ore JHR 44: 57-67 (2015) JOURNAL OF *2errviewed opevaccessjoural AAs Say ee (4) Hymenoptera http://jhr.pensoft.net The insertional Society of ymenoptersts. RESEARCH Colemanus keeleyorum (Braconidae, Ichneutinae s. I.): a new genus and species of Eocene wasp from the Green River Formation of western North America J. Ray Fisher', Erika M. Tucker’, Michael J. Sharkey? | Department of Entomology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA 2. Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546, USA Corresponding author: /. Ray Fisher (jrfisher@uark.edu) Academic editor: G. Broad | Received 13 February 2015 | Accepted 14 April 2015 | Published 11 June 2015 http://zoobank.org/8 C4FCBF6-E549-4987-B3 D2-2C343258CD8B Citation: Fisher JR, Tucker EM, Sharkey MJ (2015) Colemanus keeleyorum (Braconidae, Ichneutinae s. |.): a new genus and species of Eocene wasp from the Green River Formation of western North America. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 44: 57-67. doi: 10.3897/JHR.44.4727 Abstract A new genus and species of Ichneutinae s. |., Colemanus keeleyorum Fisher, is described from the Eocene Green River Formation in Colorado, USA. Colemanus was placed on a phylogenetic hypothesis using morphological data. Using a parsimony criterion, Colemanus is placed within Proteropini (Ichneutinae s. |.). Reconstructions of well-preserved regions (mesosomal dorsum and wings) are included. A previously described species from lower Oligocene Baltic amber is transferred to Colemanus, resulting in the new combination C. contortus (Brues, 1933). Keywords Microgastrinae, Microgastroidea, Proteropini, Proteropinae, fossil placement Introduction Herein we describe Colemanus keeleyorum gen. n. et sp. n. (Braconidae: Ichneutinae s. 1.) from the Eocene Green River Formation in the western United States. The Green River Formation represents one of the best documented ancient lake systems and has offered a particularly well preserved window into Eocene fauna. The formation is best known for fossil fish (Conrad et al. 2007), but other key discoveries include the oldest known bats: Icaronycteris index Jepsen, 1966 and Onychonycteris finneyi Simmons et al., 2008. Copyright J. Ray Fisher et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 58 J. Ray Fisher et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 44: 57-67 (2015) Recent collecting efforts by David Kohls (Colorado Mountain College) and col- leagues have accumulated more than 120,000 specimens, including more than 2,000 insects. One specimen, a wasp collected in 2005 in the Parachute Member of the Piceance Creek Basin (northwestern Colorado), caught the attention of Jim Whitfield (University of Illinois) due to its resemblance to members of a large braconid assem- blage called the microgastroid complex. The microgastroid complex is a well-supported rapid radiation (e.g., Whitfield and Lockhart 2007, Whitfield and Kjer 2008, Murphy et al. 2008, Sharanowski et al. 2011) well-known for its association with host-immunosuppressing polydnaviruses (e.g., Whitfield 2000). Overall, the relationships of subfamilies within the complex are poorly understood due to the rapid nature of their diversification (Whitfield and Lock- hart 2007, Whitfield and Kjer 2008), but two relationships are clear. First, Cheloninae is sister to all other subfamilies (Whitfield 1997, Dowton and Austin 1998, Dowton et al. 1998, Belshaw et al. 2000, Banks and Whitfield 2006, Murphy et al. 2008, Shara- nowski et al. 2011). Second, Ichneutinae s. |., usually excluded from the microgastroid complex because members are not known to contain polydnaviruses, is sister to the mi- crogastroid complex (Quicke and van Achterberg 1990, Belshaw et al. 2000, Belshaw and Quicke 2002, Dowton et al. 2002, Murphy et al. 2008, Sharanowski et al. 2011). Ichneutinae has received considerable attention and endured a chaotic taxonomic history, despite its relatively small size of approximately 100 species (Sharkey 1994, Yu et al. 2005). Three lineages are recognized and traditionally assigned to the tribal level (Proteropini, Ichneutini, and Muesebeckiini); however, tribal designation has been disputed Sharkey 1994, 1996). Although normally treated as a single subfamily, phy- logenetic analysis often renders Ichneutinae paraphyletic (e.g., Quicke and van Achter- berg 1990, Belshaw et al. 2000, Dowton et al. 2002, Sharanowski et al. 2011). The most rigorous of these analyses, which investigated multiple ribosomal and nuclear genes, recovered Proteropini as sister to microgastroids and Ichneutini as sister to that complex (Sharanowski et al. 2011). The affinities of the highly-derived muesebeckiines remain unknown as they were excluded from that analysis. Placing the fossil within the Ichneutinae s. |. + microgastroid complex is difficult due to its resemblance to several lineages. Specifically, the fossil resembles Cardiochili- nae because the last abscissa of the fore wing radial sector (3RSb) is recurved, although unlike many cardiochilines this vein remains tubular as it reaches the wing margin; and it resembles Proteropini (Ichneutinae s. |.) because the first abscissa of the fore wing media (1M) is evenly curved. Some Cheloninae also share these characters, but are readily differentiated by the presence of a metasomal carapace. To determine the fossil’s affinity, we placed it on a phylogenetic hypothesis for Braconidae (Sharanowski et al. 2011) using a parsimony criterion (tree length) of morphological characters. The dataset was expanded by adding taxa superficially re- sembling the fossil (Bohayella and Schoenlandella (Cardiochilinae); Helconichia (Pro- teropini)). The method implemented herein has the benefit over a standard analysis of easily comparing alternative placements of the fossil. Colemanus keeleyorum (Braconidae, Ichneutinae s. l.): a new genus and species... 59 Materials and methods The photographs of Colemanus gen. n. (Fig. 1) were taken with a JVC KY-F75 3CCD digital camera and prepared with Archimed™ by Microvision Instruments. Reconstruc- tions (Fig. 2) were created by tracing these photographs in Adobe Illustrator CS4, and by editing in Adobe Photoshop CS4. Unfortunately, the metasoma and legs did not preserve during fossilization (or are obscured by the rock matrix), and the head is crushed, offering no codable characters for these regions. The wings are remarkably preserved, complete with wing setae, whereas the dorsal mesosoma and antennae are moderately well preserved. Thirteen characters (Table 1) were selected from Sharkey and Wharton (1994, with corrections in Sharkey 1996), Sharkey (1997), and Dangerfield et al. (1999), and were modified to reflect characters discernible in the fossil. Table |. Description of characters and character states. Sources: 1) Sharkey and Wharton (1994, with corrections in Sharkey 1996); 2) Sharkey (1997); 3) Dangerfield et al. (1999). Characters States Code Source 2 1. Fore wing 3RSb — : reaching wing margin as tubular vein not reaching wing margin as tubular vein 2. Fore wing 3RSb strongly curved ae ing 2RS Se EOS WIDE straight longer than its width 4. F ing (RS+M)b ore wing (RS+M) equal to, or shorter than its width 5. Fore wing lcu-a origin , ; F 5 5 not in line with and often far distal to M toward apex 6. Fore wing Icu-a angle not toward apex straight or slightly curved 2 7. Fore wing 1M evenly curved or bent at mid-length apically bent toward wing tip 2 . 2 8. Fore wing la > Ist abscissa of M ) 2 . Hind wing M+Cu length Peet HNL EAL EDS! < Ist abscissa of M 0 1 0 1 0 1 nearly in line with M 0 1 0 1 0 1 present 10. Hind wing crossvein r absent posterior half of wing 11. Hind wing M+Cu position anterior half of wing deep, wide, meeting posteromedially 12. Notauli relatively reduced with areolate sculpture 13. Propodeum without areolate sculpture 60 J. Ray Fisher et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 44: 57-67 (2015) Table 2. Character matrix. Taxa Characters: 1234567890123 Meteorideinae (Meteoridea) 1010100101111 Agathidinae (Earinus) 1010000101111 Ichneutini (chneutes) 1010012001110 Proteropini (Proterops) 1000111001111 Proteropini (Muesonia) 1011011001100 Proteropini (Helconichia) 1001011001100 Cheloninae (Phanerotoma) 1010100101110 Mendesellinae (Epsilogaster) 1100100101110 Khoikhoiinae (Khoikhoia) 0110100000111 Cardiochilinae (Heteropteron) 0110110110111 Cardiochilinae (Bohayella) 0110100010100 Cardiochilinae (Cardiochiles) 0110110110110 Cardiochilinae (Schoenlandella) 0110110111100 Microgastrinae (Svellenius) 1110100100100 Microgastrinae (Microplitis) 1110100101101 Colemanus gen. n. 0001101001000 Taxa included (Table 2) were based upon the molecular analysis of Braconidae presented by Sharanowski et al. (2011) with the following modifications: 1) highly derived groups were excluded (e.g., Miracinae); 2) sampling of Cardiochilinae was increased given the superficial resemblance of certain genera to Colemanus (Bohayella and Schoenlandella); 3) Heteropteron was added due to its basal placement within Car- diochilinae (Dangerfield et al. 1999); 4) although Sharanowski et al. (2011) included only two of the five proteropine genera (Proterops and Muesonia), we added. Helconi- chia due to its resemblance to the fossil. Fossil placement was investigated with Mesquite 3.01, which allows for quick reposi- tioning of branches while calculating the number of character substitutions (tree length) (Madison and Madison 2014). Tree topology was constrained to the relationships eluci- dated in previous studies (Sharanowski et al. 2011, Dangerfield et al. 1999). To analyze the matrix on the constrained topology, the fossil was placed at every node and tree lengths were compared to assess the most parsimonious placement. Given the uncertain relation- ships among Proteropini, our analyses were carried out with each possible relationship of the three included genera (Fig. 3A—C). Figures were created with Adobe Illustrator CS6. Results Morphology: Reconstruction of the whole body was not possible, given the poorly preserved head, legs, and metasoma (Fig. 1). Additionally, although the mesosoma contained sections preserved in excellent detail, the overall quality prevented complete reconstruction. Nevertheless, a nearly complete reconstruction of the dorsal mesosoma was possible (Fig. 2A). Some interpretations should be considered “best guesses”, as Colemanus keeleyorum (Braconidae, Ichneutinae s. l.): a new genus and species... 61 they were poorly preserved. ‘These characters are as follows: the degree of notauli sculp- turing posteriorly, the medial carina on the lateral scutellum, and the carinae on the lateral metanotum. The remarkably preserved wings provided most detail and were the principle units used in morphology. Both wings showed some bending, so both wings were used to create a composite hypothesis for wing veins (Fig. 2B). Areas of the wing where unbiased recon- struction were impossible include the apparently non-tubular region surrounding (RS+M) b (Fig. 1C), the apical non-tubular limits of the fore wing media and cubitus, and the apical non-tubular limits of the hind wing radial sector and media. Noteworthy is that (RS+M) b appears to be vertical, which is a rare character for all braconids, although this region is difficult to interpret. Also, the last abscissa of the radial sector (3RSb) is recurved, lending the resemblance to Cardiochilinae and some Cheloninae, although 3RSb in cardiochilines is not tubular as it reaches the wing margin and chelonines have a metasomal carapace. Despite the great condition of the antennae, no characters could be extracted ex- cept flagellomere number (33-34), which itself is inconclusive due to the indiscernible basal antennomeres. Regardless, there are more antennomeres than in other described proteropines (24-31). However, given the variability of this character across Ichneu- tinae s. 1. (12—38), this difference is not considered informative at the level of our analyses and is not included in the matrix. Morphological phylogenetics: Tree lengths representing placement of Colemanus at each possible node can be viewed in Figure 3, across the three possible relationships of Proteropini (A-C). Without the addition of Colemanus, total tree lengths varied (33-35) depending on the arrangement of Proteropini (boxed values in Fig. 3). Add- ing Colemanus raises total tree lengths to a minimum of 36 (when placed sister to Helconichia+Muesonia, given the topology in Fig. 3A) and a maximum of 44 (when placed sister to Cardiochiles, given the topology in Fig. 3C). For each topology, the most parsimonious placement of Colemanus is within Proteropini. We conclude from these findings that Colemanus should be placed within Proteropi- ni, although given the uncertainty of proteropine relationships, exact placement within this group is not yet feasible. ‘The fossil contains character states that do not fit within any current genus. Therefore, we suggest placement within a new genus, Colemanus. Taxonomy Braconidae Stephens, 1829 Ichneutinae Forster, 1862 Colemanus Fisher, gen. n. http://zoobank.org/ DBB8F27A-3FB4-4740-87 19-FF760BC6E150 Figs 1-3 Type species. Colemanus keeleyorum Fisher, sp. n. 62 J. Ray Fisher et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 44: 57-67 (2015) sje rete 2 arr af ‘. Dy os 5 See Ne ah +i Figure |. Fossil of Colemanus keeleyorum sp. n.: A whole fossil B close-up of mesosoma C close-up of left pterostigma, note preserved microtrichia. Diagnosis. ‘There are several similarities between Colemanus and other braconids, specifically Cardiochilinae and Cheloninae. Like Colemanus, some Cheloninae have a recurved 3RSb and an evenly curved 1M. However, chelonines possess a metasomal Colemanus keeleyorum (Braconidae, Ichneutinae s. l.): a new genus and species... 63 carapace. Colemanus contortus comb. n. lacks a carapace (Brues 1933) and although the metasoma of C. keeleyorum sp. n. is not completely visible, it seems apparent that it also lacks a metasomal carapace (Fig. 1A). Thus, the lack of a metasomal carapace dis- tinguishes Colemanus from Cheloninae. Colemanus also resembles many Cardiochili- nae in having a recuved 3RSb and heavily sculptured mesosoma, but can be readily distinguished by 3RSb remaining tubular as it reaches the wing margin. Colemanus can be distinguished from other Ichneutinae s. |. by the presence of a curved 3RSb; fore wing Icu-a curved downward, not angled toward wing margin; hind wing M+Cu positioned in the posterior half of the wing; and a heavily sculptured mesosoma. Etymology. Named for bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman, who was famous for his back; referring to the robust and sculptured nature of the mesosomal dorsum. Colemanus keeleyorum Fisher, sp. n. http://zoobank.org/ACOF5EA3-4526-43FD-85F3-4544FFCOEFSE Figs 1-2 Diagnosis. Colemanus keeleyorum can be distinguished from C. contortus (Brues, 1933) (new combination; see below) by having curved (RS+M)a and 2RS veins in the fore wing (straight in C. contortus). Also, C. keeleyorum is only known from the western United States (Eocene) and C. contortus is only known from the Baltic region (lower Oligocene). Description. Holotype (n = 1): body length 9 mm (estimated due to incomplete metasoma); sex unknown. Head (Fig. 1A) 1.4 mm long and 1.7 mm wide. Antenna 7.2 mm long with 33-34 flagellomeres. Mesosoma (Figs 1B, 2A) 3.8 mm long and 3.3 mm wide; robust and heavily sculptured; notauli deeply crenulate; scutellum with crenulate depression medio-posteriorly; side of scutellum deeply hollowed with crenu- late carinae and bordered by prominent carinae; metanotum with median, raised, rec- tangular tubercle having radiating carinae; scutellar sulcus with carinae; propodeum with areolate sculpturing. Wings (Figs 1A,C, 2B) with last abscissa of fore wing radial sector (3RSb) recurved and tubular as it reaches the wing margin; (RS+M)b short, nearly vertical; 1cu-a originating far distal to M and curving downward, thus not an- gling toward wing apex; fore wing M curved; tubular portion of 1a long; C+SC and R closely fused; second abscissa of RS strongly curved; parastigma well-developed; hind wing M+Cu longer than first abscissa of M; hind wing r-crossvein absent; hind wing M+Cu in posterior half of wing; 1A strongly developed. Biology. Unknown. However, placement within Proteropini is suggestive of shared biology, koinobiont endoparasitoids of sawflies. Remarks. Wings, antennae, and dorsal mesosoma are overall well-preserved; metasoma and legs either did not completely fossilize or are obscured by the rock matrix; head is crushed. 64 J. Ray Fisher et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 44: 57-67 (2015) Figure 2. Reconstructions of Colemanus keeleyorum sp. n.: A dorsal mesosoma, note heavy sculpturing B wings, note last abscissa of forewing radial sector (3RSb) is recurved. Etymology. Named for Dr. Jack and Flo Keeley, who, together with their daugh- ter and her husband (first author’s mother & father), were largely responsible for the first author’s pursuit of the natural sciences. 65 Colemanus keeleyorum (Braconidae, Ichneutinae s. l.): a new genus and species... i=) tt (sniuagjaus) JeULISe BOI] = — (suydosriy) SRULSE SOI] “> (sap1yooipang) seurpiyoorpsey = 4 (pjyapupjuaoyos) aeurjrysorpse> = (pyjadoyog) aeuryryooipreD z =a (uosajdo.sajapy) FeuljLYysoipsey (iajspsojsd7]) SBUl|[ASapUud|A] (mroyyoyy) seUNOYypLoYy fay) m (puojO4auUDY J) FEUUOLIYD ®) (pruosanpy) twuidoseo1g (piyaiuorjaz{) WuIdo1a}01g (sdo.1aj0.4q) WUIdO13}014 (sajnauyaz) unnsuysy (snujipg]) seuIpiREsy (vapLioajapy) FeUlapLoa}a}A < O. a) (snuazjaug) SeULYSeBOIOI) : - + (sunjdodayA) VEULNSEBOIONA, fol (saz1y201papy) aeuly!yooIpse>) - N (nypapunjuaoyog) seu yoo1p1e>) > (ojjadoyog) seurjlysoipsed (uosajdosajayy) JUL LYIoIpse|, (dajspsojisd]) IBUl|[asapus|\] (viopployy) FeULOYPLOyyy (pulojosaunyg) seUIUO]EYD ® (sdosajodd) (UIdO19} 01g (plyatyuorjayz) wuidolayoig (pluosanpy) tuid013}01g (saynauyay) TUNsuUys] (snug) seulpiuyesy (paplioajayy) FVUIaP1I0319/\] aa 40 Fa a1 ol (smzuajjaus) SBULYSESOIOII[A] _ = (stijdosatpAy) OBULNSESOIDIIA] ab (say201pan.y) aBuryiyoo1p1e — (nyjapupjuaoyas) aBuiy14s01pxe>) Lt (njyadyog) aeurjiyso1paey — on vT (uosajdosajayy) YeUL|LYIOIpVD (dajspsopisd7) Seul][asopus|A] (wroyyroyy) seuLLOYyy!OUy (pwojosauby J) FeUIUO]EYD @) (sdo.tajodg) \UIdo1ajO1g (piuosanpy) \uido1ajo1g (m1yauodjayy) Wuido1a}01g (sajnauyaz) tunneuysy (snulip7) seulpiyyesy (paplioajapy) FBUlaplos}2]A] UO @) @) Figure 3. Placement of Colemanus gen. n. with known relationships of extant taxa: A-C represent the three possible relationships between included Proteropini. Numbers on branches represent total tree length when Colemanus is placed at that location. Circled numbers are most parsimonious placements (most parsimonious in orange; second-most in blue). Number boxes are total tree lengths of that topology when Colemanus is excluded. Note that lowest tree lengths are always achieved when Colemanus is placed within Proteropini. 66 J. Ray Fisher et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 44: 57-67 (2015) Material examined. HOLOTYPE: USA, Colorado, Piceance Creek Basin, Para- chute Member, 2005. Deposited with the David Kohls collection in the Smithsonian Institution, Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C. Colemanus contortus (Brues, 1933), comb. n. Remarks. Two other fossil ichneutines have been described, both from Baltic amber of the lower Oligocene (Brues 1933): Ichneutes stigmaticus and I. contortus. The illustra- tion of I. stigmaticus (Brues 1933: pl. 10 fig. 58) is not similar to Colemanus. However, the description for /. contortus (Brues 1933: pg. 89-90; pl. 10 fig. 50) is consistent with Colemanus in having "coarsely crenulated" notauli (pg. 90) and a fore wing (pl. 10 fig. 50) with recurved 3RSb and nearly vertical (RS+M)b. Further, fore wing 3RSb appears to be tubular as it reaches the wing margin (unlike Cardiochilinae); a carapace is absent (unlike Cheloninae); and 1M is evenly curved (consistent with Proteropini). Therefore, we suggest the new combination Colemanus contortus (Brues, 1933). The material Brues (1933) examined is part of the K6nigsberg collection. Most of this collection was rescued and is housed at the Geowissenschaftliches Museum (G6t- tingen, Germany), though some of Brues's collection, which included some of the K6nigsberg collection, remains at Harvard University, his old institution. However, neither the Museum of Comparative Anatomy (Harvard), nor the Geowissenschaftli- ches Museum could locate Brues's 1933 material, including [chneutes contortus. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that Brues did not include catalog numbers in his description or any other information regarding deposition. ‘Therefore, the holotype of I. contortus should be considered lost. Key to Colemanus gen. n. 1 Fore wing (RS+M)a and 2RS straight; Palaearctic........... C. contortus comb. n. - Fore wing (RS+M)a and 2RS curved; Nearctic............ C. keeleyorum sp. n. Acknowledgements We thank David Kohls (Colorado Mountain College) and his colleagues for collecting the specimen; Jim Whitfield (University of Illinois) for recognizing the importance of the fossil and passing it along to us; Smithsonian Museum of Natural History for lend- ing the specimen; Alexander Gehler (Geowissenschaftliches Museum) and Ricardo Pérez-de la Fuente (Museum of Comparative Anatomy, Harvard) for attempting to locate type material; Michael Skvarla (University of Arkansas) for helpful comments on the manuscript; and the friends and family who support us all. Colemanus keeleyorum (Braconidae, Ichneutinae s. l.): a new genus and species... 67 References Brues CT (1933) The parasitic Hymenoptera of the Baltic amber. Part I. Bernstein-Forschungen 3: 4-178. Conrad JL, Rieppel O, Grande L (2007) A green river (Eocene) polychrotid (Squamata: Reptilia) and a re-examination of iguanian systematics. 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