BioRisk 4(2): 85 1-854 (20 l 0) lar yi Sch sah iccess journa 1] doi: |0.3897/biorisk.4.47 RESEARCH ARTICLE B | O R IS Springtails and Silverfishes (Apterygota) Chapter 13.5 Jirg Zettel University of Bern, Institute of Ecology and Evolution Baltzerstrasse 6, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland Corresponding author: /iirg Zettel ( Academic editor: David Roy | Received 27 January 2010 | Accepted 25 May 2010 | Published 6 July 2010 Citation: Zettel J (2010) Springtails and Silverfishes (Apterygota). Chapter 13.5. In: Roques A et al. (Eds) Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe. BioRisk 4(2): 851-854. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.4.47 Abstract The alien fauna of Apterygota is still limited in Europe. Springtails (Collembolla) alien to Europe include only three species to which add a cryptogenic one. Two nowadays cosmopolitan species of silverfishes may originate from Central America. The reasons of this limited colonisation of Europe are briefly discussed. Keywords Apterygota, Collembola, springtails, Zygentoma, silverfishes 13.5.1. Diplura alien to Europe No introductions of alien species into Europe are known. 13.5.2. Collembola (Springtails) alien to Europe Worldwide ca. 6500 collembolan species are listed, belonging to 18 families (Hopkin 1997). For Europe, there are estimated to be ca. 1500 species, belonging to 16 families (taxonomic work is still progressing). Collembola are the most abundant terrestrial arthropods, colonising all soil habi- tats that provide enough humidity and food, such as organic matter or microorgan- isms. Example habitats include root rosettes of high alpine plants, plant debris on the shore, natural soils, as well as microhabitats such as flower pots. Most species are soil or Copyright Jiirg Zettel. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 852 Jtirg Zettel / BioRisk 4(2): 851-854 (2010) litter dwellers, whilst only few species live on the surface or in the vegetation (mainly Entomobryidae and Symphypleona). In mature soil, abundances may attain values of 50—100°000 individuals/m*. Local gradations in abundance are a well known phenom- enon in many Collembola. As detritivores, Collembola are not generally considered as pest species. Exceptions are two species of Symphypleona living above ground in the vegetation layer: the Eu- ropean Sminthurus viridis which became a severe pest in Australia on alfalfa, clover etc, and the ubiquitous Bourletiella hortensis is known to feed on vegetable seedlings when natural food (weed seedlings) is absent. The ubiquitous onychiurid Protaphorura arma- ta also switches food source in the absence of weeds, but only as a secondary pest when feeding on wounds infected by microorganisms. In Europe, no Collembola are declared as agronomic pests (e.g. in CABI Crop Protection Compendium) (CABI 2009). A 100 or more Collembola species may occur in the same soil habitat, and through occupying all available niches are believed to preclude establishment of alien species. To date, alien Collembola have only been observed to become invasive and replace in- digenous species in isolated microhabitats and in extreme climates such as two species on sub-Antarctic islands (Convey et al. 1999, Greenslade 2002). Identifying alien Collembola is difficult due to the limited number of specialists investigating soil fauna. No intentional introductions to Europe have occurred. Un- intentional transport within soil of ornamental plants, with vegetables, dirty equip- ment and vehicles easily moves Collembola over large distances. Short life cycles and parthenogenetic development of a number of species may also increase the chances to colonise new sites. Therefore the distribution ranges of alien species within Europe may increase steadily. Only three records of alien Collembola introduced to Europe have been published. These concern two species in the family Isotomidae, Proisotoma filifera, originating from Central America but found in Dutch greenhouses (Ellis 1970), and Desoria trispinata, that originates from North America but has appeared in anthropogenic habitats, main- ly towns (Christian 1987, Christian and Kindl-Stomatopolos 1999, Kindl- Stomatop- oulos). A third species in the family Onychiuridae, Onychiurus folsomi, originating from Australia, is restricted to earthworm cultures in Spain (Arbea and Jordana 1988). In addition, we considered a cryptogenic species, Sminthurinus trinotatus (Katiannidae), which presents a very disjunct known distribution (southern Europe, eastern Asia). 13.5.3. Zygentoma (Silverfishes) alien to Europe Zygentoma or silverfishes comprise five families (in Europe Lepismatidae only) with 12 genera (three in Europe) and ca. 370 species (ten in Europe). The two (today) cosmopolitan species Ctenolepisma longicaudata and Thermobia domestica (both Lep- ismatidae), may originate from central parts of America. Once moved from western Mediterranean regions to central and northern Europe, they mainly colonise anthro- pogenic habitats, where they may become pests by destroying paper or stored products. Springtails and Silverfishes (Apterygota). Chapter 13.5 853 References Arbea JL, Jordana R (1988) Nota sobre la presencia masiva de Onychiurus folsomi Schaeffer (Collembola, Onychiuridae) en lechos de Eisenia andrei (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). Bole- tin de Sanidad Vegetal Plagas 14: 535-540. CABI Crop Protection Compendium. Christian E (1987) Collembola (Springschwanze). Catalogus Faunae Austriae Xa, Wien: Oster- reichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 80 pp. Christian E, Kindl-Stamatopolos L (1999) Arthropods on plastered riverbanks in the builtup area of Vienna. In: Tajovsky K, Pizl V (Eds) Soil Zoology in Central Europe. Proceedings of the 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology, April 1999. Ceské Budéjovice: Institute of Soil Biology, 27-30. Convey P, Greenslade P, Arnold RJ, Block W (1999) Collembola of subantarctic South Geor- gia. Polar Biology 22: 1-6. Ellis WN (1970) Proisotoma filifera Denis in Holland, with a note on its classification (Col- lembola, Isotomidae). Entomologische Berichten 30: 18-24. Essl FE, Rabitsch W (2002). Neobiota in Osterreich. Wien: Umweltbundesamt. 432 pp. 8-Greenslade P (2002) Assessing the risk of exotic Collembola invading subantarctic is lands: priorising quarantine management. Pedobiologia 46: 338-344. Hopkin SP (1997). Biology of the springtails (Insecta: Collembola). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 330 pp. Hopkin SP. The Natural World in Close Up. available at []. KindI-Stamotopolos L (2001) Arthropoden des Wienflussufers im dicht bebauten Stadtgebiet Wiens. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Osterreich 138: 1-15. 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