yaa JHR 70: 89-112 (2019) JOURNAL OF | *2errviewed opevaccets ural Rae eee (f-) Hymenoptera http://jhr.pensoft.net The Insertional Society of Hymenoptersts. RESEARCH Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae), with an updated key to all described species in North and Meso America Jose Fernandez-Triana' | Canadian National Collection of insects, Ottawa, Canada Corresponding author: Jose Fernandez-Triana (cnc.braconidae@gmail.com) Academic editor: Gavin Broad | Received 18 April 2019 | Accepted 24 May 2019 | Published 28 June 2019 Attp://zoobank.org/9CAC8 BF4-F DD7-4232-9629-E84A4469E955 Citation: Fernandez- Triana J (2019) Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae), with an updated key to all described species in North and Meso America. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.70.35555 Abstract The genus Promicrogaster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) in North America is revised and seven new species are described: floridakeys, gainesvillensis, huachuca, jaymeae, madreanensis, rondeau and virginianus. All but one have so far been found in protected areas of Canada and the USA, with two spe- cies collected at rather high altitudes of over 1,600 m.a.s.l. (Arizona, southwestern USA), whereas the other five were found in Eastern North America (southern Ontario and several USA states) at relatively lower altitudes (less than 150 m.a.s.I.). A key to all 31 described species in North and Meso America is provided. A species from Costa Rica previously described in Promicrogaster is here transferred to a different genus as Hypomicrogaster pablouzagai (Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016), comb. nov. Keywords Microgastrinae, Promicrogaster, Nearctic, taxonomic key Introduction The genus Promicrogaster (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Microgastrinae) comprises a very distinctive group of microgastrine wasps, on account of its very long, strongly curved ovipositor with its apex sinuate. It is widely distributed in the New World, with 32 cur- rently described species (Fernandez-Triana et al. 2016), and a probable species-richness estimated by Mason (1981) to be over 100 species. In spite of that, specimens are rare in Copyright Jose Fernandez-Triana. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 90 Jose Fernandez-Triana / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112 (2019) collections, and very few details of its biology are presently known. All of the verified host records for Promicrogaster are from caterpillars of the Lepidoptera families Sesiidae and Tineiae living deeply inside more or less woody plant material (reviewed by Fernandez- Triana et al. 2016), suggesting than the sinuate ovipositor tip is an adaptation to steer it through fissures in harder/more woody structures than mere leaf rolls (e.g., Quicke 2015). Until now, no species of Promicrogaster had been reported from North America, al- though Mason (1981) and Fernandez- Triana et al. (2016) mentioned a few undescribed specimens present in collections. Seven sp. nov. from Canada and the United States are described below, increasing the total of known Promicrogaster species in the New World to 38. A recent key to Meso American species by Fernandez-Triana et al. (2016) is up- dated and modified below to accommodate the new North American species. Methods Promicrogaster is a very rarely collected genus (Mason 1981, Fernandez-Triana et al. 2016), and it is poorly represented in collections. This study is based on 10 specimens available for study in the Canadian National Collection of Insects (CNC) in Ottawa, out of thousands of Nearctic Microgastrinae specimens that were examined. Morphological terms and measurements of structures are mostly as used by Mason (1981), Huber and Sharkey (1993), Whitfield (1997), Karlsson and Ronquist (2012), and Fernandez- Triana et al. (2014a). Mediotergites 1, 2, etc., are abbreviated as T1, T2, etc. Flagellomere 1 is the closest to the pedicel while flagellomere 16 is the apical one. Because the ovipositor in Promicrogaster is curved and crooked at the very apex, its length is dificult to measure accurately; the ovipositor length measurements provided for each sp. nov. are only intended as an approximation. In any case, the ovipositor and its sheaths are some of the longest observed in any Microgastrinae genera; they are usually two times longer than the metatibia length. The descriptions include characters that are commonly used in describing Microgastrinae (e.g., body measurements such as length of body and fore wing, ovipositor sheath; and also color of particular body areas). These characters follow a recent revision of the Mesoamerican Promicrogaster (Fernandez-Triana et al. 2016), so as to facilitate future comparisons between species in the New World. The dichotomous key is based on that provided by Fernandez-Triana et al. (2016), expanded to accommodate the new North American species, and revised to correct some previous inaccuracies. In a few couplets of the key, some qualifiers (“either”, “and/or’) are shown in bold and italic to be explicit that in those cases “and, “or’, more than one character state must be considered. The key mostly uses morphological characters, but in one couplet molecular charac- ters are provided to differentiate species that are morphologically similar to each other. In that case, characteristic loci in the DNA barcoding region are detailed. The bases are numbered from the start of the COI gene according to the reference sequence U37541 (Drosophila melanogaster), and are only diagnostic within that couplet. The letters A, C, G, and T correspond to adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine respectively. Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster, with an updated key to all... 91 Photos were taken with a Keyence VHX-1000 Digital Microscope, using a lens with a range of 13-130x. Multiple images through the focal plane were taken of a structure and these were combined to produce a single in-focus image, using the soft- ware associated with the Keyence System. For two species molecular data was available (DNA barcodes, the 5’ region of the cytochrome c oxidase I (CO1) gene, Hebert et al. (2003)). Information for those sequences can be retrieved from the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) (Ratnasin- gham and Hebert 2007). Results Detailed morphological characterization of Promicrogaster was provided in Fernandez- Triana et al. (2016). It is a very distinctive genus defined by the combination of elon- gate and bilobate glossa, large polished areas on lateral face of scutellum, and ovipositor shape and length. Within Microgastrinae, it can only be confused with Sendaphne, but the later has a much less transverse mediotergite 2, the apex of the ovipositor is not sinuate, the propodeum is entirely or mostly smooth, and the first discal cell is much wider (e.g., Fernandez-Triana et al. 2014b). A total of seven Promicrogaster species, all new and described below, are here recognized for North America (Table 1). All but one have so far been found in protected areas of Canada and the USA. Two species were collected in Southwestern USA (Arizona) at rather high altitudes (over 1,600 m.a.s.l.); the other five were collected in Eastern North Amer- ica (southern Ontario and several USA states), at relatively lower altitudes (less than 150 m.a.s.l.). Although a few additional species are expected to be found in North America, es- pecially when other collections are studied as comprehensively as that of the CNC has been, most of the undescribed species in this genus will probably be found in South America. Five of the seven sp. nov. described below are only represented by a single specimen, in spite of the studied region having tens of thousands of specimens of Microgastrinae in the CNC collection that were examined for this paper. The relative scarcity of Promicrogaster specimens from North America is similar to what was found when studying the Costa Rican fauna (Fernandez-Triana et al. 2016), when very few specimens of the genus were available among tens of thousands of specimens of Microgastrinae examined. Whether Promicrogaster is indeed rare in nature or just not commonly collected is still unknown. As was the case for species described from Costa Rica (Fernandez-Triana et al. 2016), no biological information is available at present for the North American species. Only two of the sp. nov. (jaymeae and madreanensis) have some molecular data as- sociated (DNA barcodes), in one case only a minibarcode of 165 base pairs. Further study revealed that one of the species from Costa Rica described in Fernan- dez-Triana et al. (2016), the nominal Promicrogaster pablouzagai Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016, is better placed in Hypomicrogaster, with the comb. nov. proposed below (see section “Taxonomic treatment of species, in alphabetical order”), and it is excluded from the key. 92 Jose Fernandez-Triana / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112 (2019) Table |. North American species of Promicrogaster and their known distribution. Data from present paper. Species Known distribution in North America (approximate altitude in m) Promicrogaster floridakeys Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. USA, Florida, protected areas of the Lower and Middle Florida Keys, less than 5 m.a.s.1. Promicrogaster gainesvillensis Fernandez- Triana, sp. nov. USA: Florida, Gainesville, 50 m.a.s.L. Promicrogaster huachuca Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. USA, Arizona, protected area in the Huachuca Mountains, 1830 m.a.s.l Promicrogaster jaymeae Fernandez- Triana, sp. nov. Canada, Ontario, Thousand Islands National Park, 120 m.a.s.l; USA: Massachusetts, Blue Hills Reservation State Park, 55 m.a.s.l. Promicrogaster madreanensis Fernandez- Triana, sp. nov. USA, Arizona, protected area in the Patagonia Mountains, 1680 m.a.s.l. Promicrogaster rondeau Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. Canada, Ontario, Rondeau Provincial Park, 150 m.a.s.l. Promicrogaster virginianus Fernandez- Triana, sp. nov. USA, Virginia, no further data. The updated key below covers all 32 species so far described from North America and Meso America and believed to be correctly placed in Promicrogaster. Detailed im- ages and full descriptions of the Mesoamerican species are not repeated here as they can be freely accessed in Fernandez-Triana et al. (2016). South America is the only remaining area in the New World pending study and description of its species, most of them undescribed. Key to Promicrogaster species in North and Meso America (female specimens) 1 2(1) 3(2) Lighter coloured species; clypeus entirely or mostly yellow to orange-yellow; all sternites and hypopygium yellow to orange-yellow; metasoma dorsally with T1—T4 entirely (rarely mostly) yellow, orange or red... eee eee eee 2 Darker coloured species; most sternites (usually) and hypopygium (partially to entirely) dark brown; metasoma dorsally mostly dark brown to black (rarely some tergites with small areas orange to light brown); clypeus coloration vari- able, usually dark brown to black, rarely mostly yellow to orange-yellow ....... 5 Propodeum with complete, raised, and strongly defined median carina; and T1 entirely smooth; and malar line more than half eye length; and clypeus large and entirely orange-yellow [Panama, Trinidad] ........ elec eeeeeeeeeeeeees Gaseree tern stbveunen cc tate secre aan Promicrogaster miranda Muesebeck, 1958 Propodeum without a median carina but with central depression; either with T1 mostly rugose and with malar line less than half eye length; or with cl- ypeus smaller and not entirely yellow-red [other Mesoamerican countries, Piste Gog taaRI Gad ovcyssteses cA se xeans cos sen soos vonteater paseo tee ony onscanetaet ontonvinanny teeters 3 Metasoma dorsally entirely yellow-orange; T'1 with coarse sculpture on 0.7 or more of its length; T2 relatively narrow, its width at posterior margin more Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster, with an updated key to all... 93 than 3.0 x its length centrally; scape entirely to mostly black to dark brown [Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, mostly found at elevations over OO Ostia s lee tint Serew aeecn ores: Promicrogaster munda Muesebeck, 1958 — Metasoma dorsally with some red, brown or black coloration; T1 comparative- ly smoother, at most with sculpture on posterior 0.5 of its length; T2 broader, its width at posterior margin usually less than 3.0 x its length centrally; scape mostly yellow [Costa Rica (ACG), dry forest, under 300 m.a.s.L.].... eee 4 4(3) Posterior margin of clypeus strongly concave; lower face clearly elongate, malar line at least 1.5 x mandible width; fore wing vein 1M transparent; T1 shape more or less rectangular (width at middle length, anterior and posterior mar- gins about the same); T1—T4 entirely orange-yellow, [5+ mostly dark brown to |b) Yel <2 rx. Peeing Semen id eee TPR onde VN ae ee Ain ee ate FPP EE oe Promicrogaster fabriciocambroneroi Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 — Posterior margin of clypeus very slightly concave, almost straight; lower face of normal length, malar line 1.0 x mandible width; fore wing with vein 1M brown; T1 narrowing towards posterior margin; T1 mostly red with black margins (posterior 0.3 of T1 sometimes black), T2—T4 red-orange or yellow- orange, [5+ yellow with small central band brown oo... eee eeeeeeeeeeeeneeees Yael Promicrogaster alexmartinezi Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 5(1) Antenna with most of flagellomeres 10—16 yellow-white oo... eee 6 - Antenna entirely dark brown to black (rarely with flagellomeres 1—4 lighter in colour than rest of Antena) ........cccccsssssssssescccccccccccccccceesessesessssssssesessesessesess 7 6(5) Antenna with flagellomeres 11—16 yellow-white; propleuron, anterior 0.5 of metacoxa, sternites and hypopygium dark brown; ovipositor strongly down curved on posterior 0.2 [Costa Rica (ACG), cloud forest over 1000m]......... seats Promicrogaster leilycastilloae Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 = Antenna with flagellomeres 1-8 and 15—16 dark brown, and flagellomeres 9-14 (sometimes only 10-14) yellow white; propleuron, metacoxa, ster- nites and hypopygium mostly yellow to orange-yellow; ovipositor relatively straight [Costa Rica (ACG), mid-elevation rain forests, 500—800m]............. dinate) Promicrogaster daretrizoi Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 7) Fore wing without areolet, and hypopygium and sternites almost always en- tirely dark brown (at most hypopygium with small pale spot basally, and/or anterior 2—3 sternites yellow), and smaller size (body length 1.8—2.4 mm, foretwine len etl 220226 Oh))-ewerecesvatcotcuwaceteas tous cee eNed au teccenswodceenivensresmeeses 8 - Fore wing with small areolet, and/or hypopygium and sternites usually most- ly to entirely yellow, and/or larger size (body and fore wing lengths usually 530) — 4-1) Sin ta =.2e, ee ee, Cee ee ea Be re 9 > ee ee een 16 8(7) Propodeum mostly sculptured (except for polished areas postero-laterally) .....9 — Propodeum mostly smooth (except for small striae around nucha)............ 14 9(8) Propodeum with almost complete areola (clearly defined posteriorly by carinae, definition anteriorly more obscured by surrounding sculpture); T2 mostly smooth [United States (Florida Keys), mangrove-hammock forest 94 10(9) 11(10) 12(11) 13(12) 14(8) Jose Fernandez-Triana / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112 (2019) tran sitione-AtArOUdindssca level ithe We sue Os, Ne asl adele, Dooce wk temo pce ap Promicrogaster floridakeys Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. Propodeum without defined areola (with longitudinal sculpture, mostly near posterior half of propodeum); T2 mostly sculptured, except for smooth cen- tral area [species either from Canada or from Costa Rica, found at much higher altitudes and/or completely different ecosystems] ..........sceeeseeseeeee 10 Ocelli comparatively smaller: ocular-ocellar line 2.8 x posterior ocellus di- ameter, ocular-ocellar line 2.0 x interocellar distance; ovipositor length 2.0 x metatibia length [Canada (Ontario), 42°N, sand dunes, at around 170 Ricassel Slee ma del emer eee Promicrogaster rondeau Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. Ocelli comparatively larger: ocular-ocellar line 1.6—2.0 x (very rarely 2.3 x) posterior ocellus diameter, ocular-ocellar line 0.9-1.6 x interocellar distance; ovipositor length more than 2.0 x metatibia length [Costa Rica (ACG), 10-— ICN, cataforest;-at 1 000= PaO O ora) |S, corel idee celechse sctuscls sens tge suas uae 11 Smaller size, body length 2.0—2.1 mm, fore wing length 2.2 mm, metacoxa 0.45-0.46 mm; ocular—ocellar line 0.08—0.09 mm; T1 width/length 0.4— 0.5 x; ten diagnostic characters in the DNA barcoding region: 79C, 235C, 3466364 Ce 386A 415 Ay AZ GG; SODA, 607 GRO22C) ote cnc csdbatendiatonctolvsue' Beaks Promicrogaster fabiancastroi Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 Larger size, body length 2.3-2.4 mm, fore wing length 2.4—2.6 mm, meta- coxa 0.47-0.56 mm; ocular—ocellar line 0.11-0.15 mm (rarely 0.08); T1 width/length 0.5—0.7 x; different base pairs in the barcoding region: 79A or 79T, 2357, 346A or 346T, 364A or 364T, 386T, 415G, 421A or 421T, 562G Oty 1621607 ArOR OUT G22 AIO O22 1 oss. be ocaucetb on bab ease de eee eesee elise 12 Ocular—ocellar line shorter than interocellar distance (0.9 x); T1 posterior width 1.3 x T2 central length; T2 width 3.2 x its length centrally ..0...... Pee Promicrogaster luismendezi Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 Ocular—ocellar line longer than interocellar distance (1.4—1.6 x); T1 poste- rior width 1.8—2.0 x T2 central length; T2 width 3.5—4.9 x (usually more than -4-Orx its lemetht cemtrally- Wie. s meh. col autaatenstg Hoos becsovhs uous abottnebasesbanesean 13 T2 width 4.9 x its length centrally; T1 length 1.9 x its posterior width; larg- er species, fore wing length 2.6 mm, metacoxa length 0.6 mm, metafemur lenecheO: 7g tictatl Dias) tris ted eassiee, 2senlonisecchona tac atahkttb tae ida aa le PhS Ee Promicrogaster eddycastroi Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 T2 width 3.5—-4.0 x its length centrally; T1 length 1.5-1.7 x its posterior width; smaller species, fore wing length 2.3—-2.4 mm, metacoxa length 0.5 mm, metafemur length 0.5—0.6 mm, metatibia 0.7—0.8 mm... eee ... Promicrogaster naomiduarteae Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 Pterostigma with anterior 0.3 or more white, most veins of fore wing trans- parent or white [Costa Rica (ACG), dry forest under 300 m.a.s.).] oe. ences Promicrogaster daniellopezi Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 Pterostigma entirely brown or at most with anterior 0.1 pale, fore wing with veins mostly brown [Costa Rica (ACG), cloud forests over 1,000 m.a.s.l.] ... Vrdecpluatodiclommelie edie Mnankaatedicloectenurt salncalucboliciondt slic Mavis Mahe eT ES 15 15(14) 16(7) 17(16) 18(17) 19(18) 20(17) 21(20) Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster, with an updated key to all... 95 Posterior 0.6 of T1 sculptured; clypeus, procoxa, most of sternites and later- OEGEOMLES TOWN Aa, 2AM Meets ne eat h statue ls ieabsa lait elepte tenet iat sate abanll me eeses Promicrogaster ronycastilloi Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 Posterior 0.6 of T1 mostly smooth (at most with sculpture restricted to margins); labrum yellow-orange, procoxa yellow, sternites and laterotergites mostly to partially ...Promicrogaster sebastiancambroneroi Fernandez- Triana & Boudreault, 2016 Posterolateral corners of anteromesoscutum orange; hypopygium and ster- nites dark brown; T1 hardly narrowing towards posterior margins; T1 rela- tively wide, its medial length barely longer than its width at anterior margin (Rami arinalhiss 5s. be tee. ates Promicrogaster polyporicola Muesebeck, 1958 Anteromesoscutum entirely black; hypopygium and sternites usually mostly to entirely yellow; T1 usually narrowing towards posterior margin; T1 rela- tively narrower, its medial length much longer than its width at anterior mar- gin [Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico, United States] 00... 17 Propleuron almost entirely yellow, except for anterior 0.2 near head yellow- white (rarely propleuron partially yellow, partially light-brown); hypopygi- um, sternites and most laterotergites entirely yellow (hypopygium may have a datk- spot on. posterior Oil ordess) enn aiss wean hese ee Pe rec See 18 Propleuron almost entirely dark brown to black, except for anterior 0.2 near head yellow; hypopygium, sternites and laterotergites at least partially I ATADEOW 11 cae ctr sales me oweath wont ant namernsnatee petsncer Mee oar gustav Oa edly ae Doeettende Comnaioustessedect 20 Metacoxa dark brown on anterior 0.6; tegula brown; propleuron partially vellows partial lg Melty HrOWise .ttscus.si.540sdeeee osnielt oh serieacnitia create ohdtoc Nie aii, ... Promicrogaster kiralycastilloae Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 Metacoxa, tegula and propleuron entirely yellow (propleuron with anterior Oeancarhead syellowyaw init] irr. deh caatenceoeees-atased Maen cienuaeedailaeds na tedeasntuatne’ 19 T3 mostly yellow-white, with anterior 0.4 light brown, T4—-7 brown an- teriorly, white on posterior 0.3-0.5 [Costa Rica (ACG), cloud forest over DEO OO stra sl eter We sciced natndcs hard meaacls HNN ama cues ct Mi sce nk 8 TPO rasa) oR rh Rt ...Promicrogaster kevinmartinezi Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 All tergites dark brown to black [Costa Rica (ACG), mid-elevation rain for- PL OO 9 ote BP kal ee nels ER Ue Pat De Lf Se ee IP cg hoe .... Promicrogaster eimyobandoae Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 Hore wintepwi tO brareO lett cme tecieetce cetceecatculty ki euddencasideedd aaah Rca Wiesededtt se) ... Promicrogaster andreyvallejosi Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 Pots wirieewiti staal LArcOlet yA o..te sa esse teba sitet elles ned hehe Aosta 21 Flagellomeres 1-4 yellow-brown, clearly paler than rest of entirely brown flag- ellomeres ; orange-yellow areas on metapleuron posterior 0.4, T1 anterior 0.6, T3 anterior 0.5 and small spot on mesopleuron posteriorly ........ eee eeeeeeeeeees Promicrogaster hillaryvillafuerteae Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 All flagellomeres same color (brown to dark brown); meso- and metapleuron entirely dark brown to black, coloration of T1 and T3 variable but not as BD OVE T trod ctoenniae us Macatee tee cinta tale alice ale cntat Weees Laie 22 96 22(21) 23(22) 24(23) 25(24) 26(24) Jose Fernandez-Triana / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112 (2019) Tegula and wing base dark brown to black; clypeus black (same color as face); clypeus slightly protruding and labrum slightly depressed, giving the appear- ance of a circular opening between the margin of clypeus and mandibles...... ... Promicrogaster monteverdensis Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 Tegula and wing base yellow; clypeus entirely to partially orange-yellow or orange-brown (clearer than face); clypeus not protruding and labrum not depressed, not giving the appearance of a circular opening... eee 23 Flagellomere 15 length 1.6—1.7 x its width; and ovipositor tip strongly bent downwards; and clypeus entirely orange-yellow (different from dark brown to black face); and body length and fore wing length 4.0 mm; and T1 al- most parallel-sided, very slightly narrowing towards posterior margin; and T2 mostly sculptured; and T3 with small yellow spot laterally [Brazil, Mexico]... Ayre eee Be Ae, Coenen age: ROPE BRS RTT: Promicrogaster apharea Nixon, 1965 Flagellomere 15 length 1.0-1.3 x its width; and/or ovipositor tip less strongly bent downwards; and/or clypeus entirely to partially dark brown to black (same color as face); and/or body length and fore wing length less than 4.0 mm; and/or T1 clearly narrowing towards posterior margin; and/or 12 mostly smooth; and/ or [3 entirely dark brown to black [Canada, Costa Rica, United States] ......... 24 Metacoxa with at least anterior 0.6 (usually more) dark brown to black [Unit- ed States; Costa Rican specimens running through this couplet come from cloud forests‘over:1,000 m-azs:). if, AC GI). sacsvnnccensencncttbagielenacapbasensensaatens 25 Metacoxa mostly to entirely yellow (at most with small, dark spot on anterior 0.1-0.3 dorsally) [United States; Costa Rican specimens running through this couplet come from dry forest or mid-elevation rainforests at 300-500 ficaren lo ia CCG > ees: eee Meee EPR ee cor SO, eee 2 aes erp coe I@E tor ee ie 26 Smaller ocelli, ocular—ocellar line 2.6 x as long as posterior ocellus diam- eter; more rounded head, its maximum width 1.15 x its height; smaller body length (2.5 mm) and fore wing length (2.6 mm); tegula yellow [United DIATES i cassie sessed: Promicrogaster virginianus Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. Bigger ocelli, ocular—ocellar line 1.9—2.0 x as long as posterior ocellus di- ameter; more ovoid head, its maximum width 1.3 x its height; larger body length (3.3-3.5 mm) and fore wing length (3.7 mm); tegula brown [Costa Rica-(ACG);.cloud forests-over 100 0smia Sai) irs. Rischecbeccsnetascctecsacatlgoatedntowelee Promicrogaster brandondinartei Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 T3 with yellow spots laterally; T2 mostly sculptured (but sometimes smooth centrally) and/or T1 clearly narrowing towards posterior margin, its length at least: 2:0 ate widthtar posteriOrpmiateint. nuwciavecmmnsawtedtos dager aes bosttd DT, T3 entirely dark brown to black; T2 smooth andT1 usually barrel-shaped to almost parallel-sided, rarely slightly narrowing towards posterior margin, its Fenech s7'x Jtswid that POSteMORMALCAN aaa recosiUornddeisedtssetacscobenscnderauces 30 * In the original description of this species the color of metacoxa was wrongly described as ‘yellow’ but after re-examining all specimens is evident that was an error, as all specimens have metacoxa with anterior 0.5—0.6 dark brown to black 27(26) 28(27) ZOOS) 30(26) Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster, with an updated key to all... 97 Fore wing vein R1 pale (yellow-white); metasoma with T3+ yellow-orange on posterior 0.2—0.5 [Canada (ON); United States (Massachusetts); 42-44°N]. Wea aaieigelalindutdr ousoui'ee aonewect Promicrogaster jaymeae Fernandez- Triana, sp. nov. Fore wing vein R1 dark brown; metasoma mostly dark brown to black, at most 13 with yellow spots laterally [Costa Rica (ACG); United States (AZ), Se LIN coer wa ed ee ace tee Scere mE Oe ee, ee eee ee, 28 Clypeus almost entirely black (at most with very small yellow spots on poste- ro-lateral margins); fore wing with most veins dark brown; hypopygium par- tially yellow; ovipositor length 2.50—2.60 x metatibia length; tip of antenna with shorter flagellomeres (flagellomere 14 1.3—1.4 x as long as wide, flagel- lomere 15 1.2 x as long as wide) [Costa Rica (ACG), 280-300 m.a.s.l.] ....... takes Promicrogaster liagrantae Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 Clypeus entirely to mostly orange; fore wing with most veins light yellow to almost transparent; hypopygium dark brown to brown; ovipositor length 1.97-2.14 x metatibia length; tip of antenna (when known) with longer flag- ellomeres (flagellomere 14 1.6 x as long as wide, flagellomere 15 1.5 x as long ASPAICLE a lO teeeO LALES fhe ctecik eNom eatessn 5 We hewol dreart Me Acne cpataneie umten/cbatasowns tahesedaut 29 Comparatively smaller species (body length: 3.10 mm, fore wing length: 3.00 mm); T1 length 1.9 x its width at posterior margin; T2 posterior mar- gin width 3.2 x it length medially and slightly more sculptured; head and mesosoma mostly dark reddish-brown; fore wing areolet almost obliterated DRlReyate re wets) Oks aa te: #2 | bee Oe Siete 2 tine tee Oe Spee ai SSR el Be Se a LaLa Asie Promicrogaster gainesvillensis Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. Comparatively larger species (body length: 3.70 mm, fore wing length: 3.80 mm); T'1 length 2.7 x its width at posterior margin; T2 posterior margin width 4.4 x its length medially and mostly smooth (except for sculpture near posterior margin); head and mesosoma mostly black; fore wing areolet clearly visible and defined [Arizona (Huachuca Mountains), 1830 m.a.s.l.] ............. naam snail Bae Promicrogaster huachuca Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. Clypeus with strong notch centrally on posterior margin; T1 and T2 al- most entirely smooth; metapleuron relatively more sculptured on posterior 0.4; body and fore wing length over 4.5 mm [United States (AZ, Patagonia Win tania solo). ras esl (WS case Rs eo Maca lath iat gel sotise atte ti, eet ee 2 Oe ene eee Promicrogaster madreanensis Fernandez- Triana, sp. nov. Clypeus without notch centrally on posterior margin; T1 with some sculp- ture on posterior 0.4—0.5, [2 with some punctuation on margins; metapleu- ron relatively less sculptured, almost smooth on posterior 0.4; body and fore wing lengths 3.6-4.0 mm [Costa Rica (ACG), 400-520 m.as.l] oe nyt Promicrogaster tracyvindasae Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016 98 Jose Fernandez-Triana / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112 (2019) Taxonomic treatment of species, in alphabetical order Hypomicrogaster pablouzagai (Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016), comb. nov. Promicrogaster pablouzagai Fernandez-Triana & Boudreault, 2016. Notes. A critical re-examination of the available specimens (including the holotype) as well as the numerous DNA barcodes available, clearly indicate that this species is bet- ter placed within Hypomicrogaster. The propodeum has an irregular pattern of carinae around the median longitudinal carina, but still it is possible to distinguish a partially defined areola (at least apically) which is similar to other known species of Hypomicro- gaster. The head is also considerably transverse (i.e., significantly much wider than high in frontal view), another morphological feature that is typical in this genus. The DNA barcodes cluster close to many other species of Hypomicrogaster and relatively distant from Promicrogaster, further supporting transferring the species here. Promicrogaster floridakeys Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/24EBD28C-19D2-4FAE-8DA5-10E26CB39103 Fig. 1 A-G Material examined. Holotype. UNITED STATES « 2, CNC; Florida, Long Key State Park; 24.8127N, 80.8231W; 24 Aug-26 Oct 2016; J McIntosh leg; Malaise trap; CNC634252. Paratypes. UNITED STATES « 2, CNC; Florida, Monroe County, Middle Torch Key; 1-30 Jun 1985; S & J Peck leg; Malaise trap; mangrove-hardwood transi- tion; CNC505706 * 9, CNC; Florida, Monroe County, Big Pine Key; 1-30 Mar 1986; S & J Peck leg; Malaise trap; CNC526849. Diagnosis. Among the darker coloured species with unicolorous (brown to black) flagellomeres, P floridakeys is unique in having the propodeum with an almost com- plete areola (all other species lack an areola). Description. Head: mostly black, labrum and mandibles yellow. Flagellomeres: dark brown. Mesosoma: black. Tegula: yellow. Metasoma (dorsally): black to dark brown. Metacoxa: mostly black to dark brown (posterior 0.1—0.2 yellow). Malar dis- tance: less than 0.2 x eye length. Fore wing areolet: absent. T1 sculpture: anterior 0.5 smooth, posterior 0.5 sculptured. T2 sculpture: mostly smooth. Body length: 2.30—2.50 mm. Fore wing length: 2.40-2.55 mm. Ovipositor length: 1.50-1.70 mm. Ocular— ocellar line: 0.12 mm. Interocellar distance: 0.09 mm. Posterior ocellus diameter: 0.06 mm. Metacoxa length: 0.51-0.56 mm. Metafemur length: 0.61—0.65 mm. Metatibia length: 0.71-0.77 mm. T1 length/width at posterior margin: 0.33-0.35 mm/ 0.14 mm. T2 length/width at posterior margin: 0.07—0.08 mm/ 0.30—0.32 mm. Distribution. UNITED STATES, Florida, protected areas of the Lower and Mid- dle Florida Keys (less than 5 m.a.s.l.). Specimens have been caught at mangrove or hardwood habitats. Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster, with an updated key to all... 99 Figure |. Promicrogaster floridakeys, female holotype. A Habitus, lateral B head, frontal C fore wing D head and mesosoma, dorsal E scutellar complex and propodeum, dorsal F metasoma, dorsal G ovipositor. Biology. Unknown. Molecular data. Not available. Etymology. Named after the Florida Keys, with the intention to recognize the beautiful yet fragile ecosystems present there. 100 Jose Fernandez-Triana / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112 (2019) Promicrogaster gainesvillensis Fernandez- Triana, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/9AD19A17-D8CB-411D-A150-D820C342AA18 Fig. 2 A-E Material examined. Holotype. UNITED STATES « 2, CNC; Florida, Gainesville, Doyle Conner Building; 09 Oct 1973; E.E. Grissell leg; Malaise trap; CNCHYM 01987. Diagnosis. This species is morphologically similar to P huachuca (Arizona), P jaymeae (Canada), and P liagrantae (Costa Rica), but there are enough morphologi- cal differences (see key above for details on how to separate those four species) and disparate geographical distributions (including different ecosystems and considerable variation in altitude) to consider all of them as different. Description. Head: mostly dark reddish-brown, labrum and mandibles yellow, clypeus mostly dark reddish-brown but with comparatively large yellow spots on postero-lateral margins. Flagellomeres: dark brown. Mesosoma: mostly dark red- dish-brown laterally, dorsally mostly black (but with faint reddish-brown spots on posterolateral margins of anteromesoscutum). Tegula: yellow. Metasoma (dorsal- ly): mostly dark brown to black, T3 with yellow spots laterally. Metacoxa: yellow. Malar distance: less than 0.2 x eye length. Fore wing areolet: present. T1 sculp- ture: anterior 0.5 smooth, posterior 0.5 sculptured. T2 sculpture: mostly sculp- tured, except for smooth central area. Body length: 3.10 mm. Fore wing length: 3.00 mm. Ovipositor length: 2.25 mm. Ocular—ocellar line: 0.15 mm. Interocellar distance: 0.08 mm. Posterior ocellus diameter: 0.07 mm. Metacoxa length: 0.75 mm. Metafemur length: 0.85 mm. Metatibia length: 1.05 mm. T1 length/width at posterior margin: 0.48 mm/ 0.25 mm. T2 length/width at posterior margin: 0.12 mm/ 0.38 mm. Distribution. UNITED STATES, Florida, Gainesville, 50 m.a.s.l. Biology. Unknown. Molecular data. Not available. Etymology. Named after the type locality, as a recognition to the important insect collections hosted in that city and the vibrant entomological community living there. Promicrogaster huachuca Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/4DE29 D6C-4FBA-47F9-A345-A62300595942 Fig. 3 A-F Material examined. Holotype. UNITED STATES ¢ 2, CNC; Arizona, Sierra Vista, Huachua Mountains, Ramsey Canyon; 1829 m.a.sl.; 07 Nov 1967; Sternitzky leg; CNCHYM 01988. Diagnosis. This species is morphologically similar to P gainesvillensis (Florida), P. jaymeae (Canada), and P liagrantae (Costa Rica), but there are enough morphologi- cal differences (see key above for details on how to separate those four species) and disparate geographical distributions (including different ecosystems and considerable variation in altitude) to consider all of them as different. Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster, with an updated key to all... 101 Figure 2. Promicrogaster gainesvillensis, female holotype. A Habitus, lateral B head, frontal C fore wing D propodeum and metasoma, dorsal E head and mesosoma, dorsal. Description. Head: mostly black, labrum and mandibles yellow. Flagellomeres: dark brown. Mesosoma: black. Tegula: yellow. Metasoma (dorsally): mostly dark brown to black, T3 with yellow spots laterally. Metacoxa: yellow. Malar distance: 0.3 x eye length. LO. Jose Fernandez-Triana / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112 (2019) ; 3 ite: Figure 3. Promicrogaster huachuca, female holotype. A Habitus, lateral B head, frontal C fore wing D propodeum and metasoma, dorsal E ovipositor F head and mesosoma, dorsal. Fore wing areolet: present. [1 sculpture: anterior 0.5 smooth, posterior 0.5 sculptured. T2 sculpture: mostly smooth but with sculpture near margins. Body length: 3.70 mm. Fore wing length: 3.80 mm. Ovipositor length: 2.40 mm. Ocular—ocellar line: 0.17 mm. Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster, with an updated key to all... 103 Interocellar distance: 0.10 mm. Posterior ocellus diameter: 0.09 mm. Metacoxa length: 0.85 mm. Metafemur length: 0.95 mm. Metatibia length: 1.22. T1 length/width at pos- terior margin: 0.60/ 0.22 mm. T2 length/width at posterior margin: 0.12 mm/ 0.53 mm. Distribution. UNITED STATES, Arizona, Huachuca Mountains, 1,829 m.a.s.l. Biology. Unknown. Molecular data. Not available. Etymology. Named after the Huachuca Mountains, one of the major Madrean sky island ranges in Arizona. The Madrean sky islands are pine-oak woodlands found at higher elevations in Mexico, Arizona and New Mexico (USA); they are surrounded at lower elevations by the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts, and are important because of their endemism, and relict populations. Promicrogaster jaymeae Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/D5ED2A45-7F43-4B 1 F-98 13-88B7E73BB9E0 Figs 4 A-E 5 A-G Material examined. Holotype. CANADA ¢ 2, CNC; Ontario; St. Lawrence Islands National Park; Jones Creek by Mallory Town; Country Road 5; 44.4747N, 75.8652W; 117 m.a.s.l; 19 Sep 2012; Mixed forest - sugar maple and white birch; St. Lawrence Islands National Park leg; BIOUG03887-G02. Paratype. UNITED STATES ¢ 29, MCZ (Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA); Massachusetts, Blue Hills Reservation, Milton; 19 Aug 1963; H.E. Evans leg; CNC666703. Diagnosis. This species is morphologically similar to P gainesvillensis (Florida), P huachuca (Arizona), and P liagrantae (Costa Rica), but there are enough morphologi- cal differences (see key above for details on how to separate those four species) and disparate geographical distributions (including different ecosystems and considerable variation in altitude) to consider all of them as different. The Canadian species can be separated based on its fore wing vein R1 yellow-white, T3+ yellow-orange on posterior 0.2—0.5, metacoxa dark brown on anterior 0.3, and T2 mostly sculptured (fore wing vein R1 dark brown; metasoma mostly dark brown to black, metacoxa entirely yellow, and T2 mostly smooth on P /iagrantae). Description. Head: mostly black, labrum and mandibles yellow. Flagellomeres: dark brown. Mesosoma: black. Tegula: yellow. Metasoma (dorsally): mostly dark brown, with T3+ yellow-orange on posterior 0.2—0.5. Metacoxa: mostly orange yellow, with black to dark brown spot on anterior 0.3 dorsally. Malar distance: less than 0.2 x eye length. Fore wing areolet: present. T1 sculpture: mostly sculptured. T2 sculpture: mostly smooth. Body length: 3.40—3.50 mm. Fore wing length: 3.40 mm. Ovipositor length: 2.10—2.30 mm. Ocular—ocellar line: 0.14 mm. Interocellar distance: 0.09—0.10 mm. Posterior ocellus diameter: 0.08—0.09 mm. Metacoxa length: 0.80-0.90 mm. Metafemur length: 0.90-1.02 mm. Metatibia length: 1.15-1.28. T1 length/width at posterior margin: 0.47—0.57/ 0.29 mm. T2 length/width at posterior margin: 0.11 mm/ 0.42—0.43 mm. 104 Jose Fernandez-Triana / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112 (2019) Figure 4. Promicrogaster jaymeae, female holotype. A Habitus, lateral B head, frontal C fore wing D head and mesosoma, dorsal E propodeum and metasoma, dorsal F ovipositor. Distribution. CANADA, Ontario; UNITED STATES, Florida, Massachusetts. Collected between 55 and 117 m.a.s.l. Biology. Unknown. Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster, with an updated key to all... 105 Figure 5. Promicrogaster jaymeae, female paratype. A Habitus, lateral B head, frontal C fore wing D de- tails of pterostigma and fore wing areolet E head and mesosoma, dorsal F metasoma, dorsal G ovipositor. Molecular data. The holotype rendered an almost complete DNA barcode (622 base pairs), the sequence page in BOLD is CNSLKO014-12. It belongs to BIN BOLD:ADA9820, which contains another sequence, from P liagrantae (Costa Rica). 106 Jose Fernandez-Triana / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112 (2019) The two sequences are rather similar (1.73% base pairs difference) but represent dif- ferent species. Etymology. Named after Jayme Sones, Collections Manager of the Centre for Bio- diversity Genomics (CBG), University of Guelph, Canada, in appreciation of the ex- traordinary work she has done for the CBG during the past 15 years, and as a big thanks for her support and help with many braconid loans and other topics over the years. Promicrogaster madreanensis Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/C3EE1313-A3D8-4865-96EA-3C5B9A620D38 Fig. 6 A-F Material examined. Holotype. UNITED STATES ¢ 2, CNC; Arizona, Patagonia Mountains; 1676 m.a.sl.; 10 Jul 1962; H.E. Milliron leg; CNCHYM 01986. Diagnosis. This species is morphologically similar to P tracyvindasae (Costa Rica), but can be distinguished from it (and from all other described species of Promicrogaster from North and Meso America) because of its clypeus with a strong notch centrally on posterior margin. Description. Head: mostly dark reddish-brown, labrum and mandibles yellow, cl- ypeus orange-yellow. Flagellomeres: dark brown. Mesosoma: mostly black but ventro- laterally reddish-brown. Tegula: yellow. Metasoma (dorsally): mostly dark brown to black. Metacoxa: yellow. Malar distance: 0.3 x eye length. Fore wing areolet: present. T1 sculpture: mostly smooth. T2 sculpture: mostly smooth but with sculpture near margins. Body length: 4.90 mm. Fore wing length: 4.90 mm. Ovipositor length: ap- proximately 2.90 mm. Ocular—ocellar line: 0.20 mm. Interocellar distance: 0.12 mm. Posterior ocellus diameter: 0.10 mm. Metacoxa length: 1.10 mm. Metafemur length: 1.20 mm. Metatibia length: 1.50. T1 length/width at posterior margin: 0.65/ 0.40 mm. T2 length/width at posterior margin: 0.21 mm/ 0.80 mm. Distribution. UNITED STATES, Arizona, Patagonia Mountains, 1,676 m.a.s.l. Biology. Unknown. Molecular data. The holotype rendered a partial DNA barcode (164 base pairs), the sequence page in BOLD is HYCNE1802-11. Etymology. Named after the Madrean sky island ranges in Arizona. The Madrean sky islands are pine-oak woodlands found at higher elevations in Mexico, Arizona and New Mexico (USA); they are surrounded at lower elevations by the Sonoran and Chi- huahuan deserts, and are important because of their endemism and relict populations. Promicrogaster rondeau Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/8064D59E-A217-48F9-BFB6-752078A4540F Fig. 7 A-F Material examined. Holotype. CANADA ¢ 2, CNC; Ontario; Rondeau Provincial Park; 12 Aug 1982; Sand dunes; M. Sharkey leg; CNC666701. Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster, with an updated key to all... 107 Figure 6. Promicrogaster madreanensis, female holotype. A Habitus, lateral B head, frontal C fore wing D propodeum and metasoma, dorsal E middle legs F head and mesosoma, dorsal. Diagnosis. ‘This species is morphologically similar to four species described from Costa Rica (ACG). Apart from the disparate geographical distribution, there are sev- eral differences between them, which are best shown in Table 2 below. 108 Jose Fernandez-Triana / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112 (2019) Table 2. Differences between Promicrogaster rondeau (from Canada) and four morphologically related species from Costa Rica. OOL- Ocular-ocellar line; POL- Posterior ocellar line; POD- Posterior ocellus diameter; L- Length. All measurements in mm. rondo 014 | 007 1.30 P fabiancastroi_ | 0.08-0.10 | 0.08 1.40-1.57 Peddyeaioi | Ol | 008 177 P Inismendeci | 0.08 | 0.09 1.0 P. naomiduarteae | 0.11-0.14 | 0.07-0.9 1.41-1.92 Description. Head: mostly dark reddish-brown, labrum and mandibles yellow. Flagellomeres: dark brown. Mesosoma: mostly dark reddish-brown laterally, dorsally mostly black (but with faint reddish-brown spots on posterolateral margins of an- teromesoscutum). Tegula: yellow. Metasoma (dorsally): mostly dark brown to black. Metacoxa: brown. Malar distance: less than 0.2 x eye length. Fore wing areolet: absent. T1 sculpture: mostly sculptured. T2 sculpture: mostly sculptured, except for small, smooth central area. Body length: 2.20 mm. Fore wing length: 2.30 mm. Oviposi- tor length: 1.30 mm. Ocular—ocellar line: 0.14 mm. Interocellar distance: 0.07 mm. Posterior ocellus diameter: 0.05 mm. Metacoxa length: 0.44 mm. Metafemur length: 0.51 mm. Metatibia length: 0.65 mm. T1 length/width at posterior margin: 0.31 mm/ 0.17 mm. T2 length/width at posterior margin: 0.08 mm/ 0.32 mm. Distribution. CANADA, Ontario, Rondeau Provincial Park. Biology. Unknown. Molecular data. Not available. Etymology. Named after the type locality, in recognition of the natural values and uniqueness of the Rondeau Provincial Park. Promicrogaster virginianus Fernandez-Triana, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/BF705DDC-870 1-4A84-AB9F-38B737C9IC39A Fig. 8 A-E Material examined. Holotype. UNITED STATES « 2, USNM; Virginia; 28 Aug 1884; CNC666702. Diagnosis. Among the darker coloured species (with uniformly dark antenna and entirely dark brown propleuron), with small areolet in the fore wing and tegula and wing base yellow, this species can be distinguished by its relatively small size (body and fore wing length 2.5—2.6 mm) and smaller ocelli (ocular—ocellar line 2.6 x as long as posterior ocellus diameter). All other species with dark colouration are either substan- tially larger (body and fore wing length at least 3.3 mm, usually more), and/or have larger ocelli, lack an areolet or have some other differences (as stated in the key above). Description. Head: mostly reddish-brown, labrum and mandibles yellow. Flagel- lomeres: brown. Mesosoma: reddish-brown. Tegula: yellow. Metasoma (dorsally): mostly reddish-brown. Metacoxa: mostly brown. Malar distance: less than 0.2 x eye length. Fore Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster, with an updated key to all... 109 ae ec. E Figure 7. Promicrogaster rondeau, female holotype. A Habitus, lateral B head, frontal C fore wing D head and mesosoma, dorsal E propodeum and metasoma, dorsal F ovipositor. wing areolet: present. T'1 sculpture: : anterior 0.4 smooth, posterior 0.6 sculptured. T2 sculpture: mostly sculptured. Body length: 2.60 mm. Fore wing length: approximate- ly 2.80 mm. Ovipositor length: 2.30 mm. Ocular—ocellar line: 0.17 mm. Interocellar Jose Fernandez-Triana / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112 (2019) Figure 8. Promicrogaster virginianus, female holotype. A Habitus, lateral B head, frontal C fore wing D propodeum and metasoma, dorsal E head and mesosoma, dorsal. distance: 0.08 mm. Posterior ocellus diameter: 0.07 mm. Metacoxa length: 0.65 mm. Metafemur length: 0.75 mm. Metatibia length: 0.90 mm. T1 length/width at posterior margin: 0.43 mm/ 0.18 mm. T2 length/width at posterior margin: 0.08 mm/ 0.38 mm. Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster, with an updated key to all... 111 Distribution. UNITED STATES, Virginia. Biology. Unknown. Molecular data. Not available. Etymology. Named after the state where it was collected. Notes. ‘This is the oldest known specimen of Promicrogaster, having been collected 135 years ago. Acknowledgements I am very grateful for the editorial work of Gavin Broad (Natural History Museum, London, UK) and the review of Mark Shaw (National Museums of Scotland, Edin- burgh) which significantly improved the final version of the manuscript. This work was supported by project 3199 “Systematics of beneficial arthropods in support of resilient agroecosystems’, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. References Fernandez- Triana J, Whitfield J, Rodriguez J, Smith M, Janzen D, Hajibabaei M, Burns J, Solis A, Brown J, Cardinal S, Goulet H, Hebert P (2014a) Review of Apanteles sensu stricto (Hy- menoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) from Area de Conservacién Guanacaste, north- western Costa Rica, with keys to all described species from Mesoamerica. ZooKeys 383: 1-565. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.383.6418 Fernandez-Triana JL, Whitfield JB, Smith MA, Hallwachs W, Janzen DH (2014b) Revision of the neotropical genus Sendaphne Nixon (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 41: 1-29. https://doi.org/10.3897/JHR.41.8586 Fernandez-Triana J, Boudreault C, Dapkey T, Smith MA, Rodriguez J, Hallwachs W, Janzen DH (2016) Revision of the genus Promicrogaster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastri- nae) from Area de Conservacién Guanacaste, Costa Rica, with a key to all species previ- ously described from Mesoamerica. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 50: 25-79. https:// doi.org/10.3897/JHR.50.8220 Hebert PDN, Cywinska A, Ball SL, deWaard JR (2003) Biological identifications through DNA barcodes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 270: 313-32 1.https://doi.org/10.1098/ rspb.2002.2218 Huber JT, Sharkey MJ (1993) Structure. In: Goulet H, Huber JT (Eds) Hymenoptera of the world: an identification guide to families. Agriculture Canada Research Branch, Mono- graph No. 1894E, Ottawa, Canada, 13-59. Karlsson D, Ronquist F (2012) Skeletal morphology of Opius dissitus and Biosteres carbonarius (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), with a discussion of terminology. PLoS ONE 7(4): e32573. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0032573 Mason WRM (1981) ‘The polyphyletic nature of Apanteles Foerster (Hymenoptera: Braconi- dae): A phylogeny and reclassification of Microgastrinae. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, Ottawa, 147 pp. https://doi.org/10.4039/entm113115fv 112 Jose Fernandez-Triana / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70: 89-112 (2019) Quicke DLJ (2015) The Braconid and Ichneumonid Parasitoid Wasps: Biology, Systematics, Evo- lution and Ecology. Willey-Blackwell, 704 pp. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118907085 Ratnasingham S, Hebert PDN (2007) BOLD: The Barcode of Life Data System [www.bar- codinglife.org]. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 355-364. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471- 8286.2007.01678.x Whitfield JB (1997) Subfamily Microgastrinae. In: Wharton RA, Marsh PM, Sharkey MJ (Eds) Manual of the New World genera of the family Braconidae (Hymenoptera). Special Publication No. 1, International Society of Hymenopterists, Washington, DC, 333-364.