JHR 43: 111-117 (2015) ore JOURNAL OF | *reerreieved opencoss ural doi: 10.3897/JHR.43.856 | ME Hymenopter a http://jhr.pensoft.net The insertional Society of Hymenopterists. RESEARCH Synonymy of Kozlotelenomus Mineo, O’Connor & Ashe Elijah J. Talamas', Matthew Buffington! I Systematic Entomology Lab, USDA/ARS clo NMNH, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA Corresponding author: Elijah J. Talamas (talamas.1@osu.edu) Academic editor: M. Yoder | Received 5 September 2014 | Accepted 8 October 2014 | Published 27 March 2015 http://zoobank.org/ED3E8412-C271-46D8-871E-A7721A2EA298 Citation: Talamas EJ, Buffington M (2015) Synonymy of Kozlotelenomus Mineo, O’Connor & Ashe. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 43: 111-117. doi: 10.3897/JHR.43.8561 Abstract Kozlotelenomus Mineo, O’Connor & Ashe, syn. n. is treated as junior synonym of Trissolcus Ashmead; Trissolcus mopsus (Nixon), comb. rev. is transferred from Kozlotelenomus. Keywords Trissolcus mopsus, Trissolcus, Kozlotelenomus, synonymy, Platygastroidea, Telenominae Introduction Numerous monotypic genera exist in Platygastroidea that were created for placement of autapomorphic species. A cladistic perspective on classification emphasizes shared characteristics for taxonomic placement, not derived characters found in a single species. However, many of these genera were erected with little regard for natural classification and did not include phylogenetic analyses to determine if these genera represent independent evolutionary lineages or a cladistic perspective. In the interest of generating a classification system based on monophyletic groups, and minimizing polyphyly, we examined the holotype specimen of 7: mopsus to determine if its characters were unique within Telenominae, as posited by Mineo et al. (2009), and therefore indicative of a lineage separate from Trissolcus. Copyright Elijah J. Talamas, Matthew Buffington. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 112 EJ. Talamas & M. Buffington / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 43: 111-117 (2015) The contributions of the authors are as follows: E.J. Talamas: specimen examination, imaging, manuscript preparation; M. Buffington: manuscript preparation. Materials and methods The locality data reported for primary types are not literal transcriptions of the labels: some abbreviations are expanded; additional data from the collectors are also included. The numbers prefixed with “USNMENT” or “B.M. TYPE HYM. ” are unique identi- fiers for the individual specimens (note the blank space after some acronyms). Details on the data associated with these specimens may be accessed at the following link, http://purl.oclc.org/NET/hymenoptera/hol, and entering the identifier in the form. The taxonomic synopses were generated by the Hymenoptera Online Database (http:// hol.osu.edu). Photographs were captured with a Z16 Leica® lens with a JVC KY-F75U digital camera using Cartograph® software, or from a Leica” DMRB compound microscope with a GT-Vision® Lw11057C-SCI digital camera attached. In both systems, light- ing was achieved using techniques summarized in Bufhngton et al. (2005), Kerr et al. (2009) and Buffington and Gates (2009). Single montage images were produced from image stacks with the program CombineZP®. In some cases, multiple montage images were stitched together in Photoshop to produce larger images at high resolu- tion and magnification. Scanning electron micrographs were produced with a Hitachi” TM3000 desktop scanning electron microscope, and gold/palladium coated specimens were imaged at ‘analysis’ voltage, running in ‘compo’ mode. Full resolution images are archived at the image database at The Ohio State University (http://purl.oclc.org/ NET/hymenoptera/specimage) and MorphBank (http://www.morphbank.net). Collections This work is based on specimens deposited in the following repositories with abbreviations used in the text: BMNH_ Natural History Museum, London, England OSUC C.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection, Columbus, USA USNM_ Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC, USA Synonymy of Kozlotelenomus Mineo, O'Connor & Ashe 113 Results Trissolcus Ashmead http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:606 Kozlotelenomus Mineo, O’Connor & Ashe, syn. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:259495 Kozlotelenomus Mineo, O’Connor & Ashe, 2009: 193 (original description. Type: Mi- crophanurus mopsus Nixon, by monotypy and original designation). Trissolcus mopsus (Nixon), comb. rev. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:259496 Figures 1-5 Microphanurus mopsus Nixon, 1935: 96, 97 (original description, keyed); Nixon 1943: 137, 139 (diagnosis, keyed); Risbec 1950: 569, 636 (description, keyed); Risbec 1955: 196 (variation). Trissolcus mopsus (Nixon): Masner 1965: 127 (type information, generic transfer). Kozlotelenomus mopsus (Nixon): Mineo, O’Connor and Ashe 2009: 193 (description, generic transfer, distribution, host association). Material examined. Holotype, female, M@. mopsus: SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Prov., Pondoland, Port Saint John’s, 1.VIJ—9.VI.1923, R. E. Turner, B.M. TYPE HYM. 9.309 (deposited in BMNH) Results. Mineo, O’Connor and Ashe (2009) created the genus Kozlotelenomus on the basis of three characters in T7issolcus mopsus (Nixon) that in their estimation were not found elsewhere in Telenominae: an orbital furrow expanded at its inter- section with the malar sulcus (Fig. 5, tear-drop collector sensu Mineo et al 2009), a “drill-shape mandible”, and a 3-2 palpal formula. We contend that these characters do not warrant placement in a separate genus for the following reasons: The ventrally expanded orbital furrow is known to occur in 7T7issolcus, particularly in the flavipes species group, and is present in the type species of Trissolcus, T. brochymenae (Fig. 6). The “drill-shape mandible” illustrated in Mineo et al (2009) has multiple teeth. The shape of mandibular teeth varies between species of Trissolcus (Figs 7-10) and we do not consider this variation to indicate a separate lineage at the generic level. Lastly, the drawing of the maxillo-labial complex in Mineo et al (2009) illustrates a 2-1 palpal for- mala with incorrect designation of the base of the palpi as segments. Consequently, all of the characters used to separate Kozlotelenomus from Trissolcus are found in Trissolcus. 114 EJ. Talamas & M. Buffington / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 43: 111-117 (2015) eee i oil , 4% i an ee : siya Figures 1-4. 77issolcus mopsus, female holotype (B.M. TYPE HYM. 9.309) | head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view 2 lateral habitus 3 head, anterior view 4 mesosoma, dorsolateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. Synonymy of Kozlotelenomus Mineo, O'Connor & Ashe 115 Figures 5-10. 5 77vissolcus mopsus, female holotype (B.M. TYPE HYM. 9.309), head, dorsolateral view 6 7. brochymenae, female neotype (USNMENT00954611), head and mesosoma, lateral view 7 T: strabus, female (BMSB 1203), mouthparts, ventral view 8 T° gonopsidis, female (OSUC 542413), mouthparts, ventral view 9 Trissolcus sp. female (USNMENT00872666), mouthparts, ventral view 10 7: japonicus female (USNMENT00896000), mouthparts, ventral view. Scale bars in millimeters. Abbreviations: of, orbital furrow; ms, malar sulcus. 116 EJ. Talamas & M. Buffington / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 43: 111-117 (2015) Acknowledgements We are grateful to David Notton (BMNH) for the loan of the holotype of 7’ mopsus, to Luciana Musetti (OSUC) for the loan of 7’ gonopsidis, to Dylan Johnston-Jordan for SEM imaging, and to Norman Johnson and Joe Cora (OSUC) for database support and making taxonomic literature available. This work was made possible by funding from the Systematic Entomology Lab, USDA-ARS, and the Beneficial Insect Intro- duction Research Laboratory. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the USDA. USDA is an equal opportunity employer. References Buffington ML, Gates M (2009) Advanced imaging techniques II: using a compound microscope for photographing point-mount specimens. American Entomologist 54: 222-224. Buffington ML, Burks R, McNeil L (2005) Advanced techniques for imaging microhymenoptera. American Entomologist 51: 50-54. Kerr PH, Fisher EM, Buffington ML (2008) Dome lighting for insect imaging under a microscope. American Entomologist 54: 198-200. Masner L (1965) The types of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in the British Museum (Natural History) and in the Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology Supplement 1:1—154. ° Mineo G, O’Connor JP, Ashe P (2009) A new genus of Telenominae from Africa (Hym., Platygastroidea: Scelionidae). Entomologists Monthly Magazine 145: 193-196. 4 Nixon GEJ (1935) A revision of the African Telenominae (Proctotrupoidea, fam. Scelionidae). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 83:73-103. ° doi: 10.1111/ j.1365-2311.1935.tb00416.x Nixon GEJ (1943) A synopsis of the Ethiopian and Indo-Malayan species of Microphanu- rus (Serphoidea, Scelionidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 34: 135-144. © doi: 10.1017/S000748530002366X Risbec J (1950) Contribution a l’étude des Proctotrupidae (Serphiidae). (IH) Pages 511-639 in Risbec. Travaux du Laboratoire d’Entomologie du Secteur Soudanis de Recherches Agronomiques. Gouvernement Général de l'Afrique Occidentale Frangaise, Paris, 639 pp. ’ Risbec J (1955) Hymenopteres parasites du Cameroun. Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d’Afrique Noire 17: 191-266. ® Synonymy of Kozlotelenomus Mineo, O'Connor & Ashe Endnotes http://www.morphbank.net/?id=850532 http://www.morphbank.net/?id=850535 urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:342 urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:22919 urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:544 urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:582 urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:412 urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:653 CON WW KR &® NH Tae