Preliminary notice of a few species of Echini
Vol 3, Page 55
The fossil cephalopods of the Museum of Comparative Zoology
Vol 3, Page 59
The Echini collected in the Hassler Expedition
Vol 3, Page 187
Report on the brachiopoda obtained by the United States Coast Survey expedition in charge of L.F. de Pourtales. With a revision of the craniidae and discinidae.
Vol 3, Iss 1, Page 1
Application of photography to illustrations of natural history.
Vol 3, Iss 2, Page 47
A letter concerning deep-sea dredging, addressed to Professor Benjamin Peirce, Superintendent United States Coast Survey.
Vol 3, Iss 3, Page 49
Notes of an ornithological reconnaissance of portions of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah.
Vol 3, Iss 6, Page 113
Interim report of the hydroids collected by L.F. de Pourtales, during the Gulf Stream exploration of the United States coast Survey.
Vol 3, Iss 7, Page 185
Catalogue of the terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of North America, with notes on their geographical range.
Vol 3, Iss 9, Page 191
Ophiuridae and astrophytidae, old and new.
Vol 3, Iss 10, Page 221
Exploration of Lake Titicaca, I. Fishes and Reptiles.
Vol 3, Iss 11, Page 273
Exploration of Lake Titicaca, II. Notice of the palaeozoic fossils.
Vol 3, Iss 12, Page 279
Recent corals from Tilibiche, Peru.
Vol 3, Iss 13, Page 287
The development of salpa.
Vol 3, Iss 14, Page 291
Exploration of Lake Titicaca, III. List of mammals and birds.
Vol 3, Iss 15, Page 349
Exploration of Lake Titicaca, IV. Crustacea.
Vol 3, Iss 16, Page 361