re JHR 32: 45-54 (20 I 3) JOURNAL CF Apeenreviewed open-access journal Aca eee (f-) Hymenoptera The imernaonl Society of Hymenopeariss, RESEARCH Two new species of the genus Discoelius Latreille (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) from China, with a key to the Chinese species Xin Zhou'', Bin Chen'*, Ting-jing Li! | Institute of Entomology & Molecular Biology, College of Life Sciences, Chongging Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China T urn:lsid:zoobank. org:author:5 5SAFE973-8749-4C26-A71 C-OD2B0E3501 13 ¢ 1 132-4DBE-B376-ABIED8AF 2288 § urn:lsid:zoobank. org:author:547029A8-B77A-4741-852F-B93C3CEBD 106 Corresponding author: Zing-jing Li ( Academic editor: W. Pulawski| Received 4 March 2013 | Accepted 15 April 2013 | Published 24 April 2013 urn.lsid:zoobank. org:pub:40DADOI 1-ED77-472A-B2D8-57387053C895 Citation: Zhou X, Chen B, Li T-J (2013) Two new species of the genus Discoelius Latreille (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) from China, with a key to the Chinese species. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 32: 45-54. doi: 10.3897/ JHR.32.4958 Abstract Two new species, namely Discoelius nigriclypeus Zhou & Li, sp. n. from Hunan, China, and Discoelius emeishanensus Zhou & Li, sp. n. from Sichuan, China, are described. A key to the Chinese species of the genus is provided, along with illustrations of the new species. Type specimens of these two new species are deposited in the Institute of Entomology and Molecular Biology, Chongqing Normal University. Keywords Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae, Discoelius, new species, China Introduction The eumenine wasp genus Discoelius was established by Latreille (1809). The members of the genus are solitary wasps that are easily distinguished from other genera occurring in China by the presence of two spurs on the mid tibia and the petiolate metasomal Copyright Xin Zhou et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 46 Xin Zhou et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 32: 45—54 (2013) segments | and 2. Discoelius is similar to Zethus Fabricius (just one species, Zethus do- losus Bingham, 1897 recorded from China according to Li 1985), but the latter has a longer petiolate metasomal segment 2 and the valvula prominent beneath the submar- ginal carina, usually quadrate in shape. Presently, seven species and one subspecies are recongnized worldwide, of which D. dufourii dufourii Lepeletier, D. d. manchurianus Yasumatsu and D. pictus Kostylev are from the Palearctic Region, D. esakii Yasumatsu, D. longinodus Yamane, D. turneri (Meade-Waldo) and D. wangi Yamane from the Ori- ental Region, while D. zonalis (Panzer) is known from both the Palearctic and Oriental Regions (Meade-Waldo 1910; Yasumatsu 1934; Kostylev 1940; Giordani Soika 1971; van der Vecht and Fischer 1972; Li 1982, 1985; van der Vecht and Carpenter 1990; Yamane 1990, 1996; Gusenleitner 1999; Kim 2005). Five species and one subspe- cies have been recorded from China, of which D. dufourii dufourii Lepeletier and D. d. manchurianus Yasumatsu occur in the north of China (Kim 2005); D. zonalis (Panzer) occurs in the south of China (Li 1985; Kim 2005), and D. esakii Yasumatsu, D. longinodus Yamane and D. wangi Yamane in Taiwan (Yamane 1996). In the study of Chinese Discoelius, we found two species that are new to science. In the present paper, we describe these two new species, and provide a key to the Chinese Discoelius species. Materials and methods The examined specimens are deposited in the Institute of Entomology and Molecular Biology, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, China (CQNU), the Entomo- logical Museum, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China (CAU), Yunnan Agri- cultural University, Kunming, Yunnan (YNAU), Central South Forestry University, ChangSha, Hunan (CSCS) and Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Gungxi (GXNU). Morphological terminology follows Bohart and Stange (1965), Carpenter and Cum- ming (1985) and Yamane (1990). All measurements were taken as the maximal length of body parts measured under an image analyzer (Nikon SMZ1500), figured with the aid of a stereomicroscope (Olympus SZX7). Body length was measured from the ante- rior margin of head to the posterior margin of metasomal tergum 2. Taxonomy Genus Discoelius Latreille Discoelius Latreille, 1809: 140; Saussure 1852: 24; Yasumatsu 1934: 3; Vecht and Fis- cher 1972: 2; Li 1985: 80; Carpenter 1986: 68; Vecht and Carpenter 1990: 19; Yamane 1990: 22; Yamane 1996: 111; Kim 2005: 111. Type species. Vespa zonalis Panzer, 1801. Two new species of the genus Discoelius Latreille (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae).... 47 Diagnosis. Mandible short: not distinctly crossing each other, just a small apical portion overlapping. Clypeus transverse, with widely rounded or somewhat truncate apical margin. Antennal scape somewhat depressed in both sexes. Vertex and gena more or less convex. Mesoscutum with notaulices for its whole length. Metasomal segment | less than half as broad as segment 2; both terga 1 and 2 petiolate. Mid tibia with two apical spurs (Kim 2005). Distribution. China (Hebei, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Fujian, Guangxi, Yunnan, Hunan, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Guangdong, Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Taiwan); Palaearctic and Oriental regions. Discoelius nigriclypeus Zhou & Li, sp. n. Figs 1-4 Material examined. Holotype, 2, China, Hunan Prov., Changde City, Shimen Coun- ty, Fuping mountain, 29°42'51"N, 110°45'21"E, 1200-1600 m, 9.V1.2004, Yang Ji- ang (CQNU). Description. Female, body length 18.0 mm, forewing length 15.0 mm. Black, with the following parts yellow or orange yellow: a spot on mandibular base, a very small spot just above antennal socket (Fig. 2), narrow apical bands on metasomal terga 1-2 (Figs 1, 4); the base of mid femur with a very small deep yellow line. Head: flat and subcircular, covered densely with punctures and sparsely with brown- ish setae; mandible stout, not long, outer surface with two longitudinal carinae developed, between them with a short one, inner margin with two wide teeth; width of clypeus as long as length, not distinctly convex, irregularly punctuate and with strong punctures, emarginate basally and apical margin truncate; frons sparsely with short brownish setae and a strong vertical carina just above the clypeus, the carina distinct on the upper about one-fourth of clypeus (Fig. 2); antenna very short, scape and pedicel of antenna shin- ing, densely with minute punctures, flagellum dull and with microscopic punctures, the length of flagellum 1 about 1.5 times flagellum 2, flagellums 2-8 wider than length, respectively, and the width about 1.2 times the length; in profile, gena very broad and sparsely with punctures and short erect setae; postgena densely with long setae. Mesosoma: From above, length about 2—3 x width; mesoscutum and scutellum flat and in single plane; mesoscutum and scutellum densely with longitudinal carinae, the interspaces between the carinae with very minute punctures; mesoscutum with de- veloped notaulices, between the notaulices shining apically, not punctate and without carina; scutellum and metanotum sparsely punctate, with strong punctures; propo- deum reticulate, not shining, with lateral carina and dense long brownish erct setae; the setae on mid tibia denser than those on femur and the tibia widening from base, the apical width about 4 times basal width; the length of mid tarsal 1:2:3:4 ~ 10:2:1:1, and = 16:4:3:2 in hind tarsus. 48 Xin Zhou et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 32: 45—54 (2013) Figures |-4. Discoelius nigriclypeus Zhou and Li, sp. n. 2. | general habitus (lateral view) 2 frons and clypeus 3 metasomal segment | (lateral view) 4 metasomal segments 2-6 (lateral view). Scale bar: 1mm. Two new species of the genus Discoelius Latreille (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae)... 49 Metasoma: In profile, anterior slope of metasomal tergum 1 steep, and tergum cov- ered wholly with brownish erect setae and punctures, the setae on ventral-lateral part denser and longer than those on dorsum, the interspaces between punctures as large as punctures, the preapical furrow deep (Fig. 3); segment 2 with more sparser, smaller and shallower punctures, the interspaces between the punctures 3-4 times punctures, basally with one smooth area and apical lamella very narrow (Fig. 4); the punctures on metaso- mal terga and sterna 3—6 smaller and denser than those on tergum 2, setae shorter than those on tergum 2; the apical margin almost truncated in terminal metasoma. Male. Unknown. Remarks. This species can be distinguished from the similar D. zonalis (Panzer, 1801) and other members of the genus by the combination of the following characters: more strongly punctate body, length of mesosoma about 2-3 times width, mesoscu- tum and scutellum flat, clypeus entirely black and emarginate basally, not distinct convex, postgena densely with long setae, mesoscutum apically between developed notaulices shining and not punctate, metasomal tergum 2 basally with one smooth area and apically with narrow lamella. Distribution. China (Hunan). Etymology. The specific name nigriclypeus is the Latin nigr- (= black) + clypeus (= clypeus), which refers to the clypeus of the species black. Discoelius emeishanensus Zhou & Li, sp. n. urn:| D74C8 DEC-5373-4DA4-B017-3ED1B3DE9F9B Figs 5—10 Material examined. Holotype, 9: China, Sichuan Prov., Leshan City, Emeishan Country, Gaogiao Town, Yanshi Village, 29°30'14"N, 103°25'35"E, 551 m, 11. VHI. 2011, Tingjing Li (CQNU). Paratype: 1d, the same as holotype (CQNU). Description. Female body length 15.0 mm, forewing length 12.0 mm. Black; with the following parts yellow or orange yellow: a marking on mandibular base, apex of clypeus, a small spot just above antennal socket (Figs 6, 7), a line on the anterior face of fore tibia, narrow apical bands on terga 1—2 (Figs 5, 10); anterior face of antennal scape with a deep brownish line. Head: In frontal view, head subcircular; punctures mostly dense and coarse; man- dible stout, not long, its apex sharply pointed and slightly curved inward, inner margin with four wide teeth, outer surface with four longitudinal carinae; clypeus wider than long, with short white setae and irregular strong punctures (somewhat reticulate), its apical margin truncate (Fig. 6), in profile, not concave; frons weakly concave in the middle, one strong vertical carina just above the clypeus and the carina distinct in the upper about one-half of clypeus (Fig. 6); scape of antenna somewhat shining, densely covered with minute punctures, flagellum not shining and with microscopic punc- 50 Xin Zhou et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 32: 45—54 (2013) Figures 5-10. Discoelius emeishanensus Zhou and Li, sp. n. 5 general habitus (lateral view), 2 6 frons and clypeus, Q 7 frons and clypeus, 3 8 metasomal segment 1 (lateral view), 2 9 antenna (lateral view), 4 10 metasomal segments 2-6 (lateral view), 2. Scale bar: Imm. Two new species of the genus Discoelius Latreille (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae)... 51 tures, antennal article 3 longer than article 4, articles 4-10 wider than long and apical width about 1.2 times basal width, respectively; in profile, gena very wide, gradually narrowing towards the base of mandible and the narrowest near the base of mandible. Mesosoma: From above, length of mesosoma about 2 times its width, and the whole mesosoma with white short appressed pubescenses and coarse punctures; pronotum with one continuous ridge extending laterally to fore coxa; one weak carina between the no- taulices; scutellum and metanotum strongly punctate, with longitudinal, elongate wrin- kles and without median furrow; propodeum shining, with lateral carina and sparsely short setae, dorsal and posterior faces rugosely striate to reticulate, lateral face shining, without punctures and setae; the setae on the mid tibia denser than the femur and the apical width about 2 times basal ones; the mid tarsal 1 dumpy and the hind tarsal 1 slen- der; the length of the mid tarsal 1:2:3:4 ~ 4:1:1:1, and = 20:4:2:1 in hind tarsus. Metasoma: Length of metasomal segment 1 more than 2 times its apical width; tergum | with big and sparse punctures and white short setae, in profile, the anterior slope rather steep (Fig. 8); the length of tergum 2 about 1.1 times apical width, terga 2-3 apically with developed reflexed lamellae, respectively; the other terga without api- cal lamellae, with weaker and sparser punctures (Fig. 10); the apical margin of terminal metasoma triangle. Male (Figs 7, 9). Differs from the female as follows: body length 12.0 mm, fore- wing length 8.0 mm; mandible with three teeth, of which the apical one very long and the yellow marking bigger, almost covering the wholly outer surface of mandible; clypeus almost wholly yellow (Fig. 7); the length of antennal flagellum 1 about 1.8 times apical width and gradually widening from base; flagellum 2 about 1.2 times width and not widening from base; flagellums 3—7 as long as apical width; antennal article 13 almost black, dull and small, folded beneath (Fig. 9); outer face of fore femur with a very broad yellow line, and mid femur apically with a small yellow markings; mid tibia sparsely with short white setae, and hind tibia with long golden- ish denser setae; the length of mid tarsal 1:2:3:4 ~ 5:1:1:1, and ~ 24:6:2:1 in hind tarsus, the length of hind tibia about 1.5 times mid tibia; in dorsal view, the length of metasomal tergum 1 about 1.2 times width and the length of tergum 2 about 0.8 times width, the setae on sterum 2 denser than those on tergum 2; terminal metasoma subcircular, punctures bigger and denser than those on tergum 2, setae shorter and sparser and apical margin brownish. Remarks. This species can be distinguished from the similar D. zonalis (Panzer, 1801) and other members of the genus by the combination of the following charac- ters: propodeum shining, sparsely with short setae; in male mandible with three teeth, of which the apical one very long, in female mandible with four teeth; scutellum and metanotum without obviously median furrow; terga 2-3 with a developed reflexed apical lamella, respectively (Fig. 10); tegula entirely black; in male, outer face of fore femur with a broad yellow line; metasomal tergum 1 with big punctures. Distribution. China (Sichuan). Etymology. The specific name emeishanensus is the Neolatin adjective, which re- fers to the region from which the type specimens were collected. 52 Xin Zhou et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 32: 45—54 (2013) Key to the Chinese species of the genus Discoelius 1 Large species: body length more than 17.5 mm and forewing length more than 15.0 mm in female; clypeus basally distinctly emarginate; between the notaulices shining apically, not punctate and without carina; metasomal ter- gum 2 basally with one smooth area....... D. nigriclypeus Zhou & Li, sp. n. Small species: body length less than 15.0 mm and forewing length less than 14.0 mm in female; clypeus basally indistinctly emarginate; between the no- taulices usually not shining, with punctures or carina; metasomal tergum 2 basallyewithoutcone smoothtatea s.cs:cccsstaceusieccreasenmeagcavees Senesedie en ieweaas 2 Clypeus slightly emarginate apically; anterior slop of metasoma tergum 1 rather gentle; tergum 2 with a very narrow “neck” and entirely black (Yamane 1) Gomer eee ear tenet ee eae ees D. longinodus Yamane Clypeus usually widely rounded or truncated apically; anterior slop of meta- soma tergum | steep; tergum 2 without narrow “neck” and usually with yel- Wowwet teal bat sce On See ava te besa achsmran ta tect stata Doel ASB kode carte acon ccanareintes 3 Metasomal terga 2-4 with a reflex apical lamella, respectively... eee 4 Metasomal terga 2-3 usually with a lamella, respectively (sometimes just ter- Sunn Dwithe lamella eset iedtecR oni chteiee ance leitan tN ca E Ra de suede ace Bee 5 Propodeum with lateral ridges and lateral face with superficial and irregular large punctures in the upper portion; clypeus and mesosoma usually entirely black; stigma of forewing brown to dark brown (Yamane 1996).....D. wangi Yamane Propodeum without lateral ridges and lateral face weakly reticulated; usually two-third of clypeus apicaly yellow and mesosoma with rich yellow markings; stigma of forewing amber yellow (Yasumatsu 1934; Yamane 1996).............. Bea et ORR An Penn ee Core SE a a ae D. esakii Yasumatsu In female, mandible with four teeth; in male, mandible with three teeth and the apical teeth very long; scutellum and metanotum without obviously median furrow; tegula usually entirely black; the punctures on the metasoma tergum 1 bigger and sparser, sternum 2 without yellow apical band; in male, outer face of fore femur with a broad yellow line ......... D. emeishanensus Zhou & Li, sp. n. Mandible with two or three teeth in female and three or four teeth in male, the apical teeth not long in both sexes; scutellum and metanotum with me- dian furrow; tegula usually with yellow or brownish colour; the punctures on the metasoma tergum | smaller and denser, sternum 2 usually with yellow apical band; in male, outer face of fore femur usually entirely black............ 6 In frontal view, face including clypeus flattened in female; frons, clypeus, mesoscutum and scutellum densely with longitudinal carinae in the female; male antennal articles 8-10 distinctly with tyloids covering their lower faces extensively; terminal article stumpy, in profile slightly longer than breadth, and obliquely truncated on apical margin (Kim, 2005)... eee eeeeeeeseeeeeeee 7 In frontal view, face including clypeus not flattened in female; frons, clypeus, mesoscutum and scutellum densely with punctures, which only partially form Two new species of the genus Discoelius Latreille (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae).... 53 carinae and reticulae, in the female; in male antennal articles 10 ventrally and apical part of article 9 with weak and small spot-like tyloids; terminal anten- nomere slender, in profile distinctly longer than breadth, with apical margin somewhat rounded: (Kathy: 2005) sic cesensseendschvebeoviesluctes D. zonalis (Panzer) a, Vertex without yellow line; mesosoma black, except pronotum with a pair of yellow: dotsi8 ..iccec..senccueae sternal ean tee D. dufourii dufourii Lepeletier - Vertex with a pair of short oblique yellow line; pronotum, tegula, mesepister- num, scutellum and metanotum with yellow markings, respectively............. Peseta tat seat cen ee toa Teac decetcpucne patente D. d. manchurianus Yasumatsu Acknowledgements We are very grateful to Prof. James M. Carpenter (American Museum of Natural His- tory, New York, USA), Dr. Josef Gusenleitner (Linz, Austria) and Prof. Seike Yamane (Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan) for providing copies of many references and helps; and we express our hearty thanks to Profs. Wanzhi Cai and Xinli Wang (China Agricultural University, Beijing, China), Prof. Guodong Ren (Hebei Univer- sity, Baoding, China), Prof. Meicai Wei (Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, China), Prof. Qiang Li (Yunnan Agricultural University, Kun- ming, China), Profs. Shanyi Zhou and Jianhua Huang (Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China), and Prof. Zhabu Nengnai and Dr. Xiaoshuan Bai (Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot, China) for providing us with the specimens deposited in the insect collections under their care. 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