Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (1) 2020, 195-203 | DOI 10.3897/zse.96.50744 > PENSUFT. Gave Ee BERLIN A new species of Pereionotus (Amphipoda, Senticaudata, Phliantidae) from Pulau Tinggi, Sultan Iskandar Marine Park, Malaysia NurFara-Syakira binti Feirulsha!, Azman bin Abdul Rahim! 1 Department of Earth Sciences and Environment, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia 2 Marine Ecosystem Research Centre (EKOMAR), Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia http://zoobank.org/D2C2A527-A64F-479B-9F 74-BD I BE2E42CF3 Corresponding author: Azman bin Abdul Rahim (abarahim@gmail.com) Academic editor: K. von Rintelen # Received 3 February 2020 Accepted 20 March 2020 # Published 15 May 2020 Abstract A new species of Pereionotus Spence Bate & Westwood, 1861 from Pulau Tinggi, Sultan Iskandar Marine Park (SIMP) is described and the first record of the genus from Malaysia. It was collected from Kg. Tg. Balang, Pulau Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia (2°16'59.5"N, 104°07'21.9"E) and can be distinguished by having wide and dorsally truncate carinae of pereonites 2-7, maxillipedal palp as long as the outer plate, lacking additional robust seta in the middle of propodi of pereopods 1-4, and the absence of short robust setae on the anterodistal corner of merus and carpus of pereopods 6—7. An updated identification key for the 11 known species in the genus is also presented. Key Words Johor, Malaysia, new species, Pereionotus tinggiensis sp. nov., Phliantidae, Pulau Tinggi, Sultan Iskandar Marine Park, taxonomy Introduction Phliantid amphipods resemble isopods due to their dor- soventral depression body feature (Coleman 2009b). In addition, it has a dorsal keel with humps and laterally splayed coxal plates of pereopods 1—4 (Coleman 2009b). Phliantidae Stebbing, 1899 is composed of seven differ- ent genera, namely: 1) Gabophilias J.L. Barnard, 1972, 11) Iphinotus Stebbing, 1899, 111) [phiplateia Stebbing, 1899, iv) Pariphinotus Kunkel, 1910, v) Pereionotus Spence Bate & Westwood, 1861, vi) Phlias Guérin, 1836, and vil) Quasimodia J. L. Barnard, 1969. According to Low- ry (2003), this family is common in the Southern Hemi- sphere, as intertidal algal-dwelling amphipods. Currently, the genus Pereionotus is composed of 10 species and they are widely distributed and most diverse in the western Pa- cific Ocean (Coleman and Lowry 2012). Sultan Iskandar Marine Park (SIMP), or formerly known as the East Johor Island Archipelago (EJIA), 1s sit- uated off the east coast of Johor, Malaysia, in the South China Sea. The park comprises 13 small islands off Mers- ing, Johor, namely Pulau Harimau, Pulau Mensirip, Pulau Goal, Pulau Tengah, Pulau Hujung, Pulau Rawa, Pulau Sibu, Pulau Tinggi, Pulau Mentinggi, Pulau Sibu Hujo- ng, Pulau Pemanggil, Pulau Besar, and Pulau Aur. Pulau Tinggi is about 30 km southeast of Mersing and has an area of about 16 km’. Ongoing faunistic investigations of the SIMP, especially at Pulau Tinggi, have yielded over 10 new crustacean taxa, belonging to Mysida, Amphipoda, and Isopoda (e.g., Azman and Melvin 2011; Azman and Copyright NurFara-Syakira binti Feirulsha, B.A.R. Azman. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 196 Feirulsha, N.-S. & Azman, B.A.R.: Pereionotus tinggiensis from Sultan Iskandar Marine Park, Malaysia Othman 2013; Chew et al. 2014, 2016; Gan et al. 2010; Lim et al. 2010, 2019, 2012, 2015, 2017; Othman and Az- man 2007; Tan and Azman 2017, 2018; Tan et al. 2014, 2015). The present study is the first to report the occur- rence of phliantid amphipods in the Malaysian waters. In this paper, one new species from Pulau Tinggi is described. Methods The materials collected contain only female specimens (three individuals), collected in the rocky intertidal zone of Kg. Tg. Balang, Pulau Tinggi, Johor, (Fig. 1) on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. At the laboratory, the materials were preserved in 4% formalin in seawater in vials and later selected for dissection. Whole bodies and dissected appendages were mounted in glycerol on glass slides for illustration. Pencil drawings were made under a compound microscope Olympus BX43 fitted with a camera lucida. Then, line drawings were made follow- ing the guidelines described by Coleman (2003, 2009a),. The materials are deposited in the Muzium Zoologi, Uni- versiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKMMZ). The following abbreviations are used: A, antenna; LL, lower lip; MD, mandible; MX, maxilla; MXP, maxilliped; P, pereopod; PL, pleopod; T, telson; U, uropod; 9°, female. Results and discussion Family Phliantidae Stebbing, 1899 Genus Pereionotus Spence Bate & Westwood, 1863 Diagnosis (based on Coleman and Lowry 2012). Pereon depressed, coxal plates 1-4 somewhat splayed. Urosome flexed under pleon. Head flat with short rostrum. Maxilla I with scale-like inconspicuous palp. Maxilla 2 with ba- sally fused plates. Maxillipedal palp 3—articulate. Pereo- pods simple. Basis of pereopods 5 and 6 wide, rounded, and ventrally expanded; basis of pereopod 7 without ven- tral lobe and narrower. Inner ramus of pleopod 3 slightly shortened. Uropod 2 uniramous in female, biramous in male. Uropod 3 without rami. Pereionotus tinggiensis sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/166AC441-AC55-436D-AC02-64BA2A4095A 1 Figures 2—5 Type material. Holotype, female, 2 mm, UKM- MZ-1603, Kg. Tg. Balang, Pulau Tinggi, Johor, Malay- sia, 2°16'59.5"N, 104°07'21.9"E (DMS), intertidal zone, by washing intertidal rock, Hazmi, Melvin & Azman, 31 Pulau Tinggi Kampung e@ 7g. Balang 104°O7'E NS 104°09'E 104°08'E Figure 1. Map of Pulau Tinggi, Johor, Sultan Iskandar Marine Park (SIMP), Malaysia. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (1) 2020, 195-203 197 Figure 2. Pereionotus tinggiensis sp. nov., holotype female, UKMMZ-1603. August 2016. Paratypes, 3 specimens (2 females, | juve- nile), UKMMZ-—1604, same data as for holotype. Species composition. Pereionotus contains 11 species: P. alaniphlias (J. L. Barnard 1970); P. dieteri Coleman & Lowry, 2012; P. hartmuti Coleman & Lowry, 2012; P. hirayamai Coleman & Lowry, 2012; P. holmesi (Gurjano- va, 1938); P. japonicus (Tzvetkova, 1968); P. natalensis (K. H. Barnard, 1940); P. testudo (Montagu, 1808); P. thomsoni (Stebbing, 1899); P. tinggiensis sp. nov.; P. yon- gensis Coleman & Lowry, 2012. Diagnosis. Dorsal keel consisting of subequal evenly rising dorsal humps on pereonites 2—7. Antenna J robust with subterminal lateral lobe. Coxae /—4 with sparse long setae on the distal margin. Propodi of pereopods 6 and 7 without additional robust setae on the anterodistal corner of merus and carpus. Description. Based on holotype female, 2 mm. Body (Fig. 2) depressed, laterally not much expanded, coxae not much splayed. With shallow dorsal keel, each cari- na on pereonites 2—7 is wide and dorsally truncate. Head small, shorter than pereonite 1, with protruding eyes. Antenna I (Fig. 3, Al) peduncular article 1 robust with subterminal lateral lobe, almost twice as wide as article 2; peduncular article 2 longer than wide; peduncular ar- ticle 3 half the width of article 2; flagellum of only one article with long aesthetascs apically. Antenna 2 (Fig. 3, A2) slender, almost reaching distal margin of article 2 of antenna 1; peduncular article 2 is as long as wide; pedun- cular article 3 is slightly longer than article 4; peduncular article 4 twice as long as article 5; peduncular article 5 with long flagellum apically. Upper lip missing. Lower lip (Fig. 5, LL) apical mar- gin with short mandibular lobes. Mandible (Fig. 5, MD) dentate incisors with four raker spines. Maxilla | (Fig. 5, MX1) outer lobe with six robust setae of differing size; inner lobe with 1 robust seta. Mavilliped (Fig. 5, MXP) inner plate subrectangular, apically truncate with four nodular setae and few stout and slender setae; outer plate as long as palp; palp 3-articulate. Maxilla 2 (Fig. 5, MX2) plates separate apically; inner plate wider than outer plate with three robust setae apically; outer plate with three ro- bust setae apically. Coxae I[—4 with sparse setae on the distal margin. Pereopod | (Fig. 3, P1) coxa subrectangular; basis slightly expanded posterodistally, one medial seta on the anterior margin, one apical seta each on the posterior and anterior margin; ischium longer than merus, setae as for basis; merus distally oblique, about the length of carpus, three setae on the posterior margin; carpus expanded anterodistally, one medial seta on the posterior margin, one apical seta each on the posterior and anterior margin; propodus longer than wide, almost as long as merus and carpus combined, medial face with row of stout apical- ly setulose setae, one medial seta on the posterior mar- gin, two apical setae each on the posterior and anterior margin, one apical robust seta on the posterior margin; dactylus falcate, with long unguis. Pereopod 2 (Fig. 3, P2) coxa wider than that of pereopod 1; basis slightly expanded posterodistally, one medial seta on the anterior margin, one apical seta each on the posterior and ante- rior margin; mid diameter of ischium is more than half the width of distal basis, one medial seta on the anterior margin, one apical seta each on the posterior and anterior margin; merus distally oblique, three setae on the pos- terior margin; carpus expanded anterodistally, posterior zse.pensoft.net Feirulsha, N.-S. & Azman, B.A.R.: Pereionotus tinggiensis from Sultan Iskandar Marine Park, Malaysia 198 Y Y Ey ll) hip lV We WS Figure 3. Pereionotus tinggiensis sp. nov., holotype female, UKMMZ-1603, 2 mm. Scale bars: 0.1 mm. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (1) 2020, 195-203 margin straight with two setae, one apical seta each on the posterior and anterior margin; propodus similar in shape as pereopod 1, without row of robust setae on medial face, one medial seta on the posterior margin, two apical setae each on the posterior and anterior margin, one api- cal robust seta on the posterior margin; dactylus falcate, with long unguis. Pereopod 3 (Fig. 4, P3) coxa similar in shape as pereopod 2; basis slightly expanded posterodis- tally; ischium expanded postero- and anterodistally with one seta on the posterior margin; merus with straight pos- terior margin and convex anterior margin, distal margin oblique, two medial and one apical seta on the posterior margin, one apical seta on the anterior margin; carpus expanded anterodistally with straight posterior margin, one apical seta on the anterior margin, posterior margin with three medial setae; propodus longer than wide, one medial seta on the posterior and anterior margin, one apical robust seta on the posterior margin, three apical setae on the anterior margin; dactylus subequal to that of pereopod 2. Pereopod 4 (Fig. 4, P4) coxa widest with posteromarginal subacute lobe; basis expanded postero- distally, straight anterior margin with two medial setae; mid diameter of ischium is 0.8 the width of distal basis, one apical seta each on the posterior and anterior margin; merus with straight posterior margin and convex anterior margin, distal margin oblique, two medial setae on the posterior margin, one apical seta each on the posterior and anterior margin; carpus expanded anterodistally with one apical seta, two medial seta on the posterior margin; propodus longer than wide, almost as long as merus and carpus combined, two medial, two apical, and one apical robust seta on the posterior margin, one medial and two apical setae on the anterior margin; dactylus subequal to that of pereopod 3. Pereopod 5 (Fig. 4, P5) basis poster- omarginally weakly convex with rounded posterior lobe, expanded ventrally and partly covering the ischium, three medial and two apical setae on the posterior margin; 1s- chium almost as long as wide, two medial and four apical setae on the anterior margin; merus drawn out into slight- ly rounded posterodistal lobe with three apical setae, one medial and one apical seta on the anterior margin; carpus almost as long as merus, slightly expanded posterodis- tally with one apical, one medial, and one apical seta on the anterior margin; propodus subequal to the shape of pereopod 4, longer than wide with 2 the width, two me- dial and three apical setae on the posterior margin, one medial, two apical, and one apical robust seta on the an- terior margin; dactylus falcate, slightly longer compared to that of pereopod 4, with long unguis, six medial setae on the posterior margin and one apical seta on the ante- rior margin. Pereopod 6 (Fig. 4, P6) basis with straight anterior margin, posteromarginally weakly convex with rounded posterior lobe, expanded ventrally and partly covering the ischium and merus, distal margin oblique, two medial and apical setae on the anterior margin; is- chium subrectangular with two medial and apical setae on the anterior margin; merus expanded posterodistally 139 with one medial and three apical setae; carpus longer than wide as the distal merus, two medial setae on the anterior margin, one apical seta on the posterior margin; propodus longer than wide, 3 the width, one medial and two api- cal setae each on the posterior and anterior margin, one apical robust seta on the anterior margin; dactylus is as the same as pereopod 5, one medial seta on the posterior margin and one apical seta on the anterior margin. Pereo- pod 7 (Fig. 4, P7) basis posteromarginally weakly convex without rounded posterior lobe with one apical seta on the anterior margin; ischium slightly expanded posterodistal- ly, longer than wide, with one apical seta on the anterior margin; merus expanded posterodistally with one apical seta, one apical seta on the anterior margin; carpus almost as long as merus, longer than wide, with one apical seta on the posterior margin, two apical setae on the anterior margin; propodus as long as that of pereopod 5, longer than wide, two medial and apical setae on the posterior margin, one medial and apical seta, and one apical robust seta on the anterior margin; dactylus falcate, with long unguis, as long as pereopod 5 with one apical seta on the anterior margin. Pleopod I (Fig. 5, PL1) with subrectangular peduncle, 0.6x as long as wide, with two coupling hooks; outer ra- mus slightly longer than inner ramus. Pleopod 2 (Fig. 5, PL2) peduncle wider than long, with two coupling hooks; rami widened proximally and subequal in length. Pleopod 3 (Fig. 5, PL3) peduncle wider than long with a tapering medial process ending in an apex with two coupling hooks; outer ramus slightly shortened. Uropod | (Fig. 5, U1) bi- ramous, peduncle as long as outer ramus, slightly expand- ed anterodistally; outer ramus slightly shorter than inner, with some small setae on the tip. Uropod 2 (Fig. 5, U2) uniramous, peduncle slightly shorter and wider than rami; both rami subequal, with an apical nodular seta on the tip. Uropod 3 (Fig. 5, U3) without rami, hidden under telson. Telson triangular and slightly longer than wide (Fig. 5, T). Remarks. Pereionotus tinggiensis sp. nov. shares the di- agnostic characters of the genus: body depressed dorso- ventrally; coxal plates 14 not strongly splayed; maxilla 1 with scale-like inconspicuous palp; maxilla 2 with ba- sally fused palp; maxillipedal palp 3-articulate; basis of pereopods 5 and 6 wide, rounded and ventrally expanded; slightly shortened inner ramus of pleopods 3; uropod 2 uniramous (female), and uropod 3 lacking rami. The new species shows significant differences from other known species of Pereionotus. However, Pereiono- tus tinggiensis sp. nov. appears to have some similarities to the neighbouring Australian species, namely P. dieteri, P. hartmuti, P. thomsoni, and P. yongensis. Nonetheless, certain distinct characters were observed, including, 1) the presence of additional robust seta half-way on the pos- terior margin of propodi of pereopods 1 and, 11) simi- lar robust setae on the anterior margin of the propodi of pereopods 5-7, distinguishing P. tinggiensis sp. nov. from P. thomsoni. Besides, P. hartmuti and P. yongensis were zse.pensoft.net 200 Feirulsha, N.-S. & Azman, B.A.R.: Pereionotus tinggiensis from Sultan Iskandar Marine Park, Malaysia Figure 4. Pereionotus tinggiensis sp. nov., holotype female, UKMMZ-1603, 2 mm. Scale bars: 0.1 mm. zse.pensoft.net 201 Zoosyst. Evol. 96 (1) 2020, 195-203 Se Ds eases ESS = SS, ZL WE TINS NY UKMMZ-1603, 2 mm. Scale bars: 0.05 mm, except for MD and MX2, oy Figure 5. Pereionotus tinggiensis sp. nov., holotype female 0.025 mm. zse.pensoft.net 202 found to exhibit a dense fringe of long slender setae on the distal margin of coxa 1-4. This unique characteristic is lacking in P. tinggiensis sp. nov. The new species is similar to P. dieteri in having robust subterminal lateral lobe of peduncular article 1 of antenna 1; not having ad- ditional robust seta half-way on the posterior margin of propodi of pereopods 1-4; and lacking robust seta on the Key to the species of Pereionotus (female) Feirulsha, N.-S. & Azman, B.A.R.: Pereionotus tinggiensis from Sultan Iskandar Marine Park, Malaysia anterior margin of the propodi of pereopods 1-7, but can be distinguished from P. dieteri by the absence of one or two short robust setae on the anterodistal corner of merus and carpus of pereopods 6 and 7. Etymology. This species is named after the type locality, Pulau Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia. 1 Propodi of pereopods 1-4 with additional robust seta halfway on the posterior margin and similar robust seta on the ANtEFOr Marin Oni Oropodi Ot: PElSO POS OH FSi ceca dn anesadeaenayeh coon ggseneoebiewtapens exeatensnw Mebane P. thomsoni (Stebbing, 1899) - Propodi of pereopods 1-7 without additional robust seta halfway on the posterior and anterior Mar@in................:0060 2 2 Pereonites 1-7 with lateral bulges JUSt ADOVE COX4EC...... 00... cee ceee cece eect eeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeees P, alaniphlias (J. L. Barnard, 1940) - rereonites 1—/awithout lateral DUIBes jUStPabOVEe COXAS q. 02.08 cecscnescculé clas cd Mieoss es cepnestledecdestetecdisthesctte ans sds Mlecastss ceesedledas te 3 i) Dorsal keel humps on pereonites 3 and 4 shorter than preceding pereonites........... P, hartmuti Coleman & Lowry, 2012 - Dorsal keel consist of subequal evenly rising dorsal hUMps ON Pereonites 2-7 .........c.ccccecseccsccceeceesonceeecereeeecerseecsecseees 4 4 Palp-onrmaxilliped longerstnaln the souter Dlaten..: 1h. sss irc ea eee een ee P. hirayamal Coleman & Lowry, 2012 — PalpronimaxiWipect:sitenthy sherter-tarr thie OULSr- plate Fo pa etceduemteelbhecdhsiometdlnenrane ge bbaddcd jouibessednne ht sidees Nemesde nbsigabbueeete! 5 5 Basis and merus of pereopod 5 expanded posterodistally...............::ccceseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees P. natalensis (K. H. Barnard, 1940) - Basis. ane Imerus-ofepereo poco hotexpanded postercell Stal... 5.047, tyes esate bey a ee cteckde bs ely sect eebageeat ine ee pede 6 6 Coxae 1-4 with sparse setae on the distal Margin ..............0.cccccseeceecesneeeseecceesseceseceesanseeeees P. holmesi (Gurjanova, 1938) - Coxae 1-4 with dense fringe of long slender setae on the distal Margin..............cccecce eee cc eee eecce cece eeseeeeeeesaeeeseeeseeeeaeeeaes es 7 ocaAntenna Lpeduncular article. lesleneder nt: 2) "er cite Sow oh eetlesto aaa dts Sadie. ohne P. yongensis Coleman & Lowry, 2012 - Aiea A peduneular arte es DOU S Ts we oe aio aez ce cay xeaecpar ep hs vate sa Mat ay oo eedenaeee Brice Fe 8 Used eae svn poe ace aA vy Oe tain roe eR RAGES tens cia 8 Stee Antenne “pectinculararticle: 2 aStlone. aS:Wwite. es job Bares ld Seco ee os eee en ae P. japonicus (Tzvetkova, 1968) - AlLehhasl{Peauincwlar ware ee IONSeSr UTA WAS. ates e Ae a aa teases eo tcl al ra else ha a i a coor eld g 9 ~~ Antenna 1 peduncular article 1 with produced terminal lateral lobe ..................ccceeeeeeeeeeeee ees P. testudo (Montagu, 1808) - Atenmalopectinicular article Liaih Suptenm ral seater (OBS: a8 <, --ss ele seek yy Getter phe eA vy ech lSeee phe ahd Cys es 10 10 Pereopods 6 and 7 with one or two short robust setae on the anterodistal corner of merus and CarpuS.............::0:::eee Le RIE od «RR 4 A te ee oe alte. A ene oe Rt he 4 a A | RN Be P. dieteri Coleman & Lowry, 2012 - Pereopods 6 and 7 lacking short robust setae on the anterodistal corner of merus and carpus ..... P, tinggiensis sp. nov. Acknowledgements This work is part of the MSc thesis of the first author in the Post-Graduation Program in Marine Science of the Uni- versiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. We are grateful to Dr Alan Myers, Dr Koraon Wongkamhaeng, and one anonymous reviewer for their critical comments on this manuscript. This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Education (Malaysia) under the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS/1/2019/WAB13/UKM/02/3) References Azman BAR, Melvin CWH (2011) Two new species of Urothoe (Crus- tacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridea) from the East Johor Islands Ar- chipelago, Malaysia. ZooKeys 87: 43-62. https://doi.org/10.3897/ zookeys.87.817 Azman BAR, Othman BHR (2013) Shallow water marine gammarid- ean amphipods of Pulau Tioman, Malaysia, with the description of a new species. 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