New Bopyrid Isopod Crustaceans from Dry Tortugas, Florida
Vol 81, Iss 2924, Page 1, Date 1932
Birds collected in Cuba and Haiti by the Parish-Smithsonian Expedition of 1930
Vol 81, Iss 2925, Page 1, Date 1932
The marine and fresh-water sponges of California
Vol 81, Iss 2927, Page 1, Date 1932
Decorative designs on Elden Pueblo pottery, Flagstaff, Ariz
Vol 81, Iss 2930, Page 1, Date 1932
The fishes obtained by Lieut. H. C. Kellers of the United States Naval Eclipse Expedition of 1930, at Niuafoou Island, Tonga Group, in Oceania
Vol 81, Page 1, Date 1932-08-15
New Diptera, or two-winged flies from America, Asia, and Java with additional notes
Vol 81, Page 1, Date 1932
The forms of the common Old World swallowtail butterfly (Papiliomachaon) in North America, with descriptions of two new subspecies
Vol 81, Iss 2934, Page 1, Date 1932
The trematode parasites of marine mammals
Vol 81, Iss 2936, Page 1, Date 1932
Two new land shells of the genus Bulimulus from Bolivia
Vol 81, Iss 2937, Page 1, Date 1932
A Miocene mollusk of the genus Haliotis from the Tremblor Range, California
Vol 81, Iss 2938, Page 1, Date 1932
Notes on the helminth parasites of the opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in southeast Texas. with descriptions of four new species
Vol 81, Page 1, Date 1933
The helminths parasitic in the Amphibia and Reptilia of Houston, Texas, and vicinity
Vol 81, Iss 2940, Page 1, Date 1932
On a newly mounted skeleton of Diplodocus in the United States National Museum
Vol 81, Iss 2941, Page 1, Date 1932