BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) Apeer-rev ‘iewed open-access journa 1] a Naaser eee BioRis Lepidoptera Chapter | | Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde', David Agassiz”’, Sylvie Augustin', Jurate De Prins’, Willy De Prins‘, Stanislav Gomboc’, Povilas Ivinskis®, Ole Karsholt’, Athanasios Koutroumpas®, Fotini Koutroumpa’, Zdenék Lasttivka’, Eduardo Marabuto"®, Elisenda Olivella'',; Lukasz Przybylowicz", Alain Roques', Nils Ryrholm!'?, Hana Sefrova'*, Peter Sima'5, Ian Sims'¢, Sergey Sinev"”, Bjarne Skulev'’, Rumen Tomov"’, Alberto Zilli#®, David Lees!” | INRA UR633 Zoologie Forestiére, 2163 Av. Pomme de Pin, 45075 Orléans, France 2. Department of Ento- mology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK 3 The Garden House, Stafford Place, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 2QZ, UK 4 Entomology Section, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Leuven- sesteenweg 13, B-3080 Tervuren, Belgium § Siskovo naselje 19, SI-4000 Kranj, Slovenia 6 Nature Research Centre, Institute of Ecology, Akademijos str. 2, Lt 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania 1 The Natural History Museum of Denmark, Zoologisk Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Kobenhavn 0, Denmark 8 National Agricul- tural Research Foundation (NAGREF), Plant Protection Institute of Volos, PB 10303, Fytokou str, 38001 Volos, Greece 9 Department of Zoology, Fisheries, Hydrobiology and Apidology, Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University in Brno, Zemédeélskd I, CZ-613 00 Brno, Czech Republic 10 CBA - Centro de Biologia Ambiental, Faculdade Ciéncias Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, edificio C2 - Lisboa, Portugal \\ Museu de Ciéncies Naturals de Barcelona (Zoologia), Passeig Picasso s/n, E-O8003 Barcelona, Spain \2. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Slawkowska 17, 31-016 Krakow, Poland \3 Department of Natural Scien- ces, University of Giavle, S-801 76 Gavle, Sweden \4 Department of Crop Science, Breeding and Plant Medicine, Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University in Brno, Zemédeélskd 1, CZ-613 00 Brno, Czech Republic 15 Koppert Biological Systems, Komarnanskd cesta 13, 940 O1 Nové Zamky, Slovakia \6 Syngenta International Research Centre, Jealott’s Hill, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 6EY, UK \7 Zoological Institute RAS, Universitetskaya nab. 1, 199034 St.Petersburg, Russia \8 Brondsted 411, DK-3670 Vekso, Denmark \Y University of Forestry, 10 Kliment Obridski blud., 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria 20 Museo Civico di Zoologia, Via U. Aldrovandi 18, I-00197 Rome, Italy Corresponding author: Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde ( Academic editor: David Roy | Received 31 August 2009 | Accepted 24 May 2010 | Published 6 July 2010 Citation: Lopez-Vaamonde C et al. (2010) Lepidoptera. Chapter 11. In: Roques A et al. (Eds) Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe. BioRisk 4(2): 603-668. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.4.50 Abstract We provide a comprehensive overview of those Lepidopteran invasions to Europe that result from increas- ing globalisation and also review expansion of species within Europe. A total of 97 non-native Lepidoptera species (about 1% of the known fauna), in 20 families and 11 superfamilies have established so far in Copyright C. Lopez-Vaamonde et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 604 Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) Europe, of which 30 alone are Pyraloidea. In addition, 88 European species in 25 families have expanded their range within Europe and around 23% of these are of Mediterranean or Balkan origin, invading the north and west. Although a number of these alien species have been in Europe for hundreds of years, 74% have established during the 20" century and arrivals are accelerating, with an average of 1.9 alien Lepi- doptera newly established per year between 2000-2007. For 78 aliens with a known area of origin, Asia has contributed 28.9%, Africa (including Macaronesian islands, Canaries, Madeira and Azores) 21.6%, North America 16.5%, Australasia 7.2% and the neotropics just 5.2%. The route for almost all aliens to Europe is via importation of plants or plant products. Most alien Lepidoptera established in Europe are also confined to man-made habitats, with 52.5% occuring in parks and gardens. We highlight four species in particular, Diaphania perspectalis, Cacyreus marshalli, Cameraria ohridella and Paysandisia archon, as the most important current economic threats. Keywords biological invasion, introduction, pest species, Europe, Lepidoptera, globalisation 11.1 Introduction Apart from the undoubted impact of climate change, various other facets of human activity, including the increasingly efficient means of transport in the last century, increased trade and globalisation, are having a dramatic effect on the composition of European faunas. Lepidoptera, as a mostly alate and largely phytophagous insect group, are particularly affected, not only by increased transport of the invasive species, but by increased trade in plants and stored plant products. In addition, many species are spreading to hostplants not used in their area of origin. Lists of naturalized non-native Lepidoptera are already available for a number of European countries (Agassiz 1996a, Essl and Rabitsch 2002, Geiter et al. 2001, Karsholt and Nielsen 1998, Kenis 2005, Sefrov4 and Lagtttvka 2005). In addition, several de- tailed case studies have been published on the process of invasion to Europe of several non-native Lepidoptera species (Nash et al. 1995, Sefrova 2001, Sefrova 2002a, Sefrova 2002b, Sefrov4 and La&tiivka 2001, Whitebread 1990). The first list of terrestrial inver- tebrate species alien to and within Europe included 272 Lepidoptera species, of which 122 were alien to Europe, 139 alien to countries within Europe, and 11 of cryptogenic origin (DAISIE 2008). We substantially revise and update this list here, in the first comprehensive review of known naturalized non-native Lepidoptera known to Europe. We divided species into two categories: 1. Naturalized exotic species (originating from a continent other than Europe) whose first introduction into Europe appears to be a direct or indirect (deliberate or acci- dental) result of human activity (Table 11.1). This includes now well known alien lepidoptera such as the Neotropical castniid moth Paysandisia archon (Burmeister, We ii) iii) iv) Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 605 1880) or the South African lycaenid butterfly Cacyreus marshalli (Butler, 1898). We also considered in this category species of unknown origin (cryptogenics) such as the leaf-mining moth Phyllonorycter platani (Staudinger, 1870). It is worth not- ing that we also included here species introduced into confined environments like greenhouses which while not apparently spreading of their own accord, have been introduced with their hostplants, with the potential to spread due to horticultural trade. For instance, 11 species of aquatic Pyralidae have been introduced acciden- tally by man from Asia and North America into Europe, mostly as contaminants of plants. Current climate makes their establishment in the wild unlikely, but global warming could allow their establishment in the near future. European species spreading throughout the continent as a result of human activity (Table 11.2). This category includes the invasive leaf-mining moth Cameraria ohridella Deschka and Dimi¢, 1986, now understood to be Balkan in origin (Valade et al. 2009). It is worth noticing that although many aliens are highly invasive our review also includes naturalised aliens that are not necessarily invasive such as the saturniid moth Samia cynthia (Drury, 1773). excluded all the following cases, here giving examples: Species showing clear range expansions/contractions at a country level, which are known to follow global climate change trends (Warren et al. 2001). The butterfly Colotis evagore (Klug, 1829) in Spain (Fric, 2005), the processionary pine moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis & Schiffermiiller, 1775), in central Europe (Bat- tisti et al. 2005) and several British butterfly species (Asher et al. 2001) are classical examples of this phenomenon. However, it must be noted that 7’ pityocampa has apparently been introduced through human activity from continental Italy to Sar- dinia (Luciano et al. 2007). Naturally-expanding species known as migrants which have established without clear human assistance, such as the choreutid Tebenna micalis (Mann, 1857) in Azores (Karsholt and Vieira 2005) and the geometrid Peribatodes secundaria (Denis & Schiffermiiller, 1775) in Great Britain (Kimber, 2008) as well as rare vagrants that may or may not sporadically naturalize, such as Acontia crocata Guenée, 1852 in France (Letellier, 2004); Pardasena virgulana (Mabille, 1880) in Great Britain (Honey, 1994) and Gelechia sabinellus (Zeller, 1839), Eccopsis effractella Zeller, 1848 and Zophodia grossulariella (Hiibner, 1809), all recently recorded from Great Britain (Agassiz 1978a, Agassiz 1996b, Roche 1982). New records of species probably overlooked in particular countries for which there is no clear evidence of range expansion. For instance, in Great Britain the presence of Bucculatrix ulmifoliae Hering, 1931 and Ocnerostoma spp. (Heath and Emmet 1996, Langmaid et al. 2007). Deliberate translocations of species between European countries, such as the intro- duction of the butterflies Avaschnia levana (Linnaeus, 1758) (Frohawk, 1940), Ma- 606 Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) culinea arion (Linnaeus, 1758) (Thomas et al. 2009) and Lycaena dispar (Haworth, 1803) (Ford, 1945) into Great Britain. These translocations result from solitary enthusiasts or are for conservation management purposes including the reintro- duction of extinct species, but have nothing to do with our subject of biological invasion, essentially the aspects associated with increased globalisation. v) Species once apparently established but now extinct (e.g. in Great Britain, the blastobasid Blastobasis phycidella (Zeller, 1839) and the oecophorid Euclemensia woodiella (Curtis, 1830) (Emmet 1988, Koster and Sinev 2003) vi) The large number of living display species (this is the case of butterfly houses), unless these species are either establishing in the wild, or there is evidence they have become greenhouse pests (we have no examples). Nevertheless, we highlight the risks involved in importation of butterflies for butterfly houses and for a new practice of wedding releases. Finally, the introduction of exotic host plants by man has indirectly allowed sev- eral lepidopteran species to expand their distribution range. We consider as alien species Stigmella speciosa Frey, 1857, Caloptilia rufipennella (Hiibner, 1796) and Phyllonorycter geniculella (Ragonot, 1874), all feeding on Acer pseudoplatanus in northern Europe; Stig- mella suberivora (Stainton, 1869) feeding on Quercus ilex in Great Britain; Eupithecia phoeniceata (Rambur, 1834) feeding on Juniperus and various Cupressaceae in Belgium and Great Britain, Cydia grunertiana (Ratzeburg, 1868) in Belgium, Denmark and Swe- den; C. illutana (Maslov, 1988) and C. pactolana (Zeller, 1840) feeding on Larix, the last two in Great Britain; Thera cupressata (Geyer, 1831), feeding on imported Abies in Sweden and Cupressaceae in Great Britain, and Lithophane leautieri (Boisduval, 1829) on Cupressaceae cultivars in Great Britain. Polychrysia moneta (Fabricius, 1787) started to spread as early as 1891 in Europe, possibly as a result of rise in popularity of ornamental hostplants such as De/phinium in gardens (Agassiz, 1996a). Other well known examples of species which have followed the invasion of their host plants are the milkweed but- terflies, Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758). The larvae of both species feed on ornamental and invasive milkweeds (Apocynaceae) which have been introduced in some Macaronesian islands and the Iberian Peninsula (Baez, 1998). We summarise the relative importance of naturalized alien invasives by family, in rela- tion to their proportion in the relatively well known European fauna, finding great disparities in their prevalence. 11.2 Diversity of alien lepidopteran species Lepidoptera is one of the largest insect orders, with around 175,000 described spe- cies in 128 families and 47 superfamilies (Kristensen and Skalski 1999, Mallet 2007). About 9,428 native species in 83 families and 31 superfamilies have been recorded in Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 607 Europe (Karsholt and Kristensen 2003). A total of 97 non-native Lepidoptera species, in 20 families and 11 superfamilies have established so far in Europe (Table 11.1). Our analysis reveals that there is a significant correlation between the number of alien spe- cies and the number of native species per family (Spearman’s rho correlation: r= 0.48, P < 0.001). In addition, 88 European species in 25 families have expanded their range within Europe and many of these are of Mediterranean origin, invading northern and western areas of Europe (Table 11.2). The 20 families which contain alien species to Europe are: Pyralidae (30 species), Tortricidae (10), Gracillariidae (8), Tineidae (7), Noctuidae (6), Gelechiidae (6), Blastobasidae (5), Yponomeutidae (4), Oecophoridae (4), Cosmopterigidae (3), Sat- urniidae (3), Pterophoridae (2), Nymphalidae (2) and Bucculatricidae, Agonoxenidae, Lycaenidae, Geometridae, Arctiidae, Nolidae and the alien family Castniidae, each with one species (Table 11.1). Agonoxenidae: Sixteen species of agonoxenids are native to Europe. The Asian species Haplochrois theae (Kusnezov, 1916) represents the only alien. During the 20" century this was a serious pest on tea plantations in Georgia and to a lesser degree, in the Krasnodar Territory of Russia (Sinev, 1994). Arctiidae: One hundred and one species of arctids are native to Europe but only one species, the North American Fall Webworm, Hyphantria cunea (Drury, 1773), is alien to the region. The larvae are highly polyphagous, feeding on hundreds of differ- ent species of deciduous trees on which they form conspicuous webbed nests in late summer and autumn. Blastobasidae: Only 41 species of native blastobasid moths have been recorded in Europe, a large evolutionary radiation of which 26 species occur in Madeira (Karsholt and Sinev 2004). However, the number of alien species in this family (five) is relatively high, mainly because the larvae feed usually on dead organic matter. Some species, such as Blastobasis lacticolella (Rebel, 1940) are pests of stored foodstuffs. Interestingly, all alien Blastobasidae appear to have colonized continental Europe (mostly Great Britain and/or mainland Portugal) from Madeira, presumably with the import of ornamental plants. The common species B. adustella Walsingham, 1894 (originally described as a form of B. lignea Walsingham) (Sinev, 2007) is another example. However, B. adustella has widely been treated, erroneously, as a synonym of the Madeira endemic species B. vittata Wollaston, 1858. Although there are records attributed to B. vittata on the in- ternet, including from the British Isles, there are no unambigously identified instances of the introduction of this species outside Madeira at present. Bucculatricidae: There are 53 native bucculatricids known in Europe. One macaro- nesian species, Bucculatrix chrysanthemella (Rebel, 1896), was recently introduced from the Canaries into Italy and France, where it seems to have established populations. ‘This species has also recently been recorded from Finland, at which latitudes it seems unlikely to become established (Siloaho, 2008). B. chrysanthemella attacks Paris Daisy (Argyran- themum frutescens), an economically important ornamental crop in some parts of Europe. Castniidae: This family has no native species in Europe. The majority of castniid moths are Neotropical, while some species are also found in Australia and South-east 608 Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) Asia. The Neotropical Paysandisia archon is the only alien castniid known to occur in Europe and is currently spreading along the Mediterranean coast attacking a wide range of palm species. The castniid Riechia acraeoides (Guérin-Meéneville, 1832) is one of numerous sporadic adventatives included in the previous list (DAISIE 2008) that we discount here. Cosmopterigidae: There are 79 species of cosmopterigids native to Europe, with three species considered as aliens. Two of these are African species that feed on Acacia in Malta. The larvae feed internally on the leaves, seeds and stems of their hostplants. There is no evidence that Cosmopterix pulchrimella Chambers, 1875, recently estab- lished in Cornwall, Great Britain, arrived there directly through human agency. Gelechiidae: There are 697 species of gelechiids known to occur in Europe. The larvae of most species are concealed feeders on plant tissues, many of them feeding internally in seed heads and fruits, some mining and even producing galls. Six alien gelechiids are known from Europe, among them major agricultural pests such as the Tomato Leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917), the cosmopolitan Angoumois Grain Moth Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier, 1789), which attacks stored whole cereal grains, and the Pink Bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders, 1844), whose larvae bore into the flowers and seeds of cotton. Geometridae: There are 1,024 species of geometrids native to Europe, but only one non-native species appears to have naturalized in Europe. This is Pseudocoremia suavis (Butler, 1879), an endemic geometrid to New Zealand (Berndt et al. 2004), which was recorded on five separate occasions in Cornwall in 2007 (James 2008, Skin- ner 2009), suggesting establishment in the wild. This species, polyphagous on various gymnosperms, represents a potential risk to European conifer forests. Gracillariidae: There are 249 species of native gracillariids known in Europe and eight alien species have been recorded. Among these are pests of economic importance, such as the Citrus Leafminer Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton, 1856. Lycaenidae: One hundred and thirty-six species of lycaenids are native to Eu- rope. The South African Cacyreus marshalli is one of the few butterflies which are naturalised aliens in Europe (see also under Nymphalidae). ‘This is a pest of cultivated Pelargonium plants, mainly in Mediterranean region but it was found to be breeding in Great Britain in 1997 (Lewes, East Sussex), where it became temporally established in greenhouses until May 1998 but was eradicated (Holloway, 1998). Noctuidae: This is the most species-rich family of Lepidoptera in Europe, with over 1,435 native species. Six alien noctuids have been recorded so far, including some major agricultural pests such as Chrysodeixis eriosoma (Doubleday, 1843) and Spodoptera litura (Linnaeus, 1758). However, on a cautionary note, these genera are known to have strong migratory tendencies. Indeed we may never know, due to lack of sufficient historical records, when or whether certain noctuids arrived as invasives to Europe or by artificial agency. One good example of this is Araeopteron ecphaea (Hampson, 1914) (type locality Nigeria). It is also interesting to note the African and Austral-Oriental fern-feeding spe- cies Callopistria maillardi (Guenée, 1862) seems to have been accidentally imported with Nephrolepis ornamental ferns, but this species has five subspecies and the precise origin Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 609 of the introduced individuals is unknown. Some records of Chrysodeixis acuta (Walker, 1858) could also represent misidentifications of C. chalcites (Esper, 1789). Following our exclusion criteria, we have not included singleton records, for example of Acontia crocata Guenée, 1852, a specimen of which was collected in Irais (Deux-Sevres), France (Letellier, 2004), possibly resulting passively from a plant import from SE Asia (Hacker et al. 2008). Nolidae: Thirty-five species of nolids are native to Europe, but only one exotic species has repeatedly been recorded within the region, the Spotted Bollworm, Farias vittella (Fab- ricius, 1794). The larva of this species feeds on several plants of the family Malvaceae, in particular Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) pods, Gossypium (it is one of the most important pests of cotton) and Hibiscus. It has been found as a vagrant in Great Britain and seems to also be present in southern Spain (Nash, 2003). Its establishment needs to be confirmed. Nymphalidae: There are 239 species of nymphalid butterflies native to Europe. Two non-native danaine species, the Monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus and the Plain Tiger D. chrysippus have established themselves in the Macaronesian islands and Iberi- an Peninsula. We have included both species despite them being well known migrants because their introduction and establishment in Europe has followed the invasion and establishment in Europe of their Apocynaceae host plants (Asclepias curassavica, of Neotropical origin and Gomphocarpus fruticosus of Afrotropical origin). Thus, the Monarch’s range has greatly expanded during the 19th and 20th centuries from North America and now encompasses numerous Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean islands and Australia. A number of hypotheses have been developed to explain this great range expansion (Vane-Wright 1993). Oecophoridae: There are 120 native species of oecophorids in Europe. Only four al- ien oecophorids are established in the region, three of which feed on dead plant material. Pterophoridae: There are 166 native pterophorids known to Europe. Two species, Megalorhipida leucodactylus (Fabricius, 1794) and Lantanophaga pusillidactylus (Wallk- er, 1864) are known to be alien to Europe. M. leucodactylus has a circum-tropical dis- tribution and has established populations in Sicily (Bella and Ferrauo 2005) and Israel. It has also been recorded in Spain, but its presence there needs confirmation (Gielis, pers. comm.). The larvae feed on Amaranthaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Goodeniaceae, Legu- minosae, Nyctaginaceae, Rosaceae and Asteraceae (Vargas, 2007). The Lantana Plume Moth L. pusillidactylus is also a pantropical species whose origin, as for M. leucodactylus, is not clear. This species has been introduced with its Verbenaceae hostplant (which is of neotropical origin), Lantana camara, into Spain, Portugal and southern Italy (Aguiar and Karsholt 2006, Bella and Marchese 2007, King 2000). The moth is used as the biocontrol agent against this plant, itself an invasive in many parts of the world. Pyraloidea (Pyralidae and Crambidae): This superfamily has 898 native spe- cies known in Europe. Pyraloidea also has the highest number of species (30) alien to Europe. This is probably due to the high number of alien crambid pyrales that have larvae feeding on submerged and floating aquatic plants used in aquariums and ponds (11 species) as well as cosmopolitan pests that feed on stored products (seven species). These invasives include the North American wax moth Vitula edmandsii (Packard, 1865), whose larvae damage the combs of honeybee and bumblebee nests. 610 Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) Saturniidae: Seven saturniids are native to Europe. Three Asian species have de- liberately been introduced into Europe for silk production, but have naturalized from escapes. This family is also very popular among amateur breeders and sometimes there are reports of adult moths of a wide number of species in urban areas. Tineidae: There are 262 species of native tineids in Europe and seven alien species have also been recorded to the region. At least five of these feed on stored products, cloths, and detritus, such as the Common Clothes Moth (Tineola bisselliella (Hummel, 1823)), whose larvae feed on clothing and natural fibres. Tortricidae: About 977 species of tortrix moths have been recorded as native to Europe. Among the 10 alien species recorded to Europe, there are some economi- cally important pests, in particular of apple trees, for example the oriental fruit moth (Grapholita molesta (Busck, 1916)) and the light brown apple moth Epiphyas postvit- tana (Walker, 1863). Larvae of the latter species are not easily distinguished from the larvae of other tortricid leafrollers; only DNA-based testing appears to work reliably for identification. Interestingly, half of the tortricids recorded as alien to Europe (five out of 10 species) are specialists on Cedrus and have been introduced into southern France, where plantations of these trees are common. Yponomeutidae: There are 113 species of ermine moths native to Europe, with four alien species having been recorded. ‘The larvae tend to form communal webs, and some species are agricultural forestry pests, such as the Arborvitae Leafminer, Ar- gyresthia thuiella (Packard, 1871) and Prays citri (Milliére, 1873), a well-known Citrus pest in the Mediterranean region. Two North American leafminers of the genus Ar- gyresthia attack Cupressaceae in Europe. In our analysis, it is interesting that we found a similar number of alien species to Europe (Table 11.1) as species that have expanded their range within Europe due to human activity (Table 11.2). Indeed, there is a significant correlation between the number of alien species per family to Europe and the number of alien species per fam- ily within Europe (Spearman’s rho correlation: r= 0.39, P = 0.044). However, several families exhibit some species which have expanded their range within Europe, yet have very few or no recorded aliens to Europe. For instance, strikingly, Geometridae features only one species alien to Europe within a fauna of 1,024 species, a number of which are known migrants, whereas as many as 11 species have been recorded invad- ing other countries within Europe (Table 11.2). The North American sterrhine ge- ometrid /daea bonifata (Hulst, 1887) has been intercepted several times with imports of dried plant material but, as far as known, is not yet established in Europe (Martinez and Coutin 1985). The absence of alien species within other species-rich families, such as Coleophori- dae (533 spp.), Nymphalidae (239 spp.), Psychidae (231 spp.) Nepticulidae (242 spp.) and Sphingidae (39 spp.) is also notable. In spite of the known high mobility of the last family, several exotic species (i.e. the American Sphinx drupiferarum Smith, 1797, Agrius cingulatus (Fabricius, 1775) and the African Polyptychus trisecta (Aurivillius, 1901)) have been recorded (sometimes repeatedly) within the region, with no con- firmed establishment (Marabuto 2006, Pittaway 1993, Waring et al. 2003). Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 611 11.3 Temporal trends The precise date of arrival is not known for two species. An analysis of the 95 species for which the date of the first record in Europe is known shows that the arrival of alien Lepidoptera has dramatically accelerated during the second half of the 20th century (Figure 11.2). This trend is still increasing, with an average of 1.9 alien Lepidoptera newly established per year in Europe between 2000 and 2007 (Figure 11.2). This aver- age is twice that during the period 1975 to 1999 (1.1 species per year). The same trend has been observed for all groups of alien terrestrial invertebrates analysed together (Roques et al. 2008). This temporal trend might be due to the acceleration of processes that happened in much wider time frames in the past, such as global climate change and human assisted transportation via the much faster and more efficient means of transport nowadays. Alien species have historically been introduced for centuries, so it should not be considered that invasive species are necessarily a 20° century phenomenon, although the poor documention of older cases inevitably also provides more scope for specula- tion. One such case is Euclemensia woodiella, belonging to a North American oecoph- orid lineage (Koster and Sinev 2003) found in numbers near Manchester in 1829 and not since. A much older potential example is the lasiocampid Pachypasa otus (Drury, 1773) with a scattered distribution in southern Italy, whose larva feeds mainly on Cu- pressus, could even have been introduced by the Romans for “Coan” silk production, as it possibly represents the “Assyrian Bombyx” mentioned in Naturalis Historia by Plinus (Good, 1995). 11.4 Biogeographic patterns For at least 19 alien species, the precise area of origin is not known and these we consider as cryptogenic. We have classified Phyllonoryctyer platani (Gracillariidae) as cryptogenic because there are some doubts regarding its origin (Sefrova, 2001). Thus, P platani is either of North American origin and was introduced to Europe with Amer- ican Platanus occidentalis, or it originated in Southeastern Europe and Southwestern and Central Asia, on Platanus orientalis. We have included C. ohridella as alien within Europe (Table 11.2) since recent genetic studies suggest a Balkan origin as most likely (Valade et al. 2009). An analysis of the 78 alien species for which the native area of origin is known, shows that Asia has contributed the most alien species with 28.9% (28 out of 97 spe- cies) (Figure 11.3). Africa (including Macaronesian islands, Canaries, Madeira and Azores) supplied 21.6% of alien species (21 out of 97 species) followed by North America with 16.5%, Australasia with 7.2%, and the Neotropics, surprisingly few with 5.2%. Large differences exist among European countries in the number of alien Lepidop- tera recorded per country (Figure 11.4). With 42 species, the United Kingdom is the 612 Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) % species % species 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 Pyralidae + Crambidae Tortricidae Gracillariidae Tineidae Noctuidae Gelechiidae Blastobasidae Oecophoridae Yponomeutidae Cosmopterigidae Saturniidae Nymphalidae Pterophoridae Geometridae Lycaenidae rctiidae Bucculatricidae olidae Agonoxenidae Castniidae Coleophoridae Nepticulidae Psychidae Scythrididae Depressariidae Sesiidae Zygaenidae Pieridae Adelidae Native species Alien species 1024 oooocococcoce Figure 11.1. Comparison of the number of species per family of Lepidoptera in the alien and native entomofauna in Europe. Families are presented in a decreasing order based on the number of alien species. Only the most important families of native species (> 50 spp.) have been considered. European country with the highest number of alien Lepidoptera, followed by France (mainland) with 41 and Spain (mainland) with 39 species. Both Moldavia and Luxem- burg are the European countries with the lowest number (with one alien species each). These differences are very likely to result at least partly from variation in sampling ef- fort and the availability of local taxonomic expertise, but the area and the geographical location of a country is also a very important factor, in this respect. 11.5 Main pathways and vectors to Europe As far as we know, most Lepidoptera alien to Europe have been introduced accidentally (96.9%). A clear exception is some saturniid species that were imported from Asia into Europe for silk production in the nineteenth century, and subsequently became natu- ralized, including in urban areas. On the other hand, the Silkmoth Bombyx mori Lin- naeus, 1758. has not been included in the analysis, because although it is widespread in captivity throughout Europe, its flightlessness has prevented naturalisation. The import of ornamental plants (particularly palms, geraniums and azaleas) is most likely responsible for the introduction of several species such as Paysandisia archon, Ca- cyreus marshalli and Caloptilia azaleella. Transport also plays an important role in the dispersal of some species, including ones alien within Europe. For instance, Cameraria Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 613 Mean number of new alien species recorded per year during the period 0 0.5 | 1.5 2 2.5 | ! | | 1492-1799 4» 1800-1849 1850-1899 — 1900-1949 — 1950-1974 — 1975-1999 — 2000-2007 — Time period Figure | 1.2. Rate of established alien Lepidoptera in Europe since 1492 as mean number of alien Lepi- doptera recorded per year. Calculations are made on 95 alien species for which the first record is precisely known. Numbers above bars indicate number of new species recorded per period. ohridella seems to feed almost exclusively on Aesculus hippocastanum trees planted in urban areas and parks. The main means of its spread is likely to be wind dispersal, but human assisted transportation played a major role in the long distance dispersal of this species (Gilbert et al. 2004). Since the advent of tropical butterfly houses in the 1980s, a potential new threat has emerged, the use of mass butterfly releases for weddings, a practice increas- ingly popular in countries such as Italy, where one of us (AZ) has recorded a number of exotic species flying freely in cities. Usually Monarch butterflies are used, but less scrupu- lous companies may be using a range of exotics, many of which are likely to find climate change and the availability of hostplants for some papilionid butterflies, such as Rutaceae planted in city gardens propitious for establishment of at least temporary populations. 11.6 Most invaded ecosystems and habitats Most alien Lepidoptera are phytophagous (78.3%), whereas detritivores represent only 21.6% (Table 11.1). The majority of alien Lepidoptera established in Europe are con- fined to man-made habitats, and only a few species have become established in a more or less natural environment, mostly in woodlands. Examples of the latter include the 614 Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) Cryptogenic Africa 19.6% Seem /21.6% Tropical, subtropical Central & South America | 5.2% North Amerie 16.5% ; . Asia 28.9% Avetrdasia 7.2% Figure | 1.3. Regions of origin of the Lepidoptera species alien to Europe 20°W o° 20°E I i J 70°N 30°N Number of alien species |nodata || 10-19 SY 30-42 > a Figure | 1.4. Colonization of continental European countries and main European islands by Lepidop- tera species alien to Europe. Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 615 Percentage of alien lepidopterans living in the habitat 0 20 40 60 Coastal areas {J 2 Inland surface waters 0 Mires and bogs~ 0 Grasslands ff 3 Heathlands (13 Woodlands and Forests [0 19 Inland without vegetation {J 2 Agricultural lands (00) 25 Parks and gardens [i 5 Buildings, houses [i 33 Greenhouses - | 6 Habitat complexes {i 4 Habitats Figure 11.5. Main habitats of 97 alien Lepidoptera species established in Europe (note that a species may live in several habitats). arctiid Hyphantria cunea, the gracillariid Phyllonorycter issikii in Central Europe and the saturniid Antheraea yamamai in the Balkans. In Europe, most alien Lepidoptera species feed on their original hostplants. How- ever, some species seem to have been able to switch to other hostplants that are often closely related. For instance, Paysandisia archon specializes on Trithrinax campestris (Arecaceae) and to a lesser extent on Cocos yalai in its native area (Argentina, Uruguay). However, in Europe this moth has expanded its host range to many ornamental exotic palms (Phoenix canariensis, Latania sp.) as well as posing a threat to the native Chamaerops humilis (Montagud Alario 2004). About 50.5% of alien Lepidoptera live indoors in domestic, industrial and other artificial habitats such as 16.5% in greenhouses (Figure 11.5). Six out of the nine species that feed on stored products show a cosmopolitan distribution. Parks and gardens host 52.6% of alien species, where they are frequently introduced with their native hostplant, while 25.8% have colonized agricultural land (Figure 11.5). 11.7 Ecological and economic impact The impact of most alien Lepidoptera species has not been quantified in detail. How- ever, negative economic impact has been recorded for 16 alien species. The Indian 616 Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) Figure 11.6. Adult habitus of some lepidopteran species alien to Europe: a Argyresthia thuiella b Parec- topa robiniella ¢ Phyllonorycter issikii winter form d Phyllonorycter issikii summer form e Phyllonorycter leucographella € Phyllonorycter platani g Phyllonorycter robiniella h Plodia interpunctella i Tineola bisselliella j Ephestia kuehniella kk Hyphantria cunea male | Hyphantria cunea female (drawings by Ales Lasttvka). Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 617 Figure 11.7. Adult habitus of some lepidopteran species alien im Europe: a Coleophora laricella b Coleo- phora spiraeella ¢ Cameraria ohridella d Caloptilia roscipennella e Leucoptera malifoliella f Acalyptris platani g Stigmella aurella h Stigmella atricapitella i Stigmella centifoliella j Stigmella pyri k Stigmella speciosa \ Stigmella suberivora m Argyresthia trifasciata; n Ectoedemia heringella. (drawings by Ale’ Lastivka). 618 Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) Figure 11.8. Alien saturnid orginating from Asia, Antherea yamamai a adult b 2nd instar lar- va (credit Zdenek Lagttivka) Meal Moth Plodia interpunctella (Hiibner, 1823) may severely affect grain and grain products, dried fruits and seeds in households and warehouses. The Common Clothes Moth Tineola bisselliella is another example of a major pest in houses where it feeds on clothes, carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture. However, along with several other tineids, this species has become rare due to the increase in use of man-made fibres and the dry environment created by central heating (Kimber, 2008). The most serious alien lepidopteran pests in orchards in many parts of Europe include Grapholita molesta, Hyphantria cunea and Prays citri. Some species can also cause aesthetic impact. Thus, species causing severe infes- tations can lead to almost complete defoliation of the hostplants. For instance, C. ohridella causes premature defoliation of the white-flowered horse-chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum. ‘The trees do not die but the aesthetic impact is so severe that in some countries, heavily infested trees have been felled and removed. Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 619 Figure 11.9. Clearwings (Sesiidae) alien in Europe. a Pennisetia hylaeiformis 3 b Synanthedon andrenaeformis oe Synynthedon myopaeformis 3. (credit Zdenek Lasttivka) Little is known, however, about the ecological impact of alien Lepidoptera in natu- ral areas of Europe (Kenis et al. 2009). Four alien Lepidoptera species seem to have a potentially important ecological impact: 1) the recently introduced pyralid Diaphania perspectalis that could represent a serious threat to topiary Box hedges and plants in nurseries, parks and gardens, and Buxus shrubs growing in the wild; 2) C. ohridella, that recent studies suggest could have a potential negative impact on native leafminers via apparent competition and could be adapting to Acer species in some areas (Péré et al. 2009); 3) the lycaenid Cacyreus marshalli, which threatens both native geraniums and Geranium-consuming lycaenids (Quacchia et al. 2008); 4) finally, as previously mentioned, Paysandisia archon represents a serious threat to the conservation of natural populations of Chamaerops humilis, the only native palm in Europe (Montagud Alario 2004, Sarto i Monteys 2002). Lastly, we recommend that in order to guarantee the well being of natural eco- systems and also to keep track of future additions to the European alien Lepidoptera list, natural areas of special conservation concern like those under the Natura-2000 framework should be monitored more intensively and regularly for the early detection of potential threats, which according to our results are expected to increase. 620 Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) Figure 11.10. Damage by alien lepidopteran larvae. a mines of Parectopa robiniella on Robi- nia b 3rd instar larva of Cameraria ohridella extracted from its mine on Aesculus ¢ damage of Hyphantria cunea on Acer negundo d mines of Phyllonorycter issikii on Tilia e mines of Phyllo- norycter platani on Platanus (Credit: Hana Sefrova). Acknowledgements We would like to thank Leif Aarvik, Giorgio Baldizzone, Jarostaw Buszcko, Martin Corley, Mirza Dautbasic, Willem Ellis, Eddie John, Natalia Kirichenko, Ferenc Laka- tos, Phil Lambdon, Paul Sammut and Jaan Viidalepp for sending information about alien Lepidoptera from their respective countries. We also thank Cees Gielis and Klaus Sattler for comments on Pterophoridae and Gelechiidae respectively; Shipher Wu and Shen-Horn Yen for their comments on Callopistria maillardi and Juan Jose Pino Perez and Antonio Verdugo Paez for their comments on Danaus. David Lees was funded by a STUDIUM fellowship during preparation of this paper. Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 621 References Aastrup CH (1969) Phthorimaea operculella Zell. Index of Flora and Fauna 1890-1994 75: 63-64. Abafi-Aigner L, Pavel J, Uhryk F (1896) Ordo Lepidoptera. Budapest: Regia Societas Scien- tarium Naturalium Hungarica, 82 pp. Adams RG (1979) Tinea murariella Staudinger in Britain (Lepidoptera: Tineidae). 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Rostov-na-Donu: 1-36. 641 (QVW-Ld) OFGI (FOOT) AdUIS pue YoOYsIey jerovew PISOUOIeIRYy | + SNOIOA Poq2y 77721092190] ‘(900Z) NoysIey pur semsy je1999A SurAv9q] FD ‘OVG! ‘wOlyy| eq] V SISYGOISIT sionpoid parois pue ‘uoreIagaa ToNIT]-Jeo] (AVN-Ld) (SST ‘worseT]o\) (FOOT) AUIS SUIPNOUT ‘s]JMIspooy PISOUOIeIRYy | SNOIOA DUJaLojoIap pur qoysreyl “(900Z) ‘Te 39 Aap10D JO MDHEA OPA Ld ‘9961 ‘eOHFY | -HYIOd| V SUC (YOO) AeUIS (AVW-Ld) pure qoysieyy “(G00Z) ‘Je 19 sug Jeoveur PISOUOIeIRYy | SNOIOA HES ‘weysurseny 2d ‘(900Z) 4ousreyy pue remsy [e1099A Sutkeooq IN “Al ‘GD WA “Ad AI ‘ZO6I eOUfY| -QIN9q| V DIJASNPD SISVGOISIIT IEPIseqo}seg (€O0Z) AUIS pur Joisoy ‘(91 G6[) AOpryowsad (2861) C10L “(9F6T) tuping “(7/6 ]) OpUrYsoreA “(SOOZ) BYAMISLT pue PAOIZIG ‘(1661) Jesoy-fedueqzoy ‘(S861) TUTUIOIUOY] ‘(CGG6T) P[PYsoy pue SINT ‘(8661) UeSpIN pur ioyssey “(89G61) 21Z9URl “(T86]) UezuerEg pure oujoddy ‘(Z7907Z) yosuqry pure JowanyP] ‘(666[) aplulay pue DIPsery) “(ZOOT) Yosuqey pue Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 VIJAUV) ‘VAT (sumenf snunsy SnLopy snyndoy ‘opunsau AIP) SdoI1 snonpidap aD “MS ‘Is “nu “Su ‘OU “Td IW “AW ‘CW ‘IT “LI ‘NH WH UD “AC ‘UW ‘dd “Md “Ad “ZO Ne “ST6T voloury | snoseyd (QIG6I ‘Aozousny) avay1 s1oLgI0j dE] seplusxou0sy (EZZ1 ‘Aimiq) Issq ‘(OO0Z) FPPMON pure oyzsng uo snoseyddjog ‘TI ‘SD | HD ‘D9 ‘V9 fLV “TV -ouyg V vauns vidqupy dey aepinory AxyUNOD Wegey pur odoimq aSuri sated SIDUIIIFIY sIsOP] uaTTV SdIIJUNOD popeauy | UT prOdaI ,.T DATIEN sUIIBay | snIVIS Ayrore,y 6007/90/10 2epdn aseT *([] xipuodde das) STN 02 Joyo suonerasrqge yweugqep ‘(| x1puodde 92s) 99 [¢€ OS] 0 JaJoI suOMeTAaIQge sapod ArUNO’) ‘sa1dads stuaBoI1dAID F adommy 01 vary w :snzeis ‘adomny o7 uarye sa1oads uessidoprday ayi Jo sonstsoioereyo pur is] “4° | | SIQUL Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) 642 (Z00Z) ‘Te 9 yprdung ‘(1 661) youdiay “(Z00Z) (€06I yosuqey pur Jouonyy ‘(SQOZ) Te MS ‘LI ‘AH snoseyd ‘oyieayy) vyavand 39 TH “(Z00Z) Wsqey pue [ssy SD. Ad Ae ZO TY.) AD“¢S6l -oyd| V Sore 0a) depITyse]er) (ZI6I ‘Pq2u) snoseyd snpjauvjauLomnay (9002) INuTUeS pure IJoisoOy ee LW ‘4007 oud) V saprotasofig snoseyd GIGI SuanoyD (9007) NUNS pur JoIsOy VIWIY LW ‘10072 -ouyg| VW VIJAIIVIV VIUIVISY (1681 “WILYSUISTEA ) (€00Z) simsy oyeueisour0d Jeordoay, | snoseyd xagduats ADUIS PUL JoIsOy “(HOOT) PIOPPSH | — “wou0d ‘snoseyddjog Id “AD ‘SA AO} Ld “6661 -tisy| -oyg) V studqoviqvupy seprsisa}dourso’) ‘(BIUOIBUIYSUYY (FOOT) yomssury[op] ‘snquvItGY IVA ‘DUuojstaryT 1S “DISSLI LI (eolLIsWIYy “(€QOT) ‘Je 19 esourdsy ‘(CQOT) Je] sdosavuvgy ‘xvussqtAgT AWOMUMD UD WA ynos) | snoseyd (6Z81 “erstowing) 19 BZZE[OT) ‘(TOOZ) ‘Je 19 JEpMB3y| ‘dds xzwsaogg) soar wyeg| OOTL ‘ZI| “TWA-SA ‘SA SMC ‘AD| SA ‘S661'2| sordonoany| -oifyqg| VW UOYILD vIsIpUBsMDT oepriuyse7) (6261) (eIsou (9681 ‘Pq°U) YOsoUNITY] “(GOOTZ) ‘Te 39 IzuRIsUOT) suaasagnaf -oreoey[) | snoseyd MaWagqUDshAGI ‘(600Z) [PN pue 10duronbs0_ mnuaqqUnAlaay LIA Td} LI ‘2002 vongy| -o1yg) VW xaVNIING seplonyepnoong (AVW-Ld) 4007 (FOOT) AUIS pure IOYsIey Jeroreur eIsquOIvoePy | snoloA ‘AUIS 29 YOYSIEY] (9007) NoysIey pur remsy je1099A Surkvo9q] FD ‘8661 ‘wOLyy| eq] VY YaQad SISVQOISIT (AVW-Ld) CSO PsUay’ (S661) jeloqew PISQUOIeORY | ~=SNOIOA DIJOUVIIOAVUL Aa]107) pure oyyeArley op sosseg [e1999A Sutkeooq Ld ‘UW ‘Sa Ld ‘0661 eOUfY| -QIN9q| V SIS QOISYIG AxyUNOS Weugey pur odoimq aSuri satvad¢ SOIUIIIFIY uaITy | selunoo pepeauy | ul proses, | oeaneN = | owiday | sme Ayrure,y 643 (Z00Z) ‘Te 29 elaueqiay ‘(OLOZ) SFISUIAT pure seysnenscE IS (LW “LT “OISsLI “LI WOO'Ud Ud “Ta snoseyd (LIGI SHAS) Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 ‘(6007) ‘Te 39 PAoURZITELY eaadeer edb “Sd “SH “HO “Dd “TV SA ‘900Z| soidonoan| -ovyd) Vv Micali ecu ed B NVD snoseyd (€Z61 ‘Aujoao,) (S007) Odda/dddO o1e10q “SH 6661| sordonoay| -oifyq| V pLoaqunyos v1IaT (O€61) MorfpeqroypsT, ‘(8681) UT[PUS (SOOT) PYADIET pur Paospas “(FQ07) aMquNyeL, pue seysnensc “(Z/6T) [YeW €D “MS ‘IS “AS ‘(O881) UeUSpUTT “(S00Z) ‘Su ‘ne ‘OU “(OZV PMSA pure yoysiey “(9Z6T) “Ld ‘Ld “Id ‘ON “IN uas[aIN pur yoysrey “(1 S61) CLAW SMI “11 “OIS-LI zizeurl “(€661) SPISUIAT “(700Z) VSLI ‘LI ‘SI “AH yosqey pur Jourony “(796T) WH UD “AD Us ‘Sa AqnaH ‘(S00Z) ‘Te 9 PPpepucarysy Md “Ad °ZD “HO padres (68Z1 SPANO) “(IZ81) PC “(ZE6T) 810g sionpord paroig AG ‘OG “AG LV TV) ePEPETPES LISAIZUIUL VONSJOpNasT pure (yippee ¢y AjuTeU) ‘dds snurg ‘sapuootsa (puryeo7 vazuny ‘sndivr0pog CTX MON) | snoseyd 6Z8T sapng szavns (6007) JOUUTAS ‘(8O0Z) some “dds sndvfog10yy Cry q)| dD ‘Z00T| eiseyeusny| -ov{yg| VY DIULALOIOPNAST depINIUI0I+) AxyUNOS Wgey pure odoimq aSuri satvads SIIMIIIFIY ualTy | selunos pepeauy | ur proses, | caneN = | owidey | sme Ayrure,y 645 Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 (0661) PRIqauTY “(€OOZ) AoW], (S661) Fellas ‘(4Z00Z) PACIPS “(100Z) PIPATO ‘(QOOT) sesuIny pue srySUTAT ‘(€00Z) ‘Te 39 UeWSIN] ‘(Z00Z) yosiqey pure Jouonyy ‘(SQOZ) Te 19 DFJIpusaryy ‘(7 00Z) Uousosyy pure sulig 9q ‘(0007Z) PPeMON pure S93) aD “MS ‘IS “SY “OU “Td “IN LUT ‘LI ‘NH “UH “Ud (6S8 1 ‘suawua[) oyzsng “(S00Z) ‘Te 19 [YN “(6861) TD ‘vd| ‘Sa ‘Nd “Ad ‘ZO voproury | snoseyd Up] aqUigod eLOWUIDTT, pue TULIAg TYD]Og yuigoy | TTX ‘T1| ‘HO ‘Dd “Ad ‘LV “TV) HO ‘€861 oy) VW dagalaouogphay dD ‘NS ‘IS “aS “GVW (ZEGL) PIEAS “(QEGT) PIEAS ‘(1007) sLd ‘Ld “Td “IN SW PAs “(Z00Z) ‘Te 9 [Ou “(8961) ‘OIS-LI “UVSALI “LI PREW “(YS6T) ayfnowuel (7007) “Tl ‘NH ‘WH UD yosuqey pur sourony “(€861) ‘dD UOOU WA (0281 uazdnyusyxuery “(Sh61) SPA°N Covi} ‘Sa “MC “a ‘ZO snoseyd ‘sesurpneig) suvaryd -e1aeg ‘(900Z) oysiey pure semsy snuvirng | “LIX ‘T1) ‘AD “Dd “A ‘LV “TV LI ‘OZ81 | oruesoiddry | -o1rfyg} 9 Lag LouonyG (1661) uezAnyuoyueLy pur 1018195 (6661) PACYES (8661) PAOIPS “(9/61) Y2PW “(Z007) MS ‘IS ypsuqey pur Jowranzy ‘(GQ0Z) ‘Te “AS “SU “Td “IN ‘LI 19 PPP Pur] “(F661) SUL 2d (vqsuvovsk,]) ‘AH YH UD “dD (OS8I 711°Z) (L002) B49SD “(F66T) “Te? THN usoyary Apureut Wd “MC ‘ZO “Ad snoseyd pyjaqdeusoona “(OOOT) FEZEAK, puv yerursreg ‘saysng snoaoesoy “HO ‘Dd “Ad ‘LV LI ‘OS8I PISY MAS -ouyg V Lag LouoyyG (ZOOZ) ‘Te 39 IFYOL “(PZOOZ) FACES ‘(8661) BAFPION “(ZOOT) YOSqeY pue sJowronyy ‘(ssozd ur) "Te 19 qy) DOGUIOF) “(800Z) PACYYsoropy pur MS ‘Ts ‘A ‘OU “Td ADdPOWTY “(OOOT) PPPMON pure ‘L7 ‘NH “YH ‘Td “Aa snoseyd (C96 “eaxeUINy,) oyzsng “(6661) Ao]>q pue eaoupag “AC ‘ZO ‘AG ‘DA SLY] =A ‘S861 eIsy A} ~My) oY | sapss7 sazadaouoydgy AqyUNOS WIgey pur odoimq aSuri sated SsadUdIaFIY UsITV SatIJUNOD papeauy | UT pro0dar ,,[ DATIEN] sUIISIy | snIVIS Ayrore,y Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) 646 ‘O19 ‘Tamopyuns ‘oreiod ‘ozreur “our20N] ‘seadyoryo :spoom pure speyusureuso ‘sdoio sjqeiosaa pure pray Aueur (Chg ‘Aepayqnoq) jo mnsy pure sseryoy snoseyd pulosotsa (LOOZ) ‘Je 39 Joma ‘snoseyddjod ATystyy railed 4 Ad! Aad ‘Zo07| ewiseyensny}| -owyg] WV six1aposhlg’) snag) “oodeqoi “euerueq (jeotdonqns (2007) Ysuqey pue Jouanyy ‘uvaqdos “UW01109 CVW:Ld “aI “aD /yesrdory,) | snoseyd (881 FATA) (9007) Hose puvszemsy|) ‘oreuroy, snoseydéjog} — Z] “11] Ud ‘NVO-SA ‘SA LV] LV ‘8661 | 2ueBord&1y) -orkyg] Q | vinaw sixtaposluqa (POLY pure oypeg (vavan ‘eIsepeqisny (ZO8I (F661) Youssesy| ‘szdajouqdany uniposT MIq| ‘JetuaQ) | snoseyd ‘aQUONX)) AADITIVUL ‘(S861) ‘Te 9 [Yn ‘(P861) Yomeg WUnqUvIpy) SUI] “AC ‘E861 | Huesoddry| -ovyg) O prsssidoyjyy spod sumnso] (8007) uo spooy vavgdoq Janey ‘(OLOZ) ‘Te 9 UOsUIqoOY Jo saisads vaurnry Wasa Sa snoseyd (PIG, ‘uosdureqy) (FOOT) ‘Te 39 Josay-TeAueqzay MON ® “UMOUUL) WD) YOO UI UA! AID ‘Z861 -ouyg| Wy | vavqdoa uosadoampy (eoedomng euney 0) SuIps0s08) (7007) AomypYs (Lest tuqnH) “(COOZ) ‘Je 19 Josay-TeAueqzay (‘dds eoloury | snoseyd MIIVJIPUuvI (9007) UrYjoury pue Aysavafog VISOAQULY)) PIOMBEY ‘Ne ‘2961 YON] -o14yd| VW (VIPUMT) DUUOIY sepmIs0N (661) MEZ “(L661) sueynoyy “(Z661) Te Ld “LW “OIS Jo BITOIUTT, “(766 1) SAMO FURAN Sele Pes) F o1eg “(Z007Z) NUTUTeS “(266) WOO Ul UA “Tv Tv snoseyd 8681 Fepng eprer) saquan,y “(€00Z) uepsTy unjuosiyjaz| 1{ TI| -SA ‘SA “AC ‘HO “AG = -SA “L861 eongy| -oiyd) VW MIP YSADUL SHAAN) sepruseokT AxyUNOD WUgey pure odoimq aSuri sated SIIUIIIFIY ualTy | seljunoos pepeauy | ur proses, | canenN | ouidey | sme Ayrure,y (S881 SprAsy\) & iy] snoJOA DOIUDXOLID - (000Z) PUIH|| —--Feay ‘saavay posoypT Ay GD 8061) eisepensny| -aI0q| VY MOIS IVT (NVO orbs CVW-Ld) (681 eIsaUOIBIeYY | snoseyd “WILYSUISTEA ) (0661) IPFa umouxur) Ld ‘9861 ‘voupy| -oyd} VW | 172994 viuvtevmoapy (007) (PS81 uossuaas ‘(/007) SUG 9q ‘(F00T7) (AayInyT) | snoroa ‘ToPeYyIS-YowIop{) Te 39 [YN (1661) ‘Te 3 TyNg poom Surkesaq] aS “IN ‘Id “Ad “ad} IN ‘ZZ61 eISy] -BEIG) YW |eparsvuav sakgdosvasy (6661) “097T UeA pur UTsTYONy] POLIOUIYy | + SNOJOA PL6| ‘sespoH ‘(Z661) OUSIOPY SPATA pue oxzZsng | [eoIeuT JUeyd SuTAvI9q Ta “IN Sa Sa Td ‘L961 YVON| -ameq| y |xvdau viuasnvqysog ey seplioydos0QGQ S (Z86[) zonsuywoq ULNJaLOGLD $ -eidey, (L007) ‘Te 29 SAIN “(HOOT) | MpdMss0E ‘snsootandf CVW:Ld ‘OZV NVO snoseyd (SSI ‘snovuurT) S enndzry ap Z2WOry “(SG6T) eq | suduvs0gduior ‘svidajosy sLd ‘Ld ‘NVO-SA ‘SH] —-SA ‘2881 oud) Vv snddixayd snvunq 8 LIPLVYIANG & DULNIIVAV) “WiNaLOgav aS unidissox) ‘snsorunaf i (7861) zansuywod-eidey “(700Z)| suduvo0qdiuon ‘ungnsv OIS-LI ‘YH snoseyd (ZI ‘sneeuurT) enindzry ap zaWOy “(S66I) Arg] — wengouvuky ‘svidgasy UD ‘NVO-SA ‘SA} SA ‘Z86T -oyd| oy | suddishuga snpung oepreydurAyy snasiquy pue wnidissor ‘spod (snguajnasa snoseyd (P6LI ‘snioriqe.q) (€007) 4SeN sngasouyjaqgy) PIO} Of “TI Sd Sa “€007 esy| -oyd) Vv DIJAtLA SULADT sepljoN OOrl?I sjeyuoureuso pue sdoid| ‘TJ ‘gq Jeordoay, | snoseyd (CZZI ‘snioriqe.q) (8261) Ag[py pue noua ‘snoseyddjod Ayysipy) ‘9-4 ‘C7 q) Aq ‘Iv! 4D ‘861 -ovyg| V vangy viatdopods AxyUNOD WUgey pur odoimnq aSues sated SIIUIIIFIY uaITy | seljunos pepeauy | ur proses, | caneN = | ouiday | sme Ayrure,y Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) 648 (asea sTppIW OLY (SOOT) ZoUnIePy YON) | snoseyd LOGI ‘uosdwepy pur o1ang “(6661) sdraqjassy | (dds xzuaoq7) scan wyed ZI UA ‘SA] SA “6661 voupy| -oyd) V yyjaqus sasdiuady (1681 ‘uosdurepy) (S007) snoseyd stuuadiynsup Te 19 FoIwOD “(9BGT) WoT] — sued soem openby| OOTL ‘TL IN ‘AD| dD ‘261 eisy| -ouyg| V DIJaIZISSVSY sepiquiery + sepryerdg ‘(avaoRIAISV) sap1o1gqUIsquv VIADSSAT ‘(eIDETUIPOOL)) suagsandf DjOAaVIS ‘(avooryluPIeuy) snyqubivUuyy ‘(aeooeuTseIOAN) vavsodhy viuay() snsosaqn4 sndAvotuLulo’) ‘suadad "g ‘sisuaulgo (spurysy ‘g ‘vau1s209 “g ‘vsnffip UISITA, viapgaog ‘(aea0e qe.) Aqyesoy] ad4y (FELT ‘sniorsqe.s) (9661) ployfinua, vsowlpy ZI JIS} — ‘ yeordos) | snoseyd snggavpomnay SIPID “(SOOT) ONeEy pur epg ‘psonusanoau vIIIY| “BACT OISLI “| = 1 (S007) PIPIA “VS-LL LM “ala pur yoysiey “($9G6T) ay[fnouruel “AMORNUD “UD “AD (PIpuy ‘(ZOOT) Psugqey pue Jowonyy ‘Ad ‘UOO Ud UW ‘AUTESO] “(ZE61) Aeldyey “(O1GT) Supuy urea ‘simu ‘sammy ‘Td ‘SH “MC ‘ZO ‘AO oda) | snoseyd (€98T TATEX) UOA “(9Q0Z) YOUsIeYy pur semMsy| polp :sionposg posoig L{| HD ‘D4 “Ad ‘LV “TV stuasoiddry| -oidyg} 9 VIJAINVI VAPV') A3yUNOS WUgey pure odoimq aSuri sated SdDUIIIFOY ualTy | sernunos popeauy | ur proser,— | caneyy = | ouday | smeig Ayrore,y Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) 650 (7761) Oe “(€06T) sestedg ‘(S007) BYADISLT PUP PAOTJIS ‘(8007) PP “GC6T) wassorag “(ZZ61) TYP ‘(S00Z) Stuy “(S00Z) eMaLA pur yoysiey “(Z00Z) yosuqey pur Jouronyy “(7€6T) MS ‘IS “as ‘NY ‘OU “GVW Ld OZ Ed el “Td ‘ON “IN (LW MW ‘AT LT OISsLI UVScLI “LI ‘ST “aI aaldyny ‘(pp81) sdureypsu0T ‘NH “AYORAD UD (Auvurser) -SATIPS 9] ‘(SQGT) OND PUENIED) ‘aD Ud ‘Td ‘Sa “AA ‘AqTeSOT (9007) NoysIey pure semsy ‘O19 “uTeI3 SIC AC eZ OLAS adAq) | snoroa (96Z1 J9uqnH) (9681) ‘Je 19 JousTYy-Yeqy | ‘sIMIj porsp ‘sinu pos01¢ HO ‘Dd “AG ‘IV “IV! AC ‘96Z1| euesoiddéry} -nIneq}| 5 yyjainja vissaydy vopoury | snoseyd (6S81 OITEA) (986[) Joqeo0ry ATID, dD ‘8961 yVoN| -oiyg] VW sypsaqygo wpiydopy (8261 “zissesy) Jeordoay, | snoseyd sypUudovjaul (48261) ZIssesy squefd spenby dD ‘8261 -eisy| -oidyg) VW mig don (9007) URWID] qy jeoidoay, | snoseyd ZIGI ‘uosdwepy pure soqei, “(Z7861) ‘Te 39 [yng siueyd onenby | oo Tf ‘If €9 ‘AC *ZO}| (Id ‘8Z61 -eisy| -oidyg) y | ssuapuvue vpqdopy (S007) snoseyd (O88 ‘uaTfaus) "Te 39 Jowor) “(Z786T) “Te 39 [YN siueyd snenby| oorf ‘I{| IN “dD ‘Id “Md ‘ZO} Nd ‘8261 eisy| -oyd) WV syonpiip req doy (6S81 (Z00Z) ‘Te 39 jepreds ‘(g00Z) Ld “IN ‘LW snoseyd TOTEM) syvsasarsad WoeTINA\ pue snnyy ‘(ssard ut) [yng €q| ‘Tvgd-Sa ‘Sa ‘NG “Ad! Ld ‘0002 -oyg| VW sysnasdojdiq (6S81 snoseyd Toyen) sywpadssad (8007) Premuuey “(8007) Pa IN ‘WA “AG ‘HO] AC “2002 “oMyd) mpuvgavecy A3yUNOS Wgey pure odoinq aSuri sated SIIMIIIFIY ualTy | seljunoos pepeauy | ur proses, | canenN = | sutdey | sme Ayrure,y 651 ‘(SOOZ) BAMISLT pue PAOIZIS ‘(9861) “Ted “(ZZ61) THR “(EP6I —TP61) repeWy “(700Z) PSUqeY ‘ATSNPUT d1e[OIO0YD dS ‘ON “IN ALOT LAA (uede( :AITEIO] Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 pur Jouranyy (986) Joeor) Joy sinu jo syzodurt ur ‘a5 We Sig Ad adAq) | snoroa (ZZ81 JT[2Z,) “(ZG61) TyounTy “(€Q6T) SUG Aq]| AT[eUOTsedD0 ‘syINIy AIG] ‘ZO ‘HD “Ad ‘IV I@G6I PIS AS} -BIeq| V stLvns vsdyvlny Quejd33a) snoseyd (PC8T ‘oguanr)) (F007) 3S4N puasuojaue WnUuvIOS qq| ad ‘P00z voy] -oidyqg] YW | s7vuogso sapoutsnaT (eolLFy pur eisy :soidon PHO PIO: JEMEIES PeISAPTR IAL (0007) InNurUTeS :ANTEIO] (6S81 ‘(COOZ) PIISIA pur qOYsieyy somnased ASSVW adj) | snoseyd TONE) SYVSISUDI ‘(900Z) HOYsTeY pur seMsy| ‘sossvss 41n3 ‘s1osoUOy “Ld ‘Ld ‘LIW ‘SH ‘AO] = AD “661 ) MuaBorddry] -orkyg) O vuLuvasojadsap] (aeIayIonID) wngtusou1a eoloury | snoseyd E7T8T Touqny (8661) J2vOF) pur ppng unipidaT ‘Beqqe) dD) dD ‘L661 -ouyg| Vv yyndnd vixtasngy (8161) AysmoqnZ-quioza1247 ‘(S00Z) MS ‘Is “AS BYATIGET PUP PACIJIG “(9861) ‘Ad ‘Su “OU “AVN wed “(ZZ61) THPW “(S00Z) suey Ld “OZV-1d ‘Ld “(G00G) PHRTA PueaoysIEy “Td ‘ON “LW “AW “(TS6T) 21Z9UrL “(ZOOT) YOsHIGeY AVL DISA Avs pur rowanzy “(796T) Aq “LI ‘LI ‘SI ‘al ‘NH (9861) ereOS) (S00) “Tee SOA A aS PPPEPuaae[y ‘(906T) 2y8snsquio1+) “Wd ‘Id ‘Sd “ad AG (AarTes0] 2 ‘(Z€61) F10g “(IZ6T) MOd "19 “UTeI8 AW’ ZO 2925 odAa ou) | snoroa 681 PIIPZ ‘(Q00Z) ousTey pue remnsy ‘siMjj palrp ‘snu posoig ‘dg “Ad ‘Vd ‘LV “IV oruasoid AI) -TM1119C y pyjatugany vuysag dy AxyunNOoS Wgey pure odoimq aSuri satvads S9IUIIIFIY ualTy | selunos pepeauy | ur proses, | caneN = | owidey | sme Ayrure,y Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) 652 (esepeyy ‘uredg :AN[EIO] (Ld *Z007) addy) | snor0a (OZ8T “desurpneis) (0002) ‘Te 39 Aa]10D gp EEA SAREE Od, Ld UD ‘Sa] ‘SA ‘OZ8T | 9uasoiddrD | -nIneq| O vung dvip vapahqy 6S81 snoseyd TOM Sypyoapod (SOOZ) ‘Je 39 JoIVO4) syueyd onenby G5 6261) eiseyensny| -ovyg] Vv xulodviyg voloury | snoseyd T88T 22045 (986T) Joxe0r) syueyd onenby qD ‘L961 YyVON| -oiyg| vy |syuenasqo xuhodvsyg (EN ‘Ayeooy odAy ‘eOLpy pue (TS8I RISY ‘Sq) | snoseyd TOT[OZ) syvsonjanyf (9861) Joxv0r) syueyd onenby AD ‘6Z61 | uesoidAry} -ovfyg| 5D xudodvuy (eoLFy pur (ZOOZ) YOSHqRY eisy :soidon O88 I pure Jowonz] ‘(CQ0Z) ‘fe 39 JayeOr) Pyiom pjo) | snoseyd UaTJaUsS syvinuLMUIp ‘(9861) POF “(Z786T) “TE 9 [YN Gq) Td NA ‘ZO ‘LV] =D ‘ZZ61) ouesorddrD] -or4yg} xudodving feoidoay |snoseyd (6681 “¥TEA\) (9861) JaIv0F siueyd snenby dD “6261 -eisy| -ouyg} | sywuostss xudodvurg (8661) Ues|aIN Jeordoay | snoseyd 9/8] ‘UaTpous pur qoysivy “(f86]) yooouepyy sjueyd onenby qs ‘qo ‘Ma! Na ‘s8Z6l -eisy| -oidyg) YW | syvauyig xutodvung (€981 (886) easoIeUIdIT, voloury | snoseyd TONE) VIJaqIsun ‘(ZOOT) Psugqey pue Jouronyy suvpon[ LIV! Lv ‘0281 YON} -oyd) V stop ahumeny AxyUNOS yeNgey pure odoing aSuri sated SIIUIIIFIY ualTy | selunoo pepeauy | ur proses, | ocanenN = | smiday | sme Ayrure,y 653 Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 (SCSI snnIsay ZI snoseyd ‘Q]IAQUIJ\[-ULIONS)) (8007) Aemeig | ‘wasag ‘snsvy ‘snouan?)| “CD‘TD NH “TV4-Sa “Sa Sd ‘0061 eisy| -ouyd) Vv wusad vaviagiuy oeprrumyes 88] ouosEYy (1Z61) UPR pyaauytvdsas “dss ‘(Q861) WOssurds *(98G6]) Wye ssou 99q Ul qq eoIOUTy | snoroA (SO8T “preyorg) ‘(L00Z) FIOPTA pur Sroqimy] — spoorq ‘uaqod ‘Aouopy dS ‘ON ‘Td “NC “AC | “8.0761 29°] qUON | bed! V EE ea POLY pur voroury ‘ds snqjupiuy ynos “ds vovjnquog “ds (IyeqUsTIC) unipodouay’) “ds PIPUyT vIso]a) “UnAgsvoVInIsod (sorreue7) :AVTTEOO] (OLOZ ) SSN “(S007) BAPIA DULaYIUPIAT CVW-Ld ‘OZV| Woy) IN| 2442) ersy|snoseyd (SZLI ‘snorqes) pure 3poysreyy “(G007Z) Sud °C ‘spavayna vag | Aypeadsa ‘snoseyddAjog ‘45 Wi ‘Sa Na! Md ‘0961 -ouyg| WV sapoqstsog dy Wi snoseyd (PZ6I1 ‘youoyeiq) (1002) ‘Te 39 AqeJ SPA) UA | ‘1007-LSOd -ouyd| V POONA) RATT U0I109 ‘SZUNUULOI (L761 (€86[) UouoasKy ‘(900Z) snuity vsoyfiusay snoseyd ‘yOLIAay]) Y4adqoonay ‘Je 19 Josinquiey ‘(6661) A2]pesg DIUMVPVIVIAT “SNLILD) WII Id ‘S961 -oyg| VW vigajgdoqdhay syuryd snosoeqsoy MOT Pur ‘SdTIIIQMess (S007) ‘vutssayand CvVW voloury | snoseyd (098 ‘suswey) Te 19 TTTH ‘“(Z661) Te 2 [yng vigsoydny ‘Snsq1’) -Ld ‘AD ‘Nada yVoN| -oiyg] VW vuvytsad sisday’y (0061 LTX ‘ZI snoseyd “WIeYSUISTEA ) (C007) CUDTO SATA snapa) | “ED “WA Ud ‘SH| ea “8661 esy| -oyd) WV DEAL ITEET SAAT IEPIOIIIIOT, A3yUNOS Wgey pure odoimq aSurs sated SIIMIIIFIY ualTy | selunoos pepeauy | ur proses, | eaneN = | owidey | sme Ayrure,y ~ snoseyd LOOT ‘zZIssesy 6 (Z00Z) zissesy uMouyu) aD} gD ‘€o0z| euesoiddry| -oidyg] 9D putdoasad SDA (2007) CVW-Ld ‘OZV PA OTIGe 96 |) OSU WA Bae sLd ‘Ld “IN ‘OIS-LI eNOTT “(SOO7) PAPIA Pur yoysrey AV Scene Tac) (9007) ‘Te 39 OFuRsI ‘(S661) UD UD UOOM snoseyd (E81 ouyeAred) ap “(T00Z) ‘Te 39 [yng snaizy | OOLL ‘ZI Ud “Sa “NC “TV IT ALS “ody | YW | S4QN]TEJA) 24979 sly (6661) ‘Te 39 FPOL, (6661) epunyy pur fearpsayg “(C00Z) BYATISET PUP PAOIJIG “(Z00Z) MS ‘IS “Td yosiiqey pur Jowony ‘(f/61) avaoessoidny) Joy10 “IN ‘NH “Aad ‘ZD voloury | snoseyd (LZ81 ‘preyorg) uozAnyuoyueny ‘(€861) SU 2 Aypeuotseooo ‘ving] ‘HO ‘Dd “AG SEV] «IN ‘TZ61 -oukyd| Vy | marys vigasauduy (snsadiun( hy ‘ stupdoossasdn’y 0681 “weysurseny 8 ‘sav davUulvYy) ) voloury | snoseyd wyjassaddng = (6661) ZIssesy sevaoessordn “All aD| dD ‘L661 yHON| -oiyd| V DyGasadday V sepnnowouody s 066T woquEYD = snoseyd DLONLApad & (Z661) 249P4 SNAPI) WA ‘8961 -ovyg| VW VIUIVIOZOT D (6261) 91221, (9961) vaomnys pure eursdns¢ “(7Z761) YOR (6861) sepnossired4y “(1 007) SODAOY] pue souurisosiey ‘(CQ0T) PITTA pur yoysiey “(1S61) aD “MS ‘Is ‘nu pizeurl “(€661) sPysutal “(Z00) ‘Su ‘OU ‘OZV-Ld HUE a Ue AONE A6l} STW “AW ‘IT ‘OISsLI [durery pue ApH ‘(S007) Te! UVSiLI CLI ‘NH “UD PPPpurar[y ‘(0961) sueyNd (ne Ud ‘Sa ‘Nd “Ad ‘ZO snoseyd (9161 “Psng) ‘(€¥G61) oyalay -erorery zonsuywog | smu ‘SNUNAT) JCIDCSOY Z1| “HD “Dd ‘V" SLV “TV IS ‘OZ6I eISy -ouy V DISAJOUL YIN OY AVLL) AxyUNOS Wgey pure odoimq aSurs satvads SOIMIIIFIY ualTy | selunoos pepeauy | ur proses, | oeanenN = | ouiday | sme Ayrure,y Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) 658 TOUT vISy pure volyy | snoseyd SCG FYoIOJ (7661) Uossusag apaqna Unga N or adomy} -okyg DIJIUIULAA] DIULYITT SEP (2981 SUMPUIGOFT) snoseyd snyaqguapinbap (SOOT) PIISIA, pur IOYsIEy VI0LVI SHINVG. n OZV-Ld| 2domys2D] -okyg viuausady sepriusuiiedy snoseyd 6P8I IPZ (SOOT) PIISIA, pur IOYsiey unipodouay) ‘xajdisip adoinyq) -o1dyg pyjainssaa pLogdoao’) (1861) AyJsaour[ pur youdioy “(ZO0Z) Yosuqey pue Jowonypy (AV ‘ZD | snoseyd OIGL ‘Pq ‘(‘urur09 ‘siad) auozzIpjeg vavatds MIS “AS ‘TT ‘LI ‘AH “Ad| ‘pur edomys| -o4yg yyjaavaids psoydoao’) AS ‘Su ‘ON (8S81) “IN “XI ‘AT SIT “al “UH Shoauad (ZL 8:0 Une) 24q 2 (9007) ‘Te 19 puog ‘aD ‘Id “Ad UH “Nd “Ad| sdpy ueedomy] -o1kyg yyjartsny vsoydoajor) (9621 UqnH) snoseyd pyjauuad1Ivs.o9 (900Z) 4ousrey pur remsy adoinyq Ay) -014yg vsogdoajo) seproydosjo7) (007) ‘ye 19 IEYOT “(GQOT) PIIA pur POLOWy yoysiey “(Z7OOTZ) Yosuqey pue on YWON WoIZ| snoroA CI6I 3psng Jaurany] ‘(8007) AUPUIZOL) Jeworeur yueyd Surkesaq (S00) sHUPM “(ZOOT) YsUqeY pure Jowonzy ‘(668 T) eUsOjOF sudypol] pur ses[y SPU “MS ‘OZV-Ld “UH “UD “LV Peqtosep *2 vOLFY N 29 HO “Ad ‘LV] BIsv A ‘edong yeuqeH udTTV SorsJUNOS poprauy oSurs SATIENT -1119q ipunuaou 11U0I03A() seplypoHsojny (8081 Z9uqnH) DIOLUVI Dua oepinory S9199GS Ajrare,y ‘6007/90/10 2epdn aseyT *({] x1puodde aas) SIN()A 0} JoJor SuONerAaIqqe JeUqep] *(] xipuodde 298) NOTE OS] 02 JaJoI suonerAsiqqe sapod AmuNO’) ‘(adoring wz uate) adorn uryiM Sutpuedxa soiads uvsaidoprday ay) Jo somstraioeseyo pur asi] *Z* | | SIqQeL A visy | snoseyd (6SZI1 SP22]D) 6 (900Z) ‘Je 39 sonboy StAgsays NUIT €r) al q orodomy} -okyg VIDANIY] VIABIVIAT BOY (6961) BOM sperod poroyiim N ‘ourpy eisy | snoseyd (€9Z1 ‘yodoos) (9861) ROYS (G6G6T) SPAPN| pur Arp/sromoy Sunse-roaq} — 1 [*CD‘TH AS “IN ‘ATTA MG} = or edomg g} -o1kyq papurnbut vavpy snoseyd (68Z1 ‘SIT[LA 2d) (L007) ‘Te 39 Jamey wniumsog 94 Aq| ueouesoupspy| -o01kyg | veevsstrmiunyd srqquvsinq : = (Fest Inquiey) (Z00Z) SUI 9d vanuaoyd snsadiun{ ZI odoinq onuepy vypantuaoyd visagq1dngq sdty 01 ag § pure A\ sjeip) | snoseyd (C18 JouqnH) (9861) NOYS| — xuYT ‘want, ‘stagsaagds snutg €) woyj adomy|) -o1dyg yyvoipul visagqidnq oh (stagsadna LZ ‘sesurpneas rs (L00Z) ‘Je 39 401184) '§ VBDLfIXDS *S) auaqtS a ULIULIIONpI[ vypsvydodivs visaguidng & (BYLT. Lao ‘snuyy) snoseyd (6SZ1 SPI2]D) Ss (TZ61) HOM | Mag ‘snsdan?)) snoseyddjog Z1‘ID -o1dy viavyofap stuUnig S snoseyd (QSZI ‘snoeuury) ne (L681) EHOW SNUIT c5) -o1dy vuaviuid sypdng aS dePLIUIOI5) S (8781 “qaromepy) (SOOT) PATSIA pur iOYsIey | sIaMOoP ‘spas ‘stdgsamgis vv (Z00Z) ‘Te 39 Tyng ‘(€66T) ‘Te 39 UoyIOyNIINY ura (6861) SU 9d HH snssaadn’yy ‘snaadiunf Nd “IN “4D “Nd “Ad sdry uvadoimy snoseyd -ovdyg DIAIUIIQNS wApaqV (6ST desurpneis) myjaqamiquas VIY IAAL (S007) PIISIA pur IoYsiey unipodouay’) 9q (S861) JUNE -siowyeyD ST]VIUOZIAOY LIJSVIUOIO") G veuqeH SPY UdTTV OZV-Ld SorsqJUNOS peprau] POLY N Jo/pue adomy aSuvs sAneN snoseyd -ovdyg snoseyd -ovdy (P61 ‘“ssoqunyy) VIJALINDXAS DIG ISAOSMAY’) (PS81 JSBEEPS YOU ET) Dy apimuvs sdILgqpy depIYysa}er) sated Ayrurey Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) 660 (S861) ‘ye 10 JOU (S861) ‘ye 20 Jo (SOOT) BYAMASET pur PAoIjag sapiouvinyd Laay snuvyy dopnasd say vided subjont CG! CONTI eo arall dS “LT ‘AT “aD MN ‘NU ‘OU “Td “AW “OIS CLI LI ‘NH “WOON “UW ‘Sd “AC *ZO ‘HO “Ad “LV eEDY: JMS Jo odomnq snoseyd -ovdy snoseyd -ovdyg (QE6T ‘pueypIeW 27) istuupol sagmsouoy hg (PZ81 Jouosey) yyjajnsiuasd Lag souoyyg (9621 PuqnH) pyauuadisos vy dOIv’) (8007) equity (€007) OUSIOVY SOATA, ‘(000Z) ‘Te 29 2381S “(T00Z) eYANISe'] PUL PAOCTJIC ‘(/661) yooeyy pure foaapyy “(F661) ‘Te 19 PYAMSET ‘(8GG1) BYlOS pur rysmourqey ‘(CQOZ) Ussuaisiry pure yoysiey “(Z700Z) yostqey pure souranyy ‘(SQ0Z) ‘Te 29 snuvyy dopnasd say ee) “Gl AS ‘ON ‘ATT MN “MS ‘IS “AS ‘Su ‘AU SOU “Td “TN “LT ‘AT adomny snoseyd -oudy (G41 Jud OED) vyauuadyna vyisdojv’) IH ‘(0007) euetseydng pue “LI ‘NH “UH “AD “WOO 9861 sult 9d ‘(Y66T) Jory pue |e Ud ‘Td “SH “MC “Ad *ZO sueyyeg | snoseyd ‘PUNT, 2g eYYOso unng “(€007) ‘Te 39 [yng unursvroddig snjnasay) WI ‘TTX ‘TI ‘HO ‘Ad “Od “Ad “VE CLV uroyinog | -01k4d Ui fees LEI) SEpH eer (S76 Jousny) (ZL61) Wossuras ‘(986T) NOS snutg ‘saiqy €r) VIWUUVIIAG DAI] (OP8T ‘TeAnpstog) (OLOZ) Ppaaes snaadiunt be vidvsdandad SApOqVG 1b snseone7) (S¢Z[ ‘snoevuurT) (FOOT) UPSSTIN pure UOsidI2g sdoi1 snonpis9q 3) 01 adoiny vypunsg viaqgdosadc) spy [ss © vege ually S31JJUNOD pepeAuy aSuvi sAneN sated Ayrurey : py va = (900Z) ousrey pure remsy DSOM Myayof1qUad VIJAULSIIS snoseyd (CZZI ‘sniotiqe.q) (SOOT) PIISIA pur oysiey snqny OZV-Ld -ovdyg VIILND DIIUWBUYS snoseyd (8781 ‘yIomep) (9007) oYsIeyy pur remsy sn34anQ) | OIX'PD‘TD Sd “‘GVW-Ld -okyd| — ajardvoquay vyjausug Oneupy) (6€61 Tuell) (SO0Z) ‘Te 2° [TH JOUTU Jeo] xa77 snI4anC) es adomy ‘Ss VIJABULLIY VIWAPAOIIT IIX TS SETH snoseyd] (PEGI “ZaMY-1]TNIN) (F007) ‘Te 39 UsxFoYNOIN] ueA snuviyq) “Tl Wa} WOO Ud “UH ‘SH ‘HO sueyjeg J} -oyd suvynd staadiqvoy seprpnondayy vynqag (snuNAT ‘SNBVAIVA) me ‘snglos ‘ns Snqvyyy) snoseyd (9€8T ‘e1S07) CO) 8 (900Z) Youssey pur Jemnsy | svaovsoy Apisour ‘snoseyddjog] 7D ‘TD ‘II uvourioupsyy| -oidyg}| wyjayofyvut viagdoonaT SS sepmouo0ky Ss \se"y eX] pue N snseone’) 01 & IOUT BISy pue SS POLFY YON Sy ~ JAAN ‘ATPIS pue Ayeay *§ 01$ (8007) STYEIS pur sjei¢) 01 J) snoseyd (QSZI ‘snoeuury) pure rol “(800Z) OquIDy ‘dds snuzg adoiny joisopy) + -o14yg quid snuyoipuaq sepiduiesoise |] (9781 snoseyd IO[IZ) Vpjaqwjns1dgs (S00Z) ‘Je 2° [TH DUDIUL SNUIYy -ovdy Lag LouoyyG (9781 (SOOT) PIIIA pur yOYsreyy snoseyd TOJOZ) Upjazuvssaue ‘(900Z) YoysIey pue semsy VIUVISU) ‘sndvq ‘snILanC) -ovdy Lag souoyyg WeIIgGey sated SJoY uaTTV SoIIJUNOD popeauy aSuri sAneN Ayrure,y depron Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) 662 adoiny S (wnwagqupshigy) YA CVW-Ld ‘Ld “OIS-L] | pue reosesepepy (6F61) PH2TTEA ‘(Z00Z) | PIoNponut ‘soon wMnsy ‘s1oMOG CI‘TI| ‘LI “€@D ‘YOO-d “Ud “NVO eorpy | snoseyd (CEST ‘Teanpstog) JE 19 TTOY “(Z9GT) sokowoH, ‘sajqeiosaa) snoseydéjog| ‘gt ‘94 ‘SA| -Sa ‘SH “MC “AC ‘HD “TV Jesrdonqng| -okyg sypiony viagdopods ROLY (SOOT) PIISIA pur yoOYsieyy AAS pue ‘AA | snoseyd (LZ ‘24AG232T) ‘(900Z) YoysIey pue semsy oued IeSns ‘UIO7) CVW-Ld ‘OZV-Ld| ‘N domgq gs} -ov{yg] = sapto1usvuou vuupsas eISY (\ 01] snoseyd (Z8Z1 ‘snioriqe.q) (8007) 2quIny wuniulgdaq qD “Ad ‘Mad “Aq| edomy Ag 2D) -o1dyg DIIUOUL DISMAGHG Of (1861) MMA “(0007) POLY yoppoyueA) “(E86 1) PwUTY N ‘dom 5 pure yzeaH ‘(6007Z) Yoog stavdoossasdn’y 01 Surpuedxa | snoseyd (6781 ‘feanpstog) ‘(6661) A°Jeg pur Paoupsag ‘stevdavulvy’) IN ‘AD ‘MC| Uvouesoupepy) -odyg tuatnvay aupydogitT POLY N ‘eISV (SCZ ‘snoevuurT) (SOOT) PIISIA pur IOYsreyy M X edoing vavdiany vixadnq BOY Jeordon 310/29 | snoseyd (68Z1 ‘aodsq) (S007) EYANAgeT pure PAoras SdSNOYsse]s UT sapquiss3A, AS “Id ‘ZD| ueouruoupsyy| -oidyg} — sagiajpqa stxtaposhag’) POLFV AN 72 N ‘uvsUPIIONpoyy | snoseyd L681 Jesurpneag (€8G61) Josmy-TeAueqzay Lie el HO q) -oyd VIDIBUL DULAPLLD) sepm0yN (6981 ‘uoaureas) (€86T) owWUrY pue Yeap] xaqd sna4anc) adoiny S PLOAIAIGNS VIJAULSIIS (LS81 (C86) JOWUTY pure yIRIP] snuvyydopnasd say ‘Aai) vsoisads vyausus (S981 (0661) ‘Je 19 UOssueYyo{ ‘ZyD) whd pyausus WIIgGey sated SJOY uaTTV SoIIJUNOD popeAauy aSurl sAneN Ayrure,y 663 seprHhPyttd elyensny ‘eoLIOUTY NY | snoseyd (8SZI (900Z) Joussey pur remnsy DIISSOAT pur onseoreg| -o1dyg} ‘snoeuury) adv stsarg sepa (SOOZ) PYAMISET pure PACES S]MAspoo}j polip MS “AS ‘(ZZ61) THPW ‘(0007Z) ‘Te 19] Sunsayuy ATperoodsa arour Inq ‘OU ‘Ld “Td “ON “IN ‘AT (G78 ‘uoruTelS) aioatn (F961) AqnzH ‘(S00Z) | ‘syood pur sJayresy ‘Araisjoydn Th diese la Aa ORCL SNOJOA yyjaqasdsopnasd my Te 19 TH ‘(6S6T1) JPswy ‘syadieo SuIpnypoul ‘soliqey “Ad ‘ZO ‘HO Ad “Ad ‘LV| éueoursoupeyy| = -0q vyigdouuvuLfor] . (SIGL) sdan UO IsuUNj-1999eIq & ‘ye 9 TOW] ‘(SOOT) PYANISeT Pep Ul s1oop3no sINddC) S pur PAaodas “(Z/61) [PW "SIOOPUT SHMIspooy parsp MS “AS “OW “Td ‘ON “IN ‘AT S “(1661) UIE (F961) Aqnay | ‘Tetoxeur quer porsp ‘sapoq “LT ‘SI “al “aD ‘Td “ad “a sMOIOA (8SZI ‘snovuurT) 2 ‘(9681) ‘Je 29 yousry-yeqy SUIM JO SYIOO ‘sjadrey) ‘Tl “Ad ‘ZOD ‘HO Ad “AG ‘LV| éueoursoupeyy| = -0q DIJPAILIAVS SISOAPUT aS sepii0oydossQGQ) = POLY (Z6G61) ART pure souof (2e9980,J) N pur eisy | snoseyd (SCZ ‘snoevuurT) ‘(900Z) NoysIey pue remsy unoypayds unipodigomg q orodomy} -okyg VIAIBIV IDAVAD oepreydurAny (SZZT “BIYOS voy | snoseyd| 29 stusq) vduvr0dqd (SOG6I) Sopury\y dds snuzg N 2 edoing g| -o1d{yg vaodojaunvy], sepnuopojoN, (L8Z1 eIsy \\ | snoseyd ‘snIoqiqe.]) (900Z) ‘Te 19 uepAyy vay snindog 29 edomy 9299] -ov{yg DUDBUAIA SUIADT WeIIgGey sated s}oy s}sOP] uaTTV SaJIJUNOD popeauy aSuri sANeN Ayrore,y Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) 664 (SE61) YORTA ‘(6861) Youdiey “(9861) Wed (6261) THAW “(Z007) WsUqrY pure Jowonz] ‘(1 661) suey (€€G6[) UURUIOWIUNT?T pure ypouraas “(9861) Wed soy ‘sinu ‘syIMIF pod oryoeisid ‘qores ‘sinu ‘saxep ‘symmay Arp :sionposd paroig MS “AS ‘OU ‘ON “IN “AI “AD ‘TA If] ‘Nd “dd ‘ZO ‘HO “Ad ‘LV MIN “AS ‘NU ‘OU “Td ‘ON “IN ‘NH ‘AD MId “AC “ZO ‘HO “Ad ‘LV uevoUPIISIIpoy] sURdUPIIIO TPPW SNOIOA -1119q (SP8I ‘aguans)) VJapyvI VAPV') SNOJOA -1119q (6€81 PTZ) apiuoqwias stojahiody (S007) PyAMAgET] pue PAOLJOS ‘(SO0Z) eIIDIA pure yoysiey “(/007) Je 29 TyNg ‘(900Z) oysrey pure em3y (S007) ‘Te 3° HH SpNpOl] Petoig (saproudly vsvufixvs) aseryixes ASSOY] PITA CVW-Ld ‘OZV-Ld “Td “IN ‘aD “MC “AC “ZO “Ad ‘LV URIUPIIONPs|\l odoinq onuepy SnoIOA (GO8T JeuqnH) -1119q sypasdvs vssojsy sepiquiesy + sepryesdg (1981 ‘puenig) snoseyd snpqopp1sayytUL -oudyg vydouaqs (S007) BIPIA pur aoysiey (OLOZ) UosHeasnsr) s}oY xadiup pue unipodousy’) ‘(vaowmod]) AIO}S SUTUIOVY Aypeuorseaco ‘(dds visaisqv’y pure smjnajoauo’)) spsompulg SIDUOLIDUL StAadsaET yeuqeH UdsTTV S31JJUNOD popeAuy OOTXOJ\] “eOLIoury NV Jo/pue ‘eIsy ‘eoupy ‘odoing vOLOUyy N dnoysnoiyi surpuedxa ‘IOUT PISY pure sodomy aSuri sAneN snoseyd -ovdy (SSZT ‘snoeuury) MIMJIVPOUOUL DUYaULULT seprioydosarg snoseyd (QSZI ‘snovuury) -o1kyg myaqIadod VIII] sated Ayrurey 665 (900Z) Yousey pue remsy DUDIUD] ULNUANGLA oe S2q1y olka a (0007) yretupuly pue SNTUDISIOT, (O86T) youdiay (000Z) eddnissusqry uasojo1sidoprday SIAISAYAS NUTT | surypoiey} JO} pasn susays sseIry q‘d (€OOT) ‘Te 39 FousE Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 (vaafyoVp Ef Pur sisuatAvUYI x1UI0G J) $9911 Weg bal SIOIUIM SUTATAINS nq ‘opisino sonposdas ued ‘(sa]quIOBIA JOyI0 pue soddad ‘ozreur ‘syueyd onenbe wsoy Yigjasulog D0GIUYIVY UNLngUpy Usp) Vlagsayy VIuosIg) sasnoyusels ur snoseydAjog If ‘oorl yeuqeH uaTTV (SOOT) nuTUTeS (8661) PAOMEg pure yore (S661) Jaisoyy pue uRWSINF] ‘(8C6T) smnaq ‘(9007) ‘Te 2° [yng spy s}sOP] dS ‘ON “IN ‘€D ‘Td Md “Ad *ZO “ad S31JJUNOD popeAuy idAoy pure IOUT BISYW JO /23 odomny DS ELAN 0] JOUT/Y BISV 10/29 odoinq eIsy JM 01 edomnyq (soured ‘uTeds) adomnyq A\S (VSN a pue BUI’) “PLIaqIS 01 Surpuedxa Apruasedde) eISV 01 adoiny 25 (uredg) adomnyq A\S spurysy Areue’) pue ULSUPIIONPIAL aSuvs sANeNy snoseyd -ovdy snoseyd -ovdy snoseyd -ovdy snoseyd -oidy snoseyd -ovdy (68Z1 ‘UasneyyIog) stuLsofavdoku uopayupuls (LOST ‘sordodseT) SIULLOIDUBLPUD uopayupuls (LOST ‘sordodseT) stuLdofanpy vigastuuay EPIIsag 6F8I “s][oety) IVIJAGUSL DIS]JIVAL) sepiruinyes (TH8] “WUPUISIDA) SNJJAINIV VUOIOLIIIS (€Z6[ ‘nosourueisuo7) 29 [10ry-nosodog) MAVA VISPIINT LY8L PIPZ sypanof pyagsuodng sated Ayrurey (xyES ‘snjndog Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde et al. / BioRisk 4(2): 603-668 (2010) 666 ‘viniag ‘snujy) snonpiosp (PEST “WWrIsI3[sOYy pure (vsoy ‘snp ‘snuns) snoseyd UOA JOYOSI.J) (€Z6T) ‘Je 39 Aa]pesrg ssa imay ‘snoseyddjog ral inne q5 adoinyq) -o1d4yg puvso satydoxopy (SLL “SayNUTaHTYOS snoseyd 29 s1u9q) (SOOZ) PIISIA pur 1oOYsiey DSOM qi OZV-Ld adoinyq) -o1d4yg DUVBIIADA SILI SEPIIIVIOL, (S007) PyADIgET XN “NS ‘TS Pure PAOIPS “(6861) UOS|aIN “AS “OZV-Ld “Td “ON “IN pure uosurqoy “(ZE6T) STuoTed LT AT ‘NT SUVS-LI “AI “WH “(E98 1) F49pT “(S00Z) “‘AMOND “AD UOO Ud WA PIISTA pur yoysiey “(7961) ‘Td “Ad “NC “AC “ZO ‘AD SNOJOA (SCZ ‘snovuurT) Aqnay “(18 1) FeeID eq sionpord paroig ‘HO ‘Ad ‘Dd “Ad ‘LV STV] cuvouenompsyy| -n0q| mypeziadea vdvydogai4y (€861) esprela pue wroydQ (S00Z) BIPIA Ou ‘AVW-Ld pue yousiey “(100Z) yoysrey ‘OZV-Ld ‘Ld ‘ON “OIS:LI ees 6S81 Tesurpnerg pure axIparry “(6/G6[) suepy sonpoid paroig ‘LI ‘UH ‘AD ‘Ud ‘SA SHO) éuesuesoupsyy | -I0q DIJAIAVANUL VOUT (S002) BYANISET PUP PAOIZIS ‘(ZZ61) TYP ‘(S661) sBreInzoyy MS “AS ‘NU pur spysulay (F961) Aqniy “Td ‘ON “IN ‘LT “AI “@D ‘Td SOON (YOLT ‘sniortqe.y) ‘(C86[) JOWIWY pure yIespT sionpoid paroisg Md “Ad ‘ZO ‘HOD “Ad SLV|} Ueoueoupsyy| = -WI0q yyjaqjasul vaurzojdvE] (S002) eYADISE'T PUL PACTS “(1 661) MS “AS (S€6I pudioy “(8861) sPIsUIA ‘MY “Td “ON “IN ‘LT “AD ee ‘QFTEOIDIY_ 2Q 904191) ‘(C86[) JoWWyY pure yIesp{ speola7) Td MO “Ad ‘ZO “AG ‘LV| weourioupeyy| -0q DYAIP vau1qojdvEy depIouUry, WeIIgGey satad§ SJ usTTy S3IQUNOD papeAuy aSuri sAneN Ayrore,y 667 Lepidoptera. Chapter 11 (OS8I ‘Aepayqnoq) Heactel DUVIOIIVSOA DIJIIOJON] snoseyd (QSZI ‘snoeuury) (L961) HEA pue Aamapjor JoIOG 90d ‘Vat IN -okyg VIP) (SOOT) PAISIA pur IoYysIey | JoI0g yMNIy ‘suvjonf pure snsvz snoseyd (66Z1 22uqnH) ‘(900Z) JousIEy pue remnsy osye nq smauan?) ‘vauvisv CVW-Ld ‘OZV-Ld oy g vuvpuayds vip) VSN (SOOT) PIISIA pur oysiey q 01 Surpuedxa | snoseyd (QSZI ‘snoeuury) ‘(900Z) HOysIey pure remsy — CVW:Ld ‘OZV-Ld ‘odommy| -orkyq mjauouod wip) snoseyd (OF81 FI1°Z) (S007) ‘Je 2° TIH DING q5 adomyq| -o1kyg vuvjoiavd vipt’) (F007) ‘ye 9 TYyN ‘(SOOZ) ‘Je 2° [IH XULDT (F007) SUlIg oq pue UaUs0IF) “(€66T) JoysIEy pure yeI piney (SOOT) PIPIA pure yoysiey ‘(900Z) oYysrey] pure eM3y SnULg | a = I] Ce) i» |e | a dD ‘Xd “ad as “Nd “ad CVW.-Ld “OZV:Ld eIsy pue odomy adomy J snoseyd -ovdy L961 ‘TYSMOZOWUTepY puviuayiu vip’) (1S81 PEP S Putter) vuvinyt viph) (S98T “sinqoziey) DUVIZAIUNAD VIP’) (OS8I ‘sB4nD) vuvassams pysad1avy’) VoULMS Sngny Vso UoLpUuapopogy SnUNAT ‘snndoy Uun1uosivjag VAC ‘SnJUYy Viuoguyy ‘SsnanvT ‘wnuiusvl ‘xa vigsogdnq DIJIUOLO) VIAVILOT) SNAIL) UNUAYIUDNAG) Lay VIVIy uo osje Inq sugquvIGT UO Ayperoadsa ‘snoSeydAjog a (€961) uasasAyy ‘(FZ61) anowuel ‘(YO0Z) SPISUIAT “(S00Z) ‘TE 19 PEPOPUPARTD “(C66T) OUfeATeD ap “(6661) UIT! 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