ore JHR 33: I-24 (2013) JOURNAL OF | *0eerrrevedopenacoss ural doi: 10.3897/JHR.33.5078 MEE Hymenopter a www.pensoft.net/journals/jhr The imernaonl Sociey of Hymenopexriss, RESEARCH Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) Lynn S. Kimsey'', Marius S. Wasbauer!* | Bohart Museum of Entomology, Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, 95616 USA T Attp://zoobank.org/ADC91LA84-7D87-41E4-A4B3-87BA1041D7DD * Attp://zoobank.org/8EEB6F53-CFOF-4ECE-8037-8 1025A245815 Corresponding author: Lynn S. Kimsey (lskimsey@ucdavis.edu) Academic editor: W. Pulawski | Received 7 March 2013 | Accepted 23 April 2013 | Published 1 August 2013 http://zoobank.org/88E03F8F-D9B9-47F 1-B6E9-0456D47B1E37 Citation: Kimsey LS, Wasbauer MS (2013) Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24. doi: 10.3897/JHR.33.5078 Abstract Twelve species of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 are reviewed and two new species, Colocistis chemsaki and C. oaxacana, are described from Baja California and Oaxaca, Mexico respectively. A key to the species and species distribution maps are provided. Keywords Oaxaca, Baja California, Mexico Introduction In 1917 Bradley recognized the relationship of males of several species he considered members of the genus Brachycistis. He placed these in what he named the castanea group. Malloch (1926) arranged the species of Brachycistis into groups according to structural criteria, proposed the brevis group consisting of three species and provided a key to the groups. Krombein (1942) described the male of a new species, pilosa, near the castanea group but because of its small compound eyes, small ocelli and black coloration he placed it in a new genus, Colocistis. In his nomenclatorial review of the brachycistidine genera, Wasbauer (1966) transferred all four of the species in the castanea group as well as two in the brevis group to Colocistis. In this work he also provided a key which separat- Copyright Lynn S. Kimsey, Marius S.Wasbauer. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 L.S. Kimsey & M.S. Wasbauer / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24 (2013) ed Colocistis from the other male brachycistidine genera known at that time. The latest generic key was provided by Kimsey and Wasbauer (2006). Kimsey (2006) synonymized the female-based genus, Aglyptacros Mickel & Krombein (1942) with Colocistis. Ironi- cally, the type of the genus Colocistis, pilosa Krombein is only known from the holotype specimen and the species may very well be extinct, as the type was collected in the vicin- ity of the City of San Diego, which is now highly urbanized. The genus Colocistis occurs from southern Idaho and northern California south to Oaxaca, Mexico and east to Nebraska and eastern Texas. Materials and methods Type repositories and specimens studied below are indicated by the following acro- nyms: ANSP — Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, Pennsylvania, USA; BME — Bo- hart Museum of Entomology, University of California, Davis, USA; CAS — California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA; CDFA — California State Arthropod Col- lection, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento; CUIC — Cornell University Insect Collection, Ithaca, New York, USA; EMEC — Essig Museum, Uni- versity of California, Berkeley, USA; KSBS — University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA; LACM -— Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, California, USA; MCZ — Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; UCRC — Entomological Research Museum, University of California, Riverside, USA, and USNM — U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C., USA. Morphological terminology follows that used by Wasbauer (1966) is further illus- trated in Figs 1, 10 and14. The following acronyms are used in the descriptions below: LID = lower interocular distance, the narrowest distance between the eye margins across the face; OOL = ocellocular length, the distance between the hind ocellus and the near- est eye margin, and UID = upper interocular distance, the distance between the dorsal eye margins across the face. Taxonomy Colocistis Krombein http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (April):65. Type species: Colocistis pilosa Krombein 1942:66. Original designation. Aglyptacros Mickel & Krombein, 1942 (November):669. Type species: Glyptometopa eureka Banks 1912. Original designation. Synonymized by Kimsey 2006. Diagnosis. The genus Co/ocistis exhibits a number of unique traits in both sexes. Features in the female, include the ventrally angulate occipital carina, the ventrally angulate mid- Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) 3 and hindtrochanters, hindcoxal carina on both the inner, ventral margin and dorsobasal surface. Because a number of these features, including the angulate occipital carina and hindcoxal carina are shared with males of Colocistis and the distributions of the two gen- era coincide Aglyptacros was made the junior synonym of Colocistis (Kimsey 2006). Description. Male Body length 5-16 mm. Head. Compound eyes and ocelli enlarged (except quite small in chemsaki and pilo- sa); gular carina either not elevated or elevated gradually at level of posterior mandibular condyle, not suddenly produced apically, clypeal length versus width ratio not exceeding 0.35; maxillary and labial palpi not reduced, maxillary palpi six-segmented, exceeding posterior border of gular orifice by half length of palpus; labial palpi four-segmented. Mesosoma. Fore wing with costa extending beyond stigma for a distance not over half length of stigma; forewing with two discoidal cells and two or three submarginal cells, second submarginal cell completely or almost completely underlying first sub- marginal cell, first transverse cubital vein arising at or before basal third of second submarginal cell (Fig. 14); hind wing with cubitus arcuately curved, longer that first transverse cubital vein and meeting it at an angle of less than 135 degrees; hind wing with jugal lobe shorter than submedial cell; forecoxa with admesal stridulatory area; hindcoxa with longitudinal carina on inner margin. Metasoma. Sternum II without basal longitudinal carina (one species with trans- verse carina); digitus of genitalia without process extending distad of articulum; vol- sellar plate without spines or teeth, but with flexible hairs on mesal surface. Description. Female Body length 5-12 mm. Head. Mandible broadest subapically, with two distinct apical teeth, inner margin with large, obtuse tooth at broadest point, obtuse tooth obscured by scutate bristles, inner margin below tooth with three small teeth, outer carina obsolescent, ventral carina distinct, sharp; maxillary palp 5-segmented; occipital carina well-developed, an- gulate ventrolaterally, forming straight line ventrally, often subtended by secondary carina; vertex with submedial impressions, lateral setose groove represented by row of large punctures or foveae. Mesosoma. Propleural ventral margin strongly elevated, with sharp, transverse carina; hindcoxa with longitudinal carina on inner margin; hindtibial calcar slightly curved and acute apically. Metasoma. Sternum I with transverse subbasal carina well-developed and protrud- ing, subtended by medial pit, and with two foveae basad; tergum I with well-developed lateral ridge. Distribution. Colocistis species are found in southeastern California, southern Nevada, southern Arizona, southern Colorado, western Texas and as far south as Oaxaca, Mexico. Key to species of Colocistis 1 Whngless, "metasoma G-seemented; féinales:c.tss:..caissueccausivcdetadestbsuteetorsenctas 2 = Winced smetasonia’ 72sec mented: ales... ::.osxsguehsn botbosanSesdnetis.ndaceandoettante 5 L.S. Kimsey & M.S. Wasbauer / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24 (2013) Gular carina strongly elevated or angulate on either side of midline, meeting occipital carina (as in Fig. 11); meso-metapleural suture obsolescent; metaso- mal sternum I with medial, longitudinal sulcus present on basal third........ 3 Gular carina linear or crenulate, not elevated or angulate on either side of mid- line, interrupted medially occipital carina incomplete laterally, not meeting gular carina (as in Fig. 12); meso-metapleural suture present, distinct; metasomal ster- num I with medial, longitudinal sulcus present on more than half of length....4 Gular carina interrupted medially, with strongly developed submedial tooth or angle, meeting occipital carina at distinct angle (Fig. 11); transverse carina posterior to gular carina medially interrupted, without curved angles or lobes; meso-metapleural suture absent or only faintly visible in certain views.......... drei Baas wedi lewedtect ety ata hee raps uicas See segredentata Mickel & Krombein Gular carina not interrupted medially, strongly developed submedial rounded lobe (Fig. 10); gular carina meeting occipital carina in even curve; transverse ca- rina posterior to gular carina with two low, rounded prominences behind lobes of gular carina; meso-metapleural suture faint but distinct....... eureka (Banks) Gular carina extending laterally considerably beyond where occipital carina would terminate if present (Fig. 12); vertex foveae linear, consisting of row of contiguous pits; metasomal sternum | medial, longitudinal sulcus extending complete length of sternum, sulcus narrow and deep anteriorly, broad and ShallowspostertOr ly ck, 20 et a Tacos snseclsee sulcata Mickel & Krombein Gular carina not extending laterally beyond where occipital carina would ter- minate if present; vertex foveae short, elliptical; metasomal sternum I medial, longitudinal sulcus same width throughout, deeper anteriorly than posteri- OMY 0-6, See HET aS Bes Cee Bn paxillata Mickel & Krombein Forewing with two submarginal cells (as in Fig. 13); hindcoxal carina low and {NAG VAST V nC aan eh RN ae SE SME Pe RS EEE Ee Ar a 6 Forewing with three submarginal cells (as in Fig. 14); hindcoxal carina prom- HUE TO cate 28 5 22 Na a SS oa ea cnt Ae dia NBR et US et eRe feats Foe SBN 8 cess Jie At care Adin Gee ad 8 Gular carina elevated anteriorly (as in Fig. 9)... eremi (Bradley) Gular carina not elevated anteriorly, nearly linear... .eseeeseeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 7 OOL 1 ocellar diameter or less; vertex not visible behind ocelli in full frontal view (Fig. 1); gonostylar apical margin evenly curved to acute apex (Fig. 49) Seog A aa ane ihe ey ier ml 9 aa ir caer i nh brevis (Cresson) OOL 2 ocellar diameters or more; vertex clearly visible behind ocelli in front view (Fig. 3); gonostylar apical margin truncate or slightly emarginate (Fig. Delt: shea na Mian nahula cht teach oie ema anil Aa a Cad atau ee hematin’ chemsaki sp. n. Metasomal sternum II basally slightly raised and separated from posterior parhbyazransverse cdechivity (as I BiGss Oy 22) alias ssesonndtersancavininesbapnesian anes 9 Metasomal sternum I without raised area basally (as in Fig. 20)............. 10 Head and body black; ocelli small, diameter of lateral ocellus 0.5x OOL (Fig. 7); clypeus with median tubercle (Fig. 7); aedeagus in lateral view evenly curved, simple at apex (Fig. 55) oo... eeeeeeseeseseeseeseeseeess-Pdlosa Krombein Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) 5 = Head and body castaneus; ocelli enlarged, diameter of lateral ocellus at least 0.7x OOL (Fig. 4); clypeus without median tubercle (Fig. 4); ae- deagus in lateral view suddenly decurved, apex with a dorsally projecting PRO CCOSY MR Bactia na toe Lee Malas tases tela hasta adeane tees crassa (Bradley) 10 Clypeus with a projecting tubercle, plainly visible above mandibles in full lat- eral view, area between tubercle and apex appearing beveled (Fig. 8); genitalia in lateral view with gonostyli straight or slightly concave at apex; aedeagus decuived: betoreapex (Pies IO) i08. siaseleailesien: cence cee thermarum (Bradley) = Clypeus somewhat flattened and depressed, not visible above mandibles in full lateral view, apex not beveled; genitalia in lateral view with gonostylus strongly excavate at apex; aedeagus not decurved before apex (as in Figs 50, 54)..... 11 11 Integument of head, mesosoma and first metasomal segment lighter in color than remainder of metasoma; head in full frontal view (Fig. 6) with vertex arched far above ocelli; genitalia in lateral view (Fig. 54) with apex of gono- SLYUUS MCAT Ly eSUraIG Ite Bec. nscale siesa cate sticent a enmee drs sbeusee Sone ke oaxacana sp. n. = Integument of entire body concolorous; head in full frontal view with vertex arched only slightly, if at all, above ocelli (Fig. 2); genitalia in lateral view (Fig. 50) with apex of gonostylus strongly excavate........ castanea (Cresson) Colocistis brevis (Cresson) http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis_brevis Figures 1, 33, 41, 49 Brachycistis brevis Fox, 1899:285. Holotype male; USA: California (ANSP). Diagnosis. This is one of three species in Colocistis, with two submarginal cells, in- cluding eremi and chemsaki, and one of two (eremi) with the costal vein not extending beyond the stigma. It can be distinguished from eremi by the hypostomal carina not elevated anteriorly (strongly elevated in eremi) and the aedeagus in lateral view slightly decurved (not decurved in eremi). Description. Male. Body length. 5-11 mm. Head (Fig. 1). Compound eyes enlarged, extending laterally far beyond temples, inner margins somewhat emarginate; ocelli enlarged, diameter of lateral ocellus at least 0.7x OOL,; vertex with impressed line between lateral ocelli absent or reduced to a row of punctures; postvertex not visible behind ocelli in frontal view; lateral ocelli separated from vertex by 0.5 or less one ocellar diameter in frontal view; clypeus raised medially and visible above mandibles in lateral view, apex not bounded laterally by strong teeth; gular carina gradually elevated anteriorly.; LID 0.8x UID; flagellomere I length 2.3— 2.5x breadth; flagellomere II length 2.5x breadth; flagellomere IX length 5.5—6.0x breadth; occipital carina strong, complete ventrally, with strong carina extending from foramen magnum to hypostomal carina medially; mandible narrowest submedially. 6 L.S. Kimsey & M.S. Wasbauer / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24 (2013) 7. pilosa 8. thermarum es 10. eureka 11. segredentata 12. sulcata Figures I-12. 1-8 Front view of male head. 9 Lateral view of male head 10-12 Ventral view of female head. Abbreviations: LID = least interocular distance, OcC = occipital carina; OOL = ocellocular distance, THC = transverse hypostomal carina, UID = upper interocular distance. Mesosoma. Pronotal punctures deep, contiguous; forefemur without stout spines; foretibia without spines except apically; basitarsus with three spines on outer surface; tibial spur as long as basitarsus; hindcoxal longitudinal dorsal carina basally angulate; mesopleural punctures contiguous; scutellum not strongly elevated above level of pro- Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) 7 podeum; scutal and scutellar punctures 1-4 puncture diameters apart; postscutellum densely punctate; propodeum dorsal surface densely irregularly rugose, with irregular longitudinal submedial and sublateral carinae, posterior surface transversely, densely ridged, with large, dense punctures laterally; lateral surface impunctate ventrally be- coming densely punctate dorsally; forewing with two submarginal cells, costa not ex- tending along wing margin beyond stigma. Metasoma. Tergum I without transverse carina; sternum II without raised area anteriorly. Genitalia (Figs 42, 50). Gonostylus evenly curved to tip, aedeagus slightly de- curved in lateral view. Color. Head and body concolorous castaneous; vestiture brown. Female unknown. Distribution (Fig. 33). USA: Arizona: Maricopa, Pima, Yuma counties; Cali- fornia: Imperial, Inyo, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego counties; Nevada: Lincoln, Nye counties; Texas: El Paso County; Mexico: Baja California, Baja Cali- fornia Sur, Sonora; 990 males were examined including the type (BME, EMEC, KSBS, LACM). Colocistis castanea (Cresson) http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis_castanea Figures 2, 9, 14, 15, 17, 20, 34, 42, 50 Brachycistis castanea Cresson, 1865a:388. Holotype male; USA: California (ANSP). Brachycistis stygia Bradley, 1917:276. Holotype male; USA: Arizona, Nogales (CUIC). New synonymy. Diagnosis. The simple second metasomal sternum distinguishes castanea, oaxacana and thermarum from other species of Colocistis. Colocistis castanea and oaxacana share a flattened clypeus in profile (elevated and tuberculate in thermarum). The concolorous body color and unmodified vertex will distinguish castanea from oaxacana. No struc- tural features, only color could be found to distinguish stygia from castanea. Description. Male. Body length. 10-15 mm. Head (Fig. 2). Head: compound eyes enlarged, extending laterally far beyond tem- ples, inner margins somewhat emarginated; ocelli enlarged, diameter of lateral ocellus at least 0.7x OOL, removed from vertex by 0.5 or less one ocellar diameter in frontal view; impressed line present between lateral ocelli posteriorly; clypeus nearly flat, not vis- ible above mandibles in lateral view, without projecting tubercle, apex not margined by strong teeth; antennal socket rim only slightly thickened ventrolaterally; LID 0.7x UID; flagellomere I length 2.3—2.5x breadth; flagellomere II length 2.5—2.6x breadth; flagel- lomere IX length 4.5—5.0x breadth; occipital carina strong but incomplete ventrally; mandible narrowest submedially, tapering apically toward ventroapical tooth (Fig. 17). 8 L.S. Kimsey & M.S. Wasbauer / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24 (2013) 13. chemsaki 14. castanea 16. chemsaki 20. castanea ; 17. castanea aie 19. crassa 18. thermarum , 22. crassa 21. eureka (f é ef 4 IN Figures 13-24. 13, 14 Male forewing. 15 Ventral view of male hindcoxa 16 Dorsal view of male pro- podeum 17 dorsal view of male mandible 18 lateral view of mandible 19 Ventral view of male metasomal sterna I-II 20, 22 Lateral view of male metasomal segments I and II 21, 23, 24 Ventral view of female metasomal sternum I. Abbreviations: SM-1, 2, 3 = submarginal cells 1-3. 24. segredentata Mesosoma. Pronotal punctures deep, contiguous, shoulders well developed, not produced laterally; forefemur without stout spines; foretibia without spines except api- cally; basitarsus with row of three spines on outer surface; tibial spur 0.9x length of Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) 9 basitarsus; hindcoxa with longitudinal carina on ventral surface (Fig. 15), longitudinal dorsal carina not tooth-like; scutal, scutellar and mesopleural punctures large, sepa- rated by 1-3 puncture diameters; scutellum elevated above level of propodeum, with polished impunctate area medially; postscutellum densely punctate; propodeum dorsal surface coarsely rugose, with irregular, shallow, longitudinal medial groove, posterior surface separated from dorsal by transverse ridge, posterior surface polished, nearly im- punctate, lateral surface dorsally with contiguous punctures becoming sparsely punc- tate to impunctate ventrally; forewing with 3 submarginal cells; costa continuing along wing margin beyond stigma. Metasoma. Tergum | without transverse carina (Fig. 20); sternum II without raised area basally. Genitalia (Figs 42, 49). Gonostylar apex arcuately excavate in lateral view; aedea- gus not decurved before apex. Color. Head and body concolorous castaneous to black; vestiture light brown. Female unknown. Distribution (Fig. 34). USA: Arizona: Cochise and Pima counties; California: Riverside, San Bernardino counties; Nevada: Clark County; New Mexico: Dona Ana, Eddy counties; Texas: Brewster, Culberson, Dimmit, Hudspeth, Maverick counties; MEXICO: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Sinaloa, Sonora; 1727 males were examined (BME, CDFA, EMEC, LACM, UCRC). Colocistis chemsaki Kimsey & Wasbauer, sp. n. http://zoobank.org/ DFA21F30-24D2-4BEA-8DD7-A3174EB2CD29 http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis_chemsaki Figures 3, 13, 16, 37, 43, 51 Holotype male. Mexico: Baja California Sur, La Paz, 21/ix.1967, J. A. Chemsak, on flowers during day (EMEC). Paratypes. 1 male, 15 mi w La Paz, Michelbacher and Ross; 1 male, Santo (“San”) Domingo, Michelbacher and Ross (BME, CAS). Diagnosis. ‘This is one of three species, including eremi and brevis, with only two forewing submarginal cells. Unlike evemi the gular carina is simple, and unlike brevis the aedeagus is not decurved. This species shares several features with pilosa. The ocelli are small, about the size of the pedicel, whereas they are much larger than the pedicel in other Colocistis, and the eyes closely follow the head margins as opposed to bulging laterally. Unique features include the antenna darker than the rest of the body, whereas they are the same color in the other species, and the propodeum in chemsaki has two large elevated, ovoid areas on either side of the midline of the dorsal surface. Description. Male. Body length. 7-8 mm. Head (Fig. 3). Compound eyes slightly enlarged, barely extending laterally be- yond temples, inner margins somewhat emarginated; ocelli small, diameter subequal 10 L.S. Kimsey & M.S. Wasbauer / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24 (2013) to pedicel length; of lateral ocellus at least 0.7x OOL, removed from vertex by 0.5 or less an ocellar diameter in frontal view; impressed line present between lateral ocelli posteriorly; clypeus nearly flat, not visible above mandibles in lateral view, without projecting tubercle, apex not margined by strong teeth; antennal socket rim only slightly thickened ventrolaterally; LID 0.9x UID; flagellomere I length 2.3x breadth; flagellomere II length 2.8x breadth; flagellomere [X length 4.2x breadth; occipital ca- rina strong but incomplete ventromedially; mandible narrowest submedially, tapering apically toward ventroapical tooth. Mesosoma. Pronotum nearly vertical anteriorly, punctures deep, contiguous close, shoulders well-developed, not produced laterally; foretibia without spines ex- cept apically; basitarsus with row of three spines on outer surface; tibial spur 0.9x length of basitarsus; hindcoxal longitudinal dorsal carina elevated, angulate basal- ly; mesonotal and mesopleural punctures deep, 0.5—-1.0 puncture diameter apart; scutellum elevated above level of propodeum, with polished impunctate area medi- ally; postscutellum densely punctate; propodeum nearly impunctate, dorsal surface with shallow medial, longitudinal groove, dorsal surface separated from posterior surface by transverse ridge, ridge interrupted medially, lateral surface with punctures 1—2 puncture diameters apart; forewing with 3 submarginal cells; costa continuing along wing margin beyond stigma. Metasoma. Tergum I without transverse carina; sternum II without raised area basally. Genitalia (Figs 43, 51). Gonostylar apex arcuately excavate in lateral view; aedea- gus not decurved before apex. Color. Head and body concolorous castaneous to black; vestiture brown. Female unknown. Distribution (Fig. 37). Etymology. The species is named after the collector, John Chemsak. Colocistis crassa (Bradley) http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis_crassa Figures 4, 19, 22, 35, 44, 52 Brachycistis crassa Bradley, 1917:277. Holotype males; USA: California, Fresno Coun- ty, Coalinga (CUIC).* Diagnosis. Colocistis crassa and pilosa share a distinctive modification of metasomal sternum II, which has the basal area elevated and separated from the rest of the ster- num by a transverse declivity. These two species can be separated by the castaneous body color in crassa (black in pilosa), clypeus with a well-developed medial tubercle (no tubercle in pilosa) and large compound eyes and ocelli (small in pilosa). Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) 11 Description. Male. Body length. 9-16 mm. Head (Fig. 4). Compound eyes enlarged, extending well beyond temples; ocelli enlarged, diameter of lateral ocellus at least 0.7x OOL; impressed line present between lateral ocelli; antennal socket rim thickened and carinate ventrolaterally; clypeus with median tubercle, visible above mandible in lateral view, apex not bounded laterally by strong teeth; gular carina not raised; LID 0.7x UID; flagellomere I length 3.2—3.3x breadth; flagellomere II length 2.7—2.8x breadth; flagellomere IX length 5.7—5.8x breadth; occipital carina strong, incomplete ventrally; hypostomal carina not raised; mandible narrowest submedially, tapering apically toward ventroapical tooth. Mesosoma. Pronotum nearly vertical anteriorly, punctures separated by 0.5—1.0 puncture diameters, shoulders well developed, not produced laterally; forefemur without stout spines; foretibia without spines except apically; basitarsus with two spines on outer surface; tibial spur 0.9x length of basitarsus; hindcoxal longitudinal dorsal carina forming obtuse angle basally; scutal and mesopleural punctures 1—2 puncture diameters apart; scutellum somewhat curved above level of propodeum, coarsely punctured with large, polished impunctate area medially; postscutellar punctures 1—2 puncture diameters apart; propodeum with long dorsal surface, nearly impunctate, with wide medial, longitudinal trough, reaching carina separating dorsal from posterior surfaces, posterior surface with shallow punctures, 0.5—-1.0 puncture diameters apart, lateral surface punctures 0.5—-1.0 puncture diameters apart dorsal- ly, nearly impunctate ventrally; forewing with 3 submarginal cells; costa extending along wing margin beyond stigma. Metasoma. Tergum I with transverse carina at apex of frontal declivity (Fig. 22); sternum II with anterior portion slightly raised and separated from remainder of ster- num by a transverse declivity (Figs 19, 22). Genitalia (Figs 44, 52). Gonostylar apex somewhat excavate in lateral view; aedea- gus abruptly decurved in lateral view, apex with dorsally projecting process. Color. Head and body unicolorous, castaneous; vestiture pale brown. Female unknown. Distribution (Fig. 35). USA: Arizona: Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Graham, Mari- copa, Pima, Pinal, Santa Cruz, Yuma counties; California: Alpine, Fresno, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lassen, Los Angeles, Madera, Merced, Mono, Monterey, River- side, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Tulare, Ventura counties; Idaho: Ada, Elmore, Owyhee counties; Kansas: Stanton County; Nevada: Churchill, Esmeralda, Eureka, Humboldt, Lincoln, Nye, Pershing, Washoe counties; New Mexico: Dona Ana, Eddy, Hidalgo, Luna, Quay counties; Texas: Alpine, Brewser, Culberson, El Paso, Jeff Davis counties; Utah: Ogden County; Mexico: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora; 1250 males were examined (BME, CAS, CDFA, EMEC, KSBS, LACM, MCZ). 12 L.S. Kimsey & M.S. Wasbauer / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24 (2013) Colocistis eremi (Bradley) http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis_eremi Figures 5, 36, 45, 53 Brachycistis eremi Bradley, 1917:279. Holotype male; USA: California, Imperial Coun- ty, Calexico (CUIC). Diagnosis. Only brevis and eremi have two submarginal cells and the costal vein not extending beyond the stigma. Colocistis eremi can be distinguished from brevis by the strongly elevated hypostomal carina and the aedeagus straight in lateral view as dis- cussed under brevis. Description. Male. Body length. 5-12. mm. Head (Fig. 5). Compound eyes enlarged, extending laterally far beyond temples; ocelli enlarged, diameter of lateral ocellus at least 0.7x OOL; lateral ocellus removed from vertex by 0.5 or less one ocellar diameter; impressed line between lateral ocelli absent or reduced to row of punctures; clypeus raised medially and visible above man- dibles in lateral view, apex not bounded laterally by strong teeth; gular carina raised anteriorly; LID 0.6x UID; flagellomere I length 2.7—2.8x breadth; flagellomere II length 3x breadth; flagellomere IX length 3.6—-3.7x breadth; occipital carina strong, complete ventrally; mandible narrowest submedially, tapering apically toward ventroapical tooth. Mesosoma. Pronotal punctures shallow, 0.5—1.0 puncture diameters apart, shoul- ders well-developed, not produced laterally; forefemur without stout spines; foreti- bia without spines except apically; basitarsus with two spines on outer surface; tibial spur subequal to length of basitarsus; hindcoxa with longitudinal dorsal carina basally tooth-like; scutal punctures 1-2 puncture diameters apart; mesopleural punctures nearly contiguous; scutellum slightly elevated above level of propodeum, punctures 1-3 puncture diameters apart; postscutellum impunctate medially, densely punctate laterally; propodeum dorsal surface with longitudinal sublateral carinae, shallowly ru- gose, without transverse carina separating dorsal from posterior surface, posterior sur- face punctures deep, 1-3 puncture diameters apart, lateral surface punctures 0.5—1.0 puncture diameters apart dorsally, impunctate ventrally; forewing with two submar- ginal cells, costa not extending along wing margin beyond stigma. Metasoma. Tergum I without transverse carina; sternum II without raised area anteriorly. Genitalia (Figs 45, 53) in lateral view with gonostylus broadly curved to nearly straight at tip, aedeagus not decurved. Color: Head and body unicolorous castaneous; vestiture pale brown. Female unknown. Distribution (Fig. 36): USA: Arizona: Coconino, Maricopa, Pima, Pinal, Yuma counties; California: Imperial, Inyo, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego Counties; Nevada: Lincoln, Nye counties; Mexico: Baja California, Baja California Sur, So- nora; 518 males were examined (BME, EMEC, KSBS, LACM). Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) 13 Colocistis eureka (Mickel & Krombein) http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis_eureka Figures 10, 21, 39 Glyptometopa eureka Banks, 1912:202. Holotype female; USA: Arizona, Palmerlee (MCZ). Diagnosis. Colocistis eureka shares the strongly elevated gular carina with segreden- tata. However, in eureka the carina is strongly biangular or bidentate versus medially uninterrupted and the meso- metapleural sulcus is faint but distinct, versus absent or incomplete in segredentata. Male unknown. Description. Female. Body length. 9.5-10.0 mm. Head. Wider than long in anterior view; vertex with lateral foveae consisting of row of large, shallow punctures; occipital carina (Fig. 10) meeting transverse carina at obtuse angle, transverse carina irregular, notched medially between submedial teeth, subtended by irregular rugae toward occiput. Mesosoma. Pronotal disk 0.4x as long as broad in dorsal view, nearly impunc- tate, with several scattered punctures; propleura densely punctured; foretibia with two spines laterally; basitarsus with two spines on outer surface; tibial spur 0.9x length of basitarsus; hindcoxa ventral carina extending 0.5 length of coxa, dorsal longitudinal carina broadly elevated basally. Metasoma. Sternum | without medial groove (Fig. 21). Color. Reddish brown; vestiture whitish to pale yellow. Distribution (Fig. 39). USA: Arizona, Cochise County: Palmerlee; Santa Cruz County: Atascosa Mountain; two specimens were seen (BME, UCRC). Colocistis oaxacana Kimsey & Wasbauer, sp. n. http://zoobank.org/669E89 1 B-4329-4EAD-B707-715EB06358EA http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis_oaxacana Figures 6, 25, 26, 37, 46, 54 Diagnosis. Two unique features distinguish oaxacana from other species of Colocistis, the bicolored body and strongly elevated vertex. This species most closely resembles castanea but, in addition, to differences in the coloration and the elevated vertex, can be distin- guished by the gonostylar apex strait or slightly curved but not excavate as in castanea. Type material. Holotype male: Mexico: Oaxaca, 23 mi. south Matias Romero, iv/5/1962, F. D. Parker & L.A. Stange (BME). Paratypes (30 males): 6 males: same data as holotype; 4 males: iv/6/1962; 1 male, iv/8/1962; 1 male, iv/22/1962; 10 males: Tequisistlan, iv/6/1962, F. D. Parker & L.A. Stange; 4 males: 1 mi sw Tehuantepec, iv/5/53, E. I. Schlinger; 2 males: Ixtepec, iv/23/1962, F. D. Parker & L.A. Stange; 14 L.S. Kimsey & M.S. Wasbauer / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24 (2013) Colocistis oaxacana 28 Colocistis pilosa 30. Colocistis segredentata Colocistis paxillata Figures 25-32. 25-28. Males. 29-32 Females. 25, 27, 29, 31 Lateral view 26, 28, 30, 32 Dorsal view 25-30 are images of the holotypes. 1 male: 10 mi ne Juchitan, iv/15/1953, E. I. Schlinger; 2 males: Chiapas, 28 mi w Cintalapa (BME, EMEC). Description. Male (Figs 25, 26). Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) 15 33. Colocistis brevis 34. Colocistis castanea 35. Colocistis crassa 36. Colocistis eremi Figures 33-36. Distribution maps of Colocistis species. Body length. 9-11 mm. Head (Fig. 6). Compound eyes enlarged, extending well beyond temples; ocelli en- larged, diameter of lateral ocellus at least 0.7x OOL,; lateral ocelli removed from vertex by nearly one ocellar diameter in frontal view; impressed line present between lateral ocelli; clypeus slightly convex but without projecting tubercle in lateral view, apex not 16 L.S. Kimsey & M.S. Wasbauer / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24 (2013) 37. Colocistis pilosa o chemsaki e oaxacana 38. Colocistis segredentata 39. Colocistis ; ne 40. Colocistis thermarum e sulcata o eureka Figures 37-40. Distribution maps Colocistis species. bounded laterally by strong teeth; antennal socket rim only slightly thickened ventro- laterally; LID 0.8x UID; flagellomeres I-II length 2.7—2.8x breadth; flagellomere IX length 5.2-5.5x breadth; occipital carina strong but incomplete ventrally, without ca- Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) 17 rina extending from foramen magnum to hypostomal carina medially; gular carina not raised; mandible narrowest submedially, tapering apically toward ventroapical tooth. Mesosoma. Pronotum nearly vertical anteriorly, sloping posteriorly, punctures shallow and sparse medially, laterally deep and close, shoulders well developed, not produced laterally; forefemur without stout spines; foretibia without spines except apically; basitarsus with two spines on outer surface; tibial spur 0.9x length of basitar- sus; hindcoxal longitudinal dorsal carina not tooth-like; scutal and mesopleural punc- tures separated by 0.5-1.0 puncture diameter; scutellum not arched dorsally above level of propodeum, punctures large, 0.5—1.0 puncture diameters apart, with polished impunctate area posteromedially; postscutellum impunctate medially; propodeum nearly impunctate, dorsal surface with shallow V-shaped trough medially, forming obtuse angle with posterior surface, separated from posterior surface by medially in- terrupted transverse carina, lateral surface with scattered punctures, 2—5 puncture di- ameters apart; forewing with 3 submarginal cells, costa extending long wing margin beyond stigma. Metasoma. Tergum I without transverse carina; sternum | with narrow longitudinal medial groove extending most of length; sternum II without raised anterior portion. Genitalia (Figs 46, 54). Gonostylus not excavate ventrally before apex and apical margin straight not excavate in lateral view; aedeagus broadest subapically and sub- medially, not decurved before apex in lateral view, apex simple. Color. Head and mesosoma castaneous, metasoma darker, often nearly black; ves- titure pale brown to black. Female unknown. Distribution (Fig. 37) Etymology. ‘The species is named after the collection locality, the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Discussion. Colocistis oaxacana is the southernmost species in the genus. The oth- ers are only recorded from as far south as Sinaloa, Mexico. Colocistis paxillata (Mickel & Krombein) http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis_paxillata Figures 23, 29, 30 Aglyptacros paxillata Mickel & Krombein, 1942:673. Holotype female; USA: Colo- rado, La Junta (USNM). Diagnosis. In paxillata and sulcata the gular carina is not elevated or angulate and does not meet the occipital carina. Colocistis paxillata can be distinguished from sulcata by the sulcus on metasomal sternum I extending the same width for the length of the sternum. Male unknown. Description. Female (Figs 29, 30). Body length. 10.5 mm. 18 L.S. Kimsey & M.S. Wasbauer / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24 (2013) 43. chemsaki 44, crassa 47. pilosa 48. thermarum Figures 41-48. Ventral view of male genital capsule. Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) 19 Head. 1.3x as wide as long (along midline) in anterior view; vertex with lateral fo- veae small, circular; occipital carina ending before hypostomal carina medially; trans- verse carina short and irregular on either side of midline. Mesosoma. Pronotal disk 0.5x as long as broad in dorsal view, 1.8x as long as scu- tum; punctures 2—3 puncture diameters apart; propleura heavily punctured; forefemur without stout spines; foretibia without spines except apically; basitarsus with row of three spines on outer surface; tibial spur 0.9x length of basitarsus; hindcoxal ventral carina about half length of coxa, dorsal carina broadly lobate dorsally. Metasoma. Sternum I with medial groove parallel-sided, extending to apical mar- gin of sternum (Fig. 23). Color. Reddish brown; vestiture pale yellow. Distribution. USA: Colorado, Otero County; only the holotype female was seen. Colocistis pilosa Krombein http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis_pilosa Figures 7, 27, 28, 37, 47, 55 Colocistis pilosa Krombein, 1942:66. Holotype male; USA: California, San Diego County, San Diego, June 22, 1890 (USNM). Diagnosis. Colocistis pilosa is only one of two species, including some specimens of castanea, with black body coloration. However, it shares with crassa the distinctive modification of metasomal sternum II, with the basal area elevated and separated from the rest of the sternum by a transverse declivity. These two species can be separated by the clypeus without a medial tubercle in pilosa (well-developed in castanea) and small compound eyes and ocelli (large in castanea), and long, dense, whitish pubescence. Description. Male (Figs 27, 28). Body length 11-12 mm. Head (Fig. 7). Compound eyes not enlarged, barely extending beyond temples, inner margins slightly evenly curved; ocelli small, diameter of lateral ocellus 0.5x OOL; without impressed line between lateral ocelli; antennal socket rim slightly thickened ventrolaterally; clypeus with median tubercle visible in lateral view, apex bounded laterally by strong teeth; gular carina not raised; LID 0.85x UID; flagellomere I length 2.4x breadth; flagellomeres II-X missing; occipital carina strong but incomplete ventrally, with carina extending from foramen magnum to hypostomal carina medially; mandible narrowest submedially. Mesosoma. Pronotum nearly vertical anteriorly, sloping posteriorly, punctures deep, largely contiguous, shoulders well-developed, not produced laterally; forefemur without stout spines; foretibia without spines, except apically; basitarsus with three spines on outer surface; tibial spur 0.9x length of basitarsus; hindcoxa without longitudinal dorsal carina tooth-like basally; mesonotal and mesopleural punctures contiguous; scutellum strongly arched dorsally much above level of propodeum, punctures 0.5—1.5 puncture diameters apart, with small, polished impunctate area medially; postscutellum punctures large, con- 20 L.S. Kimsey & M.S. Wasbauer / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24 (2013) 51. chemsaki 52. crassa 53. eremi 54. oaxacana 55. pilosa 56. thermarum Figures 49-56. Lateral view of male genital capsule. tiguous; propodeum dorsal surface coarsely rugulose, separated from posterior face by distinct carina, posterior face punctures contiguous laterally, becoming more widely sepa- rated toward midline, except for small dorsomedial impunctate area, punctures becom- ing small toward petiole, laterally punctures 0.5 puncture diameter apart to contiguous; forewing with 3 submarginal cells, costa extending along wing margin beyond stigma. Metasoma. Tergum | without transverse carina; sternum II with anterior portion slightly raised and separated from remainder of sternum by transverse declivity. Genitalia (Figs 47, 55). Gonostylus slightly emarginate ventrally before tip in lat- eral view; aedeagus evenly curved, simple at apex in lateral view. Color. Head and body unicolorous, black, with extensive long, erect pale, yellow- ish setae, setae more than half as long as eye height. Female unknown. Distribution (Fig. 37). Discussion. Colocistis pilosa may be extinct; no specimens have been seen since the type was collected. The San Diego region where the type was collected has become increasingly urbanized since 1942 and is now highly urbanized with commercial and residential developments. Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) 21 Colocistis segredentata (Mickel & Krombein) http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis_segredentata Figures 11, 24, 31, 32, 38 Aglyptacros segredentata Mickel & Krombein, 1942:671. Holotype female; USA: Ari- zona, Benson (MCZ). Diagnosis. This might be the female of castanea. It shares a number of characteristics with eureka as discussed under that species. Colocistis castanea can be distinguished by the meso- metapleural suture absent or faint and incomplete and the medially inter- rupted transverse carina posterior to the gular carina. Male unknown. Description. Female (Figs 31, 32). Body length 7.0-10.5 mm. Head. Wider than long in anterior view; vertex with lateral foveae consisting of row of large, deep punctures; occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina at a right an- gle, hypostomal carina forming sharp angle on either side of midline; transverse carina short, irregular (Fig. 11). Mesosoma. Pronotal disk 0.4x as long as broad in dorsal view; punctures widely separated, 2-10 puncture diameters apart; propleura coarsely rugosopunctate; forefe- mur without stout spines; foretibia without spines except apically; basitarsus with row of three spines on outer surface; tibial spur 0.9-1.0x as long as basitarsus; hindcoxal ventral, longitudinal carina extending half length of coxa; dorsal longitudinal carina broadly elevated and lobe-like basally. Metasoma. Sternum | with medial groove short, not extending much beyond base of sternum, or absent (Fig. 24). Color. Reddish brown; vestiture whitish to pale yellow. Distribution (Fig. 38). USA: Arizona, Cochise County; California: Imperial, Inyo counties; Nevada: Nye County; 35 specimens were examined (BME, CDFA, UCRC). Colocistis sulcata (Mickel & Krombein) http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis_sulcata Figures 12, 39 Aglyptacros sulcata Mickel & Krombein, 1942:674. Holotype female; USA: Texas, Val- entine (KSBS). Diagnosis. Colocistis sulcata most closely resembles paxillata based on the incomplete occipital carina and simple gular carina. It can be distinguished from paxillata by the gular carina extending laterally beyond where the occipital carina would join if extend- ed and metasomal sternum I medial longitudinal trough narrow and deep anteriorly, becoming broad and shallow posteriorly; parallel-sided in paxillata. Male unknown. 22 L.S. Kimsey & M.S. Wasbauer / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24 (2013) Description. Female. Body length. 7-12. mm. Head. Twice as wide as long in anterior view; vertex with lateral fovea a row of cir- cular punctures; occipital carina meeting transverse carina at nearly right angle, trans- verse carina extending laterally further than occipital carina (Fig. 12). Mesosoma. Notal punctures deep, scattered, 1-5 puncture diameters apart; prono- tal disk 0.5x as long as broad in dorsal view, punctures 3-5 puncture diameters apart; propleura coarsely rugosopunctate; forefemur without stout spines; foretibia without spines except apically; basitarsus with row of three spines on outer surface; tibial spur as long as basitarsus; hindcoxal ventral carina extending half length of coxa; dorsal longitudinal carina broadly elevated and lobe-like basally; meso-metapleural suture at most indicated by faint indentation. Metasoma. Sternum | with medial groove narrowest anteriorly, broadened posteri- orly, extending length of sternum. Color. Reddish brown; vestiture whitish to pale yellow. Distribution (Fig. 39). USA: Arizona: Cochise County; Texas: Jeff Davis, Pre- sidio counties; 4 specimens were examined (BME, EMEC). Colocistis thermarum (Bradley) http://species-id.net/wiki/Colocistis_thermarum Figures 8, 18, 30, 40, 48, 56 Brachycistis thermarum Bradley, 1917:274. Holotype male; USA: Arizona, Hot Springs (CUIC). Diagnosis. This is one of three species, including castanea and oaxacana, which have three submarginal cells and the second metasomal sternum simple. It can be distin- guished from both by the tuberculate clypeus. Description. Male. Body length. 8-15 mm. Head (Fig. 8). Compound eyes enlarged, extending well beyond temples; ocelli enlarged, diameter of lateral ocellus at least 0.7x OOL; impressed line present between lateral ocelli; antennal socket rim only slightly thickened ventrolaterally; clypeus with median tubercle visible above mandible in lateral view, apex not bounded laterally by strong teeth; gular carina not raised; LID 0.7x UID; flagellomeres I-II length 2.3—2.4x breadth; flagellomere IX length 5x breadth; occipital carina strong but, complete ven- trally; hypostomal carina not raised; mandible narrowest submedially, apically broad and teeth subequal in length. Mesosoma. Pronotum nearly vertical anteriorly, punctures deep, 0.5 puncture di- ameter apart to contiguous, shoulders well-developed, not produced laterally; forefe- mur without stout spines; foretibia without spines except apically; basitarsus with two spines on outer surface; tibial spur 0.9x length of basitarsus; hindcoxa without basally Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) 23 tooth-like longitudinal dorsal carina; scutal punctures 0.5—2.0 puncture diameters apart; mesopleural punctures contiguous; scutellum flattened dorsally nearly planar with level of propodeum, punctures 0.5—1.0 puncture diameters apart, with small, polished impunctate area medially; postscutellum densely punctate; propodeal dorsal surface separated from posterior and lateral surfaces by carina, dorsal surface with lon- gitudinal medial trough, surface shallowly rugose, posterior surface nearly impunctate, lateral surface densely punctate dorsally, impunctate ventrally; forewing with 3 sub- marginal cells; costa extending along wing beyond stigma. Metasoma. Tergum | without transverse carina; sternum II without raised area basally. Genitalia (Figs 48, 56 ). gonostylar apex nearly straight in lateral view; aedeagus abruptly decurved before apex, without dorsally projecting process. Color. Head and body unicolorous, castaneous; vestiture whitish to pale yellow. Female unknown. Distribution (Fig. 40): USA: Arizona: Cochise, Maricopa, Pima, Pinal, Yuma counties; California: Imperial, Inyo, Riverside counties; Texas: Culberson, Dimmit, Jeff Davis counties; MEXICO: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora; 370 males were examined (BME, CAS, CDFA, EMEC). Acknowledgments This study was made possible by all the individuals who provided specimens for the study, particularly Kevin Williams, Brian Harris, Alan Hardy and Fred Andrews. References Banks N (1912) New Scolioidea. The Canadian Entomologist 44:197—203. doi: 10.4039/ Ent44197-7 Bradley JC (1917) Contributions toward a monograph of the Mutillidae and their allies of America north of Mexico. IV. A review of the Myrmosidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 43: 247-290. Cresson ET (1865) Descriptions of some new species of Mutilla from California. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 4: 385-390. Fox WJ (1899) The North American Mutillidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 25: 219-300. Kimsey LS (2006) Competing taxonomies: reexamination of the female-based genera of Brach- ycistidinae (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae). Zootaxa 1121: 21-34. Kimsey LS, Wasbauer MS (2006) Phylogeny and checklist of the nocturnal tiphiids of the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae: Brachycistidinae). Journal of Hymenop- tera Research 15: 9-25. Krombein KV (1942) A new genus and species of Brachycistidinae. Proceedings of the Ento- mological Society of Washington 44: 67-68. doi: 10.2307/2420897 24 L.S. Kimsey & M.S. Wasbauer / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 1-24 (2013) Malloch JR (1926) Systematic notes on and descriptions of North American wasps of the sub- family Brachycistidinae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 68: 1-28, 4 pls. Mickel CE Krombein KV (1942) Glyptometopa Ashmead and related genera in the Brachycis- tidinae, with descriptions of new genera and species (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae). American Midland Naturalist 28(3): 648-679. Wasbauer MS (1966) Revision of the male wasps of the genus Brachycistis in American north of Mexico (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae). University of California Publications in Entomology 43: 1-96. Wasbauer MS (1968) New genera of male Brachycistidinae with a redescription of Brachycistel- lus Baker and a key to North American genera (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 44(3): 184-197.