JHR 81:87—107 (202 I ) eX JOURNAL OF A peer-reviewed open-access journal doi: 10.3897/jhr.8 1.61892 RESEARCH ARTICLE () Hymenopter a The International Society of Hymenopterists RESEARCH https://jhr.pensoft.net Four new species of the genus Carinostigmus Tsuneki (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae) from Oriental China, with an updated key to the Chinese species Nawaz Haider Bashir', Qiang Li', Li Ma' | Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, Yunnan, 650201, China Corresponding author: Qiang Li (liqiangkm@126.com); Li Ma (maliwasps@aliyun.com) Academic editor: Michael Ohl | Received 10 December 2020 | Accepted 8 February 2021 | Published 25 February 2021 http://z00bank. org/6983B007-E436-4C5 1-B938-D2C00685139F Citation: Bashir NH, Li Q, Ma L (2021) Four new species of the genus Carinostigmus Tsuneki (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae) from Oriental China, with an updated key to the Chinese species. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 81: 87-107. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.8 1.61892 Abstract The taxonomy of the apoid wasps of the genus Carinostigmus from China is studied, with description of four new species, namely Carinostigmus capiconvergens Bashir & Ma, sp. nov., Carinostigmus longivertex Bashir & Ma, sp. nov., Carinostigmus rugipunctatus Bashir & Ma, sp. nov., and Carinostigmus triangularis Bashir & Ma, sp. nov. An updated key to the Chinese species of Carinostigmus is provided. Keywords Apoid wasps, identification key, Oriental region, Stigmina, taxonomy Introduction Carinostigmus was described by Tsuneki (1954) as subgenus of Stigmus Panzer, 1804, and was elevated to genus level by Bohart and Menke (1976). Carinostigmus belongs to the subfamily Pemphredoninae and currently comprises of 40 species and one sub- species worldwide. A huge diversity is found in the Oriental region with 23 species, followed by Afrotropical realm with 11 species and one subspecies; two species in this diversity are distributed across Palearctic region and four species are both Palearctic and Copyright Nawaz Haider Bashir et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 88 Nawaz Haider Bashir et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 81: 87-107 (2021) Oriental regions (Maidl 1925; Gussakovskij 1934; Tsuneki 1954, 1956, 1966, 1974, 1976, 1977; Bohart and Menke 1976; Krombein 1984; Bashir et al. 2020; Pulawski 2020; Rajan et al. 2020). To date, 13 species have been reported from China (Fig. 1), out of which 10 species are present in Oriental China, and 3 species are found in both Ori- ental and Palearctic China (Li and Yang 1995; Li and He 2004; Ma et al. 2012, 2018). Recently, three new species of Carinostigmus: C. frontirugatus Bashir & Ma, C. latiden- tatus Bashir & Ma, and C. vesulcatus Bashir & Ma and one new record C. palawanensis (Tsuneki) have been described from the Oriental region of China (Bashir et al. 2020). The current study described four new species of Carinostigmus from China as: C. capiconvergens sp. nov., C. longivertex sp. nov., C. rugipunctatus sp. nov., and C. triangularis sp. nov. The key by Bashir et al. (2020) to the Chinese species of Carinostigmus is updated. Materials and methods Institutional abbreviations: YNAU Insect Collections of Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, Yunnan, China; ZJU Parasitic Hymenoptera Collection of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zheji- ang Province, China. Heilongjiang Xinjiang w C. costatus ¢ C. filippovi a4 C. formosanus anghai ¥C. iwatai \ C. kaihuanus + C. maior @ C. nozakai *C. palawanensis XC. saigusai 4 mC. tanoi © C. frontirugatus * C. latidentatus * C. vesulcatus ® C. capiconvergens sp. nov. ® C. longivertex sp. nov. ® C. rugipunctatus sp. nov. ® C. triangularis sp. nov. Figure |. Map showing records of Carinostigmus from China (updated from Bashir et al. 2020). New species of Carinostigmus from Oriental China 89 Specimens were examined with an Olympus stereomicroscope (SZ Series) with an ocular micrometer. The images were taken with a Keyence VHX-5000 digital optical microscope (camera with resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels), and edited with Adobe Photoshop 8.0. Measurements and ratio were acquired using an ocular scale on Olym- pus stereo microscope SZX2-TR30 at 2x and 5.4x magnification, respectively. For terminology, we mainly followed Bohart and Menke (1976), Harris (1979), and Bashir et al. (2020). The descriptions are based on the holotypes only, and para- types displaying some variation are given in square brackets in detail. Taxonomy Genus Carinostigmus Tsuneki, 1954 Type species. Stigmus congruus Walker, 1860; by original designation. Carinostigmus capiconvergens Bashir & Ma, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/478 16309-3CC6-4422-9AA0-859 DEFE1 FAF6 Figs 2, 6A, B Type material. Holotype: 2, China: Hainan: Jianfengling Mount, 18°41'N, 108°52'E, 6.V1.2007, 900-950 m, No. 200707957, coll. Jingxian Liu (ZJU). Paratypes: 19, same locality as holotype, 7.VI.2007, No. 200707997; 14, same locality and date as holotype, No. 200707955; 19, China: Yunnan: Jinghong: Menghai: Bulang Mountain, 21°56'N, 100°26'E, 2018.IV.24-V.17, No. 2019000007, coll. Malaise trap (YNAU). Diagnosis. This new species can be separated from all other Carinostigmus species from China by the following character combinations: free margin of clypeus emar- ginate; median and lower frons with broad frontal median furrow; upper frons with- out longitudinal carina; occipital carina broad, distinctly foveolate; admedian line extending to half of scutum length; mesopleuron with longitudinal rugae posteriorly; propodeum with large smooth area medially. It is closely related to C. iwatai (Tsune- ki, 1954), but differs from it in the following characters (characters of C. iwatai in brackets): inter-antennal tubercle short, less than midocellus diameter (inter-antennal tubercle long, more than midocellus diameter); ocellar triangle and vertex behind ocelli impunctate (ocellar triangle and vertex behind ocelli finely punctate); occipi- tal carina broad as Fig. 2B, distinctly foveolate (occipital carina narrow as Fig. 3B, without foveolate); outer and inner orbital furrows narrow as Fig. 2A (outer and in- ner orbital furrows broad as Fig. 3A); pronotal collar without rugae (pronotal collar with sparse and sturdy rugae); scutum with transverse striations anteriorly (scutum without striations); parapsidal and admedian lines inconspicuous (parapsidal and ad- median lines distinct); metanotum with dense, slender longitudinal rugae medially (metanotum without rugae medially); omaulus broad, 1.3x pedicel width (omaulus 90 Nawaz Haider Bashir et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 81: 87-107 (2021) ¥ Figure 2. Carinostigmus capiconvergens Bashir & Ma, sp. nov. (A-C, F=I, L-P female D, E, J, K male) A, D head, frontal B, E head, dorsal C head, ventral F head, lateral G, J scutum, scutellum and metano- tum, dorsal H propodeum, dorso-posterior I, K thorax, lateral L scutum anterior, dorsal M pygidial plate N petiole, lateral O petiole, dorsal P metasoma, dorsal. Scale bars: 1.0 mm. narrow, 0.8x pedicel width); scrobal suture lacking (scrobal suture present, short as Fig. 41); propodeum posterior with large smooth area medially (propodeum posterior with small smooth area medially); petiole laterally smooth (petiole laterally with few New species of Carinostigmus from Oriental China il weak carinae) and pygidial area smooth, u-shaped (pygidial area punctate medially, oval shaped). Description. Female (Figs 2A—C, F—I, L-P, GA): length of body 4.9 [4.5-5.0] mm. Colouration. Body black and shiny, except for the following: mandible (reddish brown apically), labrum, scape, pedicel, flagellomeres I-IV (remainder reddish brown to dark brown), tegula, fore and mid femur extensively (remainder ivory to yellowish), hindleg (basal one third to half of tibia ivory, remainder dark brown) fulvous; palpi and pronotal lobe ivory; forewing veins dark brown; setae on mandible and margin of clypeus golden. Head (Fig. 2A—C, F). Mandible tridentate apically; labrum pentagonal, gently round toward apex; clypeus nearly flat, with several coarse punctures medially; free margin of median lobe of clypeus narrowly produced, nearly truncate, with two small lateral teeth, lateral lobe with inconspicuous tooth (Fig. 2A); setae on margin of cl- ypeus and mandible long, longer than labrum length; median and lower frons coria- ceous, dull, with broad, deep frontal median furrow, a sturdy frontal median longitudi- nal carina, inter-antennal tubercle shorter than midocellus diameter; upper frons with several fine punctures, longitudinal carina lacking (Fig. 2A); ocellar triangle area im- punctate, nearly flat; vertex behind ocelli impunctate (Fig. 2B); gena with several slen- der oblique transverse rugae near mandible area (Fig. 2F); lower gena with fine, sparse punctures medially (Fig. 2C); occipital carina broad, distinctly foveolate (Fig. 2B); inner orbital furrow narrow, with inner marginal carina distinct, coarsely foveolate (Fig. 2A); outer orbital furrow narrow, hind marginal carina slender, inconspicuously foveolate (Fig. 2F); length of scape: length of pedicel: length of flagellomere I: width of flagellomere I = 20: 8: 8: 3; maximum head width, dorsally: distance from upper mar- gin of the frons to occipital carina in middle: distance from vertex to clypeal margin in middle = 64: 39: 51; maximum eye length, laterally: maximum eye width, laterally: maximum eye width, frontal view = 40: 22: 18; inner-orbital width, medially: outer- orbital width, medially: occipital carina width, dorsally = 2: 2: 2; maximum width of gena, laterally: distance between antennal sockets, frontal view = 16: 10; distance between inner margins of hind ocelli: distance between outer margin of hind ocellus and nearest inner eye margin: distance between posterior margin of hind ocellus and occipital carina, dorsally = 6: 13: 17. Mesosoma (Fig. 2G-I, L). Pronotal collar smooth, slightly elevated medially, ante- rior pronotal ridge strong, lateral angles projected and sharp; width of collar in middle: length of collar in middle = 5: 30; mesoscutum with coarse, sparse punctures, several slender, transverse striations anteriorly (Fig. 2L), posterior area with sparse, strong, par- allel ridges (Fig. 2G); admedian line inconspicuous, extending to nearly half of scutum length; notaulus inconspicuous [invisible], extending to anterior 4 of scutum length; parapsidal line weakly impressed; scutellum with fine, sparse punctures; metanotum with dense, slender, longitudinal rugae (Fig. 2G); mesopleuron with several sturdy, short, longitudinal rugae posteriorly, hypoepimeral area with few slender, longitudi- nal rugae; omaulus and hypersternaulus broad, 1.3x pedicel width, distinctly foveo- late, scrobal suture lacking (Fig. 21); propodeal enclosure shallowly impressed, trian- gular, with sturdy longitudinal rugae, median area reticulate; propodeum posterior with broad median groove, several fairly slender, oblique, longitudinal rugae anteriorly 92 Nawaz Haider Bashir et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 81: 87-107 (2021) [inconspicuously], large smooth area medially, and irregular reticulation posteriorly (Fig. 2H); propodeum laterally with several slender, oblique, longitudinal rugae ante- riorly, and irregular, reticulation posteriorly (Fig. 21). Metasoma (Fig. 2M-P). Petiole dorsal nearly cylindrical, slightly convex, basal width equal as apical width (Fig. 2O), petiole laterally smooth (Fig. 2N); maximum width of petiole, dorsally: length of petiole, laterally: maximum length of metasomal tergum I, dorsally: maximum width of metasomal tergum I, dorsally = 6: 47: 30: 32; metasomal sterna I[V—VI with dense, fine punctures, remaining sterna nearly impunc- tate (Fig. 2P); pygidial area smooth, depressed, u-shaped, apex truncate (Fig. 2M). Male (Figs 2D, E, J, K, 6B). Similar to female except length of body 4.5 mm; mandible ivory (reddish brown apically); setae on mandible and margin of clypeus yel- lowish; mandible bidentate apically; clypeus slightly convex; setae on mandible short, less than labrum length; lower gena with irregular, rugulose medially; outer orbital furrow with hind marginal carina foveolate; length of scape: length of pedicel: length of flagellomere I: width of flagellomere I = 17: 6: 7: 2; maximum head width, dor- sally: distance from upper margin of the frons to occipital carina in middle: distance from vertex to clypeal margin in middle = 60: 33: 45; maximum eye length, laterally: maximum eye width, laterally: maximum eye width, frontal view = 35: 20: 19; maxi- mum width of gena, laterally: distance between antennal sockets, frontal view = 14: 7; distance between inner margins of hind ocelli: distance between outer margin of hind ocellus and nearest inner eye margin: distance between posterior margin of hind ocellus and occipital carina, dorsally = 5: 11: 14; width of collar in middle: length of collar in middle = 5: 24; maximum width of petiole, dorsally: length of petiole, later- ally: maximum length of metasomal tergum I, dorsally: maximum width of metasomal tergum I, dorsally = 5: 45: 25: 25; sterna IN—VI with sparse, fine punctures. Distribution. China (Hainan, Yunnan). Etymology. The name, capiconvergens, is derived from the Latin words caput (= head) and con-vergo (= converge), referring to the head from above with temples dis- tinctly convergent posteriorly. Carinostigmus longivertex Bashir & Ma, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/D5C82AC9-573C-4865-9 1 C5-2D392A3EGEDA Figs 3, 6C Type material. Holotype: 2, China: Yunnan: Mengla: Wangtianshu Forest Park, 21°34'N, 101°39'E, 1.V.2005, coll. Peng Wang (YNAU). Paratypes: 292, same data as holotype; 12, China: Yunnan: Dehong: Nabang, 24°26'N, 98°35'E, 15.V.2009, No. 201005193, coll. Jie Zeng (YNAU). Diagnosis. Within Chinese Carinostigmus, this new species can be separated by the following character combinations: free margin of clypeus conspicuously produced, slightly emarginated in middle; median and lower frons with shallow frontal median furrow; inter-antennal tubercle distinctly broadened at apex; vertex behind ocelli finely punctate; lower gena coarsely punctate; occipital carina without foveolate; anterior New species of Carinostigmus from Oriental China 93 Figure 3. Carinostigmus longivertex Bashir & Ma, sp. nov. (female) A head, frontal B head, dorsal C head, ventral D head, lateral E scutum, scutellum and metanotum, dorsal F scutum anterior, dorsal G petiole, dorsal H petiole, lateral I thorax, lateral J propodeum, dorso-posterior K pygidial plate L metasoma, dorsal. Scale bars: 1.0 mm. pronotal ridge narrowly emarginate in middle; scutellum median line impressed; pro- podeum with small smooth area medially; basal half of petiole with transverse stria- tions; petiole laterally carinate. Carinostigmus longivertex sp. nov. resembles C. iwatai 94 Nawaz Haider Bashir et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 81: 87-107 (2021) (Tsuneki) 1954, but can be distinguished from it by the following characters (char- acters of C. iwatai in brackets): free margin of clypeus emarginated medially (free margin of clypeus truncate medially); inter-antennal tubercle distinctly broadened at apex as Fig. 3B (inter-antennal tubercle not broad as Fig. 4B); lower gena with coarse, dense punctures mixed with dense, irregular, longitudinal rugae medially (lower gena with fine, sparsed punctured, without rugae); outer orbital furrow narrow as Fig. 3D (outer orbital furrow broad); admedian and parapsidal lines inconspicuous (admedian and parapsidal lines distinct); notaulus deeply grooved (notaulus shallowly grooved); metanotum median area with dense, slender, transverse rugae (metanotum without rugae); omaulus broad, 1.2x pedicel width (omaulus narrow, 0.8x pedicel width); basal half of petiole with dense, slender, irregular transverse striations dorsally (petiole with- out striations) and pygidial area u-shaped (pygidial area oval shaped). Description. Female (Figs 3, GC): length of body 6 [5.7—6.1] mm. Colouration. Body black and shiny, except for the following: mandible (black basally and apically) and labrum reddish brown; palpi, scape and pedicel fulvous; flag- ellomeres reddish brown to dark brown; pronotal lobe ivory; tegula and forewing veins dark brown; fore trochanter, base and apex of femur, tibia, tarsi fulvous to reddish brown (remainder dark brown to black); mid trochanter, base and apex of femur, tibia extensively, tarsi fulvous; hind trochanter reddish brown, tibia and tarsus dark brown; setae on mandible and margin of clypeus yellowish. Head (Fig. 3A—D). Mandible tridentate apically; labrum pentagonal, gently round toward apex; clypeus moderately convex, with sparse, coarse punctures; free margin of clypeus conspicuously produced with two distinctly triangular teeth, slightly emargin- ated in middle (Fig. 3A); setae on mandible and margin of clypeus long, more than labrum length; median and lower frons coriaceous, with broad, shallow frontal median furrow, a strong frontal median longitudinal carina, inter-antennal tubercle distinctly broadened at apex, long, more than midocellus diameter; upper frons with sparse, fine punctures, longitudinal carina distinct anteriorly, not reaching anterior ocellus (Fig. 3A); ocellar triangle area nearly flat, finely punctate; vertex behind ocelli with fine punctures (Fig. 3B); gena with sparse, coarse punctures and several sturdy, long, oblique transverse rugae (Fig. 3D); lower gena with coarse, dense punctures mixed with dense, irregular, longitudinal rugae medially [weakly] (Fig. 3C); occipital carina narrow, without foveolate (Fig. 3B); inner orbital furrow broad as 0.8x pedicel length, with inner marginal carina distinct, coarsely foveolate (Fig. 3A); outer orbital furrow narrow as 0.5x pedicel length, hind marginal carina inconspicuous, finely foveolate (Fig. 3D); length of scape: length of pedicel: length of flagellomere I: width of flagel- lomere I = 26: 10: 11: 3; maximum head width, dorsally: distance from upper margin of the frons to occipital carina in middle: distance from vertex to clypeal margin in middle = 82: 57: 65; maximum eye length, laterally: maximum eye width, laterally: maximum eye width, frontal view = 51: 30: 19; inner-orbital width, medially: outer- orbital width, medially: occipital carina width, dorsally = 5: 3: 1; maximum width of gena, laterally: distance between antennal sockets, frontal view = 28: 15; distance between inner margins of hind ocelli: distance between outer margin of hind ocellus New species of Carinostigmus from Oriental China 95 and nearest inner eye margin: distance between posterior margin of hind ocellus and occipital carina, dorsally = 7: 16: 29. Mesosoma (Fig. 3E, E I, J). Pronotal collar strongly elevated medially, triangular, with several inconspicuous rugae laterally, anterior pronotal ridge strong, narrowly emar- ginate in middle, lateral angles strong and distinctly projected (Fig. 3E); width of collar in middle: length of collar in middle = 9: 45; mesoscutum with coarse, sparse punctures, anterior without striations (Fig. 3F), posterior area with several strong parallel ridges, longer in middle than laterally (Fig. 3E); admedian line inconspicuous [sometimes vis- ible], extending to half of scutum length; notaulus deeply grooved, extending to anterior Y of scutum length (Fig. 3F); parapsidal line weakly impressed; scutellum with fine, sparse punctures, median line impressed; metanotum with several sturdy, longitudinal rugae on lateral area, median area with dense, slender, transverse rugae (Fig. 3E); meso- pleuron with coarse, sparse punctures, hypoepimeral and posterior area with slender or sturdy, dense, long longitudinal rugae posteriorly; scrobal suture, omaulus and hy- persternaulus broad and distinct, foveolate, scrobal suture short, incomplete (Fig. 31); propodeal enclosure moderately impressed, triangular, with sturdy longitudinal rugae, median area reticulate; propodeum posterior with broad shallow median groove, sparse, sturdy, oblique longitudinal rugae anteriorly, small smooth area medially, and irregu- lar reticulation posteriorly (Fig. 3J); propodeum laterally with dense or sparse sturdy, oblique, longitudinal rugae anteriorly, and irregular, reticulation posteriorly (Fig. 31). Metasoma (Fig. 3G, H, K, L). Petiole dorsal nearly cylindrical, slightly convex and widened toward apex slightly, basal half of petiole with dense, slender, irregular trans- verse striations (Fig. 3G), petiole laterally with few weak carinae (Fig. 3H); maximum width of petiole, dorsally: length of petiole, laterally: maximum length of metasomal tergum I, dorsally: maximum width of metasomal tergum I, dorsally = 8: 60: 37: 42; metasomal sterna [V—VI with fine, dense punctures, remainder nearly impunctate (Fig. 3L); pygidial area coriaceous, depressed, u-shaped, apex truncate (Fig. 3K). Male. Unknown. Distribution. China (Yunnan). Etymology. The name, /ongivertex, is derived from the Latin words /ongus (= long) and vertex (= vertex), referring to the very long vertex, with the ocello-occipital distance (OCD) being four times as long as postocellar distance (POD), 29 : 7. A noun in apposition. Carinostigmus rugipunctatus Bashir & Ma, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/6C5145C9-D153-4163-9878-7C9B24886E0A Figs 4, 6D, E Type material. Holotype: 2, China: Yunnan: Jinghong: Xishuangbanna National For- est Park, 22°01'N, 100°52'E, 31.VII.2003, 600-1000 m, coll. Qiang Li (YNAU). Para- types: 6986, same locality and date as holotype, coll. Tingjing Li, Peng Wang (ZJU); 14, China: Yunnan: Lincang, 23°53'N, 100°05'E, 3.V.2005, coll. Baoxin Dong; 14, China: Yunnan: Ruili, 24°01'N, 97°51'E, 29.IV.1981, coll. Junhua He (YNAU). 96 Nawaz Haider Bashir et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 81: 87-107 (2021) Figure 4. Carinostigmus rugipunctatus Bashir & Ma, sp. nov. (A=-C, F, G, I, K-P female D, E, H, J male) A, D head, frontal B, E head, dorsal C head, ventral F head, lateral G, H scutum, scutellum and metano- tum, dorsal I, J thorax, lateral K propodeum, dorso-posterior L scutum anterior, dorsal M pygidial plate N petiole, dorsal O petiole, lateral P metasoma, dorsal. Scale bars: 1.0 mm. Diagnosis. ‘This new species can be separated from all other Carinostigmus species from China by the following character combinations: mandible reddish brown basally; legs largely fulvous; labrum truncate apically; free margin of median lobe of clypeus New species of Carinostigmus from Oriental China a7. broadly produced; median frons rugulose; occipital carina broad, without foveolate; lateral angles of pronotal collar not projected; metanotum smooth medially; propode- um with large smooth area medially; petiole dorsal with irregularly weak rugae basally; pygidial area depressed. It is closely related to C. congruus (Walker) 1860, but differs from it in the following characters (states of C. congruus in brackets): inter-antennal tubercle without T-shape at apex (inter-antennal tubercle with T-shaped at apex); in- ner orbital furrow inconspicuously foveolate (inner orbital furrow distinctly foveolate); pronotal ridge strongly marked (pronotal ridge weakly marked), slightly emarginate in middle (not emarginate in middle); occipital carina broad as Fig. 4B (occipital ca- rina narrow as Fig. 3B); lower gena with dense, sturdy, longitudinal rugae medially (lower gena without rugae medially); notaulus inconspicuously grooved, extending to one third of scutum length (notaulus strongly impressed, extending to anterior 4 of scutum length); propodeum with smaller smooth area than C. congruus; petiole dorsal with few irregularly weak rugae basally (petiole dorsal without rugae); petiole later- ally smooth (petiole laterally with a few weak carinae or smooth) and pygidial area u-shaped (pygidial area oval shaped). Description. Female (Figs 4A—C, FE G, I, K—-P, 6D): length of body 5.4 [5.2-5.5] mm. Colouration. Body black and shiny, except for the following: mandible (reddish brown basally and apically), labrum, palpi, scape, pedicel, flagellomere I-HI (remain- der dark brown) and tegula fulvous; pronotal lobe ivory; forewing veins dark brown; fore trochanter, base and apex of femur, tibia, tarsi yellowish to fulvous (remainder dark brown); mid trochanter, base and apex of femur, tibia extensively, tarsi fulvous (remainder dark brown); hind trochanter, basal one third of tibia fulvous (remainder dark brown); setae on mandible and margin of clypeus golden. Head (Fig. 4A—C, F). Mandible tridentate apically; labrum pentagonal, truncate apically; clypeus moderately convex, with sparse, fine mixed with coarse punctures; free margin of median lobe of clypeus broadly produced and emarginate apically, with four teeth, median teeth distinct, subquadrate, slightly turnup, lateral teeth small, in- conspicuous [sometimes lacking] (Fig. 4A); setae on mandible and margin of clypeus sparse, long, more than labrum length; median and lower frons coriaceous, rugulose on median frons, with broad, shallow frontal median furrow, a sturdy frontal median longitudinal carina, inter-antennal tubercle short, less than midocellus diameter; upper frons with sparse, fine punctures, longitudinal carina distinct anteriorly, not reaching anterior ocellus (Fig. 4A); ocellar triangle area slightly convex, several finely punctate; vertex behind ocelli with sparsely finely punctate (Fig. 4B); gena with dense, slender, long, oblique transverse rugae (Fig. 4F); lower gena with coarse, dense punctures mixed with dense, sturdy, longitudinal rugae medially (Fig. 4C); occipital carina broad, with- out foveolate (Fig. 4B); inner orbital furrow broad, with inner marginal carina distinct, inconspicuously foveolate (Fig. 4A); outer orbital furrow narrow, hind marginal carina distinct, finely foveolate (Fig. 4F); length of scape: length of pedicel: length of flagel- lomere I: width of flagellomere I = 21: 7: 9: 3; maximum head width, dorsally: distance from upper margin of the frons to occipital carina in middle: distance from vertex to clypeal margin in middle = 70: 45: 61; maximum eye length, laterally: maximum eye width, laterally: maximum eye width, frontal view = 47: 25: 20; inner-orbital width, 98 Nawaz Haider Bashir et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 81: 87-107 (2021) medially: outer-orbital width, medially: occipital carina width, dorsally = 3: 3: 1; maxi- mum width of gena, laterally: distance between antennal sockets, frontal view = 13: 9; distance between inner margins of hind ocelli: distance between outer margin of hind ocellus and nearest inner eye margin: distance between posterior margin of hind ocel- lus and occipital carina, dorsally = 6: 14: 19. Mesosoma (Fig. 4G, I, K, L). Pronotal collar moderately elevated medially, anteri- or pronotal ridge strong, lateral angles blunt and not projected (Fig. 4G); width of col- lar in middle: length of collar in middle = 5: 35; mesoscutum with fine, sparsed mixed with sparse, coarse punctures, with several, slender, transverse striations anteriorly [stri- ations sometimes lacking] (Fig. 4L), posterior area with sparse, strong parallel ridges (Fig. 4G); admedian line inconspicuous, extending to one third of scutum length; notaulus inconspicuously grooved, extending to one third of scutum length (Fig. 4L); parapsidal line weakly impressed; scutellum with fine, sparse punctures; metanotum with sparse, slender, longitudinal rugae on lateral area, median area smooth (Fig. 4G); mesopleuron with coarse, sparsed punctures, hypoepimeral and posterior area with slender or sturdy, dense, long, longitudinal rugae posteriorly; scrobal suture, omaulus and hypersternaulus broad and distinct, foveolate, scrobal suture short, incomplete (Fig. 41); propodeal enclosure shallowly impressed, triangular, with sturdy longitudi- nal rugae, median area reticulate; propodeum posterior with broad shallow median groove, sparse sturdy, oblique, longitudinal rugae anteriorly, large smooth area medi- ally, and irregular reticulation posteriorly (Fig. 4K); propodeum laterally with several, sturdy, oblique, longitudinal rugae anteriorly and medially, and irregular reticulation posteriorly (Fig. 41). Metasoma (Fig. 4M-—P). Petiole dorsal slightly convex and widened toward apex slightly, with few irregularly weak rugae basally (Fig. 4N), petiole laterally smooth (Fig. 40); maximum width of petiole, dorsally: length of petiole, laterally: maximum length of metasomal tergum I, dorsally: maximum width of metasomal tergum I, dorsally = 8: 50: 32: 37; metasomal sterna [V—VI with dense, fine punctures, remainder nearly im- punctate (Fig. 4P); pygidial area coriaceous, depressed, u-shaped, apex truncate (Fig. 4M). Male (Figs 4D, E, H, J, GE). Similar to female except length of body 5—5.4 mm; labrum and palpi yellowish; tegula dark brown; setae on mandible and margin of cl- ypeus silvery and yellowish, respectively; mandible bidentate apically; labrum subquad- rate; clypeus slightly convex, with dense, fine punctures; free margin of clypeus slightly emarginate medially; occipital carina broader than female, distinctly foveolate; length of scape: length of pedicel = 19: 8; maximum head width, dorsally: distance from upper margin of the frons to occipital carina in middle: distance from vertex to clypeal margin in middle = 65: 40: 53; maximum eye length, laterally: maximum eye width, laterally: maximum eye width, frontal view = 43: 28: 21; maximum width of gena, laterally: dis- tance between antennal sockets, frontal view = 11: 7; distance between inner margins of hind ocelli: distance between outer margin of hind ocellus and nearest inner eye margin: distance between posterior margin of hind ocellus and occipital carina, dorsally = 7: 11: 12; width of collar in middle: length of collar in middle = 5: 30; maximum width of petiole, dorsally: length of petiole, laterally: maximum length of metasomal New species of Carinostigmus from Oriental China 99 tergum I, dorsally: maximum width of metasomal tergum I, dorsally = 7: 50: 28: 27; metasomal sterna [II-VI with sparse, fine punctures, remaining nearly impunctate. Distribution. China (Yunnan). Etymology. The name, rugipunctatus, is derived from the Latin words ruga (= ruga, wrinkle) and punctum (= puncture), referring to the lower gena with coarse punctures mixed with rugae. Carinostigmus triangularis Bashir & Ma, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/OE13FFC2-B720-4230-BE94-D5F6881C2A51 Figs 5, OF Type material. Holotype: 2, China: Yunnan: Jinghong: Menghai: Bulang Mountain, 21°56'N, 100°26'E, 20.VI.2018—20.VII.2018, No. 2019000381, coll. Malaise trap (YNAU); Paratypes: 32, same locality as holotype, No. 2019000378, 17.V.2018—20. VI.2018, No. 2019000151, 25.IV.2018—17.V.2018, No. 20190329. Diagnosis. Differs from Chinese species of Carinostigmus by the following features: flagellomeres III fulvous; legs largely black; labrum distinctly constricted subapically; free margin of clypeus slightly turnup apically; inter-antennal tubercle longer than mi- docellus diameter, slightly broadened at apex; lower gena rugose; pronotal collar with transverse striations medially; metanotum with striations medially; petiole dorsal cari- nate basally and medially; pygidial area elongate. ‘The new species resembles C. costatus Krombein 1984, but can be distinguished it by the following characters (characters of C. costatus in brackets): labrum distinctly triangular, broader than C. costatus (labrum pentagonal, narrower than new species); clypeus moderately convex (clypeus slightly convex); median and lower frons with transverse, irregular rugae medially and laterally (median and lower frons without rugae); inter-antennal tubercle longer than mido- cellus diameter, without T-shape projection (inter-antennal tubercle shorter than mi- docellus diameter, with T-shape projection); upper frons longitudinal carina without groove before anterior ocellus (upper frons with a weak groove before anterior ocellus); vertex behind ocelli impunctate (vertex behind ocelli punctate); lower gena with dense rugae near midventral line (lower gena without rugae near midventral line); pronotal collar lateral angles projected (pronotal collar lateral angles blunt); notaulus shallowly grooved, extending to one third of scutum length (notaulus deeply grooved, extending to half of scutum length); parapsidal line distinct (parapsidal line weakly impressed); metanotum with transverse striations medially (metanotum without striations medi- ally); propodeal enclosure without triangular impression (propodeal enclosure with triangular impression); propodeum laterally with densely rugose (propodeum laterally sparsely rugose); petiole sub quadrate dorsally (petiole cylindrical) and pygidial area very elongate (pygidial area not elongate as new species). Description. Female (Figs 5, GF): length of body 5.5 [5.2—-5.7] mm. Colouration. Body black and shiny, except for the following: mandible ivory to fulvous (black basally and apically); labrum ivory with dark brown sides; palpi, 100 Nawaz Haider Bashir et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 81: 87-107 (2021) e by, s Figure 5. Carinostigmus triangularis Bashir & Ma, sp. nov. (female) A head, frontal B head, dorsal C head, ventral D head, lateral E scutum, scutellum and metanotum, dorsal F petiole, dorsal G petiole, lateral H thorax, lateral | propodeum, dorso-posterior J metasoma, dorsal K pygidial plate. Scale bars: 1.0 mm. scape, pedicel and flagellomeres I-II (remainder dark brown) fulvous; pronotal lobe white; tegula and forewing veins dark brown; legs black (fore tibia, fore and mid tarsus fulvous, mid tibia and hind tarsus reddish brown); setae on margin of clypeus and mandible yellowish. New species of Carinostigmus from Oriental China 101 Figure 6. A, B Carinostigmus capiconvergens Bashir & Ma, sp. nov. (A female B male) C Carinostig- mus longivertex Bashir & Ma sp. nov. (female) D, E Carinostigmus rugipunctatus Bashir & Ma sp. nov. (D female E male) F Carinostigmus triangularis Bashir & Ma, sp. nov. (female) A-F lateral view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm. Head (Fig. 5A—D). Mandible tridentate apically; setae on mandible sparse and long; labrum triangular, round at apex, distinctly constricted subapically; clypeus moderately convex, with sparse, coarse punctures; setae on margin of clypeus sparse and long; free margin of clypeus truncate medially, slightly turnup apically (Fig. 5A); median and low- er frons distinctly coriaceous, with transverse, irregular rugae medially and laterally, and with a sturdy frontal median longitudinal carina; inter-antennal tubercle longer than midocellus diameter, slightly broadened at apex; upper frons with sparse, fine punc- tures, longitudinal carina distinct anteriorly, not reaching anterior ocellus (Fig. 5A); ocellar triangle nearly flat, half mat, with fine, sparse punctures; vertex behind ocelli half mat, nearly impunctate (Fig. 5B); gena with several, sturdy, oblique, transverse rugae medially (Fig. 5D); lower gena with dense, sturdy, regular rugae (Fig. 5C); occipital cari- na narrow, inconspicuously foveolate (Fig. 5B); inner orbital furrow narrow, with inner marginal carina distinct, inconspicuously foveolate (Fig. 5A); outer orbital furrow nar- row, hind marginal carina distinct, inconspicuously foveolate (Fig. 5D); length of scape: length of pedicel: length of flagellomere I: width of flagellomere I = 23: 7: 7: 4; maxi- mum head width, dorsally: distance from upper margin of the frons to occipital carina in middle: distance from vertex to clypeal margin in middle = 75: 48: 56; maximum 102 Nawaz Haider Bashir et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 81: 87-107 (2021) eye length, laterally: maximum eye width, laterally: maximum eye width, frontal view = 47: 21: 18; inner-orbital width, medially: outer-orbital width, medially: occipital carina width, dorsally = 3: 2: 1; maximum width of gena, laterally: distance between antennal sockets, frontal view = 28: 14; distance between inner margins of hind ocelli: distance between outer margin of hind ocellus and nearest inner eye margin: distance between posterior margin of hind ocellus and occipital carina, dorsally = 7: 14: 24. Mesosoma (Fig. 5E, H, I). Pronotal collar strongly elevated medially, with transverse striations medially, anterior pronotal ridge strong, lateral angles sharp and projected (Fig. 5E); width of collar in middle: length of collar in middle = 11: 36; mesoscutum with coarse punctures, sparsely distributed, posterior area with dense, strong parallel ridges; admedian line weakly impressed, extending to anterior 4 of scutum length; notaulus shal- lowly grooved and foveolate, extending to one third of scutum length; parapsidal line dis- tinct; scutellum with coarse, sparse punctures; metanotum with sparse, sturdy longitudinal rugae laterally, and dense transverse striations medially (Fig. 5E); mesopleuron with fine, sparsed punctures, hypoepimeral area with dense, irregular weak striations, posterior area with contiguous, long rugae; omaulus broadened, 1.2x pedicel length; hypersternaulus broadened anteriorly, 1.3x pedicel length, narrow apically, 0.5x pedicel length, distinctly foveolate; scrobal suture long, complete (Fig. 5H); propodeal enclosure deeply impressed, sub triangular, with sturdy, longitudinal rugae anteriorly, reticulate medially; propodeum posterior with sturdy, irregular reticulation (Fig. 51); propodeum laterally with sparse, stur- dy, oblique, longitudinal rugae anteriorly, and irregular reticulation posteriorly (Fig. 5H). Metasoma (Fig. 5E, G, J, K). Petiole dorsal sub quadrate (not cylindrical), carinate basally and medially, basal width of petiole narrower to its apical width (Fig. 5F), petiole laterally with few weak carinae (Fig. 5G); maximum width of petiole, dorsally: length of petiole, laterally: maximum length of metasomal tergum I, dorsally: maximum width of metasomal tergum I, dorsally = 8: 54: 24: 30; metasoma half mat, with fine, sparse punctures (Fig. 5J); pygidial area smooth, very elongate, 1.8x pedicel length (Fig. 5K). Male. Unknown Distribution. China (Yunnan). Etymology. The name, triangularis, is derived from the Latin word triangulus (= triangle), referring to the triangular shape of the labrum. Key to the Chinese species of the genus Carinostigmus Tsuneki Note: The key is updated from Bashir et al. (2020). Female of C. nozakai Tsuneki, and males of C. frontirugatus Bashir & Ma, C. longivertex sp. nov. and C. triangularis sp. nov. are unknown. 1 Ten flagellomeres; metasoma with six segments (Fig. 5J); mandible tridentate api- Se gE 22 ay WN Ferree ss em on AORTA, ery: (toh Peet gon, Cellet a peer Rh eh at 2 — Eleven flagellomeres; metasoma with seven segments; mandible bidentate apically Ei 41D) rr abe cee et 5 cre tee settta snc eh ean URS i ecg SaReaS SCANS calonns nadie sae tht Lama 17 Jal UScrowallstiletisgoreseric ie wy. Rss ssbue os. se. Sane ostiee Ashe ae oleae a heta tskee lot 3 =~ “-Scrobabstlens absent Or incons piCdOtis- (FIG c2 Be weds snaveciugcvndsxpnonsiuneedingsvortuges 11 10 1B New species of Carinostigmus from Oriental China 103 Propodeal posterior extensively covered by reticulated well-marked ridges (Fig. Dis sinGOLhwakeas a DSCM te Leste Meh Mit OR ge Rr natasha tla as 4 Propodeal posterior with median groove, several slender or sturdy longitudinal rugae anteriorly; small or large smooth area medially (Fig. 3J)..... ce eeeeeeseeeeeee 7 Frontal line reaching anterior ocellus; petiole smooth dorsally and laterally, with- outstriations.( Oriental! region) Fv .ct. ss creases terrence: C. formosanus (Tsuneki) Frontal line not reaching anterior ocellus (Fig. 5B); weak transversal or longitu- dinal striations on petiole dorsal surface (Fig. 5F), few inconspicuous carina or erooveon petioleilateraltsrtia@e (Pie. yor ease ct t say neon Pevsner nose hr we congienses tenet 5 Labrum triangular (Fig. 5A); vertex behind ocelli impunctate (Fig. 5B); propo- deal enclosure without triangular impression (Fig. 51); pygidial area very elongate ior (OPEN eC ON iu c andi czurninnsvdismomoinsavenitawel C. triangularis sp. nov. Labrum pentagonal (Fig. 2A); vertex behind ocelli finely punctate; propodeal enclosure with triangular impression; pygidial area oval or u-shaped................. 6 Inter-antennal tubercle long, equal or more than midocellus diameter; gena punc- tate ventrally; lateral surface of petiole with two distinct lateral carinae; pygidial area oval'shaped(@rieiital Testo my 03...:csssas. vent amemaduseas pedunres C. maior (Maidl) Inter-antennal tubercle shorter than midocellus diameter; gena rugate ventrally; lateral surface of petiole with few weak carinae; pygidial area u-shaped (Oriental FEQLOL)s nasa en eee ene ete naa enema mete te C. costatus Krombein Preemmarein-of clypedl lobe-ciiare nated a cssin tet Sonate non teeat eng a toes tate edenbanetag as 8 Free niarein-of-clypeal lobe trimeare nitedially 1... 2.0.2.hostevesepseseversnsvestonsvecnesvenes 10 Free margin of clypeal lobe deeply emarginated (Oriental region) ...... eee EAE IR IRE Suh Nu, Bs, OR Oe ENR Se ONG RIE Su, C. palawanensis (Tsuneki) Free margin of clypeal lobe slightly emarginated (Figs 3A, 4A).......cseeeeseeeeees 9 Propodeum posteriorly with small smooth area medially (Fig. 3J); petiole laterally with few weak carinae (Fig. 3H); notaulus deeply grooved (Fig. 3F); occipital ca- rina narrow (Fig. 3B); inter-antennal tubercle distinctly broadened at apex, long (Fig= 3B) Oriental tesiOn) ts ieis ert poncascdecnsstecaceincnlly. C. longivertex sp. nov. Propodeum posteriorly with large smooth area medially (Fig. 4K); petiole later- ally without carinae, smooth (Fig. 4O); notaulus inconspicuously grooved (Fig. 41); occipital carina broad (Fig. 4B); inter-antennal tubercle not broad at apex, short