Apeer-reviewed open-access journal BioRisk 9: |—37 (2014) 1 1 doi: 10.3897/biorisk.9.6105 RESEARCH ARTICLE & [3 | O RP IS k www.pensoftonline.net/biorisk China in the anthropocene: Culprit, victim or last best hope for a global ecological civilisation? Joachim H. Spangenberg!” | Helmholtz Centre for Environment Research, Department Community Ecology, Theodor-Lieser-Str. 4, 06120 Halle, Germany 2 Correspondence address: Sustainable Europe Research Institute SERI Germany, Vorsterstr. 97, 51103 Kéln-Kalk, Germany Corresponding author: Joachim H. Spangenberg (Joachim.Spangenberg@ufz.de) Academic editor: J. Settele | Received 15 August 2013 | Accepted 21 May 2014 | Published 10 June 2014 Citation: Spangenberg JH (2014) China in the anthropocene: Culprit, victim or last best hope for a global ecological civilisation? BioRisk 9: 1-37. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.9.6105 Abstract The anthropocene is the age where human influences are determining the development of the planet’s ecosystems and thus the bio-physical basis of future human civilisations. Today China has become the world’s largest economy and its worst polluter with per capita greenhouse gas emissions surpassing the EU average, the world’s largest consumer of all kinds of resources. Even regarding the aggregate contribution to climate change (historical emission residues included), called the climate debt, China has not yet, but will be most probably climbing the top position rather soon. At the same time China is the world’s largest victim of environmental change, including air and soil pollution, water and land scarcity, biodiversity loss and climate change. Thus not only slowing down the increase but reducing emissions should be a top priority for China, and it is: the government has taken some bold steps. China is the world’s largest investor in renewable energies, has the largest afforestation program, and leads the world in reducing carbon dioxide emission reduction. As the largest polluter it has extraordinary opportunities to improve the global state of the environment — is it the world’s last best hope for establishing a global ecological civilisation? Some implications regarding the Chinese environmental policy are discussed, some strengths highlighted and some weaknesses identified. However, despite their magnitude, the efforts—and in particular their implementation—are not yet sufficient. We suggest three additional steps which could help China to begin reducing its climate debt within a couple of decades, define a long term perspective for policy planning and adjust its growth model to the challenges of the anthropocene. Keywords China, pollution, climate change, land use, HANPP, biodiversity, ecological debt/climate debt, CO2, methane, politics, Common but differentiated responsibility, Earth System Science, environmental justice Copyright J.H. Spangenberg. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Joachim H. Spangenberg / BioRisk 9: 1-37 (2014) Introduction Naming a new epoch signals earth system change, i.e. a point in time when (ubiq- uitous) local change in aggregate has begun changing the global system, ending the previous period in which human civilisation emerged, the Holocene. If the term an- thropocene was originally proposed as “a strategy for getting the public to appreciate the extent to which humans were destroying the world” (B. Smith according to Balter 2013), one might consider the beginning of the anthropocene as the time window when evolutionary adaptability of biodiversity and ecosystems could no longer keep up with human alterations of the environment(s). Such a threshold would coincide with escalating anthropogenic energy consumption, a peak in the human appropriation of net primary production (Erb et al. 2013, Kraus- mann et al. 2012), with a quantity of materials mobilised by humans, the anthropogenic material flows, exceeding natural flows (Schmidt-Bleek 1994, Peduzzi 2014), and with other drastic alterations in ecosystems mainly caused by land use intensification, including in agro-ecosystems. As a result, humanity as a whole is exceeding the planetary bounda- ries, leaving the safe operating space of humankind (Rockstrém et al. 2009). Contemporary changes are very fast, often abrupt, as compared to earlier trans- formations by agricultural practices which have evolved over centuries or even longer periods, and thus have offered opportunities for species and species interactions to co-evolve in cultural landscapes (Settele and Spangenberg 2013). The resulting in managed equilibrium-type systems were mostly of high value for conservation, sus- tainable production and/or cultural ecosystem services. Consequently, the speed and scale of change destabilise the dynamic equilibria characterising the Holocene, and the Earth system threatens to flip into a new (more or less) stable state less accom- modating to human civilisations (Rees 1999). Biodiversity loss and climate change are but the most obvious and pressing symptoms of this process of global environ- mental change. Thus deceleration of change to gain time for evolution (Settele and Kihn 2009) and preventing breakdowns in ecosystem services (Heong 2009) would be key objectives for future-proofing human civilizations and their biological and agricultural basis in the anthropocene (Settele and Spangenberg 2013). Section 2 describes in some detail the challenges of the transition to the anthropo- cene, and the driving forces behind it. Section 3 identifies the most relevant nations, and China as a key driver of the process. However, China is not only a driver, but also a major victim of the process, as illustrated in section 4. This insight is growing rapidly in China itself, and the world’s most populous country and largest economy rather naturally has not only a moral obligation, but also the capabilities to take decisive action, beyond the existing policy measures and the ambitious policy goals already formulated. Thus section 5 asks whether China is our last best hope for sta- bilising humankind’s survival conditions before crossing severe tipping points of the global ecosystem. Section 6 suggests three strategic options how to turn China, on top of its current efforts, from a climate villain into a climate hero. Section 7 offers a brief outlook. China in the anthropocene: Culprit, victim or last best hope for a global ecological civilisation? 3 The challenge of the Anthropocene Driving Forces The 1950s mark the beginning of the modern international era, the decade in which the modern internationalised world emerged. This is not only testified by the founding of global institutions like the United Nations Organisation UNO (1947) and the World Bank (1946), but—at least as important—also by the beginning of official bilateral development aid programs following the liberation of many so-called Third World countries from colo- nisation. Even more important in our context, it was the time of the emergence of modern communication and transport, providing for the first time mass access to telecommunica- tion, television, cars and air transport (for the 19th century globalisation of communication and trade see Standage 1998). Both communication and transportation were conditions for outsourcing and globalising supply chains; together with development aid and foreign direct investment FDI they induced a rapid global spread of information and innovation replication (Fischer-Kowalski and Amman 2001). Globally, industrial and labour cultures began to converge towards a standard developed in the early industrialised countries. Regarding resource consumption, the 1950s have been described as the great accele- ration; a phenomenon that started 20 years earlier in the USA and took hold throughout the industrialised countries, capitalist or socialist, before being transferred to the rest of the world. Economic growth reached unprecedented levels and became the leitmotif not only for the industrialised countries and a yardstick in their competition, but also for their former colonies gaining independence in the 1950s and 1960s. A de-colonising global economy, the East-West competition for more economic growth (in which the socilist block was leading in the 1950s - remember the 'Sputink Shock’), escalating con- sumption in the West in the 1960s, a shift from coal to oil in the affluent countries, and the Green Revolution coincided, accelerating the global biological and cultural homoge- nisation. While the outpacing of evolution followed with a certain delay, its reasons are to be found in this decade and the economic changes it saw emerging in most of the world. The increasing human impact due to ever faster change had two driving forces—tech- nological progress, increasing wealth and population growth amplified resource consump- tion, and the internationalisation of exchange, both communication and trade, led to the rapid spread of innovations regardless where in the world they had been developed. In their interplay, they enhanced the speed as much as the scale of change to levels unprec- edented in earth history—except for the few global catastrophes caused by massive aster- oids hitting the planet. Physically this development was based on the massive expansion of energy consumption and the transition from biomass to fossil fuels, first coal and in the 1950s shifting to oil and later complementing gas. In the early industrialising coun- tries different patterns of fossil fuel use coincide with certain stages of the transformation to an industrial society and with changing trajectories of societal development (Fischer- Kowalski and Amman 2001, Wiedenhofer et al. 2013). Other drivers of change growing simultaneously with fossil fuel use include the exponentially increasing consumption of metallic and mineral resources (Schmidt-Bleek 2008). In particular the extent of and the 4 Joachim H. Spangenberg / BioRisk 9: 1-37 (2014) changing patterns and growing intensity of land use (Bringezu et al. 2012, Haberl et al. 2009, Spangenberg 2007) played an important role, not least promoted by the green (grain), the blue (fish) and the white (milk) revolution (Spangenberg 1991). It was in particular the combination of escalating resource use and these revolutions and their posi- tive feedback loops which caused, with a time lag, the destabilisation of ecosystems by overburdening their evolutionary and adaptive capabilities. Thus it was not one big deci- sive change but the confluence of globally dispersed, ubiquitous accelerated local changes, synchronised through ideology, technology, power and finance, that caused a massive qualitative change of the global socio-economic-environmental system as a whole. Today 15% of the world’s population have successfully completed the transition from an agrarian to an industrial (and now post-industrial) society, in the course ex- hausting if not destroying the capacity of global CO, sinks, overburdening the global nitrogen and phosphorous cycles and—worst of all—accelerating the loss of biodiversity by a factor 100 and more (Rockstrém et al. 2009). On top of this, 60% of the world’s current population are undergoing the same transition from agricultural to industrial societies, so far mainly following the Northern development trajectory. The globalisa- tion of this "normal development paradigm", from agricultural societies assumed to be poor to presumably affluent industrial societies, was propelled by national elites and international financial institutions. As a result, the number of people in absolute poverty has decreased significantly (while the number of people in plain poverty in- creased), the majority of them now living in middle income countries. Poverty has become a social group problem rather than a developing country problem, making established development concepts obsolete. The solution can no longer be increasing the wealth of a country, but must include redistribution within countries, usually not only of income but also of assets, depending on the national situation. Pressures: Biodiversity loss, climate change and the ecological debt The agricultural revolutions, by increasing growth in line with extraction (harvest) did not significantly change the share of natural primary production appropriated by humankind. Although correlations between HANPP and biodiversity loss have been described at smaller scales (Haberl et al. 2004), increased human appropriation was probably not the cause of the disruptions in ecosystem functioning: species loss has accelerated throughout the globe, while the level of HANPP declined in the indus- trialised countries and remained rather steady in South East Asia (see Erb et al. 2009 for the global distribution of HANPP and Krausmann et al. 2012 for data from the Philippines). Nonetheless the steady but very high levels of HANPP can be read as indicating a high level of anthropogenic pressures on ecosystems (Haber! 2013). Avoiding an increase in HANPP by increasing external input, however, came at a cost: the global nitrogen and phosphorus cycles were expanded beyond the planetary boundaries (Rockstém et al. 2009, Krausmann et al. 2012). Intensive, often irrigated agriculture in particular in Asia (Figure 1), together with urbanisation and industriali- China in the anthropocene: Culprit, victim or last best hope for a global ecological civilisation? 5 Figure |. Agriculture on the Chinese Loess Plateau, 2013. sation, sent water, energy and mineral consumption skyrocketing, undermined water availability and quality and turned agriculture from a net energy provider into an en- ergy consuming industrial sector. This links the agricultural revolutions to the second major threat to ecosystem stability and sustained ecosystem service provision besides biodiversity loss, which is of course climate change (Rockstrém et al. 2009). Besides industrialisation and growing consumption, logging, irrigation agriculture, aquacul- ture and intensive animal husbandry significantly increased the emission of potent greenhouse gases like methane (CH,), laughing gas (nitrous oxide N,O) and carbon dioxide CO,,. The most important greenhouse gas is CO,, responsible for about half of the warming effect, followed by CH » causing about 20% of global warming and N,O with about 6%. Their dynamics are quite different: while CO, has an average atmos- pheric residence time of about 120 years, methane’s residence time is 9-15 years, while its radiative forcing (RF) is 25 times higher than that of CO,, but less than that of N,O (298 times, 114 years). As a result of these differences, the contribution of indi- vidual gases (and thus of their emitters) to what has been called the climate debt differs significantly in and between countries. This debt has been defined as the remaining climate change effect of the accumulated historical emissions of a country, taking both the RF and the residence time into account (Martinez Alier 2002, Smith et al. 2013). The climate debt is strongly influenced by recent emissions as they are least subject to the residence limit effect, and is a key component of the broader ecological debt. Methane concentrations in the atmosphere have reached three times the pre-in- dustrial level of about 600 ppb, and continue to rise. Globally, more than 35% are directly or indirectly caused by cattle breeding and some 15% by other biomass use. 6 Joachim H. Spangenberg / BioRisk 9: 1-37 (2014) About half is caused by leakages in extraction, transport and processing of natural gas, including incomplete combustion during flaring of technically not recoverable gas; data for methane emissions from hydraulic fracturing are not yet available. 2013 is the year in which atmospheric CO, concentrations crossed the 400 ppm threshold—up from 349 ppm in 1987, the year the Brundtland report was published (and the last year when the annual average CO, level was less than 350 ppm, the level recommended for stabilizing the Holocene climate) and from 356 ppm 1992, at the time of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. At the Cancun climate negotiations 2011, the countries of the world agreed to commit to a maximum temperature rise of 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and to consider lowering that maximum to 1.5° in the near future. To give a relatively high certainty of not exceeding 2°C, scientists tend to rec- ommend stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations at about 350 ppm CO,_ by 2050 (IPCC 2014). To achieve this, global GHG emissions have to decline by about 2/3 until 2050, with industrialised countries’ greenhouse gas emissions declining by 4/5 or more to about 2 t/cap*yr. Fossil fuel consumption would have to be reduced accordingly. Even remaining below 2°C does not guarantee avoidance of all significant adverse im- pacts, but if exceed, they are projected to become much more severe, widespread, and irreversible (for current impacts see EEA 2012); if the current global trend of increasing CO, emissions continues, cumulative emissions will surpass the 2°C limit within the next couple of decades. ‘The climate system would then be likely to cross more danger- ous thresholds that could trigger large-scale catastrophic events (IPCC 2014). Pursuing a 2:1 chance of limiting global warming to, or below, 2°C above pre- industrial levels, limits the world’s “carbon budget” (the maximum permissible emis- sions) to no more than 1.000 Gt (Giga tonnes, 10° metric tonnes) of carbon to be released into the atmosphere from the beginning of the industrial era to the end of this century, of which 531 Gt had been emitted by 2011. Factoring in other climate pol- lutants than carbon dioxide brings the overall cumulative budget 200 Gt down from the 10'* tonnes of carbon, leaving just 269 Gt of carbon as the remaining budget—the result of two lost decades (IPCC 2013). The total proven international fossil fuel re- serves, 2,860 Gt COs according to the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook (IEA 2013), are a multiple of the permissible extraction. Consequently, to stabilise the environmental conditions of the Holocene, 2/3 to 9/10 of the proven reserves will have to be left in the ground, as “unburnable carbon” (Meinshausen et al. 2009) or “unburnable fuel” (The Economist 2013a). Burning all proven reserves would result in an atmospheric CO, concentration exceeding 550 ppm (and more if unconventional and so far not economically viable resources were extracted, or new fossil fuels discovered), and to dire consequences. Thus Peak Oil, although threaten- ing, will come too late to rescue us from climate change. Thus, if governments are determined to implement their climate policies, a focus on efficiency, although important, will not be enough, but capping resource use and subsequently decreasing it will be required. However, this urgent turnaround is ham- pered by the fact that most of the fossil fuel reserves are owned by governments or state energy firms like Gazprom und Rosneft (Russia), Petrobras (Brazil), Pemex (Mexico), China in the anthropocene: Culprit, victim or last best hope for a global ecological civilisation? is Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia), or Sinopec, CNPC und CNOOC (China); they con- tribute significantly to public revenues, about 2*10'' US$ in the OECD countries and unknown amounts in the emerging economies (Haas 2014). Thus while reserves would be left in the ground if governments took their own policy objectives seriously (The Economist 2013a), economic interests dominate. A similar bias is detectable for private energy companies, representing about a quarter of the world’s fossil reserves: their shareholders and investors expect a return. Markets are valuing companies as if all their reserves would be burned, and investors treat reserves as an indicator of future revenues. [hey therefore require companies to replace reserves depleted by production, even though this runs afoul of emission-reduction policies. If the reserve replacement ratio of fossil-fuel firms falls below 100%, their shares tumble down: an analysis by the UK HSBC bank found that effective climate policy targeted at a maximum of 2° warming would cut the stock exchange value of Australian mining companies by half. As a consequence, although companies already have far more oil, gas and coal than they need (again, assuming temperatures are not to rise by more than 2°C), the 200 largest listed oil, gas and coal companies, with a market capitalisation of 4*10'? US$ at the end of 2012, spent 6.74*10'' US$ on developing new reserves; ExxonMobil alone planned to spend $3.7*10'° a year on exploration each year 2014-2016 (The Economist 2013a). This is a squandering of financial resources for securing those fos- sil reserves necessary to propel CO, emissions above 550 ppm—an intention nobody admits to have, despite investing billions of dollars for it (Haas 2014). China the culprit-in a global context Past economic growth in China has been lifting hundreds of millions of people out of absolute poverty, and was the main contribution to reaching the UN Millennium De- velopment Goals MDG at least in some respect. It will make China the world’s largest economy already next year, in terms of purchasing power adjusted GDP. Purchasing power parity PPP is calculated by the International Comparison Programme to make national GDPs comparable despite exchange rate fluctuations and diverging domestic prices, by counting a hair cut or a bus ride as equivalents in all countries. It’s latest report, issued April 30", 2014, but based on 2011 data, suggests that China will be surpassing the USA by 2015 (The Economist 201 4a). This enormous success has led to a massive increase in resource consumption; Chi- na’s industries are consuming 40-45% of the world production of copper, steel, nickel, aluminium and zinc. China today imports half the planet’s tropical logs and raises half of its pigs (Ihe Economist 2013b), with significant environmental and social impacts in China and in the countries of origin. At the same time, the massive growth fuelled an accumulation of wealth not only lifting the poorest out of poverty but also establish- ing a new class of super-rich, swelling the ranks of the world’s billionaires. Today 358 US$-billionaires, 1/5 of the global total are situated in China (The Economist 2014b). 8 Joachim H. Spangenberg / BioRisk 9: 1-37 (2014) Air pollution—the most frequent reason of premature death—and water security are amongst the best known environmental pressures in China, together with land devastation by mining and the impacts of intensive agriculture. This, and the logging of forests from the 1970s to the 1990s, contributed to a massive threat to biodiversity in China, a megadiverse biodiversity hotspot. However, as these factors, despite their global relevance, primarily affect China itself, they are discussed in section 3, while in this section the focus is on global effects, in particular climate change. In total, global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO,)—the main cause of global warm- ing—increased by 3% in 2011 and 1.4% in 2012. According to the 2013 report “Trends in global CO, emissions”, released by the EU Joint Research Centre JRC and the Neth- erlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), the top emitters contributing to the global 34.5 billion tonnes of CO, in 2012 are: China (29% - only a quarter of the emissions is for export production, making China still the biggest emitter if embodied emissions in global trade are factored in), the United States (16%), the European Un- ion (11%), India (6%), the Russian Federation (5%) and Japan (4%). However, in the European Union CO, emissions dropped by 1.6% in 2012 to 7.4 tonnes per capita (t/ cap) while in China (without Taiwan) average emissions of CO, increased by 3% to 7.3 t/cap. The increase in China, although low by historical standards, was equivalent to two-thirds of the net global CO, increase in 2012. Between 2000 and 2012, China has accounted for about two thirds of the increase in global CO, emissions, living through the coal and oil phase of development simultaneously; modern energy sources have surpassed traditional bio-based ones (Haberl et al. 2009, Erb et al. 2009). As a result, China’s CO, emissions per capita were comparable to those in the EU and by 2014 most probably have surpassed them, making a reduction of about 70% per capita a necessary longer term objective for both, China and the EU. China’s CO, emissions per USD Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are almost double those of the EU and United States and similar to those of the Russian Federation (Olivier et al. 2013). The United States remain the second largest emitter of CO,, with 16.4 t/cap, despite a significant decline due to the recession in 2008-2009, high oil prices and an increased share of natural gas from fracking (the methane balance of fracking is so far unknown). Only a few Near East countries such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Qa- tar, and isolated islands like the Falklands/Malvinas have higher emissions per capita (Olivier et al. 2013). Coal is the most important fuel, in China and globally, and the most important source of CO, (Figure 2). The strongest short-term economic effects of effective climate policies phasing out hard coal use would be felt by the world’s major coal exporters, which in 2012 were Indonesia with 383 Mt = 32.8%, Australia with 302 Mt = 25.9%, the United States (106 Mt = 9.1%), Russia (103 Mt = 9.1%), Colombia (7.0%) and South Africa (6.2%) (IEA 2013). The longer term impacts on producers would arise due to the foregone income opportunities from mobilising and marketing reserves of hard coal (anthracite, bituminous and sub-bituminous); here China itself would be affected economically, holding the world’s 3“ largest coal reserves. Globally, reserves in 2011 were: USA 207.1 Gt (30.0%), Russia 146.6 Mt (21.2%), China 95.9 Gt (13.9%), India 56.1 Gt (8.1%), China in the anthropocene: Culprit, victim or last best hope for a global ecological civilisation? 9 a ee i om are Figure 2. City power plants contribute to global warming and to local air pollution: Harbin, Heilongji- ang province (left, 2010) and Taiyuan, Shanxi province (right, 2013). Australia 39.2 Gt (7%), and Ukraine 3.9 Gt (4.6%) (end-2011 data, WEC 2013). On the other hand, coal (besides oil) is a major factor in the balance of payments and a burden for the major importers, all of them in Asia (2012: China Mainland 278 Mt and 65 Mt Taiwan, Japan 184 Mt, India 158 Mt, South Korea 126 Mt, and Germany 44 Mt)(IEA 2013). Their national economies including the consumption capabilities of consumers would benefit significantly from saving the money spent on these imports. The Chinese climate debt looms even larger, and with it the responsibility and the future (at least moral) obligation for compensation, when methane emissions are added to the balance. More specifically, in 2005, the last year for which figures are available (Smith et al. 2013), the USA was responsible for 25.1% of the global climate debt from fossil fuel incineration (net anthropogenic emissions) and China only for 11.1% (Russia: 8.5%, Germany 5.1%, Japan 4.8%), but regarding methane already in 2005 the USA/China relation was the opposite. China’s share in methane climate debt was the world’s largest at 18.4%, while the USA was responsible for 9.6% of the global accumulated methane based climate debt, followed by India (8.2%), Russia (7.4%) and Brazil (5.5%). In total (CO, plus CH,) the ranking changed little, but the distances between countries were shrinking (which most probably has changed the ranking to the disbenefit of China now, nine years on). The country shares of the global environmental debt were 18.4% for the USA and 13.8% for China, followed by Russia (8.0%), India 5.3% and Germany (3.5%). Add to this the greenhouse gas emissions from land use change and forestry (LUCF), and the picture changes again: 16.3% of the total climate debt including all the factors (CO,, CH, and LUCF) were allocated to the USA in 2005, 13.8% to Europe, 13.4% to China (including Taiwan), and 8.0% to the former Soviet Union (Smith et al. 2013). In the nine years since China has certainly surpassed Europe and most probably caught up with the USA’s climate debt level, as the latest emissions are most effective. As a result, the argument that other countries with a long industrial history have higher aggregate impacts is no longer valid as in 2014 most probably the world’s largest climate debt rests with China, and so does the responsibility for climate impacts around the world. Furthermore, despite its moral plausibility, the argument 10 Joachim H. Spangenberg / BioRisk 9: 1-37 (2014) was not ethically valid from the outset as claiming the same right to pollution means justifying own misbehaviour with others’ misconduct, which is no ethical or moral legitimation at all. Today, however, China is not playing catch-up anymore; it is by now doing more damage to the global ecosphere than any other country, with only 1/4 of its CO, and hardly any of its CH, and LUCF emissions resulting from export. When China started its race to the top, the capacity of the atmosphere was already half consumed by nations which underwent the industrialisation process earlier, and by no means any longer available. This justifies a demand on the early industrialis- ers to set a precedent in emission reduction, but not for any other country to repeat their mistake and become, in a moral sense, at least as guilty as they are. Any effective international climate protection policy would have to respect the different situations (focus on different greenhouse gases and industrial sectors), but also acknowledge the need for support for countries and regions most affected by structural change due to the phasing out of fossil fuels. Also for a number of countries national climate adapta- tion and risk reduction strategies may need external support. Early polluters have a moral duty to provide such help as part of their wealthy has been built by exploiting the sources and sinks no longer available to the later arrivals. China the Victim-—glimpses on impacts the anthropocene has for China Far from claiming to be comprehensive, this section highlights some of the key pollu- tion and environmental degradation problems China is struggling with. The transition from the Holocene to the Anthropocene, of which China is a major driver, is causing significant challenges domestically. Besides being culprit, China is also a victim. The burden created throughout the development process is rather unevenly dis- tributed in the country; economic, social and environmental development are not in a balance. Provincial improvements in aggregate sustainability indices are in most cases due to the socio-economic development, most often with deterioration or stagnation in the environmental dimension (Hara et al. 2009). Those in between, inland but not distinct border regions, with limited resource endowments and semi-stable environ- ments suffer most in environmental terms, without much economic compensation: they exhibit the highest NPP loss. Coastal areas build wealth from imported resources and technology, border regions generate limited wealth, in between regions have to (over-) exploit their own mineral, fossil and biological resources to generate intermedi- ate levels of wealth (Zhao et al. 2011), not least by exporting them to wealthier, more industrialised provinces (Feng et al. 2013). Air pollution The urban air in China has long been known as the world’s worst, but in the latest WHO list of most polluted cities there is no Chinese one amongst the top ten any more-Iran, China in the anthropocene: Culprit, victim or last best hope for a global ecological civilisation? 11 Figure 3. A Air pollution in Tayuan, Shanxi province (left, 2013), and B in Beijing (right, 2009). Pakistan and India have conquered that sad crown. And this is not just because the situ- ation got worse in those countries: the air quality has improved in many Chinese cities (except in spike periods like the one in Beijing 2013) and is now at levels commonplace in Japan in the 1970s and in Germany in the 1950s, and improving further. Nonetheless the problem is far from being solved in China (see Figure 3) — in 2013 the air in most cities monitored reached concentrations of lung-penetrating fine particular matter PM, , (diameter <2.5 sm) beyond the state standards released last March by the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP). The Chinese air quality index AQI for PM, , defining the upper threshold of what is good air quality, is set according to the interim target 1 suggested by the World Health Organisation WHO for highly polluted areas, at less than 75 microgram of particles per cubic meter of air (<75 g/m?) for the 24-hour mean. This implies about 5% increase of short-term mortality as compared to the target value deemed safe by the WHO according to its 2005 Air Quality Guideline of <10 g/m? for the annual mean, and <25 ug/m? for the 24-hour mean (WHO 2006). The WHO Air Quality Guideline recommendations for PM, stand at <10 ug/m? for the annual mean and at <75 g/m? for the 24-hour mean (WHO 2014). The EU has set a target value for the annual mean PM, , concentration of <25 g/m? and an exposure limit of 20 ug/m’, both to turn into legal limits on Janu- ary Ist, 2015, plus a target of 18 g/m’; the exposure values are calculated based on a three year mean. For PM.,, legally binding limits stand at 40 g/m? for the annual and 50 ug/m? for the daily mean (European Commission 2014). In the USA, the Environ- ment Protection Agency EPA has 2012 set a not legally binding annual target value of PM, , <12 g/m? as the three year average, and a daily mean standard of <35 yg/ m? considered to be met if the 98th percentile of 24-hour PM, , concentrations in one year, averaged over three years, is less than or equal to 35 dY (R total national resource consumption, Y size of the na- tional economy, Spangenberg et al. 2002, Spangenberg 2011). This in turn requires accepting limitations to national affuence (measured in terms of resources consumed), and for reasons of justice and social stability effort towards a more egalitarian distribu- tion of income and assets. While at first glance this this may sound like a development suppressing policy proposal and big challenge to China, at a second look it is rather an opportunity compared to a strategy of economic growth and the attempt of technical remediation. Today, the cost of soil degradation and health impacts of air pollution amount to 9% of the GDP per year, according to the World Bank. This Figure makes the reported growth rates seem rather hollow; net growth seems to have been in the lower one digit realm. Thus with lower gross growth rates to be expected, one way of securing eco- nomic stability is reducing the environmental and health cost, reaching a comparable gain in the standard of living (net growth) with much reduced GDP growth rates. Reducing air and water pollution, conserving biodiversity, limiting land use change and restoring fertile soil are immense tasks, but they have to be tackled with full force in order to sustain the basis for the country’s further development. Nonetheless an abrupt and massive reduction of energy and resource consumption is no politically viable option. It probably would reverse economic growth into reces- sion, and lead to a collapse of development, if not of the economy, due to a lack of physical inputs. Such a Degrowth by Disaster is the more probable the later the change course is initiated. The choice is between: e demand side management through higher energy prices, behaviour change involving energy conservation, and lower economic growth but a number of cost saving fringe benefits such as avoidance of acid rain and reduced health care cost, a more healthy and productive labour force and less environmental motives for public unrest, versus e supply side management focussing on higher growth rates and technology transi- tions—with probably limited gains for society as the transition investment absorbs the surplus from the higher growth rate. China in the anthropocene: Culprit, victim or last best hope for a global ecological civilisation? 31 The higher level of uncertainty lies with the growth strategy as it relies on the de- velopment and successful implementation of not-yet-existing technologies for climate management, such as CCS and geo-engineering, solutions expected to be available on a large scale in due time and without undesirable side effects. Outlook Humankind is at a turning point, and a point of no return: there is no way back, and the prevailing development trajectory is a dead end street we drive down with ever increasing speed. Policies to accelerate growth are policies to increase the speed with which we are going to hit the wall. Having population growth, resource availability and planetary boundaries in mind, it is high time for implementing a development paradigm which allows for a high quality of life at about 1/10 of the current resource consumption. This will require the most ambitious and far reaching innovation pro- gram ever, including the “ex-novation” of obsolete, unsustainable technologies and in- stallations. Not adding new and better technologies to the portfolio is what is needed, but replacing outdated, resource intensive production processes and factories, together with a change of consumer preferences towards “prosperity light”. The second ele- ment besides reducing the pressures through resource efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable consumption is deceleration of developments, social and technological, to provide nature the time necessary for ecosystems and species to adapt to and co-evolve with a changing environment. Taking the differentiated responsibility approach seriously requires taking meth- ane and LUCF into account when defining climate policy strategies. While this is a challenge, it also provides additional opportunities for effective climate policies for countries like China. One such option is a strong focus on CH, emission reduction, which would have a comparably rapid effect on effective warming and thus reduce the climate debt much faster than a reduction of CO, emissions can do, due to the neces- sary structural change of the energy and wider economic system, and the atmospheric residence time of carbon dioxide. It enhances the range of policy options available, providing additional short term effective affordable options. For instance, Green belt/ green frontier and afforestation programs are an example of how LUCF emissions can be reduced. They have been implemented by the Chinese government for a number of years now; however, to provide success in the long run, they need to be improved regarding the social and environmental standards applied (better compensation for peasant participants, stakeholder participation, technical advice and education, selec- tion of local species instead of wood production for the pulp and paper industry, ...) (Li et al. 2009, Bennett 2008). If, to cut carbon emissions, we need to limit economic growth severely in the rich countries, then it is important to know that this does not mean sacrificing improvements in the real quality of life-in the quality of life as measured by health, happiness, friendship, 32 Joachim H. Spangenberg / BioRisk 9: 1-37 (2014) and community life, which really matters. However, rather than simply having fewer of all the luxuries which substitute for and prevent us recognizing our more fundamental needs, inequality has to be reduced simultaneously. We need to create more equal societies able to meet our real social neEds Instead of policies to deal with global warming being experienced simply as imposing limits on the possibilities of material satisfaction, they need to be coupled with egalitarian policies which steer us to new and more fundamental ways of improving the quality of our lives. The change is about a historic shift in the sources of human satisfaction from economic growth to a more sociable society. Wilkinson and Pickett 2010 Besides reducing the pressures by redirecting the drivers causing them, immediate rescue measures are needed. They need to be based on a foresight based governance/ management of social and ecosystems which make use of all available potentials and system characteristics to avoid system collapses by enhancing their adaptive capaci- ties, including cultivating carbon sinks by ecosystem restoration. Strengthening the capability of the central government not only to pass legislation (pollution laws and thousands of decrees) but also to enforce their implementation, administratively and legally, may be a necessary step; independent reporting about the local situation—in Europe often a function of civil society organisations— would help the central go- vernment to gain a better control of the implementation of its policy measures on the ground and to further improve policy design. That the Communist party included the environment into its four focal areas (Ecological Civilisation) may further help the implementation of necessary measures, in particular as officials will be promoted with a view on their environmental performance, and will be held accountable for their overall execution of his position also long after having taken up other responsibilities. Any country aspiring a leadership role in 21st century should be aware that the majority of humankind, and in most severely G77 country inhabitants, will be nega- tively affected by climate change. A country that is causing havoc on their lands and people will lose the legitimacy of any such claim for leadership, regardless of its eco- nomic or military strength. Thus for social, economic, environmental and geopolitical reasons, a rapid transition towards a sustainable economy, making use of all available means, is an urgent necessity, for Europe, the USA and not least for China. Acknowledgements The author is grateful for the experiences he gathered and the discussions he had on visits to China on behalf of the Helmholtz Centre for Environment Research UFZ of the Division of International Nature Conservation, the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation in particular with Lennart Kttmper-Schlacke, the EU-China Biodiversity Programme, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and the European Com- mission. Two reviewers deserve gratitude for their helpful comments on the initial version of the paper. China in the anthropocene: Culprit, victim or last best hope for a global ecological civilisation? 33 References Agnolucci P, Ekins P, Iacopini G, Anderson K, Bows A, Mander S, Shackley S (2009) Different scenarios for achieving radical reduction in carbon emissions: A decomposition analysis. 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