Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis aussereuropaeischer Trichopteren
Vol 28, Page 1
On a new Antelope, Cephalophus Coxi, from North-Western Rhodesia
Vol 28, Page 117
On a collection of land and freshwater mollusks from Taliabu (Xulla-Isles)
Vol 28, Page 120
On a new bird of paradise
Vol 28, Page 129
Helota rouyeri nov. spec. from West-Sumatra
Vol 28, Page 131
Description d'une espece nouvelle d'Onthophagus de l'Afrique Occidentale
Vol 28, Page 134
A new longicorn beetle from Sumatra
Vol 28, Page 137
A new Squirrel from the Stanley-falls
Vol 28, Page 139
Erster nachtrag zu meiner uebersicht der sialiden des Indo-Malayischen archipels
Vol 28, Page 141
On the African species of the genus Psychopsis Newm. (Osmylidae)
Vol 28, Page 146
Description of two new species of the genus Coryphocera
Vol 28, Page 149
Note on the Ascalaphidae (Planipennia) described by Linnaeus
Vol 28, Page 153
Eine neue Myrmeleonide aus Kamerun
Vol 28, Page 158
Note XIV. On the New-Guinea mammals
Vol 28, Page 161
Two new Asiatic species of the Celeopterous genus Helota
Vol 28, Page 213
Ixodidé nouveau de l'Australie
Vol 28, Page 218
Deux espèces nouvelles du genre Heliaeschna (Aeschnidae)
Vol 28, Page 221
Eine neue Coniopterygide aus Java
Vol 28, Page 224
Notizen ueber Sialiden und Beschreibung einiger neuen Arten
Vol 28, Page 227