ore JHR 34: I-79 (2013) JOURNAL OF | *0eerreieved openacoss ural Danse eeoen (G-) Hymenoptera www.pensoft.net/journals/jhr The imernatonl Society of Hymenopixriss, RESEARCH Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea, Platygastridae) Elijah J. Talamas't, Lubomir Masner**, Norman F. Johnson?4 I Systematic Entomology Lab, USDA/ARS clo USNM, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, U.S.A, 2 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K.W. Neatby Building, Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0C6, Canada 3 Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, U.S.A. T Attp.//zoobank.org/19124B60-4D 1 1-46AF-ADBF-E48A9988B102 * Attp://zoobank. org/FA505310-F606-4F6C-A1 DF-74B9A0055B2E § /itp://zoobank. org/3508 C4FF-F027-445F-8417-90OAB4AB8FEOD Corresponding author: Elijah J. Talamas (elijah.talamas@ars.usda.gov) Academic editor: Matthew Yoder | Received 18 January 2013 | Accepted 21 June 2013 | Published 5 August 2013 http-//zoobank. org/65D86C7A-5BAC-441E-8493-764EEE334BE0 Citation: Talamas EJ, Masner L, Johnson NF (2013) Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea, Platygastridae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79. doi: 10.3897/JHR.34.4714 Abstract Paridris Kieffer and Trichoteleia Kieffer are morphologically similar genera of solitary egg parasitoids with little overlap between their distributions: Paridris is found commonly worldwide with the exceptions of Madagascar, from which a single specimen is known, and New Zealand, from which no records are known; Trichoteleia is endemic to the Malagasy islands. Here we present the first phylogenetic analysis of platygastroid wasps that combines and compares morphological and molecular data. We find the results of the phylogenetic analyses of the two data sources to be largely congruent for the species treated here. Paridris and Trichoteleia are found to be monophyletic, as are two morphologically well-defined species groups within Paridris. Neoparidris Galloway is found to belong within Paridris and is treated as a junior synonym, syn. n. The faunas of Paridris from Africa, Melanesia and the Indo-Malay islands are revised. Fifteen species are described of which 9 are new: Paridris anikulapo Talamas, sp. n. (sub-Saharan Africa); Paridris densiclava (Kieffer), (Seychelles); Paridris bispinosa (Masner), (Gabon); Paridris nigriclava (Kief- Copyright Elijah J. Talamas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) fer), (Seychelles); Paridris nitidiceps (Kieffer), (Seychelles); Paridris tenuis (Nixon), (sub-Saharan Africa); Paridris trispinosa Yalamas & Masner, sp. n., (Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo); Paridris bifurcata (Dodd), comb. n., (Australia, Papua New Guinea); Paridris mnestros Talamas & Masner, sp. n., (Indonesia, Malaysia); Paridris pantex Talamas, sp. n., (Fiji); Paridris phrikos Talamas & Masner, sp. n., (Fiji); Paridris skolops Talamas & Masner, sp. n., (Fiji); Paridris sulcata Talamas, sp. n., (Vanuatu); Paridris taekuli Valamas & Masner, sp. n., (Australia, Bangladesh, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, New Caledonia, Thailand, Vietnam); Paridris xestos Talamas & Masner, sp. n., (Fiji). Paridris flaviclava (Kieffer), syn. n., and P nigraticeps (Kieffer), syn. n., are treated as junior synonyms of P nigriclava. Keywords Ege-parasitoid, Platygastroidea, key, Paridris, Trichoteleia, revision, phylogeny Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 3 Table of contents Tint OGL GTO Uti ve de ue irtate Lande Arete ta Aha anton oon dle mance nee Seen, Sogn ah Roce. cree Baa 4 DVLAT Sri S aM CTT NO CISA: pesca: ch las ehses pacts vhaecadpieervetane dt pibelets poeetusenebi vetoes’! vldetvs ehaecvest 5 Resullessofip hylo emetic Aral yGis: 2 .i,h- Gagncetdi nnsna le ches bnngice stapled Tia cnampl se eauberaiedh baa nsteelsalasbe 8 IDISetSSIOt: Beet nee Nc eee eee aoe eee cee nn ce a, Pee ee! a, eee 9 CETENIOMAY pth tae Mate taas to ae vee veer Ree Pe yeh tea Hants Recah deg in tee onsale tana gh a eal Seer 12 PGnid TiS PAUIDES SPECIES CLOUD tential t let M cai ean bo Makau a Duclacielehionn etpsuntosmosiodeenietesicos 12 PA TAT GANG TILE ES acer haere asco hed bow sind data coon sae bate his PIE eh SIRT ASI 13 Ish ad nol eat oe (07 Ne) Sa Le RRR oer LY hey eee, eS A ee ae 13 PAVIATIS NLR LAPO MALATAAS, SD WIV eaaiis eet ts incurs. 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IACHLEL) 0.1 tute lips copdirges itp aye athove toooted edelee ade pocsdtetsaekieh sonttee 23 PAPIATIS FERUITION IRON satiety svcd steces boca vetinnsh Reade ciedevidacevety otvdeancenecsteees 24 marian trispinosa” Lalatias 86 NIASHEL GDM cif eaten. sevsexastnesncancereattbenenennesas d 26 Paridris of Melanesia and the Indo-Malay Islannds......0..::40. cccssseoreeternevsnaceesaesvease 28 Neopariaris Galloway sytie Mo t.eva seston qvoeeddnv ste licen cstv coqeeenniunatetdivedtvcrvvecndtends 30 Pariarissbrpircata Odd) “Om. poe tourette Miretre dese tos valotuudeeDrvtedvos rtentans 30 dares minestras dalainas GC Naser Sp. eit aseucrocns iestceaet ened inagite mane lasstapeth 33 Paridras panties Talaimasy Si. [ii esectm cece nnstasiais ras tees tavuc een se ietie site tay aete8t vl dadeoniens 35 PatiaripprigoselalamiasOCVlAsiely 815s Piasiainstostptictls oldhate douhlaa toes Tshib lap vbde vies Ay. Pariaris skolops Valamias csMasneky Spoih. bess ease -eseesssenestinnsesacneeronnsishnnnessntir 39 Rariarissvalcata) Valamias, S[5- s&s Pian ote ce eset eae ae ea ook paste deat ea es 4] Paridris tackuls Valamas 8o-Mastiet, sp F1ty 2.2, tented xacheesenstneiate Sassi estas sade 43 Parnarisscestos Nalarnas: OCW lasnet oS Pil. 2 ech S: snags ene! eacastuencaisiseeausigiecentehend 45 Synopsis of species included in phylogenetic analysis, but not taxonomically treated: by. the present AUthOMs: socsth Sass tad hh aecacaeussaaideas supa ctesevacesttan canned 48 PAN Anissarinigeta RAlMVOMAIR We Pods saaevelisarnsbodarne deere staenasvoarbeardanatedbenbutneente 48 ACIS RIO TEA ROMO NOVA is ice he binindcuhsinienaincsaug one tumremtesnesntoummmeuan ov ecer ecemmnintead 48 Paridris spinosa Rajmo hata. :ige oyosing Nee ee cee dt dada neon voce cdaieeen couric bsnnwoncenivowedecen 48 AFBI IS: ASTATN SLIP 23h sen Sethe Baise irut boat salle Be deglodcalsornslttoates ban dboe toe Fataac le aadaa sal 48 Synopsis of Paridrs not ateated in-this, publication. ...).0....40cstewneateenzetenneortetanes 48 PEC SC cans Ba ene he nc anscicncte Ria alicthe diet Bohl al BR et OM te oi nerd NR cate Aes 54 TRG K INOW (EC COTACINES 1 su eS nk 5 BINGE c cae OMA se EARS UELNSNS aTAcd hs PURGE IER MOMS cc tuaiaeeTusincben phates 72 FRET SMENICE Stes ctecoh cite onic snack aE ne nA tM ah bc AR ad nh Mt Guar iM ve lene teeter c meta nnerl ie cn toe G2 TE TVIVO BEG rat ete sa te Saolla Lic eeeat cic haa tacos Let ta RO et htc alge ote ace eae clot aetna Ts vk yoyo) 04 Te al Mage) Ll pe nd Ay aps BRR Ree es Nee AP a le gC NE, po 78 yay by =h 06 Brel Bi Seeger teh RIES oho 4 Un RNY ee Pier ee ha 78 fa 8} bot 00 iba Wl Ree A Sema aeR en cE Meo En SER Pe SE en eee ee 78 ACD POM CGM sca. crane .nssazceh seq. caveavewseundesuen ne Sty us veaaas pee tRSe BN. ceseeesavas Resta cadeeses 79 HA PAIS INCISG W SIRE tictisn cA Rinse ote Mam tise LOAN ee Mal Se eas ccs ANAEEE wal tes etancn se teencageitse 79 4 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) Introduction Paridris is a genus of minute wasps that, extrapolating from a single host record from North America (Masner and Muesebeck 1968), are parasitoids of cricket eggs (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). The genus is nearly cosmopolitan in distribution: it is not known from New Zealand and its presence in Madagascar is known from a single specimen. Significantly, the putative sister group to Paridris, Trichoteleia, is endemic to the Malagasy Islands. The nearly exclusive distributions of these genera and their morphological similarity suggested the possibility that Trichoteleia was an apomor- phic lineage derived from within Paridris. To test this hypothesis we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of these genera based on molecular and morphological data. This is the culmination of our examination of these groups of parasitoids, following our revision of Trichoteleia at the species level and evaluation of its generic limits (Talamas et al. 201 1a), a generic level assessment of Paridris, and species descriptions of the nephta group (formerly the genus Tuora, Talamas et al. 2011b) and the New World species of Paridris (Talamas et al. 2012). Among platygastroid genera, the diversity of species revealed by recent taxonomy is often an order of magnitude greater than was previously known (e.g., Johnson et al. 2008, Taekul et al. 2008), and Paridris is no exception. Revision of the Paridris nephta species group increased the number of species from 1 to 15 (Talamas et al. 201 1b), and treatment of the New World fauna resulted in a similar increase from 2 valid species to 15 (Talamas et al. 2012). Here we continue our revision of Paridris with two goals. First, we strive to examine the gamut of morphological diversity within the genus to produce a maximally informed coding scheme for phylogenetic characters and form an accurate, robust generic concept. Second, we seek to document the species level diversity and distribution of Paridris and produce identification tools that make these data usable for future biological studies. We present the following as a single publica- tion because we consider it best to make taxonomic decisions, such as the synonymy of Neoparidris, in a phylogenetic context. Our focus for this revision is on the geographical regions of Africa, Melanesia and the Indo-Malay islands based on the accessibility of primary types. Kononova and Kozlov (2008) produced a key to the species of the Palearctic, Rajmohana (2007) pub- lished a key to the species of India, and Kozlov and Lé (2000) published a key to the species of Vietnam. Together with the present work, these publications treat most of the world’s geographic areas. Only the fauna of Australia remains largely unexplored. Although we were unable to access the type material for the Indian species, the high quality images of Paridris spinosa Rajmohana and the key to Indian species (Ra- jmohana 2007) allowed us to identify this species and P. armigera among the mate- rial at hand and include them in our analysis. Our analyses include a species from Southeast Asia that was likely described by Kozlov and Lé (2000). We were unable to unambiguously identify this species with their key and it is indicated as Paridris asian sp. 1. Synopses of the species not analyzed taxonomically or phylogenetically by the present authors may be found following the species descriptions. Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 5 Previous phylogenetic analyses of platygastroids have used morphological data (Iqbal and Austin 2000, Valerio et al. 2010) or molecular data (Carey et al. 2006, Murphy et al. 2007), but to date none have compared the two datatypes with the same set of taxa or conducted a combined analysis. Here we demonstrate the utility of morphological characters at the species level, and to some extent at the generic level. We show that morphological characters, though demonstrably homoplasious at times, are useful for reconstructing relationships, particularly when combined with molecular data. These analyses represent the first comparison between analyses of molecular and morphological data within the superfamily. This work is conducted as part of the Platygastroidea Planetary Biodiversity Inven- tory and represents a step toward a species-level revision of the Scelionini sensu Lato. The contributions of the authors are as follows: E.J. Talamas: DNA extraction and amplification; sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis, character definition and coding, species concept development, imaging, key development, manuscript prepara- tion; L. Masner: aggregation of specimens, species concept development, manuscript preparation; N.F. Johnson: software and database development, character definition; manuscript preparation. Materials and methods Primary types: The primary types of J. J. Kieffer and G. E. J. Nixon in The Natural History Museum were photographed by E. Talamas during a visit to this collection in 2009. Our assessment of Neoparidris, and ultimately its treatment as a junior synonym of Paridris, was facilitated by images of the type species taken by N. F. Johnson in 2004 at the Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia. Continual access to images of the type material made this project possible without risking damage to specimens during shipping. We hope that this demonstration of the utility of such photographs will en- courage the imaging of type material as standard practice in taxonomy. Specimens: This work is based upon specimens deposited in the following collec- tions, with abbreviations used in the text: AEIC American Entomological Institute, Gainsville, USA' BMNH _ Natural History Museum, London, England’ BPBM Bishop Museum, Honolulu, USA® CASC California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA‘ CNCI Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Canada? FNIC Fiji National Insect Collection, Suva, Fiji® MCZ Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, USA’ MZLU Lund Museum of Zoology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden’ MNHN- Muséum National d’ Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France? OSUC CA. Triplehorn Insect Collection, Columbus, USA"? QSBG =e Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden, Chiang Mai, Thailand"! 6 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) RMNH _sesLeiden Nationaal Natuurhistorische Museum, Netherlands” SAMC Iziko Museums of Cape Town, South Africa!’ USNM — Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC, USA“ Morphological terminology: Abbreviations and morphological terms used in text: Al, A2, ... Al2: antennomere 1, 2, ... 12; claval formula: distribution of the multiporous basiconic sensilla on the underside of apical antennomeres of the female, with the antennomere interval specified followed by the number of sensilla per seg- ment (Bin 1981); palpal formula: number of maxillary and labial palpal segments, respectively; S1, S2, ... S6: metasomal mediosternite 1, 2, ... 6; T1, T2, ... T7: meta- somal mediotergite 1, 2, ... 7.; posterior vertex: area between the posterior ocelli and the occipital carina. Morphological terminology largely follows Mik6 et al. 2007. Ter- minology for wing venation follows Mason 1986. The following are illustrated and labeled to facilitate their use: anterior propodeal projection (app: Figs 12, 75, 79, 92) felt field (ff: Figs 18-23 ) occipital carina (occ: Figs 6, 7, 9) post gena (pg: Figs 7, 8, 9) posterior mesepimeral area (pmma: Figs 28, 45) transverse carina of T2 (tre: Fig. 79 ). Morphological terms used in this revision were matched to the Hymenoptera Anat- omy Ontology (HAO, Yoder et al. 2010) (Appendix I). Identifiers (URIs) in the for- mat http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_XXXXXXX represent anatomical concepts in HAO version http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/hao/2011-05-18/hao.owl. They are provided to enable readers to confirm their understanding of the anatomical structures being referenced. To find out more about a given structure, including, images, refer- ences, and other metadata, use the identifier as a web-link, or use the HAO:XXXXXXX (note colon replaces underscore) as a search term at http://glossary.hymao.org. The description of surface sculpture is presented in two formats. Areas of the ex- oskeleton in which the sculptural elements are inseparable are described simply as “sculpture”. For areas in which the sculptural elements vary independently, sculpture is divided into three categories: punctation: round depressions associated with setae; macrosculpture: raised or sunken patterns of texture that are oriented linearly or radi- ally with respect to punctation or the axes of the body; microsculpture: unoriented, very fine wrinkles or pustulations that occur on, in, or between elements of macroscu- Ipture and punctation. Information management: The locality data reported for primary types are not a literal transcription of the labels: some abbreviations are expanded; additional data from the collectors are also included. The holotypes should be unambiguously iden- tifiable by means of the unique identifier or the red holotype label. The numbers prefixed with “OSUC ” and “CASENT ” are unique identifiers for the individual Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... ip specimens (note the blank space after the acronyms). Details on the data associated with these specimens may be accessed at the following link, purl.oclc.org/NET/hy- menoptera/hol, and entering the identifier in the form. This monograph also features simultaneous publication and distribution of taxonomic and occurrence records through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) using DarwinCore Ar- chives. All new species have been prospectively registered with Zoobank (Polaszek et al. 2005) and other taxonomic names have been retrospectively registered therein. All names are also registered in the Hymenoptera Name Server (hns.osu.edu). Life sciences identifiers, lsids, may be resolved at the URLs specified in the footnotes or at lsid.tdwg.org. Cybertools: The species descriptions are generated by a database application, vS- ysLab (purl.oclc.org/NET/hymenoptera/vSysLab), designed to facilitate the genera- tion of taxon by character data matrices, to integrate these with the existing taxonomic and specimen-level database, and to export the data both as text and as input files for other applications (Johnson 2010). The output is in the format of “Character: Char- acter state(s).” Intraspecific variability is indicated by character states separated by a semicolon. The illustrated matrix of morphological characters used in our phylogenetic analysis can be found at http://vsyslab.osu.edu/show_matrix.html?project_id=106. Imaging: Images were produced using Combine ZP and AutoMontage extended- focus software. The individual images are archived at the image database at The Ohio State University (purl.oclc.org/NET/hymenoptera/specimage) and with MorphBank (www.morphbank.net). The latter also contains collections of images organized by plate. Species concept: For the purpose of this revision, species are defined as taxa diag- nosable by putative autapomorphies or a unique combination of fixed character states. Molecular data: DNA was extracted nondestructively with a Qiagen DNeasy ex- traction kit and amplified according to standard protocols with the primers of Mur- phy et al. (2007). Sequences of ribosomal genes were aligned by eye according to the structural models of Gillespie et al. (2005) and Gillespie et al. (2005). CO1 sequences, and the variable loop regions of 18S and 28S, were aligned with MUSCLE (Edgar 2004). The CUIDs of voucher species and Genbank accession numbers are presented in Appendix IV. Phylogenetic analysis: We analyzed our data under the criterion of parsimony using TNT (Goloboff et al. 2008) with gaps treated as missing data in all analyses and equal weights for all characters. We consider parsimony to be the optimal method for our dataset because it contains both morphological and molecular data, and the latter are missing for two thirds of the species, creating a pitfall for parameter estimation in model-based analyses. Parsimony also enables comparison between the signal in mor- phological and molecular data within the same analysis paradigm. We used the script of Pena et al. (2006) to perform a Partitioned Bremer Support analysis in TNT with four data partitions, morphology, 28S, 18S and CO1, to examine the contributions of each data set to support for the nodes in the strict consensus tree. The composite consistency and retention indices (CI and RI) are listed in the figure captions for each phylogeny. The matrix used for phylogenetic analysis is included as Appendix V. 8 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) Composite terminals: The CO1 sequence for our outgroup terminal, Archaeote- leia, was amplified from Archaeoteleia mellea, and 18S and 28S sequences from A. onamata. Morphology was coded from A. mellea. For the morphological characters used in our analysis, these species of Archaeoteleia are essentially isomorphic. ‘The se- quence data for Paridris aeneus came from two specimens: OSUC 261872 for CO1 and OSUC 265221 for 18S and 28S. Excluded species: We excluded P. armata Talamas, P. invicta Talamas, P. nitidi- ceps and P. densiclava from our final analyses. Paridris armata, P. invicta, and P. nitidi- ceps are known only from males, lacking phylogenetically important female characters, and are of uncertain afhnity. The morphological characters of P. nitidiceps and P. den- siclava were coded from photographs of the type specimens. Consequently, we were unable to observe a number of the characters that we consider to be phylogenetically informative. Apart from a loss of resolution, analyses that included these species did not differ from those presented in Figs 2-3. Results of phylogenetic analysis All of our analyses confirmed monophyly of the P nephta and P. pallipes species groups and Trichoteleia (Figs 1-3) with strong bootstrap support for these clades in the mo- lecular and combined analyses. Trichoteleia and the P nephta group had significant support in the morphological analysis, but support for the P pallipes group here was poor, reflecting the homoplasious nature of the characters that delimit this group. Similarly, Paridris was retrieved as a monophyletic group in all of the analyses, but its highest bootstrap value of 49, retrieved in the analysis of combined data, is still low. From a morphological perspective this is unsurprising because all of the syna- pomorphies for Paridris are also found in other genera or are lost secondarily. The presence of Probaryconus sp. 2 among Paridris in the morphological analysis (Fig. 2) is also not unexpected, particularly because this specimen was selected for its similarity to Paridris: it lacks an epomial carina and has setose compound eyes. Topologically, the only character that separates this species from Paridris is the externally undif- ferentiated metascutellum. Even this character must be carefully assessed because in some species of both Paridris and Probaryconus the horn of T1 may be very large and preclude observation of the metanotum. However, the high bootstrap support for Probaryconus in the molecular and combined analyses ultimately affirms confidence in our concepts for these genera. A subset of characters that are diagnostic for genera and species treated in this analysis (see Appendix II) are mapped onto the combined data phylogeny in Figure 3. The analysis of Partitioned Bremer Support (see Appendix II) indicates that con- tributions to clade support from the four data partitions, morphology, 28S, 18S, and CO1, are clade dependent. Within T7richoteleia, 28S provided minimal clade support with values of zero for most of the nodes. CO1 contained the most contrarian signal for this genus and accounted for nearly all of the disagreement between partitions with nega- Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 9 Archaeoteleia onamata Probaryconus sp 1 Probaryconus sp 2 Scelio sp Calliscelio sp 1 Calliscelio sp 2 Tnchoteleia warreni Trichoteleia nify Trichoteleia tezitra Trichoteleia hemlyae Tnchoteleia orona Trichoteleia rugifrons Tnchoteleia zuparkoi Panidns taekuli Pandnis anikulapo Pandns asian sp 1 Pandris gom Paridris aenea Pandris mnestros fe Fer ; P. pallipes species group P. nephta species group Figure |. Strict consensus tree based on 18S, 28S and CO1 sequences. Bootstrap support of 49 and higher indicated on tree. Cl: 0.515. RI: 0.476. tive values for six of the twenty nodes. However, none of these were less than negative one, indicating that the incongruence of CO1 with the other data partition is small in magnitude for Trichoteleia. The P. nephta species group yielded a similar pattern with no contribution to node support from 28S and a small degree of incongruence from CO1 and 18S. At each node within this group morphology provided the strongest signal. The pattern of clade support from 18S was consistent with a relatively slow rate of evolution in this gene; nodes at the base of Paridris had 18S support values an order of magnitude higher than those toward the tips. Within the the Scelio+ Calliscelio clade the support values for all three genes were the largest (both positive and negative) with the signal of 18S and CO1 conflicting with, and overriding, that of 28S. Discussion Morphological homoplasy within Platygastroidea has been mentioned by previous au- thors (Masner and Huggert 1989, Iqbal and Austin 2000) and it is present in our data as well. However, Paridris, for which no uncontroverted synapomorphy exists in our data set, nonetheless formed a clade in all of our analyses, with the caveat that Probary- conus sp. 2 is present in this clade in the analysis of morphology alone. Our reduction- ist coding system (vs. composite characters) may eliminate some important characters that contribute to this erroneous placement. Specifically, the pattern of punctation and microsculpture on the mesoscutum of Probaryconus is found throughout this genus and is recognizable to the experienced taxonomist, but when broken into component characters the characters no longer define Probaryconus as a group because of the dif- 10 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) Archaeoteleia meliea Probaryconus sp 1 Scelio sp sv Calliscelio sp 1 Calliscelio sp 2 Trichoteleia bidentata Trichoteleia carinata Trichoteleia eburata Trichoteleia funesta Trichoteleia hemlyae Trichoteleia janus Trichoteleia ketrona Trichoteleia levii Trichoteleia longiventns Trichoteleia nify Trichoteleia orona Trichoteleia parvipennis Trichoteleia prima Trichoteleia prolixa Trichoteleia quazii Trichoteleia ravaka Trichoteleia rugifrons Trichoteleia solocis so: richoteleia sphaerica Trichoteleia subtilis Trichoteleia takariva Trichoteleia tezitra Trichoteleia tonsa Trichoteleia warreni Trichoteleia xantrox Trichoteleia pauliani Trichoteleia albidipes Trichoteleia irwini Trichoteleia tigris Trichoteleia oculea Trichoteleia tahotra Trichoteleia afo Trichoteleia bicolor Trichoteleia Jiro = Trchoteleia minima Trichoteleia cincta Trichoteleia echinata Trichoteleia halterata Trichoteleia picturata Trichoteleia zuparkoi Trichoteleia delilah Trichoteleia fisheri P. nephta species group Paridris (Neopandns) bifurcata Pandris tnspinosa Pandris aenea Pandris gom Paridris mnestros Paridris sulcata Paridris armigera Paridris gloria Paridris asian sp 1 Paridns lemete Parnidris soucouyant Paridris psydrax Paridris taekuli Probaryconus sp 2 Paridris anikulapo Paridris bispinosa ne Paridris tenuis Paridris spinosa Paridris skolops P. pallipes species group Figure 2. Strict consensus tree based on 72 parsimony informative morphological characters. Bootstrap support of 45 and higher indicated on tree. CI: 0.289. RI: 0.782. Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... in| 3 11 €* Archaeoteleia 9 11 @—Probaryconus sp 1 7 *— Probaryconus sp 2 Trichoteleia ketrona | Trichoteleia tigris Trichoteleia oculea 6-6-6100 Trichoteleia tahotra 1710 Trichoteleia warreni Trichoteleia carinata Trichoteleia eburata Tnichoteleia hemlyae Tnichoteleia levii Trichoteleia orona Trichoteleia prima Trichoteleia takariva Tnichoteleia tonsa 0 Trichoteleia janus Trichoteleia nify Trichoteleia parvipennis Trichoteleia solocis Trichoteleia ravaka Trichoteleia longiventris Tnchoteleia quazii Trichoteleia pauliani Trichoteleia albidipes Trichoteleia irwini Trichoteleia rugifrons Trichoteleia subtilis Trichoteleia cincta 7 Trichoteleia zuparkoi Trichoteleia echinata 3 Trichoteleia halterata 0 Trichoteleia picturata Trichoteleia delilah Trichoteleia fisheri Trichoteleia bidentata Trichoteleia funesta Trichoteleia prolixa Trichoteleia sphaerica Trichoteleia tezitra Tnichoteleia xantrox Trichoteleia afo Trichoteleia bicolor Trichoteleia jiro Trichoteleia minima Scelio sp $03 Calliscelio sp 1 Calliscelio sp 2 1 P. nephta species group Paridris (Neoparidris) bifurcata Paridris armigera Paridris gom Paridris anikulapo Paridris gloria Paridris asian sp 1 7 © Paridris psydrax 51 ; Paridris taekuli 1 Paridris mnestros 19 2-1 Pandris sulcata Paridris aenea Panidris lemete Pandris soucouyant Paridris trispinosa Paridris bispinosa ° Paridris tenuis 57 peer, oe Paridris spinosa ee Panidris skolop . 59 0 1 qe P. pallipes species group Figure 3. Strict consensus tree based on combined dataset of 72 morphological characters and 18S, 28S, and CO1 sequences. Bootstrap support of 49 and higher indicated on tree. CI: 0.481. RI: 0.585. Black circles indicate the optimization of characters from Appendix II. Numbers above the circles indicate the character; numbers below the circles indicate the character state. 12 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) ficulty in accurately coding and articulating subtly different forms of microsculpture. We emphasize that the use of morphological data can be extremely useful by allowing the inclusion of taxa for which molecular data is not available. We note that the genera within Scelioninae are typically well-defined groups, but are based on unique combinations of characters found throughout the subfamily, that are thus homoplasious in phylogenetic analyses. In polytypic groups, such as Paridris, even the characters that define the group are either secondarily lost (transverse carina on [2), or are apparently homoplasious (metascutellum). T7richoteleia is a group well defined by multiple synapomorphies (felt fields of T1 and S2, setose metascutellum), but these characters do little to ally it with other genera. For example, setation of the eyes is common, and may be present or absent within genera (/dris, Probaryconus). Metascutellar setation, though uncommon, is found in P. spinosa and P. taekuli as well as in genera that are morphologically more distant (Chromoteleia, Bracalba, Sceliacan- thella (OSUC 150176)) and in a species of Teleasinae (OSUC 281605). The outgroups in our analysis represent a small fraction of the subfamily Scelioninae, and we do not conclude from these results any relationships at the level of genera, only that 77richoteleia is not derived from within Paridris, answering our primary question. Taxonomy Paridris pallipes species group The P pallipes species group is morphologically distinct from the remainder of Parid- ris, noticeable immediately by the relative absence of macrosculpture from the head and mesosoma. The geographical distribution of this group is perplexing- it is found throughout North and South America and in the Fijian Islands. This suggested the possibility of “tramp” species, yet no species are shared between the two regions. Ad- ditionally, P pantex (Fiji) has a highly apomorphic form of the felt fields on S2 that we consider unlikely to have evolved during recent history in which humans have been able to travel rapidly between Fiji and the Americas. It is possible that the group was once widespread, and the distribution we see now is the result of extinction, or that one of the centers of diversity is simply a radiation of the other. Either way, our understand- ing of the group, and Paridris as a whole, will be greatly furthered by additional host and biological data that allows us to make more informed inferences. The association between the P. pallipes species group and islands is noteworthy. In addition to the three species known from the Fijian islands, 6 of the 8 species of the P. pal- lipes group in the New World are found on Caribbean islands, 4 of them exclusively so. Diagnosis. The P. pallipes species group can be separated from the remainder of Paridris by the following combination of characters: genal striae strongly reduced, rarely extending to midpoint of compound eye; occipital carina absent below foramen magnum; occipital carina complete dorsally; dorsal frons and vertex without macro- sculpture; plical carina absent; posterior margin of metascutellum straight to convex; Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 13 antecostal sulcus of T2 present as a constriction or line of foveae, without carina along its posterior margin; postmarginal vein punctiform. In addition to these ubiquitously present characters, species of the P. pallipes group often have dense setation on the postgena and S1. All species except for P. pantex have the felt field present as a line of dense setae along a longitudinal ridge. In a few speci- mens of P. dnophos and P. pallipes the lateral ocellus is less than two ocellar diameters from the inner orbit of the compound eye. However, in the vast majority of specimens of these species, and in all other members of this species group, the lateral ocellus is distinctly remote from the inner orbits. African Paridris The fauna of Paridris in continental Africa is surprisingly small with just five species. Two of these, P tenuis and P anikulapo, are widespread in distribution and found in eastern, western and southern Africa. Our knowledge about their presence in central Africa, and the existence of other species of Paridris, is currently limited by a dearth of collecting in this region. Three valid species are known from the Seychelles. Paridris densiclava and P. nitid- iceps were described by J. J. Kieffer from singletons of opposite sex. We have no ad- ditional material of either species, and because we found characters to separate them we consider it best to keep them as separate species. However, we acknowledge that we are currently unable to assess intraspecific variation, and that examination of more material may reveal them to be conspecific. The single species from Madagascar, P. taekuli, is known from the Ivory Coast, South and Southeast Asia, Fiji, New Caledonia and Northern Australia from a modest number of specimens. Its sister species in the New World, P. psydrax, ranges from Argentina to California and is similarly known from a rather short series given its wide distribution. Key to African Paridris Females (unknown for P nitidiceps) 1 Metascirtellum Sétose (Pigs 875 89); consucccerisueecedalvrecanen vets Ciiaieudecrsdubbceeuaweceéuien LS oA ks tte JEM 2 ated Bee Seed Paridris taekuli Talamas & Masner, sp. n. Metascarellum clabrous-(Bigs'S:] 555, 1G Ae ve wnssneints suet) ecitsl veces bse acest 2 2 Occipital carina absent or incomplete and not reaching base of mandible (Figs 8—9); postmarginal vein less than half as long stigmal vein (Figs 14, 42) ...... 3 — Occipital carina extending to base of mandible (Figs 6-7); postmarginal vein as loiigras StiCial VeIMa PIGS Fe BG) oe ctecce Bl cesenruae Paes ern onvontndeersuds seatensits geuedtes 4 3 Frons without central keel (Fig. 50); horn of T1 with posteriorly directed SPTFICAUR TOs WAG” tn sn seek Petes sho Seater biedine SeoBaasesbion tk Paridris tenuis (Nixon) 14 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) — Frons with central keel (Fig. 43); horn of Tl unarmed (Fig. 44)... oad A Bein EN cern ae eta hale a Rd, eA Paridris nigriclava (Kieffer) 4 T6 tranverse and evenly rounded posteriorly (Fig. 37) ......:seseseeeeeeseeseeseees SP Rae tL rere tL ree Miene Ove, Webel I. Paridris densiclava (Kieffer) x 6 about as long as wide and constricted apically (Figs 29, 33, as in Fig. 24).....5 5 Horn of T1 with posteriorly directed spine (Figs 52, 55) ....esssessseseseeseesees Sit ed ee A ale 5 eee Paridris trispinosa Talamas & Masner, sp. n. = Horivolylalpumariicd Pigs ao 9 hse cat ree erat seat tee ate cree tenons ene 6 6 Gena along posterodorsal margin of eye smooth and shining (Fig 28); notau- lins pereurrentFig. 29): ..idcscsc0ecedscsudss nes Paridris anikulapo Talamas, sp. n. — Gena along posterodorsal margin of eye with coarse surface sculpture (Fig. 32); notaulus present as single fovea at posterior margin of mesoscutum URE OCES fo hie 2 8 ih or cee ane ich A xerere Paridris bispinosa (Masner) Key to Males (unknown for P nigriclava, P densiclava, P bispinosa) 1 Metascarelluniserose (Rips BIG 89) sacvser caveat aacevesaacaons oncedh oslaith Uaioe Gable Lane Fe on Ree bat Paridris taekuli Talamas & Masner, sp. n. = Metascctellummolabrous (Pigs-31035; 4D) oie onee code deronumtnioedetet rise loneaeg 2 2 Occipital carina incomplete and not reaching base of mandible (Fig 8-9); postmarginal vein less than half as long stigmal vein (Fig. 14)... eee Lind 2 NC NIA) vo eee er 21 5 ne ge eae IA Bei eet Paridris tenuis (Nixon) - Occipital carina extending to base of mandible (Figs 6-7); postmarginal vein as long-as'stiomial vem Pie syl 7538 )eice.cctticcnne hues Srtevanisndscnaetesnsadedhnatssbaventecs 3 3 Gena along posterodorsal margin of eye with coarse surface sculpture (Fig. De ee Pee co Ne AE Paridris trispinosa Talamas & Masner, sp. n. — Gena along posterodorsal margin of eye smooth and shining (Figs 28, 46)... 4 4 Posterior mesepimeral area with large nonsetigerous punctures (Fig. 45) ...... Teheran Serer. A Were t serbr sa) Were mania were ere Paridris nitidiceps (Kieffer) — Posteriorimesepimeralares-entirely smooth (Pie 7 8). eithates ue bansnnaticessanlyincy Wits Se leel. Sas Ohi eee ee Seana Paridris anikulapo Talamas, sp. n. Paridris anikulapo Talamas, sp. n. http://zoobank.org/2ACC4433-32AE-4CF6-9A14-ACBD006E8705 http://species-id.net/wiki/Paridris_anikulapo urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts:303979 Figures 7, 17, 28-31; Morphbank” Description. Female body length: 1.32—1.75 mm (n=20). Male body length: 1.04— 2.02 mm (n=19). Number of basiconic sensilla on A8: one. Shape of male flagellomeres: spherical. Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 15 Color of head: brown to black. Distal margin of clypeus: serrate. Shape of distal margin of clypeus in anterior view: straight. Width of clypeus: greater than width across toruli. Lateral corner of clypeus: projecting into acute angle. Length of mediofacial stri- ae: not extending above midpoint of compound eye. Anterodorsal node on interanten- nal process: absent. Central keel: absent. Length of OOL: less than 2 ocellar diameters. Macrosculpture of frons between median ocellus and inner orbit of eye: dorsoventrally strigose; absent. Patch of microsculpture posterior to lateral ocellus in male: absent. Patch of microsculpture posterior to lateral ocellus in female: absent. Patch of microscu- Ipture between median and lateral ocelli: absent. Microsculpture on dorsal head: absent. Microsculpture of posterior gena: present. Shape of gena: not receding posterior to eye. Macrosculpture of posterior vertex: absent. Patch of microsculpture on temples: absent. Occipital carina above occipital foramen: appressed toward ocelli. Anterior margin of occipital carina above occipital foramen: comprised of cells. Ventral extent of occipital carina: extending to base of mandible. Setation of postgena: sparse. Color of mesosoma: brown to black. Shape of pronotal shoulder in dorsal view: narrow and striplike. Transverse pro- notal carina: present in posterior half of pronotum. Dorsal half of pronotal cervical sulcus: present as line of small cells. Ventral half of pronotal cervical sulcus: present as line of small cells. Sculpture of pronotal setal patch: punctate. Anterior notaulus: reaching mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus as row of punctures. Orientation of notauli: converging posteriorly. Shape of posterior notaulus: ovoid. Microsculpture on anterior half of medial mesoscutum: absent. Macrosculpture of anterior medial mesoscutum: absent. Pattern of punctation density on medial mesos- cutum: increasing anteriorly. Scutoscutellar sulcus: comprised of short parallel striae. Median carina on posterior mesoscutellum: present. Posterior scutellar sulcus: com- prised of shallow round cells. Punctures on dorsal part of posterior mesepimeral area: present; absent. Size of punctures on dorsal part of posterior mesepimeral area: very fine. Mesopleural carina: present. Postacetabular sulcus: crenulate. Striae ventrad of mesopleural carina: absent. Setae on metascutellum: absent. Posterior margin of metascutellum: emarginate. Setation of metapleural triangle: sparse. Paracoxal and metapleural sulci: sepa- rate. Sculpture of posterodorsal part of ventral metapleural area: mostly rugose with small smooth patch; smooth. Dorsal metapleural area: smooth defined area; coarsely sculptured. Posterior margin of metapleuron below propodeal spiracle: with triangular point above metapleural sulcus. Anterior projection of the propodeum: absent. Setation of metasomal depression: absent. Posterior projection of the propodeum: present as a point formed by plical and lateral propodeal carinae. Plical carina: indistinguishable from propodeal sculpture ex- cept at posterior apex. Lateral propodeal area: undifferentiated from plical area. Shape of lateral propodeal area: continuous with prespiracular propodeal area. Sculpture of lateral propodeal area: punctate rugulose. Length of postmarginal vein: slightly longer than stigmalis (<1.5x); equal to stig- malis. Rs in fore wing: nebulous; spectral. Cu vein in fore wing: nebulous; spectral. 16 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) M vein in forewing: nebulous; spectral. Color of costal cell in female: hyaline. Color of sub-radial area in female: hyaline. Color of costal cell in male: hyaline. Color of cubito-medial area in female: hyaline. Color of anal margin in female: hyaline. Color of cubito-medial area in male: hyaline. Color of anal margin in male: hyaline. RS+M in forewing: nebulous. Color of sub-stigmal area in male: hyaline. Basal vein in hind wing: spectral. Setation of hind wing: uniform throughout; reduced anad of submarginal vein. Color of metasoma: brown to black. Longitudinal median carina on horn of T1: absent. Armature on posterior surface of T1 horn: absent. Interstitial sculpture of T1: finely rugulose. Patch of dense fine setae on anterolateral T1: absent. Form of T2 sul- cus: transverse furrow. Posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2: straight. Carina along posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2 in female: present. Sublateral tergal carina on T2: absent. Microsculpture on T2: absent. Macrosculpture of T2 in female: longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of T2 in male: longitudinally striate throughout. Carina along posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2 in male: present. Microscu- Ipture on T3: absent. Macrosculpture of medial T3 in female: longitudinally striate; weakly longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of lateral T3 in female: longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of medial T3 in male: longitudinally strigose. Macrosculpture of lateral T3 in male: longitudinally strigose. Macrosculpture of T4 in male: weakly crenulate laterally. Macrosculpture of female T5: absent. Microscupture on female T6: present throughout. Constriction of apical T6 in female: present. Macrosculpture of S1: longitudinally striate; rugose. Setation of S1: absent. Distribution of longitudinal striae on S2: present throughout. Macrosculpture of $2: longitudinally striate. Form of S2 felt field: lateral row or patch of setigerous punctures. Marginal depression on S3: absent. Marginal depressions on S4: present. Marginal depression on S5: present. Diagnosis. Paridris anikulapo is closest to P. bispinosa, and may be separated by the smooth and shining gena along the posterodorsal orbit of the compound eye. Etymology. ‘The species epithet “anikulapo” is a Yoruban name meaning “he who carries death in his pouch”. It is given to this species as a reference to the parasitoid life history and is treated as a noun in apposition. Link to distribution map.'° Material examined. Holotype, female: WORY COAST: Lamto Research Sta- tion, 29.V.1986, J. Y. Rasplus, OSUC 58723 (deposited in OSUC). Paratypes: (99 females, 19 males) BENIN: 2 females, 1 male, OSUC 181239, 453642-453643 (CNCI). CAMEROON: 11 females, 1 male, OSUC 181241, 453644—-453649, 453651-453655 (CNCI). CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: 4 females, 1 male, OSUC 243529, 265246—265249 (SAMC). GHANA: 2 females, OSUC 181672, 260561 (OSUC). IVORY COAST: 69 females, 12 males, OSUC 181234, 181238, 453657-453730 (CNCI); OSUC 58697-58698, 58718, 58720, 58724 (OSUC). KENYA: 3 females, OSUC 181236, 453731 (CNCI); OSUC 58707 (OSUC). NIGERIA: 1 female, 3 males, OSUC 181243, 181270, 453732453733 (CNCI). SIERRA LEONE: 1 male, OSUC 405077 (MZLU). SOUTH AFRICA: Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 17 2 females, OSUC 181237, 265183 (CNCI). TANZANIA: 1 female, OSUC 181240 (CNCI). UGANDA: 1 female, OSUC 181235 (CNCI). ZIMBABWE: 3 females, OSUC 453615, 453734453735 (CNCI). Other material. CAMEROON: 1 female, OSUC 453650 (CNCI). Paridris bispinosa (Masner) http://species-id.net/wiki/Paridris_bispinosa urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts:5063 Figures 32-35; Morphbank'” Aellenia bispinosa Masner, 1958: 50 (original description). Paridris bispinosa (Masner): Masner 1976: 36 (generic transfer). Description. Female body length: 1.83 mm (n=1). Male body length: 2.28 mm (n=1). Number of basiconic sensilla on A8: one. Shape of male flagellomeres: longer than wide by a factor less than 2. Color of head: black; reddish brown. Distal margin of clypeus: serrate. Shape of distal margin of clypeus in anterior view: convex. Width of clypeus: greater than width across toruli. Lateral corner of clypeus: projecting into acute angle. Length of medi- ofacial striae: continuous with sculpture of dorsal frons. Anterodorsal node on inter- antennal process: present. Central keel: absent. Length of OOL: less than 2 ocellar diameters. Macrosculpture of frons between median ocellus and inner orbit of eye: dorsoventrally strigose. Patch of microsculpture posterior to lateral ocellus in female: absent. Patch of microsculpture between median and lateral ocelli: absent. Microscu- Ipture on dorsal head: absent. Microsculpture of posterior gena: absent. Shape of gena: not receding posterior to eye. Macrosculpture of posterior vertex: rugulose to rugose with faint concentric tendency. Patch of microsculpture on temples: absent. Occipital carina above occipital foramen: simple. Anterior margin of occipital carina above oc- cipital foramen: comprised of cells. Ventral extent of occipital carina: extending to base of mandible. Setation of postgena: sparse. Color of mesosoma: brown; reddish brown. Shape of pronotal shoulder in dorsal view: without dorsal surface. Transverse pronotal carina: present in posterior half of pronotum. Dorsal half of pronotal cer- vical sulcus: present as line of small cells. Ventral half of pronotal cervical sulcus: present as line of small cells. Sculpture of pronotal setal patch: striate, striae short and poorly defined. Anterior notaulus: absent. Shape of posterior notaulus: ovoid. Microsculpture on anterior half of medial mesoscutum: absent. Macrosculpture of anterior medial mesos- cutum: absent. Pattern of punctation density on medial mesoscutum: increasing ante- riorly. Scutoscutellar sulcus: comprised of short parallel striae. Median carina on poste- rior mesoscutellum: absent. Posterior scutellar sulcus: comprised of shallow round cells. 18 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) Punctures on dorsal part of posterior mesepimeral area: absent. Mesopleural carina: present. Postacetabular sulcus: crenulate. Striae ventrad of mesopleural carina: absent. Setae on metascutellum: absent. Posterior margin of metascutellum: emarginate. Setation of metapleural triangle: sparse. Paracoxal and metapleural sulci: separate. Sculpture of posterodorsal part of ventral metapleural area: smooth. Dorsal meta- pleural area: smooth defined area. Posterior margin of metapleuron below propodeal spiracle: with triangular point above metapleural sulcus. Anterior projection of the propodeum: absent. Setation of metasomal depression: absent. Posterior projection of the propodeum: lamellate extension formed from lat- eral propodeal carina. Plical carina: absent. Lateral propodeal area: indicated by lesser degree of setation. Shape of lateral propodeal area: continuous with prespiracular pro- podeal area. Sculpture of lateral propodeal area: areolate rugose. Length of postmarginal vein: equal to stigmalis. Rs in fore wing: nebulous. Cu vein in fore wing: nebulous. M vein in forewing: nebulous. Color of costal cell in female: hyaline. Color of sub-radial area in female: hyaline. Color of cubito-medial area in fe- male: hyaline. Color of anal margin in female: hyaline. RS+M in forewing: nebulous. Basal vein in hind wing: spectral. Setation of hind wing: uniform throughout. Color of metasoma: brown; reddish brown. Longitudinal median carina on horn of T1: absent. Armature on posterior surface of T1 horn: absent. Interstitial sculpture of T1: finely rugulose. Patch of dense fine setae on anterolateral T1: absent. Form of T2 sulcus: transverse furrow. Posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2: straight. Carina along posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2 in female: present. Sublateral tergal carina on T2: absent. Microsculpture on T2: absent. Macrosculpture of T2 in female: longitudinally striate. Microsculpture on T3: absent. Macrosculpture of medi- al T3 in female: weakly longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of lateral T3 in female: longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of female T5: absent. Microscupture on female T6: present throughout. Constriction of apical T6 in female: present. Macrosculpture of S1: rugose. Setation of S1: absent. Distribution of longitudinal striae on S2: present throughout. Macrosculpture of S2: longitudinally striate. Form of S2 felt field: lateral row or patch of setigerous punctures. Marginal depression on S3: absent. Marginal depressions on S4: absent. Marginal depression on S5: absent. Diagnosis. In P. bispinosa, the metascutellum is distinctly bispinose and T6 is sharp- ly constricted in its apical half, separating it from all but two African species, P. anikulapo and P. trispinosa. The females of P. bispinosa have the notaulus present as a single fovea on the posterior margin of the mesoscutum and in females of P. anikulapo the notaulus extends to the anterior mesoscutum. In the specimen of P. bispinosa examined here, the gena is coarsely sculptured throughout and in P. anikulapo the gena along the posterior margin of the eye is smooth and shining. Paridris trispinosa may be separated from P. bispinosa by the presence of a posteriorly directed spine on the horn of T1. Link to distribution map." Material examined. Other material: (1 female) GABON: 1 female, OSUC 265181 (CNCI). Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 19 Comments. We did not examine any males of P. bispinosa in this revision, but we speculate that they will have an abbreviate notaulus, as in the females of this species, and that this will enable separation from males of P. trispinosa. Paridris densiclava (Kieffer) http://species-id.net/wiki/Paridris_densiclava urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts:5066 Figures 36-39; Morphbank”” Paranteris densiclava Kieffer, 1910: 293, 553 (original description. Keyed); Kieffer 1912: 65, 67 (redescribed as new, keyed); Kieffer 1926: 430, 431 (description, keyed). Paridris densiclava (Kieffer): Masner 1965: 88 (type information, generic transfer). Description. Female body length: 1.15 mm (n=1). Color of head: reddish brown. Distal margin of clypeus: smooth. Shape of distal margin of clypeus in anterior view: convex. Width of clypeus: greater than width across toruli. Lateral corner of clypeus: projecting into acute angle. Length of mediofacial striae: not extending above midpoint of compound eye. Central keel: absent. Macrosculpture of frons between median ocellus and inner orbit of eye: absent. Microsculpture on dorsal head: pustulate. Shape of gena: weakly to moderately receding posterior to eye. Macrosculpture of posterior vertex: absent. Occipital carina above occipital foramen: simple. Anterior margin of occipital ca- rina above occipital foramen: comprised of cells. Ventral extent of occipital carina: extending to base of mandible. Color of mesosoma: pale brown. Shape of pronotal shoulder in dorsal view: narrow and striplike. Transverse prono- tal carina: present in posterior half of pronotum. Anterior notaulus: absent. Shape of posterior notaulus: ovoid. Microsculpture on anterior half of medial mesoscutum: pustulate. Macrosculpture of anterior medial mes- oscutum: irregularly rugulose. Pattern of punctation density on medial mesoscutum: increasing anteriorly. Scutoscutellar sulcus: comprised of round cells. Median carina on posterior mesoscutellum: absent. Posterior scutellar sulcus: comprised of deep cells. Punctures on dorsal part of posterior mesepimeral area: absent. Striae ventrad of mesopleural carina: absent. Setae on metascutellum: absent. Posterior margin of metascutellum: emarginate. Setation of metapleural triangle: sparse. Paracoxal and metapleural sulci: separate. Dorsal metapleural area: smooth defined area. Anterior projection of the propodeum: absent. Setation of metasomal depression: absent. Posterior projection of the propodeum: present as a point formed by plical and lateral propodeal carinae. Plical carina: present. Lateral propodeal area: raised above propodeal surface and indicated by lesser setation. Shape of lateral propodeal area: con- 20 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) tinuous with prespiracular propodeal area. Sculpture of lateral propodeal area: weakly to moderately rugose. Length of postmarginal vein: equal to stigmalis. Rs in fore wing: spectral. Cu vein in fore wing: spectral. M vein in forewing: spectral. Color of costal cell in female: hya- line. Color of sub-radial area in female: hyaline. Color of cubito-medial area in female: hyaline. Color of anal margin in female: hyaline. RS+M in forewing: nebulous. Basal vein in hind wing: spectral. Setation of hind wing: uniform throughout. Color of metasoma: reddish brown. Longitudinal median carina on horn of T1: absent. Armature on posterior surface of T1 horn: absent. Patch of dense fine setae on anterolateral T1: absent. Constriction of apical T6 in female: absent. Diagnosis. Paridris densiclava shares the smoothly convex shape of T6 with P. nigri- clava, and differs by having a postmarginal vein as long as the stigmal vein. This venation is shared by P. nitidiceps, also from the Seychelles and known from a single male. We separate these species on the basis of the complete notaulus and punctate posterior mesepimeral area in P. nitidiceps. The notaulus of P. densiclava is present as a single fovea on the posterior margin of the mesoscutum and the posterior mesepimeral area is entirely smooth. Link to distribution map.” Material examined. Holotype, female, P. densiclava: SEYCHELLES: Mahé Isl., scrubby forest vegetation, top of Mount Sebert, 1800ft+, I-1909, B.M. TYPE HYM. 9.454 (deposited in BMNH). Paridris nigriclava (Kieffer) http://species-id.net/wiki/Paridris_nigriclava urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts:5074 Figures 40-44; Morphbank”! Paranteris nigriclava Kieffer, 1910: 292 (original description); Kieffer 1912: 65, 66 (redescribed as new, keyed); Kieffer 1926: 430 (description, keyed); Nixon 1933: 554, 555 (keyed). Paridris nigriclava (Kieffer): Masner 1965: 88 (type information, generic transfer). urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts:5074 Paranteris flaviclava Kieffer, 1910: 292 (original description), syn. n.; Kieffer 1912: 65, 67 (redescribed as new, keyed); Kieffer 1926: 430, 431 (description, keyed); Nixon 1933: 555 (keyed). Paridris flaviclava (Kieffer): Masner 1965: 88 (type information, generic transfer). urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts:95 10 Paranteris nigraticeps Kieffer, 1910: 292 (original description), syn. n.; Kieffer 1912: 65, 66 (redescribed as new, keyed); Kieffer 1926: 430 (description, keyed); Nixon 1933: 554, 555 (keyed). Paridris nigraticeps (Kieffer): Masner 1965: 88 (type information, generic transfer). urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts:9515 Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 21 Paranteris striatigena Kieffer, 1910: 292 (original description. Synonymized by Nix- on 1933); Kieffer 1912: 65, 67 (redescribed as new, keyed); Kieffer 1926: 430, 431 (description, keyed); Nixon 1933: 554 (junior synonym of Paranteris ni- graticeps Kieffer); Paridris striatigena (Kieffer): Masner 1965: 89 (type information). urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts:95 14 Description. Female body length: 1.86—2.13 mm (n=4). Number of basiconic sensilla on A8: one. Color of head: brown to black; dark yellow; reddish brown. Distal margin of cl- ypeus: smooth. Shape of distal margin of clypeus in anterior view: convex. Width of clypeus: equal to or less than width across toruli. Lateral corner of clypeus: rounded. Length of mediofacial striae: not extending above midpoint of compound eye. Anter- odorsal node on interantennal process: absent. Central keel: present. Length of OOL: less than 2 ocellar diameters. Macrosculpture of frons between median ocellus and inner orbit of eye: absent. Microsculpture on dorsal head: reticulate microfissures. Microsculpture of posterior gena: present. Shape of gena: not receding posterior to eye. Macrosculpture of posterior vertex: absent. Occipital carina above occipital fora- men: absent. Ventral extent of occipital carina: absent below occipital foramen. Seta- tion of postgena: sparse. Color of mesosoma: dark yellow; pale brown; reddish brown. Shape of pronotal shoulder in dorsal view: narrow and striplike. Transverse pro- notal carina: absent. Dorsal half of pronotal cervical sulcus: present as smooth furrow. Ventral half of pronotal cervical sulcus: present as line of large cells. Sculpture of pro- notal setal patch: punctate; striate, striae short and poorly defined. Anterior notaulus: absent. Orientation of notauli: converging posteriorly. Shape of posterior notaulus: ovoid. Microsculpture on anterior half of medial mesoscutum: re- ticulate microfissures. Macrosculpture of anterior medial mesoscutum: absent. Pattern of punctation density on medial mesoscutum: increasing anteriorly. Scutoscutellar sulcus: comprised of short parallel striae. Median carina on posterior mesoscutellum: absent. Posterior scutellar sulcus: comprised of shallow round cells. Punctures on dorsal part of posterior mesepimeral area: absent. Mesopleural carina: present. Postacetabular sulcus: crenulate. Striae ventrad of mesopleural carina: absent. Setae on metascutellum: absent. Posterior margin of metascutellum: convex. Setation of metapleural triangle: sparse. Paracoxal and metapleural sulci: fused. Sculpture of posterodorsal part of ventral metapleural area: smooth. Dorsal meta- pleural area: smooth defined area; tiny smooth strip. Posterior margin of metapleuron below propodeal spiracle: with triangular point above metapleural sulcus. Anterior projection of the propodeum: absent. Setation of metasomal depression: present. Posterior projection of the propodeum: lamellate extension formed from lat- eral propodeal carina. Plical carina: absent. Lateral propodeal area: undifferentiated from plical area. 29 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) Length of postmarginal vein: less than half as long as stigmal vein. Rs in fore wing: spectral. Cu vein in fore wing: spectral. M vein in forewing: spectral. Color of costal cell in female: hyaline. Color of sub-radial area in female: hyaline. Color of cubito- medial area in female: hyaline. Color of anal margin in female: hyaline. RS+M in forewing: spectral. Basal vein in hind wing: spectral. Setation of hind wing: uniform throughout. Color of metasoma: yellow; pale brown; reddish brown. Longitudinal median carina on horn of T1: present. Armature on posterior surface of T1 horn: absent. Interstitial sculp- ture of T1: finely rugulose. Patch of dense fine setae on anterolateral T1: present; absent. Form of T2 sulcus: transverse furrow. Posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2: straight. Carina along posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2 in female: present. Sublateral ter- gal carina on T2: absent. Microsculpture on T2: present. Macrosculpture of T2 in female: longitudinally striate. Microsculpture on T3: absent. Macrosculpture of medial T3 in fe- male: longitudinally striate; absent; weakly longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of lateral T3 in female: weakly longitudinally striate; longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of female T5: absent. Microscupture on female T6: absent. Constriction of apical T6 in female: absent. Macrosculpture of S1: rugose. Setation of S1: absent. Distribution of longitudinal striae on S2: present throughout. Macrosculpture of S2: longitudinally striate. Form of $2 felt field: lateral row or patch of setigerous punctures. Marginal depression on S3: absent. Marginal depressions on S4: absent. Marginal depression on S5: absent. Diagnosis. Paridris nigriclava is the only species of Paridris treated by the present authors in which the frons bears a prominent central keel. Additionally, the puncti- form postmarginal vein and convex shape of the metascutellum separate it from the other species of the Seychelles. Comments. The species that we here synonymize differ only in color. Material examined. Lectotype (by present designation), female, P. nigriclava: SEYCHELLES: Mahé Island, 1908 — 1909, B.M. TYPE HYM. 9.450 (deposited in BMNH). Paralectotype, sex not recorded, P. nigriclava: SEYCHELLES: Silhouette Is- land, 1908, BMNH(E)#790063 (deposited in BMNH). Paralectotype, sex not record- ed, P. nigriclava: SEYCHELLES: Mahé Island, 1908 — 1909, BMNH(E)#790064 (deposited in BMNH). Lectotype (by present designation), female, P. flaviclava: SEYCHELLES: Mahé Isl., forest, nr. Mount Harrison, 1700ft, 2.I]J.1909, B.M. TYPE HYM. 9.452 (deposited in BMNH). Paralectotype, female, P. flaviclava: SEY- CHELLES: Silhouette Island, 1908, BMNH(E)#790069 (deposited in BMNH). Holotype, female, P. striatigena: SEYCHELLES: Silhouette Isl., nr. Mount Pot-a- Eau, ~1500ft, VIH-1908, B.M. TYPE HYM. 9.451 (deposited in BMNH). Syntype, female, P. nigraticeps:. SEYCHELLES: Silhouette Island, 1908, BMNH(E)#790065 (deposited in BMNH). Syntype, female, P. nigraticeps: SEYCHELLES: Mahé Isl., forest, nr. Mount Harrison, 1700ft, 2.[11.1909, BMNH(E)#790066 (deposited in BMNH). Syntype, unknown, P. nigraticeps: SEYCHELLES: Silhouette Island, 1908, BMNH(E)#790068 (deposited in BMNH). Other material: SEYCHELLES: 3 fe- males, OSUC 256852—256853 (CNCI); OSUC 210273 (OSUC). Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 23 Paridris nitidiceps (Kiefter) http://species-id.net/wiki/Paridris_nitidiceps urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts:5076 Figures 45-46; Morphbank” Paranteris nitidiceps Kieffer, 1910: 292 (original description); Kieffer 1912: 65, 67 (redescribed as new, keyed); Kieffer 1926: 430, 431 (description, keyed); Nixon 1933: 553, 555 (description, keyed). Paridris nitidiceps (Kieffer): Masner 1965: 89 (type information). Description. Male body length: 1.86 mm (n=1). Shape of male flagellomeres: longer than wide by a factor less than 2. Color of head: dark brown. Distal margin of clypeus: serrate. Shape of distal mar- gin of clypeus in anterior view: convex. Width of clypeus: greater than width across to- ruli. Lateral corner of clypeus: projecting into acute angle. Length of mediofacial striae: not extending above midpoint of compound eye. Central keel: absent. Macrosculpture of frons between median ocellus and inner orbit of eye: absent. Microsculpture on dor- sal head: absent. Microsculpture of posterior gena: absent. Ventral extent of occipital carina: extending to base of mandible. Color of mesosoma: reddish brown. Shape of pronotal shoulder in dorsal view: narrow and striplike. Transverse prono- tal carina: present in posterior half of pronotum. Anterior notaulus: reaching mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus as continuous fur- row. Shape of posterior notaulus: ovoid. Microsculpture on anterior half of medial mesoscutum: absent. Macrosculpture of anterior medial mesoscutum: absent. Pattern of punctation density on medial mesoscutum: uniform throughout. Punctures on dorsal part of posterior mesepimeral area: present. Size of punctures on dorsal part of posterior mesepimeral area: large. Postacetabular sulcus: crenulate. Striae ventrad of mesopleural carina: absent. Setae on metascutellum: absent. Posterior margin of metascutellum: emarginate. Setation of metapleural triangle: moderately dense. Paracoxal and metapleural sulci: separate. Sculpture of posterodorsal part of ventral metapleural area: smooth. Dorsal metapleural area: coarsely sculptured. Posterior margin of metapleuron below propodeal spiracle: with triangular point above metapleural sulcus. Length of postmarginal vein: equal to stigmalis. Rs in fore wing: nebulous. Cu vein in fore wing: spectral. M vein in forewing: spectral. Color of costal cell in male: hyaline. Color of cubito-medial area in male: infuscate. Color of anal margin in male: infuscate. RS+M in forewing: nebulous. Color of sub-stigmal area in male: hyaline. Basal vein in hind wing: spectral. Setation of hind wing: uniform throughout. Color of metasoma: reddish brown. Patch of dense fine setae on anterolateral T1: absent. Macrosculpture of S1: longitudinally striate. Distribution of longitudinal striae on S2: present throughout. Macrosculpture of S2: longitudinally striate. Form of S2 felt field: lateral row or patch of setigerous punctures. 24 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) Diagnosis. Paridris nitidiceps has conspicuous glabrous punctures throughout the posterior mesepimeral area, a rather uncommon character for Paridris. It is on the basis of this and the percurrent notaulus that we separate it from P. densiclava. Link to distribution map.” Material examined. Lectotype (by present designation), male, P. nitidiceps: SEY- CHELLES: Mahé Isl., nr. Mount Blanc, X-1908, B.M. TYPE HYM. 9.453 (depos- ited in BMNH). Paralectotype, male, P. nitidiceps: SEYCHELLES: Mahé Isl., nr. Mount Blanc, X-1908, BMNH(E)#790067 (deposited in BMNH). Paridris tenuis (Nixon) http://species-id.net/wiki/Paridris_tenuis urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts:508 1 Figures 14, 25, 47-51; Morphbank” Paranteris tenuis Nixon, 1933: 553, 555, 556 (original description. Keyed); Sundholm 1970: 378 (variation). Paridris tenuis (Nixon): Masner 1965: 89 (type information, generic transfer). Description. Female body length: 1.47—2.05 mm (n=20). Male body length: 1.47— 2.14 mm (n=20). Number of basiconic sensilla on A8: two. Shape of male flagellomeres: longer than wide by a factor less than 2. Color of head: brown to black; reddish brown. Distal margin of clypeus: serrate. Shape of distal margin of clypeus in anterior view: concave with median bulge. Width of clypeus: greater than width across toruli. Lateral corner of clypeus: projecting into acute angle. Length of mediofacial striae: not extending above midpoint of compound eye. Anterodorsal node on interantennal process: absent. Central keel: absent. Length of OOL: greater than 2 ocellar diameters. Macrosculpture of frons between median ocellus and inner orbit of eye: absent. Patch of microsculpture posterior to lateral ocellus in male: absent. Patch of microsculpture posterior to lateral ocellus in female: absent. Patch of microsculpture between median and lateral ocelli: absent. Microscu- Ipture on dorsal head: pustulate. Microsculpture of posterior gena: present. Shape of gena: not receding posterior to eye. Macrosculpture of posterior vertex: absent. Patch of microsculpture on temples: absent. Occipital carina above occipital foramen: ap- pressed toward ocelli. Anterior margin of occipital carina above occipital foramen: simple. Ventral extent of occipital carina: absent below occipital foramen. Setation of postgena: dense. Color of mesosoma: brown to black; reddish brown. Shape of pronotal shoulder in dorsal view: narrow and striplike. Transverse pro- notal carina: absent. Dorsal half of pronotal cervical sulcus: present as line of small cells; present as smooth furrow. Ventral half of pronotal cervical sulcus: present as line of large cells. Sculpture of pronotal setal patch: irregular striae to rugulose; punctate. Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 25 Anterior notaulus: absent; reaching mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus as row of punctures. Orientation of notauli: converging posteriorly. Shape of posterior notaulus: ovoid. Microsculpture on anterior half of medial mesoscutum: pustulate. Macrosculp- ture of anterior medial mesoscutum: absent. Pattern of punctation density on medial mesoscutum: increasing anteriorly. Scutoscutellar sulcus: comprised of short parallel striae. Median carina on posterior mesoscutellum: absent. Posterior scutellar sulcus: comprised of shallow round cells. Punctures on dorsal part of posterior mesepimeral area: absent. Mesopleural ca- rina: present. Postacetabular sulcus: crenulate; smoothly furrowed. Striae ventrad of mesopleural carina: absent. Setae on metascutellum: absent. Posterior margin of metascutellum: straight; emarginate; convex. Setation of metapleural triangle: sparse. Paracoxal and metapleural sulci: fused. Sculpture of posterodorsal part of ventral metapleural area: rugose. Dorsal metapleural area: smooth defined area; coarsely sculptured. Posterior margin of metapleuron below propodeal spiracle: with triangular point above metapleural sulcus. Anterior projection of the propodeum: absent. Setation of metasomal depression: absent. Posterior projection of the propodeum: lamellate extension formed from lat- eral propodeal carina. Plical carina: absent. Lateral propodeal area: undifferentiated from plical area. Length of postmarginal vein: less than half as long as stigmal vein. Rs in fore wing: spectral. Cu vein in fore wing: spectral. M vein in forewing: spectral. Color of costal cell in female: hyaline. Color of sub-radial area in female: hyaline. Color of costal cell in male: hyaline. Color of cubito-medial area in female: hyaline. Color of anal margin in female: hyaline. Color of cubito-medial area in male: hyaline. Color of anal margin in male: hya- line. RS+M in forewing: spectral. Color of sub-stigmal area in male: hyaline. Basal vein in hind wing: spectral. Setation of hind wing: reduced anad of submarginal vein. Color of metasoma: yellow; pale brown; brown to black. Longitudinal median carina on horn of T1: absent. Armature on posterior surface of T1 horn: present. Form of armature on posterior surface of T1 horn: posteriorly projecting spine. Interstitial sculpture of T1: finely rugulose. Patch of dense fine setae on anterolateral T1: absent. Form of T2 sulcus: transverse furrow. Posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2: straight. Carina along posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2 in female: present. Sublateral tergal carina on T2: absent. Microsculpture on T2: absent. Macrosculpture of T2 in female: longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of T2 in male: longitudinally striate throughout. Carina along posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2 in male: present. Microsculpture on T3: absent. Macrosculpture of medial T3 in female: longi- tudinally striate. Macrosculpture of lateral T3 in female: longitudinally striate. Macro- sculpture of medial T3 in male: weakly longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of lateral T3 in male: weakly longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of T4 in male: absent. Mac- rosculpture of female T5: absent. Microscupture on female T6: absent. Constriction of apical T6 in female: absent. Macrosculpture of S1: rugose. Setation of $1: medial tuft. Distribution of longitudinal striae on S2: present throughout. Macrosculpture of 26 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) $2: longitudinally striate. Form of S2 felt field: line of dense setae along longitudinal ridge. Marginal depression on S3: absent. Marginal depressions on S4: absent. Mar- ginal depression on S5: absent. Diagnosis. Paridris tenuis is the only species of continental Africa that has a punc- tiform postmarginal vein and T6 without an apical constriction. Link to distribution map.” Associations. Collected on cotton : [Malvales: Malvaceae]. Material examined. Lectotype (by present designation), female: SOUTH AF- RICA: Eastern Cape Prov., Somerset East, 27.1-31.11931, R. E. Turner, B.M. TYPE HYM. 9.455 (deposited in BMNH). Paralectotype, male: SOUTH AF- RICA: BMNH(E)#790070 (deposited in BMNH). Other material: (96 females, 55 males) BURKINA FASO: 1 female, OSUC 181272 (CNCI).CAMEROON: 8 females, 1 male, OSUC 181271, 453743-453750 (CNCI). GAMBIA: 1 female, OSUC 243651 (MZLU). GHANA: 2 females, OSUC 453528-453529 (CNCI). IVORY COAST: 19 females, 4 males, OSUC 453530, 453532453534, 453536-453551 (CNCI); OSUC 148134, 58719, 58722 (OSUC). KENYA: 7 females, 5 males, CASENT 2042596 (CASC); OSUC 58706, 58708-58717 (OSUC). NIGERIA: 3 females, 2 males, OSUC 181232, 453552453553 (CNCI); OSUC 237360-237361 (OSUC).SIERRA LEONE: 1 male, OSUC 405078 (MZLU). SOUTH AFRICA: 8 females, 3 males, OSUC 203131 (AEIC); BMNH(E)#790072 (BMNH); OSUC 181230-181231, 181233, 265182, 453596-453600 (CNCI). SWAZILAND: 1 female, 1 male, OSUC 266126—266127 (MZLU). TANZANIA: 9 females, 2 males, OSUC 453601453611 (CNCI). UGANDA: 1 male, OSUC 453612 (CNCI). ZIMBABWE: 37 females, 35 males, OSUC 181229, 453554453595, 453613453614, 453616453641 (CNCI); OSUC 57115 (OSUC). Comments. The posterior margin of the metascutellum, a character used previously in identification keys for this species, is typically emarginate, but may be straight or convex. Paridris trispinosa Talamas & Masner, sp. n. http://species-id.net/wiki/Paridris_trispinosa urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts:3 15505 Figures 52-56; Morphbank”® Description. Female body length: 1.63—1.76 mm (n=6). Male body length: 1.68— 2.28 mm (n=2). Number of basiconic sensilla on A8: two. Shape of male flagellomeres: longer than wide by a factor less than 2. Color of head: dark brown. Distal margin of clypeus: serrate. Shape of distal margin of clypeus in anterior view: convex. Width of clypeus: greater than width across to- ruli. Lateral corner of clypeus: projecting into acute angle. Length of mediofacial striae: not extending above midpoint of compound eye; continuous with sculpture of dorsal frons. Anterodorsal node on interantennal process: absent. Central keel: absent. Length of OOL: less than 2 ocellar diameters. Macrosculpture of frons between median ocellus Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 27 and inner orbit of eye: dorsoventrally strigose. Patch of microsculpture posterior to lat- eral ocellus in male: absent. Patch of microsculpture posterior to lateral ocellus in female: absent. Patch of microsculpture between median and lateral ocelli: absent. Microscu- Ipture on dorsal head: absent. Microsculpture of posterior gena: absent. Shape of gena: not receding posterior to eye. Macrosculpture of posterior vertex: punctate rugose. Patch of microsculpture on temples: absent. Occipital carina above occipital foramen: simple. Anterior margin of occipital carina above occipital foramen: comprised of cells. Ventral extent of occipital carina: extending to base of mandible. Setation of postgena: sparse. Color of mesosoma: brown; reddish brown. Shape of pronotal shoulder in dorsal view: narrow and striplike. Transverse pro- notal carina: absent. Dorsal half of pronotal cervical sulcus: present as smooth furrow. Ventral half of pronotal cervical sulcus: present as line of large cells. Sculpture of pro- notal setal patch: irregular striae to rugulose. Anterior notaulus: reaching mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus as row of punctures. Orientation of notauli: parallel. Shape of posterior notaulus: ovoid. Microsculpture on anterior half of medial mesoscutum: pustulate. Macrosculpture of anterior medial mes- oscutum: irregularly rugulose. Pattern of punctation density on medial mesoscutum: in- creasing anteriorly. Scutoscutellar sulcus: comprised of round cells. Median carina on pos- terior mesoscutellum: absent. Posterior scutellar sulcus: comprised of shallow round cells. Punctures on dorsal part of posterior mesepimeral area: present. Size of punctures on dorsal part of posterior mesepimeral area: large. Mesopleural carina: present. Posta- cetabular sulcus: crenulate. Striae ventrad of mesopleural carina: absent. Setae on metascutellum: absent. Posterior margin of metascutellum: emarginate. Setation of metapleural triangle: sparse. Paracoxal and metapleural sulci: separate. Sculpture of posterodorsal part of ventral metapleural area: rugose. Dorsal metapleural area: coarsely sculptured. Posterior margin of metapleuron below propodeal spiracle: with triangular point above metapleural sulcus. Anterior projection of the propodeum: absent. Setation of metasomal depression: absent. Posterior projection of the propodeum: lamellate extension formed from lat- eral propodeal carina. Plical carina: absent. Lateral propodeal area: indicated by lesser degree of setation. Shape of lateral propodeal area: continuous with prespiracular pro- podeal area. Sculpture of lateral propodeal area: punctate rugulose. Length of postmarginal vein: shorter than stigmal vein by less than one half length of stigmal vein; equal to stigmalis. Rs in fore wing: nebulous. Cu vein in fore wing: spectral. M vein in forewing: spectral. Color of costal cell in female: hyaline. Color of sub-radial area in female: hyaline. Color of costal cell in male: hyaline. Color of cubito-medial area in female: hyaline. Color of anal margin in female: hyaline. Color of cubito-medial area in male: hyaline. Color of anal margin in male: hyaline. RS+M in forewing: nebulous. Color of sub-stigmal area in male: hyaline. Basal vein in hind wing: spectral. Setation of hind wing: reduced anad of submarginal vein. Color of metasoma: reddish brown. Longitudinal median carina on horn of T1: ab- sent. Armature on posterior surface of T1 horn: present. Form of armature on posterior surface of T1 horn: posteriorly projecting spine. Interstitial sculpture of T1: finely rugu- 28 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) lose. Patch of dense fine setae on anterolateral T1: absent. Form of T2 sulcus: transverse furrow. Posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2: straight. Carina along posterior mar- gin of transverse sulcus on T2 in female: present. Sublateral tergal carina on T2: absent. Microsculpture on T2: absent. Macrosculpture of T2 in female: longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of T2 in male: longitudinally striate throughout. Carina along poste- rior margin of transverse sulcus on T2 in male: present. Microsculpture on T3: present. Macrosculpture of medial T3 in female: weakly longitudinally strigose. Macrosculpture of lateral T3 in female: longitudinally strigose. Macrosculpture of medial T3 in male: longitudinally strigose. Macrosculpture of lateral T3 in male: longitudinally strigose. Mac- rosculpture of T'4 in male: longitudinally strigose laterally. Macrosculpture of female T5: absent. Microscupture on female T6: present throughout. Constriction of apical T6 in female: present. Macrosculpture of S1: rugose. Setation of $1: absent. Distribution of longitudinal striae on S2: present throughout. Macrosculpture of S2: longitudinally stri- ate. Form of S2 felt field: lateral row or patch of setigerous punctures. Marginal depression on S3: present. Marginal depressions on S4: present. Marginal depression on S5: absent. Diagnosis. Paridris trispinosa is most similar to P. bispinosa. Females of P. trispi- nosa may be separated by the posteriorly directed spine on the horn of T1 (absent in P. bispinosa) and percurrent notauli (abbreviate in P. bispinosa). Among the specimens examined in this revision, the surface sculpture of P. trispinosa is coarser than that of P. bispinosa, particularly on the lateral mesoscutum. Etymology. The Latin adjectival epithet “trispinosa” is given to this species for the spines of the metascutellum and horn of T1. Link to distribution map.” Material examined. Holotype, female: CAMEROON: Nkoemvom, IX-1979, malaise trap, P. Jackson, OSUC 453737 (deposited in CNCI). Paratypes: CAM- EROON: 5 females, 1 male, OSUC 181269, 453736, 453738, 453740453742 (CNCI). Other material. CAMEROON: 1 female, OSUC 453739 (CNCI). Comments. We did not examine any males of P. bispinosa in this revision, but we speculate that they will have an abbreviate notaulus, as in the females of this species, and that this will enable separation from males of P. trispinosa. Paridris of Melanesia and the Indo-Malay Islands From the islands of Borneo and Sulawesi we describe a single species. Although this region has few species of Paridris, it harbors a species, P mnestros, which is important for understanding morphological diversity in this genus. Its form of the felt field on S2 is unique, and it is the only species outside the P nephta group with bright and pat- terned coloration of the body. With five species, the Fijian islands are a hotspot of diversity for Paridris. Three of these species belong to the P. pallipes species group, a lineage otherwise known only from the New World. Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 29 In addition to the specimens of P. bifurcata, we examined a single male specimen (OSUC 265189) from Papua New Guinea that exhibits characteristics of the P. pal- lipes species group and does not belong to any of the species treated here. We believe that mention of this species is noteworthy, but we choose not to describe it on the basis of single male specimen outside the context of a comprehensive revision of the species from mainland Southeast Asia and Australia. Key to Females 1 Metascutellum setose (Figs 87, 89) ...Paridris taekuli Talamas & Masner, sp. n. = Metascutellum. glabrous (Pies 982655. 6955/9, 79,292) adc. eel eeutizn eeVtzeets 2 2 Metascutellum bispinose (Figs 58, 62, 65, 82); occipital carina extending to base of mandible (Figs 6-7); T6 constricted apically (Figs 24, 62)... 3 = Posterior margin of metascutellum straight or convex (Figs 12-13, 79); oc- cipital carina absent or not extending below foramen magnum (Figs 8—9); T6 EVEN ly ECOM VER (ICSI ID Pike cccoucte cue eocentcameceves dncuvsuvegurse ics seuudceseiiancerceecees 5 2 S2 felt field present anterolaterally in coarsely rugose excavation (Fig. 22); metasoma banded (Fig. 62)... Paridris mnestros Talamas & Masner, sp. n. _ S2 felt field present laterally as a longitudinal patch of setigerous punctures (Pig. 23); metasoma uniform in ‘color (Pigs 615-85)... iissestesbseressaetonsetonee 4 4 Horn of T1 with posteriorly directed spine (Fig. 80); A8 with 1 basiconic seristl lua Aas tai Dymo stents reer eteedaste Paridris sulcata Talamas, sp. n. — Horn of T1 without spine (Fig. 61); A8 with 2 basiconic sensilla (Fig. 4)... Fy te Se es Paridris bifurcata (Galloway), comb. n. 5 Occipital carina absent, occipital rim without border of cells or crenulae anteri- orly (Fig. 10); antecostal sulcus of T2 bordered posteriorly by transverse carina (Figs 77, 79); metasomal depression setose anterolaterally (Fig. 79); postgena densely setose (Figs 8, 10, 76)..... Paridris skolops Talamas & Masner, sp. n. = Occipital carina present, bordered anteriorly by punctures or crenulae (Fig. 11); antecostal sulcus of T2 present as simple constriction (Figs 69, 75); metasomal depression glabrous (Figs 69, 75); postgena glabrous or sparsely SEEOSEA NGS ago. 2) are k cee et ene ee aes Mies ome aoe eaten terrae 6 6 Felt field of S2 present anteromedially (Figs 18-19); notaulus straight pos- teriorly (Fig. 11, 67); anterior propodeal projection absent or indicated by weak protuberance (Fig. 13) veces Paridris pantex Talamas, sp. n. = Felt field of S2 present laterally as longitudinal line of setae (Figs 20-21); no- taulus expanded posteriorly (Fig. 10); anterior propodeal projection present aS: CONSPICUOUS POINtWOr. spine LEIGS: PZ AZ). vicswmaenntensvanegetescneoseestee lace naeeusnes 7 7 Horn of T1 smooth or with median longitudinal carina (Fig. 90, 92); T3 with- out surface sculpture (Fig. 95)......... Paridris xestos Talamas & Masner, sp. n. - Horn of T1 with transverse ridge (Fig. 75); [3 longitudinally striate laterally CaCO el dnd eam aaa set. Paridris phrikos Talamas & Masner, sp. n. 30 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) Key to Males 1 Metascutellum bispinose (Figs 58, 65); occipital carina extending to base of IVALICE TOG 0). cask hutak Payak uz phak pasubain ds hack sey taae uattaut ton dios Saktussthasaohas 2 Posterior margin of metascutellum straight or convex (Figs 12-13, 79); oc- cipital carina absent or not extending below foramen magnum (Figs 8—9)...3 S2 felt field present anterolaterally in coarsely rugose excavation (Fig. 21); metasoma banded (Fig. 62) ... Paridris mnestros Talamas & Masner, sp. n. S2 felt field present laterally as a longitudinal patch of setigerous punctures (Fig. 23); metasoma black (Fig. 61)....Paridris bifurcata (Dodd), comb. n. Metascutellum setose (Figs 87, 89)... Paridris taekuli Talamas & Masner, sp. n. Metaseurellimis ADrOUs- CEOS Te 0B )y reo Prasce sed powered reshndssahrnod viewed elon Sunt 4 Occipital carina absent, occipital rim without border of punctures or crenulae anteriorly (Fig. 10); transverse sulcus of T2 bordered posteriorly by carina (Figs 77, 79); metasomal depression setose anterolaterally (Fig. 79); postgena densely setose (Figs 8, 10, 76)... Paridris skolops Talamas & Masner, sp. n. Occipital carina present, bordered anteriorly by punctures or crenulae (Fig. 11); antecostal sulcus of T2 present as a simple constriction (Figs 69, 75); metasomal depression glabrous (Figs 69, 75); postgena glabrous or sparsely SELOSS CICS ONAN eran SM rete crete iets eset et aectem eres Siar ear tga 5 Felt field of S2 present anteromedially (Figs 18-19); notaulus straight (Figs 11, 67); anterior propodeal projection absent or indicated by weak protuber- ANCHE nD OVARL pharet etacgss Miauceas asta peta tse Paridris pantex Talamas, sp. n. Felt field of S2 present laterally as longitudinal line of setae (Figs 20-21); no- taulus expanded posteriorly (Fig. 10); anterior propodeal projection present as Paridris mnestros sp. n. 63 Lateral habitus, female (265157) 64 Head, anterior view, female (OSUC 265166) 65 Mesoscutellum, metascutellum, anterodorsal view, (OSUC 181069). 66 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) Pes ue aa Sas eeUisintc| et. Figures 66-69. Paridris pantex sp. n. 66 Lateral habitus, female holotype (FBA129283) 67 Dorsal habitus, female holotype (FBA129283) 68 Head, anterior view, female (FBA265177) 69 Mesoscutellum, metascutellum, propodeum, T1—T2, dorsolateral view, female (FBA105142). Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer... 67 Figures 70-75.” Paridris phrikos sp. n., female holotype (FBA134675) 70 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 71 Lateral habitus 72 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 73 Metasoma, dorsal view 74 Head, ante- rior view 75 Mesoscutellum, metascutellum, propodeum, T1—T1, dorsolateral view. 68 Elijah J. Talamas et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 34: 1-79 (2013) os 4 ~ Sag ‘ 78. oY ; or ae ee. : * \ . 7