rte JHR 36: I-25 (2014) JOURNAL OF *0eerriewed opevaccess ural Diem ee aes (4) Hymenoptera www.pensoft.net/journals/jhr The imernatonl Sciey of Hymenopixriss, RESEARCH Revision of the genus Euagathis Szepligeti (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Agathidinae) from Thailand, with description of three new species Cornelis van Achterberg't, Michael J. Sharkey**, Eric G. Chapman*$ | Department of Terrestrial Zoology, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, ‘The Ne- therlands 2. Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky, S225 Agricultural Science Center North, Lexington, KY 40546-0091, USA T Attp://zoobank. org/D6374CF4-8F07-4FA8-8C55-9335FD1ICECD * Attp://zoobank.org/77B&8EC3A-442C-4A7A-AF85-A31C27E257F2 § Attp://zoobank. org/6 DFE2A05-3D5A-4AD8-90AC-02F8DA2DC452 Corresponding author: Cornelis van Achterberg (Cees.vanAchterberg@naturalis.nl); Michael J. Sharkey (msharkey@uky.edu) Academic editor: Gavin Broad| Received 27 May 2013 | Accepted 20 October 2013 | Published 14 February 2014 http://zoobank.org/69D5FFFA-62DD-40EB-95C6-039BD201DBEC Citation: Achterberg C van, Sharkey MJ, Chapman EG (2014) Revision of the genus Euagathis Szépligeti (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Agathidinae) from Thailand, with description of three new species. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25. doi: 10.3897/JHR.36.5658 Abstract The species of the genus Euagathis Szépligeti (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Agathidinae) from Thailand are revised. Eight species are treated, three new species are described, i.e. Euagathis breviantennata sp. n., E. setosimaculata sp. n. and E. pallitarsis sp. n. Disophrys sogdiana Fahringer, 1937, D. chinensis Fahringer, 1937, and Euagathis sentosus Chen & Yang, 1995, are new junior synonyms of Euagathis chinensis (Holm-gren, 1868). Euagathis guangxiensis (Chen & Yang, 2006) is a new combination. Lectotypes are designated for Disophrys sogdiana Fahringer, 1937, and D. chinensis Fahringer, 1937. A dichotomous illustrated key to species is presented; links to electronic interactive keys and to distribu- tion maps are also included. Keywords Thailand, Insecta, identification key, taxonomy, systematics, new species, Euagathis, Braconidae Copyright Cornelis van Achterberg. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution International Li- cense (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Cornelis van Achterberg et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25 (2014) Introduction Agathidinae is a moderately large subfamily of medium-sized to fairly large Braconidae with 1,154 described species worldwide and 316 in the Oriental Region (Yu et al. 2012), although there are an estimated 2,000—3,000 species awaiting description worldwide (Sharkey et al. 2006). The subfamily has a worldwide distribution, but its members are more common in subtropical and tropical regions than in temperate areas. The history of the classification of the Agathidinae was summarized by Sharkey (1992) and Sharkey et al. (2006) conducted phylogenetic analyses based on morphology and the D2—D3 regions of 28S rDNA. The Oriental fauna of Agathidinae was first revised by Bhat and Gupta (1977), who provided a detailed history of taxonomic research for the area. Keys to the Oriental genera of Agathidinae were published by Sharkey et al. (2009), van Achterberg and Long (2010) and Sharkey and Clutts (2011). The first key to the Oriental species of the genus Euagathis Szépligeti, 1900 was provided by Bhat and Gupta (1977). The Indo-Australian species of the genus Euagathis were revised by Simbolotti and van Achter- berg (1990, Sulawesi; 1995, Sunda islands), van Achterberg and Chen (2002, China and Vietnam), van Achterberg (2004, Wallacea, Australian region), van Achterberg and Ray- chaudhuri (2004, India) and van Achterberg and Long (2010, Vietnam). Chen and Yang (2006) provided a key to the Chinese species of Euagathis. The genus Euagathis was shown in the phylogenetic analysis by Sharkey et al. (2006) to be firmly nested within the tribe Disophrini and closely related to the genus Coccygidium de Saussure, 1892. Methods As part of the TIGER (Thailand Inventory Group for Entomological Research) NSF- funded entomological inventory of Thailand, three Malaise traps (per locality) were used at 30 different localities throughout Thailand from 2006-2010, comprising ap- proximately 90 Malaise trap years. The specimens dealt with here are primarily from these traps. Species concepts are based on morphological and molecular data from COI and 28S. Morphological terms follow van Achterberg (1988) and van Achterberg and Long (2010). Distributional data are listed for all new species and a Google map with associ- ated distributional data is included for all species. Phylogenetic methods: Regions D2-D3 of 28S rDNA (roughly 560 base pairs) were sequenced using the primers 23SD2hymF (5’°-AGAGAGAGTTCAAGAGTACGTG-3’) and 28SD3hymR (5’--TAGTTCACCATCTTTCGGGTC-3’). Sequences were edited using Geneious Pro v4.7.5 (Drummond et al. 2009) and aligned using MAFFT (Katoh et al. 2006) through the GUIDANCE server (Penn et al. 2010) which was used to assess confidence scores for each column in the alignment. Columns with confidence scores < 93% (default) were removed prior to all phylogenetic analyses. COI sequences were gener- ated with the primers LepF1 (5’°-ATTCAACCAATCATAAAGATATTGG-3’) and LepR1 (5’-TAAACTTCTGGATGTCCAAAAAATCA-3’). MAFFT was used to align the COI Euagathis Szépligeti from Thailand eS: & Thai and ‘ Long Xuyen 0° rma can 8 ® E. breviantennata ? E. chinensis nk DE. dravida fyi, @ E. forticarinata star ® E. ophippium 1 © E. pallitarsus Pend E. setosimaculata Figure |. Map showing the collection sites in Thailand. sequences and no regions of ambiguous alignment were detected. Three permutations of the molecular data were phylogenetically analyzed herein: (1) a 49-OTU 28S-only data set, (2) a31-OTU COlL-only data set and (3) a 30-OTU data set in which all OTUs con- tain both COI and 28S sequences. The data sets were analysed under Bayesian Inference (BI) with MrBayes (v3.2; Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001, Ronquist and Huelsenbeck 2003) under the GTR+I+G model of evolution (Rodriguez et al. 1990), partitioned by gene in the 2-gene data set, and conducted for 10 million generations. Additionally, the data sets were analyzed under maximum likelihood (ML) using Garli (v1.0; Zwickl 2006), using the default settings and the GTR+I+G model for best-tree searches and 100-repli- cate bootstrap analyses. Finally, 100 maximum parsimony (MP) bootstrap replicates were conducted on each data set using PAUP* (v4.0b10; Swofford 2001). Herein, we present the tree with the highest log-likelihood from each ML analysis, with nodal support values 4 Cornelis van Achterberg et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25 (2014) obtained from each method. Rooting the analyses with Disophrys spp. (GenBank acces- sion numbers: COI: KC899814-KC899816; 28S: HQ667969-HQ667971, JF506257, KC867209) was based on the close relationship between these two genera recovered from analyses of large agathidine data sets (Sharkey, unpublished). Distribution data, pdf’s of non-copyright references, images, notes, and host and type information can be found by searching TaxaBank (a combined specimen and taxonomic database; http://purl.org/taxabank. Codes beginning with an “H” and fol- lowed by numbers are unique identifiers used for specimens in the HIC (below), and in the specimen database TaxaBank (e.g., H 647). Abbreviations used for specimen depositories HIC Hymenoptera Institute Collection, University of Kentucky, Department of Entomology, Lexington, Kentucky, USA. NRMS Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden. QSBG Queen Sirikit Botanic Gardens, Chiang Mai, ‘Thailand. RMNH Naturalis Biodiversity Center Collection [formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie], Leiden, Netherlands. Results Species delimitation. Both morphological and molecular data, specifically COI and 28S, were used to determine species limits. Our original morphological species concepts were tested against the molecular data. Most of these morphological concepts were cor- roborated, including the rather subtle morphological differences between E. abbotti and E. forticarinata, which are distinguished with both COI (Fig. 2) and 28S (Fig. 3). The COI ML tree (Fig. 2) shows two distinct lineages of E. forticarinata and one specimen (H004) that is an outlier from both of these clades. The sole specimen of the morphologically distinct species E. setosimaculata lies between the two clades. ‘This strong- ly suggests that E. forticarinata may be comprised of more than one species. However we could discover no consistent morphological differences between the two lineages. The COI ML tree (Fig. 2) also shows considerable variation within EF. abdozti, but again we could not discern morphological characters consistent with these lineages. The 28S ML tree (Fig. 3) is more conservative and provides different information for our purposes, it separates all of our morphologically based species concepts and all members within these species have identical sequences, with the following two exceptions. First, E. ophippium and E. pallitarsis are distinct morphologically but have identical 28S sequences; nonethe- less based on the morphological data we chose to suggest species status for both. Second, the two E. forticarinata specimens, H004 and H743, are identical and distinct from the other E£. forticarinata specimens. We do not have COI data for H743, however COI data for H004 is distinct and widely separated from all other E. forticarinata specimens (Fig. 2). Euagathis Szépligeti from Thailand — 0.01 substitutions/site H123 E. abbotti H137 E. abbotti H131 E. abbotti H132 E. abbotti H133 E. abbotti 100 / 92} H134 E. abbotti a H124 E. abbotti H125 E. abbotti HO10 E. forticarinata H068 E. forticarinata H064 E. forticarinata H062 E. forticarinata H078 E. forticarinata HO070 E. forticarinata H044 E. forticarinata 100 / 92 H052 E. forticarinata ze - H087 E. forticarinata H139 E. forticarinata ar H138 E. setosimaculata 74 HO004 E. forticarinata HO05 E. forticarinata H128 E. forticarinata HO008 E. forticarinata 100 / 86 81 HO79 E. forticarinata 100/93 100 H120 E. forticarinata H126 E. forticarinata 100.400 H0O11 E. ophippium 1001 895 E. ophippium H090 D. erythrocephala HO07 D. rhinoides HO06 D. strigata Figure 2. ML tree from the analysis of the COL-only data set with BI posterior probabilities (x 100) and ML bootstrap values above the branches (left to right) and MP bootstrap values below the branches. Ar- row points to a rogue exemplar of E. forticarinata. 6 Cornelis van Achterberg et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25 (2014) — 0.001 substitutions/site H132 E. abbotti H134 E. abbotti H505 E. abbott H125 E. abbott H131 E. abbotti H133 E. abbott H124 E. abbotti 901) H137 E. abbott H123 E. abbott H589 E. abbotti H431 E. breviantennata <{— H078 E. forticarinata HO079 E. forticarinata H052 E. forticarinata H087 E. forticarinata H120 E. forticarinata H1126 E. forticarinata H356 E. forticarinata H064 E. forticarinata H135 E. forticarinata H1624 E. forticarinata HO05 E. forticarinata H621 E. forticarinata H129 E. forticarinata H010 E. forticarinata H062 E. forticarinata HO08 E. forticarinata H044 E. forticarinata H130 E. forticarinata H128 E. forticarinata H127 E. forticarinata H136 E. forticarinata HO68 E. forticarinata HO070 E. forticarinata H126 E. forticarinata 22 H004 E. forticarinata 67! H743 E. forticarinata 73/68 76, HOO9 E. chinensis 72 65| H923 E. chinensis 62! 14339 E. chinensis 100 / 100 H138 E. setosimaculata m0 H1117 E. dravida 100/100, H895 E. ophippium 100! H1344 E. pallitarsis H1862 D. subfaciata H1129 D. subfasciata HO006 D. strigata HO007 D. rhinoides HO90 D. erythrocephala Figure 3. ML tree from the analysis of the 28S-only data set with BI posterior probabilities (x 100) and ML bootstrap values above the branches (left to right) and MP bootstrap values below the branches. Top to bottom, arrows point to a sequence of E. breviantennata identical to those of FE. abbotti b rogue exem- plars of E. forticarinata that may indicate a new species and € sequences of E. ophippium and E. pallitarsis which are identical to one another. Euagathis Szépligeti from Thailand — 0.005 substitutions/site H123 E. abbotti H137 E. abbotti H131 E. abbotti H132 E. abbotti H133 E. abbotti 100 / 100}! H134 E. abbotti 100 H124 E. abbotti H125 E. abbotti HO005 E. forticarinata 52 | - a H128 E. forticarinata HO08 E. forticarinata HO79 E. forticarinata 100 / 100 100 H120 E. forticarinata H126 E. forticarinata H010 E. forticarinata H064 E. forticarinata H062 E. forticarinata H068 E. forticarinata H044 E. forticarinata 81/- 100 H052 E. forticarinata = HO70 E. forticarinata HO78 E. forticarinata 88 / - : H087 E. forticarinata 100/100 HO004 E. forticarinata <— ke H138 E. setosimaculata 100/99 H011 E. ophippium we H895 E. ophippium HO007 D. rhinoides HO90 D. erythrocephala HO06 D. strigata Figure 4. ML tree from the analysis of the COI+28S data set in which every taxon has both genes. BI posterior probabilities (x100) and ML bootstrap values are above the branches (left to right) and MP bootstrap values are below the branches. Arrow points to a rogue exemplar of E. forticarinata. 8 Cornelis van Achterberg et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25 (2014) Unfortunately, both H004 and H743 are male specimens and they both appear identical to other melanic males of FE. forticarinata (see Fig. 9k). It is our opinion that these two specimens probably represent a new species, but due to the lack of female specimens, the lack of diagnostic characters to distinguish the putative species from E. forticarinata and our rather small sample size, we have decided against proposing a new species. Figure 4 is a ML tree of the combined COI and 28S data. Since the 28S data are largely monotonous within species the topology mostly reflects that of the COI tree (Fig. 2). Genus Euagathis Szépligeti, 1900 Key to species of the genus Exagathis Szépligeti from Thailand (see also the interactive key here) 1 Scutellum strongly tuberculate, protruding and with long setae (a); anterior/ dorsal face of propodeum much shorter than its posterior face (b) .............. 2 - Scutellum weakly to moderately convex and with short setae (aa); dorsal face of propodeum usually about as long as or longer than its posterior face (bb) (exceptshortenin. ls setosimacdidia spe ts LEIG, VLE) 5. olerenduleurocesderdeioceadnts 3 pl Scutellum pale yellow (a); area below precoxal sulcus densely punctate-rugose (b); metapleuron finely reticulate-punctate (c); hind tarsus ivory (d)............. a teRe 10 RES Oued De an aI hla Mende eee Naira airs Bie sab Sel been E. pallitarsis sp. n. Euagathis Szépligeti from Thailand 9 Scutellum mostly reddish brown (aa); area below precoxal sulcus densely punctate (bb); metapleuron coarsely vermiculate-rugose (cc); hind tarsus lo) red sca (a el Rae eater poten oe aen ee ratere eer E. ophippium (Cameron, 1899) Lateral lobes of mesoscutum distinctly convex posteriorly and medially dis- tinctly punctate (but sometimes sparsely and/or partly striate) (a); metapleu- ron usually densely punctate submedially (b); first metasomal tergite 1.7—2.1 GIN ES Sal ON CrASPApOI CAL TCLELINCC his feds .nsn ale wilcllAoeas LeMieul Seas lauvaly meee 4 Ss Lateral lobes of mesoscutum weakly convex or flattened posteriorly and lobes submedially largely smooth (aa); metapleuron sparsely punctate medially (bb); first tergite 1.3-1.6 times as long as apical width (CC) ...eeeeeeeeeseeeeeee STerrNaeeeit rie. FG rae eee Ooms S eUNIEUNTTWUET) eC RO 9, FRE E. chinensis (Holmgren, 1868) Dorsal face of propodeum much shorter than posterior face of propodeum (a); area near vein cu-a of hind wing distinctly setose (b); vein cu-a of hind wing about as long as wide (c); hind femur thick (d) .......... E. setosimaculata sp. n. 10 Cornelis van Achterberg et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25 (2014) — Dorsal face of propodeum about as long as posterior face of propodeum (aa); area near vein cu-a of hind wing glabrous or sparsely setose (bb); vein cu-a of hind wing distinctly longer than wide (cc); hind femur slender (dd)........... 5 5 Stigmal spot of fore wing absent (a); mesopleuron of both sexes mostly black Grdarieteddish= prow nn lyst. see ee Re coer. renee eer ere ee eee 6 7 Stigmal spot of fore wing medium-sized to large (aa); mesopleuron of female yellowish-brown (bb), male mesopleuron sometimes dark brown or black.....7 6 Antennal segments of female short (mostly as long as wide) and bristly (a); scutellum rounded anteriorly, without transverse carina anteriorly (b); head and mesoscutum reddish- or yellowish-brown (c) ...E. breviantennata sp. n. Euagathis Szépligeti from Thailand 11 Antennal segments of female mostly longer than wide and setose (aa); scutel- lum angulate anteriorly, with transverse carina anteriorly (bb); head and mes- OSCUEUII DL AGke (CCR delenit dsr arec sets E. dravida Bhat & Gupta, 1977 a eS NUNN 0 1, ot tO te Se Tenth antennal segment, from apex, of female 0.9—1.1 times as long as wide and sub-apical segments sub-moniliform (a) (male 1.3—1.4 times); anterior crenulae of precoxal sulcus short (b); anterior face of scutellum rounded dor- sally (c); lateral lobes of mesoscutum without oblique rugae near medio-pos- LETIO@TALCA CCL. 2.uceln eS aleeee le MeN een by Meee tree E. abbotti (Ashmead, 1900) Tenth antennal segment, from apex, of female 1.2—1.4 times as long as wide and sub-apical segments normal (aa) (male 1.5—1.6 times); anterior crenulae of precoxal sulcus often medium-sized or long (bb); anterior face of scutel- lum angulate dorsally and smooth except for median carina (cc); lateral lobes of mesoscutum often with fine oblique rugae near medio-posterior area of FIESOSCULUIN CCL) tent eel EBT evens ton E. forticarinata (Cameron, 1899) Descriptions Euagathis abbotti (Ashmead, 1900) http://species-id.net/wiki/Euagathis_abbotti Distribution. For a distribution map of Thai specimens and their associated data, see Appendix I. Brunei; Indonesia (Java, Sumatra); Laos; East Malaysia (Sabah); Thailand; Vietnam. Reported from Thailand by Simbolotti and van Achterberg (1995). 12 Cornelis van Achterberg et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25 (2014) Asti a ee Se OO ae : a i eae EE 5 ee iO fee | I) Figure 5. Euagathis abbotti (Ashmead), female. A lateral habitus B wings C dorsal habitus D dorsal mesothorax E propodeum F lateral mesosoma G base of hind wing H male, dorsal habitus I female, 10" flagellomere from apex J male, lateral habitus. Molecular data. Genbank accession numbers: KC899817-KC899824 (COI); KC867210-KC867217, KC867219-KC867220 (28S). Notes. The pterostigma, mesosoma, metasoma and hind leg of the male are usually largely dark brown or black. Euagathis breviantennata van Achterberg & Sharkey, sp. n. http://zoobank.org/A2 CAEB56-6BD6-4C9C-9CIE-03CE7463227E http://species-id.net/wiki/Euagathis_breviantennata Type material. Holotype, 2 (QSBG), “Thailand: Chiang Mai, Doi Chiang Dao N. P, Headquarter, 19°24.278'N, 98°55.311'E, 491 m elev., Malaise trap, 14-21.viii.2007, S. Jugsu & A. Watwanich” (H928; 15672). Paratypes (3 2): 1 9 (RMNH), Thailand: “Chiang Mai, Doi Chiang Dao W. S., Pha Trang unit, 19°24.978'N, 98°54.886'E, 526 m elev., Malaise trap, 21-28.x.2007, Songkran & Apichart” (H340); 1 9 (HIC), “Chiang Mai Prob., Queen Sirikit Botanic. Garden, 18°52'50.7"N, 98°51'42.3"E, alt. 811 m elev., by Malaise trap, 9-16.vi.2009, semi-evergreen forest, K. Kaewjanta et al. QSBG-2009-125” (H694); 1 9 (QSBG), “Nakhon Si Thammarat, Namtok Yong N. P, behind lavatory, 8°10.397'N, 99°44.503'E, 95 m elev., Malaise trap, 26.v.-2. Euagathis Szépligeti from Thailand i HAILAND QSBG-2009-125 Chiang Mai Prob. Alt 811m Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden 18°52'50.7"N 98°51742.3"E 9-16 vi2009 By Malaise trap Semi-evergreen forest K. kaewjanta et al Figure 6. Euagathis breviantennata sp. n., female, paratype. A lateral habitus B fore wing C hind wing D dorsal head E lateral head F lateral mesosoma G dorsal thorax H postero-lateral propodeum and an- terior metasoma. vi.2009, U-prai K.” (H431); 1 9 (HIC) Chiang Mai, Doi Chiangdao NP, Pha Tang substation, 19.416°N, 98.915°E, 526 m elev., Malaise trap, 28.viii—4.ix.2007, S. Jugsu & A. Watwanich (H4107). Diagnosis. This new species keys to E. fuscinotum Enderlein, 1920, from the Sunda area (Java, Sumatra, Borneo, West Malaysia) in the key by Simbolotti and van Achter- berg (1995). Females of both species have the segments of the apical half of the antenna about as long as wide. E. breviantennata sp. n. differs by having the hind femur punc- tate-rugose ventrally (coarsely punctate in FE. fuscinotum), third antennal segment of female about twice as long as wide (about 3 times), setae of middle tarsus about as long as width of tarsal segments (about half as long as width of segments), anterior crenulae of precoxal sulcus long (short to medium-sized), head normally triangular in anterior view and about 1.2 times wider than high (eyes strongly protruding, head about 1.4 times wider than high in female), apical half of fore wing with yellowish tinge (without yellowish tinge) and first tergite comparatively elongate and 1.7—2.2 times as long as wide apically (comparatively short and 1.4—1.9 times as long as wide apically). Description. Holotype, °, length of body 8.2 mm, of fore wing 7.9 mm, of ovi- positor sheath 0.8 mm. Head. Antennal segments 45, length of third segment 1.3 times fourth segment, length of third, fourth and penultimate segments 2.2, 1.8 and 1.0 times their width, 14 Cornelis van Achterberg et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25 (2014) respectively; apical antennal segment as long as penultimate segment; maxillary palp 0.6 times height of head; malar space 2.8 times as long as basal width of mandible; length of eye 2.1 times temple; temple directly narrowed posteriorly and slightly con- cave laterally; POL:0D:OOL= 6:5:9; face shiny with shallow medial groove dorsally, spaced punctulate and setose; frons, vertex and temple shiny and smooth (Fig. 6d); temple concave near lower level of eye. Mesosoma. Length of mesosoma 1.4 times its height; pronotum smooth, but setose and punctulate dorsally and finely crenulate posteriorly; area near lateral carina of mesoscutum smooth; mesoscutum shiny, with spaced and rather coarse punctures and lateral lobes distinctly convex posteriorly (Fig. 6g); notauli complete, smooth or nearly so; scutellum convex and densely coarsely punctate, antero-dorsal margin rounded and without transverse carina; precoxal sulcus complete and anterior crenulae long (Fig. 6f); mesopleuron and metapleuron medially coarsely punctate with interspaces equal to diameter of punctures or wider; propodeum coarsely areolate, anterior face about as long as posterior face. Wings. Fore wing: second submarginal cell pentagonal and with short ramellus (Fig. 6b); vein SR1 straight; r:3-SR:SR1 = 4:1:72; vein 2-R1 0.5 times as long as 1-R1; vein cu-a slightly antefurcal; no stigmal spot. Hind wing: vein M+CU 3.2 times as long as vein 1-M; area near vein cu-a glabrous. Legs. Length of hind femur, tibia and basitarsus 4.9, 8.3 and 7.6 times their width, respectively; hind femur punctate-rugose ventrally; setae of middle tarsus about as long as width of tarsal segments; fore and middle tarsal segments moderately slender; length of outer and inner spur of middle tibia 0.6 and 0.8 times middle basitarsus, respec- tively; outer side of middle tibia without pegs, except for 1 apical peg; length of outer and inner spur of hind tibia 0.4 and 0.6 times hind basitarsus. Metasoma. First tergite 1.9 times as long as wide apically, smooth, moderately elon- gate and apically widened (Fig. Gh); second metasomal suture absent; ovipositor sheath 0.1 times as long as fore wing, truncate apically and somewhat widened (Fig. 6a). Colour. Black; head, scapus and pedicellus (both partly darkened), palpi, meso- soma (but mesopleuron (except anteriorly), metapleuron and propodeum black and mesosternum largely dark brown) and fore and middle legs, yellowish-brown; basal half of metasoma largely ivory ventrally and laterally, apical half of metasoma largely dark brown, but hypopygium with ivory patch medially; pterostigma and veins brown; wing membrane brownish with a yellowish tinge (Fig. 6b, c); apex of ovipositor sheath ivory. Variation. Length of fore wing 5.9—7.9 mm; length of ovipositor sheath 0.11—0.12 times as long as fore wing; antennal segments of female 40(1), 44(1) or 45(1); first metasomal tergite 1.7—2.2 times as long as its apical width; mesosternum and meso- pleuron ventrally largely dark brown or yellowish-brown. Biology. Unknown. Distribution. Only known from Thailand. For a distribution map, see Appendix I. Molecular data. Genbank accession numbers: KC867218 (28S). Etymology. From “brevis” (Latin for “short”) and “antenna” (Latin for “sailyard, feeler”) because of the short antenna of the female. Euagathis Szépligeti from Thailand 15 Figure 7. Euagathis chinensis (Holmgren), female. A lateral habitus B wings C antero-lateral head D lateral head E lateral mesosoma F dorsal thorax G dorsal propodeum H dorsal metasomal tergites 1-3. Euagathis chinensis (Holmgren, 1868) http://species-id.net/wiki/Euagathis_chinensis Distribution. For a distribution map of Thai specimens examined and their associated data, see Appendix I. China (Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan Island, Hong Kong, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Qinghai, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang); India; Indonesia (Java, Sumatra); Japan; Laos; West Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Singa- pore; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Vietnam. First reported from Thailand by Bhat and Gupta (1977). Molecular data. Genbank accession numbers: KC867221-KC867223 (28S). Notes. ‘The following species belong to E. chinensis (Holmgren, 1868): Disophrys sogdiana Fahringer, 1937: lectotype here designated (NRMS), “China, Kolthoff’, “Provins Kiangsu’, “Sept.”, “Typ.”, “Disophrys sogdiana sp. N., Type, det. Dr. Fahringer”, “NHRS-HEVA, 000000041”; according to the original description there are 2 additional females from the same locality. The lectotype belongs to Euaga- this chinensis (Holmgren, 1868) syn. n. It has the vein 1-R1 of fore wing and its setae dark brown (as most of the wing membrane), the second metasomal suture is absent, the stemmaticum and the vertex are black; apical 0.8 of hind tibia dorsally (but only ventral 0.3) and hind tarsus dark brown. Disophrys chinensis Fahringer, 1937: lectotype here designated (NRMS), “China, DP) (<9 > (<9 Kolthoff”, “Provins Kiangsu’”, “Sept.”, “Typus”, “Disophrys chinensis sp. N., Type, det. 16 Cornelis van Achterberg et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25 (2014) THAILAND: Chiang Dao Province 18.8°N, 98.8°E Vili. 2001 \ Figure 8. Euagathis dravida Bhat & Gupta, female. A Dorsal head B lateral head C wings D Lateral habitus E dorsal habitus F lateral mesosoma G dorsal scutellum and propodeum. Dr. Fahringer”, “NHRS-HEVA, 000000042”; according to the original description there are 2 additional females and a male from the same locality. The lectotype belongs to Euagathis chinensis (Holmgren, 1868) syn. n. It is very similar to E. sogdiana, but has a narrow band below the pterostigma and the basal half of the fore wing yellowish. The paralectotype male has the basal half of the fore wing partly darkened near vein cu-a. Euagathis sentosus Chen & Yang, 1995, was purported to be a valid species be- cause of the dark setae of vein 1-R1 of the fore wing and by having a shallow second metasomal suture (van Achterberg 2004), but the presence or absence of the second metasomal suture is variable in the series of FE. chinensis from Thailand. In addition, E. sogdiana, E. chinensis (Fahringer) and the specimens from Thailand and Vietnam have the setae of vein 1-R1 dark brown. Therefore, E. sentosus is considered to be conspecific with E. chinensis (Holmgren) syn. n. Euagathis dravida Bhat & Gupta, 1977 http://species-id.net/wiki/Euagathis_dravida Distribution. For a map showing the locality of the sole Thai specimen, see Appendix I. India; Vietnam. New for Thailand. Molecular data. Genbank accession number 28S: DQ201905. Euagathis Szépligeti from Thailand 17 THAILAND Trang Prov. Khoa Chong, Forest Research Stn. 7°33'2"N 99°47°23"E. 75m. X.2005.D. Lohman HO10 Figure 9. Euagathis forticarinata (Cameron). A female, lateral habitus B fore wing C hind wing D dorsal head E dorsal head F lateral mesosoma G dorsal thorax H propodeum I first metasomal tergite J female, lateral habitus showing variation, note color of hind tibia K male, lateral habitus L fore wing variation. Euagathis forticarinata (Cameron, 1899) http://species-id.net/wiki/Euagathis_forticarinata Distribution. For a distribution map of Thai specimens and their associated data, see Appendix I. China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan Island, Hong Kong, Hubei, Jiangxi, Macau, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang); India; Indonesia (Java, Sulawesi, Sumatra, West Lesser Sundas); West Malaysia; Nepal; Philippines (Lu- zon); Sri Lanka; Thailand; Vietnam. Molecular data. Genbank accession numbers: KC899825-KC899841 (COI); KC867224-KC867249 (28S). Notes. This is a variable species, females vary in sculpture of the mesosoma and the males both in colour and sculpture. Males may have the body yellow (as female) up to largely black (except head, anterior part of mesosoma, fore and middle legs; Fig. 9k); intermediates occur and melanic males are more common in Thailand than are yellow ones. The area below the precoxal sulcus varies from widely spaced punctate, densely punctate, punctate-rugulose to densely obliquely rugulose with dense puncta- 18 Cornelis van Achterberg et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25 (2014) tion and the mesoscutum may be sparsely punctate to distinctly striate posteriorly; the apical half of the hind tibia may be largely dark brown or only apically dark brown. Especially small (5-6 mm) specimens may have a less densely sculptured mesopleuron, metapleuron and mesoscutum. See species delimitation section for comments on the limits of this species. Euagathis ophippium (Cameron, 1899) http://species-id.net/wiki/Euagathis_ophippium Distribution. For a distribution map of Thai specimens and their associated data, see Appendix I. China (Beijing, Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangsu, Ji- lin, Shandong, Yunnan, Zhejiang); India; Japan; Korea; Nepal; Russia (Primor’ye Kray);Vietnam. New for Thailand. Molecular data. Genbank accession numbers: KC899842 (COI); KC867250- KC867251 (28S). Euagathis pallitarsis van Achterberg & Sharkey, sp. n. http://zoobank.org/32DC5893-4D 1 1-4191-9EAC-AF4E211CC75E http://species-id.net/wiki/Euagathis_pallitarsis Type material. Holotype, 2 (QSBG), “Thailand: Petchaburi, Kaeng Krachan N. P,, km 3.3/helipad, 12°50.177'N, 99°20.688'E, 735 m elev., Malaise trap, 18-25.v.2009, Sirichai” (H1344; T4943). Paratypes (3 2): 1 Q (RMNH), “Thailand: Petchaburi, Kaeng Krachan N. P, Panernthang, 12°49.302'N, 99°22.263'E, Malaise trap, 18- 25.i.2009, Sirichai” (H2441; T4408); 1 2 (HIO,, id., but 4-11.ii1.2009, Sirichai & Chusak (H756; 14734); 1 2 (HIC), id., but checkpoint 2 at Ban Krang, 12°47.896'N, 99°27.196'E, 336 m elev., sweep, 25.vi.2008, Sharkey (H738; T2853). Diagnosis. This new species keys to E. ophippium (Cameron, 1899), from North India, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, Oriental and Palaearctic China, Korea, Japan and Far East Russia in the keys by van Achterberg and Chen (2002) and van Achterberg and Raychaudhuri (2004). Both species have a tuberculate scutellum and a wide second submarginal cell of the fore wing (vein r distinctly shorter than vein 3-SR). E. pallitarsis differs by having the hind tarsus and base of the hind tibia ivory (black in E. ophip- pium), the metapleuron finely reticulate-punctate (coarsely vermiculate-rugose), the scutellum pale yellow (largely reddish brown), the area below the precoxal sulcus dense- ly punctate-rugose (densely punctate) and the propodeum with long golden or pale yellow setae (medium-sized silvery setae). Gyrochus guangxiensis Chen & Yang, 2006, from Oriental China (Guangxi) has a similar tuberculate scutellum and is transferred to Euagathis (E. guangxiensis (Chen & Yang, 2006) comb. n.). E. guangxiensis differs by having the mesoscutum finely punctate (fairly coarsely punctate in E. pallitarsis sp. n.), the fore wing pale yellowish (brown), the Euagathis Szépligeti from Thailand 1g THAILAND Chiang >. 2) = ee! tS ‘ at = Na Ch Figure 10. Exagathis ophippium (Cameron), female. A lateral habitus B wings C dorsal head D lateral head E lateral mesosoma F dorsal thorax G propodeum H dorsal metasomal tergites 1-3. | |THAILAND Petchaburi a Kaeng Krachan NP Panernthung — ‘ 42°49.302'N99°22.263'E Malaise trap 4-11.iii.2009 | Sirichai&Chusak leg. T4734 Cc) Figure | 1. Eagathis pallitarsis sp. n., female, paratype. A lateral habitus B fore wing C hind wing D dorsal head E lateral head F dorsal thorax G dorsal first metasomal tergite H lateral mesosoma I dorsal propodeum. crenulae of the precoxal sulcus coarse (medium-sized), the third and fourth segments of the fore tarsus normal (shortened) and the head, hind femur and mesoscutum largely brown (black). 20 Cornelis van Achterberg et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25 (2014) Description. Holotype, 2, length of body 8.5 mm, of fore wing 9.8 mm, of ovi- positor sheath 0.6 mm. Head. Antennal segments 49, length of third segment 1.4 times fourth segment, length of third, fourth and penultimate segments 2.8, 2.0 and 1.2 times their width, respectively; apical antennal segment 1.3 times as long as penultimate segment; max- illary palp 0.7 times height of head; malar space 2.8 times as long as basal width of mandible; length of eye 1.8 times temple; temple directly narrowed posteriorly, with long setae and slightly concave laterally; POL:O0D:OOL= 5:5:8; face shiny with shal- low medial groove dorsally, punctulate, finely rugulose medio-ventrally and long se- tose; frons, vertex and temple shiny and smooth (Fig. 11d); temple nearly straight near lower level of eye. Mesosoma. Length of mesosoma 1.3 times its height; pronotum largely smooth, but with some curved striae anteriorly, punctulate dorsally and finely crenulate poste- riorly; area near lateral carina of mesoscutum smooth anteriorly and finely crenulate posteriorly; mesoscutum shiny, with spaced and rather coarse punctures and lateral lobes distinctly convex posteriorly (Fig. 11f); notauli complete, anterior half finely crenulate and posterior half smooth or nearly so; scutellum tuberculate, with long setae and densely coarsely punctate, antero-dorsal margin rounded and with irregular transverse rugae; precoxal sulcus complete and all crenulae long and connected to ru- gae ventrally, area below it punctate-rugose (Fig. 11h); metapleuron coarsely punctate- rugose; propodeum coarsely areolate-rugose, anterior face much shorter than posterior face and with many long setae. Wings. Fore wing: second submarginal cell wide pentagonal and with short ramel- lus (Fig. 11b); vein SR1 nearly straight; r:3-SR:SR1 = 4:10:110; vein 2-R1 0.2 times as long as 1-R1; vein cu-a interstitial; no stigmal spot. Hind wing: vein M+CU 2.9 times as long as vein 1-M; area near vein cu-a glabrous. Legs. Length of hind femur, tibia and basitarsus 5.3, 8.0 and 10.2 times their width, respectively; hind femur superficially pimply and largely smooth ventrally; se- tae of middle tarsus shorter than width of tarsal segments; third and fourth fore and middle tarsal segments shortened; length of outer and inner spur of middle tibia 0.4 and 0.5 times middle basitarsus, respectively; outer side of middle tibia without pegs, except for 2 apical pegs; length of outer and inner spur of hind tibia 0.3 and 0.6 times hind basitarsus. Metasoma. First tergite 2.3 times as long as wide apically, gradually widened api- cally, with short dorsal carinae basally and smooth (Fig. 11g); second metasomal suture faintly impressed; ovipositor sheath 0.06 times as long as fore wing, truncate apically and widened. Colour. Black; mouthparts (including palpi), fore and middle legs, pronotal side laterally, mesopleuron dorsally and posteriorly, tegulae, mesoscutum posteriorly, scutel- lum, metanotum, metapleuron near base of hind coxa, apex and ventral face of hind coxa, hind trochanter and trochantellus, base of hind tibia, hind tarsus, first tergite (ex- cept subapical dark brown patch), second tergite anteriorly and laterally (but with dark brown patch on epipleuron), posterior margin of following tergites, sternites apically Euagathis Szépligeti from Thailand 21 and apex of ovipositor sheath more or less ivory; pterostigma and veins dark brown, but vein 1-R1 of fore wing light brown; wing membrane light brown (Fig. 11b, c). Variation. Length of fore wing 8.6—9.8 mm; length of ovipositor sheath 0.06 times as long as fore wing; antennal segments of female 48 (1) or 49 (3); first metasomal ter- gite 1.9-2.3 times as long as its apical width; dark brown patch of first tergite minute or large; third epipleuron large black or ivory anteriorly. Distribution. Only known from Thailand. For a distribution map, see Appendix I. Molecular data. Genbank accession number KC867252 (28S). Etymology. From “pallidus” (Latin for “pale”) and “tarsos” (Greek for “flat part of the foot between toes and heel”) because of the pale hind tarsus. Euagathis setosimaculata van Achterberg & Sharkey, sp. n. http://zoobank.org/89F401F5-90EF-4F53-8003-F784218DCB84 http://species-id.net/wiki/Euagathis_setosimaculata Type material. Holotype, 2 (QSBG), “Thailand: Phetchabun, Thung Salaeng Lu- ang N. P., Kaeng Wang Nam Yen, 16°36.587'N, 100°53.395'E, Malaise trap, 22-26. xi.2006 (H138; T1160). For a distribution map, see Appendix I. Diagnosis. This new species keys to E. abbotti (Ashmead, 1900) from the Sunda area, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam in the key by Simbolotti and van Achterberg (1995). Females of both species have the third and fourth segments of the fore tarsus slender, vein 1-R1 of fore wing somewhat darker than the pterostigma, the precoxal sulcus com- paratively narrow, the mesoscutum distinctly punctate and the scapus yellow. E. setosi- maculata sp. n. differs by having the dorsal face of the propodeum much shorter than its posterior face (about as long as posterior face in E. abdotti); the hind femur about 4 times as long as wide (5-6 times); the area near vein cu-a of the hind wing glabrous (sparsely setose); vein cu-a of hind wing about as long as wide (distinctly longer than wide). Description. Holotype, 2, length of body 7.2 mm, of fore wing 7.5 mm, of ovi- positor sheath 0.6 mm. Head. Antennal segments 48, length of third segment 1.1 times fourth segment, length of third, fourth and penultimate segments 3.1, 2.8 and 1.2 times their width, respectively; apical antennal segment 1.8 times as long as penultimate segment; maxil- lary palp 0.6 times height of head; malar space 2.7 times as long as basal width of man- dible; length of eye 1.8 times temple; temple directly narrowed posteriorly and slightly concave laterally (Fig. 12c); POL:OD:OOL= 12:10:21; face shiny with shallow medial groove dorsally, punctulate and short densely setose; frons, vertex and temple shiny and smooth (Fig. 12c); temple concave near lower level of eye. Mesosoma. Length of mesosoma 1.5 times its height; pronotum smooth, but setose and punctulate dorsally and moderately crenulate posteriorly; area near lateral carina of mesoscutum finely crenulate; mesoscutum shiny, with spaced and rather coarse punctures and lateral lobes distinctly convex posteriorly (Fig. 12f); notauli complete, crenulate, but posterior third mainly smooth; scutellum slightly convex and densely py, Cornelis van Achterberg et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25 (2014) THAILAND Phetchabun Thung Salaeng Luang NP Kaeng Wang Nam Yen 16°36.587'N 100°53.395'E 22.xi.2006 29.x1.2006 Malaise trap leq. 11160 Figure 12. Euagathis setosimaculata sp. n., female, holotype. A lateral habitus B wings C dorsal head D lateral head E lateral mesosoma F dorsal thorax G propodeum H dorsal metasomal terga 1-2. coarsely punctate, antero-dorsal margin angulate and with transverse carina; precoxal sulcus complete and anterior crenulae comparatively short (Fig. 12e); mesopleuron below precoxal sulcus and metapleuron medially coarsely punctate with interspaces about equal to diameter of punctures; propodeum coarsely areolate and partly rugose, moderately setose, anterior face much shorter than its posterior face. Wings. Fore wing: second submarginal cell pentagonal and without ramellus (Fig. 12b); vein SR1 straight; r:3-SR:SR1 = 4:2:88; vein 2-R1 0.3 times as long as 1-R1; vein cu-a interstitial; with stigmal spot. Hind wing: vein M+CU 2.9 times as long as vein 1-M; area near vein cu-a setose; vein cu-a about as long as wide. Legs. Length of hind femur, tibia and basitarsus 3.9, 7.3 and 8.4 times their width, respectively; hind femur reticulate-rugose ventrally; setae of middle tarsus shorter than width of tarsal segments; fore and middle tarsal segments moderately slender; length of outer and inner spur of middle tibia 0.5 and 0.7 times middle basitarsus, respectively; outer side of middle tibia without pegs, except for 2 apical pegs; length of outer and inner spur of hind tibia 0.25 and 0.55 times hind basitarsus. Metasoma. First tergite twice as long as wide apically, gradually widened apically, without dorsal carinae and smooth (Fig. 12h); second metasomal suture absent; ovi- positor sheath 0.08 times as long as fore wing, truncate apically and widened. Colour. Black; head, scapus and pedicellus, palpi, mesosoma (but mesopleuron, mesosternum, metapleuron, propodeum and hind coxa black), fore and middle legs yellow; nota of first and second tergites, third tergite (but antero-laterally yellow) and Euagathis Szépligeti from Thailand ps. following segments black or dark brown; hind trochanter and femur ventrally, apex and outer side of hind tibia (except basally) and hind tarsus dark brown; pterostigma and veins yellow, but vein 1-R1 infuscate; wing membrane yellowish, but apically brownish (Fig. 12b); apex of ovipositor sheath brown and remainder black. Distribution. Known only from Thailand. For map showing the locality of the sole specimen, see Appendix I. Molecular data. Genbank accession numbers: KC899843 (COD); KC867253 (28S). Etymology. From “setosus” (Latin for “bristly”) and “macula” (Latin for “spot, mark”) because of the setose base of the hind wing and the partly black body. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Dr. Hege Vardal (NRMS) for the loan of types of Chinese Agath- idinae. We thank the staff at Queen Sirikit Botanic Gardens in Chiang Mai for sorting the many hundreds of samples and for the Thai park staff for running Malaise traps and other collection devices. A special thanks to Chaweewan Hutacharern for manag- ing the Thai end of the NSF TIGER project. Funding for MJS was provided by NSF grants DEB-0542864 and EF-0337220. References Achterberg C van (1988) Revision of the subfamily Blacinae Foerster (Hymenoptera, Braconi- dae). Zoologische Verhandelingen Leiden 249: 1-324. Achterberg C van, Chen X-x (2002) Revision of the Euagathis species (Hymenoptera: Braconi- dae: Agathidinae) from China and northern Vietnam. Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden 76: 309-346. Achterberg C van (2004) Revision of the Euagathis species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Agath- idinae) from Wallacea and Papua. Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden 78(1): 1-76. 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Zwickl DJ (2006) Genetic algorithm approaches for the phylogenetic analysis of large biologi- cal sequence datasets under the maximum likelihood criterion. Ph.D. dissertation, Univer- sity of Texas at Austin, USA. Euagathis Szépligeti from Thailand Appendix | Distribution maps for the described species. Euagathis abbotti http://goo.gl/3RAVmM Euagathis breviantennata hetp://goo.gl/3tALum Euagathis chinensis http://goo.gl/PZhsVN Euagathis dravida http://goo.gl/JwI3tF Euagathis forticarinata http://goo.gl/H88q3v Euagathis ophippium http://goo.gl/U47xzu Euagathis pallitarsis http://goo.gl/c85anm Euagathis setosimaculata http://goo.gl/cX48eN Interactive key, in IntKey format, to Exagathis Szépligeti http://sharkeylab.org/sharkeylab/sharkeyKeys.php 25