yaa JHR 79: 145-I 62 (2020) JOURNAL OF A peer-reviewed open-access journal doi: |0.3897/jhr.79.57276 RESEARCH ARTICLE ME Hymenoptera http://jhr.pensoft.net The Insertional Society of Hymenoptersts. RESEARCH New and little-known bees of the genus Sphecodes Latreille, 1804 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Halictidae) from Southern and South-Western China Yulia V. Astafurova', Maxim Yu. Proshchalykin?, Ze-Qing Niu’, Michael C. Orr’, Chao-Dong Zhu?*° | Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg 199034, Russia 2 Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690022, Russia 3 Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Aca- demy of Sciences, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China 4 State Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Mana- gement, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China § Col- lege of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shijingshan District, Beijing 100049, China Corresponding author: Maxim Yu. Proshchalykin (proshchalikin@biosoil.ru) Academic editor: Michael Ohl | Received 5 August 2020 | Accepted 6 September 2020 | Published 30 October 2020 http://zoobank.org/613B 1ED3-4100-401 B-B632-E9B4AFE71ACO Citation: Astafurova YuV, Proshchalykin MYu, Niu Z-Q, Orr MC, Zhu C-D (2020) New and little-known bees of the genus Sphecodes Latreille, 1804 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Halictidae) from Southern and South-Western China. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 79: 145-162. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.79.57276 Abstract Continuing prior studies on Chinese Sphecodes, we here report further records of twelve rarely collected and little known species from mountainous regions of Southern and South-Western China (Xizang, Si- chuan, Yunnan). Forty two species are currently known from China, yet until now only two species were known from Southern and South-Western China. We report six entirely new records for China, including Sphecodes discoverlifei Astafurova & Proshchalykin, 2020, S. fumipennis Smith, 1853, S. montanus Smith, 1879, S. nipponicus Yasumatsu & Hirashima, 1951, S. simlaensis Bliithgen, 1924, and S. turneri Cocker- ell, 1916, and another four are new regional records. Two are new species that we describe and illustrate: Sphecodes holgeri Astafurova & Proshchalykin, sp. nov. (Yunnan), and S. tibeticus Astafurova & Niu, sp. nov. (Xizang). The male of Sphecodes sikkimensis Bliithgen, 1927 is described for the first time. Keywords Anthophila, Apiformes, cleptoparasites, fauna, new species, taxonomy Copyright Yulia V. Astafurova et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 146 Yulia V. Astafurova et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 79: 145—162 (2020) Introduction There are currently 328 bee species of the family Halictidae known from China (Niu et al. 2018), but new records and species continue to be added (Niu et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2020). The genus Sphecodes Latreille, 1804 has been one of the more overlooked taxa part- ly due to the complexity of identifying material. However, in last two years, significant progress has been made towards bettering our knowledge of the Chinese Sphecodes. Through the publication of our first paper dealing with Sphecodes from the Palaearctic part of China (Astafurova et al. 2018), the number of known species of the genus increased from 18 to 34. However, the Sphecodes fauna of the mountainous regions of Southern and South-Western China (Xizang, Sichuan, Yunnan) remains poorly known. For example, only one species of this genus — Sphecodes grahami Cockerell, 1922 — has been described from Sichuan so far, and in total only two species have been previously recorded for this part of country (Astafurova et al. 2018). In the present paper, based on a comprehensive study of specimens held in vari- ous collections, we report twelve new species distributional records, with two species described as new and six species recorded from China for the first time, resulting in a total number of 42 Sphecodes species known from this country (Table 1). In addition, we describe the male of Sphecodes sikkimensis Bliithgen, 1927 for the first time. Cleptoparasitic bees are often rare and research was consequently hindered by the small number of specimens stored in collection and the unusually wide intraspecific morphological variation of the studied taxa. Many species are known only from type series or from a single sex, and a several primary types could not be found or are confirmed to have been lost. Despite these challenges, this contribution represents a significant step towards a better documentation of the species of Sphecodes and their distributional patterns in China, an essential foundation for advancing faunal inves- tigations into the Palaearctic and Oriental regions and the biogeographic division be- tween the two. Materials and methods The results presented in this paper are based on 92 specimens collected in mountain- ous regions of Southern and South-Western China (Xizang, Sichuan, Yunnan) that are currently housed in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (IZCAS); the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (ZISP); and the private collection of Maximilian Schwarz, Ansfelden, Austria (PCMS). The following acronyms are used for the collections where type specimens are deposited: ELKU — Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan; MNHAH — Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Sanda, Japan; NHMUK — Natural History Museum, London, UK; USNM — National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA; ZMNB — Museum ftir Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany. Chinese Sphecodes Table |. Checklist of the Sphecodes species of China including distribution by provinces. Province Published data Type ct areal Gansu, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi N Species S. albilabris (Fabricius, 1793) Astafurova et al. 2018 147 1 2 Xinjiang, Gansu Astafurova et al. 2018 P 3 China (exactly locality is unknown) Meyer 1922 ? 4 Inner Mongolia, Shanxi Astafurova et al. 2018 P 5 |S. cristatus Hagens, 1882 Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Liaoning, Hebei, Meyer 1922; Bliithgen 1927; P Shandong, Shanxi, Shanxi, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Beijing, | Astafurova et al. 2018; Ascher Tianjin and Pickering 2020 Proshchalykin, 2020 P 8 Shanxi, Beijing Astafurova et al. 2018 P 9 10 Sichuan, Yunnan First record O r 7 S. gibbus (Linnaeus, 1758) Xinjiang [the records from Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Meyer 1920; Astafurova et P Hebei, Jilin Beijing by Wu, 1965 refer to S. nippon| al. 2018 S. geoffrellus (Kirby, 1802) Shanxi, Inner Mongolia Astafurova et al. 2018 P S. grahami Cockerell, 1922 Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shanghai, Sichuan [the records by Cockerell 1922; Astafurova et PO Wau 1965, Wu et al. 1988 from Jilin, Hebei, Zhejiang, | al. 2018; Ascher and Pickering Anhui, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Xizang, Guandong are 2020 (part) misidentification, mostly refer to S. pieli] S. holgeri Astafurova & Yunnan First record O Proshchalykin, sp. nov. S. howardi Cockerell, 1922 Guandong Cockerell 1922; Bliithgen 1924 O S. intermedius Bliithgen, 1923 Gansu Astafurova et al. 2018 P S. kershawi Perkins, 1921 Guandong Meyer 1927 O S. kozlovi Astafurova & Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shanxi Astafurova et al. 2018 P Proshchalykin, 2015 S. laticaudatus Tsuneki, 1983 Hebei Astafurova et al. 2018 P S. laticeps Meyer, 1920 Sichiuan, Yunnan, Taiwan Meyer 1920, current data O S. longulus Hagens, 1882 Gansu, Shanxi, Hebei, Inner Mongolia Bliithgen 1934; Astafurova et P al. 2018 S. manchurianus Strand & Liaoning Strand and Yasumatsu 1938 P Yasumatsu, 1938 S. monilicornis (Kirby, 1802) Heilongjiang Astafurova et al. 2018 P S. montanus Smith, 1879 Yunnan, Sichuan, Xizang First record O S. nippon Meyer, 1922 Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Heilongjiang, Bliithgen 1934; Wu 1965; P Liaoning, Hebei, Jilin, Beijing, Gansu Astafurova et al. 2018 S. nipponicus Yasumatsu & Sichuan, Yunnan First record PO Hirashima, 1951 S. nurekensis Warncke, 1992 Xinjiang Astafurova et al. 2018 P Fargeau, 1825 S. pieli Cockerell, 1931 Sichuan, Yunnan, Shanghai, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing , Cockerell 1931; Wu 1965; PO Zhejiang, Jiangsu Astafurova et al. 2018; current data 31 Gansu, Inner Mongolia Astafurova et al. 2018 P 32 Xinjiang, Gansu Astafurova et al. 2018 P S. pellucidus Smith, 1845 Xinjiang, Gansu, Jiangsu [the indication of S. pellucidus | Bliithgen 1924; Meyer 1922, P vat. gibridus Bliithgen, 1924 in Sichuan by Astafurova et | 1925; Astafurova et al. 2018 al. 2018 is wrong] zr 3 BD Qinghai, Zhejiang, Shaanxi, Heilongjiang, Beijing Astafurova et al. 2018 P 36 Sichuan, Yunnan, Fujian, Guandong Bliithgen 1927, current data O 37 Sichuan, Yunnan First record O 3 9 39 9 Proshchalykin, 2017 sp. nov. 2 3 P — Palaearctic species; O — Oriental species; PO — Palaearctic and Oriental species 148 Yulia V. Astafurova et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 79: 145—162 (2020) The taxonomy and distribution of species follows that of Astafurova et al. (2018, 2020). Diagnosis and descriptive notes for most of the species listed below can be found in Astafurova et al. (2020). Morphological terminology follows that of Engel (2001) and Michener (2007). The ventral surface of some flagellomeres bear a distinc- tive patch of sensilla trichodea A (sensu Argent and Svensson 1982), which we refer to as ‘tyloids’, and they are easily observable under a microscope. Abbreviations F, T, and S are used for flagellomere, metasomal tergum and metasomal sternum, respectively. The density of integumental punctures is described using the following formula: puncture diameter (in um) / ratio of distance between punctures to average puncture diameter, e.g., 15-20 um / 0.5—1.5. Integumental sculpture other than distinctive surface punc- tation is described following Harris (1979): areolate — coarse, contiguous punctures; reticulate — superficially net-like or network of raised lines; rugose — irregular, nonpar- allel, wrinkled raised lines (rugae); rugulose — minutely rugose; strigate — narrow, trans- verse or longitudinal streaks (strigae), variety of parallel lineations; tessellate — regular network of shallow grooves with flat interspaces. Specimens were studied with a Leica M205A stereomicroscope and photographs taken with a combination of stereomicroscope (Olympus SZX10) and digital camera (Olympus OM-D and Canon EOS70D). Final images are stacked composites using Helicon Focus 6. All images were post-processed for contrast and brightness using Adobe Photoshop. New distributional records are noted with an asterisk (*). Taxonomy Sphecodes discoverlifei Astafurova & Proshchalykin, 2020 Sphecodes discoverlifei Astafurova & Proshchalykin in Astafurova et al. 2020: 46, 9, J (holotype: 4, Laos, Phongsaly prov., Phongsaly env., 21°41'N, 102°06'E, 1500 m, 1—30.VI.2003, P. Pacholatko leg., PCMS). Material examined. Yunnan: Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve, Guomen- shan (22.2452N, 100.6011E), 1107 m, 6.IV.2009, (1 9), leg. Ling-Zeng Meng [IZCAS]. Published records. — Variation. Unlike the typical form described from Laos where the female propo- deal triangle has mostly longitudinal wrinkles (see Astafurova et al. 2020: 48, fig. 39), the specimen from Yunnan has a propodeal triangle with wrinkles clearly forming a reticular sculpture. Distribution. *China (Yunnan); Laos. Sphecodes fumipennis Smith, 1853 Sphecodes fumipennis Smith, 1853: 36, 2 (holotype: 2, N. India, coll. J.S. Bally, NHMUEK). Chinese Sphecodes 149 Material examined. Sichuan: Wenchuan Xian, Mujiangping (31.4830N, 103.5965E), 1200 m, 2.VIII.1983, (1 Q), leg. Xue-Zhong Zhang [[IZCAS]; Yanyuan Xian, Jin- he (27.4282N, 101.5154E), 1250 m, 30.V1.1984, (3 6), leg. Jian-Guo Fan [IZ- CAS]. Yunnan: Jinping Xian, Shuangjingiao (39.7439N, 116.5753E), 900-1200 m, 28.V.1956, (2 3), leg. D. Panfilov; 27.V.1956, (1 2, 3 3), leg. Chuan-Long Li [ZISP]; Zhongdian, Xiaqiaotou (22.7556N, 120.3110E), 1800 m, 6.VIIIL.1984, (1 2, 3 3), leg. Jian-Guo Fan [IZCAS]. Published records. — Variation. The female exhibits variation in the degree of punctation on the mar- ginal zones of T1, ranging from with denser punctures separated by 1—5 puncture di- ameters (typical form) to almost impunctate with a few tiny punctures (1 9, Sichuan, Mujiangping). Specimens from China have fewer hind wing hamuli (9-11 versus 11— 12 in other studied specimens from India and Southeast Asia). Interesting specimens of a black form were collected in montane Yunnan (1 9, 3 6; Zhongdian, Xiagiao- tou, 1800 m). Unlike the typical form with red colourised T1—T4, these individuals have entirely black metasomas. Similar variation in coloration was also studied by us (unpublished data) in other Sphecodes species (S. monilicornis (Kirby, 1802), S. nippon Meyer, 1922, S. intermedius Blithgen, 1923, S. olivieri Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1825, S. pectoralis Morawitz, 1876, S. pinguiculus Pérez, 1903). Distribution. *China (Sichuan, Yunnan); Laos, Myanmar, India (Sikkim). Sphecodes grahami Cockerell, 1922 Sphecodes grahami Cockerell, 1922: 12 (holotype: 2, China, Sichuan: Suifu [Yibin], Graham coll., USNM; hetp://n2t.net/ark:/65665/339325f63-5855-4435-bce2- 5efaaed0b335). Material examined. — Published records. Cockerell 1922: 12 (Sichuan); 1931: 12 (Shanghai); Astafuro- va et al. 2018: 30 (Shanxi, Shaanxi). Remark. According to Wu (1965) and Wu et al. (1988) this species was recorded from different provinces of China (Jilin, Hebei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shandong, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang, Guandong). However, re-identification of speci- mens from the IZCAS Collection determined by Prof. Wu as S. grahami as well as the analysis of the descriptive notes given in these works revealed misidentifications. In fact, the specimens from Yunnan (1 9, Lijiang) and Sichuan (1 3S, Barkam; 1 9, Xi- angcheng) belong to S. pieli. These two species are very similar structurally and sculp- turally, but S. grahami differs by lack of a longitudinal carina on vertex (also indicated in Cockerell 1922: 12). In contrast, the longitudinal carina on vertex in S. pieli is clear- ly developed, corresponding to descriptive notes by Wu (1965) and Wu et al. (1988), where pointed on “small process on vertex”. Among determined by Wu specimens we have not found any specimens from Xizang, with records from this province (Wu et al. 1988) instead referring to S. montanus, another species similar to S. grahami with a 150 Yulia V. Astafurova et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 79: 145—162 (2020) vertex carina. So, males of S. grahami recorded by Wu, 1965 and Wu et al. 1988 refer to other species, and the male of S. grahami remains unknown. The female of this spe- cies is difficult to distinguish from the vicarious West-Palaearctic S. ephippius (Linné, 1767) and it is also similar to S. pellucidus var. gibridus Bliithgen, 1924. Clarification of the status of this species and possible synonymy is a task for future study. Distribution. China (Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shanghai, Sichuan). The records by Ascher and Pickering 2020 from Jilin, Hebei, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Xizang, Guandong based on misidentification that was published by Wu (1965) and Wu et al. (1988). Sphecodes holgeri Astafurova & Proshchalykin, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/B19D33FE-5DA2-48A5-8E26-1CA47345F1DE Figures 1, 2 Material examined. Holotype: 2, Cutna: Yunnan, Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve, Guomenshan (22.2452N, 100.6011E), 1107 m, 26.H1.2009, leg. Ling-Zeng Meng [IZCAS]. Diagnosis. From others small Sphecodes species with bidentate female mandibles this new species differs by combination of characters including scarcely and finely punctuation of the body, smoother propodeal sculpture and the short 2! submarginal cell (Figs 1, 2). Female. Total body length 5 mm (Fig. 1), fore wing 4.0 mm (Fig. 2F). Head black with brownish antenna and mandible (Fig. 2A); transverse, about 1.25 times as wide as long; preoccipital carina not developed; vertex not elevated as seen in frontal view; distance from top of head to upper margin of a lateral ocellus ca. 1.5 lateral ocellar di- ameters as seen in dorsal view; F1 0.8 times as long as wide, F2 and F3 as long as wide, remaining flagellomeres slightly longer than width; mandible bi-dentate; supraclypeal area weakly bulging; labrum trapezoidal, 0.7 times as long as basal width; face, vertex and gena finely (5—10 pm) punctate, sparser on clypeus and supraclypeal area, with shiny interspaces; face and gena with sparse tiny pubescence. Mesosoma black, legs brownish with yellowish tarsi. Pronotum, between dorsal and lateral surfaces, with sharp angle. Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum smooth and shiny (Fig. 2C), with sparse and tiny setae punctures (5—10 um). Hypoepimeral area shiny, smooth with microscopical punctures; mesepisternum smoother on upper half and rugulose below, with tiny setae punctures (Fig. 2D). Propodeal triangle (meta- postnotum) shiny with a few coarse longitudinal wrinkles and large smooth shining interspaces (Fig. 2E); vertical part of propodeum smooth and shiny, with a few weak wrinkles; lateral parts of propodeum similar to mesepisternum, rugulose. Metafemur weakly enlarged medially, maximum width 0.32 times its length. Wings hyaline, weak- ly yellowish, with brown stigma and veins; 2° submarginal cell short, 0.3—0.4 times as long as high (Fig. 2F); hind wing with the angle between basal (4) and cubital (Cz) veins 80°, costal margin with five hamuli. Chinese Sphecodes ise 22.24526°N GuomenshanVI/2 B | 100,604 11° (2) A) , = 26.11.2009 RIA ee \ s Leg. LZ. Meng | RROD 1 ia a Rk ae 1OZ(E)2190095 EAR | iT Gish) 2009.01.26 1107m | PARR aD | Figure |. Sphecodes holgeri Astafurova & Proshchalykin, sp. nov., holotype, female. Scale bar: 1.0 mm. Metasoma (Fig. 2B) red-brownish (on T2 more reddish), terga almost impunctate (including marginal zones), only with a few tiny setae punctures on T3-T5 discs; pygidial plate dull, rounded apically, wide, 1.2 times as wide as metabasitarsus; sterna tessellate with sparse setae punctures. Male unknown. Etymology. ‘The specific epithet is a patronym honoring our colleague and friend Prof. Holger Dathe (Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Miincheberg, Germany) on the occasion of his 75" birthday and in recognition of his many contri- butions to the study of Hymenoptera diversity and that of the bees in particular. Distribution. Only known from the type locality in Yunnan (China). Sphecodes laticeps Meyer, 1920 Sphecodes laticeps Meyer, 1920: 121, &, J (lectotype: 4, designated by Astafurova et al. 2020: 64, Formosa [Taiwan], Takao, 8.12.1909, H. Sauter leg., ZMNB ). Material examined. Yunnan: Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve, Mengsonson Township, Danuoyou [22.2069N, 100.6376E], 770 m, 10.X1.2008, lp? Yulia V. Astafurova et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 79: 145—162 (2020) = \ Figure 2. Sphecodes holgeri Astafurova & Proshchalykin, sp. nov., holotype, female A head, frontal view B metasoma, dorsal view C scutum, dorsal view D mesepisternum, lateral view E propodeum, dorsal view F forewing, lateral view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A, D-F); 1.0 mm (B, C). Chinese Sphecodes 153 (1 2); 20.XI.2008, (1 Q), leg. A. Weigel [IZCAS]; Naban River Watershed Na- tional Nature Reserve, Mandian (22.1305N, 100.6681E), 753 m, 10.X.2008, (1 Q), leg. A. Weigel; 20.X1.2008, (1 Q), leg. Ling-Zeng Meng [IZCAS]; Na- ban River Watershed National Nature Reserve, Naban (22.1585N, 100.6652E), 709 m, 6.VI.2008, (2 9), 15.VI.2008, (1 Q), leg. A. Weigel [IZCAS]; Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve, Mengsonson Township, Zhongzhichang (22.1585N, 100.6652E), (1 2), 12.V.2008, leg. Ling-Zeng Meng [IZCAS]; Simao City, Menglian County, Meng’ananka (24.1240N, 120.6750E), 3.X.2007, (1 9), leg. Rui Zhang [IZCAS]; Xishuangbanna, Yiwu (24.1240N, 120.6750E), 1300 m, PRA TOSS 3 oe leg. Shu-Yong Wang [IZCAS]; Hekou (22.5355N, 103.9454E), 200-300 m, 8—11.VI.1956, (3 3), leg. D. Panfilov; 8.V.1956, (1 9), leg. Ke-Ren Huang [ZISP]. Published records. Meyer 1920: 121 (Taiwan). Variation. The size of the medial glabrous spot on the male tyloids is quite vari- able. Female specimens from Yunnan exhibit variation in the degree of vertex elevation (distance from top of head to upper margin of a lateral ocellus from 1.2 to 1.6 lateral ocellar diameters as seen in frontal view); specimens with a more elevated vertex have sparser punctures in the ocello-ocular area. Distribution. China (*Yunnan, Taiwan); Thailand, Vietnam. Sphecodes montanus Smith, 1879 Sphecodes montanus Smith, 1879: 27, &, CG (syntypes: 2 2, Northen India, Masuri [Ut- taranchal: Mussoorie], 7000 ft, B.M. Type HYM.17a549; NHMUK 013380316). Material examined. Yunnan: Yingjing, Gangbiguan (24.7115N, 97.9384E), 1260 m, 10.10.1980, (1 9), leg. Hong-Xing Li [IZCAS]; Weixi, Lidiping (39.9109N, 116.4133E), 3200 m, 14.VIII.1984, (2 9), leg. Jian-Guo Fan [IZCAS]. Sichuan: Litang, Kangga (29.6922N, 100.3985E), 3650 m, 4.VI.1982, (1 9), leg. Shu-Yong Wang [IZCAS]; Emei Shan, Baoguosi (39.8970N, 116.3661E), 550 m, 30.11.1957, (1 2), leg. Ke-Ren Huang [IZCAS]. Xizang. Zhag’yab Xian, Jitang (39.9109N, 116.4133E), 3600 m, 7.VII.1976, (1 9), 8.VII.1976, (1 2), leg. Xue-Zhong Zhang [IZCAS]; Jomda Xian, Bingzhan (31.5052N, 98.2245E), 26.VII.1976, (1 9), leg. Yin-Heng Han [IZCAS]; Linzhi Country, Bayi Town (29.7245N, 94.3189E), 3000 m, 20.VI.2010, (1 Q), leg. Ze-Qing Niu & Zhao-Hui Pan [IZCAS]; Chayu Couuntry, Zhowagoin Town, Xiongjiu Village (28.6067N, 97.2816E), 1938 m, 29.VII.2014, (1 9,1), leg. Qing-Tao Wu [IZCAS]. Published records. — Distribution. *China (Xizang, Sichuan, Yunnan); India (Uttarakhand, Ra- jasthan), Laos. 154 Yulia V. Astafurova et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 79: 145—162 (2020) Sphecodes nipponicus Yasumatsu & Hirashima, 1951 Sphecodes nipponicus Yasumatsu & Hirashima, 1951: 122-124, ¢ (holotype: 3, Ishi- dozawa, Provinz Shinano, Honshu, Japan, 16.[X.1934, S. Miyamoto leg., ELKU). Sphecodes iwatensis Tsuneki, 1983: 25, 9 (holotype: 2, Takinoue, Iwate Pref., Honshu, Japan, MNHARH). Synonymized by Mitai and Tadauchi 2013: 52. Sphecodes kisukei Tsuneki, 1983: 24, 2 (holotype: 9, Koike, Fukui Pref., Honshu, Japan, MNHARH). Synonymized by Mitai and Tadauchi 2013: 52. Sphecodes itidyo Tsuneki, 1983: 23, 2 (holotype: 2, Taniyama, Fukui Pref., Honshu, Japan, MNHAH). Synonymized by Mitai and Tadauchi 2013: 52. Sphecodes rikuchu Tsuneki, 1983: 25, Q (holotype: 2, Takinoue, foot of Mt. Hachi- mantai, Iwate Pref., Honshu, Japan, MNHAH). Synonymized by Mitai and Ta- dauchi 2013: 52. Material examined. Yunnan: Weixi Xian, Pantiange (39.9109N, 116.4133), 2500 m, 27.VH.1981, (2 2), leg. Su-Bai Liao [IZCAS]. Sichuan: Chengdu (31.9109N, 116.4133E), 500 m, 29.V.1964, (2 3), leg. Yan-Ru Wu [IZCAS]. Published records. — Variation. Unlike the typical Japanese form with an entirely black metasoma (Mi- tai and Tadauchi 2013: 54, fig. 23), the studied male specimens from Sichuan have T1-T3 partially red-brownish. Remark. ‘The species is closest to the Palaearctic Sphecodes scabricollis WWesmael, 1835, but female differs by denser and distinctly punctate T1 (versus shallow sparse punctures) and the male differs by shorter antennae with F2 1.5 times as long as wide (versus 1.7), and a dark, usually entirely black metasoma (versus red T1—T3). Distribution. *China (Sichuan, Yunnan); Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa-Honto). Sphecodes pieli Cockerell, 1931 Sphecodes pieli Cockerell, 1931: 13, 3 (holotype: , China, Shanghai, Zo-Se, June 16, 1930 (Piel No 34), USNM). Material examined. Sichuan: Barkam (31.9117N, 102.2135E), 2700 m, 18.VIII.1983, (1 4), leg. Xue-Zhong Zhang [IZCAS]; Xiangcheng Country, Chaihe (28.9367N, 99.8050E), 3000 m, 20.V1.1982, (1 2), leg. Xue-Zhong Zhang; [IZCAS]. Yunnan: Lijiang Yuhu (27.0260N, 100.2312E), 2750 m, 22.VII.1984, (1 9), leg. Jian-Guo Fan [IZCAS]. Published records. Cockerell 1931: 13 (Shanghai); Wu 1965: 37 (Zhejiang, Ji- angsu); Wu et al. 1988: 38 (Sichuan, Yunnan as S. grahami sensu Wu 1965); Asta- furova et al. 2018: 39 (Hebei, Beijing, Shaanxi, Sichuan). Distribution. China (Hebei, Beijing, Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Si- chuan, Yunnan); Russia (Far East). Chinese Sphecodes 155 Sphecodes sikkimensis Bliithgen, 1927 Figure 3 Sphecodes sikkimensis Bliithgen, 1927: 54, fig. 12a, 9 (syntypes: 2°, Sikhim [India], 6.97., Rungit Tal, 1000’, Coll. Bingham, ZMNB ). Material examined. Yunnan: Jinping Xian, Changpotou (22.9648N, 103.3164E), 1200 m, 23.V.1956, (1 Q), leg. Ke-Ren Huang [ZISP]. Sichuan: Emei Shan (29.6070N, 103.4915E), 6.VI.1955, (1 Q), leg. Ke-Ren Huang & Yin-Tao Jinjin [ZISP]; Emei Shan, Huguosi (39.9419N, 116.3818E), 550-750 m, 5.VII.1957, (1 Q), leg. Ke- Ren Huang [IZCAS]. Fujian: Jianyang Xian, Huangkeng, Dazhulan (27.6041N, 117.7450E), 900-1000 m, 28.V.196-, (1 2), leg. Ten-Qiao Jiang [IZCAS]; Fuzhou, (1 d), leg. CH. Kell [[ZCAS]. Description of male (new). Total body length 13 mm. Head transverse (Fig. 3A), 1.2 times as wide as long; lateral preoccipital carina present; vertex elevated with dis- tance from top of head to upper margin of a lateral ocellus ca. two lateral ocellar diameters as seen in frontal view; antenna long (Fig. 3C), attain anterior margin of mesoscutellum; F2 1.7 times as long as wide, remaining flagellomeres ca. 1.5 times as long as wide; tyloids weakly developed, narrowly semicircular across at most 1/4 basal flagellar surfaces and narrowly linear across remainder of flagellomere as seen in lateral view (Fig. 3C); face and ocello-ocular area deeply areolate-punctate. Face with plumose pubescence below antennal sockets (threadbare in the described male specimen); gena with sparse thin pubescence. Mesosoma black, legs red-brown. Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum coarsely areo- late-punctate to reticulate-rugose (Fig. 3B). Mesepisternum, propodeal triangle (meta- postnotum) and lateral parts of propodeum coarsely reticulate-rugose. Wings with strong brownish darkening and weak metallic violet lustre; hind wing with the angle between basal (M) and cubital (Cu) veins almost 80°, costal margin with 13 hamuli. Metasoma (Fig. 3E) densely punctate by coarse (30-50 um / confluent—2; sparser on T1) and microscopical punctures (ca. 5 um); marginal zones impunctate, expect on basal half of T1 (25-30 um /1-4); T1-T4 red; gonocoxite dorsally without impres- sion; gonostylus as on Fig. 3D. Published records. Bliithgen 1927: 55 (Guandong). Distribution. China (*Sichuan, *Yunnan, *Fujian, Guandong); India (Sikkim), Myanmar, Laos. Sphecodes simlaensis Bliathgen, 1924 Sphecodes simlaensis Bliithgen, 1924: 514-515, 9 (syntypes: 2 9, India, Simla, VIII. and IX.[18]98, Nurse leg., were not found in NHMUK). Material examined. Yunnan: Longling Country, 1600 m, 20.V.1955, (1 3), leg. V. Popov [ZISP]; Xianggelila Xian (27.8357N, 99.7074E), 3334 m, 14.VII.2017, 156 Yulia V. Astafurova et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 79: 145—162 (2020) Figure 3. Sphecodes sikkimensis Bliithgen, male A head, frontal view B mesosoma, dorsal view C antenna, lateral view D genitalia, dorsal view E metasoma, lateral view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A-C, E), 0.5 mm (D). (1 9), leg. Zhong-Ming Ye [IZCAS]. Sichuan: Nanping, Ta Zang (33.2528N, 104,2528E), 2200 m, 15—18.VI.1990, (1 2), leg. Chs [PCMS]; Wushan, Liziping (31.0805N, 109.8855E), 1850 m, 18.V.1994, (1 9), leg. Xing-Ke Yang [IZCAS]; Chinese Sphecodes 157 Wolong, Santiaogou (39.9039N, 116.3863E), 2500 m, 6.VIII.1983, (1 4), leg. Xue- Zhong Zhang [IZCAS]. Published records. — Variation. Coloration of metasomal terga in males varies from entirely dark brown or black to partially red on T1—T3. Sculpturing of the propodeal triangle is also quite variable, with wrinkles ranging from longitudinal and parallel to net forming. The male specimen from Santiaogou is larger than the typical form (6.5 mm versus 5.0—5.5 mm). Distribution. “China (Sichuan, Yunnan); India (Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh), Laos. Sphecodes tibeticus Astafurova & Niu, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/ D6GE158F-D87C-40BE-8F9C-CA73487DA5CC Figures 4, 5 Material examined. Holotype: 3, Cuina: Xizang, Chayu Country, Zhowagoin Town, Zala Village [28.60795N, 97.28781E], 1973 m, 27.VIII.2014, leg. Q.T. Wu [IZCAS]. Diagnosis. ‘This species resembles the East-Palaearctic Sphecodes laticaudatus Tsuneki, 1983, sharing a similar structure and sculpture of the body, including the shape of antennal tyloids and gonostylus, a densely punctate head, mesoscutum and scarcely punctate metasomal terga. The new species differs from S. laticaudatus by sparser, weakly-plumose facial pubescence below the antennal sockets that does not obscure the integument (versus denser, well-plumose pubescence, obscuring integu- ment), and a more elevated vertex with the distance from top of head to upper margin of a lateral ocellus ca. a lateral ocellar diameter as seen in frontal view, Fig. 5A (versus a half diameter in typical form, Fig. 5B). Description. Male. Total body length 8 mm (Fig. 4A). Head black (Fig. 5A), weakly transverse, about 1.1 times as wide as long; vertex elevated, with distance from top of head to upper margin of lateral ocelli ca. a lateral ocellar diameters as seen in frontal view ca. two lateral ocellar diameters as seen in dorsal view; antenna short (Fig. 5C), reaching posterior margin of mesoscutum, F1 0.6 times as long as wide, F2 1.9 times as long as wide, remaining flagellomeres ca. 1.4 times as long as wide; tyloids weakly developed, semicircular across basal 1/8—1/5 of flagellar surfaces; supraclypeal area flat; preoccipital carina absent; face and ocello-ocular area with confluent (finely areolate) punctures (ca. 20 um); vertex behind ocelli roughly rugose; gena finely ru- gose; face below antennal sockets with relatively sparse weakly plumose setae, gena with sparse thin setae. Mesosoma (Fig. 5D) black, tarsi brownish. Wings hyaline with brown stigma and veins; hind wing with the angle between basal (/) and cubital (Cz) veins 80°, costal margin with six hamuli. Pronotum, between dorsal and lateral surfaces, with sharp angle. Mesoscutum mostly with confluent punctures ca. 20-30 um. Mesoscutellum, hypoepimeral area, mesepisternum, propodeal triangle and lateral part of propodeum roughly reticulate-rugose. 158 Yulia V. Astafurova et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 79: 145—162 (2020) A B 2014-VII27, XIZANG (TIBET), Chayu 1973m, coll. WU, QT. ¥ 7 i (Rik wh), 28, 60795°N; 97, 28781°E ; Sphe an fs EF Be 2) Ot Te 0 \ \ Ww \ \\ ' (arceaudatus —o IOZ(E}1933015 Mm \ * new vet, C4ing ‘ ' Det, Ze-Qing NIU \ y Figure 4. Sphecodes tibeticus Astafurova & Niu, sp. nov., holotype, male A habitus, lateral view B labels C, D genitalia, dorsal view (C), lateral view (D). Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A), 0.5 mm (C, D). Metasoma dark black (Fig. 5E); terga scarcely punctate, T1 almost impunctate with a few microscopic punctures, remaining terga with a few shallow punctures on anterior half, marginal zones impunctate, smooth (except finely tessellate on T'4); ster- na delicately tessellate with numerous microscopical setae pores; gonocoxite dorsally with impression; gonostylus with semi-oval membranous part (Fig. 4C, D). Female unknown. Etymology. The new species is named after its locality Tibet (Xizang). Distribution. Only known from the type locality in Xizang (China). Sphecodes turneri Cockerell, 1916 Sphecodes turneri Cockerell, 1916: 430, & (holotype: 9, India, Assam, Shilong, 5.03., B. Turner, 1905-125. 172.561; NHMUK 013380320). Material examined. Yunnan: Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve, Guo- menshan (22.2452N, 100.6011E), 1107 m, 6.IV.2009, (4 4), 16.IV.2009, (1 <), 16.11.2009, (7 4), 26.11.2009, (3 3), leg. Ling-Zeng Meng [IZCAS]; Naban River Wa- tershed National Nature Reserve, Naban (22.1585N, 100.6652E), 709 m, 26.III.2009, (1 3), leg. Ling-Zeng Meng [IZCAS]; Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve, Mengsonson Township, Danuoyou (22.2069N, 100.6376E), 770 m, 14.XII.2007, (12 S); 15.1.2008, (4 3), leg. A. Weigel [IZCAS]; Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve, Naban (22.2452N, 100.6041E), 732 m, 23.V.2008, (1 4), leg. Ling-Zeng Chinese Sphecodes 159 Figure 5. Sphecodes tibeticus Astafurova & Niu, sp. nov., holotype, male (A, C-E), and S. laticaudatus Tsuneki, male (B) A, B head, frontal view C antenna, lateral view D mesosoma, dorsal view E metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm. Meng [IZCAS]; Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve, Mandian (22.1309N, 100.6686E), 689 m, 16-26.III.2009, (2 4), 26.1V.2009, (2 9, 5 3), leg. Ling-Zeng Meng [IZCAS]; Dali, Diancangshan (25.5976N, 100.2365E), 2600 m, 29.V1.1981, 160 Yulia V. Astafurova et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 79: 145—162 (2020) (1 3), leg. Xue-Zhong Zhang [IZCAS]; Zhenyuan Xian (39.9109N, 116.4134E), 26NVA9S5S 018), leg. V. Popov [ZISP]; Cheli Xian (39.9109N, 116.4133E), 540 m, 11.11.1957, (1 @), leg. Shu-Yong Wang [ZISP]; Mangshi, Santaishan (39.8282N, 116.4708E), 1200 m, 18.V.1955, (1 3), leg. Kryzhanovsky [ZISP]. Published records. — Variation. Propodeal triangle sculpturing varies from coarsely reticulate-rugose (medially forming 2—3 rows close to square or shapeless cells) to with parallel wrinkles and large shining interspaces (forming a row of longitudinal cells). Distribution. “China (Yunnan); India (Meghalaya), Laos. Discussion In total, 42 species of Sphecodes are now recorded from China. For comparison, to demonstrate the high species richness of the Chinese fauna, approximately 120 species are known from the entire Palaearctic and Oriental Regions together. However, the Chinese fauna of the genus (especially from the Oriental part) is poorly studied. Con- seugently, even following our addition of ten new species records, only twelve species are known from Xizang, Sichuan, and Yunnan. To accurately assess Sphecodes distribution patterns in China requires a more in- depth studying of this country’s fauna. Overall, the fauna of south and south-east mountain territories of China is similar to the faunas of Southeast Asia and the Him- alayas. Seven species from the studied provinces (Sphecodes discoverlifei, S. fumipen- nis, S laticeps, S. montanus, S. simlaensis, S. sikkimensis, and S. turneri) are also found in montane Southeast Asia or the Himalayas. Another three species (S. pieli, S. nipponicus and S. grahami) are elements of the eastern Palaearctic and Oriental fauna and pre- dominantly occur in plains or foothills. The high habitat heterogeneity of these areas promises additional new species with further collections and taxonomic investigations. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Fritz Gusenleitner (OOLM) for help during the Russian co-authors’ visit to Austria, and David Notton for assisting during work in the NHMUK Collec- tion and providing photos of type specimens. We thank Maximilian Schwarz (Ans- felden, Austria), Esther Ockermiiller (OQOLM), James Hogan (OUMNH), Michael Ohl and Viola Richter (ZMNB ) for providing Sphecodes specimens. We also thank Max Kasparek, Holger Dathe, and Alexander Fateryga for their comments and sugges- tions to streamline and improve the manuscript. This investigation for Yulia Astafurova and Maxim Proshchalykin was supported by the Russian Funds for Basic Research (grant numbers 19-04-00027 and 20-54- 44014) and the state research project AAAA-A17-117030310210-3; The National Science Foundation of China (31772487) and the second Tibetan Plateau scientific Chinese Sphecodes 161 expedition and research (STEP) program (Grant No. 2019QZKK0501) to Ze-Qing Niu, the grants from the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (31625024) to Chao-Dong Zhu. References Argent L, Svensson B (1982) Flagellar sensilla on Sphecodes bees (Hymenoptera, Halictidae). 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