JHR 36: 53-l 30 (20 I 4) ore JOURNAL ORF Apeenreviewed open-access journal doi: 10.3897/JHR.36.649 | ME Hymenopter a www.pensoft.net/journals/jhr The iternaonl Society of Hymenopenriss, RESEARCH Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae) in southern Africa, with notes on biology Friedrich W. Gess!t, Sarah K. Gess! | Albany Museum and Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 6139 South Africa Corresponding author: Sarah K. Gess (s.gess@ru.ac.za) Academic editor: W. Pulawski| Received 24 October 2013 | Accepted 10 December2013 | Published 14 February 2014 Citation: Gess FW, Gess SK (2014) Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae) in southern Africa, with notes on biology. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130. doi: 10.3897/JHR.36.6491 Abstract Geographical distributions based on available records are presented for the 37 currently recognized spe- cies of Bembix Fabricius known to occur in southern Africa. These are albata Parker, albicapilla Arnold, albofasciata Smith, anomalipes Arnold, arnoldi Arnold, atrospinosa Turner, baumanni Handlirsch, bubalus Handlirsch, cameronis Handlirsch, capensis Lepeletier, capicola Handlirsch, carinata F. Smith, cultrifera Arnold, denticauda Arnold, diversipennis F. Smith, flavicincta R. Turner, fraudulenta Arnold, fuscipennis Lepeletier, gracilens J. Parker, harenarum Arnold, karroensis Gess, liturata R. Turner, loupata R. Parker, massaica Cameron, melanopa Handlirsch, moebii Handlirsch, monedula Handlirsch, namibensis Gess, ochracea Handlirsch, olivata Dahlbom, regnata Parker, scaura Arnold, sibilans Handlirsch, triangulifera Arnold, ulula Arnold, venusta Arnold, and zinni Gess. A single specimen of Bembix compedita R. Turner has been recorded from South Africa but as the species is known principally from Malawi this requires confirmation. Some diagnostic characters are given for the hitherto undescribed female of namibensis. A range of distribution patterns are noted — narrowly endemic to widespread through the Afrotropi- cal Region and into Egypt. Four species, albata, arnoldi, harenarum and fraudulenta appear to have strictly southern African coastal distributions. A summary of the knowledge of flower associations, nesting and prey are given for those species for which data are available. Keywords Sand wasps, Bembix, southern Africa, distributions, flower associations, prey, nesting Copyright FW. Gess, S.K. Gess. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 54 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Introduction Bembix with 346 species recognised (Pulawski 2013) is by far the most species rich of the Bembicinae. It is most diverse in the Afrotropical and Australian Regions. Cur- rently the number of recognized species recorded from southern Africa (= Africa south of latitude 15°S) appears to be 37. The first description of a Bembix species from the Afrotropical Region (excluding Madagascar) was published in 1838 by Spinola. His species, B. undulata, allegedly came from the Cape of Good Hope but has not since been recognised. The foundations of our knowledge of the genus in sub-saharan Africa may be considered to have been laid by two authors, Lepeletier and Dahlbom, who publishing independently but in the same year, 1845, together gave descriptions of nine species. Synonymy on the one hand and lack of recognition on the other has left us with three of these species, all common in southern Africa, fuscipennis Lepeletier, capensis Lepeletier, and olivata Dahlbom (= intermedia Dahlbom). Smith (1856) added carinata and later (1873) diversipennis and albofasciata, while Magretti in 1884 and 1892 added two further species, neither since recognised. The first comprehensive account of the genus on a world basis was published by Handlirsch (1893) in whose monograph no fewer than 17 new species from the Afrotropical Region were described. This was followed by the papers of Cameron (1908, 1910, Turner 1912a, b, 1913, 1917a, b) in each of which further species were described. The year 1929 saw the publication of two major papers dealing with the genus — those of Parker and Arnold. Parker’s published in June of that year had described eight new species from the Afrotropical Region. Arnold’s paper, published in December, had 12 new species and several new sub-species. Inevitably some synonyms and homonyms came into existence and these were for the most part dealt with by Arnold (1931) who correctly gave Parker’s names priority. At the same time, however, Arnold was perhaps somewhat hasty in dismissing as synonyms, apparently without close study, some other species described as new by Parker; notably stevensoni Parker as a synonym of fuscipennis Lepeletier and tenebrosa Parker and refuscata Parker as synonyms of diversipennis Smith. This action by Arnold led to a pointed and critical reply by Parker (1942) which in turn was answered by Arnold (1951). Unanimity was not reached and instead the points at issue became more clouded. Further papers having a bearing on Bembix, some with descriptions of new species, were published by Arnold in 1933, 1935, 1936, 1944, 1946, 1952 and 1960. A list of a few Bembix species collected in South Africa by the Lund University Expedition in 1950-1951 was given by de Beaumont (1967). Other than the brief references to nesting sites, prey and nest parasites given by Brauns (1911), Arnold (1929), Cuthbertson (1939), Hesse (1956) and Callan (1964) nothing was published on the biology of Bembix in the Afrotropical Region before 1970. However, the biology of the genus had been better studied in other regions. The most outstanding and inspiring account was that of Evans (1957) dealing with American species, to be followed by Evans and Mathews (1971, 1973 and 1975) and Evans and O’Neill (1988 and 2007). Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... >» In 1970 Friedrich Gess undertook an investigation of the Bembix specimens from the major collections of southern Africa with a view to undertaking a revision of the genus in that region. Three undescribed species and one synonymy were discovered. Some other taxonomic problems were identified but due to the inadequacy of the holdings of the relevant species and the consequent need for additional material from specific localities a revision was considered to be premature. However, Friedrich Gess (1986) published the three new species, namibensis, zinni and karooensis, and sank junodi Arnold into synonymy with B. ulula Arnold. In addition, in the same publication, he gave biological notes for 10 other species and a review of the nature of the prey of the genus with particular reference to the Afrotropical species. These were constituted from scattered published records (including those given in F.W. Gess 1981) which in some instances are obscure and generally overlooked, from specimen labels of the Albany Museum material and from personal observations. ‘This represented as nearly as possible a complete compilation of the biological knowledge of Bembix and was intended to form a foundation on which to build. Subsequently, a study was made of the nesting of Bembix bubalus at Oudtshoorn in the Little Karoo (Gess and Gess 1989). Recently Friedrich Gess revisited the possibility of undertaking a revision of Bembix and to this end he determined a considerable number of specimens assembled since his earlier investigations. Regrettably, due to his ill health over many years and his subsequent death on 6 August 2013 the revision did not come to be. However, the wealth of material determined greatly increases the knowledge of geographical distributions of many of the species and offers previously unpublished records of floral associations, nesting and prey. Towards the end of his life Sarah Gess offered to take his unfinished manuscript and from it to produce a paper to insure that the work already done by Friedrich Gess would not be wasted. The present contribution is therefore a compilation of material examined by and determined by Friedrich together with some of his taxonomic and morphological notes. To this Sarah has added some additional records from specimens not seen by nor determined by Friedrich Gess but extracted from the Iziko South African Museum entomology collection Specify database available at www.sabif.co.za, photographs of a pair of specimens of most species, maps depicting the known geographical distributions in southern Africa, comments on the geographical the distributions of the species, and of their flower associations, nesting and prey, indicating whether or not such data are known. Clearly, although the contribution is based on the work of Friedrich Gess, it has not been checked or approved by him and therefore should errors be found he should not be held responsible for them. As is the established practice of Friedrich Gess, the notation used for expressing geographic coordinates is as in the gazetteer of The Times Atlas of the World (Bartho- lomew et al. 1981). The figures before the stop are degrees, those after the stop are min- utes; the stop is not a decimal point. Co-ordinates have been given in square brackets in the text for those localities for which none are given on the data labels. In instances where the locality given is imprecise the word circa is added. 56 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) For plotting the distribution maps ArcMap 10.1 GIS by ESRI was used with the co-ordinates in decimal degrees. Acronyms for institutions in which material is housed follow Evenhuis (2013). These are: AMGS = Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa; BMNH = The Natural History Museum, London; DMSA = Durban Museum, South Africa; MHNG = Muséum d’ Histoire Naturelle de Genéve, Genéve, Switzerland; RMCA = Musée Royale de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium; SANC = National Collec- tion of Insects, Pretoria, South Africa; SMNS = Staatliches Museum fiir Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany; NMBZ = Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo (formerly National Museum of Southern Rhodesia); NUNW = National Muse- um of Natural Science, Windhoek, Namibia; NMW = Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria; SAMC = South African Museum, Iziko Museums of Cape Town, South Africa; TMSA = Transvaal Museum, now National Museum of Natural His- tory, Ditsong Museum, Pretoria, South Africa; ZMHB = Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt Universitat, Berlin. In the lists of material examined the data are given as on the specimen labels. Any additions are given in square brackets. The collectors are given in the data string in parenthesis after collection date. Where ,collectors* are given as an institution on the specimen data labels and not as an individual the names are as on the labels and are therefore not necessarily current institutional names and are not necessarily given in a consistent format. The acronyms in square brackets denote the institutions in which the specimens are currently housed and therefore follow current names for the institu- tions as given in the paragraph above. Taxonomy Bembix afra Handlirsch http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_afra Bembex afra Handlirsch, 1893: 740, pl. 1, fig. 20, J (Holotype, &, no locality, South Africa, in SMNS); Handlirsch 1895: 1002 (Cape Province); Dalla Torre 1897: 502 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Arnold 1929: 342, figs 11, 11a, 11b, pl. 6, fig. 6, 3 (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Bembix afra Handlirsch, R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphe- cidae); Pulawski 2013: 2 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. SOUTH AFRICA: Melboschstrand (sic), 7.iv.1947 (Nat. Mu- seum S. Rhodesia), 4; Modderfontein, 15.ii.1925 (Brauns), 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. “Melboschstrand” probably meant to be Melkboschstrand, now Melkbosstrand, on the southwest coast. Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... Bat “Modderfontein” could be one of any of the following Modderfonteins near: Kamiesberg, Carnarvon, Britstown, De Aar, Aliwal North, Wuppertal, Sutherland, Merveville or Cape Town. Additional records extracted from database of specimens in collection of SAMC. ZIMBABWE: Rua, 15.xii.1975 (A.J.S. Weaving), sex not given, determiner not given. SOUTH AFRICA: Western Cape: Hex River [32.24S, 19.46E], 1.i.1884 (collector not given), sex not given, determiner J.C. Bridwell; Hex River, 1.xi.1885 (collector not giv- en), sex not given, determiner not given. Geographical distribution. It would appear from the few records available that this species is present in the Western Cape, South Africa. The accuracy of the determi- nation of the single specimen from Zimbabwe has not been determined. Floral associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix albata J. Parker http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_albata Fig. la Bembix albata J. Parker, 1929: 127, pl. 7, figs 85, 86, SG, 2 (Holotype, 3, Liider- itz Bay, Namibia, in ZMHB); Lohrmann 1948: 449 (member of arnoldi species group); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae as B. abata); Gess and Gess 2003: 121 (flower visiting records); Pulawski 2013: 2 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Bembex albata J. Parker, Arnold 1931: 216 (justification of synonymy with Bembex albopilosa). Bembex albopilosa Arnold, 1929: 378, figs 41, 41a—c, pl. 6, fig. 40, J (Holotype, 5, Klipfontein, South Africa, in SAMC and paratype, Swakopmund, Namibia, in SAMC) (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae); Arnold 1931: 209 and 216 (synonymized with B. al- bata); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae). Note. Bembix albata was described by Parker from five males and three females from Liideritzbucht, Namibia (formerly South West Africa) (xii.1903, L. Schultze). The synonym, Bembex albopilosa was described by Arnold from a male from Swakopmund (Namibia, and a male (holotype) from Klipfontein (L. Péringuey). The exact locality of this latter locality is unclear but is taken to be the place of this name in the vicinity of Hondeklip Bay, Namaqualand. Material examined. NAMIBIA: Carlowa’s Camp, Angra Fria (SE 1812 Aa) [= 18.00-18.15S, 12.00—12.15E], 14—16.xi.1970 (collector ?) (H1066), 16 9 9 [NMNW]; 4km. N [of] Cape Cross (21.43S, 13.59E), 18.iii.2000, 3 29, 1 J (visiting white flow- ers of Brownanthus kuntzei (Schinz ) Ihlenf. & Bittrich, Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthe- 58 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Figure |. Bembix spp.: a albata, female, male b albicapilla, female ¢ albofasciata, female, male d anomalipes, female, male e arnoldi, female, male f atrospinosa, female, male. (approximate lengths of females: a 21 mm; b 18.5 mm; c 17 mm; d 19.5 mm; e 17 mm; f 19.5 mm) ma); NW of Cape Cross (21.44S, 13.59E), 14.iii.1999, 20 ees (visiting white flowers of Brownanthus kuntzei ); 113 km. N [of] Swakopmund (21.51S14.05E), 18.iii.2000, 1 Q (visiting white flowers of Brownanthus kuntzei); 110 km. NW [of] Swakopmund (21.508, 14.05E), 15.iii.1999, 1 9 (visiting white flowers of Psilocaulon salicornioides (Pax) Schwantes, Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema); 53 km N [of] Swakopmund (22.168, Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... Eby, 14.23E), 19.111.2000, 5 9 (visiting white flowers of Brownanthus kuntzei); 10 km N [of] Swakopmund at wireless mast (22.358, 14.32E), 21.iii.1997, 10 99,1 ¢ (4 2° visiting white flowers of Psilocaulon salicornioides; 4 29 visiting white flowers of Brownanthus kuntzei); same locality, 11.iv.1998, 429,443 (visiting white flowers of Brownanthus kuntzei); Swakopmund, Swakop River] at bridge (22.425, 14.32E), 16.ii1.1999, 1 9,3 dS (visiting white flowers of Zygophyllum stapffii Schinz, Zygo- phyllaceae) — (all F.W. and S.K. Gess) [all AMGS]; Swakopmund [22.40S, 14.32E], vii.1931 (Bradfield), 1 4; same locality 21.xii.1977 (Empey), 2 99, 4 dC; same lo- cality, 17.xii.1978 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Swakopmund, 15.xi.1984 (F.J. Herbst), 1 9; Swakopmund, 16.xi.1984 (F.J. Herbst), 3 99, 1 4; Swakopmund, 28.ii.1966 [F. Herbst], 2 99 [AMGS]; Rooibank Desert Park [near Walvis Bay] [23.11S, 14.49E], 15.xii.1977 (Empey), 2 99, 2 dd [AMGS]; Silvia Hill, Liideritz (SE 2514 Bb) [25.09S, 14.51E], 15-16.ix.1971 (collector ?) (H4131), 2 299; Agate Beach, Liideritz (SE 2615 Ca) [26.36S, 15.11E], 21-x.1970) (collector ?) (H 1065), 2 3'4; Elizabeth Bay, Liideritz (SE 2615 Cc) [26.55S, 15.11E], 1-2.iii.1972 (collector ?) (H7106), 18 9; [NMNW]; Liideritzbucht [26.29S, 15.09E], 26.iii.1929 (Fr. Eberlanz), 1 4 [AMGS]; Liideritz, Dias Point (26.398, 15.05E), 29.ii.2000, 32 99 (visiting pink flowers of ?Brownanthus sp.); same locality, 1.iii.2000, 12 99 (11 2 visiting mounds of Zygophyllum clavatum Schltr. & Diels, Zygophyllaceae; 1 Q visiting pink flowers of Brownanthus sp.); Kaukausib Spring — Gryllenthal, (26.588, 15.31E), 5.ix.2002, 3 2° (hunting flies on Euphorbia sp. and resting on sand) (all F.W. and S.K. Gess) [all AMGS]; Bogenfels, Liideritz (SE 2715 Ad) [= 27.468, 15.39E], 28-29.ii.1972 (collec- tor ?) (H7082), 1 PINMNW; E [of] Oranjemund, foot of Skilpad (28.285, 16.40E), 23.ix.1997, 4 2° (visiting white flowers of ?Psilocaulon sp., Aizoaceae: Mesembryan- thema); between Oranjemund and check point (28.34S, 16.28E), 26.ix.1997, 1 9; Oranjemund, fringes of golf course (28.37S, 16.27E), 22.xi.1997, 1 J (visiting pale pink flowers of Drosanthemum sp., Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) — (all F.W. and S.K. Gess) [all AMGS]. NORTHERN CAPE: Grootderm [near Alexander Bay][28.36S, 16.40E], 10.xii.1949 (G. van Son) 2 do [Dipsong]; Port Nolloth [ 29.15S, 16.52E], i.1922, 2 63 (W. Austen). Geographical distribution. This species appears to have a mainly coastal distribu- tion (Fig. 2a). At present it is known only from Angra Fria in northern Namibia to Klip- fontein near Hondeklip Bay, Namaqualand, South Africa, that is for over 12 degrees latitude and in excess of 1400 km of coastline. It is probable that its distribution may extend northwards into Angola. The only record slightly inland from the coast is that for the sandy Sperrgebiet (southern Namib Desert ) at Kaukausib Spring, Gryllenthal. Floral associations. Recorded from two plant families: Aizoaceae (Mesembryan- thema, Brownanthus kuntzei (Schinz) Ihlenf. & Bittrich, Psilocaulon salicornioides (Pax) Schwantes and Drosanthemum sp.); Zygophyllaceae (Zygophyllum clavatum Schltr. & Diels and Zygophyllum stapffii Schinz). Nesting. Unknown but most likely nesting in the sandy hummocks. At localities along the coast, sampled by F. W. and S. K. Gess, the species was found principally 60 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) associated with the sandy hummocks formed around Brownanthus, Psilocaulon and Zygophyllum clavatum and visiting the flowers of these plants. Prey. Three females were recorded hunting flies on Euphorbia sp. at Kaukausib Spring. Bembix albicapilla Arnold http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_albicapilla Fig. 1b Bembix albicapilla Arnold, 1946: 93, figs 40, 40a—c, J (Holotype, &, Zimbabwe, In- suza River, in SAMC ex NMBZ); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 2 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. ZIMBABWE. Holotype, Insuza R. [circa 19.56S, 25.50E], For- est, Vic. Road, 24.xii.1939, 1 4; Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], 25.xii.1939 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 4, [both SAMC ex NMB7Z]. Arnold described Bembix albicapilla from the unique male specimen from Insuza Forest. The specimen from Sawmills is generally melanistic when compared with the type. Most noticeable in this respect is the labrum which instead of being wholly ocreous as in the type is mostly black except for a narrow ochreous treak in the midline, somewhat expanded distally but not reaching proximal third. In addition the lemon yellow band on the first tergite is widely interrupted in the middle and the black spots on the second and third tergites are fused with the transverse basal black bands. Geographical distribution. Recorded from two sites in Zimbabwe (Fig. 2b). Floral associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix albofasciata Smith http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_albofasciata Fig. Ic Bembex albofasciata F. Smith, 1873: 296, 3 (Holotype or syntypes, @, no locality, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, in BMNH); Handlirsch 1893: 891 (original de- scription copied); Dalla Torre 1897: 502 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Arnold 1929: 336, figs 7, 7a, 7b, pl. 6, figs 1, 2, 3S, @ (in revision of southern African Sphecidae). Bembex Karschii Handlirsch, 1893: 742, pl. 1, fig. 21, pl. 6, fig. 18, , 2 (Syntypes, no localities, Cape Province and Transvaal, South Africa, in BMNH, MHNG, ZMHB, SMNS); Dalla Torre 1897: 507 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Turner 1912b: 373, (synonymy of B. karschii with B. albofasciata). Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 61 Figure 2. Distributions of collection records of Bembix spp.: a albata b albicapilla € albofasciata d anom- alipes e arnoldi f atrospinosa. Bembix albofasciata Smith, R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess 1981: 21 (nest, prey); 1986: 149-151 (nesting, nest Fig. 27, plants visited, prey); Gess and Gess 2003: 121-122 (flower visiting records); Ev- ans and O’Neil 2007: 183 (summary of information on nesting habits); Pulawski 2013: 3 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). 62 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Note. Turner (1912b: 373) stated that the range does not appear to be very extensive, the series in the National Collection (i.e. The Natural History Museum London) be- ing mostly from the southern Transvaal, with one or two specimens from Lesotho (as Basutoland) and northern KwaZulu-Natal (as Zululand). Material examined. ZIMBABWE: Inyanga [18.13S, 32.44E], 20.i1.1948, 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Inyanga, 7.ii.1940 (G. Arnold) 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Inyanga, 9.ii.1940 (G. Arnold), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Rhodes Inyanga National Park [18.19S, 32.44E], 13.1.1955 (B.R.S., P.G.) 1 d [AMGS]. LESOTHO: Bokong P.O. [29.20S, 28.18E], 26.xii.1946 (A. Jacot- Guillarmod), 1 4 [AMGS]; Mahlatsa [29.10S, 27.57E], 30.xii.1951 (A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 2 [AMGS]; Mamathes [29.08S, 27.51E], ii.1940 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 4 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 1.1943 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 26.ii.1944 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9 with prey Asilidae [AMGS]; Mamathes, 13.i.1945 (A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 Q[AMGS]; Mamathes 31.xii.1945 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 13.i.1946 (Miss M.H. Marr), 1 9 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 8.xii.1946 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 < [AMGS]; Mamathes, 28.xii.1946 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 G[AMGS]; Mamathes, 19.i.1947 (C. Jacot- Guillarmod), 1 2 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 18.xii.1949 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 2 with prey Diptera [AMGS]; Mamathes, 15.i.1950 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 2 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 21.i1.1950 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 4 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 29.i.1950 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 3 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 4.ii.1950 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 Q with prey Eristalis tenax (L.) (Syrphidae) [AMGS]; Mamathes,14.ii.1950 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 4 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 10.xii.1950 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 3 [AMGS]; 2.xii.1951 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 4 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 2.xii.1951 (A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 ¢ [AMGS]; Mamathes, 1.i.1952 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9 on Calpurnia intrusa [Fabaceae: Papilionoideae]; Mamathes, 27.i.1952 (C. Jacot- Guillarmod), 1 2 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 3.ii.1952 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod) 1 2 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 15.ii.1952 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 2 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 31.xii.1952 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 4 [AMGS]; Mamathes, 2.i.1953 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 3, 1 9, on Calpurnia intrusa [Fabaceae: Papilionoideae] [AMGS]; Mamathes, 6.i.1953 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 2 3\3' [AMGS]; Mamathes, 28.ii.1956 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 2 9° [AMGS]; Mamathes, 2.1.1959 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9 [AMGS]; Mamathes, i.1961 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9° [AMGS]; Mamathes, 20.xii.1930 (C. Jacot- Guillarmod), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Mamathes, iii.1940 (C. Jacot Guillarmod), 1 9 [DMSA]; Mamathes, 27.xii.1946 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 3 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Mamathes, 28.xii.1946 (Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 <4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Mamathes, 6.1.1953 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 6 [AMGS]; Qachasnek [30.7S, 28.42E], 14.i.1969 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 3 Q9 [AMGS]; Roma [29.28S, 27.44E], 17.xii.1964 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 2 64 [AMGS]; Teyateyaneng [29.9S, 27.45E], 25.xi.1945 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 4 [AMGS]; Tlametlu River [29.28S, 27.25E], 26.i1.1955 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9; n[ea]r Morija [circa 29.388, 30.48E], (5400 flee]t, 25.1.1955 (L. Bevis), 1 9 [DMSA]; Mashai R[iver] [circa 29.408, 28.47E], 24.1.1939 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 3 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Pulane, nfea]r Mateka [29.14S, 27.53E], 5.i.1954 (L. Bevis), 1 4 [DMSA]; n[ea]r Posong [??], 8.i.1953 (L. Bevis), Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 63 1 ¢ [DMSA]. SOUTH AFRICA: GAUTENG: Benoni [26.11S, 28.18E], 28.xi.1964 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Ermelo [26.32S, 29.59E] 26.xi.1948, (N.C. Mokhele), 1 Q [AMGS]; Strubens Valley, Florida [26.31S, 29.57E], 26.1.1966 (Empey), 1 9 [AMGS]. LIMPOPO: Sabie, 25.iii.1970 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]. NORTH WEST PROVINCE: Delarey [Delareyville] [26.41S, 25.26E], i.1917 (Brauns), 1 d [SAMC ex NMBZ]. FREE STATE: Chicago, Lindley District [27.538, 27.55E] (D.J. Brothers), 1 3, 13 29, 1 8 with prey Chrysomyia marginalis Wied. (Calliphoridae), 1 Q with prey Sarcophaga (Calliphoridae) [AMGS]; Dewetsdorp [29.35S, 26.40E], xii.1951 (R. Howell), 1 & (bearing pollinia of Apocinaceae (formerly Asclepiadaceae) attached to most of the pulvilli) [AMGS]. KWAZULU-NATAL: Dundee [28.11S, 30.15E], 21.i.1961 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Oribi Gorge [30.43S, 30.16E], xi.1960, 1 9 [National Museum Zimbabwe]. WESTERN CAPE: Upper Sources Olifants River, Ceres [circa 33.05S, 19.14E], xii.1949 (Mus. Staff), 1 2, 2 bo [SAMC]; Hermanus [34.27S, 19.12E], i.1952 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Spitzkop, Meirings Poort [32.26S, 22.34E], i.1935 (Museum Staff), 2 99 (SAMC). EASTERN CAPE: Baviaanskloof (30.39S, 24.15E), 5—9.ii.1996 (A. Weaving), 1 3 [AMGS]; Belmont Valley, Grahamstown [33.19S, 26.38E], 20.i.1970 (F.W. Gess), 2 QQ on Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Apiaceae); Belmont Valley, Grahamstown, 24.i.1970 (F.W. Gess), 1 2 on Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Apiaceae); Belmont Valley, Grahamstown, 24.i.1970 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 8 QQ on Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Apiaceae); Belmont Valley, Grahamstown, 17—25.i.1970 (JJ.G.H. Londt), 1 3,7 22 on Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Apiaceae); Belmont Valley, Grahamstown, 5.ii.1970 (F.W. Gess), 2 QQ on flowering lucerne (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae); Hilton farm [33.15S, 26.20E], Grahamstown, 6.xii.1974 (D.W. Gess), 1 9, 1 4; same locality, 11.xii.1975 (F.W. Gess), 1 4; same locality, 29.i.-3.ii.1976 (F.W. Gess), 1 9 (Malaise trap); same locality, 9.xii.1977 (D.W. Gess), 1 9; same locality, 20.xii.1977 (D. W. Gess), 1 3; same locality, 2.1.1978 (D.W. Gess), 1 9, 1 &; same locality, 12.i.1978 (D.W. Gess), 3 9 9; same locality, 13.i.1978 (D.W. Gess), 2 99, 2 63; same locality, 13.1.1978 (H.W. Gess), 1 @; same locality, 17.1.1978 (F.W. Gess), 1 @; same locality, 24.i.1978 (D.W. Gess), 1 9; same locality, 24.i.1978 (H.W. Gess), 1 9; same locality, 7.ii.1978 (D.W. Gess), 1 Q; same locality, 9.ii.1978 (F.W. Gess), 7 99,14 (1 @ captured at nest entrance with prey: Lomatia pulchriceps Loew, 3, Bombyliidae); 14.i1.1978 (F.W. Gess), 1 Q; same locality, 16.ii.1978 (F.W. Gess), 1 9, 1 3; same locality, 23.ii.1978 (F.W. Gess), 1 4; same locality, 2.xii.1979 (F. W. and S.K. Gess), 1 & (on yellow flowers of Senecio pterophorus DC, Asteraceae); same locality, 7-11.xii.1979 (F.W. Gess), 1 3 (Malaise trap); same locality, 3.xii.1982 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2; same locality, 9.xii.1982 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2; same locality, 30.i1.1986 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9 [all AMGS]; Coombs Valley (33.16S, 26.50E), 2.i.1976 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9 [AMGS]; Paradise Kloof, Grahamstown [33.18S, 26.32E], 3.xii.1964 (D.J. Brothers), 1 9 [AMGS]; Port Elizabeth [30.58S, 25.37E], 7.i.1961 (B.S. Brunhuber), 2 299 [AMGS]. Geographical distribution. Widespread from southern Zimbabwe southwards to the Eastern and Western Cape provinces of South Africa (Fig. 2c). 64 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Floral associations. Recorded from four plant families: Asteraceae (Senecio pterophorus DC); Apiaceae (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.); Fabaceae (Papilionoideae, Calpurnia intrusa (R. Br. in W.T. Aiton) E. Mey and lucerne); and Apocynaceae (formerly Asclepiadaceae, determined from pollinia attached to specimen). Nesting. At Hilton near Grahamstown 14 nests were investigated. All were single celled, sloping burrows in friable soil. The main shaft terminated in a spur. Provision- ing is progressive. Prey. Recorded taking 10 families of Diptera: Tabanidae, Asilidae, Muscidae, Stratio- myidae, Conopidae, Calliphoridae, Mydidae, Tachinidae, Bombyliidae, and Syrphidae. Bembix anomalipes Arnold http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_anomalipes Fig. 1d Bembex anomalipes Arnold, 1929: 334, figs 5, 5a—e, pl. 6, fig. 5 (Holotype, 4, Penk- ridge, near the eastern border of Zimbabwe, in SAMC and paratype, 3, Mbanza- Mgungu, Zaire (as Thysville, Congo), in RMCA) (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Bembix anomalipes Arnold, R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 7 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Female. Undescribed. In size, coloration, vestiture and in general appearance gener- ally very similar to male. Face at level of antennal sockets wider (relative to width of head) than in male; scapes normal; first joints of anterior tarsi only slightly less dilated than in male, spines on basal joint not lanceolate; tarsi of middle legs similar. Cu-a of hindwing slightly inclined towards the base as in male. Sternite II as in male, closely punctate except in the middle near the apex, fairly shining. This species is characterised in both sexes by the labrum furnished with a very fine median longitudinal carina, expanded over the distal third into a low raised tubercle whose upper surface is slightly hollowed out. This development is unique, in the south- ern African species at least. Material examined. ZAMBIA: Abercorn [now Mbala] [8.50S, 31.24E], x.1943 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 4, 1 Q [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Abercorn, vi.1945 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Abercorn, viii.1945 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. ZIMBABWE: Penkridge [19.33S, 32.47E], 23.x.1927 (R.H.R. Stevenson), holotype ¢ [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Risitu River, Melset- ter [19 48S, 32 52E], xi.1967 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 2 92 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. Geographical distribution. From the few specimens available this species appears to have a northern distribution (Fig. 2d), not having been recorded south of Zimbabwe. Flower associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 65 Bembix arnoldi Arnold http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_arnoldi Fig she Bembex arnoldi Arnold, 1929: 353, figs 20, 20a, J (Syntypes, Jeffrey's Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa, in TMSA) (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae); Arnold 1936: 27, pl.1, fig. 8, 9. [non] Bembex arnoldi Arnold, 1929: 354, pl. 6, fig. 15, 2 [= carinata F. Smith] Bembix arnoldi Arnold, Lohrmann, 1948: 449 (member of arnoldi species group of Bembix); Gess 1986: 151-152 (nesting, flower visiting, hunting and prey capture); Gess and Gess 1988: 246-247, Fig. 14.19 (habitat and hunting); Gess and Gess 1998: 35, Fig. 22.18 (habitat, hunting); Evans and O’Neil 2007: 183 (summary of nesting habits); not listed in R. Bohart and Menke 1976; Pulawski 2013: 8 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Note. Arnold (1929: 353) and (1936: 27) gives the author of this species as Brauns but as Brauns never published the description (or even the name) and as Arnold clearly published the description on Brauns behalf (as is evident from his comments (1936: 27) then the author must be Arnold himself. The correct form is thus not B. arnoldi Brauns but B. arnoldi Arnold! Brauns (Arnold 1929: 354) recorded the species in addition from Jeffrey’s Bay. [This seems to have been in error, the female concerned being that of carinata Smith (see Arnold 1936: 28)]. Brauns’ observations were that this species is confined to sand dunes on the seashore. Material examined. SOUTH AFRICA: EASTERN CAPE: Kleinemonde [33.32S, 27.03E], ix.1956 (M.J.A. Cooke) [AMGS], 1 3; Port Alfred [33.36S, 26.55E], 1.111959 (E.McC. Callan), 1 2 [AMGS]; Kasouga Dunes [33.39S, 26.44E], xii.1954 Cooke), 1 Q [AMGS]; Boknes (33.43S, 26.35E), 16.i.1984 (D.W. Gess), 1 9,3 3 (on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa (Hochst) Puff, Rubiaceae) [AMGS]; same locality and date, (H.W. Gess), 2 29 (on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa) [AMGS]; same locality, 20.i1.1984 (D.W. Gess), 2 99 (on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa) [AMGS]; same locality, 24.1.1984 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 99,6 4¢ (on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa) [AMGS]; same locality and date (R.W. Gess), 3 G3 (on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa) [|AMGS]; same locality, 9.i.1986 (D.W. Gess), 4 Q°9 (on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa) |AMGS]; Zwartkops [now Swartkops] [33.52S, 25.36E], Port Elizabeth, 25.xi.1919 (collector variously given as C.B. Kriiger or C.B. Kruger), 2 ¢¢ [AMGS], 1 ¢ [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Zwartkops, Algoa Bay, 25.xi.1921 (Dr Brauns), 1 4 [AMGS], 1 6 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Zwartkops, Port Elizabeth, 25.xi.1921 (Dr Brauns), 2 64 [SAMC ex NMBZ], 1 4 [DMSA]. WESTERN CAPE: Port Beaufort [34.24S, 20.49E], 26.1.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 3 (visiting flowers of Scaevola plumieri (L.) Vahl, Goodeniaceae on dunes of seashore [AMGS]. 66 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Geographical distribution. ‘The species appears to have a strictly coastal distribu- tion (Fig. 2e). At present it is known from the Eastern Cape, from Kleinemonde to Zwartkops near Port Elizabeth and from the Western Cape at Port Beaufort. At both Boknes and Port Beaufort the species was found frequenting the first line of supra- littoral dunes and visiting the flowers associated with these dunes. Floral associations. Recorded from two plant families: Rubiaceae (Phylohydrax carnosa (Hochst.) Puff); Goodeniaceae (Scaevola plumieri (L.) Vahl). Nesting. Unknown but most likely nesting in the supra-littoral dunes. At Boknes was repeatedly observed digging burrows on the seaward side of the fore-dunes. Prey. One record only, Diptera: Muscidae (on ocean wrack on tideline). Bembix atrospinosa R.Turner http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_atrospinosa Fig. 1f Bembex atrospinosa R. Turner, 1917b: 289, 3, 2 (Syntypes, South Africa, Eastern Cape, Willowmore, South Africa, in BMNH or TMSA?); Arnold 1929: 335, figs 6, 6a-e, 4, & (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Bembix atrospinosa R. Turner, R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 9 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Note. Described by R. Turner from Willowmore (December, Dr Brauns) and recorded by Arnold from the same locality. Material examined. SOUTH AFRICA: EASTERN CAPE: Willowmore [33.15S, 23.30E], 17.xii.1916 (Brauns), 1 9 [AMGS], 1 o [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality and collector, 15.xii.1917, 1 @, 20.xii.1917, 1 9, 25.xii.1917, 1 Q [all 3 SAMC ex NMBZ]; Kleinemonde [33.32S, 27.03E], i.1905 (Mrs G. White), 1 3 [AMGS]. WESTERN CAPE: Rooinek [Pass], Laingsburg Distr. [33.20S, 20.52E], i.1949 (Zinn-Hesse Mus. Exp.), 2 92 [SAMC]. Geographical distribution. From the few specimens available apparently south- ern, Eastern and West Cape provinces of South Africa (Fig. 2f). Flower associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix baumanni Handlirsch http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_baumanni Fig. 3 Bembix Baumanni Handlirsch, 1893c: 813, pl. 2, fig. 18, pl. 5, fig. 24, 3 (Holo- type, G, South Africa, former Transvaal, no locality, in MHNG); Dalla Torre Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 67 Figure 3. Bembix baumani, male. (approximate length: 16.5 mm). 1897: 502 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Arnold 1929: 359, figs 24, 24a (in revision of southern African Sphecidae). Bembix baumanni Handlirsch, de Beaumont 1967b: 506 (South West Africa [Na- mibia], Kakaoveld, Sanitatas, about 85 miles WSW Ophopoho); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 9 (in cata- logue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Additional records extracted from database of specimens in collection of SAMC. SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape: Dunbrody [33.34S, 25.41E] (no date) (O’Neil), no sex given, determined by G. Arnold. Six additional records with no determiner are given, five from the Western Cape and one from Namibia. Geographical distribution. The few records available are for Namibia, the former Transvaal, the Eastern Cape and possibly Western Cape. Clearly further records are required to clarify the distribution pattern. Flower associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. 68 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Bembix bubalus Handlirsch http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_bubalus Figs 4a—c, 6a Bembex bubalus Handlirsch, 1893: 719, pl. 1, fig. 8, pl. 3, fig. 22, pl. 4, fig. 9, pl.5, fig. 39 pli-6, 11enG, oS, 2 (Syntypes, South Africa, former Transvaal and former Cape Province, no localities, in MHNG and ZMHB); Dalla Torre 1897: 503 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Arnold 1929: 332, figs 4, 4a—c, 3S, © (in revision of south- ern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphegidae). Bembix bubalus Handlirsch, R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess and Gess 1989: 151-160, figs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (flower visiting, nesting, first case of nest sharing in Bembix, prey capture, prey); De Melo 2000: 105 (use of one nest by more than one female); Evans and O’Neil 2007: 183 (sum- mary of information on nesting habits); Pulawski 2013: 16 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Note. Described by Handlirsch from three males and two females from South Africa: “Transvaal (Coll. Saussure) und Cap (Mus. Berolin. et Coll. Saussure)“. Arnold re- corded it from Willowmore. Material examined. SOUTH AFRICA: NORTHERN CAPE: N. Namaqualand, Lekkersing [29.00S, 17.00E], iii.1935 (Museum Staff) [A.J. Hesse etal.],2 2° 9° [SAMC]; Fraserburg [31.55S, 21.30E], 24.xii.1972 (Empey), 1 d [AMGS]. WESTERN CAPE: Oudtshoorn, Onverwacht (33.38S, 22.14E), 9-12.xii.1986 (F.W., H.W. and R.W. Gess), 77 99,18 53 (8 22, 4 GS on flowers of Acacia karroo Hayne; 14 3S on flowers of Acacia caffra (Thunb.) Willd. (both Fabaceae, Mimosoideae); 1 9 on flowers of Zygophyllum retrofractum Thunb. (Zygophyllaceae); 25 22 with prey: Syrphidae (Eristalis tenax (L.), Eristalodes taeniops (Wied.); Bombyliidae (Bombylius ornatus Wied., Systoechus spp. and others); Tabanidae and Stratiomyidae) [AMGS]; Olifants River between Citrusdal and Clanwilliam, x-xi.1931 (Museum Staff) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 2 63 [SAMC]; Upper Sources Olifants River, Ceres [circa 33.058, 19.14E], xii.1949 (Mus. Exp.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 6 [SAMC]; Touwsrivier [33.20S, 20.02E], 9.1.1975 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Merweville Distr. [32.40S, 21.31E], i-ii.1947 (H. Zinn), 1 2 [SAMC]; Spitzkop, Laingsburg Dist. [33.3S, 20.35E], iii.1938 (Mus. Staff) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 2 99 [SAMC]; Moordenaars Karroo, Laingsburg Div. [circa 32.58S, 20.49E], iii.1937 (Mus. Staff) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 2 99 [SAMC]; Rooinek [Pass], Laingsburg Distr. [33.20S, 20.52E], i.1949 (Zinn — Hesse Mus. Exp.), 1 9 [SAMC]; Murraysburg [31.58S, 23.47E], 2.i.1978 (Empey), 1 9, 2 So [AMGS]:; Rietbron [32.54S, 23.08E], 13.i.1965 (H.N. Empey), 1 ¢ [AMGS]. EASTERN CAPE:Mountain Zebra Park (32.158, 25.27E), 12—16.ii.1988 (A.J. Weaving), 2 99 [AMGS]; Willowmore [33.15S, 23.30E], ii.1913 (Brauns), 2 992 [SAMC ex NMBZ; DMSA]; same locality and collector, 1.xii.1919, 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality and collector, 10.xii.1919 (Brauns), 1 4 [AMGS]; same locality and collector, 18. Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 69 Figure 4. Bembix bubalus: a raking sand back from nest entrance during nest excavation b carrying syrphid prey, coming in to land at nest entrance; holding syrphid prey whilst clearing temporary closure from nest entrance preparatory to entering. xii.1919, 1 G@ [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality and collector, 20.xii.1920, 1 9 [AMGS]; same locality and collector, 3.i.1926, 1 2 [AMGS]; same locality, 12.i.1965 (H.N. Empey), 5 99, 2 do [AMGS]; Kingwilliamstown [circa 32.53S, 27.24E], 16.i.1965 (H.N. Empey), 1 d [AMGS]. Geographical distribution. This species appears to have a southern distribution in the Succulent Karoo and southern Nama-Karoo with one outlying record from Kingwilliamstown to the east of the Nama-Karoo (Fig. 7a). The record for a syntype from the “Transvaal” seems questionable. Flower associations. Recorded from two plant families: Fabaceae (Mimosoideae, Acacia karroo Hayne. and A. caffra (Thunb.) Willd.) (both Fabaceae: Mimosoideae; Zygophyllaceae (Zygophyllum retrofractum Wied.). Nesting. Nesting in large aggregations of up to 1,000 or more nests in level friable soil, nest multicellular, sloping burrow in friable soil, the main shaft terminating in a spur, provisioning progressive. Notable for exhibiting nest sharing. Prey. Recorded taking seven families of Diptera: Stratiomyidae, Tabanidae, Syr- phidae, Bombyliidae, Muscidae, Sarcophagidae, and Tachinidae. 70 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Bembix cameronis Handlirsch http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_cameronis Fig. 6b Bembex Cameronis Handlirsch, 1893: 715, pl. 1, fig. 6, pl. 4, fig. 7, pl. 6, fig. 4, 3,2 (Syntypes, South Africa, in ZMHB, NMW); Dalla Torre 1897: 503 (in catalog of world Hymenoptera as cameronii); Arnold 1929: 329, figs. 1, la-f, pl. 6, fig. 34; Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Bembix cameronis Handlirsch, R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess 1981: 21 (nesting); Gess 1986: 152, 157 (nesting, flowers vis- ited, prey); Gess and Gess 1994: 100 (flower visiting); S. Gess 1996: 276, 280, 281, 283, 295 (flower visiting records); Gess and Gess 2003: 122 (flower visiting records); Evans and O’Neil 2007: 185 (summary of prey records); Pulawski 2013: 17 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Note. Described by Handlirsch from a male and a female from the Cape (“Cap”) (Ber- lin Museum) and a female from “Siidafrika” (P. Cameron). Arnold (1929) examined and figured a male in the South African Museum from Tradouw Pass, Swellendam (Western Cape). The specimens examined (FWG) from Lesotho differ from those from the “Cape Province” and from the description of the species (based on Cape material) in being melanistic (i.e. in having the extent of the yellow markings reduced). Most notice- able in this respect is: scape in male entirely black (except radicle and extreme apex), in female with upper surface marked with black streaks; labrum usually with large black streaks on basal two-thirds; clypeus in male black except for a wide apical band somewhat expanded basally in midline, in female with a pair of black spots at base and sometimes a smaller pair on disc (these spots sometimes fused); yellow region on lower face between antennal sockets reduced and inner orbital bands shortened; pronotum with posterior margin black or with only a very narrow yellow band, in male with sides almost entirely black (except for small yellow area on anterior-ventral region of meso- pleura), in female with yellow markings mostly present but much reduced; sterna with amount of yellow reduced; black markings on legs more extensive. Material examined. NAMIBIA: N of Kalkveld on road to Otjiwarongo (20.508, 16.13E), 25.iii.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 (visiting deep pink flowers of Hermbstaedtia sp., Amaranthceae) [AMGS]; Nomtsas (24.25S, 16.51E), 18.iii.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 & (visiting white flowers of Limeum argute-carinatum Wawra & Peyr., Molluginaceae) [AMGS]. SOUTH AFRICA: WESTERN CAPE: 31.5 km from Clanwilliam on road (R363) to Klawer [31.56S, 18.44E], 9-10.x.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 99, 1 & (on yellow flowers of Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Bul[s]hoek, Klawer — Clanwl[illiam] [32.00S, 18.47E], x.1950 (Mus. Exp.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 6 [SAMC]; 18.5 km from Clanwilliam on road (R363) to Klawer [32.01S, 18.49E], 9.x.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 3 (on yellow flowers of Aspalathus pulicifolia (Dahlgren), (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae) Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... Fl [AMGS]; 17.5 km from Clanwilliam on road (R363) to Klawer [32.01S, 18.49E], 9.x.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 4 99 (on yellow flowers of Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; 16.5 km from Clanwilliam on old road [R363] to Klawer [32.02S, 18.49E], 13.x.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 Q29[AMGS]; 12.5 km from Clanwilliam on road (R363) to Klawer [32.05S, 18.50E], 9.x.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 (on yellow flowers of Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Clanwilliam Dam, Caleta Cove (32.148, 18.5G6E), 19-20.x.1989 (D.W. Gess), 1 4 (visiting flowers of Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; 10 km from Clanwilliam on old road to Citrusdal [32.15S, 18.57E], 6.x.1991 (D.W. Gess), 8 34 (on yellow flowers of Pteronia divaricata Less, Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Clanwilliam Dam, E bank, 19.2 km S of caravan park (32.17S, 18.56E), 5.x.1995 (F.W., S.K. and R.W. Gess), 3 dd (on ground) [AMGS]; Clanwilliam Dam. E bank, 20 km S of caravan park (32.17S, 18.56E), 3.x.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 @ [AMGS]; Graafwater District, Heerenlogement (31.58S, 18.33E), 8.x.1955 (F.W., S.K. and R.W. Gess), 16 (visiting pink flowers of Psilocaulon spp., Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; between Klipfontein and Olaf Bergfontein (32.02S, 18.33E), 1 9,2 63 (visiting pale pink flowers of Psilocaulon acutisepalum (Berger) N.E. Br., Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; Graafwater (32.09S, 18.33E), 14.x.1994 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 3 (on pink flowers of Psilocaulon sp., Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; Clanwilliam District, Kransvlei (32.14S, 18.51E), 7—13.x.1987 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 99,3 So (1 G stylopized; 1 4 on flowers of Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Paleisheuwel [32.29S, 18.44E], xi.1948 (Mus. Exp.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 3 292 3 63 [SAMC]; Citrusdal Dist. [circa 32.33S, 19.01E], xi.1948 (Mus. Exp) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 ¢ [SAMC]; Upper Sources Olifants River, Ceres [circa 33.05S, 19.14E], xii.1949 (Mus. Exp.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 2 [SAMC]; 43 km ENE of Ceres on road to Sutherland [33.12S, 19.44E], 2—3.xii.1989 (F.W. and S. K. Gess), 1 @ (on flowers of Limonium sp., Plumbaginaceae) [AMGS]; Gouph, Laingsburg Dist. [circa 33.12S, 20.52E], ix.1937 (Mus. Staff) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 & [SAMC]; 17 km N of Ceres near top of Gydo Pass [33.14S, 19.20E], 30.xi.1989 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 @ [AMGS]; Leipoldtville — Eland’s Bay [32.13S, 18.29E — 32.188, 18.21E], xi.1948 (Mus. Exp.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 2, 6 dd [SAMC]; Constable [33.16S, 20.17E], xii.1962 (S.A.M) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 @ [SAMC]; Matroosberg Station [33.24S, 19.48E], 12.i.1962 (SAMC) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 3 [SAMC]; circa 2 km S of Matroosberg Station (33.26S, 19.50E), 4.xii.1986 (H.W. Gess), 1 2 (on white flowers of “mesem”, Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; road between Montagu and Matroosberg Station (circa 33.32S, 19.52E), 4.xii.1986 (F.W., S.K. and H.W. Gess), 3 299, 1 ¢ (2 29, 1 J on white flowers of “mesem”, Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; Ouberg Pass, by road 27 km NE of Montagu (33.408, 20.1G6E), 3.xii.1986 (S.K. Gess), 1 @ [AMGS]; Oudtshoorn, Frischgewaagd (33.39S, 22.13E), 7—-8.xii.1986 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 99,164 (1 9, 1 oon flowers of Senecio rosmarinifolius L.f., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Raubenheimer Dam near Oudtshoorn [33.41S, 24.43E], 10.x.1972 (C.F. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 4 [AMGS]; Oudtshoorn, Zebra [33.46S, 22.19E], x.1951 (Mus. Expd) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 2 [SAMC]; 72 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) near Danger Point, Gansbaai (34.378, 19.20E), 18.xi.2012 (D.W and G.M. Gess), 3 BS (2 BS on Muraltia satureioides DC., Polygalaceae; 1 JS on ground amongst same) [AMGS]; Pearly Beach, Bredasdorp [34.39S, 19.29E], xii.1958 (SAMC.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 9 [SAMC]; Pearly Beach, 25.i.1971 (M.W. Strydom), 1 9 [SANC]; EASTERN CAPE; Kranzdrif, Grahamstown [33.09S, 26.32E], 5.xi.1947 (C. Jacot- Guillarmod), 1 9; near Lake Mentz [now Darlington Dam] [circa 33.128, 25.09], 7.xi.1973 (R. Bayliss), 1 2; Hilton, Grahamstown [33.15S, 26.20E], 19.xi.1967 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 4; same locality, 25.i.1974 (D.W. Gess), 1 9, 3.xi.1977 (F.W. Gess), 1 2 (on flowers of Lasiospermum bipinnatum (Thunb.) Druce, Asteraceae), 12.1.1978 (H.W. Gess), 1 9, 29.xi.1979 (F.W. Gess), 3 29, 3 OS (on flowers of Senecio pterophorus DC., Asteraceae), 29-30. xi.1979 (F.W. Gess), 2 Od (Malaise trap), 1.xii.1979 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 9° (on flowers of Senecio pterophorus DC., Asteraceae), 2.xii.79 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 99,4 Go (2 22, 3 Jo on flowers of Senecio pterophorus DC., Asteraceae, | CS on flowers of Athanasia filiformis L.f., Asteraceae), 5—7.xii. 1979 (F.W. Gess), 2 99 (Malaise trap), 11-16.xii.1979 (F.W. Gess), 1 9 (Malaise trap), 16—22.xii.1979 (F.W. Gess), 1 2 (Malaise trap), 4.xi.1982 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 6, 14.xii.1982 (D.W. Gess), 1 9, 28.xi.1983 (D.W. Gess), 1 4, 1.xii.1983 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9, 6.xi.1984 (A.J. Weaving), 1 4; Burnt Kraal, Grahamstown [33.16S, 26.29E], 12.ii.1969 (F.W. Gess), 1 9 [all AMGS]. NORTHERN CAPE: Nieuwoudtville, Skuinshoogte Pass (31.168, 19.08E), 23- 30.ix.1994 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ¢ (buzzing around white flowered “mesem”, Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; Namaqualand, Springbok, Hester Malan [now Goegap] Nature Reserve [29.38S, 17.59E], 15—21.x.1987 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 G (Malaise trap) [AMGS]; 15 km N [of] Nieuwoudtville on road to Loeriesfontein [31.16S, 19.E], 3-8.x.1989 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9 [AMGS]; Namaqualand, Bowesdorp [30.20S, 17.56E], xi.1931 (Museum Staff), 2 ¢¢ [SAMC]. LESOTHO: Makhaleng River, Mountain Road [AMGS], 3.i.1959 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 2 29, 1 3 [AMGS]; Mahlatsa [29.13S, 28.00E], 12.i.1948 (A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9 [AMGS]; Bokong P.O. [29.17S, 28.23E], 26.xii.1946 (A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 ° (with prey: Bombyliidae) [AMGS]. Geographical distribution. Namibia, Nama-Karoo, south through the Succulent Karoo and eastwards through the Nama-Karoo of South Africa into Lesotho (Fig. 7b). Floral associations. Recorded from seven plant families: Asteraceae (Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., A. filiformis L. f£., Senecio rosmarinifolius L.f., S. pterophorus DC., Lasiospermum bipinnatum (Thunb.) Druce and Pteronia divaricata Less); Amaranthaceae (Hermbstaedtia sp.); Molluginaceae (Limeum argute-carinatum Wawra & Peyr.); Aizoaceae (Mesembryanthema, Psilocaulon spp. and “mesems”), Polygalaceae (Muraltia satureioides DC.); Fabaceae (Papilionoideae, Aspalathus pulicifolia (Dahlgren)); Plumbaginaceae (Limonium sp.). Nesting. Single nest investigated - a single celled, sloping burrow in friable soil. The main shaft terminated in a spur. Prey. Recorded taking one family of Diptera: Bombyliidae (Systoechus sp.), from two well separated sites, Hilton, Eastern Cape, South Africa and Bokong, Lesotho. Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 73 Bembix capensis Lepeletier http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_capensis Fig. 6c Bembex capensis Lepeletier, 1845: 273, J (Holotype, &, no locality, South Africa, for- mer Cape Province, in collection M. Spinola, Turin, Italy); E Smith 1856: 322 (in catalogue of Hymenoptera in British Museum); Dalla Torre 1897: 503 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Handlirsch 1893: 853, pl. 3, figs 4, 26, 3, ° (in revision of world Bembicinae); Cameron 1910: 144; Arnold 1929: 377, figs 40, 40a—c, pl. 6, fig. 32, 3S; @ (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae); Arnold 1935: 503 (Kalahari, South Africa); Gadallah 2002: 63 (in key to Egyptian Bembix based on male genitalia). Bembix capensis Lepeletier, J. Parker 1929: 143 (in revision of Stizini and Bembicini); de Beaumont 1967: 506 (Natal [KwaZulu-Natal], South Africa); Carpenter 1920 (prey); Ulleyt and De Vries 1940 (prey); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess and Gess 1994: 100 (flower visiting); Gess 1981: 21 (prey) Gess 1986: 152, 157 (prey); S. Gess 1996: 276, 280, 281, 283, 295 (flower visiting records); Guichard 1989: 146 (Saudi Arabia); Gadallah 1997: 259 (in revision of Egyptian Bembix); Gess and Gess 2003: 122 (flower visiting records); Gadallah and Assery 2004: 230 (in checklist of Sphecidae of Saudi Ara- bia); Roche 2007a: 109 (in checklist of Egyptian Ampulicidae, Sphecidae and Cra- bronidae, redescription); Roche 2007b: 7 (in checklist of Egyptian Ampulicidae, Sphecidae and Crabronidae); Pulawski 2013: 17 (in catalog of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Bembex natalis Dahlbom, 1845: 489, 2 (Holotype or syntypes, South Africa, Port Natal [Durban, KwaZulu-Natal], in Lund or Stockholm). Handlirsch 1893: 853, synonymised with B. capensis; F. Smith 1856: 324 (in catalogue of Hymenoptera in British Museum). Note. Described by Lepeletier (1845) from the Cape of Good Hope and subsequently recorded from various parts of southern Africa: Handlirsch (1893) from the Transvaal and “Capland”; Cameron (1910) from Olifants River (Transvaal); and Parker (1929) from South West Africa (now Namibia). Arnold (1929) stated it to be “a common species widely distributed throughout Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and South Africa”, and (1935) recorded it from three localities (Gemsbok Pan, Gomodimo and Ngami) in the Kalahari (Botswana). De Beaumont (1967) recorded it from Tugela River, 12 miles WNW Bergville, Natal (now KwaZulu Natal). Material examined. TANZANIA: Old Shinyanga [3.34S, 33.24E), 18.vii.1954 (E. Burtt), 1 2 (with cocoon) [SAMC ex NMBZ]. ZIMBABWE: Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], 26.x.1919 (G. Arnold), 1 4 [AMGS]; Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], 12. xi.1920 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Sawmills, 1.iv.1923 (Roy Stevenson), 1 o [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Sawmills, 16.xi.1924 (Rhod. Museum), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Sawmills R[oa]d, Nyamandhlovu [circa 19.528, 28.15E], 74 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) 26.iii11961 (Nat.Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 2 [SAMC ex NMBZ];Nyamandhlovu [19.52S, 28.15E], xi.1960 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Bulawayo [20.07S, 28.32E], xi.1912 (G. Arnold), 1 2 [AMGS]; Bulawayo, 7. ix.1913 (G. Arnold), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Bulawayo, 29.ix.1923 (R. Stevenson), 2 53 [AMGS]; Bulawayo, 1.x.1923 (R. Stevenson), 1 ¢ [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Bulawayo, 17.iii.1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 ¢ [AMGS]; Bulawayo, 5.x.1924 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Bulawayo, 26.xii.1951 (Nat. Museum S.Rhodesia), 1 G [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Gwaai [= Gwai] [19.17S, 27.43E],14.x.1926 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 29 [AMGS]; Turk Mine [19.44S, 28.48E], 24.xi.1957 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Turk Mine, 16.xii.1957 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 4 [AMGS]; Turk Mine, 2.xi.1958 (Nat.Museum S. Rhodesia),2 6% [1 @ AMGS; 1 4 SAMC ex NMBZ]; Turk Mine, 1.xi.1959 (Nat. Museum S. R.), 1 Q [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Turk Mine, i.1961 (Nat. Museum S. R.), 1 3 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Hillside [20.12S, 28.37E], 1.xii.1922 (Swinburne and Stevenson), 1 6 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Hillside [20.12S, 28.37E], 6.v.1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 4 [AMGS]; Umguza R[iver] [19.42S, 28.25E], 24.x.1930 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 2 [AMGS]; ia (28.06S, 32.26E), 4—-5.iii.1987 (A.J. Weaving), 1 J [AMGS]. NAMIBIA: Gautsche Pan, Bushmanland (19.48S, 20.35E), 9-13.vi.1971 (no collector given), 2 99° [NMNW]; Noachabeb 97, Keetmanshoop [SE 2718 Ad) [ 27.268, 18.31E], 7-12.i1.1972 (no collector given), 2 22 [NMNW]; Oshakati, Ovamboland (SE 2715 Da) [17 48S, 15.42E], 5.v.1971 (no collector given), 1 9; Claratal 18 (SE 2216 Dd) [22 48S, 16.50E], Windhoek, 27.i1.1971 (no collector given), 1 9 [NMNW]; Otjikoko-Siid (SE 2116 Ad) [21.22S, 16 22E], Omaruru, 18.xi.1971 (no collector given), 2 99 [NMNW]; Takuasa (SE 1720 Cd), Kavango, 14-19.vii.1971 (no collector given), 1 9 [NMNW/]; 30 km E [of] Karasburg on road from Ariamsvlei (28.00S, 19.03E), 12.iii.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9 (visiting yellow flowers of Geigeria sp., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Great Karas Mountains [circa 27.11S, 18.44E], xi.1936 (Mus. Staff), 6 Q2 [SAMC]; Ongandjera [17.55S, 15.05E], iii.1923 (S. W. Africa Mus. Exped.), 2 JSS [SAMC]; Windhoek [22.35S, 17.04E], no date, no collector recorded), 1 2 [SAMC]; Swakop River Bed on road to Goanikontes (22.41S, 14.35E), 11.iv.1998 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 10 99,6464 visiting white flowers of Psilocaulon salicornioides (Pax) Schwantes, Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; Swakop River at bridge nr mouth (22.42S, 14.32E), 12.iv.1998 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9 (on moist sand) [AMGS]; Swakopmund, Swakop Rliver] at bridge (22.42S, 14.32E), 16.iii.1999 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9 [AMGS]; 18 km west of 1237/C26 junction (23.09S, 16.42E), 1 J (visiting deep- pink flowers of Hermstaedtia sp., Amaranthaceae) [AMGS]; Gamsberg, E of Pass (23.19S, 16.31E), 12.iii.1999 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ¢ visiting yellow flowers of Geigeria sp., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Namutoni [18.48S, 16.59E], 1919 (J. Breyer), 1 ¢ [AMGS]. LESOTHO: Mamathes [29.08S, 27.51E], 18. xi.1945 (L. Bevis), 1 4 [AMGS]; Mamathes [29.08S, 27.51E], 9.xi.1947 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 3 [AMGS]; same locality and collector, 8.xi.1949, 2 63, 12.xi.1949, 1 3, 13.xi.1949, 3 33, 17.xi.1949, 1B, 18.xi.1949, 1 3, 18.xii.1949, 19, 29.41.1950, 1 9, 14.xi.1954, Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... TS 1 Q [all 11 AMGS]; nr. Medicani [ ?? ], 20.i.1939 (L. Bevis), 1 2 [AMGS]. SOUTH AFRICA: GAUTENG: Pretoria North [25.40S, 28.10E], 17.x. 1947 (C. Jacot- Guillarmod), 3 2°, 1 6 [AMGS]; Pretoria North [25.40S, 28.10E], 19.x.1947 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 2 [AMGS]; Pretoria North [25.40S, 28.10E], 29.xi.1964 (Empey), 1 6 [AMGS]; Pretoria North Sandpits [25.40S, 28.15E], 25.x.1947 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9 (with prey: Sarcophagidae); Pretoria North Sandpits, 26.x.1947 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 2 do (bearing pollinia of Asclepiadaceae on tarsi) [AMGS]; Johannesburg [26.10S, 28.02E], 9.ii.1967 (J.G.H. Londt), 2 99,14 [AMGS]; Johannesburg North, Raedene [26.09S, 28.06E], 28.iii.1966 (Empey), 4 99,2 ood [AMGS]; Johannesburg North, Raedene, 21.v.1966 (Empey), 3 29° [AMGS]; Johannesburg North, Wilds [26.09S, 28.3E], 17.iii.1962 (Empey), 1 ° [AMGS]; Johannesburg East [circa 26.12S, 28.3E], 4.xii.1961 (Empey), 1 @ [AMGS]; Johannesburg West [26.12S, 28.3E], 6.1.1958 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Johannesburg West, 4.i.1959 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Johannesburg West, 3.ii.1959 (Empey), 1 3S [AMGS]; Johannesburg West, 4.xii.1961 (Empey), 3 29, 1 oS [AMGS]; Johannesburg West, 30.x.1966 (Empey), 1 3 [AMGS]; Florida Hills [26.10S, 27.52E], 19.iii.1960 (Empey), 1 @ [AMGS]; Florida Hills, 26.ii.1961 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Florida Hills, 2.iv.1961 (Empey), 2 29 [AMGS]; Florida Hills, 25.ii.1968 (F.J. Herbst), 1 ¢ [AMGS]; Strubens Valley, Florida [26.10S, 27.56E], 14.xi.1965 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Strubens Valley, Florida, 29.xi.1965 (Empey), 1 9 [AMGS]; Strubens Valley, Florida, 6.xii.1969 (Empey), 12 [AMGS]; Strubens Valley, Florida, 21.xii.1969 er 1 Q [AMGS]; Mondeor Hills [26.16S, 28.0E], 6.i.1958 (Empey), 1 4 [AMGS]; Mondeor Hills,6.xii.1961 (Empey), 1 @ [AMGS]; Alberton [26.18S, 28.15E], 4.xii.1961 (Empey), 1 d [AMGS]; Alberton [26.18S, 28.15E], 28.1.1966 (Empey, 1 9° [AMGS];Benoni [26.11S, 28.18E], 28.xi.1964 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Mid-West Transvaal, Midway Station [26.43S, 27.06E], 29.iv.1963 (Empey), 3 29 [AMGS]. NORTH WEST PROVINCE: Pienaarsrivier [25.10S, 27.59E], 2.xi.1967 (Empey), 2 99° [AMGS]; Schweitzer-Reneke [27.11S, 25.18E], 27.ii.1979 (F. Herbst), 1 3 [AMGS]; MPUMALANGA: Nelspruit [25.29S, 30.59E], 15.x.1967 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Maboki, Lydenb[urg] [circa 25.10S, 30.29E], no date (F.J. Kroeger]. 1 9 [SAMC]; Skukuza [24.59S, 31.36E], 6.ii.1965 (D.J. Brothers, 1 4 [AMGS]. KWAZULU- NATAL: Sordwana Bay [now Sodwana Bay] [27.32S, 32.41E], 27.iv.1977 (FJ. Herbst), 1 3 [AMGS]; Dundee [28.11S, 30.15E], 21.i.1961 (Empey), 2 ees [AMGS]; Nagle Dam District [29.35S, 30.37E], 16.i.1966 (F. Herbst), 1 ¢ [AMGS]; Kloof [ 29.47S, 30.50E], ii.1915 (Marley), 1 9 [SAMC]; Ladysmith [28.32S, 29.46E], 26.iii.1960 (Empey), 2 22 [AMGS]; Mfongosi [28.43S, 30.48E], xii.1934 — ii.1935 (W.E. Jones), 1 d [SAMC]. FREE STATE: Chicago, Lindley Dist. [circa 27.53S, 27.57E], 17-18.i.1968 (D.J. Brothers), 4 99, 3 3d [AMGS]; Kroonstad [27.43S, 27.19E], ii.1946 (S. Brothers), 1 ¢ [AMGS]; same locality and collector, v.1946, 1 2 [AMGS]; same locality, 29.xi.1946 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9 [AMGS]; same locality, ii.1948 (D.J. Brothers), 1 4 [AMGS]; same locality, 4.iv.1948 (J. Brothers), 1 6 [AMGS]; same locality, 22.xii.1964 (D.J. Brothers), 1 4 [AMGS]; 76 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) same locality and collector, xii.1965, 2 22 [AMGS], 31.xii.1965, 4 do [all 6 AMGS]; Flora, Marquard [28.40S, 27.28E], 1.i.1960 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 3 99 [AMGS]; Bloemfontein [29.06S, 27.07E], 10.iii.1931 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 3 [AMGS]; same locality, 20.iii.1931 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 2 Od [1 d AMGS; 1 ¢ SAMC ex NMBZ]; Smithfield [30.09S, 26.30E], 1909 (Kannemeyer), 1 9 [SAMC]. NORTHERN CAPE: Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, Nossob River bed 11 km NNE [of] Twee Rivieren [26.24S, 20.41E], 8-11.iii.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 5 99,5 3 (on yellow flowers of Deverra aphylla (Cham. & Schlechtd.) DC, Apiaceae) [AMGS]; Namaqualand, Springbok, Hester Malan [now Goegap] Nature Reserve [29.38S, 17.59E], 15—21.x.1987 (F.W. and S. K. Gess), 5 63 (Malaise trap) [AMGS]; Namaqualand, Bowesdorp [30.20S, 17.18E], xi.1931 (Mus. Staff), 1 9, 1 4; Namaqualand, Kamiesberg to Sors Sors (30.118, 18.01), 9—12.x.1997 (F.W. and S. K. Gess), 4 Jo (visiting blue flowers of Anchusa capensis Thunb., Boraginaceae) [AMGS]; Vanwyksfontein, 8 km W. of Norvalspont [30.39S, 25.23E], 15-24.i.1985 (D.W. Gess), 4 99,6 dd (2 99, 6 GS on flowering), 4 3S (3 So Malaise trap) [AMGS]; Thee Kloof [32.05S, 20.41E], Fraserburg Div. (Acacia karroo Hayne, Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) [AMGS]; same locality, 28-30. xi.1988 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), xi.1935 (Mus. Staff), 1 6 [SAMC]; Tanqua Karoo [circa 32.15S, 19.45E], i.1949 (Zinn — Hesse Mus, Exp.), 3 92, 3 6d [SAMC]; 26 miles North of Postmasburg [circa 28.188, 23.05E], 1 ¢ [SAMC]; Sutherland Distr. [circa 32.248, 20.40E], 8.i.1942 (H. Zinn), 1 6 [SAMC]; Richmond District [circa 31.238, 23.56E], iii.1931 (Museum Staff), 2 99 [SAMC]; Kimberley [28.43S, 24.46E], ii.1951 (R.C. Bigalke), 2 99 [AMGS]. WESTERN CAPE: Citrusdal Dist. [eltea-32-395, 19:01 FE) sci 948e( Mus. Expy)sel 4; Clanwillium, Rondegat (32.15S, 18.56E), 15.x.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 (visiting yellow flowers of Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L.(Asteraceae) [AMGS]; 31.5 km from Clanwilliam on road (R363) to Klawer [31.56S, 18.44E], 9-10.x.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 do (on yellow flowers of Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Prince Albert Dist[rict], Tierberg (Study Site) (33.10S, 22.16E), 26.xi.- 5.xii.1987 (F.W., S.K. and R.W. Gess), 1 3 (on flowers of Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr., Asclepiadaceae) [AMGS]; Prince Albert Dist., Tierberg Farm (33.108, 22.15E), 21.i.1996 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ¢ (visiting cream flowers of Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr., Asclepiadaceae) [AMGS]; Dikbome, Merweville, Koup [32.54S, 21.22E], i.1953 (H. Zinn), 7 22, 10 Go [SAMC]; Merweville Dist[rict] [32.40S, 21.31E], ii.1948 (H. Zinn], 1 9 [SAMC]; Merweville Distr[ict] [32.40S, 21.31E], ii.1943 (H. Zinn), 1 6 [SAMC]; Merweville Dist[rict], i.-ii.1947 (H. Zinn), 1 2 [SAMC]; Merweville, Laingsburg Dist. [32.40S, 21.31E], i.1959 (H. Zinn), 1 9 [SAMC]; Constable [33.16S, 20.17E], ii.1958 [Mus.Staff], 1 9 [SAMC]; Klipberg nfea]r Darling [circa 33.238, 18.23E], 8 v.1968 (C.G.C. Dickson), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Beaufort West Dist[rict] [circa 32.18S, 22.36E], ii.1958 (S. A. M. sic [South African Museum]), 3 22, 5 33; Plumstead [Cape Town] [ 34.15S, 18.28E], xi.1942 (A. Banwick), 1 3; Cape Town [33.55S, 18.22E], 1909 (Master Péringuey), 1 2 [SAMC]; Cape Town [33.55S, 18.22E], 8.xii.1958 (M.S. Thomson), 1 9 [AMGS]; Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... Fil. Bushmans Rivler], Letjiesbosch, Koup [32.34S, 22.16E], xi.1935 (Mus. Staff), 1 J [SAMC]; Murraysburg Dist[rict] [circa 31.588, 23.47E], iii.1931 (Museum Staff), 6 29,5 56 [SAMC]; Murraysburg [31.58S, 23.47E], xi.1935 (Mus. Staff), 1 &, 2 dS [SAMC]; EASTERN CAPE: Grahamstown [33.19S, 26.31E], iii.1945 (G.H. Frank), 1 6 [AMGS]; Grahamstown [33.19S, 26.31E], 22.iii.1958 (E.McC. Callan), 1 2 [AMGS]; Hilton farm, Grahamstown [33.15S, 26.20E], 22.x.1967 (C. Jacot- Guillarmod), 1 4 [AMGS]; Hilton farm, Grahamstown, 2.i.1974 (D.W. Gess), 1 <; Hilton farm, Grahamstown, 6.xii.1977 (D.W. Gess), 2 G4; Hilton farm, Grahamstrown, 20.xii.1977 (D.W. Gess), 192; Hilton farm, Grahamstown, 27. xii.1977 (D.W. Gess), 1 9; Hilton farm, Grahamstown, 2.i.1978 (D.W. Gess), 1 3; Brak Kloof farm, Grahamstown [33.26S, 26.23E], i.1901(Mrs G. White), 14 [AMGS]; Brak Kloof farm, Grahamstown, iii.1901(Mrs G. White), 1 6 [AMGS]; Kasuga (sic) [Kasouga] [33.39S, 26.44E], 25.ix.1958 (R.E. Boltt), 1 d [AMGS]; Bashee [now Mbashe] River [32.13S, 28.54E], 28.ix.1973 (E. Herbst), 1 9,4 64 [AMGS]; same locality and collector, 12.xii.1975, 3 92 [AMGS]; Fort Beaufort [32.46S, 26.40E], 20.i.1960 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9, 3 64 [AMGS]; Fort Beaufort, Umdala [Mdala] [32.48S, 26.41E], iii.1954 (S. A. Museum), 2 99,14 [SAMC]; Willowmore [28.55S, 18.13E], xi.1908 (Brauns),1 @ [AMGS]; Willowmore, i.1914 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 9, 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Willowmore, xii.1919 oe 1 9 [AMGS]; Middelburg Div. [circa 31.30S, 25.00E], xi.1935 (Mus.Staff), 1 G [SAMC]; Middelburg [31.30S, 25.00E], 3.ii.1957 (E.McC. Callan), 1 6 [AMGS]; Burgersdorp [31.00S, 26.20E], 1.v.1952 (N. Gane), 1 @ [AMGS]; Alicedale [33.15S, 26.04E], 2.xii1970 (F.W. Gess), 3 64 [AMGS]; same locality and date (J.G.H. Londt), 1 9, 2 dd [AGM]; Alicedale, NewYear’s Dam [33.15S, 26.04E), 16.xii.1971 (F.W. Gess), 1 9 [AMGS]; Resolution farm, Fort Brown [33.08S, 26.37E], 24.i.1928 (Miss Walton), 1 4 [AMGS]; Resolution farm, Fort Brown, 29.i.1928 (Miss Walton), 1 4 [AMGS]; Resolution farm, Fort Brown, 8. ii.1928 (Miss Walton). 1 4 [AMGS]; Resolution farm, Fort Brown, 29.ii.1928 (A. Walton), 1 9 [AMGS]; Dunbrody [33.28S, 25.33E], xii.1917 (V. Powles), 19 [AMGS]; Pluto’s Vale [33.14S, 26.40E], Grahamstown, 8.xi.1964 (C. Jacot- Guillarmod, 1 Q@ [AMGS]; Port Elizabeth [33.58S, 25.40E], i.1952 (B.R. Stuckenberg), 2 99 [AMGS]. Geographical distribution. A widespread species from Egypt southwards to the south coast of South Africa (Fig. 7c). Flower associations. Recorded from seven plant families: Asteraceae (Geigeria sp. and Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L.); Aizoaceae (Mesembryanthema, Psilocaulon salicornioides (Pax) Schwantes); Amaranthaceae (Hermstaedtia sp.); Apiaceae (Deverra aphylla (Cham. & Schlechtd.) DC)); Fabaceae (Mimosoideae, Acacia karroo Hayne); Boraginaceae ( Anchusa capensis Thunb.); Apocynaceae (formerly Asclepiadaceae, Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr.). Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Recorded taking six families of Diptera: Sarcophagidae, Tabanidae, Glossi- nidae, Calliphoridae, and Tachinidae. 78 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Bembix capicola Handlirsch http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_capicola Fig. 6d Bembex capicola Handlirsch, 1893: 814, pl. 2, fig. 19, pl. 5, fig. 25, pl. 7, fig. 10, J (Syntypes, South Africa, former Cape Province and “Kafferland”, in NMW, ZMHB); Dalla Torre 1897: 503 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Arnold 1929: 360, figs 25, 25a, 25b, pl. 6, figs 20, 21, 3S, & (in revision of the southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Bembix capicola Handlirsch, Ullyett and De Vries 1940 (prey); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess 1986: 153, 157 (prey); Pulawski 2013: 18 (in catalog of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Note. Handlirsch (1893) described the species from specimens from “Cap” and from “Kafferland”. Arnold (1929) recorded it from Johannesburg, Cape Town, Lady Grey and Grahamstown. Material examined. LESOTHO: Bokong P.O. [ 29.17S, 28.23E], 26.xii.1946 (L. Bevis), 1 3 [AMGS]; Mamathes [29.08S, 27.51E], i.1940 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 2 2° (1 8 with prey: Calliphoridae), [SAMC ex. NMBZ; DMSA]; Mamathes, ii.1940 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9 [DMSA]; Mamathes, 7.i.1934 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 3, i.1940 (C. Jacot Guillarmod) 6 9 9 (4 with prey, Syrphidae, Calliphoridae, 7Muscidae), xii.4.1941 (C. Jacot Guillarmod and A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9, 19.i.1947 (C. Jacot- Guillarmod), 7 3, 1 9, 14.i.1951 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 4 [AMGS]; nr. Mokhot- long (7800 feet) [circa 29.17S, 29.04E], 15.i.1955 (L. Bevis), 4 99, 50d [DMSA]; Malingoaneng [29.19S, 28.47E], 15.i.1955 (A. Jacot-Guillarmod) 1 9, 2 ¢ [AMGS]; Roma [29.28S, 27.44E] 17.xii.1964 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod) 1 3, 1 9, 17.xii.1964 (D.J. Brothers), 2 44 [AMGS]; Tlametlu River [29.28S, 27.25E], 8.i.1953 (C. Jacot- Guillarmod), 1 4, 1 9, 26.i.1955 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 72 2 [AMGS]. SWAZI- LAND: Swaziland, 1.xi.1912 (no collector), 1 3 [SANC]. SOUTH AFRICA: GAUT- ENG: Johannesburg [26.12S, 28.2E], 24.xii.1907 (Duncan), 1 2 [AMGS]; Florida Hills [26.10S, 27.56E], 17.ii.1962 (Empey), 1 4 [AMGS]; Benoni [26.11S, 28.18E], 17.xii.1962 (Empey), 1 ¢ [AMGS]; Pretoria [25.44S, 28.12E], 1912 (collector ?), 1 9 [SANC]; Pretoria [25.44S, 28.12E], i.1939 (G.C. Ullyett), 3 29 [SANC]; Strubens Valley, Florida [26.31S, 29.57E], 26.ii.1961 (Empey), 2 292 [AMGS]; Strubens Val- ley, Florida, 17.iii.1962 (Empey), 1 [AMGS]; Mondeor [26.16S, 28.0E], 11.xii.1959 (Empey), 1 ¢ [AMGS]. MPUMALANGA: Brakfontein b. Delmas [26.08S, 28.43E], 5.111924 (Lingnau), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. KWAZULU-NATAL: Himeville [29.45S, 29.30E], 24.xii.1938 (Nat.Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Sani Pass, nr Himeville [29.35S, 29.33E], 21.xii.1938 (L. Bevis), 2 64 [DMSA]. FREE STATE: Wepener [29.44S, 27.02E], 29.xii.1924 (Lingnau), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; EASTERN CAPE: Hamburg [33.17S, 27.28E], 26.ii.1961 (collector ?), 1 2 [SANC]. WESTERN CAPE: Palmiet Rliver] [near Kleinmond, southern Hottentots Holland Mts.] [circa 34.208, 19.02E], xii.1932 (H.G. Wood), 7 33 [SAMC]. Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... i) Geographical distribution. Widespread in southern Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia and extending south through South Africa to the coast (Fig. 7d). Flower associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown Prey. Recorded taking four, possibly five, families of Diptera: Sarcophagidae, Syr- phidae, Calliphoridae, and, possibly, Muscidae. Bembix carinata F. Smith http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_carinata Fig. 5 Bembex undulata Dahlbom, 1845: 487, 9, junior primary homonym of Bembex undulata Spinola, 1839 (Holotype or syntype, 2, South Africa, no locality, in LUND). Bembex carinata F. Smith, 1856: 323, 9 (Holotype or syntype, 2, South Africa, Cape of Good Hope in BMNH). Synonymised with Bembex undulata by Dalla Torre 1897: 503 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Handlirsch 1893: 800 (in revision of world Bembicinae); Dalla Torre 1897: 503 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera). Bembex carinata F. Smith, Lohrmann 1939: 142 (member of melanopa group); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Additional records extracted from database of specimens in collection of SAMC. SOUTH AFRICA: West Cape: Mossel Bay [34.11S, 22.08E], 1-xii.1921 (R.E. Turn- er), two specimens, sex not given, one determined by G. Arnold; Cape Town [33.56S, 18.25E], 1.11915 (L. Peringuey), sex not given, determined by H. Brauns; Cape Town, 1.1.1909 (L. Peringuey jnr), sex not given, determined by J.C. Bridwell. Geographical distribution. Recorded only from Cape Town and Mossel Bay, possibly indicating a south western coastal distribution. Further records are required to establish a distribution pattern. Floral associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix compedita R. Turner http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_compedita Bembex kohli R. Turner, 1912: 415, 3, 9, junior primary homonym of Bembex kohlii Morice, 1897 (Syntypes, Malawi, Blantyre and Mlanji Boma in BMNH). Bembex compedita R. Turner, 1913: 746, substitute name for Bembex kohli R. Turner, 1912; Arnold 1929: 375, figs 38, 38a—c, GS, @ (in revision of South African Sphe- cidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). 80 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Bembix compedita R. Turner, 1912, Lohrmann 1948: 286 (member of fuscipennis spe- cies group); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 546 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 21 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Specimens examined. MALAW/ (as Nyasaland): S.W. of Lake Chilwa, 9.1.1914 (S.A. Neave) 1 9; Zomba, 9.xi.1943 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 4, 1 9 [both SAMC ex NMBZ]; Zomba, 9.xi.1943 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia) 2 299 [AMSG]. Additional records extracted from database of specimens in collection of SAMC. KENYA: Nairobi, 7.v.1920 (no collector given), no sex given, no determiner given; MALAWI [as Nyasaland], Zomba, 20.vii.1911, no sex given, no determiner given; same locality, 1.i.1915 (H.S. Stannus), no sex given, no determiner given; same locality, 20.vii.1911 (R. Drumond), no sex given, no determiner given; same locality, 9.xi.1943 (Rhodesia Museum), no sex given, no determiner given; same locality, 18.xi.1943 (Rho- desia Museum), no sex given, no determiner given. SOUTH AFRICA: Free State, Bloemfontein [29.06S, 26.07E], 20.iii.1921 (C.F. Jacot-Guillarmod), no sex given, de- termined by G. Arnold. Geographical distribution. The above records confirm the northern occurrence of this species in Malawi and Kenya, however, the record for Bloemfontein suggests that it is also found to the south in the Free State. As there is one record only from the south additional material is required to establish the veracity of this record. Floral associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown Prey. Unknown. Bembix cultrifera Arnold http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_cultrifera Fig. 6e Bembix cultrifera Arnold, 1929: 339, figs. 9, 9a-c, pl. 6, figs 4, 44, 3,9 (Holotype, ane Southern Rhodesia [Zimbabwe], Bulawayo, in SAMC ex NMBZ) (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 546 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); W.J. Pulawski 2013: 21 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. ZIMBABWE: no locality, no date (M. Jeffreys) 9; Bulawayo [20.07S, 28.32E], 24.xii.1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 29, Xmas [Christmas], 1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 9, 28.xii.1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson), Allotype 9; Sanyati Valley [17.58S, 29.17E], ix-x.1925 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 29; Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], 10.xii.1926 R.H.R. Stevenson), holotype, @; Turk Mine [19.44S, 28.48E], 18.xi.1957 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 2 4, 1.xii.1957 (Nat. Museum. S. Rho- desia) 1 4; Turk Mine Matabele’d, 23.xi.1959 (Nat. Museum S.R.), 1 9; Umtali [18.57S, 32.40E], i.1928 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 9; 29.xi.1930 (G. Arnold), 1 9; Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 81 Figure 5. Bembix carinata, female and male. (approximate length of female: 17 mm). same date (Rhodesia Museum), 1 @ [all SAMC ex NMBZ]. NAMIBIA: Tsumeb [19.15S, 17.02E], i.1953 (N. Ward-Able). SOUTH AFRICA: Gauteng: Buffel- spoort Dam [25.47S, 27.29E], 1.xii.1968 (H. Empey), 1 9 [AMGS]; Limpopo, Hope (Ellisras) [now Lephalale] [23.40S, 27.45E], 23.xi.1968 (H. Empey), 1 3 [AMGS]. The specimen from Buffelspoort Dam agrees well with the characters indicated by Arnold (1929: 340) in his comparison with the female of speciosa Arnold (= regnata Parker) except that the mesonotal disc has well developed streaks (forming a U-shaped [yellow] mark, the lateral arms, however, not joining the basal part). Some females from Bulawayo and Umtali also show rudiments of the lateral arms of this mark. In regnata Parker this yellow mark seems to be variable in its size and development, so it is clear that it has no value as a taxonomic character to separate these two species. Three specimens (determined by G. Arnold) are given in the database of SAMC, two from Victoria Falls [17.55S, 25.50E], and one from Bulawayo [20.07S, 28.32E], sex not given. Geographical distribution. Recorded from Zimbabwe, from north to south, from eastern Namibia and from Limpopo, northern South Africa (Fig. 7e). Floral associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown Prey. Unknown. 82 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Bembix denticauda Arnold http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_denticauda Fig. 6f Bembix denticauda Arnold, 1946: 91, figs 39, 39a, 39b, 3, 2 (Syntypes, Zimbabwe, Melsetter [Chimanimani] [19.48S, 32.52E], in SAMC ex NMBZ). R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 546 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 22 (in cata- logue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. SOUTH AFRICA: Transvaal [Limpopo], Letaba River Res. [23.39S, 31.9E], 9.ix.1965 (H.N. Empey), 1 d. Geographical distribution. The previously published records are from southeast- ern Zimbabwe; the present records extend the distribution south of the Limpopo River into Limpopo Province, South Africa (Fig. 7f). Floral associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown Prey. Unknown. Bembix diversipennis F. Smith http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_diversipennis Fig. 8a Bembex diversipennis F. Smith, 1873b: 297, 3, 2 (Syntypes, Angola, in BMNH); Radoszkowski 1881: 2007 (Angola); Handlirsch 1893c: 786 (in revision of world Bembicinae); Dalla Torre 1897: 504 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Ma- gretti 1899: 605 (Somalia: Lugh at 3°48'N 42°33'E); Bingham 1902 (South Af- rica: Pretoria); R. Turner 1912: 373 (Angola, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia); Arnold 1929: 346 (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Schouteden 1930: 96 (Zaire); Scott in Arnold 1933: 371 (Ethiopia: Harar District). Bembix diversipennis F. Smith, J. Parker 1929: 139 (in revision of Stizini and Bembicini, Togo); Lohrmann 1948: 446 (member of diversipennis species group of Bembix); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 546 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 23 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Bembix tenebrosa J. Parker, 1929: 90, 3, 2 (Holotype, , German East Africa [Tanza- nia]); Arnold 1931: 214, synonymised with Bembex johnstoni; J. Parker 1942: 205 (valid species); Arnold 1960: 465, synonymised with Bembix diversipennis. Note. Turner (1912b: 373) wrote “the localities for this species in the National Col- lection [Natural History Museum, London] are from Angola to Nyasaland, Mashona- land [Zimbabwe] and Harar, Abyssinia [Ethiopia]”. Turner (1917a: 437) wrote: “In a considerable series of that species [i.e. diversipen- nis] from E. Africa the thorax is always without yellow markings in both sexes, except Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 83 Figure 6. Bembix spp.: a bubalus, female, male b cameronis, female, male ¢ capensis, female, male d capicola, female, male e cultrifera, female, male f denticauda. (approximate length of females: a 19.5 mm; b 18 mm; c 17 mm;d 18 mm; e 17 mm; f 18 mm). one female from Harar. The yellow markings on the abdomen vary much, but do not form continuous fasciae as in most West-African specimens. The wings are hyaline in the male, more or less fuscous at the base in the female in all specimens which I have seen.” Material examined. ZAMBIA: Buleya Mweru [ 18.08, 35.0E], 25.i1.1944 (Nat. Muse- um S. Rhodesia), 2 9 9 [1 2 SAMC; 1 9 SAMC ex NMBZ];??, 10.xii.1955 (C.B. Cottrell), 299,164 [AMGS]; ZIMBABWE: Nantwich [18.36S, 26.01E], 20.xii.1949 (Nat. Muse- um S. Rhodesia], 1 J [SAMC]; Penkridge [19.31S, 32.44E], 6.xi.1927 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 84 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) 250 500 _— 250 500 Figure 7. Distributions of collection records of Bembix spp.: a bubalus b cameronis € capensis A capicola e cultrifera f denticauda. 2 3S [1 4 SAMCG; 1 G3 SAMC ex NMBZ]; Rhodesdale [18.20S, 31.25E], 8/10.xi.1923 (R. Stevenson), 1 9 [AMGS]; same locality, 8/16.xi.1923 (R. Stevenson), 1 2 [AMGS], 1 3 [SAMC], 1 & [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 10/16.xi.1923 (R. Stevenson), 1 3 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; T[relawney] R[esearch] S[tation, Harare] [17.32S, 30.28E], Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 85 e Figure 8. a Bembix spp.: diversipennis, female, male b flavicincta, female ¢ fraudulenta, female, male d fuscipennis, southern melanistic form, female, male e fuscipennis, northern yellow form, female f hare- narum, female, male. (approximate lengths of females: a 27 mm; b 22.5 mm; ¢ 12.5 mm; d 18.5 mm; e 18 mm; f 15.5 mm) 14.xii.1953 [(N.J. Myers)], 1 2 [AMGS]; Umtali District [circa 18.57S, 34.40E], 24.x.1931 (P.A. Sheppard), 2 bo [1 @ SAMC; 1 3 SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 2.xi.1931 (P.A. Sheppard, 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 19.xi.1931 (P.A. Shep- pard), 1 ¢ [AMGS]; Turk Mine [19.44S, 28.45 E], 6.xii.1956 (Nat.-Museum S. Rho- desia), 2 99 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 1-xii.1957 (Nat.Museum S. Rhodesia), 86 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) 2 bo [1 & SAMC, 1 g SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 2.xi.1958 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 1.xi.1959 (Nat. Museum S. R.), 1 4 [AMGS]; Matopos [now Matobo] [20.35S, 28.30E], 18.xi.1923 (G. Arnold), 2 99 [1 2 SAMC; 1 QSAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 18.xi.1923 ((Rhodesia Museum), 1 d [SAMC ex NMBZ]. MOZAMBIQUE: Dondo, PEA [19.41S, 34.45E], 4.ii.1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 2 29 [1 9 SAMC; 12 SAMC ex NMBZ]. SOUTH AFRICA: LIMPOPO: Ellisras [pow Lephalale] [23.40S, 27.46E], 22.xi.1978 (D.J. Brothers), 1 [AMGS]; Hope, Ellisras] [23.40S, 27.45E], 11.xi.1967 (F.J. Herbst), 1 3 [AMGS]; Hope, Ellisras [pow Lephalale], 12.xi.1967 (Empey), 1 9, 2 SS [AMGS]; Swadini, Blyde River, E. Transvaal [ 24.345, 30.48E], 1.xii.1982 (F.J. Herbst), 1 9, 1 6 [AMGS]; Sabie [25.06S, 30.47E], 22.xii.1966 (H. Empey), 1 3 [AMGS]; Sabie Bungalow [circa 25.108, 30.48E], 30.xii.1962 (H.N. Empey), 1 d [AMGS]; Skukusa, K[ruger] Nat[ional] Park [24.59S, 31.38E], 17.xi.1979 (FJ. Herbst), 2 99, 1 4 [AMGS]; Vaalwater [24.15S, 28.08E], 24.xi.1968 (F.J. Herbst), 1 4 [AMGS]; Rust de Winter [25.13S, 28.29], 8.ii.1975 (Em- pey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Letaba Reserve, North East Transvaal [23.39S, 31.04E], 1.x.1966 (H. Empey), 1 3 [AMGS]; Buffelspoort Dam, Western Transvaal [25.47S, 27.29E], 27.xii.1970 (Empey), 2 92, 2 do [AMGS]; Buffelspoort Dam, 7.xii.1968 (FJ. Herb- st), 1 ¢ [AMGS]; Buffelspoort Dam, 31.12.1978 (F.J. Herbst), 3 99, 2 6d [AMGS]; Matlabas, N.W. Tvl [24.16S, 27.27E], 18.i.1981 (F.J. Herbst), 1 2 [AMGS]; GAUT- ENG: Pretoria [25.44S, 28.12E], 20.i.1919 (Brauns), 2 9° [1 9 SAMC; 1 9 SAMC ex NMBZ]; Vaal Dam [27.00S, 28.14E], 5.iii.1967 (Herbst), 1 Q [AMGS]. FREE STATE: Bothaville [now Kgotsong], 30.xii.1964 (D.J. Brothers), 1 9 [AMGS]. KWAZULU-NA- TAL: Sordwana [now Sodwana Bay] [27.32S, 32.41E], 16.iv.1965 (H.N. Empey), 1 9 [AMGS]; Sordwana Bay [now Sodwana Bay], 28.iii.1980 (F.J. Herbst), 1 6 [AMGS]; Mkuze Game Reserve (27.37S, 32.14E), 8-12.iii.1987(A.J. Weaving), 2 99 [AMGS]; False Bay, [Lake St Lucia] (27.588, 32.23E), 24.ii.-4.iii.1990 (A. Weaving), 1 3 [AMGS]; False Bay, Lake St.Lucia, 2—21.ii.1991 (A. Weaving), 1 2 [AMGS]; Fanies Island, [Lake] St Lucia (28.068, 32.26E), 4—5.iii.1987 (A.J. Weaving), 1 ¢ [AMGS]. Geographical distribution. From the records available this species appears to have a predominantly northern distribution (Fig. 9a), extending from the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal northwards to Ethiopia. Flower associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix flavicincta Turner http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_flavicincta Fig. 8b Bembex flavicincta Turner, 1912a: 414, 3,9 (Syntypes, Zambia, Pakasa, Luangwa Val- ley; Malawi, W shore of Lake Malawi, in BMNH); Arnold 1929: 376 (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 87 Bembex flavicincta Turner, Lohrmann 1948: 448 (member of the fuscipennis group); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 546 (in checklist of world Sphecidae as flavocincta); Gess 1986: 153 (as flavocincta, prey); Pulawski 2013: 28 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. MALAWI: Domira Bay [13.35S, 34.27E], Lake Nyasa [Malawi], no date (J.B. Casey), 16 2 9; Salima Bay [13.47S, 34.26E], L. Nyasa, 5.xi.1943 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 2 9° 2 [both SAMC ex NMBZ]. ZIMBABWE: Gwanda [20.57S, 29.02E], xi.1965 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 9; Sanyati Valley [17.57S, 29.18E], ix—x.1925 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 3 9 9; Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], 22.xii.1928 (Rhod. Museum), 22 @ [all SAMC ex NMBZ]. SOUTH AFRICA: Zululand [KwaZulu- Natal], Mfongosi [27.18S, 32.10E], iii.1914 (W. E. Jones), 1 9 [DMSA]; Limpopo, Ellisras [23.40S, 27.46E], 19.xii.1963 (H.N. Empey), 1 9 [AMGS]. Geographical distribution. Previously published records are from Malawi and Zimbabwe; the present records extend the distribution south of the Limpopo (Fig. 9b). Floral associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Diptera: Bombyliidae and Sarcophagidae (Sarcophaga sp.). Bembix fraudulenta Arnold http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_fraudulenta Fig. 8c Bembex fraudulenta Arnold, 1929: 367, figs 32, 32a, pl. 6, figs, 41, 42, 359 (Syntypes, South Africa, Durban, South Africa, in DMSA) (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Bembix fraudulenta Arnold, R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 546 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess 1986: 153 (flower visiting, prey); Gess and Gess 1988: 246-247, Fig. 14.19 (habitat); Gess and Gess 1998: 351, Fig. 22.18 (habitat); Pulawski 2013: 29 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. MOZAMBIQUE: Paradise Magoo, circa 20 km N. of Xai-Xai [24.59S, 33.58E], 2.vii.2012 (D.W. and G.M. Gess), 2 29, 1 4 [AMGS]; Inhaca Island [26.00S, 32.33E], 12.xii.1954 (E. McC. Callan), 1 9, 1 6 [AMGS]. SOUTH AFRICA: KWAZULU-NATAL: Umhlanga Rocks [29.43S, 31.06E], 1.11955 (E.McC. Callan), 1 6 [AMGS]; same locality, 4.1.1955 (E. McC. Callan), 1 2 (with prey: Mydidae: Nomoneuroides natalensis Hesse, 3) [AMGS]; Durban (Bluff/2537) [29.54S, 31.02E], 27.iii.1920 (C.N. Barker), holotype 3 (Red Type label of Arnold’s) [DMSA]; same locality, accession number and collector, 19. iii.1920, ?Paratype 2 (Red Type label of Arnold’s) [DMSA]; same locality, accession number, date and collector, 1 Q (Paratype label attached by FWG) [SAMCC ex NMSR]; same locality, accession number and collector, 27.iii.1920, 19 (Paratype label attached by FWG) [AMGS]; 88 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) 0 250 500 | a a | 30°E Figure 9. Distributions of collection records of Bembix species: a diversipennis b flavicincta c fraudulenta d fuscipennis e gracilens € harenarum. same locality and collector [but accession number 2644 and date 26.iii.1921], 1 ° (Paratype label attached by FWG) [AMGS]; Durban (Beach B./2651), 30.iv.1921 (C.N. Barker), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Hillary, Durban [29.53S, 30.57E], no date (F. Herbst), 1 5 [AMGS]; Isipingo [Beach] [30.00S, 30.57E], 25.ii.1940 (L. Bevis), 1 2 Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 89 [DMSA]; St.Michael’s on Sea [30.50S, 30.23E], 14.1.1953 (E.McC. Callan), 2 99, 1 6 [AMGS]. EASTERN CAPE: Port St. Johns [31.38S, 29.33E], 12.ii.1970 (J.G.H. Londt), 1 9 [AMGS]; East London [33.03S, 27.55E], iv.1947 (S. Seagrief), 1 9 [AMGS]; same locality, 28.ii.1960 (E.McC. Callan), 1 d [AMGS]; Hamburg [33.17S, 27.28E], 25—26.iii.1987 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 299 [AMGS]; Rietrivier Mouth near Port Alfred [33.33S, 27.01E], 11.i.1984 (R.W. Gess), 1 4 (on flowers of Ipomoea pes- caprae (L.) R. Br. brasiliensis (L.) Ooststr., Convolvulaceae); same locality, 3.ii.1984 (F.W. Gess), 3 63 (2 b¢ visiting flowers of Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. brasiliensis); same locality and date (S.K. Gess), 1 ¢ (visiting flowers of Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. brasiliensis); Kenton-on-Sea [33.41S, 26.40E], 20.i.1984 (D.W. Gess), 1 2 (on flowers of white mesembs); Boknes (33.438, 26.35E), 16.i.1984 (D.W. Gess), 1 3 (on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa (Hochst.) Puff, Rubiaceae); same locality, 20.i.1984 (F.W. Gess), 2 3S (on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa ; same locality and date (R.W. Gess), 1 9 7 33 (1 2,6 GS on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa); same locality, 24.1.1984 (D.W. Gess), 1 9,2 64 (1 & on Gazania flowers); same locality and date (F.W. Gess), 2 99, 2 3S (on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa); same locality and date (R.W. Gess), 2 29, 1 & (on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa); same locality, 27.i.1984 (F.W. Gess), 1 3 (on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa); same locality, 12.iv.1984 (D.W. Gess), 1 9; same locality, 9.i.1986 (D.W. Gess), 4 Jo (on flowers of Phylohydrax carnosa) [all AMGS]. Geographical distribution. The species appears to have a strictly coastal distribu- v tion (Fig. 9c). At present it is known from coastal Mozambique, Kwazulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape (to at least as far south as Boknes, 33.43S, 26.35E) coasts. At Rietrivier Mouth, Kenton-on-Sea and Boknes the species was found frequenting the first line of supra-littoral dunes and visiting the flowers of plants associated with these dunes. Floral associations. Recorded from four plant families: Convolvulaceae (Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. brasiliensis (L.) Ooststr.); Rubiaceae (Phylohydrax carnosa (Hochst.) Puff); Asteraceae (Gazania sp.); and Aizoaceae (Mesembryanthema). Nesting. Unknown but most likely nesting in the supra-littoral dunes. Prey. Recorded taking one family of Diptera: Mydidae (one female captured with mydid prey, Nomoneuroides natalensis Hesse, 1969 (¢ Paratype)). Bembix fuscipennis Lepeletier http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_fuscipennis Fig. 8d, e Bembex fuscipennis Lepeletier, 1845: 271, 3,8 (Syntypes, “Cape of Good Hope”, depository ?); F. Smith 1856 (in catalogue of Hymenoptera in British Museum); Taschenberg 1870: 19 (South Africa: Cape area); Handlirsch 1893: 850, pl. 3, figs 2, 25, pl. 7, fig. 29, 3, @ (in revision of world Bembicini); Dalla Torre 1897: 505 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Arnold 1929: 373, figs 36, 36a, 36b, pl. 6, fig. 30, 3S, @ (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae); Schouteden 1930: 96 (Zaire); Cuthbertson, 90 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) 1939 (prey and nest parasite, Craticulina tabaniformis (Fabricius), Sarcophagidae); Berland 1950: 296 (Niger, Air area); Pagliano 2011: 121 (specimens in collection of Spinola, Torino). Bembix fuscipennis Lepeletier, J. Parker 1929: 91(in revision of Stizini and Bembicini); Giordani Soika 1939: 105 (Eritrea: Keren); Guiglia 1943: 75 (Ethiopia: Gamo Gofa: Sagan — Omo Region); J. Parker 1942: 206, pl. 18, figs 15,18 (valid species); Lohrmann 1948: 448 (member of fuscipennis species group of Bembix); Guiglia 1950: 240 (Ethiopia: Gamo Gofa: Caschei); Arnold 1951: 138, figs 30, 30a (dis- cussion of male genitalia); Leclercq 1955: 408 (Ruanda); de Beaumont 1967: 506 (South Africa, Natal); Gess 1981: 21 (South Africa: 18 km WNW Grahamstown, nesting in friable soil); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 546 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Casolari and Casolari Moreno 1980: 115 (specimens in M. Spinola collection); Gess 1981: 21 (nesting in friable soil); Gess 1986: 158 (prey); Guichard 1989: 145 (Saudi Arabia, Yemen); Gess and Gess 2003: 123 (flower visiting re- cords); Gadallah and Assery 2004: 230 (in catalogue of Sphecidae of Saudi Arabia); Pulawski 2013: 30-31 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Bembex stevensoni J. Parker, 1929: 92, 3, (Holotype, 3, Zimbabwe, Bulawayo in USNM); Arnold 1931: 214, synonymised with Bembex fuscipennis; J. Parker 1942: 2006 (valid species); Arnold 1951: 138 (discussion of male genitalia). Note. In this species there is a marked north-south variation in colouration. Speci- mens examined (as listed below under Material examined) from the north, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and northern South Africa, are characterised by the entire clypeus brownish amber, whereas in specimens examined from the south only the anterior third to half of the clypeus is brownish amber, the rest of the clypeus is black. A certain degree of ovelap of the two colour forms is noted in specimens examined from the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal. This observation is supported by the published descriptions: Parker (1929) in re- cording a female from Tabora (Tanzania) and a male from Bulawyo (Zimbabwe) stat- ed that “The clypeus of the female before me is entirely ferruginous”; Arnold (1929) recording specimens from Zimbabwe and northern South Africa stated, “labrum and clypeus brownish amber yellow”; Handlirsch (1893) referring to specimens examined by him from “Transvaal”, “Port Natal” and “Cape of Good Hope”, that is from both the north and the south, noted, “Corpus nigrum, orbitus, magine apicali clipei (raro toto clipeo) et labro ferrugineo-luteis, ....”. Lepeletier (1845) in his description of both sexes from the “Cap de Bonne-Espérance” stated inter alia, “Clypeus niger, margine antico ferrugineo, ...”. Indeed, specimens from the north are altogether less melanistic than those from the south. ‘The pale colouring of the streak on each side of the face, the spots behind the antennal sockets, the band of spots below the ocellar region, the flagellum, the yellow spot on the posterior angles of the epinotal dorsum and the pale bands on the tergites are all greatly reduced in specimens from the south as compared with specimens from the north. Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... Dil Material examined. MALAWI: Domira B[ay] [13.35S, 34.27E], Lake Nyasa [now Lake Malawi], (alt.1760 [feet]), no date given (C.B. Casey), 1 9 [DMSA]. ZAMBIA: Abercorn [now Mbala] [8.50S, 31.24E], 19.vii.1945 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. ZIMBABWE: Salisbury [now Harare] [17.48S, 31.03E], 27.x.1914 (J. O'Neil), 1 9; Sabi Valley [ 20.20S, 32.20E], iii.1939 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 9 [SAMC]; Victoria Falls [17.55S, 25.50E], 1.i.1920 (G. Arnold), 1 9; same locality, 2.i.1920 (G. Arnold), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 16.xi.1942 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia) 1 ¢ [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Inyanga (4000’) [18.16S, 32.43E], xii.1920 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Bulawayo [20.07S, 28.32E], 30.ix.1923 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 2 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 28.v.1923 (R. Stevenson), 1 3; same locality, 18.ii.1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 4 [SANC]; same locality, 10.xii.1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 2 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 19. xii.1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 9 [SANC]; 7 m[iles] S of Chiturapodzi [??], Limpopo R[iver], 1.v.1968 (Nat.Mus. R. S. Exp), 1 4 [AMGS]; Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], 25.x.1919 (G. Arnold), 19 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Same locality, 23.x.1922 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 3 [DMSA]; same locality, 22—27.xii.1923 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 25.xii.1925 (Rhod. Museum), 1 9 [AMGS]; 1 @ [AMGS]; Umtali [18.57S, 32.40E], 17.iv.1923 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 2 64 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Turk Mine [19.44S, 28.48E], 10.xi.1957 (Nat.Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 2 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. MOZAMBIQUE: Dondo [19.41S, 34.45E], 3. ii.1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 2 [DMSA]. NAMIBIA: circa 13 km E of Okongwati, Opuwa road (17.31S, 13.22E), 24.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 Q (at water) [AMGS]; 7 km N of Palmwag (19.51S, 13.54E), 26.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 (at water) [AMGS]; near Two Palms, Uniab River (19.53S, 13.54E), 27.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9 (at water) [AMGS]; 20 km E of Outjo (20.17S, 16.09E), 6.iv.1998 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 (visiting yellow flowers of Geigeria pectidea (DC) Harv., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; 32 km W of Omaruru on road 2315 (21.29S, 15.43E), 2.iv.1998 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 [AMGS]; between Omaruru and Wilhelmstal (21.31S, 16.03E), 3.iv.1998 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 12 99,1 ¢ (11 29, 1 & visiting deep pink flowers of Hermbstaedtia odorata (Burch.) T. Cooke, Amaranthaceae) [AMGS]; Otjitundu River 42 km by road west of Okahandja (21.54S, 16.31E), 2.iv.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 (visiting yellow flowers of Nidorella resedifolia DC., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; 15 km W of Karibib on road to Usakos (21.56S, 15.42E), 5.iv.1998 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 99 (1 & visiting yellow flowers of Osteospermum sp., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Okahandja [21.59S, 16.55E], 27.xii.1977 (Empey), 1 9 [AMGS]; 18 km W of 1237/C26 junction (23.09S, 16.42E), 11.iii.1999 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 & (visiting deep pink flowers of Hermbstaedtia sp., Amaranthaceae) [AMGS]; Mariental [24.38S, 17.58E], 28.iii.1977 (Empey), 3 22° [AMGS]; G[rea]t Karas Mountains, xi.1936 (Mus. Staff), 1 4 [SAMC]. SOUTH AFRICA: LIMPOPO: Afguns, Ellisras [now Lephalale] [23.50S, 27.41E], 3.iv.1972 (Empey), 1 ¢ [AMGS]. MPUMALANGA: Kruger National Park, Onder Sabie [25.7S, 31.55E], 22.v.1969 (M.W. Strydom), 1 9 [SANC]; same locality, 2.vi.1969 (M.W. Strydom), 1 3 [SANC]; Kruger National Park, Malelane [25.28S, 31.31E], 30.v.1969 (M.W. Strydom), 1 2 [SANC]. NORTH 92 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) WEST PROVINCE: Crystal Waters, Breedtsnek [circa 25.45S, 27.15E], 8.xi.1962 (H.N. Empey), 1 4 [AMGS]. FREE STATE: Bloemfontein [29.06S, 26.07E], 20. ii8i.1931 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9. KWAZULU-NATAL: Umbilo [29.54S, 30.59E], 17/x.1915 (L. Bevis) 1 ¢ [DMSA]; Durban [29.49S, 31.01E], 7.iv.1913 (W. Haygarth), 2 99 [DMSA]; same locality, ii.1914 (W. Haygarth), 1 2 [SAMC]; same locality, 10.iii.1914 (W. Haygarth), 1 & [DMSA]; same locality, 1.iii.1959 (C. Booth), 1 9 [SAMC]; Berea, Durban [29.51S, 30.60E], 27.xi.1958 (Empey), 1 3 [AMGS]; Tugela Ferry [28.44S, 30.27E], 13.xi.1971 (Empey), 1 9 [AMGS]; Ladysmith [28.32S, 29.46E], 21.iii.1963 (H.N. Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Umtentweni [30.42S, 30.28E], 5. xi.1972 (Empey), 1 9 [AMGS]; Mfongosi [28.43S, 30.48E], iii.1914 (W-.E. Jones), 1 d [SAMC]; same locality, iv.1916 (W.E. Jones), 1 2 [SAMC]; same locality, 1923 ({The] Misses Jones), 1 9, 1 @; Stella Blush], 1.1915 (Marley), 1 2 [SAMC]. NORTHERN CAPE: Olifantshoek [27.57S, 22.42E], 10.xii.1978 (Empey), 1 @ [AMGS]; Prieska [29.40S, 22.42E], 1.1.1978 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Namaqualand, Kamiesberg to Sors Sors (30.108, 18.01E), 1 J (visiting blue flowers of Anchusa capensis Thunb., Boraginaceae) [AMGS]; Colesburg/Norvalspont, Vanwyksfontein farm (30.39S, 25.23E), 23.ii.2000 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 (visiting yellow flowers of Tribulus terrestris L., Zygophyllaceae) [AMGS]; Vanwyksfontein [farm], 5 m[iles] W of Norvalspont [30.39S, 25.23E], 7.v.1980 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 4 99 [AMGS]; Vanwyksfontein [farm], 8 km W of Norvalspont [30.39S, 25.23E], 14-19.iv.1982 (F.W. Gess), 1 2 [AMGS]; Vanwyksfontein [farm], 8 km W of Norvalspont, 15.i.1985 (D.W. Gess), 1 3 (on flowering Acacia karroo Hayne, Fabaceae, Mimosoideae); same locality and collector, 17.i.1985, 1 ¢ (on flowering Acacia karroo); same locality and collector, 24.i1.1985, 2 99 [AMGS]; Vanwyksfontein [farm], 8 km W of Norvalspont, 28—30.xi.1988 (R.W. Gess), 3 OQ; same locality and dates (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9, 3 3d [AMGS]; Thee Kloof, Fraserburg Div[ision] [32.05S, 20.41E], xi.1935 (Mus. Staff), 9 do [SAMC]; Tanqua Karoo, Renoster Riv. [circa 32.16S, 20.05E], xi.1952 (Mus. Expd.), 1 6 [SAMC]; Tankwa Karoo [circa 32.15S, 19.45E], 1.1949 (Zinn- Hesse Mus. Exp.), 1 9 [SAMC]; Warrenton [28.09S, 24.47E], x.1939 (Mus. Staff), 1 ¢ [SAMC]; Van Schalkwyks Kraal, Venterstad Div[ision], x.1935 (Mus.Staff), 1 3 [SAMC]; Colesberg [30.45S, 25.05E], 12.iii.1969 (M.W. Strydom), 1 2 [SANC]; same locality and date (L.C. Starke), 1 9 [SANC]; Victoria West [31.25S, 23.04E], 10.i.1965 (H.N. Empey), 3 29, 1 ¢ [AMGS]; EASTERN CAPE: Middelburg [31.308S, 25.00E], 2.xi.1972 (E. Holm), 1 2 [AMGS]; Middelburg Divlision] [circa 31.308, 25.00E], xi.1935(Mus. Staff), 4 4 [SAMC]; Resolution, Grahamstown [33.08S, 26.37E], 1930 (Miss Walton), 1 9 [SAMC]; Nieu Bethesda [31.51S, 24.34E], 30.i.2002 (F.J. Herbst), 1 4 [AMGS]; Mountain Zebra Park (32.158, 25.27E), 12-16.ii.1988 (A.J. Weaving), 2 29, 1 d [AMGS]; same locality, 23-29.iii.1988 (A.J. Weaving), 1 J [AMGS]; Graaff Reinet [32.13S, 24.32E], 3.i.1978 (Empey), 2 63 [AMGS]; Ecca Pass, Grahamstown [33.13S, 26.37E], 25.i.1974 (R. Bayliss), 1 2@ [AMGS]; Whittlesea [32.10S, 26.50E], 21.ii.1971 (Empey), 1 9 [AMGS]; Kudu Reserve, Double Drift [33.06S, 26.47E], 15.iii.1984 (A.J. Weaving), 2 So [AMGS]; Aberdeen [32.288S, 24.02E], xi.1935 (Mus. Staff), 1 9, 3 Jo [SAMC]; Gardiner’s Drift, Adelaide [circa Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 93 32.428, 26.18E], iii.1954 (S. A. Museum), 8 99, 4 @q@ [SAMC]; Fort Beaufort, Umdala [Mdala] [32.48S, 26.41E], iii.1954 (S. A. Museum), 1 4 [SAMC]; Hendrik Verwoerd [now Gariep] Dam [30.30S, 25.45E], 12.iii.1969 9.1. (L.C. Starke), 1 9; same locality and date (M.W. Strydom), 1 2 [SANC]; Jeffreys Bay [34.2S, 24.55E], 17.iii.1970 (L.C. Starke), 1 9 [SANC]; Graaff-Reinet [32.13S, 24.32E], 14.iii.1969 (L.C. Starke), 2 44 [SANC]; Jansenville [32.57S, 24.40E], 13.iii.1970 (L.C. Starke), 1 4 [SANC]; Carlisle Bridge [33.05S, 26.14E], 14.1.1965 (H.N. Empey), 1 3 [AMGS]; Queenstown [31.52S, 26.52E], 1951 (S. Straw), 2 99; same locality, 13.xi.1999 (F.J. Herbst), 1 4 [AMGS]; Bedford [32.40S, 26.10E], iii.1960 (Langridge), 1 2 [AMGS]; [west of] Riebeek East, Swartwaterspoort [33.11S, 25.59E], i.1988 (R.W. Gess), 1 9 (with prey: Bombyliidae) [AMGS]; Grahamstown [33.19S, 26.31E], 21.ix.1952 (N. Gane), 1 9; Middelburg [31.30S, 25.00E], 3.ii.1957 (E.McC. Callan), 2 99, 1 <; Willowmore [33.15S, 23.30E], i.1914 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Willowmore, 12.i.1965 (H.N. Empey), 2 54 [AMGS]; Alicedale [33.15S, 26.04E], 2.xii.1970 (F.W. Gess), 1 9, 3 633 same locality, 2.xii.1970 (J.G.H. Londt), 2 Nes [AMGS]. WESTERN CAPE: Caledon Dist[rict], Nuweberg Forest Statlion] [34.04S, 19.08E], 5.i.1990 (P. Goldblatt), 2 22 (on open flowers of Micranthus plantagineus [Micranthus alopecuroides (L.) Rothm.)] Iridaceae) [AMGS]; Prince Albert Dist[rict], Tierberg (Study Site) (33.10S, 22.1G6E), 26.xi.-5.xii.1987 (F.W., S.K. and R.W. Gess), 3 SS (on cream flowers of Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr., Asclepiadaceae) [AMGS]; Prince Albert Dist[rict], Tierberg (Res. Stat.) (33.088, 22.16E), 26.xi.- 5. xii.1987 (F.W., S.K. and R.W. Gess), 2 992, 1 6 [AMGS]; Oudtshoorn, Onverwacht (33.38S, 22.14E), (R.W. Gess), 1 2, 1 & (on flowers of Acacia caffra (Thunb) Willd., Fabaceae) [AMGS]; Oudtshoorn, Zebra [33.46S, 22.19E], x.1951 (Mus. Exped.), 1 9 [SAMC]; Touwsrivier [33.20S, 20.02E], 9.1.1975 (Empey), 1 9, 1 3 [AMGS]; Ouberg Pass, by road 27 km NE of Montagu (33.408, 20.16E), 3.xii.1986 (S.K. Gess), 1 9, 1 J [AMGS]; Rietbron [32.54S, 23.08E], 11.i.1965 (H.N. Empey), 2 29, 1 d [AMGS]; Rietbron [32.54S, 23.08E], 19.ii.1971 (Empey), 2 29, 3 Oo [AMGS]; 16.5 km from Clanwilliam on old road to Citrusdal [32.16S, 18.57E], 13.x.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 36 [AMGS]; Bergsoom Farm, Citrusdal, 17 8&18.1.2009 (D.W. and G.M. Gess), 1 2, 3 SS (on Acacia karroo Hayne, Fabaceae) [AMGS]; Clanwilliam District, Klein Alexandershoek (32.20S, 18.4G6E), 6.x.1988 (D.W. Gess), 1 @ [AMGS]; Bulshoek, Cl{an]w[illiam] [32.00S, 18.47E], xii.1956 (S. A. M.), 2 OS [SAMC]; Merweville Distr[ict] [32.40S, 21.31], i.-ii.1947 (H. Zinn), 13 9 9[SAMC]; Merweville, Laingsburg Distr[ict] [32.40S, 21.31E], i.1959 (H. Zinn), 1 992, 3 G3 [SAMC]; Dikbome, Merweville, Koup [32.54S, 21.22E], i.1953 (H. Zinn), 4 99, 13 G3 [SAMC]; Beaufort West Dist[rict] [circa 32.188, 22.36E], ii.1958 (S. A. M. sic [South African Museum]), 6 22, 8 5d [SAMC]; Beaufort West, Oukloof [circa 32.188, 22.36E], i.1949 (Zinn-Hesse Mus,Exp.), 2 9 9[SAMC]; Nieuveld Escarpment, Rietvlei [32.20S, 21.30E], i.1949 (Zinn-Hesse Mus. Exp.), 2 99 [SAMC]; Murraysburg Disr[rict] [circa 31.588, 23.47E], iii.1931 (Museum Staff), 18 92, 20 dd [SAMC], same locality, xi.1935 (Museum Staff), 20 2 9, 25 63 [SAMC]; Constable [33.16S, 20.17E], ii.1958 [Hesse et al.], 2 29, 1 5 [SAMC]; Koup, Laingsburg Dist[rict] [circa 33.24S, 21.07E], 94 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) ix.1937 (Museum Staff), 1 9 [SAMC]; Seven Weeks Poort [33.22S, 21.25E], ii.1935 (K.H. Barnard], 1 2 [SAMC]; Spitzkop. Meirings Poort [32.3S, 22.49E]. i.1935 (Museum Staff), 2 29 [SAMC]; Richmond Dist[rict] [circa31.23S, 23.56E], iii.1931 (Museum Staff), 1 99, 5 Gd [SAMC]; Spitzkop, Laingsburg Dist. [33.3S, 20.35E],iii.1938 (Mus. Staff), 1 4 [SAMC]; Moordenaars Karroo, Laingsberg Div. [circa 32.588, 20.49E], iii.1937 (Mus. Staff), 2 99, 1 3 [SAMC]. Geographical distribution. Widespread in southern Africa (Fig. 9d), extending northwards to Ethiopia in the northeast and Zaire in the northwest. Floral associations. Recorded from seven plant families: Asteraceae (Geigeria pectidea (DC) Harv., Osteospermum sp., Nidorella resedifolia DC.); Amaranthaceae (Hermbstaedtia odorata (Burch.) T. Cooke); Boraginaceae (Anchusa capensis Thunb.); Zygophyllaceae (Tribulus terrestris L.); Fabaceae (Mimosoideae, Acacia Karroo Hayne, A. caffra (Thunb) Willd.); Apocynaceae (formerly Asclepiadaceae, Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr); Iridaceae (Micranthus alopecuroides (L.) Rothm.). Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Recorded taking seven families of Diptera: Tabanidae, Bombyliidae, Syrphi- dae, Muscidae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, and Tachinidae. Bembix gracilens J. Parker http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_gracilens Bembix gracilens J. Parker, 1929: 143, pl. 9, fig. 109, 2 (Holotype, 2, South West Africa [Namibia], no locality, in ZMHB); Arnold 1931: 217 (original description copied); Lohrmann 1948: 448 (member of fuscipennis species group); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 546 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 33 (in catalogue of Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. NAMIBIA: Windhoek [22.35S, 17.04E], 29.xii.1966 (H. Em- pey) 2 [AMGS]. Geographical distribution. Recorded from Namibia (Fig. 9e). Floral associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix harenarum Arnold http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_harenarum Fig. 8f Bembex harenarum Arnold, 1929: 371, figs 35, 35a, pl. 6, figs 28, 29, 3,9 (Syntypes, South Africa, Plettenberg Bay, in TMSA) (in revision of southern African Spheci- dae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 95 Bembix harenarum Arnold, Lohrmann 1948: 448 (member of fuscipennis species group of Bembix); Bohart and Menke 1976: 546 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess and Gess 1998: 351, Fig. 22.18 (habitat); Pulawski 2013: 34 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. SOUTH AFRICA: EASTERN CAPE: Port St. Johns [31.388S, 29.33E], xii.1961 (F. W. and S. K. Gess), 6 299, 8 63 [SAMC]; same locality and collec- tors, iii.1967, 11 99,444 [SAMC]; Rietrivier Mouth near Port Alfred [33.33S, 27.01E], 28.i1.1973 (F.W. Gess), 1 9; same locality, 19.11.1978 (D.W. Gess), 1 2; Zwartkops [now Swartkops] [33.52S, 25.36E], Algoa Bay, ii.1919 (C. B. Kriiger), 12 (seashore dunes); Klipbaai [circa 34.118, 24.43E], between Oyster and Cape St Francis bays, 9-12.i.1988 (R.W. Gess and W. Archer), 6 99 (1 Q with prey: Tabanidae). WESTERN CAPE: Grootrivier [Nature’s Valley], Knysna Dist.[33.59S, 23.34E], i.1955 (P.M.D. Martin), 1 &; same locality, 1.1958 (P.M.D. Martin), 1 9; Nature’s Valley, 8.iii.1970 (L.C. Starke), 1 2 [SANC]; Nature’s Valley, Tsitsikama Forest, 28.xii.1966 (C. Jacot-Guillar- mod), 7 6d, 2 92 (1 d bearing pollinia of Asclepiadaceae on all its claws); Wilderness [33.59S, 22.35E], George, 25.i.1922 (Brauns), 1 @; Plettenberg Bay [34.03S, 23.22E], i.1920 (Brauns),1 9 (“See Strand”) [SAMC]; Brenton-on-Sea [34.04S, 23.01E]), Knysna, iv.1977 (F.W. Gess), 1 & (littoral zone) — [all AMGS unless otherwise indicated]. Additional records extracted from database of specimens in collection of SAMC are from Plettenberg Bay and Bredasdorp, no sexes or determiners given. Geographical distribution. ‘The species appears to have a strictly coastal distribu- tion (Fig. 9f). Known from Port St Johns to Brenton-on-Sea near Knysna and, if the unconfirmed record from SAMC is included, Bredasdorp. Floral associations. Recorded from one plant family Apocynaceae (formerly As- clepiadaceae, based on pollinia carried on claws). Nesting. Unknown, probably in the supra-littoral dunes. Prey. Recorded taking one family of Diptera: Tabanidae (one female captured with tabanid prey). Bembix karrooensis Gess http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_karrooensis Fig. lla Bembix karrooensis Gess, 1986: 144, figs 20-24, 3,2 (Holotype, 4, South Africa, Laingsburg Disrict, Merweville, in SAMC); Gess and Gess 2003: 124 (flower visit- ing records); Pulawski 2013: 38 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. NAMIBIA: Two Palms, Uniab River (19.53S, 13.54E), 27.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9, 1 @ (at water) [AMGS]; same locality, 28.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9 (visiting white flowers [of] Boerhavia hereroensis Heimerl., Nyctaginace- ae) [AMGS]; road D2344 WNW [of] Omatjete (20.57S, 15.14E), 15.iii.2004 (F.W. 96 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) and S.K. Gess), 1 9; Barby 26, Bethanie (SE2516DC) [25.51S, 16.33E], 2—7.x.1972 (collector ?) (F9244), 1 paratype 6 [NMNW/]; 36 km on [road] C13 from Helmer- inghausen (26.058, 16.38), 9.iii.1999 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2, 1 d (both visiting yellow flowers of Deverra denudata (Viv.) Pfisterer & Podl., Apiaceae) [AMGS]; 18 km from Ariamsvlei on road to Aroab [circa 28.00S, 19.43E], 14.v.1973 (C.F. Jacot- Guillarmod), 1 Paratype 2 [AMGS]. SOUTH AFRICA: NORTHERN CAPE: on road to Richtersveld National Park bet[ ween] Annis and Dabie rivers (28.20S, 16.55E), 20.ix.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9,5 565 (4 GC, of which 1 stylopized, visiting deep pink flowers of Hermbstaedtia glauca (Wendl.) Reichb. ex Steud., Amaranthace- ae) [AMGS]. WESTERN CAPE: Merweville Distr[ict] [32.40S, 21.31], ii.1948 (H. Zinn), 1 paratype 3S [SAMC]; Dikbome, Merweville, Koup (32.545, 20.228)... 1952 (Mus. Exped.), 2 paratype 6d [AMGS] ; Merweville, Laingsburg Distri[ct], i.1959 (H. Zinn), Holotype 3, 1 paratype 9 [SAMC]; Prince Albert Dist., Tierberg (Study Site) (33.10S, 22.16E), 16.xi.1994 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 3 (claws bearing pollinia of Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr., Asclepiadaceae) [AMGS]. Geographical distribution. The Nama-Karoo of the Northern Cape and Namibia bigs a): Floral associations. Recorded from four plant families: Amaranthaceae (Hermbstaedtia glauca (Wendl.) Reichb. ex Steud.); Apiaceae (Deverra denudata (Viv.) Pfisterer & Podl .); Apocynaceae (formerly Asclepiadaceae, Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr.; Nyctaginaceae (Boerhavia hereroensis Heimerl.). Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix liturata R.Turner http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_liturata Fig. 11b Bembex liturata R. Turner, 1917a: 440, 4, 2 (Syntypes, South Africa, Eastern Cape, Willowmore, in BMNH); Arnold 1929: 370, figs 34, 34a—c, pl. 6, figs 26, 27, 3,2 (in revision of southern Africa Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afro- tropical Sphecidae); Guiglia 1931: 157 (Eritrea, Dankalia, Gaarre N Assaab). Bembix liturata R. Turner, R. Bohart & Menke, 1976: 547 (in checklist of world Sphe- cidae); Pulawski 2013: 41 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Note. This species was described by Turner from Willowmore and recorded from the same locality by Arnold. In the females the sixth tergite is not always black (as stated in Arnold’s key) but may be ferruginous or even yellow at the apex, in which case the general appearance ia much like that of B. capensis. Such specimens are, however, distinguishable by the pale markings on the tergite being yellowish white (not yellow), by the greater amount of yellow and lesser amount of ferruginous (if any) on the sterna, by the shape of the black mark on the clypeus, by the more gracile form of the second flagellar segment, and by Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 97 the fact that the labrum at the baso-lateral angles (and sometimes laterally) is finely but distinctly pilose (almost glabrose in capensis). The subspecies flavopicta Arnold cannot be upheld as the material examined shows that the species may vary considerably in the degree of development of the light mark- ings. Specimens from Willowmore are usually melanistic, flavopicta has the light mark- ings well developed, specimens from Merveville are intermediate. Material examined. ZIMBABWE: Matetsi [18.15S, 25.55E], 7.ix.1934 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 4; same locality and collector, 9.ix. 1934, 1 @; same locality and collector, 12.ix.1934, 1 9; same locality and collector, 28.x.1934, 1 9. NORTHERN CAPE: ?.... Kloof, Fraserburg [31.55S, 21.31E], xi.1935 (Mus. Staff), 1 d [SAMC]. WESTERN CAPE: Liebendal [Station] [31.36S, 18.24E], xi.1953 (S.A.M.), 1 2 [SAMC]; Mur- raysburg Dist[rict] [circa 31.588, 23.47E], xi.1935 (Mus. Staff), 2 63 [SAMC]; Bush- mans Riv[er], Letjiesbosch, Koup [32.34S, 22.16E], xi.1935 (Mus. Staff), 1 9 [SAMC]; Merweville Distr[ict] [32.40S, 21.31], i-ii. 1947 (H. Zinn), 3 99, 2 do [SAMC]; Dik- bome, Merweville, Koup [32.54S, 21.22E], i.1953 (H. Zinn), 7 99, 6 dd [SAMC]; Rietbron [32.54S, 23.08E], 11.i.1965 (H.N. Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Nieuveld Escarp- ment, Rietvlei [32.20S, 21.30E], i.1949 (Zinn-Hesse Mus. Exp.), 1 3 [SAMC]; Roo- inek [Pass], Laingsberg Distr. [33.20S, 20.52E], i.1949 (Zinn-Hesse Mus. Exp.), 1 9, 1 4 [SAMC]; 43 km ENE of Ceres on road to Sutherland [33.12S, 19.44E], 2-3. xii.1989 (R.W. Gess), 2 do (1 & on flowers of Athanasia spp., Asteraceae); same local- ity and dates (H.W. Gess), 1 2 [AMGS]; Oudtshoorn, Onverwacht (33.378, 22.14E), 9,-12.xii.1986 (F.W. Gess), 3 2 9; same locality and dates (R.W. Gess), 2 53 (on flow- ers of Acacia caffra (Ihunb.) Willd., Fabaceae) [AMGS]; EASTERN CAPE: Aberdeen [32.28S, 24.02E], xi.1935 (Mus. Staff), 1 2 [SAMC]; Willowmore [33.15S, 23.30E], 1.xi.1899 (Brauns), 1 6 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality and collector, 10.i.1900, 1 9 [DMSA], 17.xi.1916, 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ], no date, 1 6 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. Geographical distribution. Known principally from the southern Nama-Karoo of South Africa. The single record from Zimbabwe suggests that further records are required to establish the distribution pattern. (Fig. 12b) Floral associations. Recorded from two plant families: Asteraceae (Athanasia spp.); and Fabaceae (Mimosoideae, Acacia caffra (Thunb.) Willd.). Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix loupata J. Parker http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_loupata Fig. llc Bembix loupata J. Parker, 1929: 73, pl. 10, figs 123-126, 3, 2 (Holotype, 5, Tanganyika [Tanzania], Kanoga, in ZMHB); Lohrmann 1948: 448 (member of mediterranea species group; R Bohart and Menke 1976: 547 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 42 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Bembex loupata Parker & Arnold, 1931: 211, figs 47, 47a, 47b (original description copied). 98 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Material examined. ZIMBABWE: Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], 31.x.1919 (G. Ar- nold) 1 3 [AMGS]; Sawmills, 12.xii.1926 (Rhodesian Museum) 1 @; Victoria Falls [17.55S, 25.50E], 19.xi.1920 (G. Arnold) 1 ¢ [both SAMC ex NMBZ]. Geographical distribution. Known from Tanzania (Kanoga and Ukerewe Island) and Zimbabwe (Fig. 12c). Clearly more records are required to establish a distribution pattern. Flower associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Diptera: Bombyliidae and Sarcophagidae (Sarcophaga sp.). Bembix massaica Cameron http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_massaica Fig. 10 Bembex massaica Cameron, 1908: 290, 4, 2 (Syntypes, Tanzania, Mt Meru low- lands, Ngare na nyuki, and Tanganyika [Tanzania], Usambara Mts, Mombo, in NMBZ); Turner 1917a: 439 (as synonym of Bembex forcipata); Arnold 1929: 365 (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae); Arnold 1933: 359 (Ethiopia). Bembix massaica Cameron & Guiglia, 1943: 75 (Ethiopia, Gamo Gofa, Caschei); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 546 (in checklist of world Sphecidae, as synonym of Bembex forcipata); Pulawski 2013: 44 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato, as valid species). Note. Described by Cameron (1908) from Tanganyika [Tanzania]. Arnold (1929) re- corded the species from East Africa and Rhodesia [Zimbabwe] and (1951) from Ethiopia. Material examined. KENYA: Luvia Island, Lake Victoria, 14.iv.1952 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia) 2 99. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO (DRC): Lake Mweru [9.10N, 28.30E], Lunchinda River, 15.ii.1953 (H.D. Brown) 1 2 [AMGS]. ZIM- BABWE: Balla-Balla [Mbalabala] [20.45S, 29.05E], 1.iv.1945 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia) 1 2; Bembesi 20.00S, 28.56E], 4.i.1913 (G. Arnold) 2 99; Bulawayo [20.07S, 28.32E], 20.vi.1923 (R. Stevenson) 1 9, 28.x.1923 (R. Stevenson) 1 9, 27.xii.R.H.R. Stevenson) 1 Q, 28.xii.1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson) 1 9 [all SAMC ex NMBZ]; Redbank [20.1S, 27.4G6E], 3.xii.1917 (G. Arnold) 1 3; Salisbury [now Harare] [17.48S, 31.03E], ii.1932 (Dept. Agric.) 1 4; Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], 11.iv.1941 (Rhodesia Museum) 1 <; Selukwe [19.41S, 29.59E], xii.1940 (2?) 1 3, 2.11941 (2?) 1 4; Turk Mine [19.44S, 28.48E], xi.1958 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia) 2 37, 2 99, 24.xi.1958 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia) 2 53, 1 9; Umeuza R. [20.1S, 30.51E], 24.v.1923 (Swinburne and Stevenson) 2 5:4; Umtali [Mutare] [18.57S, 32.40E], ii.1917 (Rhodesia Museum) 1 [all SAMC ex NMBZ]. Geogrphical distribution. Known from Ethiopia and the DRC in the north to Zimbabwe. Not recorded south, east or west of Zimbabwe. Flower associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 99 Figure 10. Bembix massaica, female, male. (approximate length of female: 15.5 mm). Bembix melanopa Handlirsch http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_melanopa Fig. 11d Bembex melanopa Handlirsch, 1893: 797, pl. 2, fig. 10, pl. 7, fig. 7, ee (Syntypes, Mozambique, Delagoa Bay [Maputo], in ZMHB; Natal [KwaZulu-Natal], South Africa, in MHNG); Bingham 1902: 211 (South Africa and Malawi); Dalla Torre 1897: 508 (in catalog of world Hymenoptera); Kohl 1906: 212 (Socotra Island, Yemen); Arnold 1929: 354, figs 21, 2la-c, pl. 6, figs 16, 17, 3S, & (in revision of southern African Bembix); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Bembix melanopa Handlirsch & Parker, 1929: 115 (in revision of Stizini and Bembicini); Cuthbertson 1939: 1 (prey and nest parasite, Craticulina tabaniformis (Fabricius), Sar- cophagidae); 115; Lohrmann 1939: 142 (member of melanopa group); Ulleyt and De Vries 1940 (prey); Guiglia 1943: 75 (Ethiopia); 1950: 239 (Ethiopia); Leclercq 1955: 407 (Rwanda); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 547 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess 1981: 21 (nesting and prey); Gess 1986: 153-154, 158 (plants visited, nesting and prey); Gess and Gess 1988: 246-247, Fig. 14.19 (habitus, habitat); Gess and Gess 1998: 351, Fig. 22.18, 22.13 (habitus, habitat); Gess and Gess 2003: 124 (flower visit- ing records); Pulawski 2013: 46 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. KENYA: Malindi, Casuarina Point (03.148, 40.00E), 7—20.i.1987 (A.J. Weaving), 2 99 [AMGS]; Malindi (03.14S, 40.06E), 25.x.- 16.xi.1989 (A. Weav- ing), 1 9 [AMGS]. MALAWT: Salima Bay [13.47S, 34.26E], Lake Nyasa, 5.xi.1943 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. ZIMBABWE (SOUTHERN RHODE- 100 = Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Figure I 1. Bembix spp.: a karroensis, female, male b /iturita, female, male ¢ loupata, male d melanopa, female, male e moebii, female, male f monedula, female, male. (approximate lengths of — females: a 15.5 mm; b 16 mm; d 15.5 mm; e 21 mm; f 24 mm — male: c 15 mm). SIA): Chigudu Farm, Myurwi (1630DD) [16.58S, 30.55E], 14.1.1985 (AJ. Weaving), 1 2 [AMGS]; T[relawney] Rl[esearch] S[tation], Harare [17.32S, 30.28E], 21.xii.1953 (N.J. Myers), 1 Q; same locality and collector, 6.i. 1954, 1 9, 22.i. 1954, 1 9,2 @d [AMGS]; Sfalis]b[ur]y [17.48S, 31.03E], i.1954 (D. Evans), 1 2 [AMGS]; Lake Mcll- waine, Salisbury [17.55S, 30.46E], 26.xii.1953 (A.D. Caley), 1 2 [AMGS]; Sanyati Valley [17.58S, 29.17E], ix-x.1925 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Inyanga Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 101 [18.16S, 32.43E], xii.1920 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Dett [18.37S, 26.50E], 21.xi.1930 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 9 [AMGS]; Gwaai [= Gwai] [19.17S, 27.43E], 14.x.1926 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 2 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], 10. xi.1920 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 4 [AMGS]; same locality, 1.iv.1923 (Roy Stevenson), 1 4 [AMGS], 14.xi.1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 <4, [AMGS], 21.iii.1937 (collector 2), 1 Q [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Umguza R[iver] [19.42S, 28.25E], 24.v.1923 (Swinburne and Ste- venson), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Bulawayo [20.07S, 28.32E], 28.iii.1923 (R. Stevenson), 1 2 [AMGS]; same locality and collector, 29.x.1923, 1 2 [AMGS]; Khami [20.15S, 28.28E], 28.x.1928 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Matopos [20.35S, 28.30E], 11.xi.1924 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 2 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. LESOTHO: Mamathes, ii.1940 [29.08S, 27.51E], 1 9 [AMGS]. SOUTH AFRICA: NORTH WEST PROVINCE: Vryburg [26.55S, 24.45E], 29.ii.1980 (Empey), 1 9 [AMGS]; Schweitzer- Reneke [27.11S, 25.18E], 27.ii.1979 (F. Herbst), 2 92 [AMGS]; Buffelspoort Dam, Western Transvaal [25.47S, 27.29E], 7.xii.1968 (F.J. Herbst), 1 9, 1 6 [AMGS]; Buffel- spoort Dam, Western Transvaal [25.46S, 27.29E], 27.xii.1970 (Empey), 1 9, 5 dd [AMGS]; Buffelspoort Dam, 7.i.199 (F.J. Herbst), 1 4 [AMGS]. LIMPOPO. Messina [now Musina] [22.20S, 30.05E], 17.vii.1962 (Empey), 1 G[AMGS]; Sabie Riv. Bung. [circa 25.10S, 30.48E], 30.xii.1962 (Empey), 1 9, 3 6¢ [AMGS]; Afguns, Ellisras [now Lephalale] Distr. [23.50S, 27.41E], Nylstroom [now Modimolle ] [24.42S, 28.22E], 16- 31.xii.1921 (G.P.F.v. 2); Ellisras [now Lephalale] [23.40S, 27.46E], 17.xi.1962 (Empey), 1 2,14 [AMGS]; Ellisras [pow Lephalale] [23.40S, 27.46E], 24.xii.1973 (Empey), 2 29 [AMGS]; Afguns, Ellisras [pow Lephalale] Distr. [23.50S, 27.41E], 3.iv.1972 (Empey), 2 SS[AMGS]; Hope, Ellisras [now Lephalale] [23.40S, 27.45E], 11.xi.1967 (F.J. Herbst), 1 2 [AMGS]; Hope, Ellisras [now Lephalale], 3.iv.1972 (Empey), 1 4 [AMGS]; NW [of] Ellisras [now Lephalale] [circa 23.40S, 27.46E], 17.xi.1962 (Empey), 3 6¢ [AMGS]; Rust de Winter [25.12S, 28.37E], 8.ii.1975 (Empey), 1 9, 1 d6 [AMGS]; Naboomspruit [24.32S, 28.40E], 8.11964 (Empey), 1 6 [AMGS]. MPUMALANGA: Komatipoort [25.25S, 31.55E], 11.x.1971 (E. Holm), 1 9 (Malaise trap) [AMGS]. GAUTENG: Preto- ria North sandpits [25.44S, 28.07E], 26.x.1947 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 3 99,54 (1 9, 5 S¢ with pollinia of Asclepiadaceae on claws); Pretoria North [25.40S, 28.10E], 29. xi. 1964 (Empey), 1 2; Johannesburg West [26.13S, 28.02E], 11.1.1959 (Empey), 1 2; Beno- ni [26.11S, 28.18E], 17.xii.1962 (Empey), 2 99, 4 eter Randburg [26.04S, 27.58E], 17.xii.1962 (Empey), 1 4; Florida [26.11S, 27.55E], 14.ii.1959 [Herbst], 1 2; Strubens Valley, Florida [26.31S, 29.57], 17.ii.1962 (Empey), 1 9, 1 S; Florida Hills [26.10S, 27.56E], 19.iii.1960 (Empey), 4 99; Florida Hills, 10.iii.1961 (Empey), 2 99; Florida Hills, 2.iv.1961 (Empey), 1 9; Olifantsfontein [25.58S, 28.14E], 3.i.1970 (Empey), 1 9. KWAZULU-NATAL: Ndumu Game Reserve Rest Camp (2632Cd) [26.04S, 32.26E] (95m), 23-29.xi.1977 (Brothers and Guillarmod), 1 9; Lake Sibaya [27.23S, 32.41E], 13-25.iii.1968 (DJ. Brothers), 1 9 3 3G; Lake Sibaya (27.238, 32.41E), 4-8.ii.1991 (A. Weaving), 3 99, 1 &; Mkuze Reserve (2732 Cb) [circa 27.398, 32.15E], 3-11.x.1977 J.G.H. Londt), 1 9; Mkuze Game Reserve, 1-2. iv.1984 (A.J. Weaving), 1 Q; False Bay, [Lake St Lucia] (27.56S, 32.23E), 24.ii-4.iii.1990 (A. Weaving), 2 4; False Bay, Lake St Lucia, 2—21.ii.1991 (A. Weaving), 1 2, 2 4; same locality, 27.i-2.ii.93 (A. Weaving), 102 = Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) a, 500 | a | 30°E —_, 500 | a a | 30°E 30°E Figure 12. Distributions of collection records of Bembix spp: a karroensis b liturata ¢ loupata d melanopa e moebii f monedula. 2 QQ; Fanies Is[land], [Lake St Lucia] (28.06S, 32.26E), parkland, 16—19.iii.1990 (A. Weaving), 2 $3; same locality, 20-24.ii.1990 (A. Weaving), 1 9; Fanies Isl[and], Lake St Lucia, 30.i-2.ii.1991 (A. Weaving), 1 92; Umfolosi R. Bridge, 7 km SW Mtubatuba [28.27S, 32.09E], 1.xii.1977 (Brothers & Guillarmod), 2 $4; Mfongosi [28.43S, 30.48E], Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 103 3.ii1.1914 (WE. Jones), 1 3; Richardsbaai [28.48S, 32.06E], 15.ii.1972 (A. Prinsloo), 1 9; Umhloti [29.39S, 31.07E], 5.x.1947 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 3; Umhlanga [29.43S, 31.06E], iv.1941 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 9; [AMGS], 1 3 [SAMC]; Mayville, Durban [29.51S, 30.59E], 14.x.1972 (F. Herbst), 2 43; same locality, 12.xi.1972 (F. Herbst), 1 4; Manor Gardens, Durban [29.53S, 31.03E], 5.xi.1968 (F.J. Herbst), 2 99; Hillary, Durban [29.53S, 30.57E], no date [F. Herbst], 1 2, 1 4; Umbilo, Durban [29.545S, 30.59E], 8.iv.1952 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 3; same locality, 19.x.1955 (C. Jacot-Guillar- mod), 1 4; Stainbank N[ature] Reserve, Durban [29.55S, 30.57E], i.1975 (F. Herbst), 1 4; Point, Durban [29.55S, 31.01E], 5.xi.1972 (FJ. Herbst), 1 9; Isipingo [30.00S, 30.57E], 5.ii.1976 (DJ. Brothers), 2 29; 2 km S [of] Isipingo, 18.xii.1975 (D_J. Brothers), 5 QQ; Amanzimtoti [30.02S, 30.58E], 15.iii.70 (FJ. Herbst), 1 2; Widenham [30.13S, 30.48E], 4.iv.1982 (A. Weaving), 2 QQ; same locality, 7.iv.1982 (A. Weaving), 1 9, 25.iii.1984 (A. Weaving), 1 9, 2 3d, 7-8.iv.1984 (A. Weaving), 2 99, 27.ii-1.ii1.1985 (A. Weaving), 1 4; Scottburgh [30.15S, 30.47E], 11.xi.1972 (F. Herbst), 1 9; Umtentwi- ni [30.42S, 30.28E], 20.iv.1973 (Empey), 6 SA; Port Shepstone [30.44S, 30.28E], 15. ii.1972 (Empey), 1 9; St. Michaels [30.50S, 30.23E], 14.1.1953 (E.McC. Callan), 2 29, 1 3 [all AMGS unless otherwise indicated]. EASTERN CAPE: Middelburg [31.308S, 25.00E], 3.ii.1957 (E.McC. Callan), 2 99 [AMGS]; Port St. Johns [31.38S, 29.33E], iii.1967 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 99, 5 5d [SAMC]; Morgan’s Bay [32.42S, 28.20E], 30. iii. - 4.iv.1989 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9; Fort Beaufort [32.46S, 26.40E], 20.i.1960 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 3 99, 1 3 (1 @ with prey: Muscidae, Diptera); East London [33.00S, 27.55E], 10.xii.1975 (FJ. Herbst), 2 44; Carlisle Bridge [33.05S, 26.14E], 14.1.1961 (Empey), 1 9, 3 SS; Gxulu River, East L[ondon] [33.07S, 22.44E], 15. xii.1970 (F.W. Gess), 2 9 9; Kransdrift, Grahamstown [33.09S, 26.32E], 8.ii.1981 (D.W. Gess), 1 9; Willowmore [33.15S, 23.30E], i.1922? (Brauns), 1 4; Alicedale [33.15S, 26.04E], 2.xii.1970 (F.W. Gess], 1 9; Hilton, Grahamstown [33.15S, 26.20E], 2.xii.1977 (D.W. Gess), 1 2; same locality, 20.xii.1977 (D.W. Gess), 2 29, 2.1.1978 (D.W. Gess), 2 99,16, (R-W. Gess), 1 9, 10.1.1978 (D.W Gess), 1 3, 12.i.1978 (D.W. Gess), 1 9, 13.1.1978 (D.W. Gess), 2 99, (F.W. Gess), 1 4, 17.1.1978 (D.W. Gess), 1 9, 18.1.1978 (D.W. Gess), 1 4, 24.i.1978 (D.W. Gess), 1 3, 9.ii.1978 (F.W. Gess), 1 3, 16.i1.1978 (F.W. Gess), 1 9; Grahamstown [33.19S, 26.31E], 8.viii.1957 (A.M. Bennett), 1 33 Bel- mont Valley, Grahamstown [33.19S, 26.35E], 17—25.i.1970 (J.G.H. Londt), 1 2 (on flowering Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Apiaceae); same locality, 20.1.1970 (F.W. Gess), 1 9 (on flowering Foeniculum vulgare); same locality, 23.i.1970 (F.W. Gess), 1 ¢ (on flowering Foeniculum vulgare); Riet River Mouth, near Port Alfred [33.33S, 27.01E], 19. ii.1978 (D.W. Gess), 1 4; same locality, 5. iii.1972 (F.W. Gess), 1 Q; same locality, 28.1.1973 (F.W. Gess), 3 SG; same locality, 4.iii.1973 (F.W. Gess), 2 99; Port Alfred [33.36S, 26.55E], 5.iv.1958 (E.McC. Callan), 1 9; same locality, 27.iv.1958 (E.McC. Callan), 1 9; Salt Vlei, Port Alfred [33.37S, 26.52E], 31.i.1960 (E.McC. Callan), 1 2; same locality, 16-17.iv.1979 (E.McC. Callan), 2 99; 5 km N of Alexandria on road to Salem [33.37S, 26.24E], 16.i.1984 (D.W. Gess), 2 29 (on flowering Foeniculum vulgare); Kasouga Dunes [33.39S, 26.44E], xii.[19]54 (Cooke), 1 4; Cannonvale (33.40S, 25.47E), 18-xii.1987 (A.J. Weaving), 1 3; Alexandria Forest [33.41S, 26.23E], 16.i.1981 (F.W. Gess), 1 3; 104 = Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Kenton-on-Sea [33.42S, 26.38E], 21.xii.1979 (Empey), 1 9, 4 dQ; Boknes (33.435, 26.35E), 9.11986 (F.W., D.W. and R.W. Gess), 3 99; Alexandria Forest to Cannon Rocks, sandbank on roadside [33.45S, 26.24E], 16.i.1984 (F.W. Gess), 1 Q [all AMGS]. WESTERN CAPE: Natures Valley, Tsitsikama Forest [33.59S, 23.34E], 28.xii.1966 (A Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 4; Natures Valley, Tsitsikama Forest [33.59S, 23.34E], 28.xii.1966 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 4 9° (1 Q with prey: Philoliche (Phara) flavipes (Macq.) 1 9, Tab- anidae); Knysna, Leisure Island Beach (34.02S, 23.03E), 14.xii.1980 (P.M. Croeser), 1 3; 7 km S [of] Swellendam, Bontebok National P[ar]k (3420Ab) [34.04S, 20.27E], 9.iii.1979 (L. Braak),1 Q (“ex Springbok carcass”) [undoubtedly hunting flies at the carcass -FWG]; Bloutoring (33.298, 20.19E), 3.xii.1986 (S.K. Gess), 1 d (on flowers of white “mesem“, Aizoaceae, Mesembryanthema). Geographical distribution. A widespread species known from Kenya south to the southern Eastern Cape. Coming down to the coastal dunes but not restricted to the coast (Fig. 12d). Floral associations. Recorded from four plant families: Apiaceae (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.); Apocynaceae (formerly Asclepiadaceae); Asteraceae (Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L.); and Aizoaceae (Mesembryanthema, “ mesem”). Nesting. . Three nests recorded at Hilton, near Grahamstown, Eastern Cape - all single celled, sloping burrows in sloping friable soil, the main shaft ended in a spur. Prey. Recorded taking seven families of Diptera: Tabanidae, Bombyliidae, Syrphi- dae, Muscidae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, and Tachinidae. Bembix moebii Handlirsch http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_moebii Fig se Bembex mobii Handlirsch, 1893: 775, pl. 2, fig. 2, pl. 7, fig. 1, On es (Syntypes, Mo- zambique, Delagoa Bay [Maputo], in ZMHB); Dalla Torre 1897: 508 (in cata- logue of world Hymenoptera). Bembex moebii Handlirsch & Arnold, 1929: 343, figs 13, 13a, pl. 6, fig. 7, 3S; 2 (nest- ing situation) (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Bembix mobii (sic) Handlirsch & Parker, 1929: 83 (in revision of Stizini and Bembicini), @. Bembix moebii Handlirsch & Giordani Soika, 1939: 105 (Mai Daro, Eritrea); R. Bo- hart and Menke 1976: 547 (listed in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess 1986: 154,158 (prey); Pulawski 2013: 49 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Bembex testaceicauda Cameron, 1910: 144, 2 (Holotype or syntype, South Africa, former Transvaal, no locality, in TMSA); Brauns 1911: 241 (synonymised with Bembix moebii). Note. ‘This species was described by Handlirsch (1893) from Delagoa Bay (Mozam- bique). Arnold (1929) recorded the species from Delagoa Bay and from four localities Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 105 in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe): Victoria Falls, Sawmills, Sabyati Valley and Umtali. Parker (1929) doubtfully referred to this species a specimen labelled “Bosum, 22-4-14, Tessman”. The synonym, B. testaceicauda, was described by Cameron (1910) from the neighbourhood of Pretoria (Gauteng). Material examined. TANZANIA: Old Shinyanga [3.34S, 33.24E), 7.xii.1954 (E. Burtt), 1 Q [SAMC ex NMBZ]. ZAMBIA: Abercorn [now Mbala] [8.50S, 31.24E], x.1943 (Nat.Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 9, 1 @ [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same lo- cality, viii.1945 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 6 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Kafue Hoek (sic), [15.44S, 28.10E], 15.xii.1955 (C.B. Cottrell), 1 Q [AMGS]. ZIMBABWE: Vic- toria Falls [17.55S, 25.50E], 15.xi.1920 (G. Arnold), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 18.xi.1920 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 3 [AMGS]; Katambora, Zambesi R. [? ], ix.1957 (Nat.Museum S. Rhodesia), 2 34 [1 4 SAMC ex NMBZ; 1 @ AMGS]; Sanyati Valley [17.58S, 29.17E], ix.-x.1925 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 5 do [2 6¢ SAMC ex NMBZ; 3 63 AMGS]; same locality, ix.-xii.1925 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 2 ¢¢ [1 4 AMGS, 1 4 SAMC ex NMBZ]; Matetsi [18.15S, 25.55E], x.1933 (R.H.R. Steven- son), 1 2 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, xii.1935 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 ¢ [SAMC ex NMBZ];Wankie [18.20S, 26.30E], 24.xii.1946 (collector undecipherable), 1 2 [AMGS]; Umtali [18.57S, 32.40E], 19.x.1939 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], 10.xii.1926 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same data but 11.xii.1926, 12 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 12.xii.1926 (Rhod. Museum), 1 @ [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Sawmills Rd, Nyamandhlovu [19.52S, 28.15E], 27.xi.1960 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 12 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Nyamandhlovu [19.52S, 28.15E], xi.1966 (Nat.Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 3 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. ANGOLA: Sambo (SE 1216 Cc) [13.03S, 16.08E], 10.x.1972 (no collector recorded), 1 9 [NMNW]. BOTSWANA: Khwaai R., 3000’ [feet], (19.08S, 23.48E), 80 mliles] N. of Maun, 10.xii.1968 (Pinhey-Falc. Exp., Nat. Mus. Bulawayo), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same data except date 12.xii.1968, 1 9. MOZAMBIQUE: Salone Forest, 25 miles] S [of] Marromeu [18.20S, 35.56E], 10.xi.1967 (E. Pinhey, Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Dondo [19.41S, 34.45E], xii.1960 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 29 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Dondo Forest, 27.x.1963 (Nat. Museum S. Rho- desia), 1 29 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Dondo Forest, 28.x.1963 (Nat, Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 3 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Dondo Forest, Dondo, 13.xi.1967 (E. Pinhey, Nat. Mus. Bula- wayo), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Beira [19.49S, 34.52E], xii.1960 (Nat. Museum S. Rho- desia), 1 9, 1 6 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Hmselezwe River [co-ordinates ?], 23.xi.1939 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 3 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Msappa R. [co-ordinates ?], 6.x.1950 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 2 2°, (1 & partial gynandromorph: antennae 3; body 9), [SAMC Old Shinyanga ex NMBZ], 3 dd [AMGS]; Msappa R. (co-ordinates ?) Chiman- imani Mts [circa 19.52S, 33.0G6E], 6.x.1950 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. NAMIBIA: Andara, Kavango (SE 1821 Ab) [18.04S, 21.29E], 20—25.vii.1971 (no collector recorded), 3 6 [NMNW/); Popa Falla, Kavango (18.078, 21.33E) 26-31. vii.1971 (no collector recorded), 4 44 [NMNW]. SOUTH AFRICA: LIMPOPO: Wa- terberg Dist. [24.22S, 28.24E], 1898-99 (v. Jutrzencka), 2 9 9 [AMGS]; KWAZULU- NATAL: Newxala Hill [? co-ordinates], no date (no collector recorded), 1 9 [DMSA]. 106 = Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Geographical distribution. A widespread species in northern southern Africa (Fig. 12e) northwards to Tanzania and recorded from Ethiopia in northeast Africa but not from northwest Africa. Floral associations. Unknown. Nesting. Nests in shady situations such as “ant-bear” holes and sandy ground under dwellings built on piles. Prey. Recorded taking one family of Diptera: Tabanidae. Bembix monedula Handlirsch http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_monedula Fig. 11f Bembex monedula Handlirsch, 1893: 789, pl. 2, fig. 8, 3,2 (Syntypes, Delagoa Bay [Maputo], Mozambique, ZMHB); Dalla Torre 1897: 508 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Arnold 1929: 352, fig. 19, pl. 6, fig. 11 (original description trans- lated into English); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Bembix monedula Handlirsch, R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 547 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 49 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. MOZAMBIQUE: Rikatla [25.48S, 32.51E], v-vi.1963 (F.W. Gess), 1 9 [SAMC]. SOUTH AFRICA; KWAZULU-NATAL: Mtunzini [28.57S, 31.45E], 12.i1.1978 (FJ. Herbst), 1 2, 6 64; Sordwana Bay [now Sodwana Bay] [27.32S, 32.41E], 29.iii.1980 (F.J. Herbst), 1 3; same locality, 30.iii.1980 (F.J. Herbst), 1 9, 1 3; Lake Sibayi [now Sibaya] [27.23S, 32.41E], 13~25.iii.1968 (D.J. Brothers), 1 9;5 4 [all AMGS]. Geographical distribution. From the known records this species seems to be re- stricted to Mozambique and neighbouring northern KwaZulu-Natal (Fig. 12f), sug- gesting an eastern semi-tropical distribution. Floral associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix namibensis Gess http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_namibensis Fig. 13a Bembix namibensis Gess 1986: 138, figs 1-8, male (Holotype, 3, Namibia, Namib Plain, 15 mliles] E.[of] Natab, in AMGS); Gess and Gess 2003: 124 (flower visit- ing records); Pulawski 2013: 50 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Female. (hitherto undescribed): Generally very similar to male in puncturation and se- tation but differing in coloration in that: streak on mesonotum flanking tegula is more Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 107 e Figure 13. Bembix spp.: a namibensis, female, male b ochracea, female, male ¢€ olivata, female, male d regnata, female, male e scaura, female, male f sibilans, female, male. (approximate lengths of females: a 20.5 mm; b 16.5 mm; c 15.5 mm; d 18 mm; e 20 mm; f 19.5 mm) pronounced; mesopleuron, metapleuron and side of propodeum are almost completely yellow; the bands margining scutellum and metanotum are wider and a V-shaped band is present on the dorsum and declivity of the propodeum. Fore tarsus unmodified; sand rake composed of nine long, stiff spines on first tarsomere, two on the second and third tarsomeres and one on the fourth; antennae unmodified (as in male with first flagellomere slightly more than twice length of second). Length: 23 mm; length of front wing13 mm; hamuli circa 33. 108 = Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Material examined. NAMIBIA: near Two Palms, Uniab River (19.53S, 13.54E), 27 & 28.iii1.1994, 4 Oo (visiting yellow flowers of Hirpicium gazanioides (Harv. Roessler, Asteraceae); circa 17km W [of] Khorixas (20.28S, 14.51E), 16.iii.2004, 1 @ (visiting pink flowers of Hermbstaedtia sp., Amaranthaceae); Uis to Omaruru (21.14S, 15.00E), 14.iii.2004, 5 3¢ (visiting white flowers of Heliotropium tuberosum E. Mey. ex Benth., Boraginaceae); 24 km SW [of] Usakos (22.02S, 15.17E), 22.iii.1997, 1 9 (visiting blue/violet flowers of Blepharis obmitrata C. B. Cl., Acanthaceae); SW [of] Gibeon, 41 km on [road] 1089 (25.20S, 17.29E), 8.iii.1999, 1 3 (visiting yellow flowers of Tribulus sp., Zygophyllaceae); 32 km SW [of] Helmeringhausen (26.06S, 16.36E), 15.iii.1997, 1 3 (visiting white flowers of Psilocaulon glareosum (Berger) Dinter & Schwantes, Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) — (all F.W. and S.K. Gess) [all AMGS]; Namib Plain, 15 mliles] E.[of] Natab [circa 23.36S, 15.05E], 29.iv.1969 (H.D. Brown), holotype 3, paratype @ [AMGS]; Awasib Mains, Diamond Area No. 2 [25.18S15.39E], 14.v.1969 (H.D. Brown), paratype 3 [SANC]. Geographical distribution. At the time of description the provenance of the lim- ited material was from the south-western Namib, suggesting that it might be limited to that region. The records now available indicate a much more extensive distribution in the desertic to semi-desertic western parts of Namibia (Fig. 14a). Floral associations. Recorded from six plant families: Acanthaceae (Blepharis obmitrata C. B. Cl.); Aizoaceae (Mesembryanthema, Psilocaulon glareosum (Berger) Dinter & Schwantes); Amaranthaceae (Hermbstaedtia sp.); Asteraceae (Hirpicium gazanioides (Harv.) Roessler; Boraginaceae (Heliotropium tuberosum E. Mey. ex Benth.); Zygopyllaceae (Tribulus pterophorus Persl.). Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix ochracea Handlirsch http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_ochracea Fig. 13b Bembex ochracea Handlirsch, 1893: 864, pl. 3, fig. 10, J (Holotype, , South Africa, former Transvaal, no locality, in MHNG)); Dalla Torre 1897: 509 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Bingham 1902: 211 (South Africa); Arnold 1929: 386, figs 33, 33a-—c, pl. 6, fig. 25, G, 2 (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Bembix ochracea Handlirsch & Parker, 1929: 118, pl. 11, figs 146-148, S (in revision of Stizini and Bembicini); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 546 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess and Gess 2003: 124 (flower visiting records); Pulawski 2013: 53 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Bembex opima Turner, 1917a: 440, 3,2 (Syntypes, South Africa, Eastern Cape, Willow- more, in BMNH); Arnold 1929, synonymised with B. ochracea (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 548 (in checklist of world Sphecidae). Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 109 Note. Bembix ochracea Handlirsch was described from a single damaged specimen “aus Transvaal”. Parker referred to a specimen from “Cap”, while Arnold recorded it from Willowmore. Bembix opima Turner, sunk into synonymy by Arnold, was described from Willowmore (January and February, Dr. H. Brauns). Material examined. NAMIBIA: Otjinungwa (SE 1712 Ab) [= 17.17S, 12.26E], 17— 22.xi.1970 (collector ?), 2 92 [NMNW]; Marienfluss, 4-8 km S [of] Otjinungwa (SE 1712 Ac) [17.20S, 12.25E], 21-22.xi.1970 (collector ?), 1 9, 1 ¢ [NMNW/)]; near Two Palms, Uniab River (19.538, 13.54E), 28.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ¢ (visiting white flowers of Heliotropium sp. not tubulosum, Boraginaceae) [AMGS]; circa 17 km W [of] Khorixas (20.288, 14.51E), 16.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 3 6d (2 3 ¢ visiting pink flowers of Hermbstaedtia sp., Amaranthaceae, 1 J visiting yellow flowers of Geigeria sp., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Uis to Khorixas (20.54S, 15.05E), 15.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9 [AMGS]; Uis to Omaruru (21.148, 15.00E), 14.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 7 99 [AMGS]; Uis to Henties Bay (21.268, 14.45E), 18.iv.2002, (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 99 [AMGS]; Uis/Henties Bay (21.27S, 14.45E), 17.iv.2002 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 5 29 (1 & visiting violet flowers of Monechma genistifolium (Engl.) C.B. Clarke, Acanthaceae) [AMGS]; 81 km on road from coast to Uis Mine (21.32S, 14.43E), 17. iii.2000 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 3 [AMGS]; NW of Cape Cross (21.44S, 13.59E), 14.ii1.1999 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9,244 visiting white flowers of Brownanthus kuntzei (Schinz) Ihlenf. & Bittrich, Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; 110 km NW of Swakopmund (21.508, 14.05F), 15.iii.1999 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 (visiting yellow flowers of Galenia papulosa (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Sond., Aizoaceae: non-Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; Henties Bay to Usakos via Spitzkoppen (21.545, 14.58E), 19.iv.2002 (F.W. and S. K. Gess), 1 9 [AMGS]; 15 km W of Karibib on road to Usakos (21.56S, 15.42E), 5. iv.1998 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 8 99,14 (1 visiting deep pink flowers of Hermbstaedtia sp., Acanthaceae; 1 4 visiting violet flowers of Monechma genistifolium (Engl.) C.B. CL, Acanthaceae) [AMGS]; 10 km W of Usakos, Swakopmund r[oa]ld (21.59S, 15.30E), 13.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9[AMGS]; Okahandja [21.59S, 16.55E], 27.xii.1977 (Empey), 1 2 [AMGS]; Swakopmund 117 km on road to Usakos (22.02S, 15.17E), 16.iii.2000 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 22 [AMGS]; 37 km from Usakos [on road] to Swakopmund (22.038, 15.1G6E), 1.iv.2004 (F. W. and S.K. Gess), 2 99 (1 & visiting yellow flowers of Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Swakopmund 33 km on road to Usakos (22.348, 14.49E), 15.iii.2000 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 & (visiting cream flowers of Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr., Asclepiadaceae [AMGS]; Swakopmund/Usakos near Réssing Mine (22.34S, 14.49E), 5 99 (F.W. and S.K. Gess) [AMGS]; Swakop River bed on road to Goanikontes (22.41S, 14.35E), 11.iv.1998 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ¢ (visiting white flowers of Psilocaulon salicornioides (Pax) Schwantes, Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; Plains south of Goanikontes (22.425, 14.47E), 16.iv.2002 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 17 28 [AMGS]; Kuiseb River bed at Rooibank (23.11S, 14.39E), 10.iv.1998 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 6 299, 1 ¢ 3 QP visiting yellow flowers of bushy Geigeria sp., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Rooibank [23.11S, 14.39E], 19.xii.1978 (Empey), 5 99 [AMGS]; between Kuiseb and Gaub passes (23.245, 15.50E), 23.iii.1999 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 [AMGS]; Gaub River bed in Gaub Pass (23.298, 15.46E), 14.iv.1998 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 99, 110 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) —_, 500 | a | 30°E a, 500 | a a | 30°E : —_, 500 a 30°E Figure 14. Distributions of collection records of Bembix spp.: a namibensis b ochracea € olivata d regnata e scaura f sibilans. 2 S$ (visiting yellow flowers of Zygophyllum simplex L., Zygophyllaceae) [AMGS]; Solitaire (23.52S, 16.00E), 30.iv.2002 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 29 [AMGS]; W [of] Solitaire (23.53S, 16.00E), 6.iv.2002 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9 [AMGS]; Gorrasis 99, Liideritz (SE 2515 Bd) [25.18S, 15.56E], 12—15.ii.1973 (collector ?), 1 29 [NMNW]; SW of Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 111 Gibeon, 41 km on [road] 1089 (25.20S, 17.29E), 10.iii.1999 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9 [AMGS]; Sinclair Mine 2, Liideritz (SE 2516 Cb) [25.43S, 16.23E], 7.x.1972 (collector ?), 19,343 [NMNW); Kanaiin 104, Liideritz (SE 2516 Cc) [25.51S, 16.10E], 6-7.x.1972 (collector ?), 1 9, 1 @ [NMNW1]]; Barby 26, Bethanie (SE 2516 Dc) [25.51S, 16.33E], 2-7.x.1972 (collector ?), 10 99, 1 6 [NMNW]; 34 km on [road] C13 from Helmeringhausen (26.058, 16.38E), 9.iii.1999 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 99, 1 ¢ (visiting yellow flowers of Deverra denudata (Viv.) Pfisterer & Podl., Apiaceae) [AMGS]; 32 km SW of Helmeringhausen (26.06S, 16.36E), 16.iii.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 3 99 (1 2 visiting yellow flowers of Deverra denudata (Viv.) Pfisterer & Podl., Apiaceae) [AMGS]; 12 km E [of] Springbokwater (20.15S, 13.44E), 11.iv.2002 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9 (visiting Zygophyllum simplex L., Zygophyllaceae) [AMGS]; Konkiep R[iver] at Bethanie (SE 2717Bd) [26.29S, 17.08E], 23.x.1971 (collector ?), 6 GG [NMNW]; Keetmanshoop [26.35S, 18.08E], 15.xii.1974 (Empey), 13 99, 6 do [AMGS]; same locality and collector, 29.xii.1977, 7 29,9 53, 19.xi.1984 (F.J. Herbst), 1 9 [AMGS]; 17 km E of Keetmanshoop [circa 26.36S, 18.19E], 25.v.1973 (M.F. Johannsmeier), 1 2 [AMGS]; near Aus on road to Helmeringhausen (26.37S, 16.20E), 15.iii.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 3 29,3 dd visiting white flowers of Psilocaulon glareosum (Berger) Dinter & Schwantes, Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; Riverside 135, Bethanie (SE 2616 Ca) [26.37S, 17.00E], 23-16 (sic). x.1971 (collector ?), 1 9 [NMNW]; Klein-Aus Vista (26.398, 16.15E), 2.iii.2000 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 5 99, 1 6 [AMGS]; Aus [26.40S, 16.15E], . xii.1929 (R.E. Turner), 2 99 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Aus (26.408, 16.15E), 2.iii.2000, 1 4; same locality, 3.iii.2000 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 03 (visiting yellow flowers of Acacia sp., Mimosaceae) [AMGS]; Keetmanshoop/Aus, 96 km E of Aus (26.428, 17.11E), 28.iii.2000 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 @ (visiting yellow flowers of Tribulus sp., Zygophyllaceae) [AMGS]; Sperrgebiet, Dreizakberg (27.01S, 15.23E), 8.ix.2005 (F.W. and S.K. Gess),1 & (hunting at bushes) [AMGS]; Noachabeb 97, Keetmanshoop (SE 2718 Ad), 7—12.i.1972 (collector ?), 1 9 [NMNW]; Karas Mountains, 14 km south on [road] 201 from [road] 26 (27.12S, 18.59E), 7.iii.1999 (F.W. and S. K. Gess), 1 ¢ (visiting yellow flowers of Geigeria pectidea (DC.) Harv., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; G[rea]t Karas Mountains, xi.1936 (Mus. Staff), 13 92,7 SS [SAMC]; Griinau [27.44S, 18.23E], 19.xi.1984 (F.J. Herbst), 2 29, 2 3S [AMGS]; W of Karasburg on road to Griinau (27.548, 18.41E), 13.iii.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 3 29, 2 dd (on cream flowers of Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr., Asclepiadaceae) [AMGS]; Karasburg (28.008, 18.45E), 13.iii.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 63 (1 & on cream flowers of Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr., Asclepiadaceae; 1 4 on yellow flowers of Acacia karroo Hayne, Mimosaceae) [AMGS]; Karasburg, 14.xii.1974 (Empey), 4 99 [AMGS]; same locality and collector, 5.11975, 4 99, 9.i.1975, 1 2, 10.xii.1983, 2 99, 2 bo [AMGS]; 30 km E of Karasburg on road from Ariamsvlei (28.00S, 19.03E), 12.iii.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 13 99, 1 dd (visiting yellow flowers of Geigeria sp., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; 10 km NE [of] Rosh Pinah [?], 16.x.1972 (H.D. Brown, E. Koster, A. Prinsloo), 1 2 [AMGS]; 16 km S [of] Rosh Pinah (28.045, 16.51E), 13.x.2000 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 3 29, 2.36 (1 & visiting white flowers of Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; between Karasburg and Ariamsvlei (28.05S, 19.25E), 18.iv.1998 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 QQ (visiting yellow flowers of 112 = Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Geigeria pectidea (DC.) Harv., Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Ortmansbaum 120, Warmbad (SE 2818 Bd) [28.21S, 18.41E], 18—21.x.1971 (collector ?), 1 4G [NMNW/1]; Gt. Fish R[iver], Aiais [Ais-Ais], S.W.A., xi.1936 (Mus. Staff), 1 2.[NMNW]. SOUTH AFRICA: NORTHERN CAPE: Richtersveld (2816BB) [circa 28.168, 16.55E] at rd. Khubus- Ochta near Vyfsusters Mt., 7.x.1987 (M. Struck), 1 2, 1 4 [AMGS]; Pachtvlei, E [of] Alexander Bay (28.33S, 16.34E), 10.x.2000 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 [AMGS]; 23 km N of Kakamas on road to Lutzputz [28.34S, 20.34E], 13.iii.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 [AMGS]; Augrabies Nat. Reserve [28.35S, 20.20E], 11.xii.1974 (Empey), 1 9° [AMGS]; Vioolsdrift, Namaqualand [28.46S, 17.38E], iii.1935 (Museum Staff), 3 do [SAMC]; Goodhouse [28.55S, 18.13E], xi.1936 (Mus. Staff), 4 99, 3 Go [SAMC]. WESTERN CAPE:Prince Albert Dist., Tierberg (Study Site) (33.108, 22.16E), 26.xi.-5. xii.1987 (F.W., S.K. and R.W. Gess), 19 99, 11 6d 9 99, 11 4, on flowers of Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr., Asclepiadaceae; 2 99 on flowers of Carissa haematocarpa (Eckl.) DC, Apocynaceae); Prince Albert Dist., Tierberg [Study Site] (33.108, 22.16E), 16.xi.1994 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 4 99, 1 3 (on cream flowers of Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr., Asclepiadaceae); Prince Albert Dist., Tierberg (Res[earch Stat[ion]) (33.088, 22.16E), 26.xi.-5.xii.1987 (F.W., S.K. and R.W. Gess), 7 29, (2 99 on flowers of Acacia karroo Hayne, Fabaceae, Mimosoideae); Prince Albert Dist., ‘Tierberg Farm (33.108, 22.15E), 21.i1.1996 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 3 (visiting cream flowers of Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr., Asclepiadaceae) [AMGS]; Touwsrivier [33.20S, 20.02E], 9.i.1975 (Empey), 1 c [AMGS]; Bushmans Riv[er], Letjiesbosch, Koup [32.34S, 22.16E], xil935 (Mus.Staff), 1 4 [SAMC]; Letjiesbosch, Koup, iii.1937 (Mus. Staff, 3 22 [SAMC]; Merweville Dist[rict] [32.40S, 21.31E], ii.1941 (H. Zinn), 2 99 [SAMC]; Merweville Distr[ict], i-ii.1947 (H. Zinn), 117 99,22 63 [SAMC]; Merweville Distr[ict], 8.ii.1978 (H. Zinn), 2 299 [SAMC]; Merweville, Laingsburg Distr[ict] [32.40S, 21.31E], i.1959 (H. Zinn), 21 29,5 do [SAMC]; Dikbome, Merweville, Koup [32.54S, 21.22E], 1.1953 (H. Zinn), 41 99, 77 Sd [SAMC]; Rooinek, Laingsburg Distr[ict] [33.20S, 20.52E], i.1949 (Zinn-Hesse Mus. Exp.), 1 3S [SAMC]; Spitzkop, Laingsburg Disr[rict] [33.30S, 20.35E], iii.1938 (Mus. Staff), 1 9, 1 G [SAMC]; Thee Kloof [32.05S, 20.41E], Fraserburg Divlision], xi.1935 (Mus.Staff), 1 2, 1 G [SAMC]; Moordenaars Karoo, Laingsburg Div[ision] [circa 32.585, 20.49E], iii.1937 (Mus. Staff), 1 2, 1 J [SAMC]; Moordenaars Karoo, Laingsburg Div[ision], xi.1937 (Mus. Staff), 5 99,1 3 [SAMC]; Beaufort West Dist[rict] [circa 32.18S, 22.36E], ii.1958 (S.A.M.),9 99,9 od [SAMC]; Beaufort West, Oukloof [circa 32.188, 22.36E], i.1949 (Zinn-Hesse Mus. Exp.), 2 99,13 [SAMC]; Murraysburg Dist[rict] [circa 31.58, 23.47E], iii.1931 (Museum Staff), 3 99, 6 BS [SAMC]; Tankwa Karoo, Renoster Riv[er] [circa 32.16S, 20.05E], xi.1952 (Mus.Expd.), 1 ¢ [SAMC]; Gouph, Laingsburg Dist[rict] [circa 33.12S, 20.52E], ix.1937(Museum Staff), 1 9, 3 bo [SAMC]; Vogelfontein, Prince Albert Div[ision], iii- iv.1929 (A. J Hesse), 4 92 [3 29 SAMC; 1 2 SAMC ex NMBZ]; Matjiesfontein, 14— 27.xi.1928 (R.E. Turner), 1 3 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. EASTERN CAPE: Willowmore [33.15S, 23.30E], 5.iii.1902 (Brauns), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality and collector, 25.xii.1902 (Brauns), 1 9 [AMGS], 15.iii1919 (Brauns), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ], 20.1.1922, 1 9 [AMGS], no date, 1 6 [AMGS]. Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 113 Geographical distribution. Principally in western semi-arid to arid Namibia ex- tending to the coast and southwards and eastwards through northern Namaqualand across the western and southeastern Nama-Karoo (Fig. 14b). Floral associations. Recorded from nine plant families: Boraginaceae (Heliotropium sp. not tubulosum); Acanthaceae (Monechma genistifolium (Engl.) C.B. Clarke); Amaranthaceae (Hermbstaedtia sp.); Asteraceae (Geigeria pectidea (DC.) Harv. and Geigeria sp. (Asteraceae)); Aizoaceae (Mesembryanthema, Brownanthus kuntzei (Schinz) Ihlenf. & Bittrich, Psilocaulon salicornioides (Pax) Schwantes (Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema) and Psilocaulon glareosum (Berger) Dinter & Schwantes; non- Mesembryanthema, Galenia papulosa (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Sond.); Zygophyllaceae (Tribulus sp. and Zygophyllum simplex L.); Apiaceae (Deverra denudata (Viv.) Pfisterer & Podl.); Fabaceae (Mimosoideae, Acacia sp.); Apocynaceae (Carissa haematocarpa (Eckl.) DC; formerly Asclepiadaceae, Gomphocarpus filiformis (E. Mey.) D. Dietr.). Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix olivata Dahlbom http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_olivata Fig. 13c Bembex olivata Dahlbom, 1845: 491, 9 (Holotype or syntype, 9, South Africa, Cape of Good Hope, in Lund or Stockholm); Handlirsch 1893: 812, pl. 2, fig. 17, pl: eee 23; 3S, & (in revision of world Bembicini); Dalla Torre 1897: 510 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Magretti 1899: 51 (Somalia); Bingham 1902: 211 (Malawi); Cameron 1910: 144 (Olifants River [Mpumalanga] South Africa); Schouteden 1930: 96 (Zaire). Bembix olivata Dahlbom, R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 548 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 63 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Bembex intermedia Dahlbom, 1845: 491, 9 (Holotype or syntypes, 9, South Africa, Port Natal (now Durban), in Lund or Stockholm); Handlirsch 1893: 812 (tenta- tively synonymised with Bembex olivata, in revision of world Bembicini); Arnold 1929: 358, figs 23, 23a, 23b; pl.'6, fig. 19; 3S, @ (in revision of southern African Sphecidae as valid name for Bembex olivata); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae); Arnold 1935: 503 (Metsimaklaba, Kalahari, 12.iii.1930, Vernay-Lang Expedition, 3 do, 6 2). Bembix intermedia Dahlbom & Arnold, 1951: 138 (Ethiopia, Danakil, Mille River, vii.1946, K.M. Guichard, 2); Gess and Gess 2003: 124 (flower visiting records). Material examined. NAMIBIA.Swakopmund (21.51 S$14.05E), 12.iv.1998 (FW. Gess and S.K. Gess) 1 @ (visiting yellow flowers of Senecio sp. Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Swakopmund, 12.iv.1998 (F.W. Gess and S.K. Gess) 1 9 2 3 (visiting yellow flowers of Zygophyllum simplex L., Zygophyllaceae) [AMGS]; Rooibank, Kuiseb R. (23.11S, 114 = Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) 14.49E), 10.iv.1998, (F.W. Gess and S.K. Gess) 3 dC (visiting yellow flowers of Geigeria pectidea (DC.) Harv.), Asteraceae) [AMGS]; Rooibank, Kuiseb R., 10.iv.1998, (F.W. Gess and S.K. Gess) 3 ¢¢ (visiting yellow flowers of Zygophyllum simplex L., Zygophyllaceae) [AMGS]; Hakos/Weissenfels (28.185, 16.23E), 21.iii.2000 (F.W. Gess and S.K. Gess) 1 9, 1 3 (visiting white flowers of Selago dinteri Rolfe, Scrophulariaceae) [AMGS]; Rehoboth (23.108, 16.42E), 11.iii.1999, (F.W. Gess and S.K. Gess) 4 64 (visiting pink flowers of Hermbstaedtia odorata (Burch.) T. Cooke, Amaranthaceae) [AMGS]; Aranos/Stampriet (24.30S, 18.32E), 27.iii.2000 (F.W. Gess and S.K. Gess) 9 $3 (visiting pink flowers of Hermbstaedtia odorata (Burch.) T. Cooke, Amaranthaceae) [AMGS]; Koes/Gochas (25.40S, 19.24E), 7.iii.2000 (F.W. Gess and S.K. Gess) 1 9 (visiting yellow flowers of Tribulus sp., Zygophyllaceae) [AMGS]; Gross Nabas (24.308, 18.32E), 30.iii.2000 (F.W. and S. K. Gess) 1 9 (visiting white flowers of Limeum argute- carinatum Wawra & Peyr., Molluginaceae) [AMGS]; Karasberge (27.09S, 19.01E) 5.iii.2000 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 & (visiting white flowers of Limeum argute-carinatum Wawra & Peyr., Molluginaceae) [AMGS]. NORTHERN CAPE: Twee Rivieren (26.248, 20.40E), 8-11.iii.1990 (F.W. Gess and S.K. Gess) 27 99, 27 3¢ (visiting yellow flowers of Deverra denudata (Viv.) Pfisterer & Podl., Apiaceae) [AMGS]. Additional records extracted from database of specimens in collection of SAMC were determined by G. Arnold and H. Brauns, from Namibia and from KwaZulu- Natal, Mfongosi [28.43S, 30.48E]. Geographical distribution. In southern Africa recorded from the northwestern Namibian coast at Swakopmund south eastwards through Namibia to the southern Kalahari and also from KwaZulu-Natal (Fig. 14c). Also recorded from Ethiopia and Somalia in the northeast and Zaire in the northwest. The overall distribution is there- fore unclear and further records are required to establish a distribution pattern. Floral associations. Recorded from six plant families: Molluginaceae (Limeum argute-carinatum Wawra & Peyr); Amaranthaceae (Hermbstaedtia odorata (Burch.) T. Cooke); Apiaceae (Deverra denudata (Viv.) Pfisterer & Podl .); Asteraceae (Geigeria pectidea (DC.) Harv.) and Senecio sp.); Scrophulariaceae (Selago dinteri Rolfe); Zygo- phyllaceae (Tribulus sp. and Zygophyllum simplex L.). Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix regnata J. Parker http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_regnata Fig. 13d Bembix regnata Parker, 1929 (June): 111, pl. 13, figs 179-183, 3,2 (Holotype, 35, Tanganyika [Tanzania] in ZMNH); Arnold 1931: 209, 216; Benson 1934 (prey Lepidoptera); Gess 1986: 158 (prey listed); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 548 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Evans 2002a: 5 (known to prey on Lepidoptera) Pulawski 2013: 70 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 115 Bembix speciosa Arnold, 1929 (December): 337, figs 8, 8a-e, G, 2 (Syntypes, 3, South- ern Rhodesia [Zimbabwe], Gwaai, in SAMC ex NMBZ) (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1931: 209, 216 (synonymised with regnata); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 548 (in checklist of world Sphecidae). Note. Bembix regnata was described by Parker from two localities in Tanganyika (Us- aramo and Rufiaji Klurtusteppe) and Nyasa [Malawi] (Lake Nyasa). Arnold described his speciosa from Southern Rhodesia [Zimbabwe] (Gwaai, Victoria Falls, Matopos, Sanyati Valley and Bulawayo). Material examined. ZIMBABWE: Gwaai [= Gwai] [19.17S, 27.43E], 16.i.1927 (G. Arnold), 1 9, 1 2 Types of B. speciosa Arnold [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Matopos [20.35S, 28.30E], 18.xi.1923 (Rhodesia Museum), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Sanya- ti Valley [17.58S, 29.17E], ix-x.1925 (R.H. R. Stevenson), 1 ¢ [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Turk Mine [19.44S, 28.48E], 16.xii.1957 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 @ [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], 4.ii.1926 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Wangezi Riv. [?], i.1928 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 d [SAMC ex NMBZ]; W. Matetsi [18.15S, 25.55E], iv.1934 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 3 99, 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Bulawayo [20.07S, 28.32E], 24.xii.1924 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 9 SAMC ex NMBZ]; Bulawayo [20.07S, 28.32E], 16.i.1938 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 & [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Victoria. Falls [17.55S, 25.50E], 1934 (Nat. Museum S. Rhode- sia), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Westwood, Vic. Falls, [circa 17.568, 25.50E] 26. iii.1934 (R.H.R.S.), 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Westwood nr Matetsi [18.17S, 25.5E], 30.iii.1934 30.iii. 1934 (R.H.R. Stevenson), [SAMC ex NMBZ]; SOUTH AFRICA: KWAZULU- NATAL: Lake Sibaya [27.23S, 32.41E], 13—25.iii.1968 (D.J. Brothers), 1 4 [AMGS]. Additional records extracted from database of specimens in collection of SAMC are six specimens from Zimbabwe and one specimen from Nyaka (no country given), no sexes or determiners given. Geographical distribution. From north to south Zimbawe, in South Africa known from one specimen from northern coastal KwaZulu-Natal (Fig. 14d). Further records are required to establish a distribution pattern. Floral associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Recorded taking three families of Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Hesperidae, and Nymphalidae (Benson 1934). Bembix scaura Arnold http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_scaura Fig. 13e Bembex scaura Arnold, 1929: 340, figs 10. 10a-e, pl. 6, fig. 51, S, 2 (Syntypes, 3, S. Rhodesia [Zimbabwe], Sawmills and 2, Sawmills, S. Rhod. [Zimbabwe], in SAMC ex NMBZ) (in revision of southern African Sphecidae). 116 = Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Bembix scaura Arnold, R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 548 (listed in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 79 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. ZIMBABWE: Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], S. Rhodesia, 1.iv.1923 (G. Arnold), Holotype 4; Sawmills, S. Rhod, 1* April, 1923 (Roy Stevenson), Allo- type 2; W. Matetsi, iv. 1934 (R.H.R. Stevenson) 1 9; Westwood, nr. Matetsi [18.15S, 25.55E], 30.iii.1930 (R.H.R. Stevenson) 1 4 [all SAMC ex NMBZ]. Geographical distribution. Known only from Zimbabwe (Fig. 14e). Floral associations. Unknown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Bembix sibilans Handlirsch http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_sibilans Fig. 13 Bembex sibilans Handlirsch, 1893: 852, pl. 3, fig. 3. Pl. 7, fig. 30, 3, & (Syntypes, South Africa, Cape Province, no locality, in NMW, ZMHB, TMB, RMCA); Dal- la Torre 1897: 514 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera); Bingham 1902: 211 (South Africa, Malawi); Arnold 1929: 374, figs 37, 37a, 37b, pl. 6, fig. 31, 3, 2 (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afro- tropical Sphecidae). Bembix sibilans Handlirsch & Lohrmann, 1948: 448 (member of fuscipennis species group); de Beaumont 1967: 506 (South Africa, Cape Province); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 548 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess 1981: 21 (habitat); Gess 1986: 154-155, 158 (plants visited, nesting, prey); S. Gess 1996: 275, 291, 304 (flower visiting records); Gess and Gess 2003: 125 (flower visiting records); Ev- ans and O’Neil 2007: 185 (summary of information on nesting habits); Pulawski 2013: 80 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. LESOTHO: Bokong P.O. [29.17S, 28.23E], 26.xii.1946 (L. Bevis), 1 4 [AMGS]; Leribe [28.52S, 28.3E], 22.-xii.1933 (C. Guillarmod), 1 9 [AMGS]; Malinguaneng [29.19S, 28.47E], 15.i.1955 (A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9 [AMGS]; Mamathes [29.08S, 27.51E], ii.1940 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 3, iv.1940 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9, xi.1940 (C. and A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 2 3, xii.1940 (C. and A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 2 64, xii.1941 (C. and A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 Q, 13.i.1945 (A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9, 5.i.1946 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9, 15.xii.1946 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 @, 14.xi1948 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9, 8.xi.1949 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 4 64, 13.xi.1949 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 3 33, 17.xi.1949 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 2 4, 18.xi.1949 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 @, 1. xi. 1951 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 3’, 2.xi.1951 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 4, 4.xi.1951 Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 117 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9, 7.xi.1951 (A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 , 18.xi.1951 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 2 64, 23.xi.1952 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9, 22.xi.1952 (C. Jacot Guillarmod), 1 Q, 2.i.1953 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9, 14.xi.1954 (C. Jacot- Guillarmod), 1 9, 22.i.1956 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 9, 1.xii.1957 (C. Jacot-Guil- larmod), 1 @ [all AMGS]; Roma [29.28S, 27.44E], 17.xii.1964 (C. Jacot-Guil- larmod), 3 6@ [AMGS]; Roma, 17.xii.1964 (D.J. Brothers), 1 9, 1 3 [AMGS]. SOUTH AFRICA: EASTERN CAPE: Bathurst [33.29S, 26.50E], 14.i.1959 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 14 [AMGS], Belmont Valley [33.19S, 26.35E], Grahamstown, 24.i1.1970 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 2 (on flowering Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Api- aceae) [AMGS]; East London [33.03S, 27.55E], no date given (G. Rattray), 1 J [AMGS]; Gxulu River [33.07S, 22.44E], 15.xii.1970 (F.W. Gess), 1 2 [AMGS]; Hilton farm [33.15S, 26.20E], Grahamstown, 1—4.xii.1970 (F.W. Gess), 1 @ (Malaise trap). WESTERN CAPE: Grootbos Nature Reserve (34.318, 19.26E), 20.xi.2012 (S.K. Gess), 1 3 (on sandy road, female sighted taking prey into nest) [AMGS]. Additional records extracted from database of specimens in collection of SAMC are eight specimens from Lesotho, Mamathes, two determined by G. Arnold, and a nineth specimen from Port Elizabeth determined by H. Brauns, no sexes given. Geographical distribution. Known only from Lesotho and the Eastern Cape (Fig. 14f). Floral associations. Recorded from four plant families: Apiaceae (one female on flowering Foeniculum vulgare Mill.); Asteraceae (Berkheya heterophylla (Thunb.) O. Hoftm. and Chrysocoma ciliate L.); Boraginaceae (Anchusa capensis Thunb.); Scrophu- lariaceae (Phyllopodium cuneifolium (L. f) Benth.). Nesting. Iwo nests were investigated, one at Hilton and the other at Slaaikraal, both Eastern Cape. Both were single-celled sloping burrows excavated in friable soil. Unlike the nests of other species of southern African species, in neither nest did the main shaft end in a spur. Prey. Recorded taking six families of Diptera: Tabanidae, Nemestrinidae, Bomb- yliidae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, and Tachinidae. Bembix triangulifera Arnold http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_triangulifera Fig. 15a Bembix stevensoni (non Parker) Arnold, 1929: 331, figs 3, 3a, 3b; Plate VI, fig.48, 5, (Holotype, S, Southern Rhodesia [Zimbabwe], Bulawayo, in SAMC ex NMBZ) (in revision of southern African Sphecidae). Bembix triangulifera Arnold, 1944: 23, 9 (substitute name for stevensoni); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 549 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Pulawski 2013: 88 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). 118 Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Figure 15. Bembix spp.: a triangulifera, female, male b ulula, female, male ¢ venusta, female, male d zinni, female, male. (approximate lengths of females: a 14.5 mm; b 15.5 mm; c 22 mm; d 14 mm). Note. ‘The specific name, stevensoni, proposed by Arnold (December, 1929) is pre-oc- cupied by stevensoni Parker (June, 1929) and in consequence Arnold (1944) proposed the substitute name triangulifera, at the same time describing the hitherto unknown female. However, both the holotype male and the allotype female are labelled in Ar- nold’s handwriting as angulifera, not triangulifera. Material examined. ZIMBABWE: W. Matetsi [18.15S, 25.55E], iv.1934 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 1 9; Sawmills [19.35S, 28.02E], 11.iii.1924 (R.H.R. Steven- son), 1 4; same locality and collector, 12.iii.1924, 1 3; Igusi [19.40S, 28.05E], 9.iii.1941 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 2 43; Umgusa Valley [20.02S, 28.34E], 16.ii.1941 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), allotype 9, 1 GS; Bulawayo [20.07S, 28.32E], 7.i.1923 (Rhodesia Museum), holotype ¢ [all SAMC ex NMBZ]. SOUTH AFRICA: MPUMALANGA: Newington, Komatipoort [25.25S, 31.55E], 9.i.1912 (J.P. Fenouhlet), 1 2; NORTH WEST PROVINCE: Rustenburg [25.41S, 27.14E], 1.viii.1967 (H.N. Empey), 1 6. NORTHERN CAPE: Campbell [28.48S, 23.44E], 7.i.1916 (collector 2), 1 Q [all AMGS]. Geographical distribution. Known only from Zimbabwe and northern South Africa (Fig. 16a). Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 119 Floral associations. Unkown. Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown Bembix ulula Arnold http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_ulula Fig. 15b Bembex ulula Arnold, 1929: 330, figs 2, 2a, 2b, PI.VI, figs 3, 43, 3, 2 (flower visit- ing), (Syntypes, Southern Rhodesia [Zimbabwe], Gwaai, in SAMC ex NMBZ and Zimbabwe, in SAMC) (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae); Arnold 1935: 503 (Botswana); Bembix ulula Arnold, Bohart and Menke 1976: 549 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess 1986 (justification of synonymy with Bembix junodi): 147; Pulawski 2013: 90 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Bembix Junodi Arnold, 1929: 379, figs 42, 42a, 42b, 42c, Pl. VI, fig 45, 3 (Holo- type, 5, Mozambique, Lourengo Marques (now Maputo), in TMSA) (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Gess 1986: 147 (synonymized with B. ulula). Material examined. ZIMBABWE: W. Matetsi [18.15S, 25.55E], iv.1934 (R.H.R. Stevenson), 2 99 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Lupane [18.55S, 27.45E], xii.1938 (Nation- al Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 2 [AMGS], 1 3 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Gwaai [19.17S, 27.43E], 16.i.1927 (G. Arnold), 1 ¢ (holotype), 1 Q (allotype), 1 2 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Insuza River [19.25S, 18.05E], 24.xii.1939 (Nat. Museum S. Rhodesia), 1 4 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; Sawmills [19.35S, 28,02E], 22—27.xii.1923 (R.H.R. Ste- venson), 1 9 [AMGS]; same locality, 22.ii.1925 (Rhod. Museum), 1 2 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality, 4.ii.1926 (R.H.R. Stevenson, 1 9 [SAMC ex NMBZ]. NA- MIBIA: circa 17km W [of] Khorixas (20.28S, 14.51E), 16.iii.2004 (F.W. and S. K. Gess), 1 ¢ (visiting pink flowers of Hermbstaedtia sp., Amaranthaceae) [AMGS]. SOUTH AFRICA: KWAZULU-NATAL: Manguzi River near Maputa, Z[ululand] [circa 26.59S, 32.45E], xi-xii.1945 (H. Bell-Marley), 1 @ [AMGS]. NORTHERN CAPE: ??, 24-27.iv.1973 (M.W. Mansell), 1 9 (Malaise trap) [AMGS]. Additional records given by Arnold 1929 and 1935: ZIMBABWE: Victoria Falls [17.55S, 25.50E], Springvale [18.22S, 30.22E]. BOTSWANA: Kuke Pan, Kalahari 23.2358; 24 278 |, Geographical distribution. Known from Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, north- ern KwaZulu-Natal and the Northern Cape (Fig. 16b). Floral associations. Recorded from two plant families: Amaranthaceae (one re- cord only, a female visiting flowers of Hermbstaedtia sp.) (Gess and Gess); Fabaceae, Papilionoideae, “small leguminous, clover-like plant (Arnold). Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unkown. 120 = Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) —_ 500 | a | 30°E —_, 500 | a a | 30°E Figure 16. Distributions of collection records of Bembix spp.: a triangulifera b ulula Cc venusta d zinni. Bembix venusta Arnold http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_venusta Fig 21 5c Bembex venusta Arnold, 1929: 347, figs 15, 15a-d, plate VI, figs 35, 47, So, Q (Syn- types, Namibia, Kamanyab (sic) [Kamanjab] and Namibia, various localities, in SAMC) (in revision of southern African Sphecidae); Arnold 1930: 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae). Bembix venusta Arnold & Lohrmann, 1948: 447 (member of diversipennis species group); R. Bohart and Menke 1976: 549 (in checklist of world Sphecidae); Gess and Gess 2003: 125 (flower visiting records); Pulawski 2013: 91 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. ANGOLA: Eriksons’ Drift, Kunene River [circa 17.15S, 14.36E], iii.1923 (S.W. Africa Mus. Exped.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], paratype 2, paratype ¢ [SAMC ex NMBZ]. NAMIBIA: Ongandjera [17.55S, 15.05E], iii.1923 (S.W. Africa Mus. Exped.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 2 [SAMC ex NMBZ]; [on road] 3704 to Sesfontein Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 121 57 km from Opuwa (18.298, 13.48E), 20.iii.1999, 1 9; on [road] 3704 to Opuwa 53 km from Sesfontein (18.49S13.46E), 19.iii.1999, 1 2; 23 km by r[oa]d to Uis on [road] C35 from [road] C39 (20.31S, 14.5E), 1.iv.1997, 1 3 (visiting white flowers of Leucas pechuelii (Kuntze) Guerke, Lamiaceae); between Omaruru and Wilhemstal (21.31S, 16.03E), 3.iv.1998, 729,44 4 99,4 dé visiting deep pink flowers of Hermbstaedtia odorata (Burch.) T. Cooke, Amaranthaceae; 1 9 with prey: Bombylii- dae); c[irca] 9 km S [of] Omaruru on r[oa]d to Karibib (21.32S, 15.58E), 24. iii. 1997, 1 4; 22 km N [of] Kalkrand (23.558, 17.28E), 3.iv.2004, 1 ¢ (visiting yellow flowers of Gazania pectidea (DC.) Harv., Asteraceae) — (all F.W. and S.K. Gess) [all AMGS]. Additional localities recorded by Arnold (1929) but specimens not seen by the pre- sent authors: NAMIBIA: Ombombo [18.40S, 13.56E]; Kamanjab [19.38S, 14.49E]; Otjimbumbe [locality not traced]. Geographical distribution. Northern Namibia and across the Kunene in south- ern Angola (Fig. 16c). Floral associations. Recorded from three plant families: Amaranthaceae (Hermbstaedtia odorata (Burch.) T. Cooke); Asteraceae (Gazania pectidea (DC.) Harv.); Lamiaceae (Leucas pechuelii (Kuntze) Guerke). Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Recorded taking one family of Diptera: Bombyliidae (one female captured with bombyliid prey). Bembix zinni Gess http://species-id.net/wiki/Bembix_zinni Fig. 215d Bembix zinni Gess, 1986: 140, figs 9-19, 3,2 (Holotype, 4, South Africa, Laings- burg District, Merweville, in SAMC); S. Gess 1996: 266, 284 (flower visiting records); Gess and Gess 2003: 126 (flower visiting records); Pulawski 2013: 93 (in catalogue of Sphecidae sensu lato). Material examined. NAMIBIA: 24 km N [of] Palm Wag (19.438, 13.51E), 18.iii.1999 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 9 9 [AMGS]; Western end of Grootberg Pass (19.478, 14.17E), 19.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 9 (visiting white flowers of Heliotropium tubulosum E. Mey. ex .DC., Boraginaceae) [AMGS]; Two Palms, Uniab River (19.538, 13.54E), 27.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 2 (at water) [AMGS]; same locality, 28.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 4 QQ (visiting white flowers [of] Heliotropium tubulosum) [AMGS]; road D344 WNW [of] Omatjete (20.57S, 15.14E), 15.iii.2004 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 29 [AMGS]; Uis to Omaruru (21.148, 15.00E), 21.iii.2004, (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 @ (visiting yellow flowers [of] Cleome sp., Capparaceae) [AMGS]; Gobabis [22.30S, 18.58E], 12.xii.1983 (Empey), 2 99, 3 dd [AMGS]; Nomtsas (24.258, 16.51E), 18.iii.1997, 3 99 (1 & visiting deep pink flowers of Sesuvium sesuvioides (Fenzl) Verdc., Aizoaceae: non-Mesembryanthema; 2 9 visiting white 122 = Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) flowers of Limeum argute-carinatum Wawra & Peyr., Molluginaceae); 18 km SE [of] Stampriet on [road] C15 to Gochas (24.285, 18.30E), 29.iii.2000, 1 9 (visiting white flowers of Limeum argute-carinatum); Gross Nabas, 24 km SE [of] Stampriet (24.308, 18.32E), 30.iii.2000, 7 99,1 5 (1 Q visiting orange/pink flowers of Indigofera sp., Papilionaceae; 6 99, 1 & visiting white flowers of Limeum argute-carinatum); S [of] Maltahohe, on [road] D811 (25.15S, 17.01E), 23.iii.1999, 1 Q; 8, 10 & 24.iii.1999, 829,344 (1 Q visiting white flowers of Limeum sp.); 2 km from [road] C17 on [road] R511 to Mata Mata (25.37S, 19.25E), 8.iii.2000, 1 914 (4 visiting white flowers of Limeum argute-carinatum); K6ées to Gochas (25.39S, 19.24), 8.iii.2000, 1 2, 1 J (2 with prey: Bombyliidae); Keetmanshoop/Aus, 96 km E of Aus (26.42S, 17.11E), 28.ii.2000, 1 9 - (all F.W. and S.K. Gess) [all AMGS]; Karasburg [28.00S, 18.43E], 14.xii.1974 (Empey), 8 29; same locality, 5.i.1975 (Empey), 4 299, 2 dd [AMGS]. SOUTH AFRICA: NORTHERN CAPE: Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, Nossob River bed, circa 20 km S of Nossob Rest Camp [circa 25.30S, 20.38E], 8.iii.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 (on yellow flowers Tribulus cristatus Presl., Zygophyllaceae); Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, Nossob River bed, 11 km NNE of Twee Rivieren [26.24S, 20.41E], 8-11.iii.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 3 99,3 34 (1 & on yellow flowers of Pentzia incana (Thunb.) Kuntze, Asteraceae; 2 9°, 3 Jo (on white flowers of Limeum aethiopicum Burm.) — (all F.W. and S.K. Gess) [all AMGS]; WESTERN CAPE: Merweville, Laingsburg Dist. [32.40S, 21.31E], i-ii.1947 and i.1959 (H. Zinn), holotype , paratype 3, 4 paratype 299 [SAMC], paratype 3, 3 paratype 29 [AMGS]. Geographical distribution. Previously known only from the type locality. The here listed data indicate an extensive and continuous distribution ranging in the north from Palm Wag in Namibia to, in the south, the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park in South Africa. At present the type locality, Merweville in the Western Cape, appears separated from the above, most probably due to a hiatus of collecting (Fig. 16d). It is probably at the southern limit of the species’ distribution. Floral associations. Recorded from seven plant families: Apiaceae (Deverra denudata (Viv.) Pfisterer & Podl.); Molluginaceae (Limeum aethiopicum Burm. and Limeum argute-carinatum Wawra & Peyr.); (Aizoaceae (non-Mesembryanthema, Sesuvium sesuvioides (Fenzl) Verdc.); Asteraceae (Pentzia incana (Thunb.) Kuntze); Boraginaceae (Heliotropium tubulosum E. Mey. ex .DC.); Capparaceae (Cleome sp.); Fabaceae (Papilionoideae, Indigofera sp.; Zygophyllaceae (Tribulus cristatus Presl.). Nesting. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. Discussion of geographical distributions, flower associations and prey The distribution records here assembled make possible the recognition of geographical distribution patterns for many of the species occurring in southern Africa, however, Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 123 for others the number of records remains too few, drawing attention to species which require purposeful collecting. The most widespread with respect to both latitude and longitude are B. capensis (Fig. 6c) and B. fuscipennis(Fig. 9d). Neither is restricted to southern Africa, the distri- butions of both extend northwards, the former to Egypt and the latter to Ethiopia in the northeast and Zaire in the northwest. Widespread throughout South Africa and Lesotho and with a single record from Zimbabwe is B. albofasciata (Fig. 2c). Species with an apparently relatively widespread eastern distribution are: B. diversipennis (Fig. 9a), from northeastern South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique to Ethiopia; B. flavicincta (Fig. 9b) from Limpopo, South Africa through Zimabwe to Malawi; B. melanopa (Fig. 12d) principally from eastern South Africa and Zimbabwe to Kenya. A species with an apparently relatively widespread principally western distribution within southern Africa and not extending northwards is B. ochracea (Fig. 14b), which appears to be a species of both the Succulent Karoo and Nama-Karoo. Another species of the Succulent and Nama-Karoo is B. bubalus which has been recorded principally from the south of the Nama-Karoo in South Africa (Fig. 7a). Bembix cameronis and B. liturata have been widely and repeatedly recorded from the extreme south and south west of South Africa — the former also from Lesotho and central Namibia (Fig. 7b), suggesting that it is more widespread, and the latter sur- prisingly has alledgedly been recorded from the Victoria Falls area in Zimbabwe (Fig. 12b), requiring further investigation. With strongly western distributions within southern Africa and associated with semi- arid to arid areas are: B. karroensis (Fig. 12a) apparently restricted to the Nama-Karoo; B. namibensis (Fig. 14a) apparently restricted to the arid areas of Namibia; B. olivata (Fig. 14c) apparently principally restricted to the arid areas of Namibia but also recorded from the southern Kalahari; B. venusta (Fig. 16c) apparently the Nama-Karoo of Namibia and Angola; B. zinni (Fig. 16d) principally Nama-Karoo and southern Kalahari. Species with strictly coastal distributions (Fig. 17) are: B. albata along the coast of the Namib Desert to its southern extension in Namaqualand; B. arnoldi and B. harenarum along the south and south east coasts of South Africa; B. fraudulenta along the east coast of South Africa from the south into Mozambique. Widespread species in northern southern Africa are: B. ulula (Fig. 16b) and B. cultrifera (Fig. 7e), not known from further north; and B. moebii (Fig. 12e), known to extend northwards to Tanzania and recorded from Ethiopia in northeast Africa but not from northwest Africa. Another apparently northern species but less widespread with repect to longitude is B. regnata (Fig. 14d). Two species apparently restricted to South Africa but not found in the karroid areas are B. capicola (Fig. 6d) and B. sibilans (Fig. 14f). Comments on the distributions of the other species would be premature. 124 = Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) Figure 17. Combined distributions of collection records of the coastal species: albata (blue); arnoldi (black); harenarum (red); fraudulenta (yellow). Bembix visit flowers not only to obtain nectar for adult nourishment but also when hunting. Recorded flower associations cannot therefore be assumed to be for imbibing nectar. As nectar seekers they are polyphagous. Bembix typically prey on flies (Diptera) of various families. Unusual for the Afrotropical Region is Bembix regnata Parker which was found by Benson (1934) provisioning with butterflies (Lepidoptera) of three families in East Africa. In this regard it is of note that Evans and Matthews (1973, 1975) recorded considerable radiation with respect to prey taken by Australian Bembix. Of the 22 species studied 14 took only flies, however, one took damselflies (Odonata) in addition to flies, one bees and wasps in addition to flies, three only bees, primarily stingless bees of the genus 7rigona (Apidae), one only tiphiid wasps, one only damselflies and yet another only antlions (Neuroptera). Species hunting flies seem to show little selec- tion with respect to fly family, the qualifying criterion being apparently one of size and habitat. Bembix hunt their prey on the wing. They tend to find a good source of flies, often decaying organic matter such as faeces and corpses, in the case of B. arnoldi ocean Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae)... 125 wrack, but also flowers. Having found a good source of flies they return to it repeatedly. Fly prey has been recorded for 19 species of Afrotropical Bembix, B. albofasciata Smith, B. arnoldi Arnold, B. bequaerti dira Arnold, B. braunsii Handlirsch, B. bubalus Handlirsch, B. cameronis Handlirsch, B. capensis Lepeletier, B. capicola Handlirsch, B. flavocincta Turner, B. forcipata Handlirsch, B. fraudulenta Arnold, B. fuscipennis Lepeletier, B. massaica Cameron, B. moebii Handlirsch, B. olivata Dahlbom, B. sibilans Handlirsch, B. ugandensis Turner and B. zinni Gess (Gess 1986, Gess and Gess 1989 and Gess and Gess fieldnotes and voucher specimens 2000). Thirteen fly families, Stratiomyidae, Tabanidae, Mydidae, Asilidae, Bombyliidae, Syrphidae, Conopidae, Muscidae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Tachinidae, Glossinidae and Nemestrinidae, have been recorded for Bembix in southern Africa. The number of families represented in the prey of a single species ranging up to 11! Acknowledgements Thanks are expressed to the following for much appreciated assistance as specified: loans of Bembix specimens — the curators of the Hymenoptera collections of Dur- ban Museum, National Collection of Insects (Pretoria), South African Museum, Iziko Museums of Cape Town, and Transvaal Museum (now National Museum of Natural History, Ditsong Museum) (Pretoria), National Museum of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo (Hymenoptera collection now in SAMC), and National Museum of Natural Science, Windhoek; access to Iziko South African Museum entomology collection Specify database — Simon van Noort, Curator, Department of Entomology, South African Museum, Iziko Museums of Cape Town; field assistance — David, Harold, Robert, Gaby and Gaby Maria Gess for their enthusiastic collecting while on various expedi- tions undertaken by the authors and Coleen Manheimer of the National Herbarium of Namibia for invitations to join her team on collecting trips within the Sperrgebiet in 2002, 2003 and 2005; determination of plant vouchers — Estelle Brink, Schonland Herbarium, Albany Museum and Coleen Mannheimer and her team, National Her- barium of Namibia; assistance with taking and editing of all photographs and for tak- ing the photographs reproduced as Figure 4 — Harold Gess, photojournalism lecturer, Rhodes University; preparation of distribution maps using Ben Cobbing, geographi- cal information specialist of CSS, Grahamstown; layout of figures and preparation of combined map for coastal species — Bronwyn McLean, Graphic Services Unit, Rhodes University, Grahamstown; collecting permits — the relevant South African permitting departments, i.e. of Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Northern Cape provinces (to- gether formerly Cape Province), Free State, and South African National Parks Board, the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism, NAMDEB (Pty) Ltd. for the Sperrgebiet (Diamond Area no. 1); running expenses grants — initially the CSIR, later the FRD and latterly the NRF and Rhodes University for running expenses grants; Research Contracts (FWG and SKG) giving post-retirement use of facilities - Board of Trustees of the Albany Museum since 2003; advice and encouragement in connec- 126 ~— Friedrich W. Gess & Sarah K. Gess / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 53-130 (2013) tion with the preparation of the manuscript given to SKG after the death of FWG and meticulous reviewing of the submitted manuscript — Wojciech J. Pulawski, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. References Arnold G (1929) The Sphegidae of South Africa. Part 13. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 13: 320-380. Arnold G (1930) A check-list of the Sphegidae of the Ethiopian Region. University Press, Cambridge, England, 1-21. Arnold G (1931) The Sphegidae of South Africa. Part 15. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 14: 135-220. Arnold G (1933) Entomological expedition to Abyssinia, 1926-7. Hymenoptera I: Sphegidae and Psammocharidae. With an introductory note and supplementary list by Hugh Scott, Sc. D. The Annals and Magazine of natural History (series 10) 11: 351-357. Arnold G (1935) Scientific results of the Vernay-Land Kalahari expedition, March to September, 1930, Sphegidae and Psammocharidae. 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