On the growth and habits of Biporae
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1911
On some Pselaphidae of the Howitt collection
Ser new, Vol 23, Page 8, Date 1910
A species of Argas, apparently new to science
Ser new, Vol 23, Page 15, Date 1910
Notes on a protozoon parasite found in the mucous membrane of the abomasum of a sheep
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 19, Date 1911
New or little-known Victorian fossils in the National Museum. Part XI. On an impression of a bird's feather in the Tertiary ironstone of Redruth, Victoria
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 21, Date 1911
Association of alga and fungus in salmon disease
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 27, Date 1911
A study of the guttural pouches of horse
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 33, Date 1911
Note on a haemogregarine in the blood of Varanus varius
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 36, Date 1911
On a new species of Cellepora from the South Australian coast
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 39, Date 1911
Observations on Parmularia obliqua and a fossil species
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 42, Date 1911
Notes on the geology of the country about Anglesea
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 44, Date 1911
Contributions to the flora of Australia, No. 14
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 54, Date 1911
Modern improvements in rock section cutting apparatus
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 65, Date 1911
On some new species of Victorian marine mollusca
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 82, Date 1911
Additions to the Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Victoria
Ser new, Vol 23, Page 87, Date 1910
Note on a supposed nematode parasitic in the circular muscle of an earthworm (Diporochaeta grandis)
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 99, Date 1911
Note on the existence of Spirochaetosis affecting fowls in Victoria
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 102, Date 1911
Spirochaetae in lesions affecting the pig
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 105, Date 1911
Contributions to the flora of Australia, No. 15
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 110, Date 1911
Australian and tasmanian Coleoptera inhabiting or resorting to the nests of ants, bees, and termites
Ser new, Vol 23, Page 116, Date 1910
Australian and Tasmanian Coleoptera inhabiting or resorting to the nests of ants, bees and termites
Ser new, Vol 23, Page 116, Date 1910
Notes on blood parasites
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 231, Date 1911
Some new and unrecorded endoparasites from Australian chickens
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 1, Page 242, Date 1911
XXIII. - On the systematic position of the species of Squalodon and Zeuglodon described from Australia and New Zealand
Ser new, Vol 23, Page 257, Date 1911
Further descriptions of the Tertiary Polyzoa of Victoria. Part 11
Ser new, Vol 23, Page 266, Date 1911
Contributions to the flora of Australia, No. 16
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 285, Date 1911
New or little-known Victorian fossils in the National Museum. Part XII. On a trilobite fauna of Upper Cambrian age (Olenus series) in N. E. Gippsland, Victoria
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 305, Date 1911
The magnetic properties of Stalloy
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 325, Date 1911
Morphology of the vermiform appendix
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 342, Date 1911
Some observations on the comparative anatomy of the fibula
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 358, Date 1911
The biochemical significance of phosphorus
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 368, Date 1911
Longevity of Seeds and Structure and Nature of Seed Coat
Ser new, Vol 23, Page 393, Date 1911
On some supposed pyritized sponges from Queensland
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 415, Date 1911
A revision of the species of Limopsis in the Tertiary beds of Southern Australia
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 419, Date 1911
The aborigines of Lake Boga, Victoria
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 433, Date 1911
A contribution to the physiography of the Yarra River and Dandenong Creek Basins, Victoria
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 469, Date 1911
The structure and general geology of the Warrandyte goldfield and adjacent country
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 516, Date 1911
Floatation of minerals
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 555, Date 1911
Protozoa parasitic in the large intestine of Australian frogs, Part I
Ser new, Vol 23, Iss 2, Page 586, Date 1911