifter 40: 1-367. 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The Indian Subcontinent (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Aci- 205 docerinae). Koleopterologische Rundschau 88: 103-204. https://doi. org/10.11646/zootaxa.4452.1.1 Komarek A (2019) Taxonomic revision of Agraphydrus REGIM- BART, 1903 IH. Southeast Asia (except Philippines) and Austra- lian Region (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Acidocerinae). Koleop- terologische Rundschau 89: 151-316. https://doi.org/10.11646/ zootaxa.4452.1.1 Komarek A (2020) Taxonomic revision of Agraphydrus REGIMBART, 1903 IV. Africa, Western Asia, and redescription of the genus (Co- leoptera: Hydrophilidae: Acidocerinae). Koleopterologische Rund- schau 90: 127-200. Komarek A, Freitag H (2020) Taxonomic revision of Agraphydrus REGIMBART, 1903 V. Philippine species and their first DNA bar- codes (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Acidocerinae). Koleopterolo- gische Rundschau 90: 201-242. Komarek A, Hebauer F (2018) Taxonomic revision of Agraphydrus Régimbart, 1903 I. China and Taiwan (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Acidocerinae). 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