ore JHR 62: I-13 (2018) JOURNAL OF ree sno sites pment (>) Hymenoptera http://jhr.pensoft.net The Inerational Society of ymenoptersts. RESEARCH Most northern Oriental distribution of Zethus Fabricius (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae), with a new species from China Jiang-Li Tan', James M Carpenter’, Cornelis van Achterberg' | Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Animal Conservation/Key Laboratory of Resource Biology and Biotechnology in Western China, Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Northwest University, Xian, China 2 Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY, USA Corresponding author: /iang-Li Tan (tanjl@nwu.edu.cn) Academic editor: /. Of! | Received 22 December 2017 | Accepted 19 January 2018 | Published 26 February 2018 http://zoobank.org/27 CAA30D-E5 14-4ECE-8095-010F6141E8BO Citation: Tan J-L, Carpenter JM, van Achterberg C (2018) Most northern Oriental distribution of Zethus Fabricius (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae), with a new species from China. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 62: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.62.23 196 Abstract The distribution of Zethus Fabicius, 1804, in the Oriental and Palaearctic regions is discussed, with special reference to the northeastern Oriental species. A newly discovered species, Z. velamellatus Tan, sp. n. from China (Zhejiang), is described and illustrated. The first key to species of Zethus Fabricius from China is presented. Zethus nigerrimus Gusenleitner, 2001 is recorded for the first time from China and redescribed. Keywords Zethus, China, key, new record, new species Introduction Zethus Fabricius, 1804, is the largest eumenine genus with 272 valid species of which the majority (230 spp.) occurs in the New World (Carpenter 2011, Lopes et al. 2015, 2017, Cooper 2016, Nguyen and Carpenter 2016, Nguyen and Xu 2017, Selis 2017, Yeh and Lu 2017). The genus is characterized by having propodeum with orifice elon- gate, acutely pointed dorsally, propodeal valvula elongate and quadrate, separate from propodeal lamella; labial palp four-segmented; mid-tibia usually with two spurs (Bo- hart and Stange 1965, Nguyen and Carpenter 2016, Tan et al. 2018, submitted). Copyright Jiang-Li Tan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Jiang-Li Tan et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 62: 1-13 (2018) Although they are widespread in the tropics, with 25 species occurring in the Oriental Region (Nguyen and Carpenter 2016, Nguyen and Xu 2017, Yeh and Lu 2017), only few species and specimens are known from China. Lee (1985) was the first to record a Zethus sp. from China: Z. dolosus Bingham, 1897. Unfortunately, the record by Lee (1985) was overlooked by Zhou et al. (2011) and Nguyen and Xu (2017). Up to the present, there are only four species recorded from China (Lee 1985, Nguyen and Xu 2017, Yeh and Lu 2017, Tan et al. 2018, submitted). In this paper, two additional spe- cies, Z. velamellatus Tan, sp. n. and Z. nigerrimus Gusenleitner, 2001, rec. n., are added to the Chinese fauna. A key to species of the genus Zethus from China is included. Material and methods Specimens were collected by hand net. The studied specimens are deposited in the Hymenoptera Collection of the College of Life Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an (NWUX). Morphological terminology follows Yeh and Lu (2017) and Nguyen and Xu (2017). Nomenclature of mesopleural sulci and sutures is shown in Figure 1. Length of body is measured from anterior margin of the head to the apex of the second meta- somal tergum; length of first metasomal tergum is measured from the posterior margin of the tendon to the apex of the tergum medially, its height is the maximum height in lateral view. Observations and descriptions were made with an Olympus SZX11 stereomicroscope and fluorescent lamps. Photographic images were made with a Key- ence VHX-5000 digital microscope and Photoshop CS 6 was used to make the plates. Abbreviations: approx., approximately; id., idem; E antennal flagellomere; S, metasomal sternum; T, metasomal tergum; ecc, epicnemial carina; eps, epipleural sul- cus; ess, episternal sulcus; mps, mesopleural suture. Table |. List of Zethus spp. recorded from Oriental and Palaearctic fauna. Oriental species Distribution Zethus albopilosus Giordani Soika, 1995 India Zethus angulatus Nguyen & Carpenter, 2016 Vietnam Zethus bakeri Giordani Soika, 1995 Singapore Zethus celebensis Giordani Soika, 1960 Indonesia Zethus ceylonicus de Saussure, 1867 India, Sri Lanka China (Guangdong), Bhutan, India, Zethus dolosus Bingham, 1897 Mecavher cihailand ewietvamn Zethus fulgens Gusenleitner, 2007 Malaysia Zethus improcerus Giordani Soika, 1995 Malaysia Zethus indicus Giordani Soika, 1960 India (Sikkim) Zethus luzonensis Giordani Soika, 1941 Philippines Zethus malabaricus Giordani Soika, 1995 India Zethus malayanus Gusenleitner, 2010 China (Guangdong), Malaysia, Vietnam On Zethus Fabricius from China 3 Oriental species Distribution Zethus mandibularis Giordani Soika, 1995 Indonesia Zethus nanlingensis Nguyen & Xu, 2017 China (Guangdong) Zethus nigerrimus Gusenleitner, 2001 China (Jiangxi), Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia Zethus planiclypeus Gusenleitner, 1988 Thailand Zethus propodeus Nguyen & Carpenter, 2016 Vietnam Zethus puehringeri Gusenleitner & Gusenleitner, 2013 Laos Zethus quadridentata Cameron, 1902 Borneo Zethus soikai Selis, 2017 Philippines Zethus tansoneus Nguyen & Carpenter, 2016 Vietnam Zethus trimaculatus Cameron, 1904 India, Laos, Vietnam Zethus tumidus Nguyen & Carpenter, 2016 Vietnam Zethus varipunctatus Cameron, 1902 Malaysia Zehtus velamellatus Tan, sp. n. China (Zhejiang) Palaearctic species Distribution Zethus asiaticus Gusenleitner, 2011 Kyrgyzstan , Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Sudan, Kenya, Aatiisfaotiacens Walken 187 Tanzania, nae Zimbabwe, cae Africa Key to species of the genus Zethus from China 1 First metasomal segment short and stout: 2.0—2.2x as long as its maximum width in dorsal view and approx. 2.5x as long as high in lateral view.......... 2 = First metasomal segment long and slender: 2.5—3.5x as long as its maximum width in dorsal view and 3.3—6.0x as long as high in lateral view................ 4 2 Propodeal lamella almost invisible as the submarginal carina is not produced above propodeal valvulae; mesopleuron reticulate-rugose; first metasomal ter- gum punctate; clypeus of 9 punctate-reticulate and depressed space between apical teeth without median ridge; second tergum with apical yellow band. hia (7 le tang,) wade tetra deesdun cet hase hesatenstecaaesses Z. velamellatus Tan, sp. n. _ Propodeal lamella well-developed as the submarginal carina is produced into a distinct lamella above propodeal valvulae; mesopleuron sparsely punc- tate; first metasomal tergum reticulate-rugose; clypeus of 9 punctate and depressed space between apical teeth with a median ridge; second tergum Getta be te bya ln large kes. t un ae eh eee a hee cet Seta ce ee eee eed 3 3 Leg yellowish brown; clypeus of @ tri-dentate, clypeus of 3 with apical notch 1/5 as wide as clypeus; mandible of & with basal tooth forming a rectangular plate and separated from middle tooth by a broad notch. China (Taiwan)... 2 es es is