JHR 39: 99-117 (2014) oe JOURNAL OF | *0eerreeved opencoss ural Oe nee (>) Hymenoptera http://jhr.pensoft.net/ The international Society of Hymenoptersts. RESEARCH Updates to the Nomenclature of Platygastroidea in the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Elijah J. Talamas', Matthew Buffington! I Systematic Entomology Lab, USDA/ARS clo NMNH, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA Corresponding author: Elijah J. Talamas (talamas.1@osu.edu) Academic editor: /. Yoder | Received 10 April 2014 | Accepted 14 June 2014 | Published 26 September 2014 http://zoobank. org/995027DB-AB20-473A-9649-83297 1 B64BF2 Citation: Talamas EJ, Buffington M (2014) Updates to the Nomenclature of Platygastroidea in the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 39: 99-117. doi: 10.3897/JHR.39.7698 Abstract Parabaryconus Kozlov & Kononova, syn. n. is treated as a junior synonym of Cremastobaeus Ashmead; Cremastobaeus artus (Kozlov & Kononova), comb. n. is transferred from Parabaryconus; Paridris macrur- ous Kozlov & Lé, syn. n. and P taekuli Talamas & Masner, syn. n. are treated as junior synonyms of P bispores Kozlov & Lé; Leptoteleia japonica (Kozlov & Kononova), comb. n. is transferred from Triteleia Kieffer; Leptoteleia striola Talamas & Buffington, name n. is provided as a replacement name for Leptote- leia japonica Yamagishi; Dvivarnus punctatus Rajmohana & Veenakumari, syn. n. is treated as a junior synonym of Gryonoides agamades Kozlov & Lé; Dvivarnus agamades comb. n. is transferred from Gryo- noides Dodd; Anirama Kozlov, syn. n., Criomica Kozlov, syn. n. and Pyrgaspis Kozlov, syn. n. are treated as junior synonyms of Platygaster Latreille; Platygaster marikovskii Kozlov, comb. rev. and P semiclavata (Buhl), comb. n. are transferred from Anirama; Platygaster viktorovi (Kozlov), comb. n. is transferred from Criomica; Platygaster haloxylonomyiae (Kozlov), comb. n. and P striativentris (Buhl), comb. n. are transferred from Pyrgaspis; Stosta Kozlov, syn. n. is treated as a junior synonym of Synopeas Forster; Syn- opeas tosticola (Kozlov), comb. n. is transferred from Stosta. Keywords Platygastroidea, Platygastrinae, Scelioninae, Teleasinae, taxonomy Copyright E,J. Talamas, M. Buffington. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 100 E.J. Talamas & M. Buffington / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 39: 99-117 (2014) Introduction The Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences serves as the repository for a large number of primary and secondary types of species described by the late Mikhail Ko- zlov. Recent travel to this museum to study Kozlov's primary types of Trissolcus Ashmead offered the opportunity to assess type material for all of Platygastroidea in the Zoological Institute, revealing that the classification for a modest number of taxa requires adjust- ment. Revisionary work on Trissolcus will occur in a future monograph, and we here treat Platygastroidea exclusive of this genus. For completeness, the holotypes of species subse- quently described by Peter Buhl in two of Kozlov's genera, Pyrgaspis and Anirama, were examined and Buhl's diagnostic characters are here photographically illustrated. Two of Kozlov's platygastrine genera, Pyrgaspsis and Stosta, were established for species with atypical shapes of the mesoscutellum, whereas these species otherwise fit easily into the broad concepts of Platygaster and Synopeas, respectively. Similarly, An- irama was described for a species in which the apical male antennomere is elongate and Criomica for a species with a slightly unusual head shape. Such description of genera for apomorphic species brings attention to unusual morphologies, but is detrimental to the construction of a natural classification if it renders other taxa polyphyletic. In our perspective, the most needed contribution to classification in the Pla- tygastrinae is detailed character analysis, evaluation of monophyly for existing genera, and placement of species into monophyletic species-groups. We do not consider the characters that Kozlov used to designate new platygastrine genera to indicate lineages separate from Platygaster and Synopeas, but they are potentially useful for species- group classification. It is our hope that the characters, treatments and illustrations presented here will contribute to this cause. Examination of Kozlov's specimens revealed him to be, in our opinion, a “splitter” as opposed to a “lumper,” that is, he tended not to treat morphological differences as intraspecific or intrageneric variation. A benefit of Kozlov's species concepts is that series identified by him are morphologically uniform. Because of this, we are confident that the paratypes and holotypes of Kozlov and Lé are conspecific. We here treat one of their species, Paridris macrurous, as a junior synonym of Paridris bispores based on a paratype specimen. Materials and methods Collections This work is based on specimens deposited in the following repositories with abbreviations used in the text: BLGA Burgenlandisches Landesmuseum, Eisenstadt, Austria BPBM Bishop Museum, Honolulu, USA Updates to the Nomenclature of Platygastroidea in the Zoological Institute... 101 MNHN- Muséum National d’ Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France OSUC C.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection, Columbus, USA USNM = Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC, USA ZIN (ZMAS) = Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia ZMUC Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Informatics Collection data for all specimens are available in the Hymenoptera Online Database (http://purl.oclc.org/NET/hymenoptera/hol) by entering the specimen identifier (CUID) in the search form. CUIDs for all specimens are presented in the material exam- ined section of each taxonomic treatment and may be identified as a collection coden fol- lowed by a number (note capitalization and the space that follows some acronyms). The locality data reported for primary types are not literal transcriptions of the labels: some abbreviations are expanded and additional data from the collectors may be included. Photography Images were produced using a Microvision Instruments imaging system with Carto- graph software, a Z16 Leica lens and a JVC KY-F75U digital camera. Single montage images were produced from image stacks with the program CombineZP. In some cases, multiple montaged images were stitched together in Photoshop to produce larger im- ages at high resolution and magnification. Full resolution images, and additional pho- tographs of the specimens treated here, are archived in the Hymenoptera Online Da- tabase (http://purl.oclc.org/NET/hymenoptera/specimage) and MorphBank (http:// www.morphbank.net). Morphological terms The following terms are used in the text and are active links to anatomical concepts in the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology (Yoder et al. 2010) antennomere http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0000107 axillula http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0000160 clava http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0000203 frontal depression http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0000911 lateral propodeal carina (Ipc: Figs 18, 26) http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0001919 mediotergite http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0001860 102 E.J. Talamas & M. Buffington / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 39: 99-117 (2014) mesoscutellar disc http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0000915 posterior mesoscutellar carina (pmc: Figs 18, 21-22, 25-26) posterior mesoscutellar area (pma: Figs 18, 25-26) _http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0002277 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0002278 posterolateral mesoscutellar carina (plmc: Fig. 26) _ http://purl-obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0002280 posterolateral mesoscutellar area (plma: Fig. 26) http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0002279 scutoscutellar sulcus http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0000919 Scelioninae Cremastobaeus Ashmead Parabaryconus Kozlov & Kononova, syn. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts: 154388 Cremastobaeus artus (Kozlov & Kononova), comb. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts: 154389 Figures 1-3; Morphbank' Parabaryconus artus Kozlov & Kononova, 2000: 32 (original description); Kononova and Kozlov 2008: 217 (description). Link to distribution map.’ Material examined. Holotype, male: JAPAN: Aichi Pref., Honshu Isl., 40km NW Nagoya, Inuyama City, 4.X.1981, E. Sugonyaev, ZMAS 0136 (ZIN). Comments. The transverse carinae above the frontal depression, setose eyes, ser- rate A2—A3, and shape of the metasoma in lateral view unequivocally place this species in Cremastobaeus according to the concept of this genus established by Masner (1976) and Galloway and Austin (1984). Paridris Kieffer Paridris bispores Kozlov & Lé http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts: 179766 Paridris bispores Kozlov & Lé, 2000: 65, 335 (original description, keyed). Paridris macrurous Kozlov & Lé, 2000: 65, 69, 337 (original description, keyed). syn. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts: 179769 Paridris taekuli Talamas & Masner, 2013: 13, 14, 29, 30, 43 (original description, diagnosis, keyed). syn. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:303974 Updates to the Nomenclature of Platygastroidea in the Zoological Institute... 103 Figures |-3.°° Cremastobaeus artus (Kozlov & Kononova), male holotype (ZMAS 0136) | Lateral habitus 2 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 3 Head and mesosoma, ventrolateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. Link to distribution map.’ Material examined. Holotype of P bispores: VIETNAM: OSUC 184371 (ZIN); Paratype of P macrurous: VIETNAM: 1 female, OSUC 184373 (ZIN); Holotype of P taekuli: NEW CALEDONIA: Nord Prov., Pouembout Commune, Tiéa Forest, 7.XII- 14.XII.2000, malaise trap, M. E. Irwin, OSUC 266150 (MNHN). Leptoteleia Kieffer Leptoteleia japonica Kozlov & Kononova, comb. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:5560 Triteleia japonica Kozlov & Kononova, 1990: 174, 176 (original description); Kon- onova 1995: 69 (keyed); Kononova and Petrov 2000: 28 (keyed); Kononova and Kozlov 2008: 223, 225 (description, keyed). Link to distribution map.‘ Material examined. Holotype, female, 7’ japonica: JAPAN: Aichi Pref., Honshu Isl., Inuyama City, 6.X.1981, E. Sugonyaev, ZIN 0012 (ZIN). 104 E.J. Talamas & M. Buffington / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 39: 99-117 (2014) Leptoteleia striola Talamas & Buffington, name n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:4740 Leptoteleia japonica Yamagishi, 1993: 812 (original description); Kononova and Ko- zlov 2008: 302 (description). Comments. The transfer of Triteleia japonica to Leptoteleia renders, L. japonica Yamagi- shi as a junior objective homonym. We hereby provide a replacement name in the interest of nomenclatural clarity. Etymology. The Latin adjectival epithet “striola,” meaning “furrow b) or “line”, re- fers to the longitudinal costae mentioned by Yamagishi (1993) as a character useful for the diagnosis for this species. Teleasinae Dvivarnus Rajmohana & Veenakumari Dvivarnus agamades (Kozlov & Lé), comb. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:343746 Figure 6; Morphbank? Gryonoides agamades Kozlov & Lé, 1986: 100 (original description); Lé 2000: 218 (description, type information). Dvivarnus punctatus Rajmohana & Veenakumari, 2011: 44 (original description). syn. n. Link to distribution map.° Associations. collected on co: [Cyperales: Poaceae] Material examined. Paratype: VIETNAM: 1 male, OSUC 184258 (ZIN). Other material. INDIA: 2 males, OSUC 230647, 59262 (OSUC). LAOS: 1 female, USN- MENT00877588 (BPBM). THAILAND: 4 females, OSUC 284994, 342789, 374197- 374198 (OSUC). Comments. Rajmohana and Veenakumari (2011) stated that the mesoscutellar spines of Dvivarnus punctatus differ from those of Gryonoides based on their location on the mesoscutellum. We agree, and more specifically, the mesoscutellar spines of Gryo- noides proximally abut the axillula and are derived at least in part from striations of the scutoscutellar sulcus (Fig. 5) whereas those of Dvivarnus are derived entirely from the mesoscutellar disc (Fig. 6). Rajmohana and Veenakumari asserted that the pres- ence of punctation throughout T3 is unique to D. agamades. This character is indeed rare among teleasines, but it may also be found in Trimorus (Fig. 4) and Xenomerus (X. spinosus Mik6é & Masner, X. comatus Miko & Masner) (Miké et al 2007). The biogeo- graphical records published by Rajmohana and Veekakumari (2011) led them to suggest that this species was limited to semi-arid habitats. A broader geographic sampling has revealed that this species also inhabits the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. Updates to the Nomenclature of Platygastroidea in the Zoological Institute... 105 Platygastrinae Platygaster Latreille Anirama Kozlov, syn. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:7822 Comments. Kozlov described Anirama as a genus separate from Platygaster because the apical antennomere of the male is elongate. There are otherwise no characters to indicate that this lineage is distinct from Platygaster and we consider this antennal morphology to be apomorphic within Platygaster. Platygaster marikovskii Kozlov, comb. rev. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts: 11460 Figures 7-9, 11; Morphbank’ Platygaster marikovskii Kozlov, 1967: 717 (original description). Anirama marikovskii (Kozlov): Kozlov 1970: 224 (generic transfer). Diagnosis. Buhl (2007) used the the relative lengths of males antennomeres to distin- guish P semiclavata from P marikovskii: A10 as long as AG-A9 in P semiclavata and A10 twice as long as AG—A9 in P marikovskii. This character is illustrated in Figures 10-11. Link to distribution map.° Associations. emerged from Haloxylonomyia deformans solitaria Marikovskij: [Diptera: Nematocera: Bibionomorpha: Cecidomyioidea: Cecidomyiidae] Material examined. Holotype, female, P marikovskii: KAZAKHSTAN: Almaty Reg., secondary stream, Ili River, no date, P. Marikovskij, ZMAS 0115 (ZIN). Paratypes: KAZAKHSTAN: 4 females, 1 male, USNMENT00764942, USNMENT00872134, USNMENT00872136, USNMENT00872137, USNMENT00896493 (ZIN). Platygaster semiclavata (Buhl), comb. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:236452 Figure 10; Morphbank’ Anirama semiclavata Buhl, 2007: 329 (original description). Diagnosis. See diagnosis of of P marikovskii. Link to distribution map.” Material examined. Holotype, male: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: §al- Ajban, 7.XII-28.X1.2006, malaise trap/light trap, A. v. H., zmuc00036868 (de- posited in ZMUC). Paratype: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: 4 females, 1 male, USNMENT00979300, USNMENT00979301, USNMENT00979302, USN- MENT00979303, USNMENT00979304 (ZMUC). 106 E.J. Talamas & M. Buffington / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 39: 99-117 (2014) Ome SS ae ; Figures 4-6.°’ 4 Trimorus sp., Dorsal habitus, female (OSUC 334274) 5 Gryonoides sp., scutellar-axillar complex, lateral view, male (USNMENT00872152) 6 Dvivarnus agamades (Kozlov & Lé), scutellar- axillar complex, lateral view, male (USNMENT00872152). Scale bars in millimeters. Criomica Kozlov, syn. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:7825 Comments. The separation of Criomica from Platygaster was justified on the basis of the shape and proportions of the head. ‘The eyes are somewhat triangular, but otherwise the cephalic shape of Criomica is unremarkable. The 3-merous clava in the female of this species is notable and may be a useful character for future species-group placement. Platygaster viktorovi (Kozlov), comb. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts: 11471 Figures 12—14; Morphbank"! Criomica viktorovi Kozlov, 1975: 965 (original description). Link to distribution map.” Material examined. Holotype, female: MONGOLIA: Ovérhangay Prov., E coast of Taatsin Tsagaan Nuur Lake, 2.VIII-4.VIII.1969, M. Kozlov, ZMAS 0114 Updates to the Nomenclature of Platygastroidea in the Zoological Institute... 107 aoe ty Sis Figures 7-9.°° Platygaster marikovskii Kozlov, female paratype (ODSNMENT00872137) 7 Lateral habi- tus 8 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 9 head and mesosoma, ventral view. Scale bars in millimeters. (ZIN). Paratype: MONGOLIA: 6 females, 1 male, USNMENT00916649, US- NMENT00916650, USNMENT00916651, USNMENT00916652, USN- MENT00916653, USNMENT00916654, USNMENT00916655 (ZIN). Pyrgaspis Kozlov, syn. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:7847 Comments. Kozlov considered Pyrgaspis to be closest to Synopeas, presumably because of the pointed mesoscutellum, and he separated these genera based on 108 E.J. Talamas & M. Buffington / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 39: 99-117 (2014) je? \ ee Figures 10-1 1.°? 10 Platygaster semiclavata (Buhl), male holotype (zmuc00036868), head, mesosoma, antennae, dorsal view || Platygaster marikovskii Kozlov, male paratype (USNMENT00872134), head and antennae, ventral view. Scale bars in millimeters. the orientation and height of the mesoscutellar spine. However, the widely sepa- rated lateral propodeal carinae (propodeal keels) (Fig.18) indicate that Pyrgaspis haloxylonomiae does not belong in or near Synopeas. In the context of the gamut of mesoscutellar morphology within Platygaster (Figs 19-24), the dorsally pointed mesoscutellum alone does not warrant placement in a separate genus. Evaluation of this character revealed that the mesoscutellar points in P haloxylonomyiae and P striativentris are formed by a carina on the posterior surface of this sclerite (Figs 18, 21-22, 25). Examination of Platygaster from the eastern United States yielded a specimen that has a similar, but more pronounced, carina on the posterior surface of the mesoscutellum which does not form a point dorsally (Fig. 26). The mesos- cutellum of this specimen also bears a character that is new to us, the posterolateral mesoscutellar carina (Figs 23-26). Platygaster haloxylonomyiae (Kozlov), comb. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:12098 Figures 15-18, 21, 28; Morphbank" Pyrgaspis haloxylonomyiae Kozlov, 1967: 716 (original description). Diagnosis. Buhl (2009) distinguished Platygaster striativentris from P haloxylonomyiae on the basis of shorter striae on [2 and a more pronounced point on the mesoscutel- Updates to the Nomenclature of Platygastroidea in the Zoological Institute... 109 s -~ - _ a ae Dine . | a ; * tag . i 14 - a 0.1 Figures 12-14. Platygaster viktorovi (Kozlov), female paratype (USNMENT00916654) 12 Dorsal habitus 13 Ventral habitus 14 Lateral habitus. Scale bar in millimeters. lum in the latter. These characters are illustrated in Figures 21-22 and Figures 27—28, respectively. Link to distribution map.“ Associations. emerged from Haloxylonomyia deformans solitaria Marikovskij: [Diptera: Nematocera: Bibionomorpha: Cecidomyioidea: Cecidomyiidae] Material examined. Holotype, female: KAZAKHSTAN: Almaty Reg., secondary stream, Ili River, 14.[11.1952, Marikovskij, ZMAS 0116 (ZIN). Paratypes: KAZAKH- STAN: 1 female, 1 male, USNMENT00872138, USNMENT00872149 (ZIN). 110 E.J. Talamas & M. Buffington / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 39: 99-117 (2014) Figures 15-18.*! Platygaster haloxylonomyiae (Kozlov), female paratype (USNMENT00872149) 15 Lateral habitus 16 Dorsal habitus 17 Head, anterior view 18 Mesosoma, posterior view. Scale bars in millimeters. Platygaster striativentris (Buhl), comb. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:250131 Figures 22, 25, 27; Morphbank"’ Pyrgaspis striativentris Buhl, 2009: 76 (original description). Updates to the Nomenclature of Platygastroidea in the Zoological Institute... 111 a J f AZ. = al Figures 19-24.” 19 Platygaster sp., dorsal mesosoma, lateral view (USNMENT00877276) 20 Plat- ygaster sp., dorsal mesosoma, lateral view, male (USNMENT00872147) 21 Platygaster haloxylonomyiae (Kozlov), dorsal mesosoma, lateral view, female paratype (USNMENT00872149) 22 Platygaster stria- tiventris (Buhl), dorsal mesosoma, lateral view, male paratype (USNMENT00872149) 23 Platygaster sp., dorsal mesosoma, lateral view, female (USNMENT00877259) 24 Platygaster sp., dorsal mesosoma, lat- eral view, female (OSUC 334012). Scale bars in millimeters. Diagnosis. See diagnosis of P haloxylonomiae. Link to distribution map." Material examined. Holotype, male: MONGOLIA: Bayanhongor Prov., 1240m, 45°03'N 100°59'E, 130km S Bayanhongor (Bayankhongor), 6.VII.2004, J. Hala- da, BLGA 0001 (deposited in BLGA). Paratypes: MONGOLIA: 3 males, USN- MENT00979420, USNMENT00979421, USNMENT00979422 (BLGA). 112 E.J. Talamas & M. Buffington / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 39: 99-117 (2014) a D a? y z -. 3? ae Ne esa e . v.. 55 pata Se so eae, Figures 25-28." 25 Platygaster striativentris (Buhl), mesosoma, posterolateral view, male paratype (US- NMENT00979421) 26 Platygaster sp., mesosoma, posterolateral view, male (USNMENT00877259) 27 Platygaster striativentris (Buhl), metasoma, dorsolateral view, male holotype (BLGA 0001) 28 Plat- ygaster haloxylonomyiae Kozlov, metasoma, dorsolateral view, male paratype (USNMENT00872138). Scale bars in millimeters. Synopeas Forster Stosta Kozlov, syn. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:7850 Synopeas tosticola (Kozlov), comb. n. http://bioguid.osu.edu/osuc_concepts:12103 Figures 29-32; Morphbank” Stosta tosticola Kozlov, 1975: 311 (original description). Link to distribution map." Associations. collected on Brachanthemum gobium Krasch..: [Asterales: Asteraceae] Material examined. Holotype, male: MONGOLIA: Omnégovi Prov., 35km NNE Bulgan, sandy desert, N edge of Bayan Dzaan (Bain-Dzag) Mountain, Updates to the Nomenclature of Platygastroidea in the Zoological Institute... Ila Figures 29-3 1.4 Synopeas tosticola (Kozlov), male paratype (USNMENT00872135) 29 Lateral habitus 30 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 31 Head, anterior view. Scale bars in millimeters. 31.VIII.1969, M. Kozlov, ZMAS 0137 (ZIN). Paratype. MONGOLIA: 1 male, US- NMENT00872135 (ZIN). Comments. Kozlov’s treatment of Stosta was essentially identical to that of Pyrg- aspis in that the description of a new genus was performed to accommodate the shape of the mesoscutellum. As in Platygaster, a broad range of mesoscutellar forms can be found in Synopeas (Figs 27-30) and we do not consider this character to be useful to indicate a lineage separate from Synopeas. 114 E.J. Talamas & M. Buffington / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 39: 99-117 (2014) Figures 32-35. 32 Synopeas tosticola, dorsal mesosoma, lateral view, female paratype (USN- MENT00872135) 33 Synopeas sp., dorsal mesosoma, lateral view, female (OSUC 266261) 34 Synopeas sp., dorsal mesosoma, lateral view, female (OSUC 334240) 30 Synopeas sp., dorsal mesosoma, lateral view, female (USNMENT00877326). Scale bars in millimeters. Acknowledgements We extend our thanks to: Sergey Belokobilskij (ZIN) for hosting a visit of the first au- thor to the Zoological Institute and the loan of specimens that made this publication possible; Peter Buhl, Lars Vilhelmsen (ZMUC), Shepherd Myers (BPBM) and Martin Schwarz (BLGA) for specimen loans; Norman Johnson and Joe Cora (OSUC) for crit- ical database support and making taxonomic literature available; Alexander Konstan- tinov (USDA/SEL) for translating Kozlov’s descriptions; Lubomir Masner (CNCI) for commentary on Platygastrinae; Istvan Miké (PSUC) for his input on morphologi- cal terms and the Teleasinae, David Notton (BMNH) for comments on Latin gram- mar, and Alexander Timokhov (MSU) for comments on nomenclature. This work was made possible by funding from the Systematic Entomology Lab, USDA-ARS, and the Beneficial Insect Introduction Research Laboratory. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Updates to the Nomenclature of Platygastroidea in the Zoological Institute... 115 References Buhl PN (2007) Order Hymenoptera, family Platygastridae. Arthropod Fauna of the United Arab Emirates 1: 327-344.” Buhl PN (2009) New or little known Palaearctic species of Platygastrinae (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae). III. Entomologica Fennica 20: 65-83.” Galloway ID, Austin AD (1984) Revision of the Scelioninae (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) in Aus- tralia. Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 99: 1-138.7' doi: 10.1071/AJZS099 Kononova SV (1995) [25. Fam. Scelionidae]. Pages 57-121 in Lehr. [Key to insects of Russian Far East in six volume. vol. 4. Neuropteroidea, Mecoptera, Hymenoptera. Part 2. Hyme- noptera]. Dal'nauka, Vladivostok, 600 pp. Kononova SV (2000) [New Palearctic genus and species of Scelionidae (Hymenoptera)]. 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Buffington / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 39: 99-117 (2014) Endnotes http://morphbank.net/?id=835889 http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=154389 http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=179766 http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=5560 http://morphbank.net/?id=835897 http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=3437 46 http://morphbank.net/?id=835906 http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=11460 9 — http://morphbank.net/?id=835914 10 http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=236452 11 http://morphbank.net/?id=835921 12. http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=11471 13. http://morphbank.net/?id=835922 14 http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=12098 15. http://morphbank.net/?id=835939 16 http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=250131 17. http://morphbank.net/?id=835964 18 http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=12103 19 http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:21591 CON WBW KR WN 20 http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:22743 21 http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:339 22 http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:852 1 23 http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:9730 24 http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:640 25 http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:321 26 http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:1499 27 http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs: 1500 28 http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:453 29 http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/2007f/zt01571p078.pdf 30 http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:23249 31 http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:9718 32 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/JHR.34.47 14 33 http://Isid.tdwg.org/urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:23698 34 http://Ilsid.tdwg.org/urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_pubs:812 35 hetp://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0015991 36 http://morphbank.net/?id=835965 37 http://morphbank.net/?id=835966 38 http://morphbank.net/?id=835973 39 http://morphbank.net/?id=835974 40 http://morphbank.net/?id=835975 41 http://morphbank.net/?id=835976 Updates to the Nomenclature of Platygastroidea in the Zoological Institute... 42 http://morphbank.net/?id=835977 43 http://morphbank.net/?id=83598 1 44 http://morphbank.net/?id=835989 45 http://morphbank.net/?id=835990 Be,