BioRisk ee 225-24 | (20 | 0) Corre ge eae eal doi: 10.3897/biorisk.5.852 RESEARCH ARTICLE & B | O R IS k Dragonfly and Damselfly (Insecta, Odonata) Distributions in Ontario, Canada: Investigating the Influence of Climate Change Christopher D. Beatty', Stewart Fraser’, Felipe Pérez-Jvostov?, Thomas N. Sherratt? | Department of Biology, Santa Clara University 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California 95053- 0268, USA 2 School of Business Administration, Dalhousie University, 6100 University Avenue, Hali- jax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3]5, Canada 3 Escuela de Biologia, Benemérita Universidad Auténoma de Puebla Puebla, Pue. México 4 Department of Biology, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada Corresponding author: Christopher D. Beatty ( Academic editor: Jiirgen Ott | Received 29 July 2010 | Accepted 1 October 2010 | Published 30 December 2010 Citation: Beatty CD, Fraser S, Pérez-Jvostov F, Sherratt TN (2010) Dragonfly and Damselfly (Insecta: Odonata) Distributions in Ontario, Canada: Investigating the Influence of Climate Change. In: Ott J (Ed) (2010) Monitoring Climatic Change With Dragonflies. BioRisk 5: 225-241. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.5.852 Abstract We analysed temperature data and odonate distribution data collected in the province of Ontario, Cana- da, over approximately sixty years. Analysis of temperature data from 31 weather stations collected in the years 1945-2000 showed an overall significant increase in the minimum, maximum and mean monthly temperatures; these trends were not adjusted for changes in urbanisation. Comparison of county level presence/absence data for odonates from the 1950’s and 2002 found a slight decrease in the northernmost distributions of some species, although no significant patterns were evident. Lower sampling coverage in the larger, more northerly counties in Ontario, as well as the assessment of distributions based on county records may limit the sensitivity of our approach in detecting changes in odonate species distributions over time. Future work should focus on increasing the coverage, uniformity and geographic detail of available datasets, as well as evaluating range change through testing predictions based on the ecology and biogeography of odonate species. Keywords temperature, Odonata, climate change, range extension, Ontario Copyright C.D. Beatty et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 226 Christopher D. Beatty / BioRisk 5: 225-241 (2010) Introduction Climate Change, Ecological Responses & Odonates Compelling evidence for a global trend in environmental warming continues to ac- cumulate (IPCC 2007, Karl and Trenberth 2003). Likewise, researchers have found ecological and evolutionary responses to the effects of climate change in a number of plant and animal groups (Huntley 1991, Hughes 2000), with a range of data specifi- cally from arthropods (Parmesan et al. 1999, Warren et al. 2001). Further study of the ecological and evolutionary responses of a number of plant and animal groups is necessary to better understand and predict future climate change responses, and to potentially mitigate the detrimental effects of climate change. Organisms can respond to climate change in a number of ways: by going extinct, by adaptation in situ, by range change or expansion (Coope 1995), and/or through plastic changes in life-history patterns (Butterflied and Coulson 1997, Hassall et al. 2007, Paremesan 2007). The type of response observed will likely be a function of both the type of organism involved (based on its ecology and life-history), as well as the home-range conditions of that organism. Dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata), offer great potential as an indicator group for anthropogenic disturbances, such as habitat alteration, and climate change (Corbet 1999 Chapter 12 and sources therein). The majority of dragonfly species have an obligate aquatic larval stage, link- ing their ecological success to the distribution and quality of a range of aquatic habitat types throughout the landscape. As an aerial adult, odonates demonstrate a potential for dispersal and recolonization (Conrad et al. 1999), with some species migrating great distances in response to seasonal changes in weather and climate (Wikelski et al. 2006). As such, the possibility of range change and expansion is high in this group, if other ecological factors (such as the distribution of appropriate habitat for specialist species) allow for such responses. Recent work has investigated the change in range size of dragonflies and dam- selflies to detect the effects of climate change (De Knijf et al. 2001, Ott 2001, Ort 2007). Work published by Hickling et al. (2005) detected a significant expansion of the total range, as well as the northernmost range extent, of non-migratory odonates in Britain. Hassall et al. (2007) have also found significant changes in the phenology of British odonates, with advances of 1.51+0.060 days per decade (or 3.0841.16 days per degree rise in temperature) in the leading edge (first quartile date) of the flight pe- riod between 1960 and 2004. As odonates are a ubiquitous group of organisms, found on many continents and in many biomes, investigation of the response of this group could prove a useful indicator for the effects of climate change in regions throughout the world. In this current study, we have assessed data on the distribution of dragonflies and damselflies in the province of Ontario, Canada, using surveys at different time periods (1950’s and 2002) to evaluate potential changes in species ranges. We compare these Ontario Odonates and Climate Change 227 preliminary results to recorded changes in climatic conditions in Ontario that have arisen over this same time period. As with any survey work, one of the important in- terpretive constraints is knowing whether a recorded absence actually corresponds to a genuine absence. We discuss our results and their implications in the light of these constraints, and we suggest potential directions for future research. Habitat and Climate in Ontario Ontario is a large province, covering an area of 1,076,395 km? (approximately 15% of which is covered with water) divided among three geographic regions: the Precam- brian Shield (a rocky region with many lakes and wetlands that comprises over half of the province) in the northwestern and central regions, the Hudson Bay lowlands in the extreme north and northeast and the Great Lake/St. Lawrence Valley region in the south. The northernmost point of the province lies at 56°51'N, extending south to 41°54'N at the end of Point Pelee in Lake Erie, a distance of over 1600 km (the west- east extent of Ontario is from 95°10'W on the border with the province of Manitoba to 74°19' where it adjoins the province of Quebec, along the St. Lawrence River, just over 1500 km). There are a total of 47 administrative counties in the province (see Figures 1 and 2). The climate of the province ranges from a moderate humid continental climate in the southernmost regions of southern Ontario (Peel et al. 2007) to a more severe humid continental climate in the central portions of the province. These regions have relatively hot summers and cold winters, though summers are shorter in the north. Northern Ontario (especially above 50°N latitude) has a much longer and more severe winter. The Odonate Fauna of Ontario Ontario has a rich odonate fauna, attributable at least in part to the diversity of habitat types distributed on a north-south gradient within the province. Many species that are associated with more southerly habitats in the United States, such as the Carolinean forests, are found in southern Ontario, while more northerly-distributed species, such as those found within the boreal forests, are common to the northern regions of the province (Dunkle 2000, Catling et al. 2004). As such, species ranges within this region may be more significantly affected by climate change than in other geographies. The data used for these analyses (see below) indicate the presence of 134 spe- cies of Odonate, distributed over a total of 9 families: Aeshnidae, Cordulegastridae, Corduliidae, Gomphidae, Libellulidae and Macromiidae in the suborder Anisoptera (dragonflies); Calopterygidae, Lestidae and Coenagrionidae in the suborder Zygop- tera (damselflies) (see Table 1). The species within these groups utilize a large range of habitat types, from large lakes, ponds and marshes to small streams and large rivers. 228 Christopher D. Beatty / BioRisk 5: 225-241 (2010) a “ Figure |. Map of the Province of Ontario, showing weather station locations. Stations are labelled as follows: Belleville (BEL); Big Trout Lake (BTL); Cameron Falls (CMF); Earlton (EAR); Fort Frances (FTF); Gore Bay (GRB); Haliburton (HAL); Harrow (HAR); Kapuskasing A (KPA); Kapuskasing B (KPB); Kenora (KEN); Lansdowne House (LDH); London (LON); Mine Centre (MNC); Moosonee (MSN); North Bay (NRB); Orono (ORO); Ottawa (OTT); Ottawa MacDonald (OTM); Peterborough (PET); Pickle Lake (PKL); Ridgetown (RDG); Sault Ste Marie (SSM); Sioux Lookout (SXL); St. Ca- tharines (STC); Thunder Bay (TDB); Vineland Ritterhouse (WNR); Wawa (WAW); Welland (WEL); Wiarton (WIA); Windsor (WIN). Many species are habitat generalists, while some, such as Nehalennia gracilis, specialize in specific habitats (in this case, sphagnum bogs, similar to NV. speciosa in Europe (Lam 2004, Dijkstra 2006)). Due to their range of habitat preferences, some species are found in only a single region of the province; for example, many species, such as Sympetrum vicinum and Celithemis elisa, are found only in the southermost regions of the province, while spe- cies such as Aeshna juncea and Somatochlora whitehousei are found only in the north. Still other species, such as Leucorrhinia hudsonica, are found throughout the province. Some species, while found over a large area, have a patchy distribution, due to the limited presence of their preferred habitat type. Finally, some species, such as Anax ju- nius, are migratory: in this case, individuals will fly south in the fall, and the offspring they produce will return to Ontario in the spring. In the case of A. junius, only some Ontario Odonates and Climate Change 229 Figure 2. Map of the Province of Ontario, showing county boundaries and latitude (°N). Odonate pres- ence/absence was recorded and analysed on a county by county basis. Northern range extensions were cal- culated by assessing the mean and northernmost extent of the counties in which each species was found. populations are migratory; others, often found in the same habitats with individuals that migrate, remain in Ontario throughout the year, completing their entire life cycle in these lakes and ponds. Methods and results Unadjusted estimates of climate change in Ontario We assembled data on maximum and minimum monthly temperatures collected at 31 weather stations throughout Ontario (Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis,, starting in January 1945 and continuing through 2000, (Figure 1, Table 2). These data approximately coincide with the time period of our odonate distribution data (see below). Fluctuations in the mean monthly temperatures of three winter months and three summer months over these decades are shown in Figure 3a and 3b. 230 Christopher D. Beatty / BioRisk 5: 225-241 (2010) Table |. List of Ontario odonate species found in datasets used in this analysis. Species are grouped by suborder and family. The change in northernmost latitude by county between the 1950’s and 2002 is listed as increased (+), decreased (-) or unchanged (U). SUBORDER/ Famil ANISOPTERA Aeshnidae Change Boyeria vinosa + Boyeria grafiana U Basiaeschna janata uh Nasiaeschna pentacantha = SUBORDER/ Change Family Somatochlora septentrionalis Somatochlora albicincta Somatochlora cingulata Cordulia shurtleffi Dorocordulia libera = U U Somatochlora hudsonica U U U Epiaeschna heros Aeshna eremita Aeshna interupta interupta ey = Gomphidae Hagenius brevistylus U Ophiogomphus colubrinus 1; Aeshna interupta lineata Ophiogomphus carolus 2 Aeshna canadensis Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis a Aeshna clepsydra Aeshna tuberculifera Aeshna sitchensis # iG Salt Aeshna umbrosa Aeshna constricta Anax junius Cordulegastridae Aas |e Ye Ophiogomphus anomalus - Lanthus albistylus - Gomphidae (cont'd) Gomphus lividus Gomphus graslinellus Gomphus quadricolor Cordulegaster maculatus + Cordulegaster diastatops - Cordulegaster obliquus U Corduliidae Epitheca princeps U Epitheca cynosura Fd Epitheca spinigera 18) lt! U Epitheca canis Helocordulia uhleri Williamsonia fletcheri i Ay Gompus exilis WV rr U Gomphus spicatus Gomphus villosipes Gomphus furcifer + Gomphus cornutus U Gomphus descriptus Gomprus aescriptus, | Gomphus fraternus Gomphus vastus U Gomphus brevis 13 Gomphus scudderi + U U Gomphus notatus Dromogomphus spinosus Somatochlora walshii : oa Somatochlora minor Somatochlora elongata 2 Somatochlora williamsoni + Libellulidae Nannothemis bella : Perithemis tenera Celithemis eponina Somatochlora tenebrosa 7 Somatochlora franklini 19 Somatochlora kennedyi “ Somatochlora forcipata of Libellula quadrimaculata Libellula/Ladona julia Libellula lydia : ; WU Celithemis elisa U Ws Uv Somatochlora whitehousei u Libellula luctuosa - Ontario Odonates and Climate Change PAS al SUBORDER/ Change = SusBORDER/ Change Family Family Libellula pulchella oy Lestes inequalis 4 Libellula semifasciata = Lestes congener 1) Libellula incesta Libellula vibrans Erythemis simplicicollis Lestes unguiculatus _ Lestes disjunctus U Pachydiplax longipennis + iG) Lestes dryas - + + Lestes forcipatus + Sympetrum corruptum - Lestes rectangulais a: Sympetrum vicinum + Coenagrionidae Sympetrum costiferum U Argia moesta eh Sympetrum semicinctum - Argia apicalis - Sympetrum danae U Argia tibialis + Sympetrum rubicundulum - Argia sedula U Sympetrum internum U Agria translata U Sympetrum obtrusum U Argia violacea U Leucorrhinia hudsonica Wy Chromagrion conditum - Leucorrhinia patricia U Amphiagrion saucium + Leucorrhinia glacialis U Nehalennia irene U Leucorrhinia proxima 18) Nehalennia gracilis + Leucorrhinia frigida 10) Coenagrion resolutum U Leucorrhinia intacta U Coenagrion interrogatum U Tramea carolina - Enallagma carunculatum 18 Tramea lacerata + Enallagma civile - Pantala hymenea - Enallagma boreale Pantala flavescens + Enallagma cyathigerum - Macromiidae Enallagma vernale 13 Didymops transversa U Enallagma hageni U Macromia illinoiensis U Enallagma ebrium - ZYGOPTERA Enallagma geminatum + Calopterygidae Enallagma exsulans - Calopteryx maculatum - Enallagma antennatum - Calopteryx aequabilis U Enallagma apersum - Hetaerina americana + Enallagma vesperem - Lestidae Enallagma signatum + Lestes eurinus + Ischnura posita + Lestes vigilax - Ischnura verticalis U To test whether overall temperatures in Ontario have changed over this period, and estimate the size of these changes we fitted a General Linear Model (GLM) to the climato- logical data with year as a covariate and site as a random factor. These analyses indicated a significant increase in minimum, mean and maximum temperature over the period 1945 to 2000 (see Table 3 for results), as well as a significant site effect. The rates of temperature 232 Christopher D. Beatty / BioRisk 5: 225-241 (2010) Table 2. List of Ontario weather stations with their latitude and longitude coordinates. Station Name Latitude (N) Longitude (W) |_ Latitude (N) Belleville 77.40 Big Trout Lake 53.82 89.90 Cameron Falls 88.35 Earlton 79.85 Fort Frances 48.65 93.43 Gore Bay 45.88 82.57 Haliburton 45.03 78.53 Harrow (Aut) 82.90 Kapuskasing A 82.47 Kapuskasing B 49.40 82.43 Kenora 49.78 94.37 Lansdowne House 52.20 87.93 London 81.15 Mine Centre 92.62 Moosonee 5127 80.65 North Bay 46.37 79.42 Orono 43.97 78.62 Ottawa 75.72 Ottawa MDonald 75.67 Peterborough 44.23 78.37 Pickle Lake 5145 90.22 Ridgetown 42.45 81.88 Sault Ste Marie 84.52 Sioux Lookout 91.90 St Catharines 43.20 FIAF Thunder Bay 48.37 89.33 Vineland Ritterhouse 43.17 79.42 Wawa 84.78 Welland 79.27 Wiarton 81.10 Windsor 42.27 82.97 increase were relatively consistent throughout the year such that temperatures in Ontario have increased at the rate of about 0.02°C per year (1°C in 50 years) in both summer and winter months (Figure 3a and 3b, Figure 4). These results are in line with larger-scale as- sessments of climate change, which have found increases in mean annual temperatures throughout southern Canada ranging from 0.5°C to 1.5°C over the 20th Century (Bon- sal et al. 2000, Zhang et al. 2001). Our analysis does not account for important effects such as urbanisation (Prokoph and Patterson 2004), which could artificially increase esti- mates of rates of change of temperature at many of our locations where weather stations are situated. The significant differences in temperatures among sites are not unexpected, since sites in the northern regions of Ontario are consistently colder throughout the year. Ontario Odonates and Climate Change 2353 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 oO ae 2 = o - o a £ o ke —#— December : --O-- January a. ra --f-- February Year 25 ar mo 4 7 i A aR Sa WG ar a ah wan, th al ” i A . - January maximum —o— January minimum Year —+— August maximum —o— August minimum Figure 4. Maximum and minimum temperatures (°C) in January and August averaged across 31 weather stations in Ontario from 1945 to 2000. For current distributions we have synthesized data from volume 4 of Ontario Odo- nata by Catling, Jones and Pratt (2004). These recent data represent known distribu- tions as of 2002 and comprise 6,700 recorded sightings by 43 different contributors. Records were compiled into databases at the regional level and then passed to a pro- vincial complier to create a single database. Unusual records were discussed with con- tributors to ensure a level of certainty. Voucher specimens were required for the most Ontario Odonates and Climate Change 235 160 120 O Walker —a— 2002 Cumulative species number % Latitude (°N) Figure 5. Cumulative number of species that have reached their northernmost extent in each of our two datasets, as a function of increasing latitude. Both datasets include the same 134 species of odonate. Be- tween latitudes of 46°N and 50°N, a higher number of species were detected at their northernmost extent in 2002 than were detected in the 1950s. This reflects a marginal overall decrease in the maximum extent of several species in the 2002 dataset — the opposite trend would be expected for a pattern of climate- driven northward range expansion. The final increase in species number in the highest latitude range represents those species whose latitudinal extent reaches the northern border of Ontario. significant records. Included in these different surveys over several decades are data on 134 species, with 39 damselflies (suborder Zygoptera) and 95 dragonflies (suborder Anisoptera) (see Table 2 for species list). Since the records of occurrence were only at the county level, some analysis was required to match historic and current distributions of Ontario odonates to geographi- cal latitudes. For each county, the geographic boundaries were used to determine the northern extent of the county in terms of latitude, which allowed for an estimate of the maximum northerly latitude of a species based on the northern-most county observa- tion. The median latitude of each county was also determined given the geographical boundaries of the county. The median latitude of the county enabled an estimation of the average latitude of the range of the species within Ontario given its presence in a number of counties. Some counties that had been sampled by Walker were not sam- pled in the 2002 data; when historic and current data were matched, data from a total of 41 counties could be assembled, though inevitable variation exists as to the extent of sampling within different counties. Of the 134 species of odonate included in the study, 29 showed an increase in northern range extension between the two datasets (based on the northernmost latitude of the northernmost county in which the species was detected), while 40 species actually showed a decrease. Sixty-five species showed no change in their 236 Christopher D. Beatty / BioRisk 5: 225-241 (2010) 18 16 — 14 § increase @ decrease . 12 CO unchanged 2 E 10 e Hy 3 8 o _ a oO 6 4 2 0 L e @ e & S & ao oe so we sv oo Re eo fs) o> oe? eo Na “eo e . o& Ge VV F ae? ee C i) GC or go o xe ‘ Cc? Figure 6. Differences in northern latitudinal extent between 1950’s and 2002 of Ontario odonate spe- cies, showing species broken down into family groups. For most groups, the number of species with increased and decreased ranges in not significantly different; the majority of species remain unchanged. most northerly distribution. Comparing the total number of species at their north- ernmost extent in each survey as a function of latitude (Figure 5) we do not see, as might be expected, an increase in the northern ranges of species in the 2002 dataset. In fact, a larger number of species in the 2002 dataset reach their latitu- dinal maximum between 46° N and 50°N than in the Walker dataset, indicating a slight trend toward a decrease in the latitudinal ranges for some species between the 1950’s and 2002. To determine whether differences could be found among taxonomic groups, we compared family-level distributions between datasets. We found similar patterns with- in family to those for the overall order (Figure 6) — thus, even at the family level, no significant overall increase (or decrease) was detected for any group. It has been suggested that odonate species which inhabit lentic habitats (non-mov- ing water, such as lakes and ponds) have larger and more northern distributions than those that inhabit lotic (river and stream) habitats (Hof et al. 2006). Hof and col- leagues found this to be the case for odonates throughout Europe and North America, suggesting that the lower stability of lakes and ponds through time (in comparison to streams and rivers) require lentic species to have higher dispersal rates. As such, lentic species might be quicker to respond to increasing temperatures, and thus might expand their ranges northward more rapidly than lotic species. We compared lentic to lotic species (92 species versus 42 species, respectively), but found no difference in the pattern of latitudinal extent between these two groups (Figure 7). Ontario Odonates and Climate Change 237 Species number Figure 7. Differences in northern latitudinal extent between 1950’s and 2002 of Ontario odonate spe- cies, showing species that are found in lentic (lake, pond and marsh) habitats versus lotic (stream and river) habitats. Species are listed based on whether they have shown an increase in latitudinal extent, a decrease in latitudinal extent, or no change. Discussion Preliminary conclusions Our first-step analysis of evaluating the responses of Odonates to changes in climate has concentrated on temperature, although we recognise that rainfall may also have the potential to influence the breeding ecology (and hence distribution) of Odonates (Cannings and Cannings 1998). We have found that, while increases in the recorded minimum, maximum and mean monthly temperatures in Ontario have been observed over the time interval between 1945 and 2000, no consistent pattern of change in the northern extensions of our studied odonate species is detectable. This is surprising, as changes in range size and northward extent, as well as changes in life history, have been observed in odonates in a warming European climate (Hickling et al. 2005, Hassall et al. 2007, Ott 2007). A number of difficulties often arise in the collection of time-series data such as those used for these analyses. First, uneven sampling effort may lead to differences in levels of detection at different times. For example, if a lower amount or intensity of sample effort (fewer sample events, or fewer collectors) takes place during a specific phase of the sampling, species may be underrepresented, and the full distribution of 238 Christopher D. Beatty / BioRisk 5: 225-241 (2010) some species—especially rare species—may not be determined (Southwood & Hend- erson 2000). As is often the case with survey data, later samples in our data (from the 2002 source) were done more consistently—by a large number of people—than our earlier data, which was collected by Walker and his colleagues. Thus, the detection of an expanded range for a species—particularly a species with low densities or a patchy distribution—may be an artefact of sampling. Secondly, uneven sampling within a sample period (for example, our 2002 dataset) may lead to biased assessments of species distributions. Sampling may favour urban areas, with large numbers of collectors and with greater access to habitats. Large areas with low human population densities will likely be sampled less effectively and could result in uneven recordings of species distributions. This could be problematic in our dataset, in that the northernmost counties of Ontario are the largest, least populated and least accessible; these are also the most crucial to sample in the detection of north- ward range changes. The use of county-level presence data is also problematic, in that there is a great range of sizes in county areas in Ontario (see Figure 2); thus, recording presence at the county level represents an uneven sample effort. Many modern surveys record latitude and longitude of the actual sample location — this is made all the more easy due to the availability of hand-held global positioning system (GPS) receivers. How- ever, older data, such as those used here, often are not recorded with such accuracy. A potential problem with county record data when analyzing changes is distribution patterns comes if county sizes are clustered — that larger counties are grouped in an area together. In our data, the fact that larger counties in Ontario tend to be in the northern part of the province could lead to an inflated increase in northern range extensions in species, as any record within a large county could represent a considerable northward latitude increase for that species. Future Work We observe that, while we did not find a significant trend in the change of species dis- tributions in our dataset, this may be due not to absence of a change, but an inability to detect such change with the current data. Ontario is a large province, with many remote areas that are difficult to sample. Still, increased interest has been seen in recent years in dragonflies and damselflies, reflected by the development of regional groups of odonate enthusiasts throughout North America, and the increased availability of field guides. We welcome this increase in public interest and awareness, and hope that it continues to contribute to the growing availability of data species distributions. We encourage our readers, in Ontario and elsewhere, to become involved in the collection and synthesis of dragonfly distribution data, which will improve our understanding of these organisms. Those specifically interested in Ontario odonata can become involved by contacting the Natural Heritage Information Centre with the Ontario Ministry of Ontario Odonates and Climate Change 239 Natural Resources, the Toronto Entomological Society, or other naturalist organisa- tions in the region. When considering the distribution patterns of odonate species, intriguing trends can be observed. While some species in this survey were found throughout the prov- ince, others are limited to a distinct region. While some species distributions can be explained by the extent of a habitat type (Precambrian Shield lakes, for example) other species show distinct distribution boundaries that do not match to discrete landscape features. For these species — such as Aeshna canadensis, Erythemis simplicicollis or Enal- lagma civile — range boundaries appear to be limited primarily by a maximum latitu- dinal extent. It may be that climatic patterns are the limiting factor in the distribution of these species; We propose, in future work focusing on species such as these and employing a larger and more robust dataset for North American odonates, to further and more rigorously explore the relationship between odonate distributions and cli- mate change References Bonsal BR, Zhang X, Vincent LA, Hogg WD (2001) Characteristics of daily and extreme tem- peratures over Canada. Journal of Climate 14: 1959-1976. Butterfield JEL, Coulson JC (1997) Terrestrial invertebrates and climate change: Physiological and life-cycle adaptations. In: Huntley B, Cramer W, Morgan AV, Prentice HC, Allen JR M (Eds) Past and Future Rapid Environmental Changes: The Spatial and Evolutionary Responses of Terrestrial Biota. Springer, Berlin. Cannings RA, Cannings SG (1998) Odonata (Damselflies and Dragonflies). In: Smith IM, Scudder GGE (Eds) Assessment of species diversity in the Montane Cordillera Ecozone. 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