BioRisk Fe 5-50 (20 | 2) Apeer-reviewed open-access journal doi: 10.3897/biorisk.7.3036 RESEARCH ARTICLE & B | O R IS k Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications Jens Dauber', Chris Brown’, Ana Luisa Fernando’, John Finnan‘, Ewa Krasuska®, Jens Ponitka®, David Styles’, Daniela Thran®®, Kees Jan Van Groenigen’, Martin Weih'®, Rainer Zah!' | Institute of Biodiversity, Johann Heinrich von Thiinen-Institute (vT1), Bundesallee 50, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany 2 The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen AB15 8QH, Scotland UK 3 Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciéncias e Tecnologia, Departamento de Ciéncias e Tecnologia da Biomassa, Unidade de Biotecnologia Ambiental, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal 4 Teagasc, Crops Research Centre, Car- low, Ireland § Automotive Industry Institute, Renewable Energy Department, Jagiellonska 55, 03-301 War- saw, Poland 6 DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH (DBFZ), Torgauer Straffe 116, 04347 Leipzig, Germany 7 School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography, Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2UW, UK 8 Helmholtz-Zentrum fiir Umweltforschung GmbH — UFZ, Permoserstrafse 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany 9 Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff; Arizona 86011, USA 10 Department of Crop Production Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden \\ Technology & Society Lab, Empa - Materials Science and Technology, Uber- landstrasse 129, 8600 Diibendorf, Switzerland Corresponding author: jens Dauber ( Academic editor: /. Settele | Received 29 February 2012 | Accepted 13 August 2012 | Published 17 October 2012 Citation: Dauber J, Brown C, Fernando AL, Finnan J, Krasuska E, Ponitka J, Styles D, Thran D, Van Groenigen KJ, Weih M, Zah R (2012) Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications. BioRisk 7: 5-50. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.7.3036 Abstract The increasing demand for biomass for the production of bioenergy is generating land-use conflicts. These conflicts might be solved through spatial segregation of food/feed and energy producing areas by con- tinuing producing food on established and productive agricultural land while growing dedicated energy crops on so called “surplus” land. Ambiguity in the definition and characterization of surplus land as well as uncertainty in assessments of land availability and of future bioenergy potentials is causing confusion about the prospects and the environmental and socio-economic implications of bioenergy development in those areas. The high level of uncertainty is due to environmental, economic and social constraints not yet taken into account and to the potentials offered by those novel crops and their production methods not being fully exploited. This paper provides a scientific background in support of a reassessment of land available for bioenergy production by clarifying the terminology, identifying constraints and options for Copyright Jens Dauber et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 6 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) an efficient bioenergy-use of surplus land and providing policy recommendations for resolving conflicting land-use demands. A serious approach to factoring in the constraints, combined with creativity in utilizing the options provided, in our opinion, would lead to a more sustainable and efficient development of the bioenergy sector. Unless the sustainability challenge is mastered, the interdependent policy objectives of mitigating climate change, obtaining independence from fossil fuels, feeding and fuelling a growing hu- man world population and maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services will not be met. Despite the advanced developments of bioenergy, we still see regional solutions for designing and establishing sustain- able bioenergy production systems with optimized production resulting in social, economic and ecological benefits. Where bioenergy production has been identified as the most suitable option to overcome the given problems of energy security and climate change mitigation, we need to determine which bioenergy cultivation systems are most suitable for the respective types of surplus land, by taking into account issues such as yields, inputs and costs, as well as potential environmental and socio-economic impacts. Keywords Marginal land, degraded land, energy crops, biomass, HNV, biodiversity, ecosystem services, land-use change, land-use competition, sustainability, bioenergy Introduction The use of land is a key link between human activities and the environment, and it is one of the major drivers of environmental and biodiversity change (EEA 2010). Agriculture, forestry, transport, manufacturing and housing are the primary human activities which alter the state and the functions of land through land-cover conversion and/or land-use intensification (EEA 2010). Due to conflicting demands for rural land for the produc- tion of food, animal feed, fibre and biomass for energy and biobased materials (e.g. bioplastics) it is becoming increasingly evident that land is a finite resource. For exam- ple, the amount of arable land per capita has decreased from 0.41 to 0.21 hectare since 1960 (FAO 2009), and the pressure on the remaining land will increase as a result of the growing number of animals in agriculture and the growing need for land for bioenergy resources to replace fossil fuels (OECD-FAO 2009; Tirado et al. 2010). These growing demands are likely to require conversion of additional land to agricultural use and/or im- provements in the productivity on existing land. Conflicts emerging from the demand for land will require land-use decisions that involve trade-offs among and between those demands and objectives for nature, soil, water, civil protection and human livelihood in rural communities (Lobley and Winter 2009; EEA 2010; Kamimura et al. 2011). Bioenergy is counted among the most relevant renewable energy carriers, provid- ing about 60 % of renewable energy from biomass and waste in OECD countries and even a higher share of more than 80 % in non-OECD countries (IEA 2010). By aiming to improve energy security, mitigate climate change and provide added value to rural regions, target systems for the transition towards a more sustainable energy supply system are established in many countries. Those policies are driving bioenergy implementation and will stimulate further growth of the bioenergy sector. There is a common agreement that those policies should not harm the sustainable development Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 7 in general, but the translation into a concrete framing is still incomplete. Examples are the renewable energy directive of the EU (European Union 2009) and GBEP sustain- ability indicators for bioenergy (FAO 2011). The increasing demand for biomass for production of heat, power, biofuels and biobased materials is generating land-use conflicts which are discussed in the food versus fuel controversy (Baffes and Haniotis 2010) and the debate about indirect land- use change (iLUC) effects (Wiegmann et al. 2008). These conflicts might be solved through the integration of food and biomass production systems and/or spatial seg- regation of food/feed and biomass producing areas. For example, it has been argued that integrating biomass farming and food and feed farming can solve both local food shortages and increase the income of the world’s poorest people (Fresco 2007). In a parallel approach, we focus here on the idea to continue producing food on estab- lished and productive agricultural land whereas dedicated bioenergy crops are grown on so called “surplus” land (RFA 2008). A variety of concepts for bioenergy produc- tion based on minimal or no land competition were developed (e.g. Field et al. 2008; Cotula et al. 2008; Campbell et al. 2008; UNEP 2009; Dale et al. 2010; Zhuang et al. 2011). However, clear definitions and an unambiguous terminology and charac- terisation of those types of supposedly surplus land, which is crucial for the approach of producing food on established farmland and biomass on surplus land, are missing. We apply a critical view on this idea of targeting the cultivation of bioenergy plants on surplus land only, because environmental and socio-economic constraints which might restrict the availability and potentials of surplus land are often not taken into consideration. A discussion of the question whether food or energy production should be prioritized when facing land scarcity and of the ethical implications of the deline- ation between food producing and energy producing land areas is beyond the scope of this paper. Those issues are already discussed by other authors elsewhere (e.g. Span- genberg and Settele 2009a) The spectrum of dedicated energy crop feedstock suggested to be grown on such surplus land is wide, including prairie grasses (McLaughlin et al. 2002), perennial grasses such as Miscanthus, short-rotation coppice (SRC) of willow or poplar (Chris- tersson and Sennerby-Forsse 1994; Hastings et al. 2009), multipurpose trees such as Mulberry (Tang et al. 2010), Jatropha (Sieg 2006) and CAM (Crassulacean acid me- tabolism) plants (Borland et al. 2009). Given the ambiguity surrounding the question of which type of feedstock to grow on which type of surplus land, it doesn’t come as a surprise that both national and global assessments of the availability of surplus land and of its potentials for bioenergy production vary considerably (Graham 2007; Field et al. 2008; Marland and Obersteiner 2008). Extensive reviews on the availability of land for bioenergy production reveal that major uncertainties continue to exist (Berndes et al. 2003; Offermann et al. 2011). Those uncertainties are largely due to inconsistent definitions of the term bioenergy, large differences in the underlying assumptions of the agronomic potential of bioenergy crops on the respective types of land and limited availability of data on land use (Campbell et al. 2008; Dornburg et al. 2010; Offer- mann et al. 2011). Most assessments overestimate the land area available for bioenergy 8 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) crops because constraining factors such as water, productivity, social aspects and nature conservation are not taken into account (van Vuuren et al. 2009; Haberl et al. 2010; Beringer et al. 2011). Haberl et al. (2010), in a critical review of modelling and calcula- tion approaches, conclude that there are no scientific studies at present that resolve the scientific challenges related to the assessment of future bioenergy potentials. Moreover, a lack in scientific rigor in the framework of bioenergy from surplus land is causing uncertainty and confusion about its environmental and socio-eco- nomic implications. Claims of ethical, economic and environmental gains and ben- efits arising from bioenergy production on surplus land require unambiguous defini- tions for surplus land and a reassessment of the concrete types of land and feedstock in question (RFA 2008). Before land is converted, the suitability of specific locations for bioenergy production should be evaluated by taking into account the land’s true existing use (in contrast to coarse land-use classification data), its productivity po- tential, the net carbon impact of its conversion and its existing environmental value (RFA 2008). As we might hardly find surplus land without people, the social im- plications of a land’s use have to be taken into account as well (Giller et al. 2007), including for instance the livelihoods it supports, the number of families it nurtures and the jobs it provides. Finally, where bioenergy ought to be cultivated for ethical or environmental reasons might differ from where it may in fact come to be cultivated for economic reasons (Jo- hannson and Azar 2007). A major challenge for science is thus to clarify the realistic pro- duction potentials of surplus land with respect to extent, performance and sustainability of bioenergy plantations. In addition, there is a need for guidance in land management, to balance the societal and environmental costs and benefits of any land conversion to- wards production of dedicated energy crops (Berndes et al. 2003; UNEP 2009). Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide a scientific background in support of a reassessment of land available for bioenergy production by i) clarifying the terminology of surplus land; ii) identifying factors constraining use of surplus land for bioenergy production with respect to landscape functions, ecosystem services , environmental value and so- cio-economic considerations; iii) identifying options for efficient bioenergy use of surplus land with respect to constraining factors; iv) providing policy recommendations for resolving conflicting land-use demands and for guiding bioenergy cropping systems to support sustainable land management. The basic assumption of our discussion is that bioenergy developments will have a fundamental impact on the respective surplus lands, as reaching the bioenergy targets set by many countries would require landscape-scale changes of land use. The condi- tions under which surplus land can be used sustainably will depend on the specific characteristics of the land, on the type and scale of the bioenergy pathways and on their potential environmental and socio-economical impacts. Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications Understanding surplus land Surplus land can be seen as the all-embracing umbrella term for areas potentially available for bioenergy cultivation. Although there is no clear definition for this term, we can distin- guish two different origins of surplus land: 1) land currently not in use for the production of food, animal feed, fibre or other renewable resources due to poor soil fertility or abiotic stress, and 2) land currently no longer needed for food and feed production because of intensification and rationalization of production, resulting in yield increases and thus a reduced requirement for land (Faaij 2007; Rounsevell et al. 2006). It is, however, question- able whether such an intensification of agricultural production could be achieved in a sus- tainable and ethically acceptable manner (The Royal Society 2009; Phalan et al. 2011) and whether it would indeed free up land for purposes other than feeding the growing human world population (Ruttan 1999). The implications of producing energy crops on surplus land of this second origin might in particular affect land currently marginal for agricultural production due to low grade soils or adverse climatic conditions. We will thus focus our considerations on such marginal lands rather than on freed up high productive lands for which considerations about implications for the environment, economy and society would not go far beyond the existing discussion on sustainable production of food/feed crops. Surplus land includes i) land cover of various categories that is currently not used for agricultural or forest production for reasons other than poor availability of natural resources (e.g. socio-economic or political reasons), and ii) land with poor conditions for agricultural or forest production. The understanding of which categories of land can be used to grow dedicated bioenergy crops varies considerably. Some studies sug- gest that lower grade agricultural lands that have passed a filtering according to criteria of yield and suitability mapping as well as environmental and socio-economic fac- tors should be considered suitable for bioenergy crop production (Lovett et al. 2009; Jingura et al. 2011). Others suggest including types of land with varying agronomic potentials and environmental values such as grassland, saline land, marshland, reed swamp and tidal flats (Yan et al. 2008). Even land risers, land boundaries and land along highways and roads, which were not subject to any prior sustainability con- siderations, have been suggested (Tang et al. 2010). Sustainable use of such lands for production of dedicated energy crops requires a careful definition and characterization of land sources and of their potentials (Wiegmann et al. 2008). In the following we discuss definitions of land classes often subsumed as surplus land (of origin 1 or 2) with regard to their availability and suitability for energy crop cultivation. Fallow land Fallow land should not be viewed as surplus land which is permanently available, but as part of a production cycle (Krasuska et al. 2010). Fallow is a part of a crop rotation and describes the temporary suspension of cultivation for at least one vegetation period to achieve a recovery of soil fertility. In Spain, for example, fallow is a common cultural 10 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) practice in the rain-fed cereal growing areas of the central plains, where land remains fallow for two consecutive years followed by a crop rotation with winter cereals and oil- seeds. Some energy crops might however qualify as recovery crops during fallow periods. Set aside Set aside is a politically motivated suspension of cultivation either in the framework of an agri-environment scheme or as a mechanism to reduce food production. Set aside can be either rotational or permanent. In the EU, set-aside land may be used for the production of non-food crops, including energy crops (Alexopoulou et al. 2010). Technically, set aside is not surplus land but still some energy crops such as wildflower strips for biogas could be adopted for agri-environment schemes within set-aside pro- grammes (Vollrath and Kuhn 2010). Abandoned land Abandoned land was previously used for agriculture or pasture, but has been aban- doned for economical or political reasons and not converted to forest or urban areas (Field et al. 2008). Strijker (2005) emphasises that abandonment can be a consequence of physical, environmental, social and economic forces and can arise on both fertile and less-fertile soils, triggered by higher labour costs, higher land costs, lower product prices, and new techniques. Therefore three categories of abandoned land could be considered i) land abandoned because of increases in agricultural productivity (see de- scription of surplus land of the second origin above), ii) land abandoned because of its inferior agricultural performance, and iii) land abandoned for economic reasons such as higher income levels in industrial jobs, increasing rents or reduced subsidies. Agri- cultural productivity of lands abandoned due to inferior fertility might be poor but still suitable for energy crop cultivation without the need of a preceding restoration. Marginal land Marginal land is often used as an umbrella term for describing idle, under-utilized, bar- ren, inaccessible, degraded or abandoned lands, lands occupied by politically and eco- nomically marginalized populations, or land with characteristics that make a particular use unsustainable or inappropriate (Dale et al. 2010). The most suitable definition with respect to issues of land use and land-use change is the economical definition as an area where cost-effective production, under given environmental conditions, cultivation techniques, agriculture policies as well as macro-economic and legal conditions is not possible (Schroers 2006). Land is marginal if the combination of yields and prices barely cover the cost of production (Dale et al. 2010). This economic delineation is however Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 11 variable as in particular the food price level can fluctuate by a factor two and more from year to year. Ihe economic definition of marginal land so far also does not factor in sub- sistence agriculture or ecological services the land provides, nor does it include spiritual or cultural values (Wiegmann et al. 2008; Dale et al. 2010). Therefore, categorizing or quantifying marginal lands underlies great uncertainties and results in wide-ranging estimates of availability and suitability for bioenergy crops (Dale et al. 2010). Degraded land The term degraded is related to the productivity potential of the land (Wiegmann et al. 2008). Degraded land is a concept widely adapted using data from FAO and UNEP (e.g. GLASOD degradation data, Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands — LADA, FAO TERRASTAT). In the current literature, the term is used for a wide variety of land cover types including abandoned farmland and secondary tropical forests but also postmining areas and badlands (Plieninger and Gaertner 2011). Plieninger and Gaertner (2011) suggest a conceptual separation of degraded and abandoned land. We follow their suggestion that the use of the term degraded land should be restricted to lands considered as the end product of severe and substantial loss of productivity and soil fertility. This process is difficult to reverse and thus degraded lands are of reduced usefulness to agricultural production. The process of land degradation is a long-term loss of ecosystem function and services, either human (overexploitation or other im- proper use of land) or naturally induced (Wiegmann et al. 2008). The feasibility of using degraded land for energy crop production depends on the severity of degrada- tion and on the time horizon over which the productivity of the land could potentially be restored. The EU included the concept of degraded (or contaminated) land in its renewable energy Directive 2009/28/EC (2009) counting a bonus of 29 gCO, equiv. per MJ biofuel or bioliquid (equivalent to 40 % of displaced petroleum emissions) if biomass is obtained from restored degraded (severely degraded or heavily contami- nated) land. “Natural” degradation processes may occur in natural habitats with sparse vegetation canopy and naturally low productivity (see also waste land). Both anthro- pogenically and naturally degraded lands can harbour high levels of biodiversity or very unique and thus valuable components of biodiversity. Even if not cultivated, they could still provide food or medicinal resources for indigenous peoples. Reclaimed land This land class enfolds postmining areas and land previously used for industrial pur- poses or certain commercial uses (brownfields). The land may be contaminated by low concentrations of hazardous waste or pollution, and has the potential to be reused once it is remediated. The reclamation of those areas through human intervention may be effective but the potential and time scale for reclamation depends on the severity of 12 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) the previous human impact and whether for example the area was stripped of topsoil (Daily 1995). The term reclaimed is also applied in the context of drainage and subse- quent agricultural use of land which was too wet for farming. Waste land This term is also related to the productivity potential of land but in contrast to degraded land, waste land is characterized by physical and biological conditions that are “natu- rally” unfavourable for human land use (Wiegmann et al. 2008). It includes land with- out important vegetation cover or agricultural potential such as active dunes, salt flats, rocky outcrops, deserts, ice caps and arid mountain regions. Due to the boundaries of cultivation as set by climate and soil, these areas cannot be cultivated under convention- al conditions and, therefore, are usually not suitable for production of dedicated energy crops (Wiegmann et al. 2008). Crop breeding and biotechnology, including genetic engineering, continue to expand the range of growing conditions for biofuel feedstock and may eventually permit expansion to areas once deemed too poor in quality to sup- port agriculture (Dale et al. 2010). The agricultural boundaries of arid and severely de- graded lands might now get realigned, for example by the development of CAM plants such as agave, which are adapted to arid conditions, as an economically viable source of bioethanol (Borland et al. 2009). Without an increase in external inputs, yields on such waste lands will however always be limited by the physiological needs of the plants. A weakness of this classification scheme might be that the land classes are not on an equal hierarchical level but they may intersect or resemble sub-classes of higher categories (Fig. 1; Wiegmann et al. 2008; Wicke 2011). Figure 1 provides an overview of the inter- relationships of the land classes with respect to productivity and the needs for land res- toration. Nevertheless, we emphasise the need of being as precise as possible with respect to the lands’ characteristics when considering surplus land for energy crop production. ectcccccce : Set aside | be es I a =] ‘Abandoned Marginal <) I =) I To} ies his a ag ee of | i Ses ae I I J \ } eS --\--- _ I I I _ ae t ero none I , Waste | Need for land restoration Figure |. Scheme of the interrelation of different classes of surplus land (see text above) and their rela- tionship to productivity and the needs for land restoration. Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 13 Assessment of land availability For bioenergy production, degraded land, abandoned land and marginal land are probably the most important and are thus the main categories considered in studies of land availability (Fig. 2). However, the relative proportions of classes of surplus land might differ between regions. Due to the difficulty of definition and different approaches (e.g. theoretical or technical potential) and depending on the objective and/or availability of data and crops considered (annual crops, lignocellulosic crops), the global bioenergy land potentials range from 250 Mha to 1,580 Mha. ‘The associated estimated bioenergy potentials range from 0 EJ to about 250 EJ mainly due to a great variety of yield assumptions (from 1 - 33 t dry matter ha'' yr') and restrictions considered. A moderate estimation of bioen- ergy potential not explicitly considering degraded lands was given by BMVBS (2010), calculating a global technical potential in 2020 of 15 EJ from agricultural land, 36 to 57 EJ from forestry and 30 EJ from residues like straw, excrements or organic waste. In comparison, the Global Total Primary Energy Supply (i.e. the sum of all energy re- sources worldwide) was estimated to be about 509 EJ yr! in 2009 (IEA 2011). Chum et al. (2011) estimate a range from 0 -100 EJ for biomass production on deforested or oth- erwise degraded or marginal land that is judged unsuitable for conventional agriculture but suitable for some bioenergy schemes. Estimates of zero technical bioenergy potential (Fig. 2) suggest that land requirements, extensive grazing management or subsistence agriculture for example, and poor economic performance need to be taken into account when considering the use of marginal lands for bioenergy (Chum et al. 2011). _ = ha (Max.) 290 — s «ha (Min.) ar = 200 — oe 4 EJ (Max.) = & ; = = ® EJ (Min.) 450 £ £ a 4 > = 100 2 @ = ra a @ — } 50 6S a 0 * degraded land, ** abandoned agricultural land, *** marginal land Figure 2. Land and bioenergy potential of different surplus land categories 14 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) Accordingly, clearer definitions of these concepts and consideration of economic, environmental and social factors are needed to calculate and develop surplus land poten- tials (depending on the country context and regional conditions) and to avoid allocation of lands on which local user groups depend for their livelihoods (Cotula et al. 2008). An assessment of land availability would have to acknowledge that bioenergy use can be classified by its scale, source, processing, distribution and consumption. It can scale from farm-size use of surplus biomass not needed for food, fodder, fuel, construc- tion or soil improvement up to landscape size industrial cultivation of energy crops with processing in either decentralised processing plants or in industrial-sized central facilities. The scale of possible development will mostly be set by the respective con- straints, the spatial extent of the surplus land, and the given economic situation (prices, subsidies, other incentives, business strategies, etc.). Based on the scale possible, very distinct social, environmental and economic impacts can be expected. Whenever ap- plicable, we will thus try comparing impacts of bioenergy systems of varying scales with respect to the constraints and options identified for the respective types of surplus land. Constraints for the use of surplus land for bioenergy production Matching the necessity of economic, social and environmental sustainability is certainly one of the biggest constraints for the development of the bioenergy sector. Factors such as biodiversity, amenity use, water demand, fertiliser application and GHG-emissions may all cause opportunity costs and environmental or social side effects (The Royal Society 2008). Thus, before we start using surplus land for energy crop production, we should determine whether that form of land use brings the greatest benefit across a wide range of environmental and socio-economic receptors. Such an appraisal requires knowledge on how constraints might impede or prohibit the development of bioenergy in certain areas and we will thus elaborate on those constraints in the following. One decisive fac- tor for the implementation dynamic or its absence will be if bioenergy makes a positive contribution to the solution of local problems, and that this contribution is recognised as such. This requires studies of the local situation and the identification of problems, the search for the best solutions, and the assessment of whether bioenergy generation is such a solution, or can contribute to it. This paper intends to provide the information about bioenergy production on surplus land necessary for such an assessment. Marginal yields from marginal or degraded land Marginal, degraded and abandoned lands are suggested as having high potentials for growing energy crops (Fig. 2). Yet, the production of crops for bioenergy from those land classes is inadequately documented and only a small amount of data from demonstration or modelling projects is available. While plant breeding and modern biotechnological processes have the capability to improve crop performance on lower Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 15 grade soils, it remains to be seen whether such efforts can produce crops which are economically viable when grown on such soils. Typically, energy crops suitable for less productive soils are optimized for maximum biomass and not for sugar or oil content. Consequently, such crops can be used primarily for second generation biofuels, as far as refineries are an economically viable option in areas characterised by less productive soil. An exception is the oil-bearing Jatropha, which is usually planted for biodiesel production. The need to account for demand based constraints (e.g. with respect to fertiliser and water use) in order to stay within the ,,planetary boundaries“ identified by Rockstrém et al. (2009) is a sustainability criterion for bioenergy crop production on marginal soils and limiting conventional industrial sized developments. For several reasons, yields from marginal lands are typically lower than yields from higher grade soils. Marginal lands often have poor and heterogeneous soils and are situ- ated at “transition zones” between highly fertile crop land and vulnerable ecosystems like protected natural sites, restricting the possibilities for conventional agricultural manage- ment. Jatropha, for example, may reach a yield from 0.1 t ha'-12.5 t ha’, depending on water availability (GTZ 2008; FACT 2010). Fisher et al. (2010) used a modelling approach to calculate land productivity potentials across Europe for a range of energy crops grown on land classified as very suitable, suitable, moderately suitable and mar- ginally suitable. For most crops, yields on very suitable soils were up to three times greater than yields on marginal soils. In Italy, public grants are persuading farmers to adopt poplar SRC independently of the optimal site conditions for the species, in terms of soil quality, climatic conditions and water availability. Paris et al. (2011) showed that under poor soil conditions, even with the adoption of new clones, no increments on the productivity potentialities of the site could be obtained and thus do not recommend adoption of hybrid poplar SRC on marginal soils. In a Finnish study, it was shown that establishment of willow SRC on poor soils would result in greatly reduced productivity or even a complete failure of the plantation (Tahvanainen and Rytkénen 1999). On degraded land, two major constraints of biomass production are the large ef- forts and long time period required for the reclamation of degraded land and the low productivity levels of these soils (Dornburg et al. 2010). Degradation generally results in low yield potentials, low yield levels and low nutrient efficiency with risk of harvest loss (Cofie and Penning de Vries 2002). Estimates of high yields of mixtures of native grass- land perennials from agriculturally degraded lands in Northern America are questioned on the basis of potential nutrient losses from the system, high expenditures for weed con- trol and an overestimation of availability of such degraded lands (Russelle et al. 2007). Economically speaking, a relatively low yield could at least partly be compensat- ed by large scale production systems (economics of scale). However, that may either require more staff and thus (probably prohibitively) higher labour costs, or imply a highly automated system which for cost reasons would tend to be based on mono- culture plantations with negative impacts on landscape ecosystem services (aesthetic, regulating) and its biodiversity. Land abandoned due to poor economics of farming, for example after a political transformation period, might have a high potential for bioenergy supply, once the eco- 16 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) nomical situation has changed or payment schemes for farmers have been established (Faaij and Domac 2006; Krasuska et al. 2010). If, however, abandoned land of below average quality gets reinstated for cultivation of dedicated energy crops, yields might be modest (Krasuska et al. 2010). Low yields resulting from low agronomic potentials of land can have both envi- ronmental and socio-economic impacts (see also Socio-economic factors). Marginal yields could entail a high land-take for energy crops to match the existing or targeted demand for the respective feedstock. This again could result in conflicts for example with pasto- ralism and lands of high nature value as well as in indirect land-use change (iLUC; see In- direct land-use change). An example for increased land-take is the case for the production of Jatropha, which requires large areas of land in semi-arid environments due to relatively poor production of oil on those marginal lands (Giller et al. 2007). Low yields may fur- ther increase the need for input of investment, labour and resources, affecting the energy balance such that the energy return on investment (EROJ) could easily become critical. Growing crops on marginal or degraded land might not only affect the quantity of total yield, but also its quality regarding its use for energy or other industrial purposes. Production of energy crops on contaminated soils of reclaimed areas may cause accu- mulation of contaminants, such as metals (Fernando and Oliveira 2005), hence com- promising biomass quality; accumulation by plants has even been discussed as a means of soil remediation (Britt and Garstang 2002). However, when biomass containing increased contents of harmful substances such as cadmium is burned, these substances will remain in the different ash fractions, from which it could be removed by means of relatively simple technical operations (Dimitriou and Aronsson 2005). Lower yields may also concentrate nutrients, such as nitrogen, compromising its use for combustion purposes, for example, due to higher NO_ emissions. Nature conservation Although energy crop production on marginal or degraded lands might enrich cer- tain landscape values such as structural heterogeneity or aesthetics (Fernando 2005) if planted not as landscape-wide monoculture but in smaller plots, it might still generate conflicts with biodiversity conservation (Plieninger and Gaertner 2011). In Europe for example, land most susceptible to agricultural marginalisation is likely to be found in extensive farming regions and those where traditional small-scale farming is prevalent (Baldock et al. 1996). Such low-intensity farming systems are of great importance for agricultural biodiversity preservation (Baldock et al. 1996). The recognition that certain patterns of farmland promote biodiversity, particularly landscapes containing a high proportion of semi-natural habitats and a high diversity of low intensity land use, has led to the development of the High Nature Value Farming concept (HNV) in the EU (Beaufoy 2011). Preventing the abandonment and intensification of HNV farmland is beheld as a key action to halt the decline of biodiversity in Europe (EEA 2009). Because direct land-use change and intensification to bioenergy cultivation could have negative Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 17 effects on biodiversity (Plieninger and Gaertner 2011), current legislation proposed by Germany and the EU on sustainability requirements for biofuel feedstock prohibit the cultivation of bioenergy crops in protected as well as in HNV areas, unless the biomass cultivation is in conformity with the protection objectives of the area in question (BfN 2010; Fritsche et al. 2010). Despite recent findings that SRC and perennial grass crops can potentially benefit farm-scale biodiversity (Dauber et al. 2010; Rowe et al. 2011; Emmerson et al. 2011), establishment of perennial biomass crops on land other than arable fields is still regarded as a threat rather than a benefit to biodiversity (BEN 2010). Many marginal lands in Europe are dominated by permanent grassland systems (Veen et al. 2009). Species conservation value and soil carbon storage potentials of permanent grassland are potentially in conflict with the strategy of targeting marginal or degraded land for energy crop cultivation (RFA 2008). Restricting the production of dedicated biomass crops to arable land in order to prevent the conversion of permanent grassland could however aggravate the food/energy-conflict and stimulate increased iLUC. A potential way out of this conflict may be provided by using the natural or semi-natural grassland biomass directly for energy conversion (Résch et al. 2009; Buhle et al. 2010). High biodiversity levels of semi-natural grasslands can only be maintained through continuous management and thus using the biomass yield from semi-natural grasslands could promote the sustainable management of such sites in areas threatened by farm abandonment (Heinsoo et al. 2010). Nevertheless, the quality of the respective biomass depends on the meadow type, with different qualities required for biogas and combustion (Heinsoo et al. 2010). If only one type of conversion technique prevails in a region, pressure will arise to employ common and intensive management across the re- gion to produce uniform biomass. Indeed, first surveys on grassland harvested for biogas in Germany have shown that in 13% of cases farmers have adapted their management to the new end-use by increasing the number of cuts per year by one or two (Baumann et al. 2010). Long term studies in Minnesota, USA, have shown a positive relationship between diversity of prairie grassland and productivity (Fornara and Tilman 2009). However, contradictory results were documented by Adler et al. (2009) who showed that conservation grasslands in the USA with higher numbers of plant species had lower biomass yields and a lower ethanol yield per unit biomass compared with sites with fewer species. This finding could stimulate the management of those grasslands towards low diversity systems, excluding species with undesirable fermentation characteristics. The species-energy hypothesis (Wright 1983; Haberl et al. 2009) states that human appropriation of net primary production results in lower trophic energy remaining within ecosystems, and therefore reduced capacity of ecosystems to support biodiver- sity. If true, this provides some concern that commercial bioenergy production might be incompatible with extensive land uses and high nature value agricultural landscapes. Bindraban et al. (2009) reason it unlikely that marginal lands could provide signif- cant yields of biomass in the near term without compromising the natural character of the ecosystem through increased agricultural inputs. A probable consequence of a conventional industrialized approach to bioenergy farming is an increase of the fer- tilizer application rate in order to obtain adequate levels of production, resulting for 18 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) example in eutrophication of ground and surface waters and reduction of the EROI. Low bioenergy production intensities (e.g. collection of dead wood from low density or interspersed forest or utilisation of existing biomass) may not support commercial scale bioenergy production and it remains to be seen whether harvesting of existing vegetation (e.g. biomass from semi-natural grasslands) is commercially viable. ‘There is so far little empirical data to support the species-energy hypothesis but, depending on the feedstock, intensive bioenergy production in such areas could exert similar pres- sures on ecosystem services as intensive food production — as documented by Haberl et al. (2009) for the Danube delta region of Romania. Concern is also raised from a landscape-scale perspective on biodiversity and eco- system services with respect to the spatial segregation of food and energy producing are- as. Landscape polarisation in terms of optimising one function such as agricultural pro- duction only could lead to functional simplification of landscapes, resulting in a limited capacity to support multiple ecosystem services and increased vulnerability to diseases, climatic extremes or spread of invasive species (Foley et al. 2005; Selman 2009). Pushing the physical boundaries of agriculture through improved crop breeding and bio- and agritechnology is a further bioenergy development which could have serious impacts on (semi-) natural ecosystems which so far were beyond the reach of cultivation. In South America for example, the semiarid scrub forests of the Caatinga, the Cerrado savanna and the savannas and thorn forests of the Chaco are potentially affected by the development of novel energy crops such as agave for ethanol (Beringer et al. 2011). All of these habitats are rich in biodiversity with a large share of endemic species. Converting them to bioenergy plantations might put their high environmental value at risk (Beringer et al. 2011). Those examples make the environmental sustain- ability of dedicated energy crop plantations outside areas of abandoned or degraded croplands questionable (Beringer et al. 2011). The environmental effects of such ex- pansions of cropland must be carefully monitored so that negative impacts can be counteracted at an early stage (Dale et al. 2010). Indirect land-use change A further constraining factor which is so far not adequately taken into account in assessments of bioenergy potentials is indirect land-use change (iLUC) and its envi- ronmental and socio-economic consequences (Edwards et al. 2010; Reinhard and Zah 2011). Indirect land-use change occurs when land is converted to cropland somewhere on the globe to meet the demand for commodities displaced by the production of bio- fuel feedstock. Furthermore, increased bioenergy production can lead to price increases for all agricultural raw materials competing for scarce production factors, which could result in an expansion of arable land into areas that are marginal for agricultural pro- duction under current conditions (Bringezu et al. 2009). It is argued that the cultivation of energy crops on degraded land or abandoned farmland could safeguard against iLUC effects as no displacement of previous culti- Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 19 vation would occur (OEKO 2006; Searchinger 2008). This however is only correct if there truly was no kind of cultivation or other use of those lands before. So far no sound and internationally accredited methodology for inclusion of iLUC issues in bioenergy governance exist (Gawel and Ludwig 2011) and the quality of the output of models recently developed to assess iLUC was found to be insufficient for informing detailed management decisions (Davis et al. 2011). Overall, more realistic analyses are needed, based on feasible production scenarios that take into account the constraints of production technologies, infrastructure and policy (Giller et al. 2007). Spatially explicit global land-use consequences may be predicted using macro- economic models (e.g. Bringezu et al. 2009; Hellman and Verburg 2010), or by de- veloping plausible land-use scenarios (e.g. Fischer et al. 2010). Such methods involve various socio-economic assumptions relating to effects on trade, food demand and intensity of food production. A simpler approach is to assume that the main iLUC of bioenergy production is the intensification of food production on existing areas (van Dam et al. 2009), or, more frequently, to assume that surplus land is used for bioenergy production. Those simple approaches are limited by the existence and the reliability of data on production potentials and true land use. Areas believed to be surplus can in fact be lands that have been under communal tenure or traditional customary use and are vital for the livelihoods of small-scale farmers, pastoralists, women, indigenous peoples and the rural poor for food crops, livestock grazing or fuelwood collection (The Gaia Foundation et al. 2008). The lack of operational tools for full impact assessments is impeding the fulfilment of the agreed goal of sustain- ability in bioenergy development. A negative socio-economic effect which may be associated with iLUC and a shift of agricultural production towards marginal lands is a large-scale privatization of lands by the most capitalized producers which may lead to the displacement of smallholder farmers and whole rural communities (Howarth et al. 2009; Beringer et al. 2011). An example for such a process is described by Jingura et al. (2011) for smallholder farm- ers living in those regions of Zimbabwe which are most likely to be available for the production of Jatropha. On those lower grade lands there is customary tenure, which gives very limited land rights to farmers; most of the land rights are held by traditional leaders. If decisions for the use of land for Jatropha production in these areas were to be made by people other than the smallholder farmers themselves, this could lead to dis- placement of people. Similar examples are known from Jatropha, soy and other energy plants in Latin America (Spangenberg and Settele 2009b). Water footprint A main reason for the marginality of agricultural areas is the lack of precipitation that lowers the yields and does not allow economically feasible agriculture. Con- sequently, a major constraining factor for cultivation of energy crops in such areas is water availability and the water footprint (Faaij and Domac 2006; Smeets et al. 20 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) 2009). The issue is severe and Gerbens-Leenes et al. (2009) suggest extending the ethical discussion on whether food crops can be used for energy to a discussion on whether we should use our limited water resource base for food or for energy (a discussion best held on the basis of catchment areas). The deep roots and fast growth of perennial biomass crops result in high water uptake, and have been found to decrease effective rainfall by 50-60% compared with annual crops (Stephens et al. 2001). Productive use of degraded lands will often require substantial invest- ment in irrigation which is a particular concern, as irrigation for agriculture already accounts for over 70 % of freshwater extraction globally (Howarth et al. 2009; UNESCO 2009). Additionally, processing of biofuels can also consume substantial quantities of water (NRC 2008). There are further concerns with regard to water quality, in particular when annual tillage crops are grown for bioenergy, including eutrophication from nutrient movement (dissolved and with soil), turbidity and excessive sedimentation from soil erosion (NRC 2008). Water footprints might thus arise from the use of an area for bioenergy and from feedstock processing, potentially leading to conflicts with other types of land use or (non-marketable) ecosystem services if water is scarce (Bhardwaj et al. 2011; Fritsche et al. 2010). Therefore, water-demanding energy crops should be allocated to regions with high effective water availability (Fernando et al. 2010). Greenhouse gas emissions and loss of soil organic carbon Growing energy crops on surplus land is only acceptable from a sustainability per- spective if any land use and processing related greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in- creases are more than offset by reductions in fuel GHG emissions. In the EU, mem- ber states must meet binding, national targets for renewable energy. Only those biofuels with high GHG savings demonstrated by rigorous life cycle assessment (LCA) count towards national targets. Biofuels must deliver current GHG savings of at least 35% compared with fossil fuels, rising to 50% in 2017 and to 60%, for biofuels from new crops, in 2018 (Europa 2010). Similar legislation has been or is being enacted elsewhere. A problem of growing energy crops predominately in mar- ginal areas might arise from their remoteness from markets or end-users. This could induce relatively long distance transport of the bioenergy feedstock in cases where processing plants are centralised and distant from production areas. Long transport distances of bioenergy feedstock could make net gains in energy and CO,-neutrality disappear (Giller et al. 2007). In terms of transport for low-energy-density biomass, cost is the limiting factor and affects viability long before significant GHG impli- cations are manifested. Also, cultivation in lower grade land may result in higher fuel consumption on machinery, due to hilly fields, for example, or to irrigate fields when needed, and on the production of fertilizers needed at higher rates to achieve adequate yields (Biewinga and van der Bijl 1996). As a consequence, costs and GHG emissions may increase. Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 21 Emission of reactive N, as oxides of N into the atmosphere caused by the com- bustion of N-rich grassland biomass, was identified as a disadvantage in deriving bi- oenergy from grasslands (Ceotto 2008), because of its contribution to acidification (Biewinga and van der Bijl 1996). This may not be the case if grass biomass is used in applications equipped with flue gas cleaning but this process may again impinge on the energy balance. Another argument against bioenergy is that emissions of the potent GHG N,0O stimulated by fertiliser application during cultivation offset displaced fossil energy GHG emissions. Reijnders and Huijbregts (2007) calculate that N,O emissions of 0.2-1.0 t CO, equiv. ha’ yr', and soil carbon loss of 3.1 t CO, equiv. ha’ yr! for wheat and sugarbeet production equate to GHG emissions of 2.0-2.5 kg kg ‘ethanol and 0.6-0.9 kg kg'ethanol, respectively, from the two crops. By comparison, N,O emissions from perennial bioenergy crops are relatively low. Field data suggest that due to lower fertilizer requirements and higher N-use efficiency, these crops emit 40% to >99% less N,O than conventional annual crops (Don et al. 2012). To assess the net effect of biofuel cropping systems on climate change mitigation, Fargione et al. (2008) introduced the term “C debt”. This term refers to the losses in soil C and aboveground biomass due to soil disturbance and clear cutting which have to be balanced before a newly established biofuel cropping system constitutes a net GHG benefit. Gelfland et al. (2011) widened this definition to include soil N,O emissions and CO, emissions associated with the production of fertilizer and herbicides that are used in the newly established biofuel cropping system. N ,O emis- sions from bioenergy crops have to be quantified, in order to assess the net effect of bioenergy cropping systems on C sequestration and GHG emissions (Adler et al. 2007). Fargione et al. (2008) show that the ‘payback period’ (i.e. the time before the C debt is fully compensated by avoided fossil fuel C use following biofuel produc- tion) associated with the conversion of various native ecosystems to annual biofuel systems can last up to several centuries. The former land use is of critical importance in determining whether the production of energy crops turns soils into a net sink or a net source of carbon. (St. Clair et al. 2008). If conversion of land to energy crop cultivation would turn a carbon sink into a carbon source with a long payback period this would have to be considered a constraint for the achievement of bioenergy sus- tainability targets. Socio-economic factors As a consequence of lower yields from marginal or degraded lands (see also Marginal yields from marginal or degraded land) and higher initial investment costs (soil prep- aration, irrigation), lower margins can be expected. For industrial-scale bioenergy cropping in particular, this might necessitate cheap labour which in turn has con- sequences for the social structure of the local communities (Giller et al. 2007). Un- regulated land ownership, fragmented property, low level of education, institutional constraints, low level of marketing opportunities, competition for land or biomass 22 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) and poor or lack of infrastructure can both hinder land rehabilitation and increase production costs (Sugrue 2008). The type of employment in marginal areas may be related to the type of bioenergy chain, in turn associated with the productivity of a region and the spatial extent of the area, setting the potential scale of the bioenergy enterprise. Faaij and Domac (2006) distinguish between high-value employment and low value employment generated by bioenergy supply chains, noting that in developed countries wages for bioenergy workers are equivalent to other technical qualified workers, whilst in developing countries workers are often paid below av- erage wages. The implementation of standards, such as those of the International Labour Organisation, may help to assure higher quality employment in developing countries. Nevertheless, high quality employment can only be financed through high economic viability of a production system. Meanwhile, from a social perspective, small scale decentralised bioenergy cropping on land marginal for food production could be operated at a subsistence level to support local communities in developing countries, as described in relation to the use of crop residues via small-scale gasifi- cation (Mendu et al. 2012). This would however result in a modest gain in global energy resources only. The socio-economic implications of producing bioenergy on low quality lands re- quires further investigation. There are regional differences in production costs depend- ing amongst others on costs of land and labour (Hoogwijk et al. 2009). For example, the costs of rehabilitation of degraded land by afforestation depends on the specific country and is in a range of 100 € ha’ (China) to about 3,500 € ha! (Austria) with additional costs of 4 to 40 € ha' yr! (Metzger and Hiittermann 2009). Even consid- ering the same production costs per hectare on degraded compared to non degraded land, the cost per ton of crop harvested could be up to 100 % higher if the yield level is decreased by 50 % (Hoogwijk et al. 2009). Currently there is no agreement on the economic viability of bioenergy production on marginal land. Soldatos et al. (2011) found that low-yield energy crop production on marginal lands is clearly uneconomic. Meanwhile, whilst van der Hilst et al. (2010) found bioethanol production costs from feedstock grown in the Netherlands to be uncompetitive with petrol, the cost of sec- ond generation ethanol production from Miscanthus grown on low grade agricultural land was calculated to be lower than the cost of ethanol production from sugarbeet grown on high grade agricultural land. Options in the utilisation of surplus land for bioenergy production In the previous section, we discussed the most important constraints for the develop- ment of bioenergy on surplus land. In this section we demonstrate that, if the con- straints and their implications are assessed properly and accounted for, options for sus- tainable bioenergy production can be identified and developed. In that case, bioenergy production might mitigate or even reverse the constraining factors in the respective areas. In the following we will discuss a list of options we have identified. Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 23 Mitigating constraints through active planning The multitude of constraints for bioenergy development in the respective types of surplus land makes it obvious that assessing the true availability and suitability of land for bioenergy is not a trivial task. The challenges of sustainability require making use of existing knowledge about feedstock management, feedstock type, feedstock location, feedstock extent, environmental attributes, original habitat conditions, use of water and mineral resources, soil quality and erosion, emission of minerals and pesticides to soil and water, waste generation and utilization, biodiversity, expected price and cost developments, and response of local farmers and society in general (Dale et al. 2010; Fernando et al. 2010). Given this long list of sustainability criteria and given the rapid pace of land-use change, development of future options requires preparation for uncer- tainty (Jackson et al. 2010). For several of the constraints listed above, active planning of land use could facilitate the mitigation of bioenergy impacts. Due to the high politi- cal and economic pressure on surplus land, strategies for simply sustaining the present conditions or systems through increased resilience do not appear feasible. Jackson et al. (2010) emphasized the importance of developing strategies for adaptive capacity and transformability that consider trade-offs at multiple scales. If the allocation of land is left to the market and to commercial companies, in particular in countries where land-planning schemes and tools are weak, they will most likely choose the most profitable land for industrial size enterprises and there is no a priori reason to think that degraded, lower-grade or marginal land is most profitable for bioenergy production (Azar and Larson 2000; Johannson and Azar 2007). Indeed, cost-competitiveness of bioenergy crops under marginal production conditions presents a challenge for their economic viability since their cost frequently exceeds the market price of the energy they produce (Monti and Askew 2010). Eco- nomic forces and farmer flexibility considerations may favour planting of high yield annual crops on fertile soils, with poor environmental and socio-economic perfor- mance (Boehmel et al. 2008). Rapid expansion of sugar cane and biodiesel produc- tion in Columbia and Brazil provide possible examples of a trade-off between eco- nomic growth and employment on the one hand, and environmental pressure on the other (Faaij and Domac 2006). Meanwhile, unchecked market-driven expansion of bioenergy production could culminate in industrial scale bioenergy chains involving thousands of hectares of cultivation centred on large processing and energy conversion plants, with nega- tive environmental and socio-economic consequences. Human rights may also be adversely affected where bioenergy chains are developed rapidly in response to top-down targets and economic drivers (NCB 2011). Faaij and Domac (2006) re- port that bioenergy chains in Austria and Sweden developed by entrepreneurs in a bottom-up process lead to a more diverse pattern of development compared with patterns arising from development by mature industries (e.g. Finnish forestry in- dustry), where large-scale centralised operations are preferred. Thus, bottom-up de- velopment of bioenergy chains may improve environmental and socio-economic 24 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) performance, but ultimately such development will also need to be bounded within a framework of strategic land-use planning to avoid expansion into industrial scale mono-plantations. However, small-scale bottom-up bioenergy production can only be initiated and sustained within an attractive and relatively stable market context (based on energy and carbon prices, taxes and incentives). With premature develop- ment of bioenergy chains, a deterioration in market conditions could lead to failure and ultimately reduce confidence in bioenergy options. Thus bottom-up (supply) initiatives have to be accompanied by targeted and sustained initiatives to stimulate demand (e.g. renewable energy tariffs, grants for boilers) if sufficient demand is not already in existence. As various stakeholders are commonly involved in the planning and establishment of biomass plantations, proper communication of bioenergy issues might be of equal importance. A questionnaire among various stakeholders in Sweden, which is leading in commercial plantations of willow SRC in Europe, revealed that many authorities, farmer and nature conservation organizations frequently base opinions or decisions regarding bioenergy on misconceptions or unjustified fears about what biomass crops are, how they affect environment and landscape, and what conditions are needed for growing these crops (Weih 2009). Improving rural development Perhaps the most promising option for bioenergy development lies in the poten- tial for improving rural development, in particular in marginal areas where local farming systems and the associated biodiversity are threatened by abandonment. De Aranzabal et al. (2008) note that the constant reciprocal interaction between territo- rial and socio-economic structures behind the opposing processes of intensification in productive areas and land abandonment in less productive areas of Europe has given rise to negative cultural, economic and environmental impacts. ‘The social effects of small and medium scale bioenergy production comprise the standard of living as well as social cohesion and stability (Domac et al. 2005). Energy crops provide an option for diversifying farm income from arable and pastoral agriculture. Lower inputs and lower agricultural labour requirements, in particular for perennial crops, may suit older or part-time farmers in developed countries (Valentine et al. 2012). Also bioenergy systems involving biomass processing and export from the site of production create additional jobs further down the supply chain, improving employment in those marginal areas (Valentine et al. 2012). Domac et al. (2005) report employment generation of between 25 (Croatia) and 81 (Bosnia and Her- zegovina) total jobs per PJ annual fuel consumption for CHP (combined heat and power) and wood heat projects in Central Europe (ranging in capacity from 6.8 to 15 MW), between 44% and 64% of which were classified direct employment. Panoutsou (2007) calculate potential employment of 13 to 22 additional jobs per MW capacity of installed district heating fed by locally sourced cardoon and giant Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 25 reed perennial crops in Greece, of which 85% were indirect jobs. Of the additional direct employment revenue, 79-89% was for skilled jobs, some of which may involve external (i.e. non-local) labour. In effect, substitution of fossil fuels with bioenergy may redirect income from large fossil fuel companies towards small and dispersed bioenergy enterprises, including farmers, as has happened in Austria and Sweden (Faaij and Domac 2006). In low-input/low-output systems such as semi-natural grasslands, subsidy sys- tems for bioenergy production from existing grasslands may be required to make their management economically viable for farmers, and thus prevent agricultural intensification and associated adverse biodiversity effects (Heinsoo et al. 2009). In Estonia for example, such subsidies cover losses in production amounting to ca. 65 GJ ha" placing the income from semi-natural grasslands in the same range as that from more intensively managed dedicated energy crops with an energy yield of ca. 100 GJ ha’ (Heinsoo et al. 2009). The cost effectiveness of supporting low-input bioenergy systems compared with other potential public expenditure is difficult to ascertain, owing to the multiple functions being supported, and the range of alternative options that could support some of these functions. Marginal abate- ment costs for CO, are used to assess the cost effectiveness of measures to mitigate climate change (e.g. Nauclér and Enkvist 2009), and could be used to compare sup- port for bioenergy with support for energy conservation measures or deployment of other renewable energies. However, such assessments fail to capture biodiversity and socio-economic goals, often involve contentious cost and scale assumptions (Ekins et al. 2011), and rarely consider indirect effects, such as trade balance and em- ployment multiplier effects. When assessing bioenergy and alternative options at a climate-change policy level, consideration of the aggregated economic impact across supply chains at a national or regional level, including both end-users and suppliers, may be more relevant than user-oriented marginal abatement costs (e.g. Styles et al. 2008). Government financial support to encourage end-user uptake of bioenergy can leverage indigenous economic activity by diverting fossil fuel expenditure away from external energy suppliers to indigenous bioenergy supply chains (Mathiesen et al. 2011). However, long-term planning may be required to ensure that possible socio- economic benefits arising from initial small-scale bioenergy production in the cur- rent market are not reversed by uncontrolled expansion. If bioenergy production moves from genuine surplus land to compete with food production, social cohesion can be damaged by the resulting upward pressure on commodity prices, includ- ing staple food (The Royal Society 2008). This is a major threat associated with unchecked market-led development of bioenergy chains leading to industrial scale mono-cropping that, in addition to ecological damage, could result in the displace- ment of indigenous populations and subsistence and smallholder food production, especially where land-tenure rights are poorly established, whilst providing relatively few employment opportunities or local economic benefits (especially where profits are expatriated by multinational companies). 26 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) Sustaining high nature value farming systems By halting depopulation and generating income in rural areas, bioenergy production could contribute to the preservation of agricultural systems associated with high nature value (see Improving rural development and e.g. Eichhorn et al. 2006; Plieninger et al. 2006). Lambin and Meyfroidt (2010) emphasise the importance of profitable land-use options in combination with absolute protection of pristine areas to ensure enduring protection of valuable landscapes. Low-input perennial bioenergy crops such as SRC and grasses may be compatible with the maintenance of HNV farming, within the confines of viability according to land suitability and distance to market. In this vein, Dale et al. (2010) suggest that perennial bioenergy crops might be most appropriately considered as a component of conservation farming systems where their use is integrat- ed with land-use planning and rotations that improve soil quality and reduce erosion and leakage of agricultural inputs. Such a development would require a well-designed approach for overall land use that would place each use in its most suitable location, considering the potential of the land for all human needs as well as for biodiversity protection while withstanding the economic drivers pushing the system to ever larger and more homogenous units to reduce cost and exploit the economics of scale. Taking into account that ecosystems, both their health and their function, have adaptive capacity and transformability (Jackson et al. 2010), a bioenergy focused de- velopment of HNV farming systems might be feasible if we are willing to accept that they will change in character but not necessarily in biological value. This is in accord with the idea formulated by Bignal (1998) to characterize the system by functional pa- rameters of their ecological, agricultural and social components and using this knowl- edge for a functional approach to nature conservation rather than trying to maintain or restore “historic” states of a system. These points correspond with the argument that conservation management must incorporate productive land use if it is to be socially acceptable and thus effective (Lambin and Mefroidt 2010). Halting degradation and reclaiming land According to Daily (1995), there has been a significant increase in the impact of soil degradation on agricultural productivity. There is evidence that this will increase fur- ther if no action is taken, having a direct effect on biodiversity and on the possibilities to mitigate the effects of climate change. Lambin and Meyfroidt (2010) report that institutional and technological innovations enable societies to work within the con- straints of degraded natural ecosystems, so that degradation does not need to be a cause of abandonment. The question remains, how sustainable such innovative meth- ods might be and in which time frame they could restore the productivity of the land to a level suitable for energy crop cultivation. Reclamation of productivity to sup- port biomass cultivation increases production costs. Therefore, government support schemes should prioritize the use of degraded land for biomass production (Fritsche et Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 27 al. 2010). Any scheme would however have to take into account that the time required to restore degraded lands varies considerably with ecosystem type, history and spatial pattern of land use and the degree of alteration of climatic factors (Daily 1995). It is argued, that cultivating dedicated perennial energy crops on degraded land could improve this land by restoring soil organic matter and soil fertility, stabilizing erosion, nutrient and contaminants leaching and run-off and improving moisture conditions (Hall et al. 1993; Fernando 2005). Studies have shown that SRC poplar and wil- low and Miscanthus plantations can increase soil organic carbon (SOC; Rowe et al. 2009; Zimmermann et al. 2012), improve soil fertility and reduced nitrogen leaching (Makeschin 1994). Agroforestry systems could be an interesting option for land recla- mation after open-cast mining and for improving land after degradation by restoring soil properties and halting wind and water soil erosion (Quinckenstein et al. 2009). In reclaimed lignite mine sites of Germany for example, agroforestry systems with SRC were established successfully (Gruenewald et al. 2007). Owing to its shallow and ex- tensive root network and its ability to accumulate heavy metals and other pollutants, willow and poplar SRC may be used for remediation of contaminated land and treat- ment of wastewater (Borjesson 1999a; Rosenqvist and Dawson 2005). The same was also reported for other energy crops, such as Miscanthus, giant reed, hemp, sorghum and sunflower (Fernando et al. 2010, and references within). Mitigating climate change Bioenergy crops can be important constituents in a portfolio of climate mitigation measures (Sims et al. 2006). This option however depends on the C debt of a biofuel cropping system which is partly determined by the land use it is replacing (e.g. Hillier et al. 2009; see also Greenhouse gas emissions and loss of soil organic carbon), and by the constraints elaborated above. Soils depleted to comparatively low levels of carbon con- tent have the greatest carbon sequestration potential (Smith et al. 1997). Accordingly, energy cropping systems established on degraded and abandoned agricultural lands with relatively small initial C stocks in plants and soil will show comparatively short payback periods; even the C debt of annual biofuel cropping systems might be repaid within decades. The potential for soil C storage is however largest when perennial energy crops are established on former cropland (e.g. Hansen et al. 2004; Dondini et al. 2009a; Rowe et al. 2009). Due to a lack of continuing soil disturbance after their establishment and a high belowground biomass, perennial biofuel cropping systems incur little or no soil C loss at all, resulting in payback times of a few years or less (e.g. Zimmermann et al. 2012). Combining field data with spatial modelling, Dondini et al. (2009b) estimated soil C accumulation rates under Miscanthus between 2-3 t C ha’ yr! for Ireland, depending on crop yields and initial soil C levels. However, the carbon mitigation potential of SOC sequestered by energy crops shows wide ranges, depending on former land use, farming practices, climate and soil conditions such as soil texture and water retention (Jug et al. 1999; Smith et al. 2000; Grogan and Mat- 28 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) thews 2002; St. Clair et al. 2008). If bioenergy crops are being planted on permanent grassland, as might be the case in particular in marginal areas, there could be no change in net soil C contents (e.g. Schneckenberger and Kuzyakov 2007) or even a loss of 15% of SOC (Jug et al. 1999; St. Clair et al. 2008). Mitigating impacts of transport distances Biomass transport is a feature of all bioenergy supply chains as, in almost all cases, the production of biomass for energy generation will occur at a distance from population centres where the energy will be used. Surplus land will not necessarily be at a greater distance from the point of energy use than land already used for bioenergy produc- tion (e.g. for firewood). However, in cases where distances between biomass produc- tion and bioenergy use are great, local conversion of bioenergy into energy carriers such as electricity or biogas could be considered as a means of minimising the GHG footprint of bioenergy transportation. Marginal or degraded areas in particular can be remote from the markets or the end users of the feedstock, and therefore economic and environmental costs of transportation might reduce the climate change mitigation potential of energy crops (see Mitigating climate change). With transport cost a deci- sive factor and the land requirement as well as the transport distances increasing with heterogeneous planting systems, the most probable outcome of land-use decisions is large scale monoculture. An alternative scenario of development might be the decen- tralisation of energy production and consumption and/or adaptation of dimensions of bioenergy production to local demand. Environmental benefits are maximized when bioenergy feedstocks are used locally (e.g. Gmiinder et al. 2010) and, consequently, initiatives to stimulate and maximize local demand should accompany decisions to promote bioenergy production in remote areas. Local demand can be satisfied by the use of biomass in small boilers, in biomass-CHP plants and in anaerobic digestion- CHP plants. Where the supply of locally produced bioenergy feedstock exceeds local demand, the excess should be converted into energy carriers which can be cheaply and easily used elsewhere. Transport distances informed by information or assumptions on the spatial distri- bution of cultivation, conversion and final use locations are an important component of LCA necessary to assess the sustainability of bioenergy cultivation in a certain area. The same is true for biomass processing, such as pelleting, which is regarded as a sim- ple and relatively efficient conversion pathway that enables complete and simple use of harvested woods and grasses. Pelleting improves energy density, and pellets may be transported long distances if production and use are located relatively close (10s of kms) to water transport hubs (Faaij and Domac 2006). Smeets et al. (2009) assumed a lorry-based transport distance of 100 km for pellets was economically viable. Pri- mary energy consumption of 1.6 GJ per oven-dried tonne for pelleting is equivalent to 9% of biomass energy content (Smeets et al. 2009) — this is efficient compared with production of liquid biofuels that may use more energy than they produce (Pimentel Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 29 2003; The Royal Society 2008). As pellets could be used in small scale local heating systems as well as in medium size commercial power plants, this type of biomass pro- cessing is adaptable to a wide size-range of bioenergy enterprises. Smeets et al. (2009) concluded that bioenergy chains based on pelleting of perennial grasses can result in GHG reductions compared with fossil fuel chains when annual cropping or grassland is replaced and net GHG reductions when natural vegetation is considered as the refer- ence land use. Choosing the right crops Productivity and environmental benefits of energy crops can be greatly optimized when appropriate site-specific choices are made (Zegada-Lizarazu et al. 2010). Such site-specific choices are of particular importance for surplus land which is often char- acterised by environmental constraints for energy crop cultivation such as soil fertility, water availability, soil carbon stocks, erosion or location within natural sensitive areas. Perennial crops offer numerous environmental advantages, and provide a wider range of ecosystem services, compared with annual crops. At a landscape level the planting of 10-20% of energy forestry in open farmland for example can have a consider- able benefit for biodiversity and other ecosystem services such as erosion protection (Borjesson 1999b). This benefit is strongest where harvest times are varied across bio- energy fields (Weih 2008; Smeets et al. 2009). However, as both area limitation and harvest time variation reduce economic viability, careful ex ante planning is required. Perennial grasses such as Miscanthus and switchgrass for example have a considerably lower environmental footprint than annual crops (Faaij and Domac 2006; Boehmel et al. 2008; Smeets et al. 2009). High nutrient use efficiency translates into an opti- mum N application rate of just 1.9 kg per dry tonne harvested biomass for Miscanthus (Boehmel et al. 2008). Many processes that provide essential services in natural systems, such as organic nutrient cycling, pollination, predation, etc., need to be artificially boosted in crop- ping systems to achieve adequate yield in cropping. The boosting actions, mostly the use of herbicides and pesticides, frequently result in negative impact on biodiversity. In perennial cropping systems, the need for boosting actions may be lower, because many of the processes providing these services are operating naturally and most per- ennial systems probably can utilize ecological processes more efficiently than annual systems (Jordan et al. 2007; Weih et al. 2008). It is therefore likely that perennial biomass crops may often be a better choice than annual crops to achieve reasonable biomass production along with maintaining high cropping security, enhancing energy and GHG balances and maximizing the positive effects on biodiversity (but see Span- genberg and Settele 2009b). For example, woody perennial biomass crops are likely to host diverse microbial communities including mycorrhizas, which can improve both biomass productivity and cropping security, and at the same time increase soil biodiversity (Rooney et al. 2009). 30 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) Meanwhile, there remains some uncertainty surrounding the overall environmen- tal performance of perennial grasses compared with extensive grassland. Smeets et al. (2009) used the universal soil loss equation to estimate erosion rates for Miscanthus and switchgrass of 2.6 to 7.7 t ha’ yr’ at annual rainfall rates of 400 mm to 1200 mm. These erosion rates were less than one third of the rates calculated for annual crops, but twice those calculated for grassland, and over ten times those calculated for decidu- ous forest. They are also considerably higher than the upper limit for sustainable soil erosion in Europe of 1.4 t ha’ yr! proposed by Verheijen et al. (2009). Nonetheless, the US Conservation Reserve Programme uses perennial grass to minimise soil ero- sion, and the UK’s DEFRA classify Miscanthus as a moderately susceptible land-use type that can be planted in areas of high and very high soil erosion risk (Smeets et al. 2009). Van Dam et al. (2009) report that switchgrass cultivation on non-degraded grassland has a neutral effect on soil C stocks and a positive effect on biodiversity, estimated by “Mean Species Abundance’ (MSA; see globio/how-it-works/impact-on-biodiversity for definition), in Argentina, compared with a small negative effect on MSA when displacing natural vegetation. In contrast, the cultivation of soybeans for biodiesel had a significant negative effect on soil C and species abundance. Van der Hilst (2010) suggest that there is a high potential for Miscanthus cultivation on grassland soils, in relation to economic competitiveness and land availability in the Netherlands, but that there is high uncertainty surrounding the economic performance of pasture land. Plant breeding In addition to improving crop performance by choosing the most appropriate crop types for the respective characteristics of surplus land, plant breeding is also of vital importance for the environmental benefits they have and for improving the yields they deliver. As most of the energy crops currently cultivated are largely undomesticated and at their early stages of development, plant breeding and identification of proper cultivars could significantly improve their productivity when grown under marginal conditions (Zegada-Lizarazu et al. 2010). Novel energy plants from plant breeding programmes (Schréder et al. 2008; Karp et al. 2011) or genetic engineering (Xie and Peng 2011) might need to be developed to improve yields of energy crops grown on lower grade lands (Karp and Richter 2011). Genetically modified crops might how- ever be met by public discontent, posing a risk to the still positive image of bioenergy. Land may often be marginal for agricultural production because of environmental conditions which expose plants to abiotic stress from drought, flooding or extreme temperatures. An important breeding goal therefore is to increase the stress tolerance of species used for bioenergy production. Similarly, it will become increasingly impor- tant to identify species and varieties which can tolerate the changes likely to come as a result of climate change. Three principal challenges to achieving yield improvement in biomass crops were identified by Karp and Shield (2008) to be a reduction in thermal Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 31 threshold in order to extend the growing season, an increase in above ground biomass without depletion in below ground biomass and without causing water depletion. Historically, breeding goals most often target short-term events (e.g. single physi- ological processes) to enhance productivity or fight potential pests, and build on high- input systems along with the frequent application of chemicals for weed and pest con- trol. Such conditions are likely to conflict with the environmental goals of bioenergy development, including enhanced biodiversity. Breeding strategies for biomass crops to be grown on lower grade land and in low-input systems thus need to build on low resource availability, high resource use efficiency, and also consider possible trade-offs between e.g. high productivity under optimum growth conditions and high stress tol- erance (Weih 2003). Owing to the long life expectancy of perennial crops, the breed- ing process needs to integrate the relatively short-term events studied by geneticists and molecular biologists with the longer-term ecological information investigated by ecologists (Weih et al. 2008). Such an approach should improve the possibilities to utilize the ecological services that could be associated with increased biodiversity. In a systems approach, DeHaan et al. (2009) suggest that first biofuel crop breeding pro- grams for low-input systems are likely to accelerate progress by focusing on grass—leg- ume bicultures to maximize biomass yields. The level of intensification associated with the management of such bicultures in the low-input systems would however have to be assessed with regard to potential conflicts with nature conservation values of those systems, and the economic viability of the resulting cropping and processing systems. Conclusions and policy recommendations Bioenergy is increasingly developing into a significant part of agricultural land use, which in turn will require more integrated energy, agriculture and land-use policies to circumvent adverse impacts of competition for land (Smith et al. 2010). So far, estimates of availability and suitability of surplus land for development of energy crop production or use of existing biomass potentials are uncertain. The high level of uncer- tainty is on the one hand due to environmental, economic and social constraints not yet systematically taken into account and on the other hand due to not making the most out of the potentials and the elbowroom offered by novel crops and their produc- tion methods. A serious approach to factoring in the constraints, combined with crea- tivity in utilizing the options provided, in our opinion, would lead to a more sustain- able and efficient development of the bioenergy sector. Despite the advanced but not necessarily sustainable state of bioenergy development, we still see opportunities for designing and establishing sustainable bioenergy production systems with optimized production resulting in social, economic and ecological benefits. A question that needs to be solved is: how can policy levers and existing agricultural subsidy mechanisms be used to encourage spatially optimised bioenergy feedstock cultivation? Strategies aiming in this direction should build from the scientific understanding of the effects of bioenergy choices at different scales and ways to deal with socio-eco- 32 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) nomic and environmental trade-offs (Dale et al. 2010). Land-use decisions should be made on higher spatial scales, involving a full weighting of both benefits and trade-offs on non-surplus and surplus lands (c.f. Ceotto 2008). As a general rule, surplus land should only be used for bioenergy production if accompanied by an overall positive environmental effect across a range of environmental receptors. Policies intended to achieve enduring ecological and social benefits should allow or include incentives for productive utilisation of land in a manner compatible with the protection of high nature value, such as low input bioenergy feedstock production. In addition to in- centives, rigorous and enforceable environmental compliance criteria are required in land-use policy, and bioenergy policy in particular. If such environmental compliances are not part of policy incentives for the development of bioenergy or if their compli- ance is not enforced, land of high environmental value might get lost. This is currently happening in Germany, where perennial grasslands in marginal areas, riparian habitats and even sites within protected areas (Natura 2000 sites) are increasingly transformed to cultivation of maize for biogas (Ammermann 2008). In appreciation of the pres- sure that bioenergy targets create for land use, the European Directive on Renewable Energy has recognised the need to comply with environmental and social sustainabil- ity objectives. As such, old forest, species rich grassland or land with a high C stock such as wetlands and pristine peatlands, do not count towards the renewable energy targets (COM 2008, Berry and Paterson 2009). Those sustainability objectives restrict the cultivation of bioenergy crops in many marginal areas of Europe which are often characterised by traditional and low-intensity managed grasslands of high nature value and/or are part of the Natura 2000 network (EEA 2006). If coupled with active landscape scale planning for biodiversity conservation and sustenance of ecosystem services (see Mitigating constraints through active planning), in particular ecosystem services provided by natural or semi-natural habitats, sustainable intensification in marginal areas might be compatible with biodiversity issues through precision agriculture, multiple cropping or agroforestry systems (Brussaard et al. 2010; Greiff et al. 2010). Perennial crops, in this respect, are better bioenergy feedstock op- tions from an environmental and socio-economic perspective than annual crops such as sugarbeet, maize or oilseed rape. In Northern America, land in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), an environmental programme for protecting biodiversity, re- ducing soil erosion, protecting freshwater, and providing natural flood control (FAB- RI 2007), is considered to potentially be available and suited for the production of drought resistant perennial biomass crops such as switchgrass or other grassy biomass crops (Cook and Beyea 2000). ‘Those perennial grasses could even provide benefits to the environmental condition of those lands, if harvested and managed appropriately (Rosenberg and Smith 2009; Bhardwaj et al. 2011). Recently, Finnan et al. (2012) showed how the net environmental benefits of bioenergy plans could be quantified using an approach based on the environmental receptors suggested in the strategic environmental assessment directive (2001/42/ ec). In order to maximise net environmental benefit from surplus land, the first de- cision should be on how the land will be used for bioenergy production. Here, the Bioener om “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 33 gy choice is between using the vegetation already growing on the land as a bioenergy feedstock or cultivating the land for energy crop production. As such, most land could be considered as ‘available’ for bioenergy production as long as the caveats elaborated earlier are sufficiently taken into account, the choice then being how to best use the land for bioenergy production. Harvesting of the existing vegeta- tion would allow the land to remain in communal ownership while providing an ‘alternative’ source of income for the community. This is a positive social effect as this alternative will not necessarily lead to large-scale privatization of surplus land for bioenergy. In some instances, a positive environmental effect may be achieved by using the vegetation already growing on the land for bioenergy rather than using the land for the cultivation of energy crops. Wachendorf et al. (2009) showed that semi-natural grassland in Europe can be used for bioenergy production by separat- ing the silage harvested into a liquid fraction for biogas production and a solid frac- tion for combustion. Similarly, baler technology now exists for harvesting biomass from brushlands. Such harvesting is often beneficial for reducing fire hazards and herbicide usage and restoring wildlife habitats (Anderson group 2011). The use of grassland biomass already growing on CRP land, instead of converting the land to perennial grassy crops, might further minimize environmental degradation while improving the productivity of the land. Those examples of bioenergy pathways illustrate that there is no silver bullet for land-use decisions which involve growing energy crops. Regional solutions, taking both constraints and opportunities into account, have to be developed. Bioenergy produc- tion is to a large extent driven by environmental goals and, as a consequence, bioenergy plans need to be optimised from an environmental perspective. For all bioenergy plans, the net environmental benefits of the plan should be positive across a wide range of environmental receptors (e.g. GHG, water, biodiversity, landscape, social factors etc). Based on those findings, we recommend taking the following points into consid- eration when working on sustainable strategies of bioenergy development: Slow down Gawel and Ludwig (2011) suggested reducing the political pressure on bioenergy by reducing bioenergy targets and quots and by reconsidering funding and incentives un- til a full sustainability appraisal is established. Based on their scenario analysis of global implications of biomass and biofuel use in Germany, Bringezu et al. (2009) came to a similar conclusion. They found that Germany alone, already being a net importer of agricultural land, would require a net additional land area of 2.5-3.4 Mha by 2030, mainly driven by current policy targets on biofuel. They suggest that Germany should aim to decrease its overall global cropland requirement by revising policy targets with implications for direct and indirect LUC. A slowdown in the introduction of biofuels, at least until adequate and effective controls addressing effects such as displacement are implemented in bioenergy policies, would reduce the impact of dedicated energy 34 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) crops on for example food commodity prices with their detrimental effects upon the poor (RFA 2008). In addition, there is an urgent need to consider how the threat of environmental and socio-economic damage associated with industrial scale bioenergy exploitation could be contained under a future scenario of strong market forces driven by high energy prices and more efficient bioenergy conversion processes. Scaling of bioenergy issues Once the pressure is reduced we can make up leeway in identifying key or focus areas of surplus land potentials. For this, valid information on current land use on spatial scales relevant for decision making processes is needed. Global scale data on land use, land property, climate and soil are often too coarse to provide reliable assessments that could be applied in local or regional land-use planning. They can only provide a rough idea on the potential locations of surplus land which need further assessment (ground truthing) on a regional or local scale. Improving baseline knowledge and data bases Further research and development is needed to accurately determine the environmen- tal and socio-economic implications of developing surplus land for bioenergy use. Countries need to monitor their actual land use, and assess the potential of the land for agricultural production with a target of finding the most promising bioenergy feed- stock with respect to productivity and sustainability. For this, the impacts of national resource consumption on the domestic and, where relevant, the global environment should be taken into account (incl. iLUC, subsequent GHG emissions; UNEP 2009). Water footprint analyses, for example, in combination with water availability mapping, might be used to identify water as a constraining factor and help to select the crops and areas that could produce bioenergy in the most water-efficient way (Gerbens-Leenes et al. 2009). Potential changes in hydrology and the impact of land and water use and management, need to be researched by integrated assessments at catchment scale to advance our understanding of how changes in water and land management may affect downstream users and ecosystems (Berndes 2008). Ultimately, an understanding of, and influence over, socio-economic drivers of pressures such as land-use change that affect biodiversity will be essential if biodiver- sity loss is to be halted, or at least the rate of loss reduced. However, relating socio- economic factors to pressures is complicated by international trade and transboundary pressures. For most areas of potential study, there is a net import or export of food and energy that requires macroeconomic assumptions to attribute impacts. In addi- tion, local socio-economic drivers are influenced by socio-economic drivers at regional and global scales that may also affect local biodiversity directly through pollution and GHG emissions (Haberl et al. 2009). Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications 35 Overall, we support the idea of the development of a global high resolution knowl- edge base for the sustainable use and requirements of land as a tool for risk assessment and sustainability appraisal. At the same time, on a local scale, pilot projects and dem- onstration activities need to be implemented. Screening studies to determine energy crop responses and yields to different treatments and soil conditions as well as pilot studies prior to the field establishment of crops on marginal lands for example may give information related to the potential productivity as well as on the crop management options designed to increase productivity in a sustainable way (Fernando 2005). Applying knowledge to appraisals and assessments Based on sufficient knowledge and reliable data bases, comprehensive land-use man- agement guidelines that consider agriculture, forestry, urban infrastructure, mining and nature conservation need to be implemented on the regional, national and inter- national levels for sustainable resource use (e.g. UNEP 2009). However, due to the high political and economic pressure on surplus land, resulting in a rapid land-use change, waiting for the finalisation of such data bases might not be an option. We might have to learn to deal with uncertainty when developing strategies, by taking into account adaptive capacity and transformability of land-use systems (c.f. Jackson et al. 2010). Furthermore, we might have to find ways of better applying the knowl- edge we have already. For example, goals for the conservation of farmland biodiversity could be reconciled and harmonized with bioenergy targets, based on the existing ecological understanding of farmland and farming systems by setting limits of toler- ance for a system with respect to proportions of land cover types including bioenergy crops (sensu Bignal 1998). Such an approach would allow a much higher precision in the assessment of available land for bioenergy production with respect to nature conservation constraints. In this respect, the Driver Pressure State Impact Response concept (DPSIR) might provide a useful approach to study the relationship between socio-economic factors and ecosystem impacts that has so far been little used to explore biodiversity pressures (Haberl et al. 2009). Conflicts of interests between different stakeholders often result from a miscon- ception of energy crops and their impacts (cf. Weih 2009 for willow SRC in Sweden). A key to addressing these problems is to increase the knowledge of the various stake- holder groups, and improve communication between them. Dissemination of relevant information should be made through guidelines or recommendations that stress the importance of the environmental and biodiversity aspects, and that give practical ad- vice on how plantations should be located, designed and managed in order to promote the environment and biodiversity values (e.g. Weih 2008). A full assessment of the socio-economic effects of bioenergy chains requires the consideration of macroeconomic effects and social effects in relation to alternative en- ergy and land-use options, including factors such as subsidies (not forgetting “hidden” subsidies such as military protection of oil supplies), and externalities such as air pol- 36 Jens Dauber et al. / BioRisk 7: 5—50 (2012) lution and climate change. Approaches have been developed to represent difficult to quantify impacts arising from the cultivation of energy crops, such as biodiversity loss or GHG emissions (e.g. Fargione et al. 2010; Urban et al. 2011), or integration of mar- ket models that quantify displacement and expansion effects (Reinhard and Zah 2009; Reinhard and Zah 2011), into consequential LCA models. Still more work is needed to further improve LCA, in particular as the reliability of data used in some LCAs is called into question (e.g. St. Clair et al. 2008). Implementing planning and steering tools Rapid bioenergy development driven by indiscriminate incentives arising from a top-down approach (e.g. political biofuels targets) can result in feedstock production that violates land rights and results in poor socio-economic and environmental per- formance. Encouraging smaller-scale bottom-up development of bioenergy chains in- stead can maximise socio-economic benefits, and could also help to achieve a more dispersed pattern of development. One barrier to the development of more sustainable bioenergy chains based on low-input perennial biomass crops is the cost of establish- ment combined with a long payback period, which could be overcome by diverse forms of financial support (Sherrington et al. 2008). But, a bottom-up approach can only be successful if there is sufficient demand, which may require top-down initiatives on the demand side of the bioenergy chain. Strong demand driven by subsidies and/ or future market forces may result in indiscriminate mass planting, at the aggregate regional or industrial level. In order to avoid such a response, some degree of top-down coordination or targeted incentives to encourage landscape scale planning is likely to be required. Local and regional bioenergy chains to generate heat, electricity and CHP would be more advantageous than globalised liquid biofuel chains. Caution is advised on the crude top-down targeting of ‘surplus lands’ for development of bioenergy ow- ing to difficulties associated with defining such lands and the danger of creating a per- verse incentive for productive land to be classified as surplus land on paper in order to qualify for bioenergy development programmes (Dale et al. 2010). There may bea case for top-down incentives to target smaller scale bioenergy initiatives by, for example, placing a limit on energy capacity eligible for subsidies or feed-in tariffs. Acknowledgements This paper arose from the ESF Exploratory Workshop EW09-076 on “Socio-economic and environmental implications of energy crop production in Europe — So little land so many services” convened by Jens Dauber, Michael Jones, David Styles and Martin Turner at TCD, Dublin (Ireland) on 26-28 April 2010. 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