ore JHR 77: 119-137 (2020) JOURNAL OF 4 P2rteved openaccts ours doi: |0.3897/jhr.77.52309 RESEARCH ARTICLE (ME Hymenoptera http://jhr.pensoft.net The Inerational Society of ymenoptersts. RESEARCH Additions to the knowledge of the genus Allorhynchium van der Vecht, 1963 from China (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) Li Luo', Qiao-Hua Zhang', Bin Chen', Ting-Jing Li! | Chongqing Key Laboratory of Vector Insects; Chongging Key Laboratory of Animal Biology; Institute of En- tomology and Molecular Biology, Chongging Normal University, Chongqing, China Corresponding author: Ting-Jing Li (Itjing1979@hotmail.com) Academic editor: Michael Ohl | Received 23 March 2020 | Accepted 12 June 2020 | Published 29 June 2020 http://zoobank.ore/1 1 1 BEOAI-E64B-4C58-92D2-65 C532B33AB8 Citation: Luo L, Zhang Q-H, Chen B, Li T-J (2020) Additions to the knowledge of the genus Allorhynchium van der Vecht, 1963 from China (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 77: 119-137. https:// doi.org/10.3897/jhr.77.52309 Abstract In this study, Halysituberosus Dong & Wang, 2017 is treated as a synonym of Allorhynchium van der Vecht, 1963 (syn. nov.). Halysituberosus yingjiangensis Dong & Wang, 2017 is a new synonym of Allorhynchium lugubrinum (Cameron, 1900) (syn. nov.) and Halysituberosus menglianensis Dong & Wang, 2017 is trans- ferred to Allorhynchium as a new combination (comb. nov.). Based on additional CO/ gene sequencing and morphological characters including genitalia characters, both Allorhynchium diffinis (Giordani Soika, 1986) and Allorhynchium radiatum Li, Barthélémy & Carpenter, 2019 are confirmed to be valid species, and their males of the two species are described for the first time. Allorhynchium quadrimaculatum Gusen- leitner, 1997 is newly recorded from China. A key to the Chinese species of Allorhynchium are also updated. Keywords Allorhynchium, Eumeninae, Halysituberosus, new synonym, new record Introduction At present, Allorhynchium van der Vecht, 1963 contains 20 species and four subspecies worldwide, which are mostly distributed in the Oriental region (Smith 1861; Giordani Soika 1986; Girish Kumar et al. 2016; Tan et al. 2018; Li et al. 2019). Tan et al. (2018) Copyright Li Luo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 120 Li Luo et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 77: 119-137 (2020) revised the genus from Northeast Asia and provided a key to the Oriental species. In our study, the type species of Halysituberosus Dong & Wang, 2017 is examined and verified that Halysituberosus is a synonym of Allorhynchium van der Vecht, 1963 (syn. nov.), H. yingjiangensis Dong & Wang, 2017 is a synonym of Allorhynchium lugubrinum (Cameron, 1900) (syn. nov.), and H. menglianensis Dong & Wang, 2017 should be transferred to Allorhynchium (comb. nov.). Meanwhile, seeing that the two related species A. diffinis (Giordani Soika, 1986) and A. radiatum Li, Barthélémy & Carpenter, 2019 were originally described on a single female specimen and confusing to distinguish, we provided some more morphological characters from both female and male and their CO/ (cytochrome oxidase subunit 1) sequence features. Finally, A. quadrimaculatum Gusenleitner, 1997 is newly recorded from China. And some diagnosis and figures of these species and an updated key to the Chinese species of AL lorhynchium are also given. DNA barcode was first proposed by Hebert (Hebert et al. 2003), and in his study, a model COI profile, based upon the analysis of a single individual from each of 200 closely allied species of lepidopterans, was 100% successful in correctly identifying subsequent specimens. Hebert’s results provided reliable evidences for DNA barcode systems. After that, many scholars began to use DNA barcode technology for species identification, diversity analysis and phylogenetic analysis (Ball et al. 2005; Hajiba- baei et al. 2006; Ceccarelli et al. 2012). Herein, with the development of sequencing technology and the reduction of sequencing costs, more scholars conducted in-depth researches on the genome of species and found the use of CO/ to identify species was a great controversial issue because it’s difficult to provide a unified discrimination stand- ard that what’s the range of CO/ sequence variation rate between two different species (Moritz et al. 2004; Dasmahapatra et al. 2010). Thereinto, Consortium for the Bar- code of Life (CBOL) initiated scientific research activities using CO/ for species identi- fication on a global scale, and the data showed that the CO/ sequences of most species exhibited low intraspecific genetic differences and relatively high interspecific genetic differences (Schindel et al. 2005; Ratnasingham et al. 2007; CBOL Plant Working Group 2009). Research data in recent years have also reflected that the similarity of the same species is above 98%, and the sequence difference between species is greater than 2% ( Hebert et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2011; Schmid-Egger et al. 2017; Abd-El-Samie et al. 2018; Halim et al. 2018; Fernandez-Triana et al. 2019). So, in our work, the intraspecific and interspecific differences of CO/ between A. diffinis and A. radiatum are analyzed. Materials and methods Specimens examined are deposited in Chongqing Normal University (China) and Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China). Descriptions were made under a stereomicroscope (Olympus SZ61). All figures were taken and measured with Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope. Body length was measured from the anterior margin of head to the posterior margin of metasomal tergum II by Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae Val KEYENCE-VHX-5000. Photoshop CS6 was used to make the figure plates. For the description of punctures, “sparsely” means that interspaces are larger than one punc- ture diameter, “moderately” means equal to the diameter, and “densely” means less than one diameter. A total of 19 dried and pinned specimens belonging to A. diffinis and A. radiatum were examined, among which some were difficult to separate from A. diffinis and A. ra- diatum. \n order to exactly identify these specimens, we selected seven specimens of A. diffinis, A. radiatum and three other species (Allorhynchium argentatum, Allorhynchium chinense, and Anterhynchium flavomarginatum) for molecular identification (Table 1). According to the manufacturer’s instructions (https://www.giagen.com), genomic DNAs were extracted from muscle tissues using QlAamp DNA Mini Kit (QIAGEN, Germany). The CO/ genes were amplified by using standard primers LCO1490 and HCO2198 (Folmer et al. 1994). PCRs were performed with the manufacturer’s in- structions (https://www.cwbiotech.com). Products of PCRs were sequenced in Sangon Biotech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Seven COJ sequences newly obtained and the COI se- quence of Vespa mandarinia (Sample ID: AAW6949) downloaded from Centre for Bi- odiversity Genomics (http://v4.boldsystems.org/index.php) were aligned with Clustal W version 1.8 (Altschul et al. 1997) in this study (Table 1). These sequences were checked for stop codons and frame shifts using the invertebrate mitochondrial code and the standard code respectively as implemented in MEGA 6.0 (Molecular Evolu- tionary Genetics Analysis version 6.0) (Tamura et al. 2013). The maximum likelihood (ML) tree (Felsenstein 1981; Kishino et al. 1990) of the CO/J sequences was analyzed in PhyML 3.0 (Guindon et al. 2010). Abbreviations: CQNU_ Chongging Normal University, Chongqing, China; KIZ Kunming Institute of Zoology, Kunming, China; Al for antennal segment 1; A2 for antennal segment 2; Tl for metasomal tergum 1; “EZ for metasomal tergum 2; S1 for metasomal sternum 1; S2 for metasomal sternum 2, and so on. Table |. The information of CO/ genes used in this study. Species Collecting site Subfamily Accession number Al. diffinis Sichuan (China) Eumeninae MT196405 Al. radiatum Guizhou (China) Eumeninae MT188371 Al. A Guangxi (China) Eumeninae MT188373 Al. B Guangdong (China) Eumeninae MT188372 Al. argentatum Guangxi (China) Eumeninae MT178403 Al. chinense Yunan (China) Eumeninae MT178402 An. flavomarginatum Hubei (China) Eumeninae MT178404 Vespa mandarinia Primorskiy (Russia) Vespinae AAW6949 122 Li Luo et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 77: 119-137 (2020) Taxonomy Allorhynchium van der Vecht, 1963 Allorhynchium van der Vecht, 1963: 57—58. Type species: Vespa argentata Fabricius, 1804, by original designation. Archancistrocerus Giordani Soika, 1986: 143-146. Type species: Archancistrocerus diffinis Giordani Soika, 1986, by original designation. Halysituberosus Dong & Wang, 2017: 184. Type species: Halysituberosus menglianensis Dong & Wang, 2017, by original designation (syn. nov.). Diagnosis. Anterior face of pronotum without foveae; tegula longer than wide, emar- ginated apically and not reaching posterior end of parategula; epicnemial carina pre- sent; dorsolateral margin of propodeum somewhat rounded and without teeth-like projections; [1 either evenly rounded or rather rectangular in lateral view, in some spe- cies [1 with somewhat transverse carina basally; in some species, S2 of male convex, or protruding medially into a transverse crest in lateral view; S7 of male with flat uplifted area or 1—3 teeth; metasoma sessile (Tan et al. 2018). Notes. Dong and Wang (2017) established the genus Halysituberosus by the three following characters: apical margin of clypeus widely emarginated (Figs 2, 12), vertex without cephalic foveae, and both S2 and S7 with tubercles in male (Figs 6, 7, 16, 17). After our examination of its type species, it is verified that Halysituberosus Dong & Wang, 2017 belongs to Allorhynchium van der Vecht, and Halysituberosus yingjiangen- sis Dong & Wang, 2017 is a new synonym of Allorhynchium lugubrinum (Cameron, 1900) and Halysituberosus menglianensis Dong & Wang, 2017 should be transferred to Allorhynchium. Distribution. Oriental, Australian and Palearctic regions. Allorhynchium menglianensis (Dong & Wang, 2017) comb. nov. Figs 1-9 Halysituberosus menglianensis Dong & Wang, 2017: 184. Material examined. Holotype, 4, Cutna, Yunnan Prov., Puer City, Menglian Coun- ty, 22°19.746'N, 99°35.049'E, 962 m, 13.V1.1989, Dazhi Dong (KIZ 0101842). Diagnosis. Dong and Wang (2017) reported Halysituberosus menglianensis from China (one male). After our examination of the type specimen (Fig. 1), we verify that Halysituberosus menglianensis Dong & Wang, 2017 should be transferred to AL lorhynchium, which is a new combination. It differs from A. /ugubrinum and other congeners by the combination of the following characters: a yellow square central spot on clypeus (Fig. 2); A13 (Fig. 3) elongate, slightly curved and bent backward beyond the middle of Al1; tegula dark black (Figs 4, 5); wings pale brown, without purple Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae 123 3 tuberosus mehgiianensis mye 7 f re TOV. Fin, Healips? ene LE] |pmpincnss Orn «! We 9 Holetype aa. TP8T010. ZX Figures 1-9. Allorhynchium menglianensis (Dong & Wang, 2017) comb. nov. | habitus (dorsal view) 3 2 clypeus, 33 apex of antenna, J 4 tegula, 3 5 mesosoma (dorsal view), 4 6 S2, 4 7 S7, 4 8 metasoma (dorsal view), 3 9 information of type specimen. luster; T1 rather rectangular from lateral view (Fig. 8); apical bands of both T1 and T2 medially interrupted (Figs 1, 8); S2 of male with a large ridge in the middle (Fig. 6); S7 of male with a pair of triangular teeth (Fig. 7). Distribution. China (Yunnan). 124 Li Luo et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 77: 119-137 (2020) Allorhynchium lugubrinum (Cameron, 1900) Figs 10-18 Rhynchium lugubrinum Cameron, 1900: 532. Allorhynchium lugubrinum: van der Vecht, 1963: 60; Giordani Soika 1996: 37; Girish Kumar and Sharma 2015: 21; Girish Kumar et al. 2016: 30. Halysituberosus yingjiangensis Dong & Wang, 2017: 184-186. (syn. nov.) Material examined. 1<, Curna, Yunnan Prov., Dehong City, Yingjiang County, 24°41.722'N, 97°56.772'E, 844 m, 7.X.1997, Dazhi Dong ( KIZ 0101842). Diagnosis. Dong and Wang (2017) reported Halysituberosus yingjiangensis from China (one male). After our examination of the type specimen (Fig. 10), Halysituberosus yingjiangensis Dong & Wang, 2017 is identified to be new synonym of Allorhynchium lugubrinum (Cameron, 1900). It differs from A. quadrimaculatum and other congeners by the combination of the following characters: clypeus rugose-punctate medially, al- most yellow (Fig. 12); apex of pronotum with yellow band (Figs 10, 13); tegula reddish brown (Fig. 14); wings pale brown, without purple luster; 'T1 rather rectangular from lateral view, yellow apical bands of both T1 and T2 medially interrupted (Fig. 15); S2 slightly convex, not protruding medially into a crest in lateral view (Fig. 16); S7 of male with a pair of flat lobe-shaped protuberances (Fig. 17). Distribution. China (Yunnan); India. Allorhynchium diffinis (Giordani Soika, 1986) Figs 20-28 Archancistrocerus diffinis Giordani Soika, 1986: 143-146. Allorhynchium diffinis (Giordani Soika, 1986): Tan et al. 2018: 49-64. Material examined. 69 914, Cutna, Sichuan Prov., Leshan City, Emeishan Coun- ty, Shaxi Town, 29°25.083'N, 103°26.913'E, 926 m, 11.VIII.2011, Tingjing Li (CQNU); 2292, Curna, Sichuan Prov., Yaan City, Lushan County, Taiping Town, Chunguang village, 30°18.794'N, 102°59.351'E, 964 m, 12.VHI.2018, Xue Zhang (CQNU); 12, Cura, Sichuan Prov., Yaan City, Lushan County, Shuangshi Town, Xichuan village, 30°16.129'N, 102°53.403'E, 982 m, 11.VIII.2018, Huachuan Wang and Qian Han (CQNU). Notes. The species A. diffinis in the original description was identified on a single female from Sichuan, China (Giordani Soika 1986) and A. radiatum Li et al., 2019 was related to it. In this study, some more specimens of A. diffinis, including one male were also collected from Sichuan. Meanwhile, some specimens (Allorhynchium A, Figs 37-46) from Guangxi, China are similar to both A. diffinis and A. radiatum, and some other female specimens (Allorhynchium B, Figs 47-52) from Guangdong, China are similar to A. radiatum by black body (Fig. 47). To precisely classify these specimens, COJ genes of A. diffinis, A. radiatum, Allorhynchium A and Allorhynchium B Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae 125 iis [yingjrengonsis Wang ef 0 TT AST WR Ha lysitubero- SUS YVingiiangensis Dong Wang [2vstoro ZI¥ Figures 10-18. Adlorhynchium lugubrinum (Cameron, 1900) 10 habitus in dorsal view, 3 II apex of antenna, 4 12 clypeus, 3 13 mesosoma (dorsal view), 4 14 tegula, 3 15 metasoma (dorsal view), 4 16 S2, 3 17 S7, o 18 information of type specimen. are sequenced and analyzed. Four other CO/ sequences of A. argentatum, A. chinense, Anterhynchium flavomarginatum and Vespa mandarinia of the same family Vespidae are selected for comparison. 126 Li Luo et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 77: 119-137 (2020) Allorhynchium A 100 Allorhynchium B Allorhynchium radiatum Allorhynchium diffinis Allorhynchium chinense Allorhynchium argentatum Anterhynchium flavomarginatum Vespa mandarinia 0.02 Figure 19. Maximum likelihood tree of eight COZ sequences (The nodes are shown with their bootstrap values; Vespa mandarinia was used as the out-group) Sequence alignment results display that the same CO/ sequence occurs in Allo- rhynchium A, Allorhynchium B and A. radiatum, and 29 different nucleic acids are present in A. radiatum, Allorhynchium A, Allorhynchium B and A. diffinis (Suppl. ma- terial 1: Figure S1). ML tree topology reflects that A. diffinis is sister of A. radiatum, Allorhynchium A and Allorhynchium B, with 100% bootstrap value of support for the branch(Fig. 19); the genetic pairwise distance based on K2P (Kimura-2-parameter substitution model) (Kimura 1980) among Allorhynchium A, Allorhynchium B and A. radiatum is 0 and the distance between A. diffinis and A. radiatum, Allorhynchium A, and Allorhynchium B is 4.3% (Table 2). According to Hebert’s view that the average difference of COJ sequences within the same species is usually less than 2% (Hebert et al. 2003), our results suggest that both Allorhynchium A and Allorhynchium B belong to A, radiatum, and A. diffinis and A. radiatum be valid species, respectively. First description of male (Fig. 21): sculpture, punctuation, setae, and coloration similar to female (Figs 20, 23, 26); body length 13.5 mm, with large yellow spots and bands (Fig. 21): clypeus (Fig. 24) wholly, wide band along lower inner eye orbit, large inter-antennal spot, scape ventrally, wide anterior band of pronotum, large spot Table 2. Genetic distance among eight specimens based on K2P and CO/ sequences. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (1) Allorhynchium diffinis (2) Allorhynchium radiatum 0.043 (3) Allorhynchium A 0.043 0.000 (4) Allorhynchium B 0.043 0.000 0.000 (5) Allorhynchium chinense 0.152 0.166 0.166 0.166 (6) Allorhynchium argentatum 0.130 0.146 0.146 0.146 0.064 (7) Anterhynchium flavomarginatum 0.182 0.176 0.176 0.176 On. 92. 0.186 (8) Vespa mandarinia 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.230 0.229 0.214 Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae lier Figures 20-28. Allorhynchium diffinis (Giordani Soika, 1986) 20 habitus (dorsal view) 2 21 habitus (dorsal view) 4 22 genitalia (front view), 3 23 clypeus, 2 24 clypeus, S25 apex of antenna, S 26 meta- soma (dorsal view), 9 27 S2, ¢ 28 S7, 3. 128 Li Luo et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 77: 119-137 (2020) on mesepisternum, tegula except a central translucent spot, parategula, two spots of metanotum, dorsal and posterior faces of propodeum largely, wide apical band on each of both terga I and I; head and mesosoma coarsely punctate, punctures of metasoma sparser than those of head and mesosoma; A13 (Fig. 25) blunt, short and bent back- ward not beyond the middle of Al1; S2 (Fig. 27) protruding medially into a big and strong crest in lateral view and rounded apically; S7 (Fig. 28) with three distinct teeth at basal area; genitalia as in Fig. 22: apex of penis valve not round in frontal view, apex of volsella slightly narrow in frontal view. Diagnosis. Body with large yellow markings: clypeus wholly, anterior half of pronotum, propodeum largely, tegula except brown spot, parategula, and wide apical bands on T1—T2; clypeal apex deeply emarginated and forming acute tooth on each lateral side; body with coarse punctures, punctures on both head and mesosoma denser than those on metasoma; A13 short, bent backward, and not beyond the middle of A11; S2 protruding medially into a big and strong crest and rounded apically; $7 with three distinct teeth at basal area. Distribution. China (Sichuan). Allorhynchium radiatum Li, Barthélémy & Carpenter, 2019 Figs 29-52 Allorhynchium radiatum Li, Barthélémy & Carpenter, 2019: 139-140. Material examined. 191, Curna, Guizhou Prov., Qiannan City, Libo County, Maolan National Nature Reserve, Dongdai Village, 25°23.408'N, 108°04.374'E, 576 m, 21.V1.2015, Tingjing Li and Yan Peng (CQNU); 22 93d, Cuina, Guangxi Prov., Guilin City, Longsheng County, Sanmen Town, Huaping National Nature Re- serve, 25°37.454'N, 109°54.957'E, 740 m, 16.VII.2018, YanPeng and Xue Zhang (CQNU); 222, Cuina, Guangdong Prov., Shaoguan City, Shixing County, Chebal- ing National Nature Reserve, 24°43.503'N, 114°15.658'E, 357 m, VI.2018, Feiyue Du (CQNU). Notes. The species A. radiatum was described on a single female from Hong Kong, China (Li et al. 2019). The type specimen is almost wholly black except yellow spots on head. According to the results of CO/ genes in this study (Fig. 19), there are some variations of morphological characters within the species. Among the specimens which are collected from other areas of China, those from Guizhou (Figs 29-36) and Guangxi (Figs 37-46, Allorhynchium A) are with more yellow markings than the type specimen (figs 33, 34 of Li et al. 2019) and those from Guangzhou (Figs 47-52, Allorhynchium B), and S2 of male protruding medially into a transverse crest or indistinctly convex (Figs 35, 43-45). First description of male (Figs 30, 38): body length 12.8-13.3 mm, forewing length 12.5-12.9 mm. Sculpture, punctuation, setae, and coloration as in female (Figs 29, 37, 47); the following parts yellow: clypeus wholly or except lateral side (Figs 33, 41), scape ventrally, anterior small separated spots of pronotum, and dorso- Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae 19 SS Figures 29-36. Allorhynchium radiatum Li et al., 2019 (from Guizhou) 29 habitus (dorsal view), 9 30 habitus (dorsal view), 3 31 genitalia (front view), JS 32 clypeus, 2 33 clypeus, 5 34 apex of antenna, 3 35 metasoma (ventral view), 4 36 S7, &. lateral spots of propodeum; A3—A12 ventrally dark brown; T1 and T2 almost black or with thin and interrupted apical bands (Figs 30, 38); clypeus almost as wide as long, moderately punctate, apical margin strongly emarginated medially, apical width: emar- 130 Li Luo et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 77: 119-137 (2020) Figures 37-46. Allorhynchium radiatum (Allorhynchium A, from Guangxi) 37 habitus (dorsal view), 9 38 habitus (dorsal view), 3 39 genitalia (front view), 3 40 clypeus, 2 41 clypeus, 35 42 apex of antenna, S 43-45 variations of $2, 4 46 S7, 3. gination depth = 0.58: 0.21, total width: apical width = 1.8: 0.58; A13 (Figs 34, 42) slightly curved and longer than that of A. diffinis; S2 protruding medially into a trans- verse crest or indistinctly convex (Figs 35, 43-45); S7 with three distinct tubercles at Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae 131 Figures 47-52. Allorhynchium radiatum (Allorhynchium B, from Guangzhou) 47 habitus (dorsal view) 9 48 head, (dorsal view) 2 49 clypeus, 9 50 metasoma (dorsal view), 2 51 mesosoma (dorsal view), 2 52 metasoma (ventral view), @. basal area (Figs 36, 46); genitalia as in Figs 31, 39, apical tip of penis valve somewhat inflated and round. Diagnosis. Compared with the related A. diffinis, body of A. radiatum almost black or just with a few thin yellow markings, A13 elongated and longer than that of A, diffinis, punctures on both T2 and S2 distinctly coarser, S2 protruding medially into 132 Li Luo et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 77: 119-137 (2020) a transverse crest or indistinctly convex (in A. diffinis, S2 protruding medially into a big and strong crest in lateral view and rounded apically), apex of penis valve round in frontal view (in A. diffinis, apex of penis valve not round). Distribution. China (Hong Kong, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou). In addition, there was an error that needs to be corrected in the reference (Li et al. 2019): figure 38 of A. radiatum in p.138 was misplaced and should be exchanged with figure 89 in page 152. Allorhynchium quadrimaculatum Gusenleitner, 1997 new record Figs 53-60 Allorhynchium quadrimaculatum Gusenleitner, 1997: 759; 2011: 1362; Tan et al. 2018: 49-64. Material examined. 229, Cuina, Guangxi Prov., Baise City, Lingyun County, Yuhong Town, Hexiang Village, 24°29.355'N, 106°29.664'E, 791 m, 31.VII.2018, Yan Peng and Zhang Xue (CQNU); 19, Cutna, Guangxi Prov., Baise City, Ling- yun County, Yuhong Town, Panxian Village, 24°28.157'N, 106°33.762'E, 964 m, 30.VII.2018, Zhang Xue and Han Qian (CQNU); 19, Cuina, Guangxi Prov., Guilin City, Longsheng County, Sanmen Town, 25°43.789'N, 109°51.905'E, 236 m, 17.VII.2018, Yan Peng and Xue Zhang (CQNU); 19, Curna, Guangxi Prov., Guilin City, Xingan County, Huajiang Town, Gaozhai Village, 25°50.901'N, 110°28.976'E, 430 m, 19.VII.2015, Tingjing Li (CQNU); 19, Curna, Guangxi Prov., Fangcheng- gang City, Shangsi County, Jaoanzhen Town, Shiwandashan National forest park, 22°06.404'N, 107°58.381'E, 280 m, 16.VIII.2017, Xudong Li (CQNU); 13, Cur NA, Guangxi Prov., Hechi City, Huanjiang County, Chuanshan Town, Leyi Village, 25°07.015'N, 107°58.820'E, 533 m, 23.VII.2018, Yan Peng (CQNU); 12, Cura, Sichuan Prov., Pengzhou City, Xiaoyudong Town, Luoyangba Village, 31°11.607'N, 103°45.290'E, 1013 m, 19.VII.2015, Zhang Xue and Han Qian (CQNU); 229 14, Cuina, Guizhou Prov., Qiannan City, Libo County, Maolan National Nature Re- serve, Dongdai Village, 25°23.408'N, 108°04.374'E, 576 m, 21.V1.2015, Tingjing Li and Yan Peng (CQNU); 19, Cutna, Yunnan Prov., Hekou County, Nanxi Town, 22°37.546'N, 103°56.892'E, 220 m, 19.VII.2015, Liang Wang (CQNU); Lis Cnr NA, Yunnan Prov., Hekou County, Nanxi Town, 22°37.546'N, 103°56.892'E, 220 m, 18.VII.2018, Chunfa Chen and Liping Zhao (CQNU). Diagnosis. Body length 12.2-13.0 mm in female (Fig. 53), 11.9-12.3 mm in male (Fig. 54). Clypeus in female length and width equal, moderately punctate, en- tirely black, with apical margin strongly emarginate medially, apical width: emargina- tion depth = 0.57: 0.10, total width: apical width = 1.7: 0.57 (Fig. 55); clypeus in male yellow, total width: apical width = 1.5: 0.55, apical margin moderately emargin- ate medially, apical width: emargination depth = 0.55: 0.12 (Fig. 56); A13 elongate, slightly curved and backward about reaching the middle of All (Fig. 57); anterior vertical face of pronotum with smooth; tegula not exceeding parategula; wings dark Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae 133 Figures 53-60. Allorhynchium quadrimaculatum Gusenleitner, 1997 53 habitus (dorsal view) 2 54 habitus (dorsal view) 4 55 clypeus, 2 56 clypeus, 357 apex of antenna, 3 58 metasoma (dorsal view), 2 59 S2, ¢ 60 S7, 3. brown, with purple luster; (apical yellow bands of Tl and T2 medially interrupted (Figs 53, 58); anterior surface of T1 rectangular in lateral view; S2 in male protrud- ing medially into a transverse crest in lateral view (Fig. 59); S7 of male with pair of triangular teeth (Fig. 60). Distribution. China (new record: Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan); Viet- nam; Laos. 134 Li Luo et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 77: 119-137 (2020) Key to the Chinese species of Allorhynchium van der Vecht’ 1 T1 evenly rounded in lateral view and without transverse rim at junction of ALLTCHION- Ai SOSA AGE e spout gh eos Sac phases eats Shh ey Waele laat sean olneduest ote okt 2 T1 rather rectangular in lateral view and with transverse rim at junction of ANtEHOF. ana "dorsal Paces. Aaea. naan ceel ethane sede dehetevutedtuncg epson oustiiaetee. aninee A Occipital carina relatively wide laterally; clypeus of male entirely black......... eRe ak tu, Cadel he Se, Piles, TR A. chinense (de Saussure, 1862) Occipital carina narrower laterally than the above species; clypeus of male Witla: yell OWS POTS: evsc. 215. c.e cnn sed Ss alae cae ede dette meSt sameid in, oe Baus ated eaten 28 3 T1 and T2 with very small, sparse and thin punctures except lateral and api- Cali POROUS P wee aomed: ae teste ae ati eteaeei see A, argentatum (Fabricius, 1804) T1 and T2 with relatively bigger and denser punctures except lateral and api- Cal ep ELOTIS ot Reh ae ne ak tee sles. A. metallicum (de Saussure, 1852) Emargination of clypeal apex relatively wider and shallower (Figs 2, 12, 55, 56); S7 of male with two small teeth basally (Figs 7, 17, 60)... eee 5 Emargination of clypeal apex narrower and deeper, almost semicircular (Figs 23, 24, 32, 33, 40, 41, 49); S7 of male with three small teeth basally (PT S#28 23.6: WG) 8 ose cecil ste ttearee dea vee cvaanlowbtisosntcst Masud eee dba Reih sPeiedlaldeadncedbating Ws Tegula reddish brown (Fig. 14); S7 of male with pair of flat lobe-shaped pro- Gubsrancesy Pigs | 7) satiation ante tannataes A. lugubrinum (Cameron, 1900) Tegula dark black (Figs 4, 5, 53, 54); S7 of male with pair of triangular teeth CES OU rh ath din dustin sean tnctia te taeda abart Melubt Maud ftolad hug Shih taaaeg SUE 6 Wings dark brown, with purple luster (Fig. 53); S2 of male protruding medi- allyinto;ashort'and: highstuber( Pied 59) v.cad. oie ecsSate one erecekteonePenerantes ei tid oN aeita OIE A tt A CREA Onn E A. quadrimaculatum Gusenleitner, 1997 Wings pale brown, without purple luster (Fig. 1); S2 of male protruding me- dially into a transverse high and strong crest (Fig. 6) ......eeceeeseeseeeeeeeeeeeees Ah atuede ne cae ae Reuse A. menglianensis (Dong & Wang, 2017) comb. nov. Body almost black or with few yellow markings, Tl and T2 without apical bands or just with interrupted yellow apical bands or small spots (Figs 29, 30, 37, 38, 47); A13 in male elongate (Figs 34, 42); S2 protruding medially into a transverse crest or indistinctly convex (Figs 35, 43-45); apex of volsella igavanaVeleibetgane) be:1 Eat ouy 0 ul (ex kuo a bc) pane meme AN dee ona Rec iy mrL an Rn aoe OSE werden enn. dbserenlicsahien. «|