ox JHR 45: 113-123 (2015) JOURNAL OF *r*iercnoscloen doi: 10.3897/JHR.45.5274 (ME Hymenopter a http://jhr.pensoft.net The insertional Society of ymenopterists RESEARCH Clarification of the author and year of publication of Cotesia chilonis, a species used widely for biological control of Chilo stem borers Jose Fernandez-Triana', John S. Noyes’, Andrew Polaszek*, Dicky S. K. Yu! | Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, ON, Canada 2 Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, London, UK Corresponding author: Jose Fernandez-Triana (jftriana@uoguelph.ca) Academic editor: Gavin Broad| Received 11 May 2015 | Accepted 20 August 2015 | Published 7 September 2015 Attp:/zoobank.org/D1CA491 C-67FC-4553-823F-A2497 1 1FB69E Citation: Fernandez-Triana J, Noyes JS, Polaszek A, Yu DSK (2015) Clarification of the author and year of publication of Cotesia chilonis, a species used widely for biological control of Chilo stem borers. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 45: 113-123. doi: 10.3897/JHR.45.5274 Abstract Cotesia chilonis (Munakata, 1912) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Microgastrinae) is a species used widely for biological control of several species of Chilo (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) stem borers. The genus name, species author and year of publication associated with this parasitoid wasp species have varied historically. Based on the available evidence, a complete account of the history and nomenclatural acts associated with C. chilonis is presented, the different alternatives are weighed and discussed, and what is considered as the best alternative is proposed. It is expected that this paper will contribute to clarity and stability in the use of this species name, author and year. Keywords Cotesia chilonis, Microgastrinae, Chilo stem borers, biocontrol, taxonomy, Japan Copyright Jose Fernandez-Triana et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 114 Jose Fernandez-Triana et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 45: 113-123 (2015) Introduction Cotesia chilonis (Munakata, 1912) is a parasitoid wasp (Braconidae: Microgastrinae) originally described from Japan and widely used in biological control projects against caterpillar stem borers in the genus Chilo (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), pests of grami- naceous crops in the Oriental and Afrotropical regions (Kfir et al. 1992, Polaszek and Walker 1992, Polaszek 1998). Cotesia chilonis belongs to the Cotesia flavipes species complex, which includes four species parasitizing stemboring pests associated with sugarcane and cereal crops (Walker 1994, Muirhead et al. 2008). The monophyly of the complex is well support- ed by molecular (Smith and Kambhampati 1999; Michel-Salzat and Whitfield 2004; Muirhead et al. 2006, 2008) and morphological characters, such as a dorsoventrally compressed mesosoma (Watanabe 1965; Walker 1994, Muirhead et al. 2008). The correct genus of the species, as well as its author and publication year (= origi- nal description) have long been in a state of confusion. As a result, the considerable literature on C. chilonis is replete with errors. The species has been placed either in Apanteles or in Cotesia, the authorship has been attributed either to Tetsuzo Munakata or to Shonen Matsumura, and the year of the original description has been cited as either 1910 or 1912. Because of the importance of this species in biological control, the generic place- ment, author and year of description of Cotesia chilonis must be clarified. Methods We carefully examined the scientific literature relating to this species, including the report in which the species was originally described (Anonymous 1912). We made an effort to study all taxonomic references to Cotesia chilonis that we are aware of, and also consulted several colleagues who are proficient in Japanese and/or had seen the original paper (see Acknowledgments). We estimated the number of citations for the different variants of the species names, species author, and year of publication by performing searches on Zoological Record, Google Scholar, and Google. Results Cotesia chilonis was originally described in Apanteles (the original description has ‘Apanteles’ misspelled as ‘Apantetus’, see Fig. 1). However, Mason (1981) divided Apanteles into several genera, either new or resurrected (such as Cotesia Cameron, 1891) and transferred many known species, but unfortunately not Apanteles chilonis, to his newly proposed genera. Ma- sons (1981) study was instrumental in highlighting the polyphyly of Apanteles s.1., a finding that led to the separation of Cotesia and Apanteles s.str. as separate, unrelated genera. 115 Clarification of the author and year of publication of Cotesia chilonis... ORS ESO ERS SN SSR. SHERRIE KS ra KVS RM RYRV\PRRORASRERSOR 1 SRO HMVRASA KE ' RERESRK Sm AKAD H* A’mPAT Pe AK (1) ~ B) Rr 8f Microplitis | aomoriensis Mats. OF” SWI WRN ERERINRENK NBER ORAS RS OND BN BHEEKE Sm ARV 1S. RKO RRM KIRAN SAL , aX NM BRR MDS E+ ARI AON RRREL VR!) RRR BA SM yp ON BSRM BWA | OMAR | Sn eVvR HEN RRES \KRERYBA SN KE Sdv dt - RARRAKLNRE BRO IANS ARABS IRAN TKR RR EOD ONRAK REN KO) SRE NHOKA+ REN RRS ROBE es ER Nd! a a a cn 2 (2 1] BN HR) gy ft Mats. Apantetus —_chilon’s co SRK ERV\ER | RKVER SRR ROBE REO INSEL R SH weOPEEKKE KG nr AL VER RODIN Bn RRA SRSS ROR WH CR Figure |. Copy of page 69 of the 1912 anonymous report with the original description of Cotesia chilonis (Munakata, 1912). The red square shows the original species name and attributed author. 116 Jose Fernandez-Triana et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 45: 113-123 (2015) Austin and Dangerfield (1989: 137) were the first authors to propose une- quivocally the new combination, and to formally transfer the species to Cotesia (although they did so briefly in a paper section discussing unrelated species of Apanteles, and the nomenclatural act was not mentioned elsewhere). One year later Papp (1990: 117), unaware of that reference, proposed the same new combination (he did so in an Appendix rather unrelated to the main content of his paper, which was devoted to reporting Microgastrinae species from Korea). The fact that the new nomenclatural act was not clearly visible or referenced in either of those two papers probably contributed to subsequent overlooking of the new generic place- ment of chilonis. [Both Austin and Dangerfield (1989) and Papp (1990) attributed the authorship of the species to Matsumura instead of Munakata, see below for more discussion on that]. Cotesia has been universally recognized and accepted as a valid genus by the taxo- nomic and biological control research community (e.g., Yu et al. 2012, and references to the genus cited therein). However, due to the confusing circumstances detailed above, the species C. chilonis has continued to be variously placed in either Apanteles or Cotesia. For example, basic searches made in November, 2014 using the names ‘Apan- teles chilonis or ‘Cotesia chilonis revealed, respectively 35 and 28 citations in Zoologi- cal Record and, 651 and 714 citations in Google Scholar. At the same time a general search in Google reveals 4,280 and 6,020 results, respectively. Searches performed with Zoological Record, Google Scholar, and Google revealed an equally confusing mix for the author and publication year of C. chilonis (Table 1). Cotesia chilonis was originally described in a report of the Agriculture Experiment Sta- tion of Aomori, Japan. The report does not clearly state its author, but apparently it was written by Tetsuzo Munakata, although the species is mentioned in the paper as ‘Apantetus chilonis Mats.’ (Fig. 1). Watanabe (1965) provided additional and useful information on the author and year of publication, and it should be taken as the best information available to settle the issue. Watanabe (1965: 114, reproduced in Fig. 2) states that “In 1912 Apanteles chilonis was originally described anonymously as a parasite of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis, but there are certain evidences that the author is Tetsuzo Munaka- ta.” The next sentences from Watanabe (see Fig. 2) suggest that Munakata sent the Table I. Searches performed in November 2014 on three different online databases or search engines, using two different strings of words: “Apanteles+Cotesia+chilonis+Matsumura” or “Apanteles+Cotesia+ chilonis+Munakata”. Online Database/ Apanteles/ Cotesia chilonis Search Engine Matsumura (Total) Munakata (Total) Zoological Record 9 Google Scholar 49 Google 256 Clarification of the author and year of publication of Cotesia chilonis... 117 174 Okinawa, Mauritius and Australia. Apanteles chilonis (Munakata) Apantetus (!) chilonis (Munakata), Extra Report Agr. Exp. Sta. Aomori No. 2: 69, 1912. JAPAN: Aomori. Host: Chilo suppressalis (= C. simplex), Apanteles (Stenopleura) chilocida Viereck. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 43: 582, 1913. JAPAN. Host: Chilo “suppressalis. Apanteles chilocida: Wilkinson, Bull. Ent. Res. 19: 94, 1928, Apanteles flavipes f. chilonis: Watanabe, Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 12: 69, 1932. In 1912 Apanteles chilonis was originally described anonymously as a parasite of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis, but there are certain evidences that the author is Tetsuzo Munakata, The type is lost, and yet in the Entomological Institute, Hokkaido University, are deposited authentic material (4 29, Aomori, 1911, on a block of pith with a determination label —“ Apanteles chilonis n. sp.” — in Matsumura’s own hand-writing) which was sent by Munakata to Prof. Matsu- mura for identification. From the series I have selected as neotype of chilonis the single female which is in the best condition. Just after the » above-mentioned publication Viereck (1913) described originally Apanteles chilocida as a parasite of the same host. This name, however, already has been Sumeressen as a synonym of chilonis by Watanabe (1932). is Insect 1s So Closely related to A. flavipes that there are two different views about the taxonomy of the Japanese form: Wilkinson (1928, etc.) treats it as a full species; on the other hand Watanabe (1932, etc.) considers it a form of flavipes. Having examined a number of specimens of both the forms I am much inclined to the opinion that chilonis should be treated as a distinct species. Differences are noticeable between the two in the punctuation of the prothorax, mesopleura and hind coxae as well as in the colouration of the hind coxae as states in the present key. These differences would seem to be more reliable to separate the two than the prominence of the face and the declivity of the propo- deum which are characters used by Wilkinson in his key: because in chilonis those features tend to become inconspicuous, while in flavipes they seem to be very variable in strength, In general, this species is darker in colour than flavipes: the antennae are yel- lowish brown to brown, not reddish yellow as in flavipes. Having examined the genitalia of both sexes I have found that there are no special differences between the two species in genital structures. The first abscissa of the radius is not clearly shorter than the transverse cubitus but as long as or sometimes rather longer than the latter. JAPAN: Aomori, 4 29 (including the neotype of chilonis), 1911 (T. Munakata). Many other specimens examined are collected at the following localities: —Kyu- shu: Taniyama (S. Fukamachi); Yokkaichi and Fukuoka (lI. Tateishi) ; Futsu- kaichi (K. Yano); and Miyazaki (H. Sakimura). Honshu: Masuda, ‘Taito, Hikawa, Ota and Hamada (T. Fujishima) ; Kanazawa (H. Kawase); Shonai and Omagari (T. Hidaka); Nishiki-mura and Omagari (M. Kikuchi); and Morioka CH. Omori). Figure 2. Copy of page 114 of Watanabe (1965). The red square shows the most relevant paragraphs. The words underlined with gray were made by an unknown source to the copy available to us for study, and are not related to the present paper. specimens to Shonen Matsumura, who identified the species as “Apanteles chilonis n. sp. and sent it back to Munakata, who then published the report with the species description in 1912. 118 Jose Fernandez-Triana et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 45: 113-123 (2015) From the above account, it seems evident that Matsumura was the one recognizing the new species, but Munakata was the one publishing it. This opinion from Watanabe agrees with that of other Japanese entomologists, e.g. the braconid specialist Kaoru Maeto (personal communication) and the ichneumonid specialist Jinhaku Sonan (1930: 141). Actually, the 1930 paper from Sonan provides an interesting fact. Sonan was dealing with another species described in the 1912 report (the ichneumonid ‘Ophionellus biguttulus currently named ‘Temelucha biguttula’), and he also considered that, even though the original paper had written ‘Ophionellus biguttulus Mats.’, Matsumura did not describe the species but it was Munakata (compare Figs 3 and 4). Because the author of the species is not clear from the contents of the 1912 report, the author of the report (Munakata) should also be considered as the author of the species, as explained in The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). Article 50.1.1 states “However, if it is clear from the contents that some person other than an author of the work is alone responsible both for the name or act and for sat- isfying the criteria of availability other than actual publication, then that other person is the author of the name or act. “Jf the identity of that other person is not explicit in the work itself, then the author is deemed to be the person who publishes the work.” The last sentence (our italics) clearly applies here, and it should be used to recognize Munakata as the author of the species. Watanabe, who should also be considered as the First Reviser, sensu Article 24.2 of the ICZN, unambiguously stated the authorship of the species in two papers: Wa- tanabe (1932a: 69) and Wanatabe (1965: 114). Unfortunately he was not followed by subsequent authors. Most notably, the latest comprehensive list of world species of Braconidae (Shenefelt 1972: 468) mentioned Matsumura as the author. Shenefelt was probably the source of the mistake followed by other important references on Micro- gastrinae (Table 2) which unintentionally contributed to perpetuating the mistake —at least partially— until the present. Last but not least, the year of publication has, at times, been confused by some sources (Table 2). The most common mistake (1910 instead of 1912) might have originated from another paper of Shenefelt (1965: 400), which misspelled Munakata as ‘Munakato’ and incorrectly assigned 1910 as the date for his report on Cotesia chilo- nis. For clarification about the actual date, we again follow Watanabe (1932a, 1932b, 1965), as he actually saw the report, studied Munakata’s specimens, and even desig- nated a neotype (Watanabe 1965: 114; see also Fig. 2). The unfortunate chain of omissions and confusion in publications on Cotesia chilo- nis has led to this important species to be referred to by several generic names, authors, and years of publication. For the sake of clarity and stability, it is useful to provide in a single paper a complete account of the history and nomenclatural acts associated with this species. Based on the revised evidence, the history of names associated with C. chilonis is presented below. It is hoped that the correct names and dates (as presently understood) are adopted by future researchers. Clarification of the author and year of publication of Cotesia chilonis... 1L9 J. Sonan: A few host-known Ichneumonidae found in Formosa (Hym.) (2). 141 */s a8 long as the body; mesonotum abruptly sloping apically, closely punetate and shortly pubescent, notauli obsolete; scutellum_ convex, closely rugose; propodeum rugose, with a rather broad, but sharrow median furrow, which is t:ansversely striated, external and lateral areae distinet; spiracles elliptical; first tergite linear, glabrous, apex fusiform; 4th-9th tergites strongly compressed late- rally throughout; tarsal clays -pectinate. Black. Apex of mandibles reddish brown; palpi, tegulae and legs yellowish brown; antennae, coxae and hind trochanter black; hind femolae reddish brown, base and apex of tibiae, apex of metatarsi and 2nd-5th joints dark brown; wings hyaline, stigina brown, arcolet somewhat large, triangular, with a distinctly petiole; recurrent nervure straight, emiting from a little beyond the middle of areolet; basal nervure continuous. Length: Body 8mm; ovipositor 4mm; fore wing 5mm, Host. Larvae of Homona imenciana Walker (Author). ‘Hab. Type 9, Shiuchiku, Apr. 4, 1921 (Auhtor): Paratype 9, Heichin (Shinchikn-Shu), May 1, 1930 (Author). This species is allied to Limuertum forticarinatum Cameron (1906) and Z. guettaeus Cameron (1906), but differs from them by the wanting of areola of propodeum, elliptical spiracles, yello- wish brown legs, aud black apices of hind tibiae. CREMASTUS, Cravenhorst. Ichn. Europ. iii, p. 7380(1829). Subgen. TARYTIA Cameron, Jown, Bombay Nat. Hist. Soo. p. 588 (1907)t *7OY CREMASTIDEA, Vieveck, Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus, 48, O no, 1942 p, 587 (1912). | | *."| Cremastus (Tarytia) biguttulus (Munskata). _. Ophioellus biguttulus Matsumura (non desc.), Munakata. |, Exira Report Agric. Exp. Stat. Aomori, no. 2, p. 67, pl. ii 142 ram. N. H. 8 Trans, N. H. 8. F. Vol. XX. (Jun. 1930) fig, 19 (1910); Kondo, Extra Rept. Agric. Stat, Naga a7 15, p. 101 (1917); Nawa, Insect world Gifu 219, p. 456 (1915). (Japan). 2 4S Cremastus (C. reutastidea) chinensis Viereck, Proc, U.S Nat Mus. 4: 5 aa a sd 2 1942, p. 587, @ ¢ (1912). (China, Japan). sane Japonica \Uchida (nee Ashmead), Jour. Fac ches f Hokk, Imp. Uniy Sapporo, xxi, pt. 2, p» 285, pl Vi, fig, 16, © (1928) ar gaki, xix, no. Figure 3. Copy of pages 141 and 142 (partially) of Sonan (1930). The red square shows Sonan’s inter- pretation of the species author for one of the species described by Munakata in 1912. The annotations added with a pencil (in gray) were made by an unknown source to the copy available to us for study, and are not related to the present paper. Jose Fernandez-Triana et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 45: 113-123 (2015) 120 SEM RICMEA RARBEANE Re eR EAP NN PRA MK ENE NK \S ERATED NRBR+ RA ae RR DS i i | SX RX fie to BIIt+H tu Hi BARA REMI VRANE HHI ON RRMMaAK AH NK BKR NCE 1] BY RI RA Bes Ce PLR AMRA ISH KL eNO RBRVS Ihe RH RS Ri SROVMABAOMMUBI BAIN. OeESRT IBM SAIBrNEaAn& HN ER WRK ARRAY A HR eR BRARAN RM CARAS BB Xv RB BXNRBDAN BRENNA Red -+~ BAN RKR( HERE Hl Koh ak eK a SR Nera et Geen Ro ee ee Hm rn MRYVEMNMRm er. enna’ H+rileRHWe+Ae¢eBe I7 AwSTHRHADRA WS (SR 1) BEN |) Rb ff Ophione!lus biguttulus = Mats. | | KY? Figure 4. Copy of page 67 of the 1912 anonymous report. The red square shows the original species name and attributed author (compare it against Figure 3 above). Clarification of the author and year of publication of Cotesia chilonis... 121 Table 2. Important published and/or web resources about Microgastrinae with differing accounts for the species Cotesia chilonis (Munakata, 1912). Comments in square brackets provide additional information when needed. a) Sources with Munakata as author of the species, and publication year of 1912 (unless a different date is indicated in square brackets): - Taxapad (http://www.taxapad.com/local. php?&indexstartGS=53 166&taxgroupGS=ichneumonoidea) [As Cotesia chilonis (Munakata, 1910), the year 1910 and the authorship used in Taxapad were based on the following reference: Shenefelt, R.D. 1965. A contribution towards knowledge of the world literature regarding Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Beitrige zur Entomologie. 15(3/4):243- 500. On page 400, the Munakata paper is dated as 1910 — and the name Munakata is misspelled as Munakato]. - Catalog of Life (http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2014/search/all/key/ Cotesia+chilonis/match/1). - GBIF (http://www.gbif.org/species/ 1257878). - Encyclopedia of Life (http://eol.org/pages/ 1206354 1/overview). - Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Cotesia_species) [Merely a citation from EOL]. - Microgastrinae Wasps of the World (http://microgastrinae.myspecies.info/microgastrinae/ Cotesia-chilonis). - Barcode of Life Data Systems (http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php/Public_ Search Terms? query=%22 Cotesia%20chilonis%22|tax]) [The records included in BOLD were mined from GenBank]. b) Sources with Matsumura as author of the species, and publication year of 1912 (unless a different date is indicated in square brackets): - ZooBank (http://zoobank.org/Search?search_term=Apanteles+ chilonis) [As Apanteles chilonis Matsumura, 1912. ZooBank does not have any record as ‘Cotesia chilonis’). - Shenefelt 1972 (Braconidae 4. Microgasterinae: Apanteles. Hymenopterorum Catalogus, 1972: page 468) [This paper represents the last comprehensive list of world species of Braconidae]. - Whitfield Lab website (http://www.life.illinois.edu/whitfield/Cotesia/ Cotesia.htm) [As Cotesia chilonis Matsumura, 1926; the year is most likely a typographical mistake. This website contains a significant number of Cotesia species illustrations and is a valuable reference on the topic]. - Sharkey Lab website (http://www.sharkeylab.org/Cotesia/ Cotesia.cgi) [This website contains a significant number of Cotesia species illustrations and is a valuable reference on the topic]. Cotesia chilonis (Munakata, 1912) Apantetus chilonis Munakata, 1912: 69. Original description. Misspelling of the genus name. Apanteles chilonis Matsumura in Munakata, 1912: 69. Shenefelt 1972: 468. Incorrect assignment of author of the species. [Subsequently followed by a substantial num- ber of authors, websites, and online databases]. Apanteles flavipes £. chilonis Watanabe, 1932: 84. Junior subjective synonym [In the References below, this paper is cited as “Watanabe 1932b’ to distinguish it from another work published by Watanabe in 1932 and also cited in the present paper]. Apanteles chilonis Munakata, 1912. Watanabe 1965: 114. Reinstatement as valid species. 122 Jose Fernandez-Triana et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 45: 113-123 (2015) Cotesia chilonis (Matsumura, 1912). Austin and Dangerfield 1989: 137. New combin- ation. Incorrect assignment of author of the species. Cotesia chilonis (Matsumura, 1912). Papp 1990: 117. Unnecessary ‘new combination’. Incorrect assignment of author of the species. Cotesia chilonis Munakata, 1910. Yu et al. 2012. Incorrect assignment of date for species description. Apanteles chilocida Viereck, 1912: 582. Watanabe 1932: 69. Junior subjective syno- nym. Incorrect date (1913) assigned to Viereck’s paper. [In the References below, this paper is cited as “Watanabe 1932a’ to distinguish it from another work pub- lished by Watanabe in 1932 and also cited in the present paper]. Acknowledgements The decisions made in this paper about names, authors and dates related to Cotesia chilonis benefited considerably from fruitful discussion with several colleagues. Dr John Steel (University of Otago, New Zealand) helped in establishing contact with Japanese colleagues and kindly sent copies of some of the most important references used for this paper. Dr Katsuhiko Sayama (Hokkaido Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan) kindly provided useful comments and copies of some of the most important references used for this paper. Dr Kaoru Maeto (Kobe University, Japan) kindly shared his opinions on the names and authors historically associated with the species. Dr John Huber and Dr Gary Gibson (Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Canada) revised earlier versions of the manuscript and helped to clarify contents. References Anonymous (1912) Extra Report Agric. Exp. Stat. Aomori 2: 67-69. Austin AD, Dangerfield PC (1989) The taxonomy of New World microgastrine braconids (Hymenoptera) parasitic on Diatraea spp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Bulletin of Entomo- logical Research 79(1): 131-144. doi: 10.1017/S0007485300018642 Kfir R, Overholt WA, Khan Z, Polaszek A (2002) Biology and management of economically important lepidopterous cereal stem borers in Africa. Annual Review of Entomology 47: 701-731. doi: 10.1146/annurev.ento.47.091201.145254 Mason WRM (1981) The polyphyletic nature of Apanteles Foerster (Hymenoptera: Bra- conidae): A phylogeny and reclassification of Microgastrinae. Memoirs of the Entomo- logical Society of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 147 pp. Michel-Salzat A, Whitfield JB (2004) Preliminary evolutionary relationships within the para- sitoid wasp genus Cotesia (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae): combined analysis of four genes. Systematic Entomology 29: 1-12. doi: 10.1111/j.0307-6970.2004.00246.x Clarification of the author and year of publication of Cotesia chilonis... 123 Muirhead KA, Murphy NP, Sallam MN, Donnellan SC, Austin AD (2006) Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of the Cotesia flavipes complex of parasitic wasps (Hymenop- tera: Braconidae). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 42: 309-318. doi: 10.1080/00379271.2006.10697462 Muirhead KA, Austin AD, Sallam MN (2008) The systematics and biology of Cotesia nonagriae (Olliff) stat. rev. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae), a newly recognized member of the Cotesia flavipes species complex. Zootaxa 1846: 35-46. Papp J (1990) Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from Korea. XII. Acta Zoologica Hungarica 36(1-—2): 87-119. Polaszek A (Ed.) (1998) African cereal stem borers: Economic importance, taxonomy, natural enemies and control. CAB International, 530 pp. Polaszek A, Walker AK (1992) The Cotesia flavipes species-complex: parasitoids of cereal stem borers in the tropics. Redia 74: (3) “Appendice” (1991): 335-341. Shenefelt RD (1965) A contribution towards knowledge of the world literature regarding Bra- conidae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Beitrage zur Entomologie 15(3/4): 243-500. Shenefelt RD (1972) Braconidae 4. Microgasterinae: Apanteles. Hymenopterorum Catalogus (nova editio), Pars 7, 429-668. Smith PT, Kambhampati S (1999) Status of the Cotesia flavipes species complex (Braconidae: Microgastrinae) based on mitochondrial 168, rRNA and NADH 1 dehydrogenase gene sequence. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 72: 306-314. Sonan J (1930) A few host-known Ichneumonidae found in Formosa (Hym.) (2). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa. Taihoku 20: 137-144. Walker AK (1994) Species of Microgastrinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitizing lepidop- terous cereal stem borers in Africa. Bulletin of Entomological Research 84: 421-434. doi: 10.1017/S0007485300032557 Watanabe C (1932a) A revision of Braconid-species parasitic in the injurious insects of rice- plant and sugar-cane in Japan and Formosa. Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society 12: 63-71. Watanabe C (1932b) Notes on the Braconidae. III. Apanteles. Insecta Matsumurana 7: 74-102. Watanabe C (1965) Notes on the Apanteles flavipes complex (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Mushi 38: 111-116. Yu DSK, van Achterberg C, Horstmann K (2012) Taxapad 2012, Ichneumonoidea 2011. Database on flash-drive. www.taxapad.com, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.