ore JHR 33: 83-90 (20 I 3) JOURNAL CF Apeenreviewed open-access journal Pie ae (>) Hymenoptera www.pensoft.net/journals/jhr The imernaonl Scie of Hymenopexriss, RESEARCH A new brachypterous species of Heterospilus Haliday (Braconidae, Doryctinae) from the Neotropical Region Robert R. Kula!* I Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, c/o National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, RO. Box 37012, MRC 168, Washington, DC 20013-7012, U.S.A. T Attp://zoobank.org/76A42D9B-5EFF-4494-8729-CIDF9II15CA5B Corresponding author: Robert R. Kula (Robert.Kula@ars.usda.gov) Academic editor: G. Broad | Received 19 September 2012 | Accepted 7 May 2012 | Published 1 August 2013 Attp://zoobank. org/D13232FD-55F4-42BE-97FC-97C5283714A2 Citation: Kula RR (2013) A new brachypterous species of Heterospilus Haliday (Braconidae, Doryctinae) from the Neotropical Region. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 83-90. doi: 10.3897/JHR.33.4009 Abstract A new species, Heterospilus michaeli Kula, from the Neotropical Region is described and differentiated from all other New World species of Doryctinae with brachypterous or apterous individuals. It is the first species of Heterospilus Haliday in the Neotropical Region known to exhibit brachyptery and the fourth described brachypterous species of Heterospilus worldwide. Errors and omissions in a recently published article on brachypterous and apterous doryctines in the New World are corrected. Keywords Apterous, aptery, brachyptery, Neotropical, parasitoid, taxonomy Introduction Kula (2011) described Heterospilus belokobylskiji Kula and Heterospilus vincenti Kula, the first New World species of Heterospilus Haliday known to exhibit either brachyptery or aptery. There were also two brachypterous species of Heterospilus known from the Palearctic Region, Heterospilus brachyptera (Jakimavicius, 1968) and Heterospilus he- Copyright Robert R. Kula. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 84 Robert R. Kula / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 83-90 (2013) mipterus (Thomson, 1892), at that time. Belokobylskij and Kula (2012) synonymized the two aforementioned species. A new brachypterous species of Heterospilus from the Neotropical Region was discovered following the publication of Kula (2011). The new species is described herein, increasing the total number of brachypterous species of Heterospilus worldwide to four. Belokobylskij and Kula (2012) provided thorough background on brachyptery and aptery in Braconidae. Kula (2011) discussed the New World doryctines that ex- hibit brachyptery and aptery and provided a table indicating wing conditions for each species. However, errors and omissions were discovered in the discussion and table af- ter Kula (2011) was published; they are corrected in this article. Additionally, research carried out as part of Belokobylskij and Kula (2012) elucidated wing conditions previ- ously unknown or not reported for certain species in table 1 of Kula (2011). Therefore, the table is updated and included in this article. Materials and methods Specimens of the new species described herein were borrowed from the University of Wyoming Insect Museum, Laramie, U.S.A. (ESUW). They were examined as in Kula (2009), and their placement in Heterospilus was determined through reference to Marsh (2002), Marsh (1997), and Seltmann and Sharkey (2007). Specimens of the new species were compared with the holotypes of H. belokobylskiji and H. vincenti, as well as the paratype of each species (all in the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, U.S.A. [USNM)]). The new species was differentiated from H. hemipterus using data in Belokobylskij and Kula (2012). Additionally, specimens of all New World species of Doryctinae with brachypterous or apterous individuals except Oroceguera andersoni Seltmann & Sharkey and Pseno- bolus triangularis van Achterberg & Marsh were examined as part of research reported in Kula (2011). See Kula (2011) for details on the numbers and kinds of specimens examined. Ecphylus caudatus, known from the Palearctic and Oriental regions, was mistakenly included in the list of specimens examined in Kula (2011) instead of the Nearctic species Ecphylus arcuatus Muesebeck. However, the holotype and six paratypes of FE. arcuatus (all in the USNM) were examined as part of that research. Additionally, the author does not consider Ecphylopsis swezeyi Beardsley a species of Heterospilus as suggested in Marsh (2002) based on examination of that species as discussed in Kula (2011). Terminology for morphological features, setation, and surface sculpture follows references listed in the materials and methods of Kula (2011). Wing conditions in Ta- ble 1 are characterized as brachypterous, micropterous, or apterous as in Belokobylskij and Kula (2012). Measurements, abbreviations, and imaging are as in Kula (2011). The maxillary and labial palpi were obscured in both female specimens of the new spe- cies. Therefore, data on penultimate maxillary palpomere length:flagellomere 1 length ratio are not presented in the description of the female. A new brachypterous species of Heterospilus Haliday (Braconidae, Doryctinae)... 85 Table I. Species of Doryctinae in the New World, excluding ypsistocerines, that exhibit brachyptery, microptery, or aptery. Species 3 wing condition Aptenobracon formicoides Marsh apterous apterous Ecphylopsis costaricensis Marsh micropterous micropterous Ecphylus arcuatus macropterous micropterous Ecphylus lepturgi Rohwer ey eae pa macropterous macropterous apterous apterous Ecphylus pacificus Marsh eee SW, or Ecphylus schwarzii (Ashmead) anal apterous macropterous Heterospilus belokobylskiji Kula brachypterous brachypterous Heterospilus michaeli Kula, new species brachypterous brachypterous Heterospilus vincenti Kula brachypterous Oroceguera andersoni Seltmann and Sharke unknown micropterous Pambolidea yuma Ashmead brachypterous apterous micropterous macropterous Psenobolus ficarius Ramirez and Marsh brachypterous Psenobolus parapygmaeus Ramirez and Marsh brachypterous Psenobolus triangularis van Achterberg and Marsh brachypterous Results and discussion Heterospilus michaeli Kula, new species can be differentiated from some brachypter- ous or apterous doryctines in the New World (excluding ypsistocerines) by the con- dition of the wings (Table 1). Additionally, H. michaeli can be differentiated from all brachypterous or apterous New World species of Doryctinae using the same mor- phological features Kula (2011) used to differentiate H. belokobylskiji and H. vincenti from those species. Ecphylus caudatus was mistakenly included in both table 1 and the discussion of diagnostic features in Kula (2011) instead of FE. arcuatus. However, as was reported under the name FE. caudatus in Kula (2011), the metacoxa is round at the base in E. arcuatus; it has a tubercle at the base in H. michaeli. Taxonomy Heterospilus michaeli Kula, sp. n. http://zoobank.org/34A1D33D-49AG6-49 1 4-8FBC-619D6C47EC84 http://species-id.net/wiki/Heterospilus_michaeli Figs 1-2 Holotype female. Top label (white; partially handwritten, partially typewritten) = “Costa Rica: Guanacaste [;] Santa Rosa National Pk. [;] 300m, Malaise, Ian Gould 86 Robert R. Kula / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 83-90 (2013) [sic] [;] 14.vi 1986”. Second label (white; partially handwritten, partially typewritten) = “Bosque Humedo [;] mature dry forest [;] high proportion [;] evergreen species [;] Sun.” Third label (white; typewritten) = “BH-11-0 [;] 14. Vi. 86” (ESUW). Paratypes. 1 2 9 ¢ same data as holotype (6 ¢ ESUW, 1 2 3 6 USNM); 1 3 Costa Rica: Guanacaste Santa Rosa Natl. Park 300m, ex. [sic] Malaise trap Site #: Dates: 24.v—14.vi 1986 I.D. Gauld & D. Janzen [H] open regenerating woodland <10 years old [C] more or less fully shaded as possible (ESUW). Diagnosis. The vertex is entirely strigate in H. michaeli; it is smooth except a pair of small strigulate areas posterolaterad the lateral ocelli in H. belokobylskiji and entirely coriaceous in H. vincenti. The frons is entirely strigate in H. michaeli; it is entirely coriaceous in H. vincenti. The head is yellow in H. michaeli (Fig. 1); it is brown in H. belokobylskiji (Kula 2011: figs 1-2) and reddish brown in H. hemipterus (Belokobylskij and Kula 2011: fig. 110). The forewing stigma is distinct in H. belokobylskiji (Kula 2011: fig. 2) and H. hemipterus (Belokobylskij and Kula 2011: fig. 110); it is indistinct in H. michaeli, with only thickened sclerotization at the wing apex. The hind wing stigma is located slightly apicad the middle of the wing in H. michaeli (Fig. 2); it is slightly basad the middle of the wing in H. belokobylskiji (Kula 2011: fig. 2) and at the wing apex in H. vincenti (Kula 2011: fig. 4). The flagellum is entirely yellow in H. michaeli females, and in males it transitions from yellow proximally to whitish yellow or white distally. The flagellum transitions from yellow proximally to brown distally in H. belokobylskiji, H. hemipterus, and H. vincenti females and males. Description. Female (Fig. 1). Body length. 2.10—2.51 mm. Head. HL 0.72-0.74x HW, HW 1.09-1.11x TW, FW 1.73-1.85x FH, EL 0.77- 0.83x EH, MSH 0.72x EH, F1L 0.87-0.94x F2L; antenna with 20 flagello-meres; mandible with two teeth, tooth closest to labiomaxillary complex shorter than other tooth, setiferous; malar space smooth, setiferous, malar suture absent; clypeus with roughly apical 1/3 setiferous and basal 2/3 glabrous; face entirely smooth or smooth mesally and rugulose laterally, glabrous mesally and setiferous laterally; frons strigulate, glabrous except one to two setae along margin of eye; vertex strigulate, setiferous; ocelli present and small but slightly larger than in H. belokobylskiji and H. vincenti; gena smooth with a few strigae posteriorly, setiferous; occiput smooth, glabrous except a few setae ventrally on both sides of head. Mesosoma. ML 3.07—3.33x MW, ML 1.93—2.06x MH, MW 0.62—0.63x MH, SSL 0.40-0.45x SSW; pronotal collar with transverse carina or transverse rugosities, anterior portion rugulose and posterior portion crenulate, collar setiferous anteriorly and mesally, pronope absent, lateral portion of pronotum rugulose to rugose except pronotal groove crenulate, roughly setiferous along margins and glabrous mesally; no- tauli complete and meeting posteromesally, crenulate-rugose; mesoscutal midpit ab- sent; mesoscutum (excluding lateral margin and notauli) coriaceous, setiferous along margins and notauli; scutellar sulcus with median longitudinal carina only or median longitudinal carina and pair of crenulae adjacent to carina; scutellar disc weakly cor- iaceous, setiferous along lateral and posterior margins; propodeum strongly carinate, A new brachypterous species of Heterospilus Haliday (Braconidae, Doryctinae)... 87 Figures 1-2. Lateral habitus images of Heterospilus michaeli, scale bars = 1.00 mm. | Holotype female 2 Paratype male. 88 Robert R. Kula / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 83-90 (2013) setiferous, carinae forming hastate areola mesally, sculpture within areola areolate-ru- gose, basal 1/2 of propodeum divided into median and lateral areas by dorsal lateral carinae, median area coriaceous and lateral area rugose to areolate-rugose, apical 1/2 areolate-rugose; subalar groove crenulate; precoxal sulcus present in roughly anterior 1/2 of mesopleuron, crenulate; posterior mesopleural furrow crenulate; mesopleuron (excluding subalar groove, precoxal sulcus, and posterior mesopleural furrow) cori- aceous, setiferous except glabrous area between subalar groove and precoxal sulcus; metapleuron areolate-rugose, setiferous; metacoxa with anteroventral basal tubercle. Forewing. Brachypterous, extending slightly posteriad middle of propodeum (in- cluding fringe); hyaline; stigma absent but with thickened sclerotization at wing apex; venation limited to one tubular vein each along anterior and posterior margins (likely C+SC+R and 1A, respectively) and one tubular vein mesally (likely M+CU), vein along posterior margin converging with vein mesally slightly before wing apex, vein mesally converging with vein along anterior margin at wing apex. Hind wing. Brachypterous, extending slightly posterior to middle of propodeum (including fringe); basal and subbasal cells enclosed by veins, with veins enclosing cells differing in width and sclerotization but especially wide and sclerotized mesally poste- rior to apex of subbasal cell. Metasoma. T1L 0.91x T1W; subcylindrical; ovipositor with minute teeth ven- trally, EOL about 2.07—2.21x T2+T3L; ovipositor sheaths setiferous, setae increasing in density anteriorly to posteriorly; T1 costate-rugose, dorsal carinae sharply defined in roughly anterior 1/4 of tergum then blending posteriorly with other sculpture on tergum, setiferous; [2 costate-rugose, setiferous; transverse groove between T2+T3 weakly impressed, one specimen with and one without smooth transverse band poste- riad impression; T3 anterior 1/2 costate and posterior 1/2 smooth, setae forming single transverse row in middle of tergum; T4—T8 smooth, setae forming single transverse row in middle or posterior 1/2 of tergum. Color. Head (excluding mouthparts and antenna) yellow, mouthparts whitish yel- low except mandible yellow with teeth brown, antenna yellow; mesosoma brownish yellow to yellow; wing venation tan; legs yellow to brownish yellow; T1 brownish yel- low to yellow, T2—T8 yellow. Male (Fig. 2). As in female except: Body length. 1.79-2.36. Head. HL 0.71-0.76x HW, HW 1.09-1.14x TW, FW 1.50-1.90x FH, MSH 0.62—0.68x EH, PMPL 0.60—0.80x F1L; antenna with 17—20 flagellomeres; gena smooth with a few strigae posteriorly or entirely smooth. Mesosoma. ML 3.00—3.27x MW, ML 2.08—2.25x MH, MW 0.64—0.70x MH, SSL 0.40-0.50x SSW; lateral portion of pronotum smooth with a few rugosities to rugose except pronotal groove crenulate; notauli crenulate-rugose to crenulate; scutel- lar disc weakly coriaceous or entirely smooth; mesopleuron (excluding subalar groove, precoxal sulcus, and posterior mesopleural furrow) rugulose to coriaceous. Forewing. Brachypterous, extending roughly to middle or posterior margin of T1 (including fringe); one specimen with indistinct veins likely corresponding to 1RS, A new brachypterous species of Heterospilus Haliday (Braconidae, Doryctinae)... 89 1M, RS+M, and 1CU in addition to three distinct horizontal veins (likely C+SC+R, M+CU, and 1A). Hind wing. Brachypterous, extending roughly to or slightly posteriad middle of T1 (including fringe); stigma slightly apicad middle of wing, subelliptical; basal and subbasal cells enclosed by tubular veins except delimited distally by stigma, basal cell delimited ventrally by M+CU vein, 1M vein absent; R1 vein tubular. Metasoma. T1L 1.21-1.36x T1W; transverse groove between T2+T3 weakly im- pressed, with or without smooth transverse band posteriad impression; T3 anterior 1/2 costate to costate-rugulose and posterior 1/2 smooth; T4—T8 smooth except T4 sometimes (40%) with a few faint carinae mesally. Color. Antenna yellow proximally transitioning to whitish yellow or white distally; metathoracic leg with coxa, femur, and tibia brown in one specimen; T3—T5 yellow with posterior edge brown or slightly darker. Host. Unknown. Etymology. ‘This species is named for the author’s son, Michael Alden Kula. Acknowledgments I thank Paul M. Marsh (Kansas State University) for sending the specimens. I also thank Taina Litwak (Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA-ARS) for capturing and digitally enhancing the lateral habitus images. Specimens of the new species were discovered through research carried out as part of NSF DEB 0717365. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. References Belokobylskij SA, Kula RR (2012) Review of the brachypterous, micropterous, and apterous Braconidae of the cyclostome lineage (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) from the Palearctic Region. Zootaxa 3240: 1-62. Jakimavicius A (1968) A new genus and species of Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from Lithuania. Entomologicheskoye Obozrenie 47: 902-904. Kula RR (2009) Review of the New World species of Coiba Marsh (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Doryctinae), including descriptions of two new species, new distribution records, and a key to species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 111: 183-198. doi: 10.4289/0013-8797-111.1.183 Kula RR (2011) Two new brachypterous species of Heterospilus Haliday (Hymenoptera, Braco- nidae, Doryctinae) from the Nearctic Region. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 21: 53-64. doi: 10.3897/JHR.21.875 Marsh PM (1997) Subfamily Doryctinae. In: Wharton RA, Marsh PM, Sharkey MJ (Eds) Manual of the New World Genera of the Family Braconidae (Hymenoptera). Special Pub- lication No. 1. International Society of Hymenopterists, Washington, DC, 206-233. 90 Robert R. Kula / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 33: 83-90 (2013) Marsh PM (2002) The Doryctinae of Costa Rica (excluding the genus Heterospilus). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 70: 1-319. Seltmann K, Sharkey M (2007) A new genus and species of apterous Doryctinae (Hymenop- tera: Braconidae) from Costa Rica. Zootaxa 1415: 17-24. Thomson CG (1892) XLVII. Bidrag till Braconidernas Kannedom. I. Cyclostomi. Opuscula Entomologica XVII: 1777-1861.