BioRisk 4( | }: 267-292 (20 l 0) Apeer-rev ‘iewed open-access journa 1] cee ae oe BioRis Leaf and Seed Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) Chapter 8.3 Ron Beenen', Alain Roques? | Universiteit van Amsterdam, Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam, Plantage Middenlaan 64, 1018 DH, Amster- dam, The Netherlands 2. INRA, UR633 Zoologie Forestiére, 2163 Av. Pomme de pin, 45075 Orléans, France Corresponding author: Ron Beenen ( Academic editor: David Roy | Received 4 February 2010 | Accepted 22 May 2010 | Published 6 July 2010 Citation: Beenen R, Roques A (2010) Leaf and Seed Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Chapter 8.3. In: Roques A et al. (Eds) Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe. BioRisk 4(1): 267-292. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.4.52 Abstract The inventory of the leaf and seed beetles alien to Europe revealed a total of 25 species of which 14 seed beetles (bruchids) and 11 leaf beetles mostly belonging to the subfamilies Alticinae and Chrysomelinae. At present, aliens account for 9.4% of the total fauna of seed beetles in Europe whereas this percentage is less than 1% for leaf beetles. Whilst seed beetles dominated the introductions in Europe until 1950, there has been an exponential increase in the rate of arrival of leaf beetles since then. New leaf beetles arrived at an average rate of 0.6 species per year during the period 2000-2009. Most alien species originated from Asia but this pattern is mainly due to seed beetles of which a half are of Asian origin whereas leaf beetles pre- dominantly originated from North America (36.4%). Unlike other insect groups, a large number of alien species have colonized most of Europe. All but one species have been introduced accidentally with either the trade of beans or as contaminants of vegetal crops or stowaway. Most aliens presently concentrate in man-made habitats but little affect natural habitats (<6%). Highly negative economic impacts have been recorded on stored pulses of legumes and crops but very little is known about possible ecological impact. Keywords Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchidae, seed beetle, leaf beetle, bioinvasion, alien, Europe, translocation, introduction Copyright R. Beenen,A. Roques. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 268 Ron Beenen & Alain Roques / BioRisk 4(1): 267-292 (2010) 8.3.1 Introduction The family Chrysomelidae is one of the largest Coleopteran families, including ca. 37 000 described species in the world and perhaps the same number as yet undescribed (Jolivet and Verma 2002). Bruchidae, or seed beetles, is a relatively small family. King- solver (2004), referring to the most recent world catalogue, mentions 1,346 valid bruchid species. Although there are good arguments to treat Bruchidae as a subfamily of Chrysomelidae and raise some leaf beetle subfamilies to family rank (Reid 1995), this is still not common practice among leaf beetle researchers. We treat Bruchidae and Chrysomelidae in this contribution as families, merely for practical reasons. According to Fauna Europaea, the fauna presently observed in Europe includes 1532 leaf beetles and 145 seed beetles. Except for important agricultural pests such as the Colorado potato beetle, Lepti- notarsa decemlineata, and more recently, the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica vir- gifera virgifera, little was known about introductions of alien leaf beetles until Beenen (2006) revealed that 126 species have been translocated at least once from one con- tinent to another. More information on alien seed beetles has been available in the literature mainly because of their potential impact on stored products (Southgate 1979). In the present work, we will show that 25 non-native species of leaf and seed beetles of which one is of unknown origin (cryptogenic) have already established in Europe (Table 8.3.1). Thus, aliens still represent only a very small proportion (1.5%) of the total fauna of leaf and seed beetles in Europe. By comparison, approximately 71 alien leaf beetle species have been recorded from North America (Beenen 2006, Beenen, unpubl.). Within Europe, changes in the distribution of native leaf beetles have also been noticed which can be partly associated either to human activity or to natural trends such as delayed post-glacial expansion and global warming. For example, the recent northwards expansion of a flea beetle, Longitarsus dorsalis, seems to result from both the introduction of a rapidly expanding invasive plant originating from South Af- rica, Senecio inaequidens DC., on which L. dorsalis thrives (Beenen 1992), and from increasing temperatures during the past years. However, the role of human activity is often difficult to ascertain in such observed range expansions of native species. We will essentially consider the species alien to Europe, a summary of the species alien im Europe (Table 8.3.2) and will present their characteristics at the end of the chapter. 8.3.2 Taxonomy A total of 25 alien species of which 14 seed beetles and 11 leaf beetles have been recorded as established in Europe (Table 8.3.1). Thus, bruchids represent more than a half (56.0%) of the alien species whereas they account for only 8.1% of the native fauna of seed and leaf beetles (Figure 8.3.1). This arrival of alien seed beetles has Leaf and Seed Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Chapter 8.3 269 % species % species 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 Bruchidae cae Alticinae Chrysomelinae Galerucinae Cassidinae Hispinae Alien species Cryptocephalinae Clytrinae Donaciinae Eumolpinae 4 Criocerinae 4 Zeugophorinae ~— Orsodacninae 4 Lamprosomatidae + Synetinae Native species 259 o co co oOo fo Co S&S & —iE °o Figure 8.3.1. Comparison of the relative importance of the subfamilies of Chrysomelidae and Bruchidae in the alien and native entomofauna in Europe. Subfamilies are presented in a decreasing order based on the number of alien species. The number right to the bar indicates the number of species per family. significantly modified the composition of the total fauna of seed beetles observed in Europe, where aliens account for 9.4% at present. The pattern is rather different for Chrysomelidae. Although this family includes 13 subfamilies in Europe the alien entomofauna is only distributed among five of these subfamilies. Large differences are observed in the contribution of each subfamily without any apparent correlation to its numerical importance in the native fauna. The recent arrival in France of an alien palm hispine beetle, Pistosia dactylifera (Drescher and Martinez 2005), largely modified the composition of the Hispinae subfamily which includes only three native species (Fauna Europaea 2009). However, aliens represent much less so for the two major subfamilies of leaf beetles, Alticinae flea beetles (four species- 0.7% of the total) and Chrysomelinae (four species- 1.3% of the total). Other alien species include one skeletonizing leaf beetle (Galerucinae) and one tortoise leaf beetle (Cassidinae). The same subfamily pattern is observed for translocations of leaf beetles at world level but Beenen (2006) also noticed other species belonging to Hispinae (e.g. Brontispa palm leaf beetles) and Criocerinae. It is noticeable that representatives from some important subfamilies such as Cryptocephalinae and Donaciinae have never been introduced, or never established at least. Leaf beetles and seed beetles largely differ in biological traits that may be involved in the relative success of seed beetle invaders compared to other groups. Seed beetles have several ways of egg-laying. Most species deposit their eggs on mature pods of legumes (Fabaceae), the eggs being cemented to the pod or dropped in a self- made 270 Ron Beenen & Alain Roques / BioRisk 4(1): 267-292 (2010) hole in the pod wall. Other species lay eggs on mature seeds that are still attached to the inside of a partly opened pod. A third group of species oviposit on mature seeds that have fallen to the ground from a fully dehisced pod. However, some species such as Acantoscelides obtectus use different life history strategies. Early in the season in this species, oviposition occurs on green pods of Phaseolus, while later in the season, the eggs are deposited on mature seeds that have fallen to the ground. These biological features make A. obtectus fully capable of completing cycle after cycle on naked seeds in storage (Kingsolver 2004). The larvae of seed beetles entirely develop within the seeds until pupation and their presence cannot be recognized before adult emergence, unless the seed is X-rayed. In contrast, leaf beetles show a large variety of reproductive traits. Many Galeruci- nae (e.g., Diabrotica species) and Alticinae larvae (e.g., Epitrix species) develop in or at the roots of plants and adults feed from leaves of a specific host plant or a wide variety of plant species. Other Chrysomelidae feed both as larva and adult externally on leaves of their host plants. Although practically no plant species is free of leaf beetles, most leaf beetles need fresh plant products in all or at least in the adult stage. Stored dry plant products are not suitable for leaf beetles to complete their life cycle. 8.3.3 Temporal trends Chrysomelids probably began to be introduced thousands of years ago. It is likely that leaf beetles associated with crops have taken the same route as herbs associated with cereals which are supposed to have entered Europe from the Near East (Pinhasi et al. 2005). Beenen (2006) argued that the combination of Buglossoides arvensis (L.) Johnston and Longitarsus fuscoaeneus Redtenbacher 1849 might have taken the route from southwest Asia where they spread with agriculture to large parts of the temper- ate parts of the Northern hemisphere. Thus, a number of species which are at present considered as native may indeed be originally alien. Bruchidae must have infested pulses grown by man since the dawn of agriculture. Southgate (1979) also mentioned infestations of lentils from the Egyptian Ptolemaic period (305 BC — 30 BC). Rela- tively little is known of these ancient introductions. More recent ones are much better documented as in the case of the potato Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) (see factsheet 14.10). From a global point of view, new records of alien species in Europe were relatively important during the 2”¢ half of the 19" century, due to seed beetle species. The most important being Acanthoscelides obtectus, Callosobruchus chinensis and C. maculatus. However, these species may have been introduced well before their first record. Since ca. 1900, the rate of seed and leaf beetle introductions severely decreased until 1975 when it began to increase again with globalization, essentially through the arrival of leaf beetles. The last seven years since 2000 corresponded to an acceleration of intro- ductions, with an average of 0.8 new species of Chrysomelidae per year, again mostly leaf beetles (Figure 8.3.2) Leaf and Seed Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Chapter 8.3 271 Mean number of new alien species recorded per year during the period 0 0.2 04 06 08 | |800- 1849 1850-1899 1900-1924 1925-1949 1950-1974 1975-1999 2000-2009 - je Seed beetles |__| Leaf beetles Time period Figure 8.3.2. Temporal changes in the mean number of new records per year of seed and leaf beetle spe- cies alien to Europe from 1800 to 2009. The number right to the bar indicates the total number of seed and leaf beetle species recorded per time period. 8.3.4 Biogeographic patterns Asia supplied the major proportion of the alien seed and leaf beetles that have estab- lished in Europe (Figure 8.3.3). However, this pattern is mainly due to seed beetles of which a half are of Asian origin whereas leaf beetles predominantly originated from North America (36.4%). No seed and leaf beetle species of Australasian origin have yet established in Europe. Alien species are not evenly distributed in Europe, and leaf and seed beetles do not show the same pattern of expansion. Half of the alien seed beetles have colonized more than ten countries with four of them present in more than 50 countries and the main islands of Europe. In contrast, 63.6% of the alien leaf beetles have not yet spread out of the country where they have been initially introduced. Only two species, Leptinotarsa decemlineata and Diabrotica virgifera, are presently encountered in 38 and 20 countries respectively (EPPO 2009, Gédéllo University 2004, Grapputo et al. 2005, Purdue University 2008) (see maps in the spreadsheets 8 and 10). Owing to climate change, L. decemlineata may extend its range to Finland (Valosaari et al. 2008). Alien seed and leaf beetles appear to be concentrated in southern Europe with 18 species observed in mainland Italy and more than 10 species in continental France 2I2 Ron Beenen & Alain Roques / BioRisk 4(1): 267-292 (2010) Cryptogenic VV. Africa 14.3% C&S America 21.4% PES nee North America ~~ i‘ 7.1% 50.0% C& S America 7 Ay a ___ Asia 27.3% North America 36.4% Figure 8.3.3. Comparative origin of seed and leaf beetle species alien to Europe and mainland Greece. Central Europe usually hosts less than 10 species except Czech Republic (11 species), whereas aliens have been little recorded in Northern Europe (Figure 8.3.4). 8.3.5 Main pathways and vectors to Europe All alien species of seed and leaf beetle except one (i.e., 95.7%) have been introduced accidentally to Europe. Unlike North America and South Africa, where a number of alien species were released for biological control of weeds (Beenen 2006), only the rag- weed leaf beetle, Zygogramma suturalis, has been intentionally introduced from North America for the biological control of common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisifolia L., since 1978 in Russia (Reznik et al. 2004) and several countries of southeastern Europe, and subsequently established in the wild especially in the Caucasus (Kovalev 2004). A flea beetle native of Continental Europe, Altica carduorum (Guérin- Méneville), has also been introduced in Britain and Wales in 1969-1970 to control creeping thistles, Cir- sium arvense (L.) Scop. but none apparently established (Baker et al. 1972, Cox 2007). Although it is difficult to ascertain the exact pathway of introduction for most of the Leaf and Seed Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Chapter 8.3 273 Number of alien species Figure 8.3.4. Colonization of continental European countries and main European islands by seed and leaf beetle species alien to Europe. other species introduced accidentally, the general behaviour of chrysomelids suggests that most introductions are related to trade of plants and stored products, although some may have arrived as stowaways in all forms of packaging and transport, or even as wind-borne organisms. The world trade of beans for agricultural purposes is probably responsible for the nowadays wide distribution in Europe of most alien species of seed beetles, such as Acanthoscelides obtectus, Bruchus species Callosobruchus species and Zabrotes subfasciatus (Figure 8.3.8) which develop in legume seeds of the subfamily Papilionoideae (Phaseo- lus, Lathyrus, Pisum, Vicia) (Béhme 2001, Kingsolver 2004). However, the arrival of other seed beetles of the genera Bruchidius, Caryedon, Megabruchidius and Mimosestes seems to be more related to the trade in legume tree seeds of Mimosoideae (Albizzia, Acacia) and Caesalpinoideae (Cassia, Cercis, Tamarindus) used as ornamentals in parks and gardens. Megabruchidius tonkineus was at first suspected to have been introduced from Vietnam to Germany with white beans (Wendt 1980) but it was later found to 274 Ron Beenen & Alain Roques / BioRisk 4(1): 267-292 (2010) be associated with pods of honey locust trees, Gleditsia triacanthos L. (Papilionoideae), and not capable of complete development in beans (Guillemaud et al. 2010). Similarly, Acanthoscelides pallidipennis was probably introduced with seeds of false indigo bush (Amorpha fructicosa L., Papilionoideae) (Tuda et al. 2006) and Bruchidius siliquastri with these of redbuds (Cercis; Caesalpinoideae) from China (Kergoat et al. 2007). Seeds imported for ornamental purposes may also serve as the vector of seed beetles. Specularius impressithorax (Pic) sustained several generations indoors in the Nether- lands after having been introduced from South Africa along with seeds of Erythrina (Papilionoideae) used for decoration, but did not eventually establish (Heetman and Beenen 2008) (Figure 8.3.7). Most alien leaf beetles are associated with vegetable crops (Solanaceae, Brassicace- ae, Gramineae including maize). With both larvae and adults feeding on foliage, these species probably entered Europe as plant contaminants (eggs, larvae) or crop contami- nants (adults). The Colorado potato beetle has frequently been intercepted with potato plants and tubers, but also in all forms of packaging and transport. For example, it usually arrived to Great Britain with commercial freight among vegetable crops such as lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., or on ships, aircraft or private cars traveling from the con- tinent (Cox 2007). Indeed, fresh vegetables grown on land harbouring overwintering beetles are common means of beetle transport in international trade (Bartlett 1980). The African tortoise beetle Aspidimorpha fabricii (= A. cincta Fabricius) was believed to be imported in Italy as a contaminant of bananas in the late 1950s but it became a problem in cultures of Beta vulgaris L. (Zangheri 1960). A hispine palm leaf beetle, Pistosia dactyliferae was also probably introduced as a contaminant of palms imported for ornamental purposes (Drescher and Martinez 2005). The means of introduction appears different when larvae are root-feeding as in Diabrotica and Epitrix species. Unless soil infested with larvae has been imported with host plants, which is usually prohibited, these species probably travel as stowaways. The western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, proved to have been trans- located from North America to Europe at least three times in aircraft laden with goods and materials, but probably not with maize plants (Ciosi et al. 2008, Miller et al. 2005). The outbreaks in Northwestern Italy and Central Europe probably resulted from introductions of individuals originating in northern USA (Delaware) (Guille- maud et al. 2010). However, another pest species related to tobacco, Epitrix hirtipennis, is assumed to have arrived in Europe as aerial plankton with easterly trade winds blowing from the New World to Europe (Déberl 1994b). Similarly, Jolivet (2001) reported the translo- cation of the Sweet potato flea beetle, Chaetocnema confinis Crotch, from the USA to several tropical destinations by hurricanes. Adults of Colorado potato beetle are also assumed to be capable of migrating across the Channel although this beetle does not fly strongly (Cox 2007) or from Russia (the St Petersburg region) to Finland (Grap- puto et al. 2005). The collection and trade of orchids for greenhouses has also resulted in the arrival of several species which caused severe damage without persisting such as a flea beetle, Leaf and Seed Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Chapter 8.3 O75 Acrocrypta purpurea Baly, a species from Southeast Asia which was accidentally intro- duced with plant collections into a greenhouse of Leiden University in the Netherlands (Doberl 1994a). Likewise, larvae of a criocerine species, the yellow orchid beetle Lema pectoralis Baly, were imported to the Netherlands with an orchid collected in 1988 in Thailand (Beenen, unpubl.). Originating of the Peninsula Malaysia and Singapore (Mohamedsaid 2004), L. pectoralis is a major pest (orchid lema’) of orchid cultures, particularly Vanda and Dendrobium, in the Philippines (de la Cruz 2003). Pathways within Europe are a source of particular concern because of the waiver of formerly routine phytosanitary inspections on goods transported within the European Union. Thus, alien species once introduced into one European country along with alien plants or seeds, can freely move to other European countries. Spread may com- bine long-distance, human-mediated dispersal and natural dispersal by adult flight, as it is the case for Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Grapputo et al. 2005). Another significant example is the present northwards expansion of a species alien in Europe, Chrysolina americana. This leaf beetle originates from the Mediterranean Basin where it is as- sociated to Rosmarinus and Lavendula. Because both plants are popular garden plants throughout Europe, C. americana has been translocated outside its native range along with its host plants, e.g. to the Netherlands along with potted Lavendula plants im- ported from Italy (Beenen, unpubl.). Once introduced, this species, which has good flight capacities, disperses naturally by flight. 8.3.6 Most invaded ecosystems and habitats All alien Chrysomelidae are phytophagous. As expected from the numerical impor- tance of Bruchidae within aliens, seeds constitute the most important larval feeding niche (56.0%), far more important than leaves (24.0%) and roots (20.0%). Almost all these species are only present in man-made habitats which represent 94.1% of the colonized habitats, essentially agricultural lands, parks and gardens, glasshouses, and warehouses for seed beetles (Figure 8.3.5). Natural and semi-natural habitats have been very little colonized yet. In addition to these strong habitat trends, about 40% of the alien chrysomelid species remain strictly related to their original, alien plants. This is especially true for leaf beetles, where only Epitrix hirtipennis out of the 11 alien species has been observed to shift onto native Solanaceae in Italy (Beenen 2006). In contrast, most alien seed beetles found outdoors have already switched to seeds of native plants, for example Bruchidius siliquastri on the native redbud, Cercis siliquastrum, in France (Kergoat et al. 2007), and Acanthoscelides obtectus and Callosobruchus chinensis on wild legumes (Tuda et al. 2001). Under outdoor conditions, a strict dependency to the original alien host was only observed for two Megabruchidius species, M. tonkineus and M. dorsalis, associated with seeds of honey locust tree, Gleditsia triacanthos, in parks and gardens. However, a number of seed beetle species still confined to greenhouses and warehouses only develop on alien hosts of tropical origin, such as Caryedon serratus associated with 276 Ron Beenen & Alain Roques / BioRisk 4(1): 267-292 (2010) Percentage of alien leaf and seed beetles living in the habitat 0 20 40 60 Coastal areas- B~ 0 Inland surface waters- C Mires and bogs- D Grasslands-E~ 1 NI Seed beetles Heathlands- F [i 1 | Leaf beetles Woodlands and Forests- G Inland without vegetation- H Agricultural lands- | (i 17 Parks and gardens- 12 (7 Buildings, houses- | [i ‘0 Greenhouses- ]100~ 0 Habitats Figure 8.3 5. Main European habitats colonized by the established alien species of Chrysomelidae and Bruchidae. The number over each bar indicates the absolute number of alien species recorded per habitat. Note that a species may have colonized several habitats. groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) and other seeds of alien Caesalpinioideae (Kingsolver 2004). Such species still cannot establish outdoors because none of their alien hosts can survive in the wild at the present time. 8.3.7 Ecological and economic impact Threats due to alien chrysomelid species were first pointed out by Linnaeus in a lecture in 1752, referring to his observation of asparagus plants (Asparagus officinalis L.) that were heavily infested in the vicinity of Hamburg by C7rioceris asparagi, a species intro- duced from Russia at this time (Aurivillius 1909). Alien chrysomelid species are better known for their economic impact than for their ecological impact. Indeed, possible ecological impacts on native flora and fauna are very little documented. Positive impact can be appreciated for only one alien spe- cies, Zygogramma suturalis, a strict monophagous species deliberately introduced to Europe for the control of the invasive ragweed (cf above). Negative economic impacts have been recorded in seven of the alien seed bee- tle species which may severely affect stored pulses of economically-important legumes (Acanthoscelides obtectus, A. pallidipennis, Bruchus pisorum, B. rufimanus, Callosobruchus chinensis, C. maculatus, C. phaseoli, and Zabrotes subfasciatus; see (Borowiec 1987, Hoff- mann et al. 1962)). Most of them are capable of re-infesting stored legumes until the Leaf and Seed Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Chapter 8.3 DF, food reserves are exhausted. In leaf beetles, large economic impacts have been shown for the Colorado potato beetle, L. decemlineata, affecting potato crops (see factsheet 14.10) and the western corn rootworm, D. virgifera virgifera affecting maize roots and foliage (see factsheet 14.8). However, It must be stressed that economic damage has only been seen on maize in Serbia, and in some bordering areas in Croatia, Hungary, Romania, and small areas in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Bulgaria (EPPO 2009). In the United King- dom, yield losses to be expected from the arrival and spread of D. virgifera virgifera have been estimated to range from 0.9 to 4.1 million € over 20 years in absence of obligatory campaign to prevent spread of western corn rootworm but the costs of such a campaign could also range from 3.7 to 10.5 million € (Central Science Laboratory 2007). Epitrix hirtipennis may also impact tobacco crops (Sannino et al. 1984, Sannino et al. 1985) as well as E. cucumeris these of potato and tomato (Borges and Serrano 1989), and Phae- don brassicae the cabbage crops (Limonta and Colombo 2004). Alien foliage-feeding chrysomelids may also act as vectors for plant diseases, for example D. virgifera which transmits several cowpea virus strains in North America (Lammers 2006). However, little is yet known in this field (Jolivet and Verma 2002). Besides such economic dam- age, aesthetic impacts are recorded on ornamental plants, such as these of the leaf beetle Pistosia dactylifera on palm trees in southern France (Drescher and Martinez 2005). 8.3.8 Expected trends Introduction of alien chrysomelids is still an ongoing process, especially through the trade of ornamentals via garden centers. For example, an alien species of the genus Luperomorpha was recently imported to Europe. L. xanthodera, originating from China, was first found in Great Britain feeding in flowers of several plant species in garden centers (Johnson and Booth 2004). Later it was observed in Switzerland (FE Kohler, personal communication), Germany (Déberl and Sprick 2009) and the Neth- erlands (Beenen et al. 2009), and also in garden centers, especially on rose flowers (Figure 8.3.6). Other alien specimens of Luperomorpha observed in Italy (Conti and Raspi 2007) and France (Doguet 2008) were first identified as L. nigripennis, from In- dia and Nepal, but finally identified as L. xanthodera (Doberl and Sprick 2009). Plants cultivated in the Mediterranean area, then transported without severe pest control and sold in Central, Western and Northern Europe also constitute a serious threat for the expansion of species alien im Europe. The risks associated to this pathway were esti- mated for Norway (Staverlokk and Saethre 2007). Species originating from subtropical and tropical regions have also been translocated such as Aspidimorpha nigropunctata (Klug) from tropical Africa to The Netherlands and Macrima pallida (Laboissiére) from the Himalayan region to Cyprus. These introduc- tions usually have not led to establishment (Beenen 2006). However, they do indicate a potential risk, especially in the context of global warming which may facilitate establish- ments of such species in the near future. The arrival in southern Europe of additional species associated with ornamental palms such as the hispine leaf beetle, Brontispa longis- 278 Ron Beenen & Alain Roques / BioRisk 4(1): 267-292 (2010) Figure 8.3.6. Adult of alien flea beetle, Luperomorpha xanthodera (Credit: Urs Rindlisbacher- Foto: Figure 8.3.7. Adult of alien seed beetle, Specularius impressithorax; a- dorsal view; b- lateral view (credit: C. van Achterberg; photo taken using Olympus stereomicroscope SZX12 with AnalySIS Extended Focal Imaging software). Leaf and Seed Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Chapter 8.3 Lip Figure 8.3.8. Adult of Mexican bean weevil, Zabrotes subfasciatus. a- dorsal view; b- lateral view (credit: C. van Achterberg; photo taken using Olympus stereomicroscope SZX12 with AnalySIS Extended Focal Imaging software) sima (Gestro), already invasive in other parts of the world (Nakamura et al. 2006), is thus probable, considering the current increase in alien pests related to palms (see Chapter X). Finally, it is difficult to make serious predictions about the results of future transloca- tions because the species may react differently to the new habitats and hosts when compared with the situation in their native environment. Furthermore, translocations may enhance evolutionary changes partly because of founder effects and genetic bottlenecks and partly because of the triggering of evolution by new environmental factors (Whitney and Gabler 2008). 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Chapter 8.3 (7007) “Te 39 Aural “(Z007Z) £81945 (6861) edweZ pure o1oriystyy (€007) Pqoped pur eqopqd (4007) Je 19 AOWOT, “(CH6T) uuewlyoH “(€00Z) PqoPC pur jeqopqd spoos HESHP AL) spoos HEELS) spoos s7dosody VISUD VIIIY (Sunsoyul-o4 jo a]qedeo) soumn3s2] pesois 1410 pur snuidnT ‘SNJOASVY If ‘A 4 ba Tisal OFS a a “AMOAUD UD Ud “SA “ZO “TV AYOAUD UD “AC *ZD AO] ZO ‘0061 (WeuiI A) jeordon| snoseyd snoseyd -ovdyg vOLyy aesrodura | | snoseyd UA “SHOT L007 481044) snaUulyuoy SNIPIGINAGVSaTA (6E8I ‘snorye.) SYDSAOP SnIPIYINAGVEI (O61 ‘IOIAIQ) snqvstas uopaliv’yy (CEST TeyuaTAD) yhoaspyd SNGINAG OSO]]P) (Z00Z) ‘Je 39 AoW T, ‘(GPG[) UUPWIOPY AGO0G) E42 1D ‘(600Z) eoedomy eune,y ‘(€00Z) PPC pue PqoPd ‘(Zy61) ryseurg (4007) TE soe E(BEGT) SPEAWC] aureyD-a1ures ‘(ChG[) UUEWTOT] ‘(O10Z) seHeueD ap OUTSIGOF) “(600Z) voedoing eune,y ‘(Z700Z) (Spx) Yosuqey pur [ssy ‘(P661) ‘Te 39 Ipuorg $INUDIIFOY (Sunsayur-or jo afqedeo) sours] posois Joy10 pure smjoasvg (Sunsayur-os jo afqedeo) soumn33] Petors s}soP] Lise Hes JeuqeH OZV-Ld Ld LI OIss LL “ard AD AO aa sa Zo Da Ty’ vn MS ‘IS “AS ‘NU ‘SU ‘OU “AVW-.Ld ‘OZV-Ld “Ld “TAS-ON ‘ON “IN “LW SIA CCW ‘AT ‘NT SLT TIOIS3 LT AVS" LDL “SIT “AI ‘NH “UH “DAS-UD “DOAN “1S. OA: UO Ae AOD Ud ‘Ud ‘Td “NVO-SH “TVa-Sa ‘Sd “Ad “MC “Ad “ZO ‘AD “HO ‘Ad ‘Od “AG “Vd “LV “TV “dV S311JUNOD popeAuy snoseyd WA ‘SZ81 eoryy| -oydg aesodura | | snoseyd snjyejs (SZLTI ‘sntoriqe.y) SNIDINIDUL SAGINAG OSOTTV’) (8¢ZI ‘snovuurT) SISUIUIYI SNYINAGOSOTIV) satgad§ Ayroueyqns 10 Ayrore,y Ron Beenen & Alain Roques / BioRisk 4(1): 267-292 (2010) 288 DY OfIQUioyA OZV-Ld| vole | snoseyd (TZ8 1 ‘rewIN4)) (1007) arf ups OZV-Ld| ‘1002 < YON] -o44d] OD ypidstjod vg douse) “UIEUIOT A, UPMIP T (F007) ‘uede{| snoseyd OquIO]OT) puke eIUOUTTT| seadROISseIg Il LI| LI ‘000z ‘euryy| -ovdyg] WwW | PZ8T ‘Ajeg amozssusqg uopavgy VO AS ‘IS “AS ‘NU “SY ‘OU (4002) ‘Ld “Td “IN ‘OW “IW “CW ‘AT ‘TE 19 AOWIOT, (CQO) Te] FeaoeuR[OS ATA TOs; EE VSL yo oinddesy ‘eaedoing Joyo pure SAH YH YD YOON WA vOLIOUYy euney (9007) Odd | = “#So4aqna “Tvd-Sa ‘Sa “Ad “A “ZO SHO jeruac | snoseyd (PRI ‘Aes) ‘(€007) Odda/IAVO WHLUHIOS, I] ‘Ad ‘Dd “Ad ‘Va “LV “IV ‘CGV) Ud ‘7Z6T] Pur PION] -oyd) Vv pypauywuarap wsavqourda] S9]199q Jeo] = aeuTauosAry) 8007 “PI949S (0961) Hoysuez | stuvsyna vag na1qu, vy dsowopidsy Say129q FEI] ISIOIIO [, — SVUTPISse7) (suNsoyut-o4 jo a[qedeo) (S¥61) sown] OZV-.Ld uUPWYJOH ‘(€Q0Z)) pez0o3s soyI0 “Td “IN, ‘OIS- EL “LT AMOATD bl snoseyd (CEQ ‘uUuRWAYOg) Vs Wi an SU Sees Sp bee scr Alea ed UWS “Ud SNVO-SH “SH “ZO “TV | Us ‘881 SRO} -oMyd SHIDLISL{GNS SA10LQUT (002) ‘ye Jo soueYy “(G00Z) spoas voedoing eune,y ‘(€Q0Z) DUDISIULD voluoury | snoseyd (CEB ‘uosysIy) eryey pure sojayonog VIWIP ral -LI “LI AYOND UD UA ‘SA| SA ‘GIGI SRD -ovdy J sadiuids vursauhgovdopnasy spoas (eadyoryo) AIL DIILA (CPG) UUeWOPY] ‘SNJOISDY J aesiodura | | snoseyd (T8ZI ‘sniorqe.) ‘(9661) UesueH UIIVIY Uf LI ‘Ud “NC “Ad| Ud ‘Srol -o1ky ASE SOT ASU Af satgads SIIUIIIFOY s}sOP] euqey SoIIJUNOD popeauy snqvig Ayrureyqns so Ayrure.y 289 Leaf and Seed Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Chapter 8.3 (S007) ZoUTeYy pure Joyosoiq SUITE] Cl dd UA “YOO V (6161 yrney]) avafylgovp visoqsig (6007) Alsat) enping “(010Z) ‘Te 19 pheuroyjMer) ‘(600Z) Atssoaruy) OT]2PE (6007) Oddi ‘(Z007Z) ‘Te #9 ISOID “(H66T) BORG “SMDUL DAF II "VN MS ‘IS “SY ‘OU “Td “IN ‘OW ‘LI ‘NH ‘YH “AD “Ad “ZO “HO “Od “Ad “Vd “LV Su ‘C661 voroury | snoseyd [enusg a sapisaq Jeay ourdstpy — aeurdsrpy 898T “IU0D2T DAALIBAIA DAALIBAIA VINOLGVICT (S661) ‘Je 39 18] SIDUDIIFOY DU OfIISIULAJLD DISOLQUL]Z s}soP] JeuqeH eoLoury | snos UH | YH ‘S861 EHO $311JUNOD popeAuy snjyejsg (GZLT ‘smiorqe.) SUVANINS DULULDABOM satgads Ayruseygns 10 Ayrore,y Ron Beenen & Alain Roques / BioRisk 4(1): 267-292 (2010) 290 spoos saiivdogs snoseyd (CEST ‘yeyuaT[Asy) (SOQ0Z) ‘Je 39 sadr0g SNUULVYIOAVS II OZV-Ld| doing yerusunuo7 -oudyg snqpjoaaof snipiganag sapieaq poss — sepryonig (Aasinds uso7)) snoseyd (ZO8T (Z00Z) X°D ‘(S66I1) XD sisuaaay vynssads ral q5| edomy jerusunuo; -ovdyg) Iasy[]) vwyynons saporydsgy snoseyd (QSZ| ‘snoeuury) (6861) OURIIASg pur sadi0g IEIOVISSLIG | =; ee odoingq yetusunu07) -o1fy snypgdazoskaga saporydsy IeIIVOY snseone7)| snoseyd (€9Z] ‘yodoos) (6861) OURIIAg pur sadi0g pur svaovioisy ‘odomgy [eusunuo7 -ovdy vautsnssal Déapopidasdoany snoseyd (POGL ‘Jarueq (FOG) UssueTT WNISAL) sdiy -oikyg| ‘[) syjostaasg vlapopidasz0ayy snoseyd €/6] ‘Aonssy (Z00Z) XO) | suusspuusoy ‘snucdgy adoing yetusunu07) -o1dyg SAP1OIVAAT]GO SNSAVIIGUOT (9S81 deIOVUISEIOY JOYyI0 snoseyd| ‘aneyuasoy) sugwyoundisaqy (6861) OURsIAg pure sodi0g | pur syvuzsif[o ospi0g UOTSII ULIULIIUpIy[ -oudy SNIVIIUNGILAV] SNSADIIBUOT snoseyd (ZZ81 (6861) CURIA pur sadi0g OBVIUD] J adoinyq yeyuounuo07) -oudyg| ‘ady) amagosine snsavqisuoT snoseyd (COST (6861) OURIIAGg pur sadi0g WnUuvIOS I OZV-Ld| doing yerusunu0s -ouy ‘yooy) suassagnd xiugdq snoseyd (S8Z] ‘Aosyjoor)) (6861) OURIIAg pur sadi0g IeUTUIR IS) I OZV-Ld| 2doimq yerusunu0; -ouy SISUMLOY VULIUIOIAVY’) (SUT[YDI0A MOpesut) snoseyd QQ] (Z00Z) X°D sssuaqvad SnAhGIVT ZI q5| edommg jerusunuo; -ouyg ‘ISIN VIVIYIULADI VIL odoing yenuay pue| snoseyd BCR ‘aT[Aouayy (6861) OURIIAg pur sadi0g SULA ) eee UJOYINOS “UIOISIA/\\, -oiyg) -ulionr vevgdojaduv vouty sapisaq vay -oeUlDTy sa1gad SIDUDIIFIY eugey | selunos popeauy aSuvs sANeNy suIsaY Ajreseyqns so Ayrure.y ‘OL07 Arensqay [ aepdn aseq *({] xrpuadde das) SIN (A 0} JoJor suoMerAcIq -qe ie1qey *([ xipuedde as) 99, ¢ OS] 02 JoJo suonerAcrqqe sopoo ANuNO’ ‘adorng wz uarye soieds seprpaurosdryy dy} JO soMsTIsIOVIeYO pur IST] *7'°E"Q BIqUL 291 Leaf and Seed Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Chapter 8.3 (snseredse pyr) snypqsoad sypuisifo ‘Vy ‘(snseredse uapies) syvuzoiffo eIsy [enuay| snoseyd (SSLI (S007) ‘Te 2° [EH ‘(Z00Z) X°D | syvuzoifo snévivdsy (‘I q5| ‘odomg jerusunuoe; -oudyg|] ‘snoeuury) tyuvdsv st1a9014) Sa]120q FEI] -SeUTIODOTIZ) VN “AS “aS ‘NU ‘ON “IN ‘CW ‘AT ‘AT ‘LI TI “aI “NH spaas ‘aD ‘Id “Ad “IG snoseyd CEST TeyusyAsy (0661) yarlens | vz, ‘suaT snskqwT Ad ‘ZD ‘HD “Ag | vorser uvrsurisupsyy -outy STULOILIVUBIS SNUINAT (OLOZ) selzeuesz spoos 2191, snoseyd IP OUIIIGO) *(CQOZ) ‘Te 19 sads0g UNSIT SNAMGYIVT I| NVOD -Sd ‘OZV-Ld OTOTwARTeY ISI -oidyg| €8Z] IsqsoH sadifns sngonag (S661) ‘Te snoseyd 19 913] ‘(Q[OZ) SeTeUeD Op OUTATGOr) Spoos VIIA SUdT NVO-Sa odoiny usoynosg -oVdyd| 66Z1 ‘Yolyory s1uaq sngonag VN ‘AS “AS ‘OU ‘AVW-Ld “OZV-Ld ‘ON “IN ‘AT ‘OT ‘TT “aI ‘NH “dD (0661) 422/235 “(O10Z) seEeUR_ ap ‘Td ‘NVO-Sa “IG snoseyd OUIOIGO) ‘(600Z) eovdomny euney spaos suaT “Ad ‘ZD ‘HD “Ag | vorser uvsuersoipoyy -ouyg 66L1 “Yor 2049 sngonag spoas (Yysni -QND BIS) SHUIILADUL snusogasoquog ‘(as103) snavdosna x9) ‘(J2AojO SeZ-31Z) WNIpaU ‘I, §(JaA0]9 pos) snoseyd (L661) 28PoH ‘(Z007Z) X°D suawad unyofisy adoinq yeyuounuo7) -oudy (JOIAI[Q) Saitva snipigong spoas sasiqd’) snoseyd (CEST ‘yeyuoTfAs) (SOQOZ) ‘Je 39 seds0g ‘StUOUQ) “vasstuaty OZV-Ld | Uorser uvsuespayy -ouky snupuIplay snipigonag sated ,eugqep] | sarjunos popeauy oSues sAneyy suISAY Ayrureyqns so Ayrore,y SIDUDIIFIY Ron Beenen & Alain Roques / BioRisk 4(1): 267-292 (2010) 292, (6661) Aowphrys pue pueppng snug) ZI qy adomy snoseyd “oud (991 TITRW) mjoaqny] vInsavBoyIUvy sajjaag va] BUIZIU0IIIIYS -aVULINAIVE) snoseyd (€Z8] ‘uueWwossnig) (ZS6T) FPP osvoIpayy adoiny usoiseq -ouyg VIVILULOL DUMIOLUOL JeIDVIWIL'T ayo pure “dds pyiuayy ‘(punoyaroy rq) mdru vaoyyg ‘(urequeyd 10MqI1) snoseyd (SLLI (L007) XOD| wsvjoaaun] osviur)T UOISII ULIULIIONPI/l -oudyg | ‘smoiqey) wyuvq vuroslig’) snug], (8861) sdk] ‘(€9G6T) UOsUYOf[ *(Z00Z)| wayvs ‘wnpuvavT snoseyd QC/] ‘snoeuuryT xO’) ‘(TQ0Z) UeWaPyUIA\ pure UsuIeg ‘SNULADULSOM 7A IN ‘GD “ag | uorsar UvoUPIIOUpPI/ -ouyg DUVITAIULD pUurjOshLG) (6861) OURAIag pue so810g (GE81) susydarg (2007) XOD SIDUDIIFIY DIADUOUWIN UNIVINIDU WNL dvIOR TIT Joyo pue DIADIJUIAY UNIT URIUPIIDNPIy UIOISIAN\ adoiny yeyuounuo07) ,euqep | soisjunoo popeauy aSuvs sANeN snoseyd “oud UIIBIY saqaaq Jeo] — seuTaWOSATY) SO8I FIATO "V "xy snasngdns snjvqdas0jday Jareaqased — seutpeydasoid Ar) (€9Z1 ‘Hodoos) 29747 sesavonrT sated Ayruseyqns 10 Aprure.y