Observations on the Perigynous Insertion of the Stamina of Plants
Vol 8, Page 1, Date 1807
A Descriptive Catalogue of the British Testacea
Vol 8, Page 17, Date 1807
Some Account of the Pitch-lake in the Island of Trinidad, in two Letters: The first from Samuel Span, Esq. to James Tobin, Esq. F.L.S.; and the other from Mr. Tobin to Charles Hatchett, Esq. F.R.S. & L.S.; with Observations
Vol 8, Page 251, Date 1807
Description of a new Species of Lichen
Vol 8, Page 260, Date 1807
Account of crystallized Oxalic Acid produced from the Boletus sulphureus
Vol 8, Page 262, Date 1807
Observations respecting a Species of Phalarope, and some other rare British Birds
Vol 8, Page 264, Date 1807
An Account of some remarkable Shells, found in Cavities of a calcareous Stone called by the Stone-masons Plymouth-rag
Vol 8, Page 270, Date 1807
Account of the Bromus triflorus of Linnæus, in a Letter to Alexander M'Leay, Esq. Sec. L. S
Vol 8, Page 276, Date 1807
Description of a Species of Jerboa, found in the upper Provinces of Hindustan, between Benares and Hurdwar
Vol 8, Page 279, Date 1807
Characters of three new Species of Boronia
Vol 8, Page 282, Date 1807
An Account of a Storm of Salt, which fell in January, 1803
Vol 8, Page 286, Date 1807
Description of Seven New Species of Plants from New Holland
Vol 8, Page 291, Date 1807
Observations on the Genera of Trollius, Eranthis, Helleborus, Coptis, and Isopyrum
Vol 8, Page 300, Date 1807
The Characters of several Genera in the Natural Order of Coniferæ: with Remarks on their Stigmata, and Cotyledons
Vol 8, Page 308, Date 1807
Description of a New Species of Macropus from New Holland
Vol 8, Page 318, Date 1807
Experiments upon a Substance called Dapéche from South America
Vol 8, Page 320, Date 1807
Account of a new British Species of Caltha
Vol 8, Page 323, Date 1807
Description of a new Genus in the Natural Order of Rubiaceæ, called Rudgea
Vol 8, Page 325, Date 1807
A New Arrangement of the Plants of the Monandrian Class usually called Scitamineæ
Vol 8, Page 330, Date 1807
Vol 8, Page 356, Date 1807
Extracts from the Minute-Book of the Linnean Society of London
Vol 8, Page 358, Date 1807
Vol 8, Page 360, Date 1807
Vol 8, Page 363, Date 1807