BioRisk a | | 1-1 26 (2009) ‘ Viet ie. fo we doi: 10.3897/biorisk.3.20 RESEARCH ARTICLE BioRisk Biodiversity & Ecosystem Risk Assessment Key Biodiversity Areas: Rapid assessment of phytoplankton in the Mesopotamian Marshlands of southern Iraq Ghasak S. Al-Obaidi', Suad K. Salman’, Clayton D.A. Rubec? | Nature Iraq, Sulaimani, Kurdistan, Iraq 2. Nature Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq 3 Centre for Environmental Ste- wardship and Conservation, Ottawa, Canada Corresponding authors: Ghasak S. Al-Obaidi (, Suad K. Salman (ssuadksal-, Clayton D.A. Rubec ( Academic editors: L.J. Musselman, F. Krupp | Received 15 March 2009 | Accepted 15 December 2009 | Published 28 December 2009 Citation: Al-Obaidi GS, Salman SK, Rubec CDA (2009) Key Biodiversity Areas: Rapid assessment of phytoplankton in the Mesopotamian Marshlands of southern Iraq. In: Krupp EK Musselman LJ, Kotb MMA, Weidig I (Eds) Environment, Biodiversity and Conservation in the Middle East. Proceedings of the First Middle Eastern Biodiversity Congress, Aqaba, Jordan, 20-23 October 2008. BioRisk 3: 111-126. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.3.20 Abstract Between the summers of 2005 and 2007, studies have been conducted for five seasons in several marsh locations in southern Iraq. During five surveys, 317 taxa of phytoplankton belonging to six major groups were identified. These included: 204 taxa of Bacillariophyceae (represented by 13 Centrales and 191 Pennales, thus 14% and 27% respectively of all taxa recorded), 59 Chlorophyta (28%), one Cryptophyta (4%), 39 Cyanophyta (21%), 10 Euglenophyta (2%) and four Pyrrophyta (4% of all the taxa recorded). The Central Marsh, Hammar Marsh and the Hawizeh Marsh had higher phytoplank- ton populations compared to all other studied sites. The dominant phytoplankton groups throughout the study area were the Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta. The dominant species were Cyclotella meneghiniana, Kirchneriella irregularis and Nitzschia palea. A progression in the richness and biodiversity of species occurred during winter. These three phytoplankton groups were dominant in waters of southern Iraq and were responsible for most of the species richness and diversity observed. Generally, sites changed from summer to winter according to the changing conditions associated with nutrients, salinity, temperature, and light intensity. These controlling factors influenced phytoplankton biomass from season to season. Keywords Phytoplankton, Iraq, marshlands Copyright G. $.A-LObaidi, S. K. Salman, C. D.A. Rubec. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribu- tion License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 112 Ghasak S. ALObaidi, Suad K. Salman & Clayton D.A. Rubec/ BioRisk 3: 111-126 (2009) Introduction Aquatic ecosystems are dynamic with several biotic and abiotic variables changing in space and time. From 2005 to 2007, after reflooding of the southern marshes, the Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) project led by Nature Iraq undertook ecological surveys of flora and fauna across southern Iraq (Rubec and Bachmann 2008). The KBA Project was involved a rapid assessment in several marshes to understand changes that took place in the physicochemical characteristics of the marshes and consequently changes in phytoplankton composition. Most of the surveys occurred in the Central Marsh, Hammar Marsh, Hawizeh Marsh, Middle Euphrates, the Khor al-Zobayr, the Seasonal Marshes and the Shatt al-Arab. Although, the phytoplankton flora in some of these marshes has been studied previously, the present study contributes new information on the current status of phytoplankton populations and their diversity in these ecosys- tems. This is in relation to physicochemical characteristics of these waters after several decades of major environmental degradation caused by conflict, dam building in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin and directed drainage by the previous regime. Wetlands are ecosystems in which the soil, despite periodic fluctuations in water level, is more or less continuously waterlogged. Non-marine wetlands generally have a water depth less than 2 m and, by this definition comprise as much as 6% of the land area of the earth’s surface (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). Studies have shown that marshes are suitable areas for the growth of several types of algae and higher aquatic plants. The marshes of southern Iraq seem especially suitable for growth of algae so that they diversify widely due to the shallow waters, the slow flow of the water attribut- able to low gradients and suitable nutrient concentrations and temperatures (Yaaqub 1992). Therefore, these algae have been widely used for water quality monitoring, and as they are primary producers, they are easily affected by physical and chemical varia- tions in their environment (Bartram and Balance 1996). Temporal and spatial distributions of phytoplankton are determined by a variety of environmental factors, including sunlight, the availability of essential nutrients and water temperature. Hinton and Maulood (1980, 1982) showed that at least 77 diatom taxa and 101 non-diatom taxa are known from the brackish waters of southern Iraq, the Shatt al-Arab and the Hammar Marsh. A total of 129 algal species and 63 gen- era were in the marshes near Qurna (Pankow et al. 1979, Al-Saboonchi et al. 1982). Some 72 Bacillariophyta, 28 Chlorophyta, 26 Cyanophyta, two Euglenophyta, and one Cryptophyta have been recorded in Hammar Marsh (Nurul-Islam 1982). Dino- flagellates have also been recorded in the marshes (Evans 2001). Materials and methods For qualitative studies of phytoplankton, samples were taken by a phytoplankton net manufactured by Hydro-Bios (23 um in pore diameter), which was placed into the wa- ter 10 to 15 cm below the water surface and pulled at an appropriate speed for 10 tol5 Key Biodiversity Areas: Rapid assessment of phytoplankton in the Mesopotamian Marshlands... 113 min. The phytoplankton collected was transferred to a polyethylene container and pre- served by adding Lugol’s solution at a ratio of 1:100 with 40% formaldehyde until ana- lyzed in the laboratory. The non-diatoms were identified by taking a drop of the sample on a slide with a slide cover, and then examined using a compound microscope (x10, x40 and x100). For diatom identification, a water sample was mixed with an equal vol- ume of nitric acid in a 15 ml test tube to dissolve the organic matter surrounding the diatoms. The diatoms were precipitated by centrifuge and permanent slides were made using Canada balsam or Naphrax and a hot plate (Patrick and Riemer 1975). For the quantitative study of phytoplankton, one-liter water samples were col- lected in polyethylene containers and preserved with a Lugol/formaldehyde solution (as described above). Following sedimentation the total number of phytoplankton or- ganisms was counted (Furet and Benson-Evans 1982). Permanent slides were prepared and diatoms were identified using a compound microscope. Smith (1950), Prescott (1944, 1982) and Thompson (1959) were references used in phytoplankton identifica- tion. The Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index (H) was used to determine the diversity and compare among stations. [his was done using the statistical software CANOCO 4.5 package (Ter Braak and Smilauer 2002); the equation is: H = -> (Ni/N)* Ln *(Ni/N) N = the hall summation of species density in the single station Ni = density of single species Study area Most of the field sites in southern Iraq had not been surveyed since at least 1979 or earlier. An initial February and March 2005 survey was restricted to seven sites in southern Iraq. It was limited by practical and security issues in that period and seen as a start-up, experience-building exercise. All other southern KBA sites were included in the subsequent 2005 through 2007 surveys. In order to facilitate field survey logistics, seven major wetland areas as shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1 were defined. Results and discussion Throughout the five surveys conducted, 317 phytoplankton taxa belonging to six ma- jor algal categories were identified. These include 204 Bacillariophyceae (13 Centrales and 191 Pennales representing 14% and 27% of the total taxa recorded respectively); 59 Chlorophyta (28% of all taxa recorded); one Cryptophyta (4%); 39 Cyanophyta (21%); 10 Euglenophyta (2%); and 4 Pyrrophyta (4%). During summer 2005 survey, Cyanophyta had the highest total count (90,207.1 x 10° cells L''). The dominant Cyanophyta species were Anabaena sp., Microcystis aeru- ginosa, Merismopedia convolute, Oscillatoria geitleri, Oscillatoria limnetica, and Lyngbya 114. Ghasak S. AL-Obaidi, Suad K. Salman & Clayton D.A. Rubec/ BioRisk 3: 111-126 (2009) “a Sipayndadee= Al Anbar we, Figure |. Major wetlands of southern Iraq indicating specific locations of marshes surveyed for phyto- plankton assessment. Table |. The seven major wetland areas of southern Iraq. Major Wetland Area Area Governorates Hammar Marshes (HA) 20 field sites covering 350,000 ha Thi Qar, Basrah Central Marshes (CM) 24 field sites covering 705,000 ha Thi Qar, Wasit, Missan Hawizeh Marshes (HZ) Seven sites covering 235,000 ha Missan Mesopotamian Marshes (MP) Four field sites covering 30,000 Muthanna, Babil, Wasit Seasonal Marshes (SM) Five sites covering 5,200 ha Missan Shatt al-Arab Marshes (SA) Four sites covering 16,500 marshes Basrah Khour al-Zobayr Marshes (KZ) | Four sites covering 20,000 ha Basrah limnetica. These genera of Cyanophyta are known for their ability to produce poten- tial toxic substances especially Anabaena, Lyngbya and Microcystis (Sivonen and Jones 1999, Carmichael 2001). These species are also among the most abundant Cyanophyta in fresh and brackish waters (Huisman et al. 2005). Microcystis possesses gas vesicles that make them buoyant. This characteristic may have aided in the dominance of this species because it allows it to receive more light than species lacking gas vesicles (Seck- bach 2007). Most of these dominant Cyanophyta prefer relatively alkaline, warmer, saline and nutrient-rich waters (Wehr and Sheath 2003, Al-Saadi and Sulaiman 2006). Key Biodiversity Areas: Rapid assessment of phytoplankton in the Mesopotamian Marshlands... 115 The Cyanophyta were followed in abundance by the diatoms, Chlorophyta and Pyr- rophyta, as shown in Appendix 1. During both the winter and summer 2006 surveys, Chlorophyta had the high- est total counts (37,308.9 x 10° cells L' and 23,180.8 x 10° cells L" respectively). The Chlorophyta is known to occur primarily in freshwater. It was mainly dominated by Kirchneriella irregularis, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Monoraphidium contortum and Coelastrum astroideum. Non-motile chlorophytes were a component of the plankton community (e.g. Monoraphidium, Coelastrum and Scenedesmus). Under moderate con- ditions, these species are most abundant in freshwater ecosystems especially during the summer, when light and temperature are near their seasonal maximum and nu- trients become a limiting factor. The diatoms followed the chlorophytes during both seasons in terms of abundance (41,804.5 x 10° cells L’) and were dominated by Cy- clotella atomus, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Achnanthes minutissima, Fragilaria ulna, Fragi- laria vaucheriae, Nitzschia gracilis, Nitzschia longissima and Nitzschia palea. Cyclotella meneghiniana is known to prefer relatively slow flowing, saline and alkaline waters (Stoermer and Smol 2004). Achnanthes minutissima was one of the dominant pennate diatoms probably be- cause this species is physiologically more active than larger diatom cells. This would partly be due to its large surface to volume ratios (Allen 1977). Usually, dominant algal groups of nutrient-rich, temperate freshwater wetlands include pennate diatoms, typically genera such as Achnanthes, Fragilaria, Navicula and Nitzschia (Stevenson et al. 1996). In the winter 2007 survey, Bacillariophyceae/Pennales had the highest total count (29,674.2 x 10° cells L''). The dominant species was Nitzschia palea, one of the most common species in this genus, which is often found in organically polluted waters (Palmer 1969). In addition, Oscillatoria limnetica was the main cyanophyte, Peridinium cinctum the main dinoflagellate and Kirchneriella irregularis the main chlo- rophyte observed. In the summer of 2007 survey, the chlorophytes that had the highest total counts (54,473.4 x 10° cells L") were Kirchneriella irregularis, Scenedesmus quad- ricauda and Monoraphidium convolutum. Generally, in all of these surveys, the highest cell concentrations were in the Central Marsh, Hammar Marsh and Hawizeh Marsh (Table 2). Among the 24 sites in the Cen- tral Marsh, those with the highest diversity were Al Kinziryi, the Al Hammar Area and Al Fhood. From the 20 sites in the Hammar Marsh, the most diverse site was Al Sal- lal. Ojayradah was the most diverse site among the seven sites in the Hawizeh Marsh. Therefore, algal assemblages may differ between restored and extant wetlands and could be valuable indicators of restoration success because algal species composition and diversity would differ in low- and high-nutrient wetlands (John 1993, Mayer and Galatowitsch 1999 as cited in Stevenson et al. 2006). Sites obviously also revealed changes from summer to winter, associated with changes in nutrients, temperature and light intensity. Therefore, changes in seasonality as shown by varying environmental variables could strongly affect phytoplankton variability (Abdul-Hussein and Mason 1988). Variations in the annual temperature regime appear to be the major cause of temporal variability of phytoplankton in the area, as observed by Gayoso (1998). 116 Ghasak S. AL-Obaidi, Suad K. Salman & Clayton D.A. Rubec/ BioRisk 3: 111-126 (2009) cor] esey| oof oof oo] or] oo] oo] oo] oo] ra] _rese|_ er] owe] aa] vif yal oo] oo] ec] soe] oo] oo] oy] cezor] or] corm] cor| se] vs] 900zsouums VC SCI CET Cc S8ZI T'0Z} G6 E7TIT 0'0 OT OCI C8LLT 6ST Ts9e¢ CT L'08¢ ZH TLE ¥9CT La TLE CT OT O'E9E 0°9 9007 F930 A 6'¥T Lene LOC LEEl ue 97 7086] LOI ZH TE 761 00 L98| OZI gle ees Tez] —woece| vor] acai] eee] Coase] roe] eipace| eee] oectoe] 6c] Coes [ Wo. yI6| Ceooet [9a] tf ve ez] of oro] ror] pf eosat| ro] ae aw 00 00 00 : y L027 v0 oe THSO ; ; ope ; : bLL8T vs SOOE: Aor ERS (al L167 TE861l : i ; G'L8ePr ; ; : 6 OVE ZH ke C667 GC LETIE ; : ; 6 9OFVETI ; : ‘ 8° C8COl VH Sa a) a de % Coa) %| aap fay [oat oT ze = fa oe rad Baa ya eAYqa Lavi (e Eon sayes}zUa7) SouIS AdAING -o1tkg -ousjsnq -ouvdy -o}d Ary -o0]Y’) poeg poeg (ZS) soyssepy 1Aeqo7-[e JoYyyy “(WS) soysiepy qery-ye weys “(S) soyssepy Teuoseas ‘(qyy) soyssepy ueTUTeIOdosayy ‘(7 H) soyssepy Yozimepy ‘(JAD) soyssepy peIUI ‘(yWH) soyssepy JeurUTePY :svore puepom soley "2007 JowUNs 01 CQQZ JowUINs SuTINp podramns suonedoy ur sdnoss uoryuejdord4yd paynuapt jo aseuaosod pur (,’T [JO] *) TNS [eIOT, °7 aque Key Biodiversity Areas: Rapid assessment of phytoplankton in the Mesopotamian Marshlands... 117 v9 6971 6'0 UT 8°CC 8 9COL 9S 8°9TI al 9°SSOL O'V CIOSI Cl L'I6I ZH re] esi ese] reece] rer| 9] oe ref a0] oat] ee] em an LEC 8801 7 ¢9 roam | . A 0S €°661 0°0 0°0 OLS ZH (an) DILST ALT, C18 €°€T VH yee Sane ve| s9e| el eer 9] eee yer coors] eve yer 9e9|Z986| Ho % oa) %[ eal % oa) %| aap oa) oa] e “rad ae ya LAV.U Ce Lavi (e eAYya ae soyeus7) SOUS -o1tkg -ousjsnq -ouvdy -od Ary -o107 4) poeg poeg Z00z Huu LOOT F930 AdAING 118 Ghasak S. ALObaidi, Suad K. Salman & Clayton D.A. Rubec/ BioRisk 3: 111-126 (2009) According to richness and diversity indicators, the authors observed that there is an improvement in water quality in the southern Iraqi marshes especially in winter. This may be attributed to the fact that in winter nutrient levels are higher due to seasonally higher rainfall and thus higher runoff from the surrounding lands. Oxygen concen- trations are also higher at lower temperatures. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to elucidate the relationships between biological assemblages of the phytoplankton samples and their environment to determine the phytoplankton rich- ness and diversity in the marshes. As a result, there was an increase in the phytoplank- ton richness and diversity of these marshes, as illustrated in Figs 2 and 3. Each object shape in Fig. 2 demonstrates a phytoplankton sample obtained during the surveys, indicating the diversity and richness during the five surveys. Diversity and richness values of the first two surveys during the summer of 2005 and the winter of 2006 were scattered compared with the values recorded during the 2007 winter and summer, where they started to develop and increase in numbers. Fig. 3 demonstrates that the phytoplankton diversity ranged between 1.6—2.1 dur- ing summer 2005 and winter 2006, while diversity values became higher during the following surveys ranging between 2.1 and 2.4, meaning that the diversity increased. 4.5 log(N) richness Phytoplankton Samples: © Summer 2005 Winter 2006 Summer 2006 Winter 2007 Summer 2007 1.9 0.0 Shannon diversity 3.5 Figure 2. Seasonal phytoplankton diversity and richness in all sites. Key Biodiversity Areas: Rapid assessment of phytoplankton in the Mesopotamian Marshlands... 119 It is clear that the diversity during the first two surveys was lower compared to the fol- lowing surveys where the diversity began to even out and fluctuate to a lesser degree. The increase in the phytoplankton diversity and richness were most likely related to the environmental conditions that also started getting more stable. An important reason for the success of certain algal species in wetland habitats is their ability to tolerate variations in water level and desiccation. Water levels may fluc- tuate several times in a few months or persist for several years. Algae that are subjected to a variable moisture regime must have the capacity to adapt to tolerate the extremes of these environmental conditions (Wehr and Sheath 2003). Thus, many factors may contribute to phytoplankton diversity and production in wetlands, including nutrients, temperature, light, macrophytes, etc. (Stevenson et al. 1996). As in other water bodies, nutrient conditions, climate, and geology influence species composition but in wet- lands, water level, plant composition and degree of mixing with other water bodies are also important for the phytoplankton community (Goldsborough and Robinson 1996). In the southern Iraqi marshes, the authors observed that diatoms, Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta were the dominant phytoplankton groups, which agrees with the findings of Goldsborough and Robinson (1996). Axis 2 ---------------------£}---------------------- Phytoplankton Samples: | ! © Summer 2005 ! [] Winter 2006 ! <> Summer 2006 ! []} Winter 2007 | ©) Summer 2007 Figure 3. Seasonal phytoplankton diversity contour in all sites. 120 Ghasak S. AL-Obaidi, Suad K. Salman & Clayton D.A. Rubec/ BioRisk 3: 111-126 (2009) Conclusions and recommendations The main conclusions from these studies are: The phytoplankton groups that dominate the southern marshes are diatoms, Chlo- rophyta and Cyanophyta, with other groups having a low number of species; In all sites of the southern marshes of Iraq studied, especially in the Central Marsh, Hammar Marsh and Hawizeh Marsh, phytoplankton richness and diversity increased from 2005 to 2007. Based on these studies, several recommendations relevant to the management of the marshes of southern Iraq are made by the authors: Phytoplankton should be used for ongoing biological monitoring and as indicators for organic pollution in the marshes; The controlling factors influencing phytoplankton biomass may vary from sea- son to season and phytoplankton biomass may be more sensitive and responsive to environmental variables in winter and summer as compared to autumn and spring. Monitoring programs should be flexible to allow for adjustment to these changing environmental conditions; Monitoring studies should focus on the main parameters that have the greatest effects on the phytoplankton community. These are: light penetration, temperature, pH, water flow, nutrient levels and land use, in particular for water buffalo and cattle grazing. Acknowledgements Over the 2005 to 2007 period, the surveys under the Nature Iraq Key Biodiversity Areas(KBA) Project involved many individuals. Phytoplankton analysis was conducted by the senior authors: Ghasak S. Al-Obaidi and Suad K. Salman. This paper draws on these authors’ data and unpublished field reports. The authors wish to thank the KBA team for their work in the field, Anna Bachmann, who has been the project manager and report editor, as well as Barham K. Maulood for his comments and advice on this paper. Thanks also are extended to Azzam Alwash, the Director of Nature Iraq, for his support. In southern Iraq, the KBA Project was supported by the Canadian Interna- tional Development Agency from 2004-2006 and by the Italian Ministry of Environ- ment, Land and Sea from 2006 to present. References Abdul-Hussein MM, Mason CF (1988) The phytoplankton community of a eutrophic reser- voir. Hydrobiologia 169: 265—277. Allen TFH (1977) Scale in microscopic algal ecology: a neglected dimension. Phycologia 16:253—257. Cited in Wehr JD, Sheath RG (2003). Key Biodiversity Areas: Rapid assessment of phytoplankton in the Mesopotamian Marshlands... 121 Al-Saadi HA, Sulaiman NA (2006) Phycology. Amman, Jordan: Al-Yazori Press. (In Arabic). Al-Saboonchi AA, Mohammed ARM, Barak NA (1982) A study of phytoplankton in the Gar- ma Marshes, Iraq. Iraqi J. Mas.Sci.1(1): 67-78. Bartram J, Balance R (Eds) (1996) Water Quality Monitoring: Practical Guide to the Design and Implementation of Freshwater Quality Studies and Monitoring Programmes. London, United Kingdom: E and EN. 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Gayoso AM (1998) Long-term phytoplankton studies in the Bahia Blanca estuary, Argentina. ICES Journal of Marine Science 55: 655-660. Goldsborough LG, Robinson GGC (1996) Pattern in wetlands, pp. 77-117 in Stevenson RJ, Bothwell ML, Lowe RL (Eds) (1996). Hinton GCF, Maulood BK (1980) Some diatoms from brackish water habitats in southern Iraq. Nova Hedwigia 33: 475—486. Hinton GCF, Maulood BK (1982) Contributions to the algal flora of Iraq: the non-diatom flora of the southern marshes. Nova Hedwigia 37: 49—63. Huisman J, Matthijs HCP, Visser PM (2005) Harmful Cyanophyta. Dordrecht, The Nether- lands: Springer Inc. (e-book). John J (1993) The use of diatoms in monitoring the development of created wetlands at a sandmining site in western Australia. Hydrobiologica 269/270: 427-436, p. 222 as cited in Stevenson et al. (2006). Mayer PM, Galatowitsch SM (1999) Diatom communities as ecological indicators of recovery in restored prairie wetlands. Wetlands 19: 765—774, p. 222 as cited in Stevenson et al. (2006). Mitsch WJ, Gosselink JG (1993) Wetlands. 2nd ed. New York, USA: Van Nostrand-Reinhold. Nurul-Islam AKM (1982) Marsh algae from southern Iraq. Int. Rev. Gesamt. Hydrobiol. 67(2): 245-60. Cited in Evans (2001). Palmer JD (1996) Rubisco surprises in dinoflagellates. Plant Cell 8:343-345. Cited in Wehr JD, Sheath RG (2003). Pankow H, Al-Saadi HA, Hug ME, Hadi RAM (1979) On the algal flora of the marshes near Qurnah (southern Iraq). Willdenowia 8(3):493—506. 122 Ghasak S. Al-Obaidi, Suad K. Salman & Clayton D.A. Rubec/ BioRisk 3: 111-126 (2009) Patrick R, Reimer CW (1975) The Diatoms of the United States. Vol. 2, Monograph No. 13. Philadelphia, USA: Academy of Natural Sciences. Prescott GW (1944) How to Know the Freshwater Algae. Duduque, USA: Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers. Prescott GW (1982) Algae of the Western Great Lakes Area. Dubuque, USA: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. 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Ter Braak CJE Smilauer P (2002) CANOCO Reference Manual and CanoDraw for Windows User’s Guide: Software for Canonical Community Ordination (version 4.5). Ithaca, NY, USA: Microcomputer Power. Wehr JD, Sheath RG (2003) Freshwater Algae of North America. San Diego, USA: Elsevier Inc. Yaaqub A (1992) Algae of southern Iraqi marshes. Proceedings of the Forum on Southern Iraqi Marshes Environment. December 20—21, 1992. Basrah, Iraq. (In Arabic). Key Biodiversity Areas: Rapid assessment of phytoplankton in the Mesopotamian Marshlands... 123 Appendix I. List of phytoplankton species identified during KBA-South Survey 2005-2007 CYANOPHYTA EUGLENOPHYTA Anabaena sp. Aphanocapsa sp. Aphanothece sp. Calothrix sp. Chroococcus dispersus Chroococcus limneticus Chroococcus minor Chroococcus minutus Chroococcus turgidus Chroococcus sp. Coccoid algae Gloeocapsa turgidus Gomphosphaeria aponina Leptolyngbya perelegans Lyngbya limnetica Merismopedia convolute Merismopedia glauca Microcystis aeruginosa Nostoc sp. Oscillatoria acuminata Oscillatoria amoena Oscillatoria amphibium Oscillatoria angustissimum Oscillatoria chalybeum Oscillatoria curviceps Oscillatoria earlei Oscillatoria geitleri Oscillatoria limnetica Oscillatoria limosa Oscillatoria minima Oscillatoria subberis Oscillatoria tenuis Oscillatoria tenuis var. natans Oscillatoria sp. Spirulina laxa Spirulina major Tolypothrix sp. Euglena acus Euglena convoluta Euglena minuta Euglena sp. Lepocinclis sp. Phacus gigas Phacus longicauda Phacus orbicularis Phacus sp. Trachelomonas sp. PYRROPHYTA Dinobryon divergens Dinobryon sertularia Glenodinium quadridens Peridinium cinctum CRYPTOPHYTA Chroomonas nordstedtii Actinastrum hantzschii Ankistrodesmus falcatus CHLOROPHYTA Ankistrodesmus sp. Botryococcus braunii Botryococcus protuberans Botryococcus protuberans vat. minor Botryococcus sp. Characium sp. Chlamydomonas sp. Closterium sp. Coelastrum astroideum Coelastrum microporum Coelastrum reticulatum Cosmarium formosulum Cosmarium hammeri Cosmarium setuiforme Cosmarium subcostatum Cosmarium sp. Crucigenia tetrapedia Dictyospaerium sp. Kirchneriella irregularis Micractinium pusillum Monoraphidium contortum Monoraphidium convolutum Monoraphidium sp. Mougeotia sp. Oedogonium cardiacum Ocedogonium sp. Oocystis sp. Ophiocytium bicuspidatum Pandorina morum Pediastrum boryanum Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum simplex Pediastrum simplex var. duodenium Pediastrum tetras Pediastrum tetras vat. tetraodon Rhizoclonium sp. Scenedesmus abundans Scenedesm us acuminatus Scenedesmus acuminatus vat. tetradesmoides Scenedesm us acutus Scenedesmus arcuatus vat. platydiscus Scenedesmus bijuga Scenedesmus bijuga vat. alternans Scenedesmus dimorphus Scenedesmus quadricauda Scenedesmus sp. Schoederia antillarum Spirogyra subsalsa Spirogyra sp. Staurastrum natator Tetraedron caudatum Tetraedron minimum Tetraedron regulare Treubaria setigera Ulothrix sp. 124 Ghasak S. AL-Obaidi, Suad K. Salman & Clayton D.A. Rubec/ BioRisk 3: 111-126 (2009) BACILLARIOPHYTA a-Centrales Chaetoceros sp. Coscinodiscus lacustris Coscinodiscus sp. Cyclotella atomus Cyclotella kuetzingiana Cyclotella meneghiniana Cyclotella ocellata Cyclotella radiosa Cyclotella stelligera Cyclotella striata Stephanodiscus astrea b- Pennales Achnanthes affinis Achnanthes biasolettiana Achnanthes clevi Achnanthes conspicua Achnanthes hungarica Achnanthes lanceolata Achnanthes microcephala Achnanthes minutissima Achnanthes sp. Amphiprora alata Amphora coffeaeformis Amphora ovalis Amphora veneta Amphora sp. Aneumastus tusculus Anomoeoneis exilis Anomoeoneis sphaerophora Bacillaria paxillifer (also known as Bacil laria paradoxa) Brachysira exilis Caloneis bacillum Caloneis permagna Caloneis silicula = Caloneis ventricosa Campylodiscus clypeus Cocconeis pediculus Cocconeis placentula Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta Cocconeis placentula var. lineata Key Biodiversity Areas: Rapid assessment of phytoplankton in the Mesopotamian Marshlands... 125 Cymatopleura solea Cymbella affinis Cymbella affinis var. excisa Cymbella aspera Cymbella cistula Cymbella cistula var. maculata Cymbella cymbiformis Cymbella differta Cymbella leptoceros Cymbella microcephala Cymbella parva Cymbella prostrata Cymbella pusilla Cymbella sinuate Cymbella tumida Cymbella turgida Cymbella ventricosa Cymbella sp. Denticula sp. Diatoma elongatum Diatoma elongatum vat. tenuis Diatoma tenue var. elongatum Diatoma vulgare Diploneis elliptica Diploneis interrupta Diploneis ovatlis Diploneis pseudoovalis Diploneis sp. Epithemia sorex Epithemia turgida Epithemia zebra Epithemia zebra vat. porcellus Epithemia zebra vat. saxonica Eunotia formica Eunotia pectinalis Eunotia sp. Fragilaria acus Fragilaria acus vat. angustissima Fragilaria brevistriata Fragilaria capitata Fragilaria capucina Fragilaria construens Fragilaria pulchella Fragilaria tabulata Fragilaria ulna Fragilaria ulna vax. biceps Fragilaria ulna vax. oxyrhynchus Fragilaria vaucheriae Gomphoneis olivacea Gomphonema acuminatum Gomphonema angustatum Gomphonema attenuatum Gomphonema augar Gomphonema constrictum vat. capitata Gomphonema gracile Gomphonema gracile vat. turris Gomphonema intricatum Gomphonema intricatum vat. pumila Gomphonema olivaceum Gomphonema parvulum Gomphonema sphaerophorum Gomphonema tergestinum Gomphonema turris Gyrosigma acuminatum Gyrosigma attenuatum Gyrosigma macrum Gyrosigma peisonis Gyrosigma scalproides Gyrosigma spencerii Gyrosigma spencerii vat. nodifera Gyrosigma tenuirostrum Gyrosigma sp. Hanteschia amphioxys Mastogloia braunii Mastogloia elliptica Mastogloia elliptica var. dansei Mastogloia smithii Mastogloia smithii var. amphicephala Mastogloia smithii vax. lacustris Navicula anglica Navicula atomus Navicula bryophila Navicula crucicula Navicula cryptocephala Navicula cryptocephala vat. intermedia Navicula cryptocephala var. veneta Navicula cuspidata Navicula gracilis Navicula oblonga Navicula parva Navicula pseudotuscula Navicula pupula Navicula pygmaea Navicula radiosa Navicula radiosa var. tenella Navicula rhynchocephala Navicula similis Navicula spicula Navicula sp. Neidium productum Nitzeschia acicularis Nitzschia amphibia Nitzeschia angustata Nitzschia angustata var. acuta Nitzschia apiculata Nitzschia clausti Nitzschia commutata Nitzschia cumutata Nitzschia dissipata Nitzschia fasciculata Nitzschia filiformis Nitzschia fonticola Nitzschia frustulum Nitzschia frustulum var. perminuta Nitzschia gracilis Nitzschia granulata Nitzschia hungarica Nitzschia inconspicua Nitzschia intermedia Nitzschia longissima Nitzschia lorenziana Nitzschia lorenziana var. subtilis Nitzschia microcephala 126 Ghasak S. AL-Obaidi, Suad K. Salman & Clayton D.A. Rubec/ BioRisk 3: 111-126 (2009) Nitzschia obtusa Nitzschia palea Nitzschia punctata Nitzschia punctata vat. coarctata Nitzschia romana Nitzschia scalaris Nitzschia sigma Nitzschia sigma vat. rigidula Nitzschia sigmoidea Nitzschia umbonata Nitzschia tryblionella Nitzschia tryblionella vax. levidensis Nitzschia tryblionella vat. victoriae Nitzschia umbonata Pinnularia sp. Plagiotropis lepidoptera Pleurosigma angulatum Pleurosigma elongatum Pleurosigma obscurum Pleurosigma salinarum Pleurosigma sp. Rhoicosphenia curvata Rhopalodia gibba Rhopalodia gibba var. musculus Rhopalodia gibba vat. ventricosa Rhopalodia musculus Rhopalodia parallela Stauroneis phenicenteron Stauroneis sp. Surirella angustata Surirella biseriata Surirella capronii Surirella ovalis Surirella ovata Surirella ovata vat. africana Surirella robusta Tryblionella debilis