Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 747-767 | DOI 10.3897/zse.96.55837 > PENSUFT. nh BERLIN Distribution and diversity of fish from Seyhan, Ceyhan and Orontes river systems Esra Baycelebit 1 Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Faculty of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 53100 Rize, Turkey http://zoobank. org/3563 16BA-35E2-4C23-9948-AAC57E64B958 Corresponding author: Esra Bay¢elebi (doganeesra@gmail.com) Academic editor: Nicolas Hubert # Received 25 June 2020 # Accepted 15 September 2020 # Published 19 November 2020 Abstract In this study, the current ichthyofauna of the Seyhan, Ceyhan and Orontes River drainages were presented and actual taxonomic posi- tions of the species were assessed. Sixty-seven species belonging to 32 genera and 17 families of fishes were reported from these river drainages in Turkey and Syria. Acanthobrama centisquama and Tinca tinca could not be observed in the study area and A/burnus sellal and Esox lucius are recorded for the first time respectively in the Lake Gélbasi (connected to the Ceyhan River) and Seyhan River. Key Words Freshwater fish, ichthyology, Syria, taxonomy, Turkey Introduction The Orontes, Seyhan and Ceyhan rivers are some of the largest rivers in the northern Mediterranean Sea. The Sey- han and Ceyhan rivers form Turkey’s largest delta plain, the Cukurova. These three river basins are host to many endemic species. Three of them can only be found in the Seyhan, seven of them only in the Ceyhan, and ten of them only in the Orontes. Their contribution to biodiver- sity is, without doubt, considerable. Several studies have been conducted on the distribution or/and taxonomy of fish species inhabited in the Seyhan, Ceyhan and Orontes rivers. Bostanc1 (2006) conducted the first ichthyofaunis- tic study in the area and revised the fish of these three riv- ers, after which Dagli (2008) investigated only two north- eastern tributaries of the Orontes River (streams Kinacik and Afrin). Kara et al. (2010) examined the fish of the upper and middle parts of the Ceyhan River. Erk’akan and Ozdemir (2011) studied the fish of the Seyhan and Ceyhan rivers. Alagoz Ergtiden and Goksu (2012) stud- ied the fish in the Seyhan Dam Lake and Ozcan (2013) researched a study on the ichthyofauna of the Orontes River. A recent study by [nal (2020) reported on the fish diversity and abundance in the Seyhan River estuary (Table 2). A comprehensive study has not yet reached the Orontes River in Syria. Unlike the research above, Geiger et al. (2014) conducted a comprehensive genetic study of the freshwater fish of the Mediterranean basin. Conse- quently showing different data. Taxonomic problems have continued to increase while different researchers have conducted faunistic studies re- lated to these rivers (e.g. identifies incorrectly or misre- cords the species, see Table 2). This study aims to elim- inate these ambiguities and reveal the actual taxonomic status of the species in the area; in addition, the rate of endemism in the region is determined. Materials and methods Study area The Ceyhan River originates from Pinarbasi Village (Kahramanmaras prov.). It forms a wide delta in Cukurova and pours into the Gulf of Iskenderun in the Mediterranean Sea. Its main tributaries are the Sosutli, Hurman, Goksun, MagSra Gozti, Firniz, Tekir, Korsulu and Aksu streams. The Seyhan River has two important Copyright Esra Baycelebi. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 748 Esra Bay¢celebi: Evaluation of the current fish status in the Seyhan Ceyhan and Orontes rivers ey Mediterranean © Seyhan River ® Ceyhan River & Orontes River Figure 1. Map of the northeastern Mediterranean Sea Basin of Turkey and Syria with sampling points. tributaries: the long one is the stream Zamanti, which originates from Uzun plateau (Kayseri prov.). This wa- ter flows in the direction of the stretch of the Middle Taurus Mountains (Tahtali Mountains), merges with the Goksu that is the second tributary of the Seyhan, and pours from Adana into the Mediterranean Sea. The Orontes is a transboundary river, which originates from the eastern part of the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, then through into Syria and flows into the Mediterranean Sea near Samanda§g, Turkey. Data collection and analyses All the materials collected from the Seyhan and Ceyhan were gathered in Turkey, while the Orontes materials were collected from Syria and Turkey. The fish were caught from 82 sampling sites by using Samus 1000 pulsed DC electro-fishing equipment, cast net and gill net (Figs 1, 10, Table 1). After anaesthesia, fish sam- ples were fixed in 4% formaldehyde and transferred to the laboratory for classifying the species level. Nomen- clature and taxonomy almost all followed Eschmey- er’s Catalog of Fishes (Fricke et al. 2020) except for Capoeta turani (Kaya 2019). Common and Turkish names of the species were provided by FishBase (Fro- ese and Pauly 2020). The names recommended in this study were denoted by an asterisk (*) at the end of the zse.pensoft.net name. The global conservation status of the species was provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN 2020). The species photos were shown in Figs 2—9. The dataset was visualised using the open- source Geographic Information System QGIS version 3.8 (Zanzibar, 2019). Abbreviations: FFR_ Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Zoology Muse- um of the Faculty of Fisheries, Rize. FSJF Fischsammlung J. Freyhof, Berlin. Results With this study, 18 species belonging to the family Leuciscidae were listed, followed by Cyprinidae with 12 species, Salmonidae with 5 species, Cobitidae and Aphanidae with 5 species, Cichlidae with 2 species, Mugilidae with 2 and Anguillidae, Blenniidae, Poeci- liidae, Atherinidae, Esocidae, Clariidae, Bagridae and Siluridae with 1 species. The highest species diversity among these three river systems was observed in the Orontes (32 species), followed by Seyhan (29 species) and Ceyhan (27 species). According to data presented in this study, Capoeta damascina, Luciobarbus pectoralis, Squalius kottelati and Atherina boyeri are the species that are present in all three rivers. Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 747-767 749 Table 1. List of sampling locations, coordinates and the fish species recorded. No Coordinates Geographic information Observed Species Orontes River 1 |Lake Balik 36.5081, Turkey, Hatay prov.: Lake Balik at | Anguilla anguilla, Capoeta barroisi, Carasobarbus chantrei, Luciobarbus 36.4948 Kirikhan pectoralis, Chondrostoma kinzelbachi, Pseudophoxinus libani, Mystus pelusius, Planiliza abu, Coptodon zillii 2 {Stream 36.6117, | Turkey, Hatay prov.: stream Sogutluoz Anguilla anguilla, Carasobarbus chantrei, Luciobarbus pectoralis, Sogutluoz 36.4404 at Kirikhan Alburnus orontis, Squalius kottelati, Oxynoemacheilus hamwii, Oxynoemacheilus namiri 3 |Orontes 36.0974, | Turkey, Hatay prov.: Orontes River-! at Anguilla anguilla, Capoeta damascina, Carasobarbus chantrei, River-| 36.0785 Sinanll Carassius gibelio, Garra caudomaculata, Garra sp., Luciobarbus pectoralis, Alburnus orontis, Chondrostoma kinzelbachi, Pseudophoxinus zeregi, Pseudophoxinus libani, Squalius kottelati, Cobitis anabelae, Gambusia holbrooki, Paraphanius orontis 4 |Stream Afrin-| | 36.8061, Turkey, Kilis prov.: stream Afrin-| Capoeta barroisi, Luciobarbus pectoralis, Alburnus magnificus, 36.9821 15 km northwest of Kilis 36.8061 Oxynoemacheilus hamwii, Planiliza abu 36.9821. 5 |Stream 36.8133, Turkey, Kilis prov.: stream Afrin-ll Capoeta damascina, Acanthobrama thisbeae, Alburnus magnificus, Afrin-ll 36.9837 about 16 km west of Kilis Oxynoemacheilus hamwii, Oxynoemacheilus namiri 6 |Stream Afrin- 36.3080, | Turkey, Hatay prov.: stream Afrin-Ill at Alburnus orontis, Cobitis anabelae, Clarias gariepinus, 36.5350 northeastern Reyhanll Oxynoemacheilus namiri, Gambusia holbrooki, Planiliza abu 7 {Stream 36.3710, Hatay prov.: stream Afrin-lll at Alburnus magnificus, Oxynoemacheilus hamwii, Oxynoemacheilus 36.1938 northeastern Reyhanll namiri 37.0306, Turkey, Gaziantep prov.: stream Anguilla anguilla, Carasobarbus chantrei, Carassius gibelio, Garra 36.7064 |Karasu-! at islahiye (upper Tahtakopru | caudomaculata, Garra sp., Alburnus orontis, Chondrostoma kinzelbachi, Dam) Cobitis anabelae, Clarias gariepinus, Atherina boyeri Stream 36.8520, Turkey, Gaziantep prov.: stream Capoeta barroisi, Capoeta damascina, Carasobarbus chantrei, Karasu-ll 36.6861, Karasu-l| at Islahiye (below Carassius gibelio, Cyprinus carpio, Garra caudomaculata, Garra Ssp., Tahtakopru Dam) Luciobarbus pectoralis, Pseudophoxinus turani, Squalius kottelati, Oxynoemacheilus hamwii, Atherina boyeri, Gambusia holbrooki Stream 36.9864, Turkey, Gaziantep prov.: stream Alburnus orontis, Pseudophoxinus turani, Squalius kottelati Karasu-lI| 36.7046 Karasu-ll| at islahiye Stream 36.4653, | Turkey, Hatay prov.: stream Karasu-lV | Garra sp., Alburnus orontis, Cobitis anabelae, Oxynoemacheilus namiri, Karasu-lV 36.3803 about 4 km south of Kirikhan Planiliza abu Tahtakopru 36.8743, | Turkey, Gaziantep prov.: the lower part Chondrostoma kinzelbachi, Squalius kottelati Dam 36.6923 of Tahtakopru Dam Lake at islahiye Stream 36.1355, | Turkey, Hatay prov.: stream BuyUkkara} Capoeta damascina, Garra sp., Alburnus magnificus, Pseudophoxinus Buyukara 36.0422, at Karacgay zeregi, Oxynoemacheilus namiri, Gambusia holbrooki Stream 36.7932, | Turkey, Hatay prov.: stream Incesu at Capoeta damascina, Pseudophoxinus turani Incesu 3625137 Hassa Stream Hanne} 36.2072, | Turkey, Hatay prov.: stream Hanne 3 | Anguilla anguilla, Pseudophoxinus zeregi, Oxynoemacheilus namiri, 36.1236 km west of Antakya Clarias gariepinus Stream 3653655, Turkey, Hatay prov.: stream Serinyol Capoeta damascina, Garra sp., Gambusia holbrooki Serinyol 36.2138 at Serinyol Stream 36.3662, Turkey, Hatay prov.: stream Yildirim | Capoeta damascina, Alburnus magnificus, Garra sp., Oxynoemacheilus Yildirim $6,181) at Serinyol hamwii, Clarias gariepinus, Coptodon zillii, Chelon sp. 18 |Lake 34.6619, Syria, Lake Qattinah-| southeast of Capoeta barroisi, Capoeta damascina, Carasobarbus chantrei, Garra 36.6183 Homs sp., Luciobarbus pectoralis, Oxynoemacheilus namiri 19 |Lake 34,5939, Syria, Lake Qattinah-II at Al Pseudophoxinus libani, Paraphanius mento 36.5336 Gassaneyah 20 |Orontes B52 FT. Syria, Orontes River-|I at Shayzar Garra caudomaculata, Garra variabilis, Pseudophoxinus libani, 36.5628 Oxynoemacheilus namiri, Paraphanius mento Orontes River-| 35.9444, | Syria, Orontes River-Ill at north of Ain Carasobarbus chantrei, Garra caudomaculata, Garra sp., Alburnus Il 36.4025 al Zarqa orontis, Pseudophoxinus libani, Cobitis anabelae, Oxynoemacheilus namiri 22 |Orontes River-} 35.9508, Syria, River Orontes-IV at Mashr’a al Garra caudomaculata, Garra sp., Alburnus orontis, Pseudophoxinus 36.3958 Bouz libani, Oxynoemacheilus namiri, Paraphanius mento 23 |Orontes 34.0764, Syria, Orontes River-V at Jinan Garra sp. 24 |Orontes River- | 34.5086, Syria, Orontes River-VI at Jinan Alburnus orontis, Pseudophoxinus libani, Oxynoemacheilus namiri Orontes River- | 34.9333, Syria, Orontes River-VIl at roadside Leuciscus vorax VII SOs SoS north of Homs (fish market) Stream Al 35.4697, | 2713 Syria, stream Al Dawwar South Oxynoemacheilus namiri Dawwar 36.2531 of Haydariyeh Nahr‘lfrin 36.6172, | Syria, Nahr‘lfrin River below reservoir Pseudophoxinus zeregi, Oxynoemacheilus namiri River 36.8608 north of Afrin Spring Al So. 0503) Syria, spring Al Fawwar north of Garra caudomaculata, Pseudophoxinus libani Fawwar 36.2528 Mashta Bayth Darwish 29 |Lake Shadha 35.5253, Syria, Lake Shadha Garra caudomaculata, Garra sp., Oxynoemacheilus namiri, Planiliza abu 36.2536 Stream Nahr 35.3022, Syria, stream Nahr al Barid at Nahr Garra caudomaculata, Garra variabilis, Alburnus orontis, al-Barid 36.3453 al Barid Pseudophoxinus libani, Pseudophoxinus zeregi, Cobitis levantina, Oxynoemacheilus namiri, Paraphanius orontis zse.pensoft.net 750 Esra Bay¢celebi: Evaluation of the current fish status in the Seyhan Ceyhan and Orontes rivers Sampling Site Geographic information 31 |Spring south Soa350.3 Syria, spring south of Qala’at al of Qala’at 36.3106 Jarras Observed Species Garra caudomaculata, Carasobarbus chantrei, Garra sp., Garra. variabilis, Pseudophoxinus libani, Paraphanius mento, Sarotherodon galilaeus, Tristramella simonis Seyhan River 32 |Stream 37.8767, | Turkey, Nigde prov.: stream Ecemis at Salmo labecula Ecemis 34.9254 Camardi Stream ov.2611, Turkey, Adana prov.: stream Capoeta damascina, Capoeta erhani, Garra culiciphaga, Garra Ucurgesuyu-| 35.0671 Uculrgesuyu-| at Karaisali turcica, Luciobarbus pectoralis, Chondrostoma ceyhanensis, Squalius adanaensis, Cobitis aliyeae, Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus, Salaria fluviatilis Stream 871385; Turkey, Adana prov.: stream Luciobarbus pectoralis, Squalius adanaensis Ucurgesuyu-ll | 35.1422 Ucuirgesuyu-l| at Karaisali Stream 37.2750, Turkey, Adana prov.: stream Alburnus kotschyi, Squalius adanaensis Ucurgesuyu-lll]| 35.0610 Ucuirgesuyu-lll at western Cakalll Stream 371390, Turkey, Adana prov.: stream Squalius adanaensis, Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus Ucurgesuyu-IV| 35.1423 Ucurgesuyu-lV the lower part of Ecemis stream east of Salbas Stream 37.1890, | Turkey, Adana prov.: stream Ucurge-V Oxynoemacheilus seyhanicola Ucurgesuyu-V | 35.1010 at Cakalli Stream 37.3050, | Turkey, Adana prov.: stream Eglence 1 Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus, Garra turcica, Oxynoemacheilus Eglence 35.2201 km northeast of Eglence seyhanicola, Salaria fluviatilis, Luciobarbus pectoralis Stream 37.1032, Turkey, Adana prov.: stream Capoeta damascina, Capoeta erhani, Chondrostoma ceyhanensis, Cakitsuyu-l 35.1094 Cakitsuyu-! at Salbas Oxynoemacheilus seyhanicola, Salaria fluviatilis Stream 37.0961, Turkey, Adana prov.: stream Capoeta damascina, Garra turcica, Luciobarbus pectoralis, Alburnus Cakitsuyu-l| slope Warde) Cakitsuyu-Il, south of Salbas, the kotschyi, Chondrostoma ceyhanensis, Squalius adanaensis, lower part of Pozanti Stream Oxynoemacheilus seyhanicola, Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus, Salaria fluviatilis Stream 37.5072, |Turkey, Nigde prov.: stream Cakitsuyu- Capoeta damascina Cakitsuyu-!I| 34.7904 Ill between Ulukisla and Pozanti, about 1 km east of Ciftehan Spring 38.8857, Turkey, Kayseri prov.: Kayseri prov.: Pseudophoxinus firati Karahalka 36.8194 spring Karahalka at Karahalka, Pinarbasl Stream 38.6559, Turkey, Kayseri prov.: stream Capoeta damascina, Squalius seyhanensis, Salmo platycephalus Zamanti-l 36.4485 Zamanti-| south of Asagibey¢ayiri, south of Pinarbas! 44 |Stream 38.7366, | Turkey, Kayseri prov.: stream Zamanti-| Squalius seyhanensis, Oxynoemacheilus samanticus, Oxynoemacheilus Zamanti-l| 36.4131 Il at Pinarbas! seyhanensis a tributry to 33,5935, Turkey, Kayseri prov.: a tributary to Capoeta damascina, Squalius seyhanensis Zamant 36.4299 Zamanti stream between Sariz and Pinarbas! 46 |Stream 38.6204, Turkey, Kayseri prov.: stream Salmo platycephalus Pinarbas| 36.4397 Pinarbas! at Pinarbas| 47 |Stream Kisla 38.6434, | Turkey, Kayseri prov.: stream Kisla at Squalius seyhanensis, Atherina boyeri 35.1436 incesu 48 |Stream Sivgin | 38.6606, | Turkey, Kayseri prov.: stream Sivgin at Esox lucius 36.0581 Bunyan 49 |Stream 38.7570, | Turkey, Kayseri prov.: stream Karagoz Squalius seyhanensis, Esox lucius Karagoz 36.4590 at Pinarbas| 50 |Stream Sariz 38.4930, Turkey, Kayseri prov.: stream Sariz Squalius seyhanensis 36.5040 at Sariz 51 |Stream 38.1950, | Turkey, Kayseri prov.: stream Sarnaz Oxynoemacheilus samanticus, Garra turcica Sarnaz 35.7810 at southern Tas¢ 52 |Seyhan Dam 37.0414, Turkey, Adana prov.: Seyhan Dam Cyprinus carpio, Luciobarbus pectoralis, Silurus glanis, Sander Lake 35.3333 Lake lucioperca, Acanthobrama orontis, Squalius kottelati, Oncorhynchus mykiss 53 |River Seyhan 86.975/, Adana prov.: River Seyhan below Garra culiciphaga, Acanthobrama orontis, Luciobarbus pectoralis, 35.3354 water regulation doors at YUureyir, Pseudophoxinus cilicicus, Cobitis aliyeae, Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus, south of Adana Paraphantus similis 54 |Stream 37.2940, | Turkey, Adana prov.: stream Korkun-| Garra turcica, Luciobarbus pectoralis, Cobitis aliyeae Korkun-| BOMIb5O at Hacill 55 |Stream 37.1529, | Turkey, Adana prov.: stream Korkun-I| Capoeta damascina, Garra turcica, Luciobarbus pectoralis, Squalius Korkun- II 35.1606 at Karakuyu adanaensis, Oxynoemacheilus seyhanicola Ceyhan River 56 |Lake Golbasi 37.7981, | Turkey, Adiyaman prov.: Lake Golbasi | A/burnus sellal, Pseudophoxinus zekayi, Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus, 37.6616 at Golbas! Atherina boyeri 57 |Stream Aksu-l| 37.4896, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: stream | Capoeta damascina, Capoeta erhani, Garra turcica, Squalius kottelati, 36.8949 Aksu-| at Onikigsubat Planiliza abu 58 |Stream 37.5253, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: stream Capoeta damascina, Garra culiciphaga, Luciobarbus pectoralis, Aksu-ll 37.3119 | Aksu-ll at Pazarcik (upper Kartalkaya Alburnus kotschyi, Chondrostoma ceyhanensis, Oxynoemacheilus Dam evreni, Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus, Salaria fluviatilis zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 747-767 No |Sampling Site| Coordinates Ceyhan River Geographic information #51 Observed Species 59 |Stream Aksu- | 37.5390, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: stream | Capoeta damascina, Capoeta erhani, Garra turcica, Oxynoemacheilus III 37.3480 Aksu-lll at Pazarcik evreni, Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus, Salaria fluviatilis 60 |Stream Aksu- | 37.4452, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: stream Pseudophoxinus firati 37.0207 Aksu-lV at Dulkadiroglu 61 37.4690, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: stream Squalius kottelati 37.2310 | Aksu-Vat Pazarcik (below Kartalkaya Dam) 62 |Stream Aksu- | 37.7904, | Turkey, Adiyaman prov.: stream Aksu- | Cobitis erkakanae, Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus, Paraphanius boulengeri Vi 37.6263 VI connecting Lakes Golbas! and Azapli south of Golbas! 63 |StreamTekir 37.8481, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: stream Oxynoemacheilus evreni, Salmo opimus 36.6417 Tekir above dam at Tekir, north of Kahramanmaras 64 |Stream 38.0317, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: stream Alburnus kotschyi, Pseudophoxinus firati, Cobitis evreni, Goksun-| 36.4736 |Goksun-l (TerbUzek) about 2 km north} Oxynoemacheilus evreni, Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus, Salmo opimus (Terbuzek) of GOksun 65 |Stream 38.0015, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: stream Oxynoemacheilus ceyhanensis Goksun-ll 36.4984 Goksun-!I (TerbUzek) at 7 km south (Terbuzek) of GOksun 66 |Stream 37.1746, Turkey, Osmaniye prov.: stream Capoeta damascina, Garra turcica 36.5065 Akgasu about 5 km north Kalecik 67 |Stream Firniz | 37.8787, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: stream Salmo opimus 36.5984 Tekir above dam at Tekir, north of Kahramanmaras 68 37.7588, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: stream Capoeta damascina, Luciobarbus pectoralis, Salmo opimus 36.6940 Kayaozu (Firniz) 69 |Stream 37.0606, Turkey, Osmaniye prov.: stream Alburnus kotschyi, Chondrostoma ceyhanensis, Salaria fluviatilis, Karasu 861122 Karasu at Toprakkale Pseudophoxinus cilicicus 70 {Stream Celik 37.6239, | Turkey, Adiyaman prov.: stream Celik Capoeta damascina, Alburnus kotschyi, Oxynoemacheilus evreni, Pe S| 37.5034 at road south of Golbas Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus 71 Jatributary to | 37.2215, Turkey, Osmaniye prov.: a tributary | Capoeta damascina, Capoeta erhani, Pseudophoxinus cilicicus, Cobitis Ceyhan River-|} 36.0471 | of Ceyhan River-| between Tecirli and aliyeae, Oxynoemacheilus ceyhanensis Kadirli north of Ko¢yurdu 72 {a tributary 37.1247, Turkey, Adana prov.: a tributary of Garra culiciphaga, Gambusia holbrooki to Ceyhan 36.0486 Ceyhan River-II at Tatarli Village River-Il 73 |Ceyhan River 37.1933, | Turkey, Osmaniye prov.: Ceyhan River | Luciobarbus pectoralis, Acanthobrama orontis, Acanthobrama thisbeae, 36.0828 at north of Sakarcilik Village (fish Chondrostoma ceyhanensis, Pseudophoxinus zekayi, Squalius kottelati market) 74 |Stream Gecit 37.6127, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: stream Capoeta erhani 36.6501 Gecit on road from Kahramanmaras to Andirin 75 [Spring Cocelli | 37.2812, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: Spring | Garra culiciphaga, Pseudophoxinus zekayi, Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus, ed 37.1248 Cocelli north of Cocelli Gambusia holbrooki, Paraphanius alexandri 76 |Spring Evri 37.2662, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: Spring Garra culiciphaga, Alburnus kotschyi, Pseudophoxinus zekayi, peee 37.1018 Evri south-west of Cocelli Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus Stream 38.2546, | Turkey, Kahramanmaras prov.: stream | Capoeta damascina, Garra turcica, Alburnus kotschyi, Oxynoemacheilus Sogutlu 375330 Sogutlu 40 km east of Elbistan ceyhanensis, Oxynoemacheilus evreni (Sevdili) 38.2546 37.5330. Sir Dam Lake | 37.5011, Turkey, Adana prov.: Sir Dam Lake, Silurus glanis S6i5955 Ceyhan River Stream S71 SL, Turkey, Osmaniye prov.: stream Garra turcica, Luciobarbus pectoralis, Alburnus kotschyi, Squalius Savrun 36,0925 Savrun at Kadirli kottelati Stream 37.6375, | Turkey, Karamanmaras prov.: stream Garra turcica Kopruagz! 36.6272 KOpruagzi upper Sir Dam Stream 38.5966, Turkey, Sivas prov.: stream Hurman Salmo chilo Hurman 36.9011 (Akdere) at Akdere Village Stream 37 3152, Turkey, Adana prov.: stream Delicay Pseudophoxinus zekayi, Oxynoemacheilus evreni, Oxynoemacheilus Delicay 35.8834 20 km southwest of Kadirli ceyhanensis Family Anguillidae Rafinesque, 1815 Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758) Common local names. Avrupa yilan bali&1 / European eel. Conservation. Critically Endangered (CR). Material Examined. FFR 02360 St. 1., — FFR 02361 St. 2., — FFR 02365 St. 3., — Not preserved St. 8., — FFR uncat::St. 13. Distribution in the area. This species is found in the Orontes River drainages and Lake Balik in Turkey. It was also reported in the Ceyhan River (Kara et al. 2010; Erk’ akan and Ozdemir 2011). zse.pensoft.net 752 Esra Bay¢celebi: Evaluation of the current fish status in the Seyhan Ceyhan and Orontes rivers Family Cyprinidae Rafinesque, 1815 Capoeta barroisi Lortet, 1894 Common names. Benekli Asi sirazi / Orontes scraper. Conservation. Endangered (EN). Material examined. FFR 01725 St. 1., — FSJF 2455 St. 1., — FFR 01890 St. 4., — FFR 01888 St. 9., — FSJF 2364 St. 9., — FSJF 2704 St. 18. Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages and Balik and Qattinah-I Lake basins in Turkey and Syria. Endemic to only the Orontes River. Taxonomic note. See the taxonomic note of Capoeta erhani. Capoeta damascina (Valenciennes, 1842) Common names. Sam sirazi / Damascus scraper. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FSJF 2423 St. 3., — FSJF 2914 St. 5., — FFR 01887 St. 9., — FSJF 2352 St. 9., — FSJF 2301 St. 13., — FSJF 2275 St. 14., — FFR 01881 St. 16., — FSJF 2436 St. 17., — FSJF 2705 St. 18., — FFR 01886 St. 33., — FFR 01956 St. 39., — FSJF 2330 St. 40., — FSJF 2367 St. 41.,—FSJF 2540 St. 43., — FSJF 2896 St. 45., — FSJF 2374 St. 55., — FFR 01879 St. 57., — FFR 01953 St. 58., — FFR 01884 St. 59., -—FFR 01880 St. 66., — FFR 01882 St. 68., — FSJF 2571 St. 70., -—FSJF 2966 St. 71.,-—FSJF 2899 St. 77. Distribution in the area. Orontes, Seyhan and Cey- han River drainages in Turkey and Lake Qattinah-I in Syria. It was also reported from the Euphrates River (Kaya 2019). Capoeta erhani Turan, Kottelat & Ekmekci, 2008 Common names. Benekli Akdeniz sirazi* / Mediterra- nean scraper™. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 01885 St. 33., — FFR 01955 St. 39., — FFR 01878 St. 57., — FFR 01883 St. 59., - FFR 01952 St. 59., — FSJF 2968 St. 71., — FSJF 2456 St. 74. Distribution in the area. Ceyhan River drainages and streams Cakitsuyu-I, Uctirgesuyu-I (Seyhan River) in Turkey. Taxonomic note. Erk’akan and Ozdemir (2011) and Ozdemir (2013) emphasised that Capoeta turani (Seyhan) and C. erhani (Ceyhan) are synonyms of C. barroisi (Orontes); even Ozdemir (2013) claimed that C. barroisi is a synonym of C. trutta (Tigris- Euphrates). Recent molecular (Levin et al. 2012; Bektas et al. 2017; 2019) and morphological (Kaya 2019) data showed that C. erhani, C. barroisi and C. trutta are valid species, although they suggest that C. turani may be the synonym of C. turani. A detailed morphological examination is needed to clarify the taxonomic status of C. turani. zse.pensoft.net Carasobarbus chantrei (Sauvage, 1882) Common names. Asi himrisi* / Orontes himri*. Conservation. Near Threatened (NT). Material examined. FFR 00400 St. 1., — FFR 00427 St. 2., — FFR uncat., St. 3., - FFR uncat., St. 8., — FFR 00407 St. 9., — FSJF 2311 St. 9., — FSJF 2706 St. 18., — FSJF 2676 St. 21., — FSJF 2662 St. 31. Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages and Balik and Qattinah-I Lake basins in Turkey and Syria. Endemic to only the Orontes River. Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) Common names. Havuz bali&1 / Prussian carp. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FFR uncat St. 3., — FFR uncat., St. 8., — FFR 00407 St. 9. Distribution in the area. This species is found in the Orontes River drainages. It was also recorded from the Seyhan River (Erk’akan and Ozdemir 2011; Ergiiden Alagoz and Goksu 2012); even so, it was not observed in the Seyhan during the surveys. Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 Common names. Adi sazan /Common carp. Conservation. Vulnerable (VU). Material examined. FFR 02750 St. 9., — Not pre- served St. 52. Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages and Seyhan Dam Lake in Turkey. It was also recorded in the Ceyhan River (Kara et al. 2010). Garra caudomaculata (Battalgil, 1942) Common names. Altin saz balig1* / Golden minnow. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FSJF 2433 St. 3., —F FR 04032 St. 8., — FFR 04031 St. 9., — FSJF 2655 St. 20., — FSJF 2673 S St. 21., — FSJF 2755 St. 22., — FSJF 2736 St. 28., — FSJF 2669 St. 29., — FSJF 2681 St. 30., — FSJF 2761 St. 31. Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages and Shadha Lake basin in Turkey and Syria. Endemic to only the Orontes River. Garra culiciphaga (Pellegrin, 1927) Common names. Kirmizi ¢izgili saz baligi1* / Red stripe barb. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 02480 St. 33., — FSJF 2403 St. 53., — FSJF 3512 St. 53., — FFR 02481 St. 58., - FFR 4027 St. 72., — FSJF 2607 St. 75., — FSJF 2496 St. 76. Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 747-767 Distribution in the area. Seyhan and Ceyhan River drainages in Turkey. Garra sp. Material examined. FSJF 2414 St. 3., — FFR 04032 St. 8., — FFR 04010 St. 9., — FSJF 2335 St. 9., — FSJF 2449 St. 11., — FSJF 2302 St. 13., - FFR 04007 St. 16., — FSJF 2415 St. 17., — FSJF 2699 St. 18., — FSJF 2671 St. 21.,- FSJF 2684 St. 22., — FSJF 2695 St. 23., — FSJF 2667 St. 29., — FSJF 2663 St. 31. Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages and Qattinah-I Lake basin in Turkey and Syria. Taxonomic notes. Geiger et al. (2014) genetically identified some of the Orontes populations as Garra sp., Baycelebi et al. (2018) supported this view and reported that these populations have not been defined yet. A de- tailed study is needed to reveal the taxonomic status of these populations. Garra turcica Karaman, 1971 Common names. Seyhan doktor balig1 / Seyhan doctor fish*. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FFR 4009 St. 33., — Not pre- served, St. 38., — FSJF 2348 St. 40., — Not preserved, St. 51., — FFR 01267 St. 54., — FSJF 2388 St. 55., — FFR 04000 St. 57., — FFR 04008 St. 59., - FFR 4004 St. 66., — FSJF 2898 St. 77., — FFR 01270 St. 78., — FSJF 2853 St. 79., — FFR 1270 St. 80. Distribution in the area. Seyhan and Ceyhan River drainages in Turkey. Taxonomic notes. The species was treated as a syn- onym of Garra rufa for a long time. However, molecular and morphological data strongly showed that G. turcica is a valid species (Baycelebi et al. 2018). Garra variabilis (Heckel, 1843) Common names. Yapiskan balik / Variable garra. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FSJF 2658 St. 20., — FSJF 2737 St. 30., — FSJF 2661 St. 31. Distribution in the area. This species is distributed in the lower parts of the Orontes River drainages in Syria. In addition, Garra variabilis shows wide distributions in the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in Turkey. Luciobarbus pectoralis (Heckel, 1843) Common names. Dogu Akdeniz bryikli balig1 / Levan- tina barbe. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). 753 Material examined. FFR 00305 St. 1., — FFR uncat. St. 2., — FFR 00346 St. 3., — FFR 00345 St. 4., — FFR 00345 St. 9., — FSJF 2697 St. 18., — FFR 00347 St. 33., — FSJF 2424 St. 34., — Not preserved, St. 38., — FSJF 2329 St. 40., — FFR 00300 St. 52., — FFR 00301 St. 53., — FFR 00321 St. 54., — FSJF 2450 St. 55., - FFR 00358 St. 58., — FFR 00344 St. 68., — FSJF 2988 St. 73., — FSJF 2854 St. 79. Distribution in the area. Orontes, Seyhan and Cey- han River drainages and Balik and Qattinah-I Lake basins in Turkey and Syria. Family Leuciscidae Bonaparte, 1835 Acanthobrama orontis Berg, 1949 Common names. Asi akcapas1* / Orontes bream*. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. Not preserved St. 52., — FSJF 2435 St. 53., — FSJF 2989 St. 73. Distribution in the area. Seyhan and Ceyhan River drainages in Turkey. Taxonomic notes. Acanthobrama orontis was identi- fied by Berg (1949) in Lake Amik (Orontes) in Turkey. Goren et al. (1973) reported it to be a synonym of A. mar- mid, and Krupp (1985) and Bogutskaya (1997) also sup- ported this view (Freyhof and Ozulug 2014). Freyhof and Ozulu% (2014) accepted A.orontis as valid although they did not find it in the Orontes River. The species, which was not observed in the fieldwork, might prefer the local area in the Orontes. Acanthobrama thisbeae Freyhof & Ozulug, 2014 Common names. Ceyhan akcapagi* / Ceyhan bream*. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FFR uncat., St. 5., — FSJF 2987 Sie 73: Distribution in the area. The lower part of the Cey- han and Orontes River drainages. Taxonomic notes. Freyhof and Ozulug (2014) sus- pected that Aspius vorax (Bostanc1 2006: 84) originated from the stream Afrin (Orontes River); it might be A. this- bae. The material examined by Bostanci (2006) in FFR belongs to the species A. thisbeae. Alburnus kotschyi Steindachner, 1863 Common names. Iskenderun inci baligi* / Iskenderun bleak. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 00999 St. 35., — FSJF 504 St. 40., — FFR 04665 St. 58., — FFR 00868 St. 64., — FSJF 2638 St. 64., — FFR 04663 St. 69., — FSJF 2570 St. 70., — FSJF 2497 St. 76.,-— FSJF 2901 St. 77.,-— FSJF 2856 St. 79. zse.pensoft.net 754 Esra Baycelebi: Evaluation of the current fish status in the Seyhan Ceyhan and Orontes rivers rs tpi pret s a: ae ose bth! * Figure 2. Cyprinidae species of the northeastern Mediterranean Sea Basin of Turkey and Syria. a. Capoeta barroisi, stream Kara- su-II; b. C. damascina, stream Karasu-II; ¢. C. erhani, stream Aksu-III; d. Carasobarbus chantrei, Lake Balik; e. Carassius gibelio, stream Karasu-II; f. Cyprinus carpio, stream Karasu-II; g. Garra caudomaculata stream Karasu-I; h. G. culiciphaga, stream Aksu-II; i. Garra sp. Stream Hanne; j. G. turcica, stream Ucirgesuyu-I; k. G. variabilis, stream Nahr al Barid photo: JF; 1. Luciobarbus pectoralis, stream Aksu-II. Distribution in the area. Seyhan and Ceyhan River Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). drainages, in addition to coastal streams between Ceyhan Material examined. FFR 00998 St. 4., — FSJF 2915 and Arsuz (Freyhof et al. 2018b). St. 5., — FFR 00990 St. 7., — FSJF 2298 St. 13., — FSJF 2412 St. 17. Distribution in the area. The lower part of the Orontes River drainage in Turkey; most probably it occurs also in Syria as the stream Afrin passes from Syrian territory (Fey- Common names. Afrin inci baligi* / Afrin bleak*. hof and Turan 2019). Endemic to only the Orontes River. Alburnus magnificus Freyhof & Turan, 2019 zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 747-767 755 a RAYE ¥ Ny ; ry Figure 3. Leuciscidae species of the northeastern Mediterranean Sea Basin of Turkey. a. Acanthobrama orontis, Seyhan Dam Lake; b. A. thisbeae, stream Afrin; c. Alburnus kotschyi, stream Ucurgesuyu-IIl, d. A. magnificus, stream Bedirge; e. A. orontis, stream Karasu-II; f. 4. sellal, Lake Golbasi; g. Chondrostoma kinzelbachi, stream Karasu-I; h. C. ceyhanensis, stream Karasu-V; i. Leu- ciscus vorax, Orontes River-VII photo: JF; j. Pseudophoxinus cilicicus, stream Karasu-V; k. P. firati, spring Karahalka; |. P. libani, Lake Balik; m P. turani, stream Incesu; n. P. zekayi, Lake Golbasi; 0. P. zeregi, stream Hanne; p. Squalius adanaensis, stream Ucirgesuyu-l; r. S. seyhanensis, stream Zamanti-II; s. S. kottelati; stream Karasu-Il. zse.pensoft.net 756 Esra Baycelebi: Evaluation of the current fish status in the Seyhan Ceyhan and Orontes rivers Taxonomic notes. A/burnus qgalilus (Krupp 1992) is distributed in the coastal streams in Syria. Birecikligil et al. (2016) reported A. galilus from the Orontes River in Turkey. However, Freyhof and Turan (2019) revised the genus of A/burnus from the lower part of the Orontes and restricted A. galilus to Syria. Alburnus orontis Sauvage, 1882 Common names. Asi incisi* / Orontes bleak. Conservation. Vulnerable (VU). Material examined. FFR 04602 St. 2., — FSJF 2393 St. 3., — FFR 00902 St. 6., — FFR 04696 St. 8., — FSJF 2963 St. 10., — FSJF 2401 St. 11., — FSJF 2675 St. 21., — FSJF 2759 St. 22., — FSJF 2740 St. 24., — FSJF 2751 St. 30. Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages in Turkey and Syria. Endemic to only the Orontes River. Alburnus sellal Heckel, 1843 Common names. Dogu incisi* / Eastern shah kuli. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 04697 St. 56. Distribution in the area. It is only found in the Lake Golbas1 basin that connected with the stream Aksu (upper part of Ceyhan River). However, this species is widely distributed in the inland waters of eastern Turkey (Frey- hof et al. 2018a). Chondrostoma kinzelbachi Krupp, 1985 Common names. Asi kababurun* / Orontes nase. Conservation. Endangered (EN). Material examined. FFR 2033 St. 1., — FFR 2018 St. 3., — FFR 2081 St. 8., — FSJF 2841 St. 12. Distribution in the area. Known from only the Oron- tes drainages and Lake Balik basin in Turkey. Endemic to only the Orontes River. Chondrostoma ceyhanensis Kiiciik, Turan, Giiclii, Mutlu & Ciftci, 2017 Common names. Ceyhan kababurunu*/ Ceyhan nase*. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FFR 02057 St. 33., - FFR 02076 St. 39., — FSJF 2346 St. 40., — FFR 02056 St. 58., — FFR 02075 St. 69., — FSJF 2990 St. 73. Distribution in the area. Ceyhan and Seyhan River drainages and River Berdan, a watershed in the Mediter- ranean Sea (Kucuk et al. 2017). Leuciscus vorax (Heckel, 1843) Common names. Sis balig1 / Tigris asp. zse.pensoft.net Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FSJF 1495 St. 25. Distribution in the area. Leuciscus vorax is only found in the Orontes River in Syria. Pseudophoxinus cilicicus Sac, Ozulug, Geiger & Freyhof, 2019 Common names. Kilikya ot baligi* / Cilician spring minnow~. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FSJF 2417 St. 53., — FFR 03301 St. 69., — FSJF 2970 St. 71. Distribution in the area. The lower part of the Sey- han and Ceyhan River drainages, also the stream Arsuz (Mediterranean Sea Basin) in Turkey (Sag et al. 2019). Pseudophoxinus firati Bogutskaya, Kiiciik & Atalay, 2006 Common names. Firat ot balig1* / Euphrates spring min- now. Conservation. Endangered (EN). Material examined. FFR 03308 St. 42., — FSJF 4052 St. 60., — FFR 03283 St. 64. Distribution in the area. Pseudophoxinus firati 1s found in the streams Gdksun and Aksu (Ceyhan) and spring Karahalka (Seyhan). It 1s also known from the headwaters of the Euphrates (Sag et al. 2019). Pseudophoxinus libani (Lortet, 1883) Common names. Asi ot bali1* / Orontes spring minnow. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 03314 St. 1., — FSJF 2391 St. 3., — FSJF 2756 St. 19., — FSJF 2646 St. 20., — FSJF 2641 St. 21., — FSJF 2757 St. 22., — FSJF 2644 St. 24., — FSJF 2645 St. 28., — FSJF 2647 St. 30., — FSJF 2643 St. 31. Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages and Balik and Qattinah Lake basins in Turkey and Syria. Taxonomic note. According to morphological and molecular data (COI), P. libani and P. kervillei were con- specific and P. kervillei was a junior synonym of P. libani (Bariche and Freyhof 2016). Pseudophoxinus turani Kiicik & Giiclii, 2014 Common names. Incesu ot balig1* / Incesu spring minnow. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FFR 03286 St. 9., — FSJF 2964 St. 10., — FSJF 2277 St. 14., — FFR 03282 St. 14. Distribution in the area. Streams Incesu and Karasu (outflow of TahtaKkopri Dam Lake) in Turkey. Endemic to only the Orontes River. Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 747-767 Pseudophoxinus zekayi Bogutskaya, Kiiciik & Atalay, 2006 Common names. Ceyhan ot balig1* / Ceyhan spring minnow. Conservation. Vulnerable (VU). Material examined. FFR 03315 St. 56., — FSJF 2985 St. 73., — FFR 3313 St. 75., — FSJF 2461 St. 75., — FSJF 2478 St. 76., — FSJF 2961 St. 82. Distribution in the area. Springs Co¢elli and Evri and the Lake Golbas1 basin (Ceyhan River basin). Endemic to only the Ceyhan River. Pseudophoxinus zeregi (Heckel, 1843) Common names. Kueik ot balid1* / Qweik spring min- now~*. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FSJF 2430 St. 3., — FSJF 2297 St. 13., — FFR 03312 St. 15., — FSJF 2746 St. 27., — FSJF 2749 St. 30. Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages in Turkey and Syria. It was also reported from the Qweik River and small coastal streams in Syria (Sag et al. 2019). Squalius adanaensis Turan, Kottelat & Dogan, 2013 Common names. Adana tatlisu kefali* / Adana chub. Conservation. Near Threatened (NT). Material examined. FFR 06279 St. 33., — FFR 01995 St. 35., — FSJF 2939 St. 36. — FSJF 2419 St. 34., - FFR 00777 St. 40., — FSJF 2382 St. 55. Distribution in the area. The lower part of the Sey- han River drainages in Turkey. Endemic to only the Sey- han River. Squalius kottelati Turan, Yilmaz & Kaya, 2009 Common names. Asi tatlisu kefali* / Orontes dace*. Conservation. Near Threatened (NT). Material examined. FFR 00778 St. 2., — FFR 06231 St. 3., -— FFR 01567 St. 9., — FSJF 2962 St. 10., — FSJF 2842 St. 12., — Not preserved St. 52., - FFR St. .57., - FFR 06280 St. 57., — FFR 00665 St. 61., — FFR 00567 St. 73., — FSJF 2986 St. 73., — FSJF 2855 St. 79. Distribution in the area. Seyhan, Ceyhan and Oron- tes River drainages in Turkey. It may occur in the upper part of the Orontes in Syria. Squalius seyhanensis Turan, Kottelat & Dogan, 2013 Common names. Seyhan tatlisu kefali* / Seyhan chub*. Conservation. Data Deficient (DD). Material examined. FSJF 2539 St. 43., — FFR 01994 St. 44., — FFR 06275 St. 44., — FSJF 2982 St. 44., — FSJF £57 2895 St. 45., — FFR 00758 St. 47., — FFR 00730 St. 49., — FFRO1993 St. 50. Distribution in the area. The upper part of the Sey- han River drainages in Turkey. It was also reported in the Euphrates River drainages (Turan et al. 2017). Family Cobitidae Swainson, 1838 Cobitis aliyeae Freyhof, Baycelebi & Geiger, 2018 Common names. Adana tasemeni* / Adana spined loach*. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FFR 05501 St. 33., — FSJF 2427 St. 53., — FFR 05506 St. 54., — FSJF 2969 St. 71. Distribution in the area. The lower part of the Sey- han and Ceyhan River drainages in Turkey (Freyhof et al. 2018c). Cobitis anabelae Freyhof, Baycelebi & Geiger, 2018 Common names. Orontes spined loach* / Asi tasemeni*. Figure 4. Cobitidae species of the northeastern Mediterranean Sea Basin of Turkey and Syria. a. Cobitis aliyeae, stream Uciirge- suyu-I; b. C. anabelae, stream Karasu-I; ¢. C. erkakanae, stream Aksu-IV, connecting Lakes Goélbasi photo: JF; d. C. evreni, stream Godksun-I; e. C. /evantina, stream Nahr al Barid photo: JF. zse.pensoft.net 758 Esra Bay¢celebi: Evaluation of the current fish status in the Seyhan Ceyhan and Orontes rivers Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FSJF 2399 St. 3., — FFR 05528 St. 6., — FFR 05564 St. 8., — FSJF 2428 St. 11., — FSJF 2674 St. 21. Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages in Turkey and Syria. Endemic to only the Orontes River. Cobitis erkakanae Freyhof, Baycelebi & Geiger, 2018 Common names. Golbasi spined loach* / Golbas1 tase- meni*. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FSJF 2510 St. 62. Distribution in the area. It is only known from the Lake Goélbasi basin (Ceyhan) in Turkey. Endemic to only the Ceyhan River. Cobitis evreni Erk’ Akan, Ozeren & Nalbant, 2008 Common names. Ceyhan spined loach / Ceyhan tasemeni*. Conservation. Endangered (EN). Material examined. FFR 05530 St. 64. Distribution in the area. It is only distributed in the middle Ceyhan River drainages in Turkey. Endemic to only the Ceyhan River. Cobitis levantina Krupp & Moubayed, 1992 Common names. Orontes spined loach/ Asi tasemeni*. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FSJF 2747 St. 30. Distribution in the area. The upper part of the Oron- tes River drainages 1n Syria. Family Nemacheilidae Regan, 1911 Oxynoemacheilus ceyhanensis (Erk’ akan, Nalbant & Ozeren, 2007) Common names. Elbistan ¢opc¢ti baligi* / Elbistan loach. Conservation. Data Deficient (DD) Material examined. FFR 01479 St. 65., — FSJF 2967 St. 71., — FSJF 2900 St. 77., — FSJF 2960 St. 82. Distribution in the area. The upper part of the Cey- han River drainages in Turkey. Endemic to only the Cey- han River. Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus Kaya, Turan, Baycelebi, Kalayci & Freyhof, 2020 Common names. Kilikya ¢op¢u baligi* / Cilicia loach*. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). zse.pensoft.net Material examined. FFR 1491 St. 33., — FSJF 2940 St. 36., - FFR 15559 St. 38., — FSJF 2324 St. 40., — FSJF 2432 St. 53., — FFR 15576 St. 56., — FFR 15578 St. 58., — FFR 1489 St. 59., — FSJF 2507 St. 62., — FSJF 2639 St. 64., — FSJF 2569 St. 70., — FSJF 2606 St. 75., — FSJF 2477 St. 76. Distribution in the area. It is known from the lower Goksu, Seyhan and Ceyhan rivers, also the Lake Goélbas1 basin (Kaya et al. 2020). Oxynoemacheilus evreni (Erk’ akan, Nalbant & Ozeren, 2007) Common names. Ceyhan cop¢ti balig1* / Ceyhan loach*. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 1598 St. 58., — FFR 01490 St. 59., — FSJF 2503 St. 63., — FSJF 2640 St. 64., — FSJF 2567 St. 70., — FSJF 2897 St. 77., — FSJF 2959 St. 82. Distribution in the area. Ceyhan River drainages. Endemic to only the Ceyhan River. Oxynoemacheilus hamwii (Krupp & Schneider, 1991) Common names. Asi copcti baligi* / Orontes loach*. Conservation. Endangered (EN). Material examined. FFR 1501 St. 2.,-— FFR 1498 St. 4.,—FSJF 2917 St. 5., — FFR 1486 St. 7., — FFR 1494 St. 9., — FSJF 2385 St. 17. Distribution in the area. The upper part of the Oron- tes River in Turkey. Endemic to only the Orontes River. Oxynoemacheilus namiri (Krupp & Schneider, 1991) Common names. Akdeniz copct. baligi*/ Levantine loach. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 01502 St. 2., — FFR 01497 St. 5., -— FFR 01503 St. 6., — FFR 1485 St. 7., — FSJF 2395 St. 11., — FSJF 2300 St. 13., - FFR 15556 St. 15., — FSJF 2698 St. 18., — FSJF 2656 St. 20., — FSJF 2672 St. 21., — FSJF 2682 St. 22., — FSJF 2748 St. 24., — FSJF 2713 St. 26., — FSJF 2745 St. 27., — FSJF 2666 St. 29., — FSJF 6 fe) G ey oi UP Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages and the Lake Shadha basin in Turkey and Syria. Endemic to only the Orontes River. Oxynoemacheilus samanticus (Banarescu & Nalbant, 1978) Common names. Zamanti cop¢ti baligi / Zamanti loach*. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 747-767 die a 759 Figure 5. Nemacheilidae species of the northeastern Mediterranean Sea Basin of Turkey. a. Oxynoemacheilus ceyhanensis, stream Goksun-II; b. O. cilicicus, stream Eflence; ¢. O. evreni, Lake Gélbas1; d. O. hamwii, stream Karasu-II; e. O. namiri, stream Hanne; f. O. samanticus, stream Sarnaz; g. O. seyhanensis, stream Zamanti-II photo: JF; h. O. sevhanicola, stream Eglence. Material examined. FSJF 2983 St. 44.,-—- FFR 15561 SED: Distribution in the area. Stream Zamanti and Sarnaz, the upper Seyhan River drainages. The species is also widespread in Kizilirmak River drainages and stream Mancilik (Euphrates River) (Freyhof et al. 2019). Oxynoemacheilus seyhanensis (Banarescu, 1968) Common names. Seyhan loach* / Seyhan ¢opc¢ui bali g1*. Conservation. Critically Endangered (CR). Material examined. FSJF 2984 St. 44. Distribution in the area. It is only found in the upper Seyhan River drainages. However, it is known from the Kizilirmak River drainages in Turkey. Oxynoemachei- lus kosswigi is known from the Kizilirmak drainages and has recently been synonymised with O. seyhanensis (Sungur 2020). Oxynoemacheilus seyhanicola (Erk’ akan, Nalbant & Ozeren, 2007) Common names. Adana ¢opcti baligi* / Adana loach*. Conservation. Endangered (EN). Material examined. FFR 01499 St. 37., — FFR 01492 St. 38., — FFR 15522 St. 39., — FSJF 2327 St. 40., — FSJF 2397 SESS. Distribution in the area. The lower part of the Sey- han River drainages in Turkey. Endemic to only the Sey- han River. Family Bagridae Bleeker, 1858 Mystus pelusius (Solander, 1794) Common names. Mezopotamya kedi baligi*/ Tigris mystus. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 02732 St. 1. Distribution in the area. Known from only the Lake Balik in the area, but it occurs in the Tigris, Euphrates and Queiq River drainages (Kaya et al 2016). Family Siluridae Rafinesque, 1815 Silurus glanis Linnaeus, 1758 Common names. Yayin / Wels catfish. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. Not preserved St. 52., — Not pre- served St. 78. Distribution in the area. Seyhan Dam and Sir Dam lakes (Ceyhan). It is also widespread in the Anatolia. zse.pensoft.net 760 Esra Baycelebi: Evaluation of the current fish status in the Seyhan Ceyhan and Orontes rivers Family Clariidae Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) Common names. Kara balik / North African catfish. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 05700 St. 6., — FFR uncat., St. 8., — FFR uncat., St. 15., — FSJF 2381 St. 17. Distribution in the area. The upper part of the Orontes River drainages in Turkey and it might be found in Syria. Family Esocidae Rafinesque, 1815 Esox lucius Linnaeus, 1758 Common names. Turna / Pike. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 04200 St. 48., — FFR 04201 St. 49. Distribution in the area. Streams Sivgin and Karag6z, Seyhan River in Turkey. Family Salmonidae Jarocki or Schinz, 1822 Salmo chilo Turan, Kottelat & Engin, 2012 Common names. Akdere alasi* / Akdere trout*. Conservation. Vulnerable (VU). Material examined. FFR 03055 St. 81. Distribution in the area. Stream Hurman, an upper- most drainage of the Ceyhan River. Endemic to only the Ceyhan River. Salmo labecula Turan, Kottelat & Engin, 2012 Common names. Seyhan alasi*/ Seyhan trout. Conservation. Endangered (EN). Material examined. FFR 03057 St. 32. Distribution in the area. Stream Ecemis in the drain- age of the Seyhan River. Salmo opimus Turan, Kottelat & Engin, 2012 Common names. Ceyhan alasi*/ Ceyhan trout*. Conservation. Endangered (EN). Material examined. FSJF 2504 St. 63., — FSJF 2637 St. 64., — FFR 03051 St. 67., — FFR 03050 St. 68. Distribution in the area. The middle part of the Cey- han River drainages. Salmo platycephalus Behnke, 1968 Common names. Yassibas ala*/ Flathead trout. Conservation. Endangered (EN). zse.pensoft.net Figure 6. Salmonidae species of the northeastern Mediterranean Sea Basin of Turkey. a. Salmo chilo, stream Human; b. S. labecula, stream Ecemis; c. S. opimus, stream Firniz; d. S. platycephalus, stream Pinarbas1; e. Oncorhynchus mykiss, Seyhan Dam Lake. Material examined. FSJF 2538 St. 43., — FFR 01160 St. 46. Distribution in the area. It is only known from the upper basin of the Seyhan River drainages (Turan et al. 2012). Endemic to only the Seyhan River. Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) Common names, Gokkusa&1 alabaligi / Rainbow trout. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. Not preserved St. 52. Distribution in the area. This species is widely in- troduced via aquaculture around the world. It was only collected in the Seyhan Dam Lake in the area. Family Atherinidae Risso, 1827 Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810 Common names. Gimis baligi / Big-scale sand smelt. Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 747-767 761 ee Se Me See eres Te Figure 7. Fishes of the northeastern Mediterranean Sea Basin of Turkey. a. Anguilla anguilla, Orontes River-I; b. Mystus pelu- sius, Lake Balik; ¢. Si/urus glanis, Seyhan Dam Lake; d. Clarias gariepinus, stream Afrin-III; e. Esox Lucius, stream Pinarbas1; f. Atherina boyeri, Lake Golbas1; g. Gambusia holbrooki, spring Cocelli; h. Sander lucioperca Seyhan Dam Lake; i. Planiliza abu, stream Afrin-I; j. Salaria fluviatilis, stream Cakitsuyu-l. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR uncat., St. 8., — FSJF 2313 St. 9., — FFR uncat., St. 9., — FFR 04150 St. 47., — FFR 04152 St. 56. Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages, stream Kuisla (Seyhan) and the Lake Gélbas1 basin (Ceyhan). Family Poeciliidae Bonaparte, 1831 Gambusia holbrooki Girard, 1859 Common names. Sivrisinek balig1 / Eastern mosquito fish. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FSJF 2398 St. 3., — FFR 02495 St. 6., — FSJF 2321 St. 9., — FSJF 2299 St. 13., — FFR 02493 St. 16., — Not preserved St. 72., — FFR 15004 St. 75. Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages, a tributary of Ceyhan River and spring Cocelli (Cey- han River). Family Aphantidae Nardo, 1827 Paraphanius alexandri (Aksiray, 1948) Common names. Iskenderun dislisazancig1 / Iskenderun pompano. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FFR 08660 St. 75., — FSJF 2605 Si re5. Distribution in the area. It is widespread in the Cey- han River drainage, from the coastal streams in the Arsuz (Iskenderun) to the mainsprings of the Ceyhan River in Elbistan. Paraphanius boulengeri (Aksiray, 1948) Common names. Golbas1 dislisazancigi / Golbas1 killi- fish. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FFR 08662 St. 62., — FSJF 2506 St. 62., — FSJF 3737 St. 62. Distribution in the area. The species is known from the Lake Gélbasi. Endemic to only the Ceyhan River. zse.pensoft.net 762 Esra Baycelebi: Evaluation of the current fish status in the Seyhan Ceyhan and Orontes rivers Figure 8. Aphaniidae species of the northeastern Mediterranean Sea Basin of Turkey and Syria. a. Paraphanius alexandri, spring Cocelli; b. P. boulengeri, Lake Gélbasi; c. P. mento, spring of Barada photo: JF; d. P. orontis, Orontes River-I; e. P. similis, Seyhan River, below water regulation doors photo: JF. Paraphanius mento (Heckel, 1843) Common names. Mavi benekli dislisazancik / Pearl-spot- ted killifish. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FSJF 2758 St. 19., — FSJF 2657 St. 20., — FSJF 2683 St. 22., — FSJF 2659 St. 31. Distribution in the area. The upper part of the Orontes River drainages and the Lake Qattinah basin in Syria. Paraphanius orontis (Aksiray, 1948 Common names. Asi dislisazancig1* / Orontes killifish*. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FFR 08642 St. 3., — FSJF 2431 St..3:, —FSJF 2753 St.-30: Distribution in the area. Orontes River and stream Nahr al Barid in Turkey and Syria. Paraphanius similis (Aksiray, 1948) Common names. Seyhan noktali dislisazancig1* / Sey- han spotted killifish*. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FSJF 2434 St. 53. Distribution in the area. The species is widespread in the Seyhan River drainage, whereas some landlocked populations exist in central Anatolia. zse.pensoft.net Family Percidae Rafinesque, 1815 Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758) Common names. Sudak / Pike-perch. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. Not preserved St. 52. Distribution in the area. Seyhan Dam Lake in Tur- key. Family Mugilidae Jarocki, 1822 Chelon sp. Material examined. FSJF 2425 St. 17. Distribution in the area. The species is known from the stream Yildirim (Orontes River). Taxonomic note. The species has not been identified because there is insufficient material. Advanced genetic and morphological studies are needed to reveal the taxo- nomic status of the species. Planiliza abu (Heckel, 1843) Common names. Mezopotamya kefali* / Abu mullet. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 027583 St. 1., — FFR 2587 St. 4., — FFR 02588 St. 6. — FSJF 2396 St. 11., — FSJF 2668 S St. 29., — FFR 2586 St. 57. Distribution in the area. Orontes River drainages and Balik and Qattinah Lake basins in Turkey and Syria. Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 747-767 Family Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1835 Coptodon zillii (Gervais, 1848) Common names. Tilapya / Redbelly tilapia. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 06800 St. 1., — FSJF 2413 Stole. Distribution in the area. It was found in the Lake Balik and stream Yildirim, Orontes River in Turkey. Ac- cording to the literature, it was reported from the coastal streams and the Orontes River in Syria (Borkenhagen and Freyhof 2009). Sarotherodon galilaeus (Linnaeus, 1758) Common names. Mango tilapia* / Mango Tilapia. Conservation. Not Evaluated (NE). Material examined. FSJF 2664 St. 31. Distribution in the area. It is found in a spring, south of Qala’at al Jarras in Syria. Tristramella simonis (Giinther, 1864) Common names. Kisa ¢eneli tilapia* / Short jaw tilapia. Conservation. Vulnerable (VU). Material examined. FSJF 2665 St. 31. Distribution in the area. It is found in a spring south of Qala’ at al Jarras. It is also known from Levantine and lakes Tiberias and Muzarib (Borkenhagen and Freyhof 2009). Family Blenniidae Rafinesque ,1810 Salaria fluviatilis (Asso, 1801) Common names. Horozbina / Freshwater blenny. Conservation. Least Concern (LC). Material examined. FFR 04251 St. 33., — Not pre- served St. 38., — FFR 04256 St. 39., — FSJF 2453 St. 40., — FFR 04254 St. 58., - FFR 04250 St. 59., — FFR 04253 St169' Distribution in the area. It is known from the Seyhan and Ceyhan River drainages. Taxonomic notes. The genus of Sa/aria is represented with a single species Salaria fluviatilis in Turkey. This genus should be compared with different populations, which should be reviewed, both morphologically and molecularly, to clarify the taxonomy. Discussion As a result of this study, the current fish fauna conditions of the Orontes, Seyhan and Ceyhan rivers were evaluat- 763 Figure 9. Cichlidae species of the northeastern Mediterranean Sea Basin of Turkey and Syria. a. Coptodon zillii, Lake Balik; b. Sarotherodon galilaeus, Al Ghab photo: JF; ¢. Tristramella simonis, spring south of Qala’at photo: JF. ed. Sixty-seven species belonging to 17 families of inland water fishes were reported from the Seyhan (28 species), Ceyhan (27 species) and Orontes (33 species) river drain- ages in Turkey and Syria. Almost all the fish species were recorded in the previous studies for the region, except Tinca tinca (see Table, 2). This species was reported from the Seyhan River (Erk’akan and Ozdemir 2011; Ergtiden Alagoz and Goksu 2012). The species’ absence may be ex- plained by the hunting method, habitat selection or season. Acanthobrama centisquama was originally described from Orontes (Asi) drainage by Heckel (1843) but not re- corded again for a long time (Freyhof and Ozulug 2014). Then also this study period, this species could not be ob- served in this research area. It might be extinct or has a very localised distribution in the Orontes River. Four species of A/burnus are known from the Seyhan, Ceyhan and Orontes rivers. Three of them have been obtained in the study period while A. adanensis has not been caught. Bostanci (2006) and Erk’akan and Ozdemir (2011) identified an A/burnus species from the Seyhan River as 4. adanensis. Birecikligil et al. (2016) reported that A. adanensis was s a synonym of A. se/lal. Freyhof et al. (2018b) accepted A. adanensis as a valid species and zse.pensoft.net 764 Esra Baycelebi: Evaluation of the current fish status in the Seyhan Ceyhan and Orontes rivers Table 2. Former and current fish records from the Orontes, Seyhan and Ceyhan River drainages. Bostanci 2006 Anguilla anguilla Capoeta barroisi Capoeta damascina, C. angorae Orontes River Ozcan 2013 Anguilla anguilla Capoeta barroisi Capoeta damascina This Study Anguilla anguilla Capoeta barroisi Capoeta damascina Carasobarbus luteus Carasobarbus luteus Carasobarbus chantrei Carassius auratus auratus Carassius gibelio Cyprinus carpio Garra caudomaculata Garra rufa Garra rufa Garra Sp. Garra variabilis Barbus pectoralis Luciobarbus pectoralis Luciobarbus pectoralis Aspius vorax Acanthobrama marmid Acanthobrama thisbeae Alburnoides bipunctatus Alburnus magnificus Alburnus orontis Alburnus orontis Chondrostoma kinzelbachi Squalius lepidus Cobitis levantina Barbatula panthera Mystus halepensis Clarias gariepinus Aphanius mento Chondrostoma kinzelbachi Cobitis levantina Oxynoemacheilus argyrogramma Clarias gariepinus Gambusia affinis Aphanius mento Chondrostoma kinzelbachi Squalius kottelati Pseudophoxinus turani Pseudophoxinus libani Pseudophoxinus zeregi Leuciscus vorax Cobitis anabelae Cobitis levantina Oxynoemacheilus hamwii Oxynoemacheilus namiri Mystus pelusius Clarias gariepinus Gambusia holbrooki Paraphanius mento Paraphanius orontis Liza abu Liza abu Planiliza abu - - Chelon sp. Tilapia zillii, Oreochromis niloticus Tilapia zillli Coptodon zilli Sarotherodon galilaeus Tristramella simonis Bostanci 2006 Capoeta angorae Garra rufa Barbus pectoralis Alburnus orontis Alburnus adanensis Chondrostoma regium Seyhan River Erk’akan and Ozdemir 2011 Capoeta damascina Capoeta barroisi Carassius gibelio Cyprinus carpio Hemigrammacapoeta caudamaculata Garra rufa Barbus pectoralis, Barbus rajanorum Tinca tinca Acanthobrama marmid Alburnus orontis Alburnus adanensis Chondrostoma regium Ergiiden Alagéz and Goksu 2012 Capoeta angorae Capoeta erhani Carassius Carassius Carassius gibelio Cyprinus carpio Garra rufa Luciobarbus pectoralis Tinca tinca Acanthobrama sp., Rutilus rutilus Alburnus sp. Chondrostroma regium This Study Capoeta damascina Capoeta erhani Cyprinus Carpio Garra culiciphaga Garra turcica Luciobarbus pectoralis Acanthobrama orontis Alburnus kotschyi Chondorstoma ceyhanensis Squalius adanensis Leuciscus lepidus Squalius lepidus Squalius kottelati Squalius kottelati Leuciscus cephalus Leuciscus cephalus Squalius cephalus Squalius seyhanensis Pseudophoxinus zekayi Pseudophoxinus cilicicus Pseudophoxinus firati Cobitis evreni Cobitis aliyeae Oxynoemacheilus samanticus Oxynoemacheilus samanticus, Schistura evreni Oxynoemacheilus samanticus Paracobitis tigris Oxynoemacheilus cilicicus Paracobitis seyhanensis Paracobitis seyhanensis Oxynoemacheilus seyhanensis Schistura seyhanicola Oxynoemacheilis seyhanicola Silurus glanis Silurus glanis Silurus glanis Clarias gariepinus Clarias gariepinus - - - Esox lucius Salmo trutta macrostigma Salmo trutta macrostigma - Salmo labecula Salmo platycephalus Salmo platycephalus - Salmo platycephalus - Oncorhyncus mykiss Oncorhynchus mykiss Oncorhyncus mykiss - = - Atherina boyeri Sander locioperca Blennius fluviatilis zse.pensoft.net Gambusia holbrooki Aphanius mento, Aphanius danfordii Sander locioperca Salaria fluviatilis Gambusia affinis Aphanius mento, Aphanius fasciatus Sander lucioperca Salaria fluviatilis Paraphanius similis Sander lucioperca Salaria fluviatilis Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 747-767 Bostanci 2006 Ceyhan River Kara et al. 2010 Anguilla anguilla Erk’akan and Ozdemir 2011 Anguilla anguilla 765 This Study Capoeta angorae Capoeta angorae Capoeta damascina Capoeta damascina Capoeta barroisi Capoeta erhani Capoeta barroisi Capoeta barroisi Cyprinus carpio Hemigrammacapoeta culiciphaga Garra rufa Barbus pectoralis, Barbus barbulus Alburnus sellal, Alburnoides oblongus Chondrostoma regium Leuciscus lepidus Phoxinellus fahirae Oxynoemacheilus argyrogramma Paracobitis tigris Garra rufa Luciobarbus pectoralis Acanthobrama sp. Alburnus orontis Chondrostoma regium Squalius kottelati, Leuciscus cephalus Pseudophoxinus zekayi Cobitis evreni Oxynemacheilus sp. Schistura ceyhanensis Hemigrammacapoeta caudamaculata Garra rufa Luciobarbus pectoralis, Barbus rajanorum Alburnus baliki, Alburnus orontis, Alburnus adanensis, Chondrostoma regium Squalius lepidus, Leuciscus cephalus Pseudophoxinus zekayi Cobitis levantina Schistura evreni Schistura seyhanicola Paracobitis tigris Schistura ceyhanensis Garra culiciphaga Garra turcica Luciobarbus pectoralis Acanthobrama orontis Acanthobrama thisbeae Alburnus sellal Alburnus kotschyi Chondorstoma ceyhanensis Squalius kottelati Pseudophoxinus cilicus Pseudophoxinus firati Pseudophoxinus zekayi Cobitis evreni Cobitis aliyeae Cobitis erkakanae Oxynoemacheilus evreni Oxynoemacheilus ceyhanensis Silurus glanis Silurus glanis Clarias gariepinus Clarias gariepinus Clarias gariepinus Clarias gariepinus Salmo trutta macrostigma Blennius fluviatilis Aphanius mento Salmo trutta macrostigma Gambusia affinis Salaria fluviatilis Aphanius danfordii Aphanius mento Salmo trutta macrostigma Gambusia holbrooki Salaria fluviatilis Paraphanius alexandri Salmo opimus Salmo chilo Gambusia holbrooki Planiliza abu Salaria fluviatilis suggested that it might be extinct. Finally, Bektags et al. (2020) have studied molecular characters of the genus A/- burnus, and they recently treat as a synonym of A. kotschy. Although the genus of the Cobitis has had high biodi- versity in Anatolia for many years, it was thought to be represented by only a few species. A comprehensive study has recently been conducted by Freyhof et al. (2018c), who revised the genus Cobitis in the Middle East and recognised a total of thirty species, eight of them as new to Turkish inland waters. Cobitis levantina, reported by previous studies to be in the Orontes and Seyhan rivers, was identified as C. anabelae by Freyhof et al. (2018c). The distribution area of the C. /evantina is restricted to the lower part of the Orontes in Syria and in the Litani River drainage in Lebanon (Krupp and Moubayed 1992). Planiliza abu is distributed in the Euphrates and Tigris River basins. P. abu is recorded for the first time in the Ceyhan River. Also, Esox /ucius is widespread in rivers of the Anatolia. It is first recorded from the Seyhan River. The Lake Goélbasi is located in a national park in Adiyaman province (eastern Anatolia). It is connected to two lakes, named Azapli and Inekli. These lakes are connected to the Ceyhan River. They have been separat- ed in the past and their connections might be relatively new (Freyhof et al. 2018c; Sag et al. 2019). Today, the water transfer to the Ceyhan Basin is provided by the Cataltepe-Kartalkaya Line (GAP — Gaziantep Emergen- cy Drinking Water Supply) from the Goksu River in the Euphrates drainage. The water obtained from the Goksu River 1s transmitted to the Lake Gélbas1 through the si- phon, tunnel and canal system. Therefore, it is expected that some species in the Euphrates will be in the Lake Golbasi in the near future. A/burnus sellal is widespread in the Euphrates basin. This study cited a new record of A. sellal in the Lake Golbas1. This study was designed to provide an inventory of freshwater fish in the Seyhan, Ceyhan and Orontes ba- sins, and to eliminate certain taxonomic uncertainties. Also, it should highlight the need to create a protection area for endangered species and endemic fishes. For fu- ture research, fieldwork especially focusing on estuaries and dam lakes is suggested for a better understanding of the fish fauna of these river systems. Acknowledgments I am grateful to Jorg Freyhof (Berlin) for allowing me to use data of collections (FSJF) and for supporting me with the photos (JF) of some species as well as Mufit Ozulug (Istanbul) for allowing me to use his photos of Sgualius seyhanensis. 1am also very grateful to Davut Turan (Rize) and Ctineyt Kaya (Rize) for their comments on an earlier version of the manuscript and Davut Turan, Cuineyt Kaya, zse.pensoft.net 766 Esra Baycelebi: Evaluation of the current fish status in the Seyhan Ceyhan and Orontes rivers Figure 10. Views from the Seyhan, Ceyhan and Orontes River drainages, representative of habitat. a. Stream Eglence (Seyhan); b. Stream Ucurge (Seyhan); e. Stream Aksu-III (Ceyhan),; d. Spring Cécelli (Ceyhan); e. Stream Karasu-I (Orontes); f. Lake Balik (Orontes). Zuleyha Akpinar (Rize) and Mehmet Kuyumcu (Rize) for help in the fieldwork. Thanks to Baran Yogurtcoglu (An- kara) for his comments on the genus of the Paraphanius and also Jonathan P. (England) and Utku Avc1 (Turkey) for reading the manuscript and improving the language. I also thank two reviewers for useful comments. References Alagoz Ergtiden S, Goksu MZL (2012) The fish Fauna of the Seyhan Dam Lake (Adana) Journal of Fisheries Sciences 6: 39-52. https:// doi.org/10.3153/jfscom.2012006 Bariche M, Freyhof J (2016) Status of Pseudophoxinus libani and P. kervillei, two minnows from the Levant (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ich- thyological Exploration of Freshwaters 27(3): 203-210. 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