Studies in Artocarpus and allied genera, I. General Considerations
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1959
Studies in Artocarpus and allied genera. II. A Revision of Prainea
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 30, Date 1959
A Discussion of the Pacific Railroad Reports As Issued in the Quarto Edition
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 38, Date 1959
Studies in the genus Coccoloba, VI The species from the Lesser Antilles, Trinidad and Tobago
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 68, Date 1959
The Genera of the Nymphaeaceae and Ceratophyllaceae in the Southeastern United States
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 94, Date 1959
Studies in Artocarpus and Allied Genera, III. a Revision of Artocarpus Subgenus Artocarpus
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 113, Date 1959
A Yellow-Flowered Form of Rhododendron carolinianum
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 156, Date 1959
Androdioecism in the Flowers of Trochodendron aralioides
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 158, Date 1959
The Empetraceae and Diapensiaceae of the Southeastern United States
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 161, Date 1959
The Effect of Juvenility on Rooting of Cuttings from Apple Seedlings
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 172, Date 1959
Studies in the genus Coccoloba. VII A synopsis and key to the species in Mexico and Central America
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 176, Date 1959
Studies in the Genus Coccoloba, VII. a Synopsis and Key to the Species in Mexico and Central America
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 205, Date 1959
The Pollen of Ephedra
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 221, Date 1959
Anatomical Studies of Bark Regeneration Following Scoring
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 260, Date 1959
The Genera of the Primulales of the Southeastern United States
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 268, Date 1959
The Cytogenetics of Facultative Apomixis in Malus Species
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 289, Date 1959
Studies in Artocarpus and Allied Genera, III. a Revision of Artocarpus Subgenus Artocarpus
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 298, Date 1959
Studies in Artocarpus and Allied Genera, III. a Revision of Artocarpus Subgenus Artocarpus
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 327, Date 1959
The genera of Oleaceae in the southeastern United States
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 369, Date 1959
A revised key to the Chinese species of Jasminum
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 385, Date 1959
The genera of Plumbaginaceae of the southeastern United States
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 391, Date 1959
Studies on the Stipules of Six Species of Vitaceae
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 398, Date 1959
The genera of Theaceae of the southeastern United States
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 413, Date 1959
The Director's Report. The Arnold Arboretum During the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1959
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 420, Date 1959
Index [Vol. 40]
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 438, Date 1959