DEBI, JHR 30: 19-28 (20 I 3) EE JOURNAL CF Apeenreviewed open-access journal a ceesanecante (f-) Hymenoptera The iternatonl Society of Hymenoptarins, RESEARCH New species of egg parasites from the Oil Palm Stick Insect (Eurycantha insularis) in Papua New Guinea (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Phasmatodea, Phasmatidae) Lynn S. Kimsey'', Charles F Dewhurst**, Seno Nyaure”$ | Bohart Museum of Entomology, Department of Entomology, University of California, One Shields Ave., Da- vis, California 95616, USA 2 Papua New Guinea Oil Palm Research Association Inc., Dami Research Station, Kimbe, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea T urn:lsid:zoobank. org:author:ADC91A84-7D87-41E4-A4B3-87BA1041D7DD * urn:lsid:zoobank. org:author:579B5SA2F-7745-413F-B647-CA9I3B27A206F § urn:lsid:zoobank. org:author:335C5132-FCIA-468C-AED9-E71 DOE780A37 Corresponding author: Lynn S. Kimsey ( Academic editor: W. Pulawski | Received 19 September 2012 | Accepted 27 November2012 | Published 30 January 2013 DF6BOC-DF10-4777-A29C-3725F7E6EODD Citation: Kimsey LS, Dewhurst CE, Nyaure S (2013) New species of egg parasites from the Oil Palm Stick Insect (Eurycantha insularis) in Papua New Guinea (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Phasmatodea, Phasmatidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 30: 19-28. doi: 10.3897/JHR.30.4010 Abstract Two new species of amisegine chrysidids, Cladobethylus insularis and Exova tunana, are described. Both species were reared from eggs of the stick insect, Eurycantha insularis Lucas (Phasmatidae), collected from infestations of oil palm pests in Papua New Guinea. This is the first host record for either genus. Keywords Cladobethylus, Exova Introduction Outbreaks of the oil palm stick insect, Eurycantha insularis Lucas, 1869 (Figs 1, 2), oc- curred in 2007 and 2008 in smallholder oil palm plantations in the Tunana smallholder blocks in Northern (Oro) Province, Papua New Guinea. Damage caused by these stick Copyright Lynn S. Kimsey et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 20 Lynn S. Kimsey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 30: 19-28 (2013) ROS. & Sata 3 Figures 1-3. Eurycantha insularis Lucas | feeding damage in Tunana small holding oil palm plantation in Papua New Guinea 2 Male 3 Female with parasitized egg; egg not to scale. New species of egg parasites from the Oil Palm Stick Insect (Eurycantha insularis)... 21 insects can be seen in Fig. 3. Eggs from this stick insect were regularly collected during these infestations and two new species of chrysidid egg parasites, Exova tunana sp. n. and Cladobethylus insularis sp. n. described below were reared from the eggs. There is no information on the ecology of these parasitoids except for the rearing information. There are seven named species of Cladobethylus and two species of Exova described prior to those described below (Kimsey and Bohart 1991, Kimsey 2011). The new spe- cies of Cladobethylus described below is the second one recorded from New Guinea. Exova is known from northern Australia and Fiji, so it is not surprising to find a species in Papua New Guinea. Materials and methods Specimens were all reared by the second and third authors and their staff at PNGO- PRA, Higaturu Centre, Northern Province, Papua New Guinea. Types are deposited in the following museums and institutions: CANBERRA — Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, Canberra, ACT, Australia; DAVIS — Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, Davis, USA; KIMBE - Pap- ua new Guinea, PNG Oil Palm Research Association Dami Research Station, Kimbe, West New Britain Province; LONDON — The Natural History Museum, London, England, and PORT MORESBY -— the National Insect Collection, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Cladobethylus insularis Kimsey & Dewhurst, sp. n. Figs 4-10 Holotype male. Papua New Guinea, Northern (Oro) Province, Higaturu, ex Eurycan- tha insularis egg, second generation coll. 23/ii/2009, died 23/ii/2009 C. F Dewhurst, No. 888 (LONDON). Paratypes (17 males, 3 females): same data as holotype except: 1 male, 1“ genera- tion, em. (emerged) 28/xii/2008, died 5/i/2009, C. F. Dewhurst , No. 855; 1 male, 1* generation, emerged 28/xii/2008, died 5/i/2009, S. Nyaure, No. 855; 1 female, 1* generation, emerged 8/ii/2008, died 14/ii/2008, C. F. Dewhurst, No. 833; 1 male, 1" generation, emerged 6/i/2009, died 17/i/2009, S. Nyaure, No. 869; 1 male, 1* gen- eration, emerged 2/i/2009, died 9/i/2009, S. Nyaure, No. 862; 1 male, 1* generation, emerged& dead 22, 23, 25/i/2009, S. Nyaure, No. 875; 1 male, 2" generation, coll. 3/11/2009, died 16/ii/2009, C. F. Dewhurst, No. 887; 1 male, Higaturu Oil Palms, coll. 8/v/2007, H9/vi/2007, C. F. Dewhurst, Nos. 823; 3 males, 2! generation, coll. 25/vii/2009, died 27/vii/2009, C. F. Dewhurst, No. 893, 894, 895; 1 male, 2"¢ gen- eration, coll. 5/ii/2009, died 20/ii/2009, C. F. Dewhurst, No. 890; 1 male, 1 female, 22 Lynn S. Kimsey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 30: 19-28 (2013) Figures 4-5. Cladobethylus insularis, side views 4 Male 5 Female. 2° generation, coll. 26/i/2009, died 16/ii/2009, C. F. Dewhurst, No. 881, 882; 1 male; 2 generation, coll. 8/ii/2009, died 16/ii/2009, C. F. Dewhurst, No. 8923; 1 male, 2™ generation, coll. 2/ii/2009, died 15/ii/2009, C. F. Dewhurst, No. 886; 1 male, emerged 12/ii/2008, died 17/ii/2008, C. F. Dewhurst, No. 837; 1 female, 24 generation, coll. 27/i/2009, died 21/ii/2009, C. F. Dewhurst, No. 883 (CANBERRA, LONDON, DAVIS, KIMBE, PORT MORESBY). Diagnosis. This is the largest bodied species of Cladobethylus, with males averag- ing twice the length of the known other species. Male insularis can be distinguished from aquilus, the only other species known from New Guinea by the longer malar New species of egg parasites from the Oil Palm Stick Insect (Eurycantha insularis)... 23 ° o%, 80 0000 of! ey Ts ° Sex ° oO 0 9 ° G ie] 00g fete) Te) os? 9 o Be ?) ea oOo 9° ie) oO Oo ° ae O00 0 P00 °O a 10) g [ome ome) o as:) ° a a 008, B99 G Gqa0 [fdsvovasia {hana pone f Figures 6-10. Cladobethylus insularis 6—8 Male head 6 Front view 7 Lateral view 8 Dorsal view 9 Dor- sal view of male mesosoma, wings removed 10 Front view of female face. space (4 midocellus diameters versus 3.5 in aquilus), pronotum not blue-tinted, much broader zone of cross-ridging in the scapal basin, legs brown instead of yellow (aqui- lus) flagellomere I shorter (4.5x as long as broad versus 5x in aquilus) and flagellomere XI shorter (5x as long as broad versus 6x in aquilus). Features of female insularis not shared with other Cladobethylus include the bicolored antenna and legs, long clypeus (0.8 midocellus diameter long versus 0.3—-0.6 midocellus diameters in other species), and narrow distance between the midocellus and nearest eye margin (up to 2 midocel- lus diameters versus 2.6—2.7 midocellus diameters in the others). Description. Male (Fig. 4). Body length. 5-7 mm. 24 Lynn S. Kimsey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 30: 19-28 (2013) Head (Figs 6-8). Face about as long as broad across the eyes; genal area without foveae; midocellus 1.8 diameters from ocular margin; hindocelli 4 diameters from posterior margin of vertex; scapal basin with narrow, longitudinal submedial band of cross-ridges; malar space 3.5—3.8 midocellus diameters; subantennal distance 1 mido- cellus diameter long; flagellomere I 4x as long as broad; flagellomere II 2.8—3.0x as long as broad; flagellomere [X 5x as long as broad, flagellar setae 0.7 midocellar diam- eter long; ocular setulae 0.4 midocellus diameter long. Mesosoma (Fig. 9). Pronotum about as long as scutum; punctation on pronotum, scutum and mesopleuron large, deep and nearly contiguous punctuation, without scrobal sulcus or omaulus; scutellum polished with scattered tiny punctures; meta- pleuron polished, impunctate. Metasoma. Tergum I polished with few tiny highly scattered punctures; tergum II with two large ovoid patches of small punctures, 1 puncture diameter apart, separated medially by impunctate band and with broad apical impunctate band; terga III-IV with tiny punctures 1 puncture diameter apart, becoming sparser toward apical margin. Color. Head, meso- and metasoma black with metallic bluish green highlights dorsally on head, pronotum and scutellum, sometimes faint on metasomal terga; mandible and antenna dark brown; legs light reddish brown, except coxae dark brown to black basally; wing membrane brown-tinted, darkest in vicinity of stigma; wing veins dark brown. Female (Fig. 5). Body length. 4.5-5.5 mm. As in the male, except face (Fig. 10) about as long as broad across the eyes; malar space 3.6-3.8midocellus diameters; subantennal dis- tance 0.8 midocellus diameter; flagellomere I 2.4x as long as broad; flagellomere II long as broad; flagellomere IX 1.3x as long as broad; scape, pedicel black, flagellomeres I-III white, remaining flagellomeres black; coxae, femora, mid and hindtibiae black basally, whitish apically; foretibia and tarsi brown; wing membrane brown-tinted with dark brown veins. Etymology. The species is named after the host species. Exova tunana Kimsey & Dewhurst, sp. n. 12-47 10-A9E1-178BEA990A75 Figs 11-18 Holotype male. Papua New Guinea, Northern (Oro) Province, Saiho Division (Tu- nana), ex Eurycantha insularis egg, emerged 27/vii/2007, died 30/vii/2007, C. FE De- whurst, No. 828 (LONDON). Paratypes: 1 male, emerged 5/ii/2008, died 13/ii/2008, C. F. Dewhurst, No. 831; 1 female, emerged 10/ii/2008, died 15/ii/2008, C. F. Dewhurst, No. 835; 1 female, Higaturu, 1“ generation, coll. 2/vi/2008, died 12/vi/2008, C. F. Dewhurst, No. 841 (CANBERRA, DAVIS, KIMBE, PORT MORESBY). Diagnosis. This is the largest bodied species of Exova. Female tunana can be distin- guished from fijiensis Kimsey by the long spine-like propodeal angle (a feature shared New species of egg parasites from the Oil Palm Stick Insect (Eurycantha insularis)... 25 Figures | |-—13. Exova tunana, side views 11 Male 12 Female 13 Dorsal view of female Mesosoma. 26 Lynn S. Kimsey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 30: 19-28 (2013) is) Ox Figures 14-18. Exova tunana 14, 15, 18 Male head 14 Front view 15 Lateral view 18 Dorsal view 16 Female head front view. 17 Dorsal view of male mesosoma, wings removed. with tetraspina), which is conical in fijiensis. Female fijiensis can be distinguished from tetraspina by the more weakly produced medial propodeal projections and the highly polished and smooth metapleuron and propodeum. Male tunana can be distinguished from fijiensis by the shorter distance from the midocellus to ocular margin (2 mido- cellus diameters or less in tumana versus 2.5 midocellus diameters in fijiensis), flagel- New species of egg parasites from the Oil Palm Stick Insect (Eurycantha insularis)... 27 lomeres I and II equivalent versus I much longer than broad than II in fijiensis and the body with bluish green tints versus brassy in fijiensis. Description. Male (Fig. 11). Body length. 5.0-5.5 mm. Head (Figs 14, 15, 17). Face 1.0-1.2 x as long as broad across the eyes; face be- tween scapal basin and vertex with punctures separated by about 1 puncture diameter; scapal basin with cross-ridged medial zone occupying one-third of area between in- ner eye margins; midocellus 1.9 diameter from ocular margin; malar space 2.5 mido- cellus diameters; subantennal distance 1 midocellus diameter long; flagellomeres I-II 3.5—3.6x as long as broad; flagellomere IX 6x as long as broad; flagellar setae short, 0.1 midocellus diameter long; ocular setulae minute or absent; postocular distance 0.4 midocellus diameter wide. Mesosoma (Fig. 18). Pronotum about as long as scutum; mesopleural punctures nearly contiguous, without scrobal sulcus or omaulus; metapleuron horizontally cross- ridged. Metasoma. Tergum I polished, nearly impunctate with scattered tiny punctures; terga II-IV with small punctures separated by 2—3 puncture diameters. Color. Head, meso- and metasoma black with metallic bluish green tints dorsally; antenna black, legs pale yellow; wing membrane brown-tinted, veins dark brown. Female (Fig. 12). Body length. 6-7 mm. Head (Fig. 16). Face 0.9x as long as broad across the eyes in front view; scapal ba- sin with medial one-half to one-third coarsely transversely striate, laterally with dense contiguous punctures; malar space 4.3 midocellus diameters; subantennal distance 1 midocellus diameter; flagellum fusiform, broadest medially, flattened ventrally; flagel- lomere I 2.8x as long as broad; flagellomere II 0.7x as long as broad; flagellomere IX 1.2x as long as broad. Mesosoma (Fig. 13). Apterous; pronotum and scutum densely longitudinally stri- ate, pronotum 0.7~x as broad as long, 1.4x as long as length of scutum plus scutellum; scutellum transversely striate. Metasoma. Polished; tergum I with fine dense scratches in two touching postero- medial patches, scratches parallel and curving laterally; tergum II with two anterome- dial patches of dense curved scratches subtended by large medial patch of dense pos- teriorly curved fine scratches; terga III and IV smooth with scattered tiny punctures. Color. Body dark reddish brown, paler on side of scapal basin, mesopleuron medi- ally, propodeal spines, legs and metasomal apex; apical flagellar segments yellowish beneath; coxae whitish. Etymology. The species is named after the collection site in Northern Province, PNG. Acknowledgements This study was made possible by the efforts of Entomology Section staff at the PNGO- PRA Higaturu Research Centre, Northern Province. CFD acknowledges ‘The Director of Research, PNGOPRA for permission to publish this article. 28 Lynn S. Kimsey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 30: 19-28 (2013) References Kimsey LS (2011) Re-examination of the genus Exova Riek, with the first chrysidid recorded from Fiji (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae: Amiseginae). Proceedings of the Entomological So- ciety of Washington 113(4):436-441. doi: 10.4289/0013-8797.113.4.436 Kimsey LS, Bohart RM (1991 [1990]) Chrysidid Wasps of the World. Oxford University Press 651 pp.