ore JHR 73: 3-38 (2019) JOURNAL OF | *0erriewed opevaccets ural se nee (G-) Hymenoptera http://jhr.pensoft.net The Inarational Society of Hymenoptersts. RESEARCH Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber Elijah J. Talamas'*, Norman FE Johnson’, Chungkun Shih'*, Dong Ren! | College of Life Sciences, Capital Normal University, 105 Xisanhuanbeilu, Haidian District, Beijing 100048, China 2 Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Gainesville, FL 32608, USA 3 Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, USA 4 Department of Paleobiology, National Mu- seum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20013-7012, USA Corresponding author: Elijah J. Talamas (elijah.talamas@freshfromflorida.com); Dong Ren (rendong@mail.cnu.edu.cn) Academic editor: 7. Yoder | Received 7 December 2018 | Accepted 22 April 2019 | Published 18 November 2019 http://zoobank.org/61D34EE7-13A3-48FB-8C55-30B76F60F1AA Citation: Talamas EJ, Johnson NE, Shih C, Ren D (2019) Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber. In: Talamas E (Eds) Advances in the Systematics of Platygastroidea II. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.73.32256 Abstract Proterosceliopsis was erected by Ortega-Blanco et al. (2014) in their treatment of scelionid genera in Creta- ceous amber from Alava, Spain. The generic description appears to have been based on specimens in which only the dorsal aspects of the mesosoma and metasoma were visible, as characters of the mesopleuron, metapleuron, lateral pronotum, and ventral metasoma were not mentioned. We here provide a compre- hensive description of the genus that includes characters from throughout the body and we reinterpret some of the characters presented by Ortega-Blanco et al. (2014). Our analysis of Proterosceliopsis in the context of extant and fossil platygastroids places this group as a lineage well outside of the current families. We here designate Proterosceliopsis as the type genus of a new family, Proterosceliopsidae Talamas, Johnson, Shih & Ren, fam. nov., and describe five new species: Proterosceliopsis ambulata TYalamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov., P nigon Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov., P plurima Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov., P torquata Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov., and P wingerathi Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov. We provide a key to all presently known species in the genus. The oldest known specimen of Platygastridae s.s., in Burmese amber, is presented and compared to Proterosceliopsidae fam. nov. Keywords fossil, morphology, Platygastridae, Scelionidae Copyright Elijah J. Talamas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 4 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) Introduction Platygastroid wasps are numerous in Burmese amber, comprising 16% of Hymenop- tera in a recent study by Zhang et al. (2018). Some Cretaceous taxa are recognizable among the extant fauna: Platygastridae, Sparasionini and Archaeoteleia Masner (Tala- mas et al. 2017a). Simultaneously, many cannot be confidently placed at the family level because of the morphological disparity of the Cretaceous fauna and because the classification of Platygastroidea is in a state of flux. Zhang et al. (2018) identified the Burmese amber specimens as Scelionidae, a family that has been used to accommodate taxa that are plesiomorphic, e.g. Nixonia Masner, Archaeoteleia Masner, Sparasion La- treille (Masner 1976), or feature characters that clearly exclude them from Platygastri- dae, e.g. Janzenella Masner & Johnson (Masner and Johnson 2007), Plaumannion Masner & Johnson (Masner et al. 2007), Huddlestonium Polaszek & Johnson (Masner et al. 2007) and Neuroscelio Dodd (Valerio et al. 2009). The historical concept of Scelionidae was found to be polyphyletic in the molecu- lar analysis of Murphy et al. (2007), which Sharkey (2007) used to treat Scelionidae as a junior synonym of Platygastridae. This resolved the issue of monophyly at the family level, but in doing so transferred the problem to the subfamilies, most of which are known to be polyphyletic. There is growing consensus among analyses that Plat- ygastridae s.s. and the “main scelionid clade” of Murphy et al. (2007) are monophy- letic lineages. The latter was retrieved in an analysis of the maxillo-labial complex by Popovici et al. (2017), and in unpublished molecular phylogenies of Platygastroidea that focus on relationships within Scelionidae (Chen et al.) and Platygastridae s.s. (Blaimer et al.). Both of these efforts include basal lineages and retrieve Platygastridae s.s. and the “main scelionid clade” as monophyletic taxa. A classification that employs the historical concept of Platygastridae and a modified concept of Scelionidae are thus well supported and provide cohesion with much of the taxonomic literature. Together, these taxa comprise the vast majority of platygastroid species, and a multi-family classi- fication system provides better framework for higher taxonomy in the superfamily. We defer changes to family classification to the final results of the aforementioned analyses and note that while affinities are clearly present, we cannot place Proterosceliopsis in any of the existing or potential suprageneric taxa without drastically and unnecessarily altering their limits. Our analysis of Proterosceliopsis is made in the context of extant specimens from a broad geographic and taxonomic sampling, fossils from Lebanese, Burmese, Baltic, and Dominican amber, and with consideration of lineages for which additional families may be erected. For the purposes of this paper, Archaeoteleia, Neuroscelio, Huddlestonium and Plau- mannion are considered incertae sedis and are referenced by their generic names; Sce- lionidae refers to the “main scelionid clade” of Murphy et al. (2007); Platygastridae refers to the historical, pre-Sharkey (2007) concept of the family (=Platygastrinae + Sceliotrachelinae + Orwellium Johnson, Masner & Musetti); Nixoniidae is treated as a monogeneric family (=/éxonia) sensu Mckellar and Engel (2012); and Sparasionini refers to the concept of Johnson et al. (2008a). Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 5 Criticism of previous taxonomy Preservation artifacts complicate the taxonomic treatment of fossils. This problem is exacerbated when primary types do not display characters in sufficient detail to enable unambiguous determination at the species level. In the case of Proterosceli- opsis, R- masneri Ortega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel can be reliably separated from the species here described from Burmese amber, but some of the most important generic characters are not visible in the specimens and are missing from the descrip- tion presented by Ortega-Blanco et al. (2014). As a result, taxon-defining characters cannot presently be verified in the specimen that carries the name of a species, ge- nus, and now, a family. We redefine Proterosceliopsis because we consider P masneri and the specimens in Burmese amber to be congeneric based on the congruence of observable characters. In this case, attaching a concept to an existing name can be defended by the available data and reduces the number of superficially defined gen- era in Platygastroidea. We assert that dubiously delimited taxa can be avoided by a more rigorous approach to the treatment of fossils, one in which taxa are described only when based on well-preserved specimens and with the necessary background knowledge about the superfamily. Material and methods Informatics The numbers prefixed with acronyms, e.g. “USNMENT” or “OSUC’, are unique identifiers for the individual specimens (note the blank space after some acronyms). Details on the data associated with these specimens may be accessed at the follow- ing link: purl.oclc.org/ NET/hymenoptera/hol and entering the identifier in the form. Persistent URIs for each taxonomic concept were minted by xBio:D in accordance with best practices recommend by Hagedorn et al. (2013). Morphological terms were matched to concepts in the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology (Yoder et al. 2010) us- ing the text analyzer function. A table of morphological terms and URI links is pro- vided in Appendix 1. Taxonomic synopses and matrix-based descriptions were gener- ated from the Hymenoptera Online Database (hol.osu.edu) and the online program vSysLab (vsyslab.osu.edu) in the format of character: state. Characters that were not visible because of preservation or orientation of the insects are coded as “not visible’. Imaging and microscopy The amber pieces were cut and polished to optimize the viewing and photography of specimens for taxonomic study. Direct examination of the specimens was made with a Zeiss V8 stereomicroscope and an Olympus BX51 compound microscope. 6 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) Photographs were captured with multiple imaging systems: a Z16 Leica lens with a JVC KY-F75U digital camera using Cartograph and Automontage software; an Olym- pus BX51 compound microscope with a Canon EOS 70D digital SLR camera; and a Leica DM2500 compound microscope with a Leica DFC425 camera. Illumination was achieved with a lighting dome or with LED gooseneck lamps and mylar light dispersers. Images were rendered from z-stacks with Automontage, Helicon Focus or Zerene Stacker. In some cases, multiple montage images were stitched together in Pho- toshop to produce larger images at high resolution and magnification. Full resolution images are archived at the image database at The Ohio State University (specimage. osu.edu). Dissections for scanning electron microscopy were performed with a minuten probe and forceps and body parts were mounted to a 12 mm slotted aluminum mount- ing stub (EMS Cat. #75220) using a carbon adhesive tab (EMS Cat. #77825-12) and sputter coated with approximately 70 nm of gold/palladium using a Cressington 108 auto sputtercoater. Micrographs were captured using a Hitachi’ [M3000 Tabletop Mi- croscope at 15 keV. Author contributions EJT: photography, scanning electron microscopy, taxon concepts, manuscript prepara- tion; NFJ: manuscript preparation; CKS: manuscript preparation, provision of Bur- mese amber; DR: manuscript preparation, provision of Burmese amber. Collections The amber specimens of Proterosceliopsis studied here were collected from Kachin (Hu- kawng Valley) of northern Myanmar, which was dated at 98.79+0.62 Ma (Cruickshank and Ko 2003, Shi et al. 2012), equivalent to the earliest Cenomanian and approxi- mately 1 Myr within the boundary between the Early and Late Cretaceous (Walker et al. 2012). This deposit yielded many well-preserved insect fossils (Chen et al. 2018a-b, Li et al. 2018, Wang et al. 2016, Zhang et al. 2018). Specimens on which this work is based are deposited in the following repositories with abbreviations used in the text: CCHH Hoffeins Collection, Hamburg, Germany CNCI Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Canada CNU _ Key Lab of Insect Evolution and Environmental Changes, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China FSCA Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, FL, USA KUNH Kansas University Natural History Museum, Lawrence, KS, USA OPPC Ovidiu Popovici, personal collection, “A.I. Cuza” University, Faculty of Biol- ogy, Iasi, Romania Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 7 OSUC C.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA USNM_ National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, USA Character annotations 1Rs (Fig. 15) 1* radial sector vein 2Rs (Fig. 15) 2" radial sector vein b (Fig. 15) bulla Cy Ca RA Big. 15) marginal vein Cu (Fig. 15) cubital vein fas (Fig. 10) facial striae ff (Figs 43-44) felt field M (Fig. 15) medial vein mas (Fig. 10) malar striae mees (Figs 16, 20) mesepimeral sulcus ms (Figs 7-8, 10) malar sulcus net (Figs 16-17, 19) netrion p (Fig. 22) cuticular pores pp (Fig. 17) mesopleural pit pres (Figs 16, 19, 21) pronotal cervical sulcus ps (Figs 1-6) papillary (basiconic) sensilla r (Fig. 15) stigmal vein R1 (Fig. 15) postmarginal vein Rs+M (Fig. 15) basal vein sk (Figs 11-13) skaphion Sc+R (Fig. 15) submarginal vein S6 (Fig. 47) metasomal sternites 6 T6-T8 (Figs 45-49, 55, 61) metasomal tergites 6-8 tel (Figs 16, 19, 21) transepisternal line Results Character discussion Most of the diagnostic characters of Proterosceliopsis can be found in extant platygas- troids but are present in a unique combination in this genus. Additionally, Protero- sceliopsis exhibits significant differences from each of the taxa with which it shares characters. We present discussions of these characters and their distribution among platygastroid taxa as a prelude to the generic treatment. 8 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) Antenna Bin (1981) defined the antennal clava in Telenominae (Scelionidae) based on the pres- ence of papillary sensilla on the ventral side of the distal antennomeres (previously referred to as basiconic sensilla). The presence of these sensilla on female antennae is a synapomorphy for Platygastroidea (Austin et al. 2005), and Bin’s definition of the clava has since been applied to all members of the superfamily. We continue to define the clava on the basis of papillary sensilla instead of relative antennomere size for multiple reasons: antennomeres can increase in size gradually (Figs 2—4); the size among anten- nomeres with papillary sensilla can be variable (Fig. 5); distinctly enlarged antennal segments may not have papillary sensilla, as in the clubbed antennae found in most males of Helava Masner & Huggert (Masner and Huggert 1989, Talamas and Mas- ner 2016). The claval formula is often of taxonomic value, particularly at the species- level, and its use requires that specimens be preserved well enough to observe these structures. Small bubbles in the amber are sometimes visible at the tips of the sensilla (Fig. 6) and can be useful for identifying their presence. A transverse orientation of papillary sensilla is known only in Nixonia (Fig. 4) (Johnson and Masner 2006) whereas all other extant platygastroids have a longitudinal arrangement (Fig. 1). We found that in some species of Proterosceliopsis (Figs 3, 5) and Cretaceous Electroteleia Brues (Fig. 2) the sensilla are arranged at an oblique angle. This was found in multiple specimens in which the general shape of the antennomeres is intact, and thus we do not attribute this to taphonomic deformation. Instead, we consider that different arrangements of these sensilla were possible earlier in the history of Platygastroidea. Malar sulcus The malar sulcus found in Proterosceliopsis is unaccompanied by facial or malar striae (Fig. 7), a state which can be found in some Scelionidae (Fig. 8) and some Sparasionini (Electroteleia). In Platygastridae, the malar sulcus is present in only two genera: Meta- clisis Forster and Orseta Masner & Huggert, each of which have both facial and malar striae (Fig. 10) (Masner and Huggert 1989), and Orwellium, which does not have facial or malar striae. The malar sulcus is entirely absent in Nixonia Masner (Fig. 9). Palpal formula Ortega-Blanco et al. (2014) recorded the palpal formula of P masner to be 5:3. We ob- served 5-merous, cylindrical maxillary palps in P nigon, P torquata, and P wingerathi; and at least 4 maxillary palpomeres in P plurima. Two labial palpomeres are visible in P. torquata. Five-merous palpomeres were retrieved as the plesiomorphic condition for Platygastroidea in the phylogenetic analysis by Popovici et al. (2017) and are found in Sparasionini, Nixonia, and Archaeoteleia. This indicates that Proterosceliopsis is also Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 9 a | A q = ae 2, & Figures |-6. | Sceliomorpha Ashmead (DPI_FSCA 00008723), female antenna, ventral view 2 Electroteleia (DPI_FSCA 00010129), female antenna, ventral view 3 Proterosceliopsis plurima (CNU-HYM-MA-2016102), female antenna, ventral view 4 Nixonia watshami Johnson & Masner (OSUC 149432), female antenna, ven- tral view 5 Proterosceliopsis nigon (CNU-HYM-MA-2017566), female antenna, ventral view. 6 Proterosceliopsis wingerathi (CNU-HYM-MA-2016101), female antenna, lateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. a basal lineage well outside of Scelionidae in which the palpal formula is 4:2 or less (Popovici et al. 2017), and Platygastridae in which the palpal formula is 2:1 or less (Popovici, personal communication). Skaphion The anterior mesoscutum in most species of Proterosceliopsis features a smooth, trans- verse structure to which we apply the term skaphion (Figs 11, 50, 58, 62). We do not assert that the skaphion of Proterosceliopsis is homologous with that found in scelionid genera (Figs 12-13) and note that it can be found in other Cretaceous taxa that do not belong to Proterosceliopsis or Scelionidae, e.g. Electroteleia (Fig. 14). 10 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) _ Aes {> Ss rt as a Figures 7-10. 7 Proterosceliopsis plurima (CNU-HYM-MA-2016102), head, anteroventral view 8 Calliscelio Ashmead (CNC494853), head, anteroventral view 9 Nixonia watshami (OSUC 149432), head, anteroventral view 10 Metaclisis (USNMENT01029162), head, anteroventral view. Scale bars in millimeters. Costal vein In Proterosceliopsis, the costal vein is present anterior to the fusion with R and extends proximally beyond the bulla (Fig. 15). This form is known from other Cretaceous plat- ygastroids (Fig. 14), but not in extant taxa. Setation of the pronotal cervical sulcus The pronotal cervical sulcus can take many forms, including a distinct line of foveae (Fig. 18), a well-defined smooth groove (Fig. 19), or a weakly defined furrow along the lateral pronotal rim (Fig. 17). In Nixonia, Johnson and Masner (2006) reported an area of dense setation along the anterior margin of the lateral pronotum that is often associated with solidified exudate (Fig. 20). Setation along the pronotal cervical sulcus is found in Proterosceliopsis (Fig. 16, 52, 59) and many platygastrids (Figs 19, 26), and often contains what appears to be solidified exudate. The unpublished phylogenetic Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 11 Figures 11-14. 11 Proterosceliopsis torquata (CNU-HYM-MA-2016106), head and mesosoma, dorsal view 12 Calotelea Westwood (OSUC 56216), head and mesosoma, dorsal view 13 Nyleta striaticeps Dodd (OSUC 174452), mesosoma, anterior view 14 Electroteleia (CNU-HYM-MA-2016103), mesosoma and metasoma, dorsolateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. analysis of Platygastridae (Blaimer et al.) indicates that stem lineages of this family have a setose pronotal cervical sulcus. Figures 65—66 illustrate the oldest known platygastrid, in Burmese amber, that exhibits this character, consistent with our treatment of it as a plesiomorphy for Platygastridae that varies significantly in some derived platygastrid lineages (Figs 21-26). Figures 21—22 illustrate the unusual form found in Sacespalus 12 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) in millimeters. in which setation is absent and the pronotal cervical sulcus is broadly expanded. Pores can be seen in the ventral portion of the pronotal cervical sulcus of Sacespalus (Fig. 22), which is congruent with the hypothesis that this character is associated with glandular secretions. We do not know of any scelionids with a setal patch along the anterior por- tion of the lateral pronotum but note that the antespiracular setal patch (sensu Yoder et al. 2012) in Scelionidae is associated with cuticular pores (Fig. 28). Based on the pronotal position of these setal patches, we suspect that they have similar function. Netrion A netrion is clearly present in 3 of the 5 species that we here describe. Mik6 et al. (2007) reported that in Nixonia the trachea associated with the anterior thoracic spira- cle extends ventrally between the netrion sulcus and the posterior pronotal inflection. Externally this results in the netrion sulcus dorsally terminating anterior to the anterior thoracic spiracle (Fig. 20). This character can be used to separate Nixonia from nearly all other platygastroids, in which the netrion sulcus, when present, terminates poste- rior or ventral to the anterior thoracic spiracle (Figs 16-18, 20). Transepisternal line Among extant platygastroids, the transepisternal line is found exclusively in Platygastri- dae (Fig. 19). We treat it as a plesiomorphy for Platygastridae based on its presence in the Cretaceous specimen illustrated in Figs 65—66, and because it is found in stem line- ages of the family based on a preliminary analysis of molecular data (Blaimer et al.). The internal anatomy associated with this structure has yet to be examined in detail and will likely shed light on its function and evolution within Platygastridae. The transepisternal line in Proterosceliopsis is clearly present in all specimens from Burmese amber (Figs 16, 53) suggesting a close relationship between Proterosceliopsidae and Platygastridae. Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 15, ‘Oke ‘igi a» Figures 16-20. 16 Proterosceliopsis plurima (CNU-HYM-MA-2016102), mesosoma, lateral view 17 Scelio Latreille (USNMENT00989612_3), mesosoma, ventrolateral view 18 Archaeoteleia gracilis Mas- ner (OSUC 163002), mesosoma, ventrolateral view 19 Fidiobia (USNMENT01197212_2), mesosoma, ventrolateral view 20 Nixonia watshami (OSUC 149432), head, lateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. Mesepimeral sulcus The presence of a fully developed mesepimeral ridge was retrieved by Vilhelmsen et al. (2010) as a potential autapomorpy for Proctotrupomorpha s.s. This ridge corresponds externally to the mesepimeral sulcus, which is found in all platygastroid families except Platygastridae (Figs 16-20). We consider the loss of the mesepimeral sulcus to be an apomorphy for Platygastridae, but whether this internally corresponds to loss of the mesepimeral ridge has yet to be investigated. Some examples of an absent or weakly 14 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) indicated mesepimeral sulcus can be found in Scelionidae. In some cases, these are clearly secondary derivations that occurred at the species level (Fig. 17). In the unusual Doddiella Kieffer (Scelionidae) the mesepimeral sulcus is not indicated externally but the mesepimeral ridge can be seen through the semitransparent exoskeleton (Fig. 27). The presence of the mesepimeral sulcus in Proterosceliopsidae provides a reliable meso- somal character to separate it from Platygastridae. _ ("i Mi ge Figures 21-26. 21 Sacespalus Kieffer (USNMENT01197981_1), mesosoma, lateral view 22 Sacespalus (USNMENT01197981_1), ventral portion of pronotal cervical sulcus, lateral view 23 Leptacis Forster (US- NMENT00872705), anterior portion of pronotal cervical sulcus, lateral view 24 Synopeas Forster (USN- MENT00989616_3), mesosoma, lateral view 25 Platygaster Latreille (USNMENT01197214_1), pronotum, lateral view 26 Trichacis Forster (USNMENT00989620), pronotum, lateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 15 Figures 27, 28.27 Doddiella (OSUC 56323), head and mesosoma, lateral view 28 Doddiella (USN- MENT00872797), pronotum and mesopleuron, lateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. Setation and sulci of the metasoma Proterosceliopsis from Burmese amber and /Vixonia share the presence of transverse, depressions along the anterior margins of T1—T'5 (Figs 29, 32) and S1-S5 (Figs 34, 37). In Nixonia, these depressions have visible setation. In Proterosceliopsis they appear to have very fine setation, but the cloudy exudate prevents an unobscured view. In P torquata these depressions are not clearly visible on T6, and in P plurima they are not clearly present on SO. In the other Burmese species of Proterosceliopsis, and in all spe- cies of Nixonia, these depressions are present on T6 and S6. We suspect that they are present on T6 and S6 in all species of Proterosceliopsis, but the preservation of these specimens prevents us from reaching a confident conclusion. The two components of this character, setation/glandular secretion and sulci along the anterior tergites and sternites, vary independently among platygastroid families. Sparasionini and Archaeoteleia feature transverse sulci across the anterior margins of the external tergites and sternites (Figs 33, 38, 44), which may sometimes be reduced on T6 and S6 in females of Electroteleia (Sparasionini) and in Archaeoteleia. These sulci are found in all specimens that we examined in Lebanese amber, which constitute the old- est platygastroid fossils, and we consider it likely that this is the plesiomorphic condi- tion for Platygastroidea. The metasoma in Sparasionini and Archaeoteleia lacks setation on the anterior tergites and sternites beyond T1 and S1, but there may be numerous felt fields (Fig. 44). In Platygastridae and Scelionidae, the anterior portions of T1—T2 and S1-S2 typically feature a transverse line of foveae or pits, which may or may not be clearly defined (Figs 30-31, 35-36). The transverse sulci in scelionids are not associated with setation, and patches of dense setae tend to be located on the lateral portion of the tergite, sometimes in well-defined pits (Figs 39-40). Some teleasines (Sce- lionidae) exhibit a transverse sulcus along anterior T3 and S3 (Fig. 30, 35) and setal patches with pores on T4—T5 (Fig. 42). Platygastridae exhibits the greatest variation in the size, location, and shape of setal pits on metasomal segments 1 and 16 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) a. | ; Figures 29-33. 29 Proterosceliopsis nigon (CNU-HYM-MA-2017566), head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view 30 Trimorus Forster (USNMENT01197861), metasoma, dorsal view 31 Amitus Haldeman (OSUC 404941), metasoma, dorsal view 32 Nixonia krombeini Johnson & Masner (OSUC 146429), metasoma, dorsal view 33 Sparasion philippinensis Kieffer (USNMENT00872835), metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars in millimeters. 2. They may be present laterally or medially, as a broad transverse patch that spans the width of the tergite or sternite (Fig. 43), in well-defined pits (Fig. 31), or they may be absent entirely (e.g. Orwellium Johnson, Masner & Musetti). Felt fields, which are absent in Nixonia and Proterosceliopsis, are found only on S2 in Plat- ygastridae and Scelionidae, with a few exceptions (e.g. Heptascelio Kieffer Johnson Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 17 Figures 34-38. 34 Proterosceliopsis nigon (CNU-HYM-MA-2017566), head, mesosoma, metasoma, ventral view 35 Dvivarnus mikuki Talamas & Miké6 (USNMENT01059135), metasoma, ventral view 36 Trichacis (USNMENT01059347), metasoma, ventral view 37 Nixonia watshami (OSUC 149432), metasoma, ventral view 38 Sparasion philippinensis (USNMENT00872835), metasoma, ventral view. Scale bars in millimeters. et al. 2008b)). Neuroscelio doddi Galloway, Austin & Masner exhibits an unusual and noteworthy form of sternal setation in which dense tufts are located medially on S1—S2 (Fig. 41). Setal patches on the metasoma and pronotum, which are often associated with pores in the integument, clearly warrant further examination. A survey of platygas- 18 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) troid morphology with a scanning electron microscope has revealed an array of ad- ditional pore locations and forms on the head and mesosoma. Our present analysis of these characters, which provides only a broad overview as it relates to family level classification of Proterosceliopsis, will be developed further in future projects. The presence of cuticular pores and solidified exudate in the same locations point to the activity of internal glands. Figures 39-44. 39 Trichoteleia bidentata Talamas (CASENT 2132802), T1, lateral view 40 Scelioninae (OSUC 254572), S1-S2, ventrolateral view 41 Neuroscelio doddi (OSUC 147252), S1-S2, ventrolat- eral view 42 Dvivarnus mikuki (USNMENT01059135), T3-15, dorsal view 43 Helava alticola Masner & Huggert (USNMENT00989211), metasoma, lateral view 44 Archaeoteleia gracilis (OSUC 163002), metasoma, lateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 1D a at © Figures 45-47. 45 Proterosceliopsis ambulata (CNU-HYM-MA-2016105), distal metasoma, dor- sal view 46 Fidiobia (USNMENT01197212_2), distal metasoma, dorsal view 47 Fidiobia (USN- MENT01197212_2), distal metasoma, ventrolateral view. Ovipositor system Ortega-Blanco et al. (2014) interpreted T7+8 to be the ovipositor, which they described as short and broad. We here clarify that these sclerites are not the ovipositor, but they could be considered part of the ovipositor system sensu Austin and Field (1997). The known diversity of ovipositor systems in Platygastroidea has expanded in recent years, with at least two derivations of a telescoping ovipositor system found in Platygastridae (Talamas et al. 2017b). Extension of the ovipositor system in Proterosceliopsis appears to operate via telescoping membrane between T6 and T7, with T7 and T8 clearly present as separate sclerites in some specimens (Fig. 45). The unpublished phylogenetic analyses suggest that conjunctival expansion between T6 and T7 occurred independently in Sce- lionidae and Archaeoteleia. The placement of Proterosceliopsis well outside of these families indicates that expansion of conjunctiva between 16 and 17 into a telescoping ovipositor system has occurred at least three times: in Proterosceliopsis, Archaeoteleia, and Scelioni- dae. We also have found evidence of conjunctival expansion between T6 and T7 in the platygastrid genus Fidiobia Ashmead. It does not appear to be telescoping but provides clear evidence of yet another independently derived elongation of conjunctiva between T6 and T7 (Figs 46-47), lending evidence to the plasticity of this morphological system. 20 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) Taxonomy Proterosceliopsidae Talamas, Johnson, Shih & Ren, fam. nov. http://zoobank.org/A482A28F-562C-43 18-A68 1-47F326D 152E3 Diagnosis. Antenna with 14 or 15 antennomeres; malar sulcus present (Fig. 7); facial striae absent (Fig. 7); malar striae absent (Fig. 7); pronotal cervical sulcus present as a furrow of fine setation associated with glandular excretion (Figs 16, 48-49, 51-53, 59); mesopleuron with transepisternal line and mesepimeral sulcus (Figs 16, 51-53, 59, 63); T3-T5 and S3-S5 anteriorly with depressions associated with glandular excre- tion (Figs 29, 34, 56, 58, 62). Proterosceliopsis Ortega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel http://bioguid.osu.edu/xbiod_concepts/352921 Proterosceliopsis Ortega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel, 2014: 554 (original description. Type: Proterosceliopsis masneri Ortega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel, by monotypy and original designation. Diagnosis); Talamas, Johnson, Buffington and Ren 2017: 251, 253 (description, keyed). Diagnosis. See family diagnosis. Description. Head: Facial striae: absent. Malar sulcus: present. Malar striae: ab- sent. Orbital carina: absent. Setation of compound eye: absent. Torulus: opening an- teriorly. Frontal ledge: absent. OOL: lateral ocellus separated from compound eye by less than one ocellar diameter. Macrosculpture of head: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: absent. Occipital carina: present, continuous dorsally and ventrally extending to pos- terior articulation of the mandible. Mesosoma: Propleural epicoxal sulcus: absent. Posterolateral corner of propleu- ron: strongly pointed. Pronotal cervical sulcus: furrow of dense fine setae. Epomial carina: absent. Transverse pronotal carina: absent. Antero-admedian lines: absent. Macrosculpture of mesosoma: absent. Orientation of notauli: converging posteriorly. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: indicated by smooth furrow. Posterior mesoscutellar sul- cus: foveate. Sculpture of metanotal trough: foveate. Metascutellum: undifferentiated from metanotal trough. Ventral mesopleural furrow: present. Ventral mesopleural ca- rina: present. Mesopleural carina: absent. Anterior mesepisternal area: absent. Epister- nal foveae: absent. Transepisternal line: present. Mesopleural pit: absent. Prespecular sulcus: absent. Mesepimeral sulcus: present. Metapleural carina: present. Ventral meta- pleural area: convex and without macrosculpture. Dorsal metapleural area: convex and without macrosculpture. Ventral surface of metapleuron: setose. Sculpture of dorsal propodeum: coarsely rugose. Setal patch on anterodorsal surface of hind coxa: present. Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 21 Fore Wing: submarginal (Sc+R), marginal (C+R), postmarginal (R1) and stig- mal vein (r) present; C extending proximally past bulla; 1Rs short and nebulous; 2Rs sclerotized and extending to wing margin. Basal vein (Rs+M) and M+Cu nebulous to weakly sclerotized. Median vein (M) present as a nebulous line in distal portion of the wing; tibial spur formula: 1-2-2. Metasoma: [1-15 with depressions anteriorly (unclear in P masneri); S1—S5 with depressions anteriorly; 6—7 visible tergites when ovipositor not extruded. T7+T8 ex- truded with ovipositor system (based on P ambulata). Distribution. The presence of Proterosceliopsis in Burmese and Alava (Spain) am- ber indicates that this was a widespread genus. Comments. Our generic description of Proterosceliopsis is based largely on speci- mens from Burmese amber, which provide far greater detail than the original descrip- tion, and the two descriptions are congruent as far as can be observed. However, it should be noted that depressions along the anterior margin of the metasomal ter- gites in Proterosceliopsis masneri are not mentioned or illustrated in Ortega-Blanco et al. (2014). In their photographs of the dorsal habitus (Fig. GA—B) it is unclear if these depressions are present. In cases where exudate is absent, photography of these depressions can be difficult, particularly in darkly colored specimens and when the amber is turbid. Key to species of Proterosceliopsis (females) — Antenna with 15 antennomeres.....P plurima Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov. = Antenna with: 14 afitennOmieres .0...00.....<0i-seseescnceccccaseerecerverssacvevvtscseseseneesees 2 2 Tlrwithe hortic (Pie 758 )i scent al sth deaieuatits bdeas anes nets dasevckes sebsb eared a ets 3 = Pl yathoueOrnwChios 29, AB G2) .xismi lic casnsusel inde neean nani olenennd teh cats 4, 3 Pescistinctlychelonsesttercite CP igs 58) eT ii ds temetetin dim corsuercorteeeeehawets eh Oth tan ay Soper ber Re bcd, P. torquata Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov. - MIdN6-ap proxiniacelyed walllen eth: .hc5:cRaeacats loaecseteats uence ratosrapeedaantteaarie Ce ee eee: P. masneri Ortega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel 4 T1 evenly convex and without macrosculpture or raised area (Figs 48, 50); antenna with 7 clavomeres; A7 distinctly transverse (Fig. 49)... ceeeeeeeeees ae, oP ee ee ee Re Ba P. ambulata Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov. = T1 medially with raised area of longitudinal striation (Fig. 29); antenna with more than 7 clavomeres; A7 about as long as wide (Figs 5—6) ...... cece 5 5 Antennae with 9 clavomeres (Fig. 5); T2 without striae posterior to transverse stilts AP ig 29) = stae. on ceed acennan P. nigon Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov. — Antennae with 8 clavomeres (Fig. 6); anteromedial T2 with longitudinal stri- AC} POSLETIOE LO TrANSVELSE SULCUS PL OsKO 2) ye Pckatneveudlutn Antarniand lobela ce lenealatvecnsaieas Pe ie ee A aed P. wingerathi Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov. 22 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) Proterosceliopsis ambulata Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/96EBF28B-6654-48F5-8FD0-AE1B106985F3 http://bioguid.osu.edu/xbiod_concepts/451148 Figures 45, 48-50 Diagnosis. Proteroscelio ambulata shares with P wingerathi, P nigon and P masneri the roughly equal lengths of metasomal segments 1-6. It can be separated from all of these by the evenly convex form of T1, which has a horn in P masneri and an anteromedian area of prominent striae in P nigon and P wingerathi. Description. Head: Number of antennomeres in female: 14. Number of clavomeres in female: 7. Claval formula in female: 1-2-2-2-2-2-2. Number of mandibular teeth: 3. Number of labial palpomeres: not visible. Number of maxillary palpomeres: not visible. Shape of clypeus: narrow, transverse. Central keel: absent. Antennal scrobe: undifferen- tiated sculpturally from remainder of frons. Anterior margin of occipital carina: simple. Mesosoma: Pronotal prespiracular depression: present, without striation. Netrion: absent. Skaphion: present. Posterior notaulus: reaching posterior margin of mesoscu- tum. Width of notaulus: expanding posteriorly. Parapsidal lines: absent. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: indicated by smooth furrow. Scutoscutellar sulcus: simple. Post- acetabular carina: absent. Postacetabular sulcus: absent. Mesopleural epicoxal sulcus: present. Episternal foveae: absent. Metapleural sulcus: present as a transverse furrow. Lateral propodeal carina: present laterally as two small posteriorly-pointing projections. Metasoma: Horn on T1 in female: absent. Sculpture of T1: weakly longitudinally striate throughout. Macrosculpture of T2—T5: absent. Anterior tergal depressions: vis- ible on T1-T6. Median keel on S2: absent. Macroculpture of S3-S6: absent. Anterior sternal depressions: visible on S1—S6. Etymology. This species is given the name “ambulata’” because the holotype speci- men appears to be walking. Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=45 1148] Material examined. Holotype female: MYANMAR: CNU-HYM-MA-2016105 (deposited in CNU). Proterosceliopsis masneri Ortega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel http://bioguid.osu.edu/xbiod_concepts/352922 Proterosceliopsis masneri Ortega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel, 2014: 555, 568 (original description, diagnosis, keyed). Comments. Proterosceliopsis masneri may eventually be considered a nomen dubium as a species due to the paucity of detailed information on its morphology. The study of additional material from Alava amber is needed to clarify characters on this species, particularly the lateral mesosoma and structures on the anterior portions of the meta- somal segments. Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 23 ° 02 Figures 48-50. Proterosceliopsis ambulata (CNU-HYM-MA-2016105) 48 habitus, lateral view (left side) 49 habitus, lateral view (right side) 50 head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars in millimeters. Proterosceliopsis nigon Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/79232690-93E4-4F06-8157-76573017F84A http://bioguid.osu.edu/xbiod_concepts/463679 Figures 5, 29, 34 Diagnosis. Protersoceliopsis nigon is most similar to P wingerathi, from which it can be separated by having 9 clavomeres and T2 without striation posterior to the transverse anterior depressions. 24 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) Description. Head: Number of antennomeres in female: 14. Number of clavomeres in female: 9. Claval formula in female: 1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2. Number of mandibular teeth: not visible. Number of labial palpomeres: not visible. Number of maxillary palpomeres: at least 5. Shape of clypeus: narrow, transverse. Central keel: absent. Antennal scrobe: indicated by faint transverse rugae. Anterior margin of occipital carina: crenulate. Mesosoma: Pronotal prespiracular depression: present, without striation. Netrion: absent. Skaphion: present. Posterior notaulus: not reaching posterior margin of mesos- cutum. Width of notaulus: expanding posteriorly. Parapsidal lines: present. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: simple, without furrow or cells. Scutoscutellar sulcus: crenulate. Postacetabular carina: present directly posterior to acetabulum. Postacetabular sulcus: present as simple furrow. Mesopleural epicoxal sulcus: present. Metapleural sulcus: pre- sent as a transverse furrow. Lateral propodeal carina: present and continuous dorsally, forming lamella surrounding metasomal depression, medial portion raised and project- ing dorsally. Metasomal depression: excavate, interior surface with striae dorsomedially. Metasoma: Horn on T1 in female: absent. Sculpture of T1: longitudinally striate medially. Macrosculpture of T2—T5: absent. Anterior tergal depressions: visible on T1-T6. Median keel on S2: absent. Macroculpture of S3—-S6: longitudinal median carina on $3—S4, otherwise absent. Anterior sternal depressions: visible on S1-S6. Etymology. This word “nigon” is Anglo-Saxon for “nine”, referring to the number of clavomeres in this species, and is treated as a noun in apposition. Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=463679] Material examined. Holotype female: MYANMAR: CNU-HYM-MA-2017566 (deposited in CNU). Other material: (1 female) MYANMAR: OPPC1718 (deposited in. OPP). Proterosceliopsis plurima Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/8FBDF6FE-3BDC-499E-BDBF-BAF63B63943D http://bioguid.osu.edu/xbiod_concepts/451147 Figures 3, 7, 16, 51-57 Diagnosis. The number of antennomeres in this species, 15, provides a simple means of separating it from other members of the genus. In P plurima and P torquata the 6" metasoma tergites and sternites are distinctly the longest. In the absence of antennal characters, these species can be separated on the form of the notaulus, which expands in width posteriorly in P plurima and is of uniform width in P torquata. Description. Head: Number of antennomeres in female: 15. Number of cla- vomeres in female: 9. Claval formula in female: 1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-1. Number of man- dibular teeth: 3 on right mandible, 2 on left mandible. Number of labial palpomeres: not visible. Number of maxillary palpomeres: 4. Shape of clypeus: narrow, transverse. Central keel: present. Antennal scrobe: indicated by transverse rugae. Anterior margin of occipital carina: crenulate. Mesosoma: Pronotal prespiracular depression: present, striate. Netrion: present. Skaphion: absent. Posterior notaulus: not reaching posterior margin of mesoscu- Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 29 Figures 51, 52. Proterosceliopsis plurima (CNU-HYM-MA-2016102) 51 habitus, lateral view (right side) 52 habitus, lateral view (left side). Scale bars in millimeters. tum. Width of notaulus: expanding posteriorly. Parapsidal lines: absent. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: indicated by short line of cells. Scutoscutellar sulcus: simple. Postacetabular carina: present as short ridge laterally, carinae not meeting medially. Postacetabular sulcus: present as simple furrow. Mesopleural epicoxal sulcus: present. Episternal foveae: absent. Metapleural sulcus: present, anterodorsal portion comprised of cells. Lateral propodeal carina: present and continuous dorsally, forming lamella surrounding metasomal depression. Metasoma: Horn on T1 in female: absent. Sculpture of T1: longitudinally stri- ate medially. Macrosculpture of T2—T5: longitudinal median carina on T2 and T3, otherwise absent. Anterior tergal depressions: visible on T1—T6. Median keel on S2: present. Macroculpture of S3—S6: longitudinal median carina on S3—S4, otherwise absent. Anterior sternal depressions: visible on S1—S5. 26 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) Figures 53-55. Proterosceliopsis plurima (CNU-HYM-MA-2016102) 53 head, mesosoma, anterior metasoma, lateral view (right side) 54 posterodorsal pronotum, lateral view 55 distal segments of meta- soma, lateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. a . =" = 7 a 7 = - - " . . “ * A | —_—— -_ ~ a a: | eee es ss : = a Figures 56, 57. Proterosceliopsis plurima (CNU-HYM-MA-20161 and mesosoma, ventral view. Scale bars in millimeters. 02) 56 habitus, dorsal view 57 head Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 27 Etymology. The epithet “plurima’, meaning “abundant” or “numerous”, refers to the number of antennomeres in this species, which is the priest known in Platygastroidea. Link to distribution map. |[ ] Material examined. Holotype female: MYANMAR: CNU-HYM-MA-2016102 (deposited in CNU). Comments. The number of clavomeres is here coded as 9, a basiconic sensillum on A15 is visible, as are paired sensilla on A14—A8 Proterosceliopsis torquata Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov. Figures 11, 15, 58-61 Diagnosis. Proterosceliopsis torquata is most similar to P plurima, with which it shares an elongate habitus, and having the 6" metasomal segment distinctly the longest. These Figures 58, 59. Proterosceliopsis torquata (CNU-HYM-MA-2016106) 58 habitus, dorsolateral view 59 head and mesosoma, lateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. 28 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) Figures 60, 61. Proterosceliopsis torquata (CNU-HYM-MA-2016106) 60 habitus, ventrolateral view 61 distal segments of metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars in millimeters. can be separated by the presence of the horn on T1 in P torquata (absent in P plurima); the posteriorly expanded notauli in P plurima (of uniform width in P torquata), and by the number of antennomeres: 14 in P torquata and 15 in P plurima. Description. Head: Number of antennomeres in female: 14. Number of cla- vomeres in female: 8. Claval formula in female: 1-2-2-2-2-2-2-1. Number of mandib- ular teeth: not visible. Number of labial palpomeres: at least 2. Number of maxillary palpomeres: at least 5. Shape of clypeus: not visible. Central keel: present. Antennal scrobe: indicated by transverse rugae. Anterior margin of occipital carina: crenulate. Mesosoma: Pronotal prespiracular depression: present, without striation. Netrion: present. Skaphion: present. Posterior notaulus: not reaching posterior margin of mes- oscutum. Width of notaulus: uniform. Parapsidal lines: present. Mesoscutal supra- humeral sulcus: indicated by smooth furrow. Scutoscutellar sulcus: simple. Postacetab- ular carina: present as short ridge laterally, carinae not meeting medially. Postacetabular sulcus: present as simple furrow. Mesopleural epicoxal sulcus: present. Episternal fove- ae: absent. Metapleural sulcus: present as a transverse furrow. Lateral propodeal carina: present and continuous dorsally, forming lamella surrounding metasomal depression. Metasomal depression: deeply excavate, interior surface smooth. Metasoma: Horn on T1 in female: present. Sculpture of T1: longitudinally stri- ate medially. Macrosculpture of T2—T5: longitudinal median carina on anterior T2 and T3, otherwise absent. Anterior tergal depressions: visible on T1—T5. Median keel on S2: present. Macroculpture of S3—S6: absent. Anterior sternal depressions: visible on S1-S6. Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 29) Etymology. The Latin adjectival epithet “torquata’, meaning “adorned with a necklace or collar”, is given to this species for the collar-like shape of the pronotum in dorsal view. Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=426419] Material examined. Holotype female: MYANMAR: CNU-HYM-MA-2016106 (deposited in CNU). Other material: (1 female) MYANMAR: OPPC1801 (deposited in OPPC). Proterosceliopsis wingerathi Talamas, Shih & Ren, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/B2655449-13F3-42BE-A67B-2562D53CB003 http://bioguid.osu.edu/xbiod_concepts/451152 Figures 6, 62-64 Diagnosis. Proterosceliopsis wingerathi is most similar to P nigon, from which it can be separated by having eight clavomeres and the presence of longitudinal striation in the anteromedial portion of T2. Description. Head: Number of antennomeres in female: 14. Number of cla- vomeres in female: 8. Claval formula in female: 1-2-2-2-2-2-2-1. Number of man- dibular teeth: 3 on right mandible. Number of labial palpomeres: not visible. Number of maxillary palpomeres: at least 5. Shape of clypeus: narrow, transverse, medially con- cave. Central keel: absent. Antennal scrobe: undifferentiated sculpturally from remain- der of frons. Anterior margin of occipital carina: crenulate. Mesosoma: Pronotal prespiracular depression: present, without striation. Netrion: present. Skaphion: present. Posterior notaulus: not reaching posterior margin of mes- oscutum. Width of notaulus: uniform. Parapsidal lines: present. Mesoscutal supra- humeral sulcus: indicated by smooth furrow. Scutoscutellar sulcus: crenulate. Postac- etabular carina: absent. Postacetabular sulcus: absent. Episternal foveae: absent. Meta- pleural sulcus: present as a transverse furrow. Lateral propodeal carina: present and continuous dorsally, forming lamella surrounding metasomal depression. Metasomal depression: excavate, interior surface with striae dorsomedially. Metasoma: Horn on T1 in female: absent. Sculpture of T1: longitudinally stri- ate medially. Macrosculpture of T2—T5: anteromedial T2 longitudinally striate, otherwise absent. Anterior tergal depressions: visible on T1-T6. Median keel on S2: absent. Macroculpture of S3—S6: absent. Anterior sternal depressions: visible on S1-S6. Etymology. ‘This species is named for Jonathan Wingerath, Deputy Collections Manager for Paleobotany at the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, to express our thanks for contributing his time and skills in preparing amber specimens for this and other projects. Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=45 1152] Material examined. Holotype female: MYANMAR: CNU-HYM-MA-2016101 (deposited in CNU). 30 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) © ia | “= a Figures 62-64. Proterosceliopsis wingerathi (CNU-HYM-MA-2016101) 62 habitus, dorsal view 63 habitus, lateral view 64 habitus, ventrolateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. Comments on Cretaceous Platygastridae The specimen illustrated in Figures 65-66 is the oldest representative of Platygastri- dae known to us. It complies with the current and historical concepts of the family: 10-merous antennae; T2 as the largest tergite; malar sulcus absent; pronotal cervical sulcus is a furrow with what appears to be solidified exudate; transepisternal line pre- sent (not clear in photographs); S1 and anterior S2 with setal patches. Perhaps most interesting, this specimen has marginal, stigmal and (short) postmarginal veins, as in Orwellium enigmaticum Johnson, Masner & Musetti, which Johnson et al. (2009) considered to be the sister to the rest of Platygastridae. This specimen is not sufficiently Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber 31 Figures 65, 66. Platygastridae, female (KU-NHM-ENT Bu-007) 65 head, mesosoma, metasoma, dor- solateral view 66 head, mesosoma, metasoma, ventrolateral view. Insets are portions of image that have had the color altered to emphasize wing venation. Scale bars in millimeters. well preserved to be described at the species level, but we consider it relevant to this paper because it supports our contention that the transepisternal line and glandular nature of the pronotal cervical sulcus are plesiomorphies for Platygastridae. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Jonathan Wingerath (USNM), Minyue Ren, Huijia Cao, and Bingyu Zheng (CNU) for cutting and polishing amber. Lubomir Masner (CNCI) provided insightful discussion. Michael Engel generously provided a loan of Burmese 32 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 3-38 (2019) amber to EJT, including platygastrid specimen KU-NHM-ENT Bu-007, and facili- tated examination of Lebanese amber. Former Smithsonian interns Dylan Johnston- Jordan, Melanie Anderson, Luke Kresslein, Anthony Cuminale, Colin Schwantes and Cate Paxton contributed many of the scanning electron micrographs. Ovidiu Popo- vici (“A.I. Cuza” University, Faculty of Biology, Iasi, Romania) provided images that enabled species determination of two female specimens in his collection. We thank the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services — Division of Plant Industry for their support on this contribution. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31730087 and 31672323), the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (grant number IRT-17R75), and Project of High-level Teachers in Beijing Municipal Univer- sities (grant number IDHT201805 18). References Austin AD, Field SA (1997) The ovipositor system of scelionid and platygastrid wasps (Hyme- noptera: Platygastroidea): comparative morphology and phylogenetic implications. Inver- tebrate Taxonomy 11: 1-87. https://doi.org/10.1071/IT95048 Austin AD, Johnson NF, Dowton M (2005) Systematics, evolution, and biology of scelio- nid and platygastrid wasps. 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