BioRisk 5: 2) | | 993 (20 | 0) Apeer-reviewed open-access journal doi: 10.3897/biorisk.5.85 | RESEARCH ARTICLE a B | O R IS k Expansion of Crocothemis erythraea in Ukraine Lyudmyla A. Khrokalo National Technical University of Ukraine ‘KPI, Peremohy Ave. 37, campus 4 Corresponding author: Lyudmyla A. Khrokalo (\ Academic editor: /iirgen Ott | Received 28 July 2010 | Accepted 1 October 2010 | Published 30 December 2010 Citation: Khrokalo LA (2010) Expansion of Crocothemis erythraea in Ukraine. In: Ott J (Ed) (2010) Monitoring Climatic Change With Dragonflies. BioRisk 5: 211-223. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.5.851 Abstract A noticeable expansion of some Mediterranean species takes place in Europe during last several decades and this data are related to climatic effects clearly. The present work is a review of literature and original data on distribution of C. erythraea in Ukraine. In the beginning and middle of XX century in Ukraine the Scarlet Dragonfly was observed in southern area at Dnieper valley, in outmost southwest at Danube delta at the west of Ukraine in Transcarpathian and Forecarpathian. Next, this species was registered at the foothills of Carpathian Mountains. During last three decades C. erythraea was also recorded at the north and east (central regions, eastern, northern and northeastern areas). Since 2000 new points have been reg- istered in Odessa, Kherson, Vinnytsya, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Kyiv administrative regions and in Crimea. Keywords dragonflies, range expansion, Crocothemis erythraea, Ukraine, monitoring Introduction Crocothemis erythraea is Palaearctic-Afrotropical-Oriental species, which distributed in Europe, Transcaucasus, Near East, Mid- and Central Asia, Northern and Tropical Af- rica, Madagascar and Northwestern India. In Western Palearctic the Scarlet Dragonfly occurs in the south and middle parts, reaching the Netherlands (Hermans and Gub- bels 1997), Belgium (Knijf 2003), south of England (Jones 1996; Butler and Butler 1998; Parr 2001, 2002). The map of distribution C. erythraea in Western Palearctic region was made due to analysis of recent literature (fig. 1). In Europe it was found in Austria (Schweiger 1983; Chwala 1990; Raab et al. 1996; Ehmann 1998), Bulgaria Copyright LA. Khrokalo. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 212 Lyudmyla A. Khrokalo / BioRisk 5: 211-223 (2010) Figure |. Distribution of Crocothemis erythraea in Western Palearctic. (Beshovsky 1964a, 1964b, 1965, 1968; Scheffler 1973; Mauersberger 1985, 1990; Beutler 1987; Donath 1987; Beshovsky and Marinov 1993, 1998), Croatia (Trilar and Bedjani¢ 1999), Czech Republic (Mocek 1998; Waldhauser 2001), France (Rehfeldt 1991; Hazet 1992; Convey 1992; Papazian 1994, 1998; Wildermuth 2005), Ger- many (Miller 1987; Ott 1988, 1996, 2001; Stenberg 1989; Schorr 1990; Malkmus 1993, 1998; Bauhus 1996, 2001; Xylander et al. 1998; Donath 2001, 2003; Lohr 2003; Horn 2004; Schlumprecht et al. 2004; Heidecke and Lindemann 2004, Mau- ersberger 2004), Hungary (Ambrus et al. 1996a,b,c,d,e), Italy (Letardi and d’Auria 1991; d’Antonio 1996, Terzani and Lo Cascio 1997), Moldova (Artobolevs’ky 1929; Andreev 1998), Poland (Czekaj 1994; Bernard 1999; Kalkman and Dijkstra 2000; Theuerkauf and Rouys 2001; Dolny 2003; Dolny et al. 2003), Slovakia (David 1990; 1998; Sibl 2001), Romania (Lehrer and Bulimar 1979), Spain (Aguero and Ferreras 1994; Cordero 1996; Pedrocchi and Ferreras 1996; Torralba and Ocharan 2003), Swit- zerland (Kiauta and Kiauta 1984; Weidmann 2001; Kunz and Hunger 2003; Gonseth and Monnerat 2003; Graf et al. 2004). C. erythraea also was registered in Asian part of Western Palearctic: Azerbaijan (Bartenev 1901), Jordan (Schneider 1985), Kazakhstan (Chaplina 2004), Tajikistan (Borisov 1987), Turkey (Hacet and Aktac 1997; Kalkman et al. 2003; Van Pelt 2004), Saudi Arabia (Schneider 1995), Uzbekistan (Bartenev 1912) and northern Africa: Tunisia (Jodicke 2003). Expansion of Crocothemis erythraea in Ukraine 213 A noticeable expansion of some Mediterranean Odonata species like C. erythraea occurred in Europe, beginning around 1980. Because the northward spread of these species is especially well documented, it seems worthwhile trying to correlate it with detailed climatic data now at hand (Ott 2001; Dijkstra, 2006). Scarlet Dragonfly colo- nizes the new biotopes mostly on initial stages of succession. Investigators registered the increasing of population sizes in higher altitudes as well. For example, in Germany C. erythraea have spread over several hundreds kilometers to the north and about 400 meters in altitude for last two decades (Ott 2001). Investigators consider this phe- nomenon as consequence of global climatic changed and propose C. erythraea as good indicator species. Material and methods The present work is a review of literature data on distribution of C. erythraea in Ukraine. Author use the data of own collection and observation during 1999-2009 and data of collection of colleagues entomologists which were kindly lent for author as well. Results and discussion In the beginning and middle of XX century in Ukraine the Scarlet Dragonfly was ob- served in southern area at Dnieper valley (Artobolevs’ky 1929; Brauner 1902), at Dan- ube delta (Brauner 1903; Bezvali 1932) and in Western Ukraine in Transcarpathian and Forecarpathian (St. Quentin 1933; Grabar 1933) and Crimea (Artobolevsky 1929b; Pliginsky 1913). Pavlyuk (1990) collected this species in 1968 and 1973 at the foothills of Carpathian Mountains. During last two decades C. erythraea was recorded in Ukraine in outermost southwest at Danube delta (Gorb and Ermolrenko 1996; Dyatlova 2005, 2006), in Crimea peninsula (Kiseleva and Vershitsky 1998; Prokopov 2003), in the west (Vizslan and Huber, 2001) and towards to north and east, namely central regions (Bar- sov 1987), eastern (Martynov and Martynov 2003), northern (Tytar 2003; Matushkina 2006) and northeastern regions (Khrokalo 2000). In 2000-2007 new points were regis- tered in Vinnytsya, Chernihiv, Kyiv administrative regions and in Crimea. Detailed data of all records are presented in regional order in the table 1. These points are mapped on the fig. 2 as well with numbers according to table 1 and years of records in parentheses. Thus, C. erythraea is abundant in south areas, in other territories it occurs rarer. It expansion in Ukraine toward the north and east has been observed obviously. ‘The flight period in Ukraine was registered from the end of May to end of September. Larvae were collected in different type of waters, such as lakes, ponds, rivers, brooks and pools, brackish waters. One of aspects which define this species is its ability to colonise the waterbodies on initial stages of succession. C. erythraea is characterized by R-strategy of population development, preference for higher temperature of environ- ment, good flyers in adults, exophytic oviposition and other features of “winners” spe- 214 Table |. Records of Crocothemis erythraea in Ukraine Lyudmyla A. Khrokalo/ BioRisk 5: 211-223 (2010) Ne | Location Date of References Number of specimens, records notes Northern and Northeastern Ukraine 1. | Sumy region, Yampil’ distr., 17.07.1999 Khrokalo 2000 1 female - in Ulichka river Nature Park “Prudysche” valley at the derivation canal 2. | Chernihiv region, Borzna 10.06.2002 Sheshurak P 1 male distr., env. vill. Yaduty unpublished data 3. | Kyiv region, Vyshhorod distr., | 27.06.2004, Matushkina 2006 | 2 males, 6 female, 1 env. vill. Osischyna 6.08.2004, exuviae were found at the 2.07.2005 lotic waterbodies. Tandems and oviposition were observed. 4, | Kyiv, Dnieper River, Tytar 2003 Trukhaniv Island 5. | Env. of Kyiv, lake Ped’kine 4.07.2004 Khrokalo 2005 1 male 6. | Kyiv, lake Malynivka 23.06.2005 Khrokalo L 2 males unpublished data 7. | Kyiv, Golosiivsky Park, pond | 25.07.2006 Khrokalo L 1 male unpublished data 8. | Kyiv region, Boryspil distr., 12.07.2005 Matushkina 2006 | 1 female env. of vill. Devichki, Dnieper river 9. | Kyiv region, Obukhiv distr., | 14.09.2003 Khrokalo L larva 1 female env. Kozyn, Kozynka river. unpublished data Western Ukraine 10. | Zakarpats’ka region, env. of Grabar 1933 Uzhhorod 11. | Zakarpats’ka region, env. of | 14.06.1968 Pavlyuk 1990 1 male Khust, lake in Tissa River valley 12. | Zakarpats’ka region, 26.09.1973 Pavlyuk 1990 1 male Mukacheve town, pond 13. | Zakarpats’ka region, 28.07.1997 Vizslan and Huber | 1 male, floodplain of the Latorytsya river, env. of 2001 Latorytsya river, Reunoutria Mukacheve japonica in some places. 14. | Zakarpats’ka region, env. of — | 25-30.07.1997 | Vizslan and Huber | 7 males, slowly flowing Velykaya Dobron’, canals 2001 almost stagnant water, silty bed and macrovegetation, on banks Salix. 15. | Chernivtsi region, 13-20.07.1931 | St. Quentin 1933. | Common species. Storozhynets’ distr., vill. Jadova 16. | Vinnytsya region, Shargorod | 24.06.2004 Stolbchaty V 1 male distr., vill. Klekotyne unpublished data Expansion of Crocothemis erythraea in Ukraine 215 Ne | Location Date of References Number of specimens, records notes Central Ukraine 17. | Cherkasy region, Kanivsky | 11-12.06.2004| Matushkina 2006 | 2 male, 2 female reserve, Dnieper River, Zmiyni Islands 18- | Central Ukraine, Barsov 1987 20. | Dnipropetrovs’k region, valleys of Dnieper, Samara, Mokra Sura, Vovcha rivers. East Ukraine 21. | Donets’k region, Artemovsk | 27.07.2002 Martynov and 1 female was found at the distr., env. vill. Dronovka, Martynov 2003 bogged bank of lake valley of Sivers’ky Donets’ River South Ukraine 22. |S Ukraine, June 1914 Artobolevs’ ky 1 female Mykolayiv region, 1929a bank of Ingul river 23. |S Ukraine, 23-24.07.1927 | Artobolevs’ ky 2 males Zaporizhzhya region. 19294 Between Zaporizhzhya and vill. Bilen’ke 24. | Kherson region, env. of Brauner 1902 Numerous records. Kherson Emergence took place from end of May with duration about month. Copulation started from end of June. 25. | Kherson region, Gola Prystan | 4.08.2004 Dyatlova 2006 Abundant town, Dnieper delta, Konka river 26. | Kherson region, Gola prystan | 2.08.2004 Dyatlova 2006 2 females distr., Stara Zburiivka vill Southwestern Ukraine 27. | Odessa region, 26.06.1902 Brauner 1903 1 male, 1 female env. of Izmayil 28. | Odessa region, Bezvali 1932 env. of Izmayil 29. | Odessa region, Kiliya distr., 15-28.06. Gorb and 9 males, 1 female vill. Prymors’ke 1995 Ermolenko 1996 30. | Odessa region, Kiliya distr., 14-19.09. Gorb and 1 male, 2 females Vilcove town L995 Ermolenko 1996 31. | Odessa region, Kiliya distr., 12.09.1995 Gorb and 1 female west bank of Sasyk Lake Ermolenko 1996 32. | Odessa region, Kiliya distr, | 25.05.1996, Dyatlova 2005, 2 males, 3 female3 Vilcove town 7,10.07.1997 | 2006 216 Lyudmyla A. Khrokalo/ BioRisk 5: 211-223 (2010) Ne | Location Date of References Number of specimens, records notes 33. | Odessa region, Kiliya town, | 24.05.2003, Dyatlova 2005 larva 1 male; in May 2005 Danube delta 24.05.2005 author observed mass emergence 34. | Odessa region, Kiliya distr., 21.08.1999 Dyatlova 2005 1 male, 1 female env vill. Kyslytsya, Danube flood-lands 35. | Odessa region, Reni distr., 9.07.2004 Dyatlova 2005 1 male, 1 female env. vill. Novosil’ske, lakes 36. | Odessa region, Bolgrad distr., | 21.06.1999 Dyatlova 2005 2 females vill. Vynogradivka, Yalpug 13.07.2003 lake 37. | Odessa region, Izmayil 6.07.2005 Dyatlova 2005 1 male, 1 female distr., Danube delta “Izmayil Islands”, Tataru Island 38. | Odessa region, Izmayil distr., | 1-10.07. Matushkina 2006 | 7 males, 19 females Danube delta, Tataru Island | 2003 39. | Odessa region, Stambul’sky | 7.07.1997 Dyatlova 2005 2 females Island 40. | Odessa region, Izmayil distr., | 17.08.1996 Dyatlova 2005 1 male Kugurly lake 41. | Odessa region, Bilyaivka vill, | 26.06.2005, Dyatlova 2006 2 males branch of Bystry Turunchuk | 28.07.2005 river 42. | Odessa region, Bilyaivka 19.06.2003, | Dyatlova 2006 4 males, 3 females distr, Mayaki vill. 12.06.2004, 26.06.2005, 30.06.2005 43. | Odessa region, Ovidiopol 3,15.06.2003, | Dyatlova 2006 9 males, 6 females distr., env.of Prilimanskoye 15.05.2004, vill., Sukhoy liman 5.06.2004, 4, 18.07.2004, 17.08.2004 44, | Odessa region, Ovidiopol 5.06.2005 Dyatlova 2006 1 male, 1 female distr., Dnistrovsky firth, Nadlymanske vill. 45. | Odessa city 17.07,8.08. Dyatlova 2006 2 males, 3 females 2004, 18.08. 2005 46. | Odessa region, Berezivka 8.06.2005 Dyatlova 2006 1 male town, Tyligulsky firth Crimea 47. | Steppe part of Crimea Kiseleva and Larvae in waterbodies of peninsula Vershytsky 1998 different types 48. | South coast of Crimea, env. 09.07.1906 Artobolevsky 1 male Sevastopol’ city 1929b, Prokopov _ | Larvae in different lentic 2003 and lotic water, springs Expansion of Crocothemis erythraea in Ukraine 2N7 Ne | Location Date of References Number of specimens, records notes 49. | South coast of Crimea, env. 30.06- Pliginsky 1913 Adults Inkerman town 09.07.1912 Prokopov 2003 Larvae in different lentic and lotic water, springs 50. | West coast, Bakhchisaray dist, | 23.08.2001 Khrokalo and larva 1 9 env. vill. Beregove, Bulganak Prokopov 2009 river 51. | Bakhchisaray dist, env. vill. 08.08.2008 Khrokalo and 1 male Plodove, pond on river Al’ma Prokopov 2009 52 | Saky dist. lake Donuzlav 25.08.2008 Khrokalo and 2 females Prokopov 2009 53 | env. of Bilogirsk, Rusanovsky | 26.07.2007 Khrokalo and 2 males pond Prokopov 2009 54 | Simferopol’ 1898 Artobolevsky 1 male 30.06- 1929b, Adults 0907 1912 Pliginsky 1913 55 | Simferopol’ dist., vill. 06.08.2008 Khrokalo and 2 males Poznanske, pond on river Prokopov 2009 Bukganak 56 | South coast, Alushta distr., 6.05.2005 Khrokalo and larvae 2 juv. were found in env. Rybache, Kanaks’ka gully Prokopov 2009 small pool near road 57 | Yalta, pond in Mys Mart’yan_ | 08-10.07.2008 | Khrokalo and 2 males reservation Prokopov 2009 Belarus Poland ep ie I} r tA (26 od) ~ &, ,7(2005}4_. i4 (2003) a d as gi «Say ‘ | RT 20 (1987)Q.. ree > tee teehee st PN 2s¢r927 Lae z oe te : ¢ yi | a } ; i tA XY ie Romania @ - Old records (before 1980) 33 (2003, 2005) 36 (1999, 2003, = =™. borders of “old area” ia waXs a 30 (1995) 55 (2009) 32 (1995,1996) 50 (2001) 34 (1999), 49 tat. 2003, 37 (2005), : 48 (1906, (7996) 38 (2003), 2003) “” BLACK SEA a 27 (1902) © - recent records (after 1980) 28 (1932) 2%,)56(2005) 57(2008) Figure 2. Records of C. erythraea in Ukraine. 218 Lyudmyla A. Khrokalo / BioRisk 5: 211-223 (2010) cies (in competition). Most northern point of it breeding in Ukraine was registered in the north in Kyiv region (Ne 3 in tab. 2). As climatic changes taking place, in Ukraine the average temperatures increases on 0,2—0,3°C during last two decades (Bilyavs’ky et al, 2004)), so more intensive expansion of Mediterranean species could be expected in future. Acknowledgements The author is deeply grateful to Dr. V. Stolbchaty (Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, Ukrainian Academy of Science) and P. Sheshurak (Nizhyn Gogol’ Pedagogical Univer- sity) for lending material of their collections. References Aguero PM, Ferreras RM (1994) Dragonfly emergence from an artificial pond in the urban area of Cordoba, Andalusia, southern Spain: a possible case of intraguild predation and competition between larvae. Notul. Odonatol. 4 (4): 57-60. Ambrus A, Bankuti K, Kovacs T (1996) Breeding of Hemianax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) in Hungary. Odonata — stadium larvale, 1-5. Ambrus A, Bankuti K, Kovacs T (1996) Larval and imaginal data to the Odonata fauna of the Hortobagy. Odonata — stadium larvale, 13-23. 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