Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 449-454 | DO! 10.3897/zse.96.51350 yee BERLIN Genetic evidence for the recognition of two allopatric species of Asian bronze featherback Notopterus (Teleoste1, Osteoglossomorpha, Notopteridae) Sébastien Lavoué!, Siti Zafirah Ghazali!*, Jamsari Amirul Firdaus Jamaluddin?, Siti Azizah Mohd Nor’, Khaironizam Md. Zain! 1 School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, 11800, Malaysia 2 Institute of Marine Biotechnology, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, 21030, Malaysia http://zoobank.org/64287A82-6E8C-4A D0-9754-6C687D2AF15F Corresponding author: Sébastien Lavoué (microceb@hotmail.com) Academic editor: Nicolas Hubert # Received 22 February 2020 Accepted 20 April 2020 Published | July 2020 Abstract The fish genus Notopterus Lacepede, 1800 (Notopteridae) currently includes only one species, the Asian bronze featherback No- topterus notopterus (Pallas, 1769). This common freshwater species is widely distributed in the Oriental region, from the Indus basin in the west, the Mekong basin in the east and Java Island in the south. To examine the phylogeographic structure of N. notopterus across its range, we analysed 74 publicly available cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences, 72 of them determined from known-origin specimens, along with four newly-determined sequences from Peninsular Malaysian specimens. We found that N. notopterus is a complex of two allopatric species that diverge from each other by 7.5% mean p-distance. The first species is endemic to South Asia (from Indus basin to Ganga-Brahmaputra system), whereas the distribution of the second species is restricted to Southeast Asia. The exact limit between the distributions of these two species is not known, but it should fall somewhere between the Ganga-Brahmaputra and Salween basins, a region already identified as a major faunal boundary in the Oriental region. The name N. notopterus is retained for the Southeast Asian species, while the name Notopterus synurus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) should be applied to the South Asian species. A comparative morphological study is needed to reveal the degree of morphological differentiation between the two species. Key Words Orient, molecular taxonomy, biogeography, biodiversity, cryptic species Introduction The complex geological history of the Oriental region caused a high degree of geographical genetic structure within freshwater organisms and species, once consid- ered widely distributed in this region, are often formed by distinct genetic lineages (e.g. de Bruyn et al. 2013; Dahruddin et al. 2017; Jamaluddin et al. 2019; Ruber et al. 2020). The bronze featherback fish Notopterus no- topterus, currently the only valid species of the genus Notopterus, 1s one of such widely-distributed species, occurring from the Indus basin (Pakistan and India) in the west, to the Mekong region — slightly extending east to the Annamite Range — (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam) in the east and to Java (Indonesia) in the south. Intriguingly, N. notopterus has not yet been recorded in Borneo where it is most likely absent (Roberts 1989; Christensen 1992; Roberts 1992; Kottelat 1995; Kottelat and Widjanarti 2005; Parenti and Lim 2005). Specimens of N. notopterus are identifiable from all other Oriental freshwater fishes based on (amongst oth- er features) their distinct tapered tail and the corners of their mouth below eye (not behind as in the other Oriental notopterid genus Chitala Fowler, 1934) (Fig. 1A). It is Copyright Sébastien Lavoué et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 450 reported that this species reaches up to 60 cm in standard length (Roberts 1992). A wealth of data is available for this species, documenting its reproductive behaviour and embryonic development (Yanwirsal et al. 2017), cytoge- netics (Barby et al. 2019) and phylogeography (Gupta et al. 2013; Takagi et al. 2010). However, none of these studies simultaneously examined specimens sampled across the whole distributional range of N. notopterus. Inoue et al. (2009) reconstructed the molecular phy- logeny of the family Notopteridae to discuss its evolution and biogeography. These authors sequenced the complete mitogenomes of two specimens of N. notopterus, one from India and the other from Thailand. The comparison of these two mitogenomic sequences revealed that these two specimens diverged from each other about 25 million years ago. This result was unexpected because no con- sistent morphological variation was previously reported within this species (see Roberts 1992). We herein investigated the genetic diversity within the genus Notopterus across its full range. For that, we anal- ysed a dataset comprising 72 publicly available sequences of the standard barcoding fragment (655 base pairs) of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene that were determined from specimens of Notopterus with precise information on their geographical collection plus two COI sequenc- es extracted from two complete mitogenomes from two specimens of Notopterus without precise localities (In- oue et al. 2009) and four sequences we newly determined from specimens collected in Peninsular Malaysia. Material and methods COI sequences mining and selection Using the NCBI GenBank nucleotide database (https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/), we searched for available cy- tochrome oxidase subunit I sequences of N. notopterus (search made on 02/12/2019) using the terms “Notopter- us” and “oxidase.” This search retrieved 88 mitochon- drial entries (excluding three entries related to whole mitogenomes), from which we selected only those with either latitude-longitude coordinates or geographic lo- calities sufficiently precise that we can confidently esti- mate their latitude-longitude coordinates. After this initial screening, the dataset included partial COI sequences of 77 specimens of Notopterus. We then checked the length and characteristics of these sequences using the software Mesquite version 3.31 (Maddison and Maddison 2017). Their quality was assessed in searching for stop codons, indels and/or the presence of relatively higher number of autapomorphic changes as indication of possible either pseudogenes or sequencing/editing errors. Five out of 77 sequences were found below standards and were exclud- ed (all 16 excluded sequences and the respective reasons to exclude them are listed in Suppl. material 1: Table S1). After this screening, the dataset comprised 72 COI se- quences of specimens collected in India (40 specimens), zse.pensoft.net Sébastien Lavoué et al.: Two living species of Notopterus Bangladesh (two), Peninsular Malaysia (two), Indonesia (six), Myanmar (16) and Thailand (six) (localities are mapped in Fig. 1A and listed in the Suppl. material 1: Table S1). We added to this dataset two COI sequences of specimens (without precise locality) examined in Inoue et al. (2009) along with the four sequences we newly deter- mined from specimens collected in Peninsular Malaysia, two from Kerian River (Penang State) and two from Bera lake (Pahang State). We deposited these voucher spec- imens in the ichthyological collection of the School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia under ac- cession numbers USMFC (3) 00002-3. DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing To determine the COI sequences of these specimens, we used the PCR technique to amplify them using the following PCR primer pair: forward FishF1 (5’TCAAC- CAACCACAAAGACATTGGCAC-3') and reverse FishR1 (5’-TAGACTTCTGGGTGGCCAAAGAAT- CA-3’) (Ward et al. 2005). Reactions were carried out in 25 ul reaction volume containing 15.75 ul of sterile distilled H,O, 5.5 wl of 5x MyTaq Red reaction buffer (Bioline), 0.5 ul of each primer (10 uM), 0.25 ul of 1Taq DNA polymerase (INtRON Biotechnology) and 2.5 ul of template containing approximately 5 ng DNA. The thermal cycle profile consisted of an initial 94 °C de- naturation step for 4 min, 35 cycles of 94 °C for 30 sec, annealing for 50 sec at 47.9 °C, extension at 72 °C for 1 min, followed by a final extension at 72 °C for 7 min. PCR products were sent to First Base Sdn. Bhd. for se- quencing analysis by the standard Sanger methodology. Chromatograms were edited with the Molecular Evolu- tionary Genetics Analysis X (MEGA X) (Stecher et al. 2020). Sequences are deposited in GenBank under ac- cession numbers MT328860-3. Comparative analysis The alignment of the 78 COI nucleotide sequences was done by eye. Some sequences were shorter than oth- ers (at the 5’ and 3’ ends) and the overall proportion of missing data in the alignment was 4.6%. The alignment comprised 655 positions of which 62 were parsimony-in- formative. The alignment in Phylip format is provided as Suppl. material 2: (“Notopterus_align 78COL phy”). We did not use an outgroup and we present only an unrooted haplotype network. Relationships amongst COI haplo- types were inferred with an unrooted network constructed with the programme PopArt (Leigh and Bryant 2015) us- ing a median-joining algorithm (Bandelt et al. 1999) and default settings. Uncorrected pairwise genetic distances and numbers of nucleotide difference within and amongst groups along with their respective standard errors (SE) were calculated with MEGA X. SE were obtained by a bootstrap procedure (500 replicates). Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 449-454 451 ue ae Southeast Asia (Notopterus notopterus) South Asia (Notopterus synurus) 10 specimens co one specimen © Figure 1. A Map covering the Oriental biogeographic region and showing the distribution of localities (black and red circles) of specimens of Notopterus examined in this study. Black star indicates the estimated type locality of Notopterus notopterus in Java (1.e. Jakarta region) and red stars indicate the likely origin localities of the two syntypes of Notopterus synurus (i.e. coast of Malabar and Coromandel coast at Tharangambadi [formerly Tranquebar]). Main Oriental river basins from West to East: 1. Indus basin; 2. Gan- ga-Brahmaputra river system; 3. Irrawaddy basin; 4. Salween basin, 5. Mekong basin. Insert shows the left lateral view of a specimen of Notopterus notopterus (Penang State, west Peninsular Malaysia; 20 cm in standard length, voucher specimen number USMFC (3) 00002, NO_1). B The unrooted network constructed with the software PopArt and a median-joining algorithm showing the COI hap- lotype relationships within the genus Nofopterus. Branch lengths are not proportional to the number of changes. Red circles indicated haplotypes of Notopterus synurus (South Asia) and black circles indicated haplotypes of Notopterus notopterus (Southeast Asia). zse.pensoft.net 452 Results The haplotype network is shown Fig. 1B. Haplotypes segregate into two main groups having distinct distribu- tions. The first group includes all haplotypes from India and Bangladesh (South Asia group). The second group includes all haplotypes from Peninsular Malaysia, Thai- land (Mekong River), Indonesia (Sumatra and Java) and Myanmar (Lake Inle, Salween basin) (Southeast Asia group). These two main groups diverge by 7.5% p-genetic distance [min-max = 7.0—8.8%; SE = 1%] that represents, on average, 45 differences [SE = 5.8] between any com- bination of two specimens sampled from different groups. In contrast, each of these two groups is genetically uni- form with intra-group differentiation that does not ex- ceed 1% (within the South Asia group, mean p-distance = 0.4%; min-max = 0.0—1.6%; SE = 0.1%; and within the Southeast Asia group, mean p-distance = 1%; min-max = 0.0—2.5%; SE= 0.2%). This represents six nucleotide dif- ferences [SE = 1.5] on average within the Southeast Asian group and only two nucleotide differences [SE = 0.6] on average within the South Asian group. Furthermore, the two specimens examined by Inoue et al. (2009) fell in their corresponding geographic origin groups. Discussion The minimal genetic distance separating the genus No- topterus into two main groups is well above 3% (us- ing COI marker) which is considered as a conservative threshold between population and species levels in verte- brates (Ward et al. 2009). Furthermore, the existence of a so-called barcode gap (= intergroup distance/intragroup distance) of magnitude ~7X between these two groups, along with the fixation of more than 40 diagnostic nucle- otide changes in COI, strongly indicate that Notopterus is formed by two species (Meyer and Paulay 2005; Meier et al. 2008). One species is distributed in South Asia (from the Indus basin to Ganga-Brahmaputra basin) and the oth- er in Southeast Asia (from the Salween basin to Mekong basin plus Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Java). Roberts (1992) examined the variation of several mer- istic characters of N. notopterus throughout its entire range. He did not report any significant intraspecific vari- ability that could be additional evidence for the recogni- tion of more than one species in the genus Notopterus. The low amount of morphological variability within the genus Notopterus, however, is not surprising given that the family Notopteridae is known for its morphological stasis. Several valid species of Notopteridae are morpho- logically similar. For example, species of the genus Chi- tala are only distinguishable based on their colour pattern (Roberts 1992) and more than one species is suspected to occur within Chitala lopis (Bleeker, 1851) (Kottelat and Widjanarti 2005; personal observation). Barby et al. (2019) and earlier cytogenetic studies cited in this work, reported the same karyotype formula in N. notopterus, zse.pensoft.net Sébastien Lavoué et al.: Two living species of Notopterus regardless to their origins, with 2n = 42 and all chromo- somes acrocentric. Our COI-based results strongly support the presence of two allopatric species of Notopterus which need names. There are several nominal species of Notopterus which have been described from Southeast Asia and South Asia and several of these names are available. To determine which name should be applied to each of our two species, we examined the synonym lists of Fricke et al. (2020) and Kottelat (2013) and checked the date of description and type locality of these synonyms. Notopterus notopterus was described and illustrated by Pallas in 1769 as Gymnotus notopterus from a specimen said to have been collected nearby Ambon [Ambon Island], Indian Ocean, a region where this species has never been recorded since. Kottelat (2013) and Fricke et al. (2020) suggested that the type locality given in the description of Pallas (1769) is an error because this species does not oc- cur on the Island of Ambon which lies east of the Wallace Line, in a different biogeographical region. Furthermore, the local vernacular name of this species “Ikan Pangaio”, reported by Pallas, is in the Malay language which was not used in Ambon at that time. For these reasons, Kottelat (2013) suggested that the specimen used by Pallas (1769) for the description of NV. notopterus should have been col- lected in Java where the Dutch established their main col- ony in Indonesia. Consequently, the name N. notopterus should be retained for the species occurring in Southeast Asia with Java as its type locality. According to Fricke et al. (2020), there is no type specimen known. Bloch and Schneider (1801) described Clupea synu- ra Bloch & Schneider, 1801 from two syntypes, a name which was soon considered as a junior synonym of N. no- topterus (e.g. as in Cuvier and Valenciennes 1847). Bloch and Schneider (1801) first indicated that these specimens are from the coast of Malabar, India (“Habitat ad oram Malabaricam’” in Bloch and Schneider [1801]). Howev- er, in a following remark signed only by J.G. Schneider, China and Tranquebar (now known as Tharangamba- di, India) were listed as the localities of the syntypes. Notopterus, however, does not seem to occur in China and Paepke (1999) found convincing explanations why Schneider could have mistaken China with the coast of Malabar, India (see Paepke 1999; Kottelat 2013; Fricke et al. 2020). According to Paepke (1999), the localities of the dry right skins of the two syntypes of Clupea synura that are housed in the Berlin Museum under catalogue numbers ZMB 8806 and ZMB 32057 are coast of Mal- abar and Tranquebar, respectively. We suggest the reval- idation of Clupea synura for the species of Notopterus occurring in South Asia which should be recognised as Notopterus synurus. Whereas the genetic evidence presented in this work supports the recognition of two valid living species of No- topterus, a detailed morphological comparison of the two species is lacking. Such morphological study is needed to identify possible diagnostic characters (in addition to the molecular diagnostic characters presented in this study) Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (2) 2020, 449-454 and to document the early diversification of the genus No- topterus in the Orient. In this respect, a fossil of Notopter- us, morphological similar to living species, indicates that this genus was already present in Sumatra at least 33 mil- lion years ago (the Eocene-Oligocene boundary) (Sanders 1934). In addition, because of the cryptic diversity occur- ring in the genus Notopterus and the difficulty to identi- fy the type localities of species of this genus, it will be important to designate a neotype for N. notopterus and a lectotype for N. synurus. Finally, the geographic coverage needs to be expanded with the study of specimens collect- ed from the Mekong basin, Indus basin and, especially, from the region comprising the Irrawaddy basin situat- ed between the Ganga-Brahmaputra river system and the Salween basin to determine the location of the exact dis- tributional limit between these two species. Acknowledgements We conducted fieldwork in Tasek Bera (Pahang, Pen- insular Malaysia) under permit reference number 100- 34/1.24Jld14(67) delivered by the Department of Wild- life and National Parks (DWNP). We thank the staff of Tasek Bera Reserve and Siti Zuliana Ahmad (USM) for their assistance in the field. We express our gratitude to Richard van der Laan and Ron Fricke (Eschmeyer’s Cata- log of Fishes) for helpful discussions on the nomenclature of these fishes. We also thank Nicolas Hubert (editor) for handling our manuscript and Erick Guimaraes and Ru- pert Collins (reviewers) for their constructive comments on the submitted version of this work. This study was supported by a short-term research grant 304/PBIOLO- GI/6315400 from Universiti Sains Malaysia to SL. References Bandelt HJ, Forster P, Rohl A (1999) Median-joining networks for in- ferring intraspecific phylogenies. 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Zain Data type: Genetic data information Explanation note: List of COI sequences of specimens of Notopterus mined from Genbank and examined in this study along with their Genbank accession numbers, the geographical origins with geographical coordinates (in Decimal Degrees) of specimens and the published references where sequences were pub- lished. Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacom- mons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Data- set while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/zse.96.51350.suppl1 Supplementary material 2 DNA Data matrice Authors: Sébastien Lavoué, Siti Zafirah Ghazali, Jamsa- ri Amirul Firdaus Jamaluddin, Siti Azizah Mohd Nor, Khaironizam Md. Zain Data type: Phylogenetic Explanation note: Phylogenetic matrice used in the com- parative part of this work. Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacom- mons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Data- set while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/zse.96.51350.suppl2