JHR 37: 77-111 (2014) rte JOURNAL OF | *0eerrrieved opencoss ural Steen (G-) Hymenoptera www.pensoft.net/journals/jhr The iternatonl Scie of Hymenopeariss, RESEARCH The maxillo-labial complex of Sparasion (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea) Ovidiu Alin Popovici', Istvan Mik6?, Katja C. Seltmann?, Andrew R. Deans?” | University ‘Al. I. Cuza” Iasi, Faculty of Biology, B-dul Carol [, no. 11, RO— 700506; Romania 2 Pennsylvania State University, Department of Entomology, 501 ASI Building, University Park, PA 16802 USA 3 Department of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, New York 10024, USA Corresponding author: Jstvdn Miké (istvan.miko@gmail.com) Academic editor: /. Yoder | Received 25 November 2013 | Accepted 28 February 2014 | Published 28 March 2014 Citation: Popovici OA, Miké I, Seltmann CK, Deans AR (2014) The maxillo-labial complex of Sparasion (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 37: 77-111. doi: 10.3897/JHR.37.5206 Abstract Hymenopterans have evolved a rich array of morphological diversity within the maxillo-labial complex. Although the character system has been extensively studied and its phylogenetic implications revealed in large hymenopterans, e.g. in Aculeata, it remains comparatively understudied in parasitoid wasps. Reduc- tions of character systems due to the small body size in microhymenoptera make it difficult to establish homology and limits the interoperability of morphological data. We describe here the maxillo-labial com- plex of an ancestral platygastroid lineage, Sparasion, and provide an ontology-based model of the anatomi- cal concepts related to the maxillo-labial complex (MLC) of Hymenoptera. The possible functions and putative evolutionary relevance of some anatomical structures of the MLC in Sparasion are discussed. Anatomical structures are visualized with Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. Keywords Mouthparts, Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology, Confocal laser scanning microscopy, maxillary palpus, labial palpus, galea, lacinia, prementum, glossa Introduction Despite relatively recent efforts (e.g., Austin and Field 1997, Murphy et al. 2007), the phylogeny of Platygastroidea remains largely unresolved, as such insights from previ- ously unexplored character systems have the potential to make important contributions to our understanding of the groups evolution. As Platygastroidea are usually reduced Copyright Ovidiu Alin Popovici et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 78 Ovidiu Alin Popovici et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 37: 77-111 (2014) in body size, the number of informative characters is limited to those anatomical com- plexes that cannot be simplified without negatively affecting the wasps’ survival. In the case of Platygastroidea two character systems seem to match this requirement: the ovipositor apparatus (Austin 1983, Field and Austin 1994, Austin and Field 1997) and the mouthparts including the maxillo-labial complex. While the former is crucial for the piercing the chorion of host egg and laying the wasp’s own eggs, the second struc- ture is vital to the process of feeding. Very little is known about the feeding behavior and diet of adult platygastroids. Some species, e.g., the phoretic mantid egg parasitoid Mantibaria, feed also on their hosts’ body fluids (Clausen 1976). Due to the extreme diversity of Hymenoptera foraging strategies homologizing mouthpart structures within the order is a challenging task. Other than palpal formulae (Kieffer 1926, Masner 1976, Kononova and Kozlov 2001) and a relatively superficial survey of the maxillo-labial complex (MLC) in some genera of platygastroids (Popovici and Fusu 2006) dataon MLC morphology in platygastroids have never been published. Sparasion is a fairly speciose genus, with 141 valid species Johnson 1992, Johnson et al. 2008). These wasps are widespread in Eurasia, Africa, and temperate North America (Johnson et al. 2008), and, as far as is known, these species are egg-parasitoids of Tettigo- niinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) Johnson et al. 2008). Based on the latest phylogenetic analyses, Sparasion is part of a small lineage that is sister to either the vast majority of Scelionidae sensu Haliday 1839 (Murphy et al. 2007) or Platygastridae sensu stricto (Austin and Field 1997). Species in this lineage typically exhibit ancestral morphological states (Murphy et al. 2007, Austin and Field 1997), which should facilitate homologization of mouthparts with other hymenopterans. Sparasion are also relatively large species, with less anatomical simplification, which makes them more suitable for dissection and observation. Material and methods We examined 34 specimens of 10 Sparasion species (Appendix 1). All specimens were stored in 70% ethanol prior to dissection. Card-mounted voucher specimens are de- posited in the Insect Collection of University “Al.I].Cuza” Faculty of Biology, Iasi, Ro- mania (OPPC), in the C. A. Triplehorn Insect Collection, Ohio State University, Co- lumbus, OH, USA (OSUC) and in the Frost Entomological Museum, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA (PSUC). We followed the protocols of Prinsloo (1980) for specimen preparation. The head was boiled in 10% phenol in lactic acid for 30 minutes and rinsed in distilled water. The MLC were separated from the cranium using forceps (Dumont #5) and insect pins (size 2), then were transferred into 10% NaOH and macerated for 30 minutes, than transferred and rinsed in glacial acetic acid for 10 minutes. Clear and neutralized MLC specimens were dehydrated using ethanol series (70%, 96%, and 100% alco- hol; 30 min each) and transferred to a clove oil droplet on concave microscope slide. The labium was separated from the right and left maxillae and mounted separately in Canada balsam medium. The maxillo-labial complex of Sparasion (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea) 72 MLC specimens were examined under Euromex GE 3045 microscope (400x— 1000x). Line drawings were made using Reichart drawing tube attached to the same microscope. Photos were taken using a Leica DFC-500 camera mounted on a Leica M 205A stereomicroscope. CLSM images were taken on glycerin-stored specimens with Zeiss LSM 710 Con- focal Microscope. For visualizing anatomical structures we used excitation wavelength of 488 and emission wavelength of 510-680 nm, detected using two channels visual- ized separately using two pseudocolors (510-580 nm=green; 580-680 nm=red). For visualizing resilin we used excitation wavelength of 405 nm and emission wavelength of 510-680 nm detected using one channel visualized with blue pseudocolor. For Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) specimens were dried using hexam- ethyldisilazane (HMDS, Brown 1993), mounted on double adhesive tape and coated with gold. SEM images were taken using VEGA T SCAN SEM. Anatomical concepts used here are defined and aligned with those of Alam 1951, Beutel and Vilhelmsen 2007, Bugnion 1924, 1925, Cockerell 1924, Crampton 1923, Crosskey 1951, Dhillon 1966; Duncan 1939, Eickwort 1969, Forel 1874, Gotwald 1969, Krenn et al. 2005, Liu 1925; Matsuda 1965, Matsuda 1957, McGinley 1980, Michener 1944, Michener 1984, Plant and Paulus 1987, Prentice 1998, Ross 1937, Ritchie and Peters 1981, Ronquist and Nordlander 1989, Snodgrass 1942, Ulrich 1924, Vilhelmsen 1996, Winston 1979 in the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology (HAO, Yoder et al. 2010). Anatomical terms in the Results section are linked to the HAO via the URI table (Appendix 2; see Seltmann et al. 2012 for more information about this approach). Results Maxilla (integument) The cardo (cd: Fig. 1A—B) is triangular. The submedial maxillary process of the hypos- toma (hys: Fig 1A) inserts submedially on the proximal part of the cardo (caf: Fig. 1B). The mediodistal cardinal ridge, laterodistal cardinal ridge and basal cardinal ridge are present (Icr, mer, ber: Fig. 1D) and the inner and outer cardinal processes are absent. The cardo lays almost parallel to the external surface of the hypostoma and is largely obscured by it even if the maxillo-labial complex is fully protracted (Figs 1A, cd: 4A). The conjunctiva connecting the cardo to the rest of the maxillo-labial complex is resilin rich along the stipitocardinal hinge (sch: Fig. 1C). ‘The stipes is triangular in cross section distally. The posterior stipital wall of the stipes bears the posterior stipital sclerite (pss: Figs 1A, C, 2B, C), while the partly sclerotised medial wall and the convex and membranous anterolateral wall (conj: Fig. 1B) bears the galeo-lacinial complex (Fig. 2A, B, D; gal-lac: Fig. 1B, C). The posterior stipital sclerite is triangular in posterior view, and is margined by the principal carina of stipes (pcs: Figs 1A-C, 3A), which is less rigid and melanized than other regions of the sclerite and is the most developed medially and distolaterally. The principal carina of stipes is equipped 80 Ovidiu Alin Popovici et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 37: 77-111 (2014) C Figure 1. Mouthparts of Sparasion sp. A SEM micrograph showing the mouthparts, posterior (exter- nal) view, distal to the bottom B CLSM volume rendered image showing the maxillo-labial complex, anterior (internal) view, distal to the bottom (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.861065, doi: 10.6084/m9.figsha- re.861058) C Line drawing showing the maxillo-labial complex, posterior (external), distal to the bottom D Bright field image showing the cardo of Sparasion, lateral to the left. The maxillo-labial complex of Sparasion (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea) 81 distolaterally with the marginal fringe of the stipes (mfs: Figs 1A—C, 2B, C) composed of occasionally branched spines. The extent of the principal carina of the stipes on the distolateral margin is variable in different Sparasion species (compare pcs of Fig. 1A with that of Fig. 1B) but it always overlaps the proximomedial surface of the mandible (md: Fig. 1A). The median part of principal carina of the stipes is divided into the proximo- median stipital flange (pmf: Figs 1B, C, 2A) and the distomedial stipital flange (dmf: Figs 1C, 2A, B, C). The proximal part of the distomedial stipital flange posteriorly over- laps the distal part of the proximomedial stipital flange (pmf, dmf: Fig. 1C). The stipes articulates with the postmentum (psm: Figs 1C, 2C) and the distal prementum (pmn: Fig. 1A, C) along the proximomedial stipital flange and with the proximal prementum via the distomedial stipital flange. The medial stipital groove (msg: Figs 1A, 2B) extends medially along the proximomedial stipital flange and distomedial stipital flange and accommodates the first sclerite of the maxillary palp (mpalp: Fig. 1A, C, 3D, E) when it is adpressed against the stipes. The posterior stipital sclerite is glabrous, except a for few, elongate, mechanosensory hairs (msh: Figs 1C, 2B) just proximal of the base of maxillary palp and along the distolateral margin of the stipes abutting the hypostoma. The distal part of the posterior stipital sclerite is equipped with numerous campaniform sensilla (cps: Fig. 2C), which are visible only with transmitted light. The galeo-lacinial complex has four sclerites and two marginal lobes. ‘The proxi- mal, inverted T-shaped lacinial lever (bls: Fig. 2A, B) and the distal, narrow basal galeal sclerite (bgs: Fig. 2B, D) are situated on the median wall of the stipes and articulate with the posterior stipital sclerite along the distomedial stipital flange. The lacinial bar and lacinial comb are absent. ‘The proximolateral galeal sclerite (pgs: Fig. 2A) is situ- ated in the middle on the lateral wall of stipes and is connected proximally with the lacinial lever and distally with the basal galeal sclerite. The number of mechanosensory hairs in the proximolateral galeal setiferous patch (prs: Fig. 2A) is variable in different Sparasion species (Table 1) and overlaps the distolateral galeal sclerite (dgs: Fig. 2A, B, D), which traverses the galeo-lacinial complex and is represented on both its medial and lateral walls (the complex is unilayered at the sclerite). The proximolateral and dis- tolateral galeal sclerites are connected to each other by the lateral galeal crease. The api- comedial galeal plate is absent. The number of setae in the distolateral galeal setiferous patch (dgp: Fig. 2A) is variable in different Sparasion species (Table 1). The proximal galeal brush is absent. The single coeloconic sensillum of galea (cfs: Fig. 2B, D) is lo- cated distally on the median surface of the distolateral galeal sclerite. The single lacinial lobe (IIb: Fig. 2A, B, D) extends anteroproximal whereas the galeal lobe (glb: Fig. 2A, B, D) distal to the proximal galeal sclerites. The lacinial lobe and the proximal part of the galeal lobe are covered with short acanthae (ach: Fig. 2D), which comprise the spiculate patch of the lacinia and the spiculate patch of galea respectively. The galeal comb, galeal lamina and galeal fringe are absent. The velum (vlm: Fig. 2D) is fringed distally in some species (vlm: Fig. 2D). The stipital sclerite is absent from Sparasion. The maxillary palp (1mp: Fig. 2B, D) is connected at the distal apex of the poste- rior stipital sclerite trough the ventral dististipital process (vdp: Fig. 2B) adjacent to the basal galeal sclerite. The maxillary palp is composed of five maxillary sclerites among 82 Ovidiu Alin Popovici et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 37: 77-111 (2014) pencil AAS Pg La aN . ~