JHR 33: 25-61 (2013) Fam JOURNAL OF *0erriewed opevaccets ural doi: 10.3897/JHR.33.5204 ME Hymenoptera www.pensoft.net/journals/jhr The imernatonl Society of Hymenoptariss, RESEARCH Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea (Hymenoptera, Apocrita) Andrew E Ernst', Istvan Miké!?, Andrew R. Deans!? | North Carolina State University, Department of Entomology, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613 USA 2 Pennsylva- nia State University, Department of Entomology, 501 ASI Building, University Park, PA 16802 USA Corresponding author: Jstudn Mike (istvan.miko@gmail.com) Academic editor: MZ. Yoder | Received 25 March 2013 | Accepted 4 July 2013 | Published 1 August 2013 Citation: Ernst AF, Istvan Miké I, Deans AR (2013) Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea (Hymenoptera, Apocrita). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61. doi: 10.3897/JHR.33.5204 Abstract The ovipositor of apocritan Hymenoptera is an invaluable source of phylogenetically relevant characters, and our understanding of its functional morphology stands to enlighten us about parasitoid life history strategies. Although Ceraphronoidea is one of the most commonly collected Hymenoptera taxa with considerable economic importance, our knowledge about their natural history and phylogenetic relation- ships, both to other apocritan lineages and within the superfamily itself, is limited. As a first step towards revealing ceraphronoid natural diversity we describe the skeletomuscular system of the ceraphronoid ovi- positor for the first time. Dissections and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy 3D media files were used to visualize the ovipositor complex and to develop character concepts. Morphological structures were described in natural language and then translated into a character-character state format, whose terminol- ogy was linked to phenotype-relevant ontologies. Four unique anatomical phenotypes were revealed: 1. The first valvifer (gonangulum) of the genus Trassedia is composed of two articulating sclerites, a condi- tion present only in a few basal insect taxa. The bipartition of the first valvifer in Trassedia is most likely secondary and might allow more rapid oviposition. 2. Ceraphronoids, unlike other Hymenoptera, lack the retractor muscle of the terebra; instead the egg laying device is retracted by the seventh sternite. 3. Also unlike other Hymenoptera, the cordate apodeme and the anterior flange of the second valvifer are fused and compose one ridge that serves as the site of attachment for the dorsal and ventral T9-second valvifer muscles. Overall, the ceraphronoid ovipositor system is highly variable and can be described by discrete, distinguishable character states. However, these differences, despite their discrete nature, do not reflect the present classification of the superfamily and might represent parallelisms driven by host biology. Copyright Andrew F Ernst et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 26 Andrew FE Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) Keywords Skeletomusculature, second valvula, ovipositor sheath, Aphanogmus, Ceraphron, Conostigmus, Megaspi- lus, Dendrocerus, Lagynodes, Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology, Phenotypic Quality Ontology, Spatial Ontology Introduction Ceraphronoidea has, until recently, been one of the most neglected groups of parasitic Hymenoptera, despite their ubiquity in the environment and fascinating life history strategies, which span from primary to quaternary parasitism (hyper-hyper-hyperpara- sitism) (Haviland 1920). Since the establishment of Ceraphronoidea as a superfamily (Masner 1956, Masner and Dessart 1967) significant revisionary work has addressed Lagynodinae (Dessart 1977, 1987), species of Conostigmus Dahlbom (Dessart 1997) and species groups of Dendrocerus Ratzeburg (Dessart 1972, Fergusson 1980, Dessart 1985, Dessart 1995a, Dessart 1999, Dessart 2001). Records of parasitism by ceraphro- noids cover a wide range of hosts, from at least eight insect orders: Hemiptera, Thy- sanoptera, Hymenoptera, Neuroptera, Coleoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera and Mecop- tera (Austin 1984, Chiu et al. 1981, Cooper and Dessart 1975, Dessart 1967, 1992, Dessart and Bournier 1971, Evans et al. 2005, Fergusson 1980, Ghesquiere 1960, Ishii 1937, Luhman et al. 1999, Muesebeck 1979, Priesner 1936, Sinacori et al. 1992). Two species, Dendrocerus carpenteri (Curtis), and Dendrocerus aphidum (Rondani), serve as models for research concerning resource use and allocation by parasitoids (Araj et al. 2006), mate location (SchwéGrer et al. 1999), development and host interactions (Marris et al. 2000), sex determination of offspring (Chow and Mackauer 1996), host discrimination (Chow and Mackauer 1999), and behavioral evolution in bio-control systems (Miiller et al. 1997). The phylogenetic placement of Ceraphronoidea remains uncertain despite the re- cent efforts to resolve the Hymenoptera tree of life (Heraty et al. 2011, Sharkey et al. 2011). Using expressed sequence tag (EST) data and limited exemplars, Sharanowski et al. (2010) placed Ceraphronoidea as sister to Evanioidea, but with low support. Heraty et al. (2011), using data from four genetic loci, placed Ceraphronoidea as sister to Stephanidae or Stephanidae + Orussidae, depending on the analysis. Vilhelmsen et al. (2010) found Ceraphronoidea to be sister to Megalyroidea within Evaniomorpha, based on morphological data. Sharkey et al. (2011) using molecular data and morpho- logical data - based largely on Vilhelmsen et al. (2010) - also suggested a sister relation- ship between Ceraphronoidea and Megalyroidea. The most comprehensive review on the classification of the superfamily has pro- posed by Dessart and Cancemi (1987). Although this classification served as a tem- plate for further studies (Masner 1993, Dessart 1995a, b, Miké and Deans 2009) the phylogenetic base has never been challenged. ‘The utility of traditionally used morpho- logical characters in Ceraphronoidea classification seems to be limited (Dessart 1995b, Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... 27 c, 2001) and with the discovery of the first ceraphronid wasp with well-developed pterostigma even the family level classification of the superfamily has been challenged recently (Mik6é and Deans 2009). Our recent observations on the genus Trassedia pro- vide additional evidence that the current classification of the superfamily needs to be revised (Miké et al. in press). The genus was erected by Cancemi (1996), who classified the type species within Megaspilinae and considered it to be closely related to Con- ostigmus. The original classification is supported by two distinct character states: the presence of a fore wing pterostigma (which has subsequently been found in Ceraphro- nidae; Miké and Deans 2009) and the presence of 11 antennomeres (Ceraphronidae have 10). Our observations of multiple specimens of Trassedia luapi reveal numerous morphological character states that are specific to Ceraphronidae (Mik6 and Deans 2009, Miké et al. in press): absence of mesotibial apical spur, absence of narrow sclerite anterior to synsternum, presence of Waterston’s evaporatorium, and numerous male genitalia characters. Based on these differences the genus has recently been transferred to Ceraphronidae (Miké et al. in press), a classification we follow in this study. It is evident that a comprehensive study using both morphological and molecular characters is necessary for the reevaluation of Ceraphronoidea systematics. Since tra- ditionally used morphological characters have been phylogenetically inconsistent the utilization of unexplored character systems, such as the male and female terminalia might offer additional data relevant to more robustly estimate the phylogenetic history of this group. Despite the extensive descriptive work done on comparative morphology of the Hymenoptera female terminalia (Oeser 1961, Smith 1970, Le Ralec et al. 1996, Quicke et al. 1992, Quicke et al. 1994, Quicke et al. 1999, Vilhelmsen 2000, Vil- helmsen et al. 2001), the available morphological data on the ceraphronoid female terminalia are restricted to the distal region of the terebra (Quicke et al. 1994, Le Ralec et al. 1996) and the accessory glands (Hdller et al. 1993). The skeletomuscular system of ceraphronoid ovipositor remained, until now, relatively unexplored. The main aim of the present study is to describe morphological diversity of the female terminalia in Ceraphronoidea and compare its anatomical structures with that of other Hymenop- tera taxa giving special emphasize on the skeletomuscular system. With this study, we establish a baseline for further phylogenetic analyses of the superfamily using oviposi- tor characters. Materials and methods Specimens used in this study (Table 1) were identified by Andrew Ernst (AFE) and Istvan Miko (IM). Megaspilinae was represented in our study by Megaspilus arma- tus (Say), Dendrocerus spissicornis (Hellén) and Conostigmus abdominalis (Boheman); Lagynodinae (Megaspilidae) by Lagynodes sp. (AFE); and Ceraphronidae by Ceraphron sp. (IM) (Fig. 5), Aphanogmus sp.1 (AFE), Aphanogmus sp. 2 (IM) and Trassedia luapi (Cancemi). 28 Andrew FE Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) Table |. Specimens observed for morphological description including specimen identifiers, preparation techniques, imaging method and collecting locality (verbatim collecting data are stored at fighsare.com.). Taxon Specimen Imaging | Locality | DOI of CLSM media files stored at identifier fee (nee http://figshare.com Aphanogmus sp. 1 | NCSU 0055648 | brightfield | Hungary Aphanogmus sp. 1 | NCSU 0002419 |CLSM 40x | Hungary — | doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156446 water imer- doi: 10.6084/m9. figshare. 156439 sion Aphanogmus sp. 2. | PSUCIM_5009 Ceraphron sp. NCSU 0071198 | brightfield | Madagascar Ceraphron sp. NCSU 0071197 | brightfield, | Madagascar | doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156445 CLSM 10x Ceraphron sp. PSUCIM_5005, | CLSM Madagascar | doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156470 5006 doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156469 doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156447 Conostigmus NCSU 0056302 | brightfield | Sweden abdominalis (Boheman) Conostigmus NCSU 0056301 | brightfield | Sweden abdominalis (Boheman) Conostigmus NCSU 0055647 | brightfield, Sweden doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156448 abdominalis CLSM 20x doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156433 (Boheman) Dendrocerus spis- sicornis Hellén PSUCIM_5001, 5002 doi: doi: doi: doi: Sweden 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156452 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156451 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156450 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156449 Dendrocerus spis- sicornis Hellén PSUCIM_5010 CLSM doi: doi: Sweden 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156459 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156453 Lagynodes sp. Lagynodes sp. Lagynodes crassi- cornis NCSU 0055643 NCSU 0056306 brightfield CLSM 20x, 40x water doi: doi: immersion 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156454 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156443 Megaspilus arma- tus (Say) Megaspilus arma- tus (Say) Megaspilus arma- tus (Say) NCSU 0071199 NCSU 0055645 NCSU 0056307 brightfield USA brightfield, USA doi: CLSM 20x doi: doi: sion 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156442 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156434 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156437 Megaspilus ar- matus Trassedia luapi Cancemi Trassedia luapi Cancemi PSUCIM_5003 NCSU 0056318 NCSU_0071196 CLSM 20X doi: doi: doi: doi: doi: brightfield, CLSM 40x | USA Canada doi: water imer- Madagascar doi: brightfield, Madagascar | doi: CLSM 20x doi: CLSM 10x 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156458 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156457 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156456 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156455 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156440 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156438 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156436 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156467 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156444 Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... 29 Specimens used in the present study were stored in 95% ethanol. Some specimens were critical point dried and dissected on Blue-Tack (Blue Tack, Bostik inc.) medium. This method is mostly used to reveal the spatial relationships between muscles. Other specimens were dissected in glycerin on a concave microscope slide or were macerated in KOH to visualize the skeletal structures. Dissections and observations were made using an Olympus SZX16 stereomicroscope and an Olympus CX41 compound mi- croscope. Bright field images were taken using an Olympus CX41 compound microscope, equipped with an Olympus DP71 digital camera. Image stacks were combined using CombineZP (Hadley 2010) “do stack” command. SEM micrographs were made using a Hitachi S-3200 Scanning Electron Microscope (wd=23.5, av=5kV). Specimens were critical point dried and coated with palladium prior to examination. CLSM images were made on glycerin-stored specimens between 1.5 mm thick, 24x50 mm cover glasses with a Leica LSM 710 and Olympus Fluoview 1000 confocal laser scanning microscopes (CLSM) using the 488 nm laser to excite the sample. We collected the autofluorescence of insect anatomical structures between 500 and 700 nm with two channels (500-580; pseudocolor green and 580-700 pseudocolor red) using 106 and 206 Plan Achromat objectives. Volume rendered images and media files were gener- ated by Imaris Bitplane (Bitplane, Ziirich, Switzerland) and ImageJ (Schneider et al. 2012) software. Bright field and CLSM micrographs were edited with Adobe Pho- toshop CS4 (Adobe) changing “Gamma Correction” value, resize images to 7.3 cm width at 400 dpi resolution, standardize style and width of scale bars and create image annotations. Media files, SEM micrographs and bright field images are available from figshare.com (Table 1). To verify the relationships between anatomical structures, serial transverse section- ing was carried out on a Lagynodes specimen (Table 1). The specimen was embedded in Araldit®, cut at 1 um with a Microm microtome (HM 360), and stained with toluidine blue. Anatomical terms used in the descriptions are linked to concepts in the Hymenop- tera Anatomy Ontology (HAO; Hymenoptera Anatomy Portal (http://portal.hymao. org), Yoder et al. 2010), the Phenotypic Quality Ontology 1.2 (PATO; Gkoutos et al. 2004) and the Biospatial Ontology (Mungall 2013) via a table of uniform resource identifiers (URIs) (Appendix) following Seltmann et al. 2012. Towards semantic statements Verbatim descriptions composed in natural language serve as the traditional way for communicating observations in insect morphology. However, these descriptions can be decoded only by morphology experts, are hardly accessible to non-expert researchers and cannot be reasoned over efficiently by text-mining applications (Vogt et al. 2010, Deans et al. 2012a, b, Vogt et al. 2013). Morphological descriptions, albeit they are ar- guably more complex, shares numerous similarities with taxonomic descriptions which 30 Andrew FE Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) were the objects of recent efforts for altering the way of biodiversity descriptions into a more accessible format. Deans et al. (2012a) proposed a new description model for taxonomists applying semantic statements. [hese statements are written in a logic and queryable format and are linked to the concepts of biomedical ontologies. Semantic descriptions are therefore not only transparent for researchers unfamiliar with specific morphological jargon, but can be executed via an automated reasoning mechanism (Balhoff et al. in press, Mullins et al. 2012). To meet the grand challenge of describing phenotypes in a semantic way, using Web Ontology Language (OWL; http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-features/) for example, one must be familiar with tools of the Semantic Web (e.g., Protégé, http://protege. stanford.edu/ and Manchester Syntax, http://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-manchester-syn- tax/). Perhaps more importantly, one also has to provide a character/character state description with terms explicitly linked to ontologies. We provide here an example of the transformation of our natural language descrip- tions to character/character state format and to link the terminology to relevant pheno- type ontologies. Our goal is to make this product more accessible to future reasoning applications. During the “ontologization” procedure the describer is forced to provide strict, structure-based definitions for each anatomical concept, which itself enhances the readability, objectivity, consistency and comparability of the research product. Results I: Natural language descriptions of anatomical structures in the ceraphronoid ovipositor assembly and S7 Integument The first valvifer is dorsoventrally elongated in lateral view (ch1: 0; Ivf: Figs 2E, 5A, E, GA, D) with convex anterior (ch2:0) and straight (ch3:0; plv: Figs 2D, 4A, 6A) or con- cave posterior margins (ch3:1; plv: Fig. 3D) in all taxa except Dendrocerus where the posterior margin of the first valvifer is angled at the tergo-valviferal articulation (ch3:2; plv: Fig. 4F). The first valvifer is not subdivided (ch4:1; lvf: Figs 2E, 5A, E, 6A, D) except in Trassedia, where the transvalvifer conjunctiva (ch4:0; tve: Fig. 3E) separates the elongate dorsal sclerite (ch5:0; d1vf: Fig. 3E) from the triangular ventral sclerite of the first valvifer (ch6:0; vlvf: Fig. 3E). The sclerites articulate with one another at the intravalvifer articulation (ch7:0; iava: Figs 3C, E), which is located anteriorly on the border between the two sclerites (ch8:0). The ventral margin of the dorsal sclerite (ch9:0) and the anterodorsal margin of the ventral sclerite are thickened relative to surrounding regions (ch10:0). The anterior flange of the first valvifer (afl: Fig. 1F) overlapping the second valvifer is present (ch11:0) in Conostigmus, Dendrocerus and Megaspilus, and Lagynodes but absent from Ceraphronidae (ch11:1). The first valvifer articulates with the second valvifer on its posteroventral corner (ch12:0; intervalvifer articulation, iva: Figs 1B, 2C, 3A—C, E, 4A, F, 5A, B, E, GA, C, D) and with T9 on its posterior margin (ch13:0; tergo-valvifer articulation, tva: Figs 1B, 2C, 3B, C, E, 4A, Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... | Figure |. CLSM micrographs and bright field image showing the female terminalia of Megaspilus armatus (Say). A CLSM, medial view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156434) B CLSM, lateral view (doi: 10.6084/ m9.figshare. 156442) C CLSM, transverse section, white line indicates site of separation of median con- junctivae of the first valvulae (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156437) D bright field, lateral view E-F CLSM, frontal section, dorsal view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156458; doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.156457, doi: 10.6084/m9. figshare. 156456, doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156455). All anterior to the left. 32 Andrew FE Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) F, 5A, B, E, 6A, C, D). The tergo-valvifer articulation is in the middle of the posterior margin of the first valvifer in Conostigmus and Lagynodes (ch14:0; tva: Figs 2C, 4A), it is on the ventral half of the margin (ch14:1; tva: Figs 3B, C, E, 5A, B, E, 6D) in Cer- aphron, Aphanogmus sp. 2 and. Trassedia, where it is located ventrally on the posterior margin of the dorsal sclerite of the first valvifer (ch15:0; tva: Fig. 3B, C, E), it is in the upper half of the margin in Megaspilus and Dendrocerus (ch14:2; tva: Figs 1B, 4F) and adjacent to the anterior angle in Aphanogmus sp. 1 (ch14:3; twa: Figs 6A, C). The anterior area of the second valvifer is expanded dorsally into a broad, flat, laterally directed surface (ch16:0; aa: Figs 1A, 2E). The basal line of the second valvi- fer (ch17:0) is a sharply defined ridge in Ceraphron, Trassedia, and Aphanogmus sp. 2 (ch18:0; bl: Figs 3B—D, 5A, E, 6D) but a thickening with diffuse margins in Aphanog- mus sp.1 and Megaspilidae (ch18:1; bl: Figs 1D, 2C, E, 4A, F). The dorsal projection of the second valvifer (ch19:0) is longer than the length of the anterior area of the second valvifer in Ceraphron and Trassedia, and Aphanogmus sp. 2 (ch20:1; dp: Figs 3C, E ) whereas the projection is shorter than the length of the anterior area in other taxa examined (ch20:2. dp: Figs 2E, 4A). The anterior section of the dorsal flange of the second valvifer is sharply defined ridge in Ceraphron, Aphanogmus sp. 2, and. Tras- sedia (ch21:0; asf: Figs 3B, C, D, 5A-E, 6D) but a thickening with diffuse margins in Megaspilidae and Aphanogmus sp. 1 (ch21:1; asf: Figs 2C, E, E 4A, F). The posterior section of the dorsal flange of the second valvifer is sharply defined (ch22:0; psf: Figs 2C, E, 4A, D, 5A, E). The area of the second valvifer posterior to the intervalviofer articulation is elongate (ch23:0 pa: Figs 2C, E). The ventral margin of the second valvifer curves mediodorsally (ch24:0) encircling the posterior second valvifer-second valvula muscle (ch25:0. 2vf, M9: Fig. 1C). The genital membrane of the second valv- ifers accommodates the terebra when it is retracted (ch26:0; gm: Fig. 1C). The venom gland reservoir is surrounded by the second valvifer is present in Ceraphronidae and Lagynodes (ch27:0; res: Figs 3A—E). The reservoir was not observed in other Megaspili- dae (ch27:1). The content of the reservoir is yellowish, transparent and hard, resin-like (ch28:0; res: Fig. 5F) in critical point dried specimens. The first valvula tapers distally in lateral view in Ceraphron, Aphanogmus sp. 2 and Trassedia (ch29:0; 1vv: Figs 3B, 5A, FE, 6D), whereas it is spatulate in Megaspilidae and Aphanogmus sp. 1 (ch29:1; lwv: Figs 1A, D, 2A, C, D, E, 4A, B, 6B, C). The banding pattern and annuli are missing from the first valvula (ch30:0; ch31:0). The second valvulae are expanded proximally into the bulb (ch37:0; bulb: Figs 1A, D) and fused distal to the bulb (ch35:0). The dorsal valve tapers distally in dorsal view (ch36:0) and the anterior margin of the bulb is curved dorsally. The processus articula- ris is located laterally (ch32:0; pra: Figs 2F, 5D), the anterior notch of the dorsal valve anteriorly (ch33:0) and the processus muscularis anterodorsally on the bulb (ch34:0; prm: Fig. 2F). The anterior area of the second valvifer is 2.0 times as high as the bulb in lateral view in Dendrocerus and Aphanogmus sp. 1 (ch38:0; Figs 4E, 6B) whereas it is more than 2.0 times as high as the bulb in Ceraphron and Megaspilidae (ch39:1). Banding pattern is absent (ch39:0) whereas annuli are present on the dorsal valve in Megaspilidae (ch40:0; ann: Figs 1A, 2C) but absent in Ceraphronidae (ch40:1). The Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... 33 100 ym Figure 2. CLSM micrographs and bright field image showing the female terminalia of Conostigmus ab- dominalis (Boheman). A CLSM, medial view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156448) B CLSM, lateral view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156433) C bright field, medial view, muscles removed D bright field, medial view E bright field, medial view, first valvifer and T9 separated from second valvifer, muscles removed; FE, bright field, second valvifer removed from second valvulae, muscles removed. All anterior to the left. number of annuli is four (ch41:0) in Conostigmus and Lagynodes and six (ch41:1) in Megaspilus. The third valvula and the second valvifer are fused at the median bridge (ch42:0; ch44:0; mbr: Figs 3C, E) connecting the opposite second valvifers at their posteri- or ends. A ventral, vertical conjunctiva marks the site of fusion of the two sclerites (ch43:1; dve: Figs 2C, E, 3D, E, 4D). The third valvula tapers distally in lateral view 34 Andrew EF. Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) 200 um Figure 3. CLSM micrographs and bright field image showing the female terminalia of Trassedia luapi (Cancemi). A CLSM, lateral view, T8 intact (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.156440) B CLSM, lateral view, T8 removed (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156438) C CLSM, lateral view, muscles removed (doi: 10.6084/ m9.figshare.156444) D bright field, lateral view, muscles removed E CLSM, lateral view, muscles re- moved (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.156467). All anterior to the left. (ch45:0; 3vv: Figs 1B, 2B—-E, 3C-E, 4D, FE 5E, E 6A, B, P), its lateral wall is convex (ch46:0) and sclerotized (ch47:0) whereas its medial wall is concave (ch48:0; 3vwv: Fig. 3E) and membranous (ch49: 0; 3vv: Fig. 3F). Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... 3) 100 um Figure 4. CLSM micrographs and bright field image showing the female terminalia of Megaspilidae. A-C: Lagynodes sp.: A CLSM, lateral view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156443) B CLSM, medial view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.156454) C bright field, medial view. D-F Dendrocerus spissicornis (Hellén), CLSM: D ventral view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156451, doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156449) E medial view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156452) F lateral view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.156459, doi: 10.6084/ m9.figshare. 156450). All anterior to left. T9 is quadrangular in lateral view (ch50:0; T9: Figs 2B, C) and wider than long dorsomedially (ch51:0; T9: Figs 3D, E). The cordate apodeme and the anterior flange are continuous, composing the anterior ridge of T9 (ch52:0; ar9: Figs 2A—C, 3E, 4B), which is adjacent anteriorly with and separated posteriorly from the anterior margin of T9 (ch53:0.); the distance between the anterior margin of T9 and the ridge increases gradually posteriorly (ch54:0). 36 Andrew EF. Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) Figure 5. CLSM micrographs and bright field image showing the female terminalia of Ceraphron sp. A CLSM, lateral view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.156445) B CLSM, frontal section, dorsal view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156447) C bright field, lateral view D bright field, medial view, dorsal T9-second valvifer muscle removed E bright field, medial view, dorsal T9-second valvifer muscle intact; EK bright field, medial view, venom gland reservoir intact. All anterior to left. Muscles (numbered according to Vilhelmsen 2000) S7-first valvula muscle (M1: Figs 1B, D, 3A) arises anteriorly from S7 (ch55:0) and inserts on the first valvula at the dorsal margin of the ovipositor adjacent to the bor- der of the first valvula and the dorsal end of the first valvifer (ch56:0). The muscle is oriented posterodorsally (ch57:0). The dorsal T8-T9 muscle (M2: Figs 2A, 3A, 4A, B) arises from along the anterior margin of T8 (ch58:0) and inserts dorsally on the anterior margin of T9 (ch59:0). The lateral T8-T9 muscle (M3: Figs 1B, 2A, B, D, Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... 37 Figure 6. CLSM micrographs and bright field image showing the female terminalia of Ceraphronidae. A-C: Aphanogmus sp. 1: A CLSM, lateral view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156439) B CLSM, medial view (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare. 156446) C bright field, lateral view D Aphanogmus sp. 2, bright field, lateral view E Synarsis sp., SEM, lateral view F Cyoceraphron sp., SEM, lateral view. All anterior to left. 3A, 4A, 5A) arises from T8 posterodorsally of the dorsal T8-T9 muscle (ch60:0), and inserts on the anterior ridge of T9 (ch61:0). The T8-first valvifer muscle (M4: Figs 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 5A) arises from T8 dorsally of the site of attachment of the lateral T8-T9 muscle (ch62:0) and inserts on the first valvifer adjacent to the ninth tergal condyle of the first valvifer (ch63:0). The muscle inserts on the ventral sclerite of the first valvifer adjacent to the intravalvifer articulation (ch64:0; M4: Fig. 3A) 38 Andrew FE Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) in Trassedia. The dorsal T9-second valvifer muscle (M5: Figs 1A, B, D, E, 2A, B, D, 3B, 4A, B, D, E, F, 5A—-C, 6A) arises dorsally and ventrally from the anterior ridge of T9 with sites of origins extending ventrally and dorsally on the wall of the tergite (ch65:0) and inserts along the posterior margin of the anterior area of the second valvifer (ch66:0). The ventral T9-second valvifer muscle (M6: Figs 1A, B, D, E, 2A, B, D, 3B, 4A, B, D, FE, 5A, B, GA) is not subdivided (ch67:0) and arises from the medial side of the posterior area of the second valvifer (ch68:0). The site of insertion of the muscle extends along the anterior part of the anterior ridge of T9 in most taxa examined (ch69:0) except Megaspilus, and Dendrocerus where the muscle seemingly inserts partly on the interarticular ridge of the first valvifer (ch70:0; M6: Figs 1B, D, 4F). The posterior T9-second valvifer muscle (M7: Figs 1A, 2A, D, 4E) arises from the strap-like dorsal area of T9 (ch71:0) and inserts on the median bridge (ch72:0). The fan shaped first valvifer-genital membrane muscle (ch73:0; M8: Figs 1A, D, E, F, 3B, 5A, D) arises from the medial surface of the first valvifer near the intervalvifer articulation (ch74:0.). The site of insertion of the muscle extends along the genital membrane (ch75:0). In Trassedia the muscle arises from the medial surface of the dorsal sclerite of the first valvifer (ch76:1; M8: Fig. 3B). The posterior second valvifer-second valvula muscle (M9: Figs 1A-F, 2A, B, D, 3A, B, 4B, D-F, 5A, C, D) arises from the medial side of the posterior area of the second valvifer (ch77:0), and inserts on the processus musculares (ch78:0). In Ceraphron and Trassedia some bands of the muscle arise from the anterior area of the second valvifer (ch.77:1; M9: Figs 3A, B, 5A, C, D). T9-genital membrane muscle (ch79:0), lateral T9-second valvifer muscle (ch80:0), second valvifer-genital membrane muscle (ch81:0) and the anterior second valvifer-second valvula muscles (ch82:0) are absent from Ceraphronoidea. Results Il: Semantically enhanced characters and character states for ceraphronoid female terminalia. Integument First valvifer: shape (0) elongated in lateral view Anterior margin of first valvifer: shape (0) convex in lateral view Posterior margin of first valvifer: shape (0) straight in lateral view (1) concave in lateral view (2) bent at tergo-valvifer articulation Transvalvifer conjunctiva: count (0) present (1) absent Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... Dorsal sclerite of the first valvifer: shape (0) elongated in lateral view Ventral sclerite of the first valvifer: shape (0) triangular in lateral view Intravalvifer articulation: count (0) present (1) absent Intravalvifer articulation: position (0) anterior region of first valvifer Ventral margin of dorsal sclerite of the first valvifer: thickness (0) thickened Anterodorsal margin of ventral sclerite of the first valvifer: thickness (0) thickened Anterior flange of the first valvifer: count (0) present (1) absent Second valviferal condyle of the first valvifer: position (0) at the posteroventral corner of the first valvifer Ninth tergal condyle of the first valvifer: position (0) posterior margin of the first valvifer aD Distance between tergo-valvifer articulation and intravalvifer articulation (D1): pro- portion to the distance between tergo-valvifer articulation and anterior angle of first valvifer (D2). (0) D1=D2 (1) D1D2 (3) D2=0 Ninth tergal condyle of the first valvifer: position (0) on dorsal sclerite of the first valvifer Anterior area of the second valvifer: height vs. height of posterior area of second valvifer (0) 3<:1 Basal line of the second valvifer: count (0) present Basal line of the second valvifer: sharpness (0) sharp (1) blunt Dorsal projection of the second valvifer: count (0) present Length of dorsal projection of second valvifer in lateral view (L1) vs. length of ante- rior area of second valvifer in lateral view (L2) (O)sTAL +e I). aba eae 40 Andrew EF. Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) Anterior section of dorsal flange of the second valvifer: sharpness (0) sharp (1) blunt Posterior section of dorsal flange of second valvifer: sharpness (0) sharp Posterior area of second valvifer: shape (0) elongated Ventral margin of the second valvifer: curvature (0) curved medially and curved dorsally in lateral view Ventral margin of the second valvifer: position (0) surrounds posterior second valvifer-second valvula muscle Genital membrane: position (0) surrounds terebra Venom gland reservoir of the second valvifer: count (0) present (1) absent Venom gland reservoir of the second valvifer: physical quality (0) resinous Distal region of first valvula: shape (0) tapered (1) spatulate Banding pattern on first valvula: count (0) absent Annuli on first valvula: count (0) absent Processus articularis: position (0) anterolateral region of the bulb Anterior notch of the dorsal valve: position (0) anterior region of the bulb Processus musculares: position (0) anterodorsal region of the bulb Distal notch of the dorsal valve: count (0) absent Distal region of the dorsal valve: shape (0) tapered in dorsal view Anterior region of dorsal margin of the bulb: curvature (0) curved dorsally in lateral view Bulb: height in lateral view vs. height of anterior area of the second valvifer in lateral view (0) =0.5 (1) <0.5 Banding pattern on dorsal valve: count (0) absent Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... 4] Annuli on dorsal valve: count (0) present (1) absent Annuli on dorsal valve: count value (0) four (1) six Median bridge: count (0) present Distal vertical conjunctiva of the second valvifer-third valvifer complex: count (0) present Distal vertical conjunctiva of the second valvifer-third valvifer complex: overlap rela- tionship with dorsal margin of second valvifer-third valvula complex (0) does not overlap Distal region of the third valvula: shape (0) tapered in lateral view Lateral region of the third valvula: shape (0) convex in posterior view Lateral region of the third valvula: entity (0) is_a sclerite Medial region of the third valvula: shape (0) concave in posterior view Median region of the third valvula: entity (0) is_a conjunctiva T9: shape (0) quadrangular in lateral view Dorso-median region of T9: width in dorsal view vs. length in dorsal view (0) width > length Anterior ridge of T9: count (0) present Anterolateral region of anterior ridge of T9: position (0) adjacent to anterior margin of T9 Distance between Anterior ridge of T9 and anterior margin of T9: anterior-posterior gradient (0) increasing Muscles Attachment site of S7-first valvula muscle (M1) on S7: position (0) adjacent to the anterior margin of S7 Attachment site of S7-first valvula muscle (M1) on first valvula: position (0) dorsal to second valvifer 42 Andrew EF. Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) Attachment site of S7-first valvula muscle on first valvula: position (0) anterior to attachment site of S7-first valvula muscle on S7 Attachment site of dorsal T8-T9 muscle on T8: position (0) adjacent to the anterior margin of T8 Attachment site of dorsal T8-T9 muscle on T9: position (0) adjacent to anterior margin of the dorsomedial region of T9 Attachment site of lateral T8-T9 muscle on T8: position (0) posterodorsal to the attachment site of dorsal T8-T9 muscle on T8 Attachment site of lateral T8-T9 muscle on T9: position (0) adjacent to anterior ridge of T9 Attachment site of T8-first valvifer muscle on T8: position (0) dorsal to the attachment site of lateral T8-T9 muscle on T8 Attachment site of T8-first valvifer muscle on first valvifer: position (0) adjacent to the ninth tergal condyle of the first valvifer Attachment site of T8-first valvifer muscle on first valvifer: position (0) on ventral sclerite of the first valvifer adjacent to the intravalvifer articulation Attachment site of dorsal T9-second valvifer muscle on T9: position (0) adjacent to the anterior ridge of T9 and the region of T9 dorsal to and ventral to the anterior ridge of T9 Attachment site of dorsal T9-second valvifer muscle on second valvifer: position (0) adjacent to the anterior section of the dorsal flange of the second valvifer Ventral T9-second valvifer muscle: count value (0) 1 Attachment site of ventral T9-second valvifer muscle on second valvifer: position (0) posterior area of the second valvifer Attachment site of ventral T9-second valvifer muscle on T9: position (0) adjacent to anterior region of anterior ridge of T9 First valvifer-second valvifer muscle: count (0) present (1) absent Attachment site of posterior T9-second valvifer muscle on T9: position (0) on the dorsal region of T9 Attachment site of posterior T9-second valvifer muscle on second valvifer: position (0) on the median bridge First valvifer-genital membrane muscle: shape (0) fan shaped in dorsal view Attachment site of first valvifer-genital membrane muscle on first valvifer: position (0) on the medial side of the first valvifer adjacent to the intervalvifer articulation Attachment site of first valvifer-genital membrane muscle on genital membrane: posi- tion (0) along the median line of the genital membrane Attachment site of first valvifer-genital membrane muscle on first valvifer: position (0) on the medial side of the dorsal sclerite of the first valvifer Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... 43 Attachment site of posterior second valvifer-second valvula muscle on second valvifer: position (0) on the medial side of the posterior area of the second valvifer (1) on the medial side of the posterior area of the second valvifer and the anterior area of the second valvifer Attachment site of posterior second valvifer-second valvula muscle on second valvula: position (0) on the processus musculares T9-genital membrane muscle: count (0) absent Lateral T9-second valvifer muscle: count (0) absent second valvifer-genital membrane muscle: count (0) absent anterior second valvifer-second valvula muscles: count (0) absent Discussion The enormous diversity of ovipositor phenotype in Hymenoptera reflects the manner in which the female wasp finds feasible environments for her developing larvae. Host structure and location, as well as the different ways of storing the ovipositor, are argu- ably the principal factors driving the structural adaptation of these structures (Quicke et al. 1999, Vilhelmsen 2000, Vilhelmsen and Turrisi 2011). Major morphological characteristics of ceraphronoid ovipositors are most likely related to these influences. Storage of terebra The ceraphronoid ovipositor is stored in a horizontal position inside the metasoma, with its ventral part concealed by S7 (Fig. 6E). As the first oviposition movement, the contracting muscles between the apical metasomal tergites and sternites expose the ventral part of the ovipositor by rotating it and the ninth abdominal tergite posteriorly, from the resting, horizontal to the active, vertical position. This movement is common within Apocrita (Fig. 6F; Alam 1953, Copland 1976, Fergusson 1988). The mechanism of the extension of the terebra from the second valvifer-third val- vula complex is shared between Ceraphronoidea and most other Hymenoptera. The movement is facilitated by the posterior second valvifer-second valvula muscles (M9: Figs 1A—-F, 2A, B, D, 3A, B, 4B, D-E, 5A, C, D; Vilhelmsen 2000). When the mus- cles contract they cause the bulb to pivot anteriorly at the basal articulation that is composed of the processus articularis and pars articularis (pra, paa: Figs 2A, 2F). As the bulb pivots, the distal end of the terebra move into an extended active position - 44 Andrew EF. Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) compare Fig. 1B (partially extended) with Fig. 2B (retracted). The terebra is held in the longitudinal axis during oviposition: https://scholarsphere.psu.edu/files/r494vk42v At the end of the oviposition the terebra is retracted prior to the anterior rotation of the ovipositor/T9 complex into the resting, horizontal position. The retraction of the terebra, unlike its extension, seems to be unique for Ceraphronoidea. In other Hymenoptera the movement is accomplished by the contraction of the vertically ori- ented anterior second valvifer-second valvula muscle that arises from the anterodorsal margin of the second valvifer and inserts on the distal region of the bulb (King and Copland 1969, 1976, Vilhelmsen 2000, Fergusson 1988, Alam 1953). However, this muscle is absent from Ceraphronoidea, and thus we hypothesize a different mecha- nism for retracting the terebra. We observed a relatively large muscle arising from S7 and inserting dorsally on the first valvula in Ceraphronoidea (M1: Figs 1B, D, 3A). The position of the site of attachments of the muscle suggest that the S7-first valvula muscle (Figs 1B, 3A) aids in the retraction of the terebra. The presence of muscles arising from S7 and inserting on the first valvula has been reported only in some basal Hymenoptera (Dhillon 1966, Vilhelmsen 2000) and in one braconid species, Stenobracon deesae (Alam 1953). The S7-first valvulae muscle has an entirely different configuration in basal Hymenoptera. It arises from along the anterior margin of S7 and inserts on the proximal end of the ventral ramus of the first valvula and presumably contributes to the movement of the first valvula aiding the ventral T9-second valvifer muscle (Vilhelmsen 2000). In Stenobracon, however, the S7-first valvulae muscle has a very similar structure to that we reported in Ceraphronoidea (Alam 1953) suggesting the possible involvement of this muscle into the retraction of the terebra. Alam (1953) hypothesized that the muscle is involved in the movement of the median conjunctivae of the first valvulae (dorsal wall of the egg canal) influencing the egg movement along the egg canal. Although the anterior second valvifer-second valvulae muscle is present in all non-ceraphronoid Hymenoptera, it is possible that the S7-first valvulae muscle is involved in the retraction of the terebra in other Apocrita, and that this function is not an evolutionary novelty for Ceraphronoidea. Egg laying mechanism The paired first and second valvifers and T9, operated together by the dorsal and ven- tral T9-second valvifer muscles, form the ovipositor machinery that is responsible for “drilling” the terebra into a substrate and moving the egg along the egg canal (Vilhelm- sen 2000). As the dorsal T9-second valvifer muscle (M5: Figs 1A, B, D, E, 2A, B, D, 3B, 4A, B, D, E, KE 5A-C, 6A) contracts the first valvifer pivots posteriorly (in anterior to the left position) at the intervalvifer articulation while contraction of the antagonistic ventral T9-second valvifer muscle (M6: Figs 1A, B, D, E, 2A, B, D, 3B, 4A, B, D, FE 5A, B, GA) pulls the first valvifer in the opposite direction (compare the position of the tergo-valvifer (tva) and intervalvifer articulations (iva) on Figures 3A and 3E). As this Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... 45 movement is what slides the first valvula along the second valvulae, the distance the first valvifer moves determines the distance the first valvula moves. The left and right first valvulae slide back and forth alternately during the alternate contraction of the left and right T9-second valvifer muscle pairs (Ivf left, lvv right: Fig. 3B; Vilhelmsen 2000). This alternate movement is what is underlying the advance of the egg inside the ege canal and the drilling of the terebra into a substrate. The former function is facili- tated by the presence of internal, posteriorly oriented cuticular modifications (Austin and Browning 1981) while the latter could be aided by anchoring structures on the first valvulae (Vilhelmsen 2000). Adaptations effecting the alternate movements and configuration of the first val- vulae might be mostly affected by the hardness of the substrate and constraints for fast oviposition. Oviposition into a concealed, and therefore relatively immobile host re- quires a robust system that has to be strong enough to drill or break the barrier. On the other hand, parasitization of an exposed, mobile but relatively soft host requires fast and perhaps less robust mechanism. Two major egg laying habits have been recorded within Ceraphronoidea: oviposition inside a mobile host and oviposition trough a hard but relatively thin barrier enclosing the host, which has restricted movement (Dessart 1995b, c). Ceraphron and numerous Aphanogmus species were reported to parasitize free living Diptera larvae (Laborius 1972) whereas most Dendrocerus species and some Aphanogmus parasitize hosts hidden by the hardened integument of the primary host (Fergusson 1980), the wall of the cocoon (Peter and David 1990, Alam 1985) or galls (Bakke 1955) developed around the host. The relative distance between the anterior angle of the first valvifer and the inter- valvifer articulation (ang, iva: Figs 1B, 2C, E, 3C, E, 4A, E, FE 5A, 6A, C, D) is most probably positively correlated with the degree of the sliding motion of the first valvula (Prentice 1998). The posterior margin of the first valvifer angled at the tergo-valvifer articulation (tva: Fig.) in most Hymenoptera (Oeser 1961, Vilhelmsen 2000). It is easy to see that the distance between the anterior angle of the first valvifer and the intervalvifer articulation and thus the degree of motion of the first valvula is larger with less acute angle at the tergo-valvifer articulation. A straight posterior margin of the first valvifer has been reported in a few Chalcidoidea (Epidinocarsis, Le Ralec et al. 1996; Spalangia, fig. 6 in Copland and King 1972) and in Apoidea (Pryonx, Pren- tice 1989). The only ceraphronoid taxon with a angled margin is Dendrocerus, while the rest have straight or concave (Trassedia) posterior margins. The location of the tergo-valvifer articulation on the posterior margin of the first valvifer seems to be also influenced by the way the first valvifer is moved. The closer the tergo-valvifer articu- lation is to the intervalvifer articulation and the further from the anterior angle, the further the first valvula will slide on the second valvula. The tergo-valvifer articulation is adjacent to the anterior angle of the first valvifer in Aphanogmus sp1. This indicates a first valvula sliding motion of very short distance but, considering the extended site of origin of the T9-second valvifer muscles, with relatively great power. The presence of an anterior angle corresponding to the tergo-valviferal articulation is unique in Hymenoptera. 46 Andrew EF. Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) Two ridges/apodemes are present on T9 in most Hymenoptera, the anterior flange of T9 and the cordate apodeme. ‘The anterior flange extends along the anterior margin of the tergite and might be homologous with the antecosta of the ninth abdominal tergum of other insects because it receives the site of attachment of the dorsal T8-T9 muscle in Macroxyela (Vilhelmsen 2000). The dorsal T9-second valvifer muscle arises at least partly from the flange in the rest of Hymenoptera. The cordate apodeme is close to the tergo-valvifer articulation and receive the site of attachment of the ventral T9-second valvifer muscle. It is apophysis-like and extends internally in most basal hymenopterans but ridge-like and extended posteriorly in Siricoidea, Orussidae, and numerous Apocrita (“diagonal ridge” sensu Fergusson 1988). The apodeme is usually well separated from the anterior flange of T9 in Apocrita, except in Bruchophagus, where they are seemingly fused anteriorly (Copland and King 1971). Only one ridge, the anterior ridge of T9 extends along the anterior margin of T9 and receives the site of attachment of both the ventral and the dorsal T9-second valvifer muscles in Ceraphro- noidea. This condition is unique in Hymenoptera. As described above, the dorsal and ventral T9-second valvifer muscles move the first valvifer indirectly. Host relationships of Megaspilus remain unknown, but it is possible that some bands of the ventral muscle insert on the interarticular ridge of the first valvula and thus the contraction of it might cause the direct movement of the sclerite. The first valvifer is composed of two articulating sclerites in Trassedia. Although this condition is possibly plesiomorphic for Insecta (Klass et al. 2013) it is present only in a few taxa i.e. Archaeognatha, most ovipositor bearing Odonata and some Der- maptera (Klass personal communication). When the ventral T9-second valvifer muscle contracts the two sclerites of the first valvifer pivot anteriorly together as one unit. The two sclerites articulate with one another anteriorly, however, allowing the dorsal scler- ite to pivot posteriorly on the ventral sclerite at the intravalvifer articulation when the dorsal T9-second valvifer muscle is contracted (Figs 3A—E). The first valvulae are thus enabled to slide a very long distance along the second valvulae in this unique system, probably allowing the egg to move quickly down the length of the ovipositor. The presence or absence of annuli at the tip of the ovipositor may depend on the hardness of the substrate into which the wasp is ovipositing, as well as the circumstanc- es under which oviposition is taking place (Quicke et al. 1999, Le Ralec et al. 1996, Gerling et al. 1998). Megaspilidae, similar to numerous other non-ichneumonoid apo- critans do have annuli apically only on the second valvulae whereas Ceraphronidae lack them from both valvulae. In general it seems that the harder the substrate is, the more developed the ovipositor sculpture is (Le Ralec et al. 1996). A minute gland (dgl?: Figs 3B, 5A) and a relatively larger gland reservoir (res: Figs 3A-E, 5A, B, E, F, 4C), enclosed by the second valvifers, have been detected in Ceraphronidae including Trassedia and Lagynodes. The Dufour’s gland and the venom gland reservoir has a similar location in some Chalcidoidea (Copland and King 1971) where it was hypothesized that the ventral second T9-second valvifer muscles might aid to discharge the reservoir (res: Fig. 5B). The gland extract of this possible venom reservoir is resin-like (hard, transparent and amber colored) in critical point dried Cer- Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... 47 aphron specimens (res: Fig. 5F) implying its possible cement nature that might be used for coating the eggs or fastening them on a surface. Ceraphron and some Aphanogmus species are reported to be endoparasitoids (Cordero and Cave 1992) in which lifestyle the egg coating can be crucial for avoiding the host immune response. We did not observe any glands or resin containing reservoirs in Megaspilinae. Holler et al. (1993) identified the Dufour’s gland in Dendrocerus carpenteri outside of the second valvifers and reported the absence of the venom gland in this taxon. Nevertheless, more ac- curate, TEM based examination of the accessory gland system of Ceraphronoidea is needed for clarifying the function of the gland and gland reservoir located inside the second valvifer. In general, the ovipositors of Ceraphron, Trassedia and Aphanogmus sp. 2 are less robust and capable of a very large degree of motion, corresponding to the available data about ovipositing in exposed and active hosts. Trassedia represents, perhaps, a more extreme version of the “quickly into soft substrate” oviposition type. Megaspilidae, on the other hand, have a stronger, more robust ovipositor systems, which afford the smaller degree of motion required for handling a harder substrate concealing a static host. Dendrocerus, for example, exhibits extended sites of origins for muscles and a very small degree of motion for the first valvulae. Aphanogmus sp. 1, although it belongs to Ceraphronidae, shares numerous characteristics with Dendrocerus and therefore may represent the Aphanogmus-group that parasitizes hosts obscured by harder barrier, e.g., the wall of a plant gall, and thus is a case of parallelism driven by the same environ- mental constraints. So far it is widely accepted that Ceraphronoidea is composed of two extant fami- lies, Ceraphronidae and Megaspilidae, plus two fossil families not treated here. The limits between the two families, however, have been challenged recently (Miké and Deans 2009, Mik6 et al. in press). Although the presence of the annuli in Megaspilidae and absence from Ceraphronidae supports the traditional classification, the location of a resin producing gland inside the second valvifers is shared by the megaspilid subfam- ily Lagynodinae and Ceraphronidae. Acknowledgments We thank the following curators who loaned material to conduct this study: Lubomir Masner from the Canadian National Collection, Brian Fisher from California Acad- emy of Sciences, Bob Zuparko from California Academy of Sciences and the Berkeley Essig Museum, Michael Sharkey from the University of Kentucky, and Dave Karls- son of Uppsala University. We are grateful to Matt Yoder, Lars Vilhelmsen, Katja Seltmann, Matt Bertone, Patricia Mullins, Heather Campbell, Bob Blinn, Lubomir Masner and Jim Balhoff for valuable input and assistance with this manuscript. We especially thank Eva Johannes (Cellular and Molecular Imaging Facility, NCSU) and Missy Hazen (Penn State Microscopy and Cytometry Facility - University Park, PA) for her help with CLSM, Chuck Mooney (Analytical Instrumentation Facility, NCSU) 48 Andrew EF. Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) for his assistance with SEM and Rolf Beutel. This research was funded in part by the U. S. 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Appendix 53 Anatomical terms used, cross-referenced to an ontological (formal) definition (Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology; URI = Uniform Resource Identifier). Abbrevi- Label Concept URI ation absent A quality denoting the lack of an entity. http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/PATO_0000462 adjacent to A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by vir-_ | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ tue of the bearer’s being located near in space | obo/PATO_0002259 in relation to another entity. ann annulus, annuli | The carina that is transverse and extends http://purl.obolibrary.org/ across the lateral wall of the terebra. obo/HAO_0001173 ang anterior angle of | The corner on the first valvifer that marks http://purl.obolibrary.org/ the first valvifer | the posterior end of the first valvula. obo/HAO_ 0002168 aa anterior area The area of the second valvifer which is ante- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the second __| rior to the anatomical line that is the shortest | obo/ HAO_0002169 valvifer distance from the first valviferal fossa of the second valvifer and the ventral margin of the second valvifer anterior flange | The flange that extends along the anterolat- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of T9 eral margin of female T9. obo/HAO_0001171 afl anterior flange | The flange that extends anteriorly on the first | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the first val- | valvifer and overlaps with the posterior mar- | obo/HAO_0002166 vifer gin of the anterior area of the second valvifer. anterior margin | anatomical margin and (overlaps some ante- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ rior side) obo/BSPO_0000671 an2 anterior notch | The notch that is located anteriorly on the _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the dorsal dorsal ramus of the second valvula that ac- | obo/ HAO_0002178 valve commodates the ventral ramus of the second valvula and the first valvula. anterior region, | anatomical region and (overlaps some ante-_| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ anteriorly rior side) obo/BSPO_0000071 ar9 anterior ridge _| The ridge that extends along the anterior http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of T9 margin of female T9 and receives the site obo/ HAO_0002182 of origin of the ventral and the dorsal T9- second valvifer muscles. anterior second | The ovipositor muscle that arises from the _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ valvifer-second | anterodorsal part of the second valvifer and | obo/HAO_0001166 valvula muscle | inserts subapically on the processus articu- lares. asf anterior section | The area of the dorsal flange of the second _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of dorsal flange of the second valvifer valvifer that is anterior to the site of origin of the basal line. obo/HAO_0002173 anterior to A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer’s being located toward the front of an organism relative to another entity. http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/PATO_0001632 54 Andrew EF. Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) Abbrevi- Label Concept URI ation anterodorsal anatomical margin and (overlaps some ante- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ margin rior side) and (overlaps some dorsal side) obo/BSPO_0000686 anterolateral Anatomical region and (overlaps some ante- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ region rior side) and (overlaps some lateral side) obo/BSPO_0000029 apodeme The process that is internal. http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/HAO_0000142 attachement site | The area of the integument where muscles _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ are attached to epidermal cells. obo/HAQO_0002184 banding pattern | The anatomical cluster that is composed of _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ the strongly sclerotised areas corresponding | obo/HAO_0001176 with the annuli and less strongly sclerotised areas situated between them. basal articula- _| The articulation that is part of the second http://purl.obolibrary.org/ tion valvifer-second valvula-third valvula complex | obo/HAO_0001177 and adjacent to the rhachis. bl basal line of the | The line on the second valvifer that extends | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ second valvifer | between the pars articularis and the dorsal obo/HAO_0002171 flange of second valvifer. bent A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the bearer’s having one or more angle(s) in | obo/PATO_0000617 its length. blunt A shape quality inhering in a bearer by vir- _| http://purl-obolibrary.org/ tue of the bearer’s terminating gradually in a | obo/PATO_0001950 rounded end. bulb bulb The anterior area of the dorsal valve that is | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ bulbous. obo/HAO_0002177 concave A shape quality in a bearer by virtue of the __| http://purl-obolibrary.org/ bearer’s curving inward. obo/PATO_0001857 conjunctiva The area of the integument that is weakly http://purl.obolibrary.org/ sclerotized, with thin exocuticle. obo/HAO_0000221 convex A shape quality that obtains by virtue of the | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ bearer having inward facing edges; having | obo/PATO_0001355 a surface or boundary that curves or bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere. cordate The apodeme on the anterior margin of the | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ apodeme abdominal tergum 9 that receives the ventral | obo/ HAO_0001585 T9-second valvifer muscle. corner The projection that is located at the intersec- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ tion of two or more edges. obo/HAO_0000223 count The number of entities of this type that are | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ count value part of the whole organism. obo/PATO_0000070 http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/PATO_0000416 curvature A surface shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer’s exhibiting a degree of bending. http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/PATO_0001591 Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... ee) Abbrevi- Label Concept URI ation curved dorsally | A curvature quality inhering ina bearer by | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ virtue of the bearer’s being curved towards obo/PATO_0001468 the back or upper surface of an organism. curved medially | A curvature quality inhering ina bearer by __| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ virtue of the bearer’s being curved towards obo/PATO_0002164 the middle. distal notch of | The notch that is distal on the dorsal valve. | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ the dorsal valve obo/HAO_0002179 distal region Anatomical region and (overlaps some distal | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ side) obo/BSPO_0000078 dvc distal vertical | The conjunctiva that traverses the second http://purl.obolibrary.org/ conjunctiva valvifer-third valvula complex and is located | obo/HAO_0002180 of the second _| distal to the median bridge of the second valvifer-third valvifer. valvifer complex distance A quality that is the extent of space between _ | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ two entities. obo/PATO_0000040 dorsal margin | Anatomical margin and (overlaps some dor-_| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ sal side). obo/BSPO_0000679 dp dorsal projec- _| The projection that is located on the second _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ tion of the valvifer and corresponds to the proximal end | obo/HAO_0002172 second valvifer | of the rachis. dorsal region anatomical region and (overlaps some dorsal _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ side) obo/BSPO_0000079 divf dorsal sclerite of | The sclerite of the first valvifer that is located | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ the first valvifer | dorsally of the transvalviferal conjunctiva. obo/HAO_0002163 M2 dorsal T8-T9 — | The abdominal muscle that arises from the __| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ muscle anteromedian margin of female T8 and obo/HAO_0001571 inserts on the anteromedian margin of the female T9. M5 dorsal T9- The ovipositor muscle that arises along the __| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ second valvifer posterodorsal part of the anterior margin of obo/HAO_0001569 muscle female T9 and inserts on the anterior section of the dorsal flanges of the second valvifer. dorsal to x dorsal_to y if x is further along the dorso- _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ ventral axis than y, towards the back. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that bisects an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly). obo/BSPO_0000098 dorsal valve The area that is articulated with the right and left second valvifers at the basal articula- tion and bears the rhachies. http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/HAO_0001658 dorsal view http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/BSPO_0000063 dorsomedial anatomical region and (overlaps some dorsal | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ region side) and (overlaps some medial side) obo/BSPO_0000069 56 Andrew EF. Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) Abbrevi- Label Concept URI ation ec egg canal The anatomical space that is between the left | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ and right rhachises. obo/ HAO_ 0002191 elongated A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of __| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ the bearer’s length being notably higher than | obo/PATO_0001154 its width. fan-shaped A quality inhering in a bearer that is shaped | http://purl-obolibrary.org/ in the form of a fan. obo/PATO_0002219 lvf first valvifer The area of the first valvifer-first valvula http://purl.obolibrary.org/ complex that is proximal to the aulax, bears | obo/HAO_0000338 the ninth tergal condyle of the first valvifer and the second valviferal condyle of the first valvifer and is connected to the genital mem- brane by muscle. M8 first valvifer- The ovipositor muscle that arises from the _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ genital mem- _| posterior part of the first valvifer and inserts | obo/HAO_0001746 brane muscle __| anteriorly on the genital membrane anetrior to the T9-genital membrane muscle. first valvifer- The ovipositor muscle that arises from the __| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ second valvifer | first valvifer and inserts on the second val- _| obo/ HAO_0002189 muscle vifer. lvv first valvula, The area of the first valvifer-first valvula http://purl.obolibrary.org/ first valvulae complex that is delimited distally by the obo/ HAO_0000339 proximal margin of the aulax. gm genital mem- _| The conjunctiva that connects the ventral http://purl.obolibrary.org/ brane margins of the second valvifers. obo/HAO_0001757 height A 1-D extent quality inhering in a bearer by | http://purl-obolibrary.org/ virtue of the bearer’s vertical dimension of obo/PATO_0000119 extension. increasing quality and (increased_in_magnitude_rela- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ tive_to some normal) obo/PATO_0002300 iar interarticular The ridge that extends along the posterior _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ ridge of the first | margin of the first valvifer between the inter- | obo/HAO_0001562 valvifer valvifer and tergovalvifer articulations. iva intervalvifer The articulation between the first valvifer http://purl.obolibrary.org/ articulation and second valvifer. obo/HAO_ 0001558 iava intravalvifer The articulation between the dorsal sclerite | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ articulation of the first valvifer and the ventral sclerite of | obo/HAO_0002165 the first valvifer. lateral region anatomical region and (overlaps some lateral | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ side) obo/BSPO_0000082 M3 lateral T8-T9 =| The ninth abdominal tergal muscle that http://purl.obolibrary.org/ muscle arises from the anterolateral margin of obo/ HAO_0001776 female T8 and inserts on the anterolateral margin of female T9. lateral T9- The muscle that arises from the posteroven- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ second valvifer muscle tral parts of the female T9 and inserts on the median bridge. obo/HAO_0002187 Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... 57 Abbrevi- Label Concept URI ation lateral view http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/BSPO_0000066 length of an- The anatomical line that is parallel with http://purl.obolibrary.org/ terior area of the longitudinal body axis and the shortest | obo/HAO_0002240 second valvifer | among the anatomical lines that extends between the anterior and posterior margins of the anterior area of the second valvifer. length of dorsal | The anatomical line that is parallel with http://purl.obolibrary.org/ projection the longitudinal body axis and the shortest | obo/HAO_0002193 among the anatomical lines that extends between the anterior and posterior margins of the dorsal projection. length of female | The anatomical line that is parallel with http://purl.obolibrary.org/ r9 the longitudinal body axis and the short- obo/ HAO_0002241 est among the anatomical lines that extend between the anterior and posterior margins of female T9. medial side a point in the centre of the organism (where | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ the left-right axis intersects the midsagittal | obo/BSPO_0000067 plane) median bridge | The area that connects posterodorsally the _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ second valvifers and is the site of attachment | obo/HAO_0001780 for the posterior [9-second valvifer muscle. mc2 distal notch of | The notch that is distal on the dorsal valve. _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ the dorsal valve obo/ HAO_ 0002179 mel medial conjunc- | The conjunctiva that extends medially along | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ tiva of the first | the first valvula. obo/ HAO_0002192 valvulae median line An axis that bisects an organism from head __| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ end to opposite end of body or tail. obo/BSPO_0000013 medial region _| anatomical region and (overlaps some medial | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ side) obo/BSPO_0000083 ninth tergal The condyle that is located on the first val- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ condyle of the | vifer and articulates with the first valviferal | obo/HAO_0002160 first valvifer fossa of T9. oth olistheters The anatomical cluster that is composed of | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ the rhachis of the second valvula and the obo/ HAO_0001103 aulax of the first valvula. overlaps x overlaps y if they have some part in com-__| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ mon. obo/bspo%23 overlaps ovipositor The anatomical cluster that is composed http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the first valvulae, second valvulae, third obo/HAO_0000679 valvulae, first valvifers, second valvifers and female T9. paa pars articularis | The articular surface that is situated ante- http://purl.obolibrary.org/ riorly on the ventral margin of the second valvifer and forms the lateral part of the basal articulation. obo/HAO_0001606 58 Andrew FE Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) Abbrevi- Label Concept URI ation position A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by http://purl.obolibrary.org/ virtue of the bearer’s spatial location relative | obo/PATO_0000140 to other objects in the vicinity. posteriorly anatomical gradient and (has_axis some http://purl.obolibrary.org/ anterior/posterior axis) obo/BSPO_0000052 pa posterior area _| The area of the second valvifer that is poste- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the second __| rior to the anatomical line that is the shortest | obo/HAO_0002170 valvifer distance from the first valviferal fossa of the second valvifer to the ventral margin of the second valvifer. posterior mar- | anatomical margin and (overlaps some pos- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ gin terior side) obo/BSPO_0000672 plv posterior mar- | The margin of the first valvifer that is pos- —_| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ gin of first terior and extends between the intervalvifer | obo/HAO_0002159 valvifer articulation and the anterior angle of the first valvifer. M9 posterior second | The ovipositor muscle that arises postero- http://purl.obolibrary.org/ valvifer-second | ventrally from the second valvifer and inserts | obo/HAO_0001815 valvula muscle | on the processus musculares of the second valvula. psf posterior section | The area of the dorsal flange of the second _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of dorsal flange | valvifer that is posterior to the to the site of | obo/HAO_0002174 of the second __| origin of the basal line. valvifer M7 posterior T9- —_| The ovipositor muscle that arises medially _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ second valvifer | from the posterodorsal part of female T9 and | obo/HAO_0001813 muscle inserts on the median bridge of the second valvifers. posterior view hetp://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/BSPO_0000056 postero-medial | anatomical region and (overlaps some poste- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ region rior side) and (overlaps some medial side) obo/BSPO_0000070 posterodorsal to | A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by http://purl.obolibrary.org/ virtue of the bearer’s being located toward obo/PATO_0001916 the rear and upper surface of an organism relative to another entity. posteroventral | The corner of the first valvifer that is adja- _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ corner of first cent to the intervalvifer articulation. obo/HAO_0002239 valvifer present A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of | http://purl-obolibrary.org/ the bearer’s existence. obo/PATO_0000467 pra processus ar- The process that extends laterally from the __| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ ticularis proximal region of the second valvula and forms the median part of the basal articula- tion, and corresponds to the site of attach- ment for the anterior second valvifer-second valvula muscle. obo/HAO_0001704 Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... 59 Abbrevi- Label Concept URI ation prm processus mus- | The apodeme that extends dorsally from the | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ culares proximal part of the second valvula to the obo/HAO_0001703 genital membrane and receives the site of attachment of the posterior second valvifer- second valvula muscle. a proportion A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of —_| http://purl-obolibrary.org/ _ the bearer’s magnitude in respect to a related | obo/PATO_0001470 entity. quadrangular _| A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the bearer’s having four angles and four | obo/ PATO_0001988 sides. region A 3D region in space without well-defined _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ compartmental boundaries; for example, the | obo/BSPO_0000070 dorsal region of an ectoderm. resinous A physical quality inhering in a bearer by http://purl.obolibrary.org/ virtue of the bearer exhibiting molecular at- | obo/PATO_0002331 traction to another entity in contact. ridge The apodeme that is elongate. http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/HAO_0000899 S7 The sternite that is connected to the first http://purl.obolibrary.org/ valvula via muscles. obo/HAO_0002185 S7-first valvula | The muscle that originates from the abdomi- | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ muscle nal sternum 7 and inserts on the first valvula. | obo/ HAO_0001668 sclerite, sclerites | The area of the integument where the cuticle | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ is well sclerotised with thick exocuticle. obo/HAO_ 0000909 second valvifer- | The ovipositor muscle that arises anteriorly | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ genital mem- _| from the dorsal flange of the second valvifer | obo/HAO_0001672 brane muscle and inserts anteriorly on the dorsal part of the genital membrane. 2vf second valvifer | The area of the second valvifer-second val- _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ second valvifer- genital mem- brane muscle second valviferal condyle of the first valvifer second valvifer- third valvula complex vula-third valvula complex that is proximal to the basal articulation and to the processus musculares and articulates with female T9. The ovipositor muscle that arises anteriorly from the dorsal flange of the second valvifer and inserts anteriorly on the dorsal part of the genital membrane. The condyle that is located on the first val- vifer and articulates with the first valviferal fossa of the second valvifer. The area of the second valvifer-second valvu- la-third valvula complex that is proximal to the basal articulation. obo/HAO_0000927 http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/HAO_0001672 http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/HAO_0002167 http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/HAQO_0002181 2vv second valvula, second valvulae The area of the second valvifer-second valvula-third valvifer complex that is distal to the basal articulation and to the processus musculares and is limited medially by the median body axis. http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/HAO_0000928 60 Andrew EF. Ernst et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 25-61 (2013) Abbrevi- Label Concept URI ation spa sensillar patch | The patch that is composed of placoid sen- _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ silla adjacent to the intervalvifer articulation. | obo/HAO_0001671 shape A morphological quality inhering in a bearer | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ by virtue of the bearer’s ratios of distances obo/PATO_0000052 between its features (points, edges, surfaces and also holes etc). sharpness A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the bearer’s having a sharp or tapered end | obo/PATO_0000944 or point. sharp A shape quality inhering in a bearer by vir- _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ tue of the bearer’s terminating in a point or | obo/PATO_0001419 edge. spatulate A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the bearer’s being oblong, with the lower | obo/PATO_0001937 end very much attenuated. straight A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the bearer’s being free of curves, bends, or | obo/PATO_0002180 angles. surrounds http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/BSPO_0000101 T8 The tergite that is connected to female T9 by | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ muscles. obo/HAO_ 0002188 T8-first valvifer | The ovipositor muscle that originates from _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ muscle the lateral part of female T8 and insertson | obo/HAO_0001640 the dorsal margin of the first valvifer. T9 The tergite that is articulted with the first http://purl.obolibrary.org/ valvifer and second valvifer and is connected | obo/HAO_0000075 to the second valvifer via muscles. T9-genital The ovipositor muscle that arises from the __| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ membrane cordate apodeme and inserts dorsally on the | obo/HAO_0001639 muscle proximal part of the genital membrane and on the opposite cordate apodeme. tapered A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the bearer’s being gradually narrower or | obo/PATO_0001500 thinner toward one end. trb terebra The anatomical cluster that is composed of | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ the first and second valvulae. obo/HAO_ 0001004 tva tergo-valvifer | The articulation that is located between the | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ articulation abdominal tergum 9 and the first valvifer obo/ HAO_0001636 and is composed of the ninth tergal condyle of the first valvifer and the first valviferal fossa of the ninth tergite. thickened A thickness which is relatively high. http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/PATO_0000591 thickness A 1-D extent quality which is equal to the __| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ dimension through an object as opposed to its length or width. obo/PATO_0000915 Morphology and function of the ovipositor mechanism in Ceraphronoidea... 61 Abbrevi- Label Concept URI ation 3vv third valvula, The area of the second valvifer-third valvula | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ third valvulae complex that is posterior to the distal verti- | obo/ HAO_0001012 cal conjunctiva of the second valvifer-third valvula complex. tvc transvalvifer The conjunctiva that traverses the first val- _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ conjunctiva vifer and separates the dorsal and ventral obo/ HAO_0002162 sclerites of the first valvifer. triangular A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the bearer’s having three angles. obo/PATO_0001875 res venom gland The gland reservoir that is between the sec- _| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ reservoir of the | ond valvifers. obo/HAO_0002176 second valvifer ventral margin | anatomical margin and (overlaps some ven-_| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ tral side) obo/BSPO_0000684 v2 ventral ramus | The area of the second valvifer-second http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the second vavula-third valvifer complex that bears the | obo/HAO_0001107 valvula rhachis. vlv ventral sclerite | The sclerite of the first valvifer that is ventral | http://purl.obolibrary.org/ of the first val- | to the transvalviferal conjunctiva. obo/HAO_0002164 vifer M6 ventral T9- The ovipositor muscle that arises from the __| http://purl.obolibrary.org/ second valvifer muscle lateral region of female T9 and inserts along the posterior part of the dorsal flange of the second valvifer. obo/HAO_0001616 ventral to width x ventral_to y if x is further along the dorso- ventral axis than y, towards the front. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that bisects an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly). A 1-D extent quality which is equal to the distance from one side of an object to an- other side which is opposite. http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/BSPO_0000102 http://purl.obolibrary.org/ obo/PATO_0000921