Notes on the Asclepiadaceae of China
Vol 5, Page 1, Date 1995
Nomenclatural notes on the Boraginaceae of China
Vol 5, Page 17, Date 1995
Onosma apiculatum (Boraginaceae), a New Species from China
Vol 5, Page 19, Date 1995
New combinations in neotropical Grammitidaceae (Pteridophyta)
Vol 5, Page 20, Date 1995
Arracacia ravenii (Apiaceae), a new species from southern Mexico
Vol 5, Page 22, Date 1995
Two new species of Araceae for the Guianas
Vol 5, Page 24, Date 1995
Paspalum niquelandiae (Poaceae: Paniceae), a new species from the serpentine outcrops of central Brazil
Vol 5, Page 30, Date 1995
A new combination in Peltostigma (Rutaceae)
Vol 5, Page 34, Date 1995
Triniochloa talpensis (Poaceae: Poideae), a new species with deciduous leaves from Mexico
Vol 5, Page 36, Date 1995
Didymocarpus miniatus (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Peninsular Malaysia
Vol 5, Page 40, Date 1995
A new species of Campyloneurum (Polypodiaceae) from northwestern Ecuador
Vol 5, Page 42, Date 1995
A new species of Beilschmiedia (Lauraceae) from Guerrero, Mexico
Vol 5, Page 45, Date 1995
Passiflora sanctae-mariae in Series Luteae (Passifloraceae), a new species and series in subgenus Decaloba
Vol 5, Page 48, Date 1995
New combinations in Asian Krascheninnikovia Gueldenstaedt (Chenopodiaceae)
Vol 5, Page 52, Date 1995
A new species of Oserya (Podostemaceae) from Jalsico, Mexico
Vol 5, Page 54, Date 1995
Impatiens kulamavuensis, a New Species of Balsaminaceae from India
Vol 5, Page 57, Date 1995
Two New Taxa for the Flora of Thailand
Vol 5, Page 59, Date 1995
New species of Siparuna (Monimiaceae)---I. Four new species from Ecuador and Colombia
Vol 5, Page 61, Date 1995
Two Lesquerellas (Cruciferae) of south central and western Montana
Vol 5, Page 71, Date 1995
Merostachys multiramea (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae) and similar species from Brazil
Vol 5, Page 76, Date 1995
New combinations in North American Schoenoplectus, Bolboschoenus, Isolepis, and Trichophorum (Cyperaceae)
Vol 5, Page 97, Date 1995
A new Nerine species (Amaryllidaceae tribe Amaryllideae) from the Koup Karoo, South Africa
Vol 5, Page 103, Date 1995
Two new species of Combretaceae from Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Vol 5, Page 106, Date 1995
A New Combination in Merremia (Convolvulaceae) for the Flora of China
Vol 5, Page 109, Date 1995
Miconia amplinodis (Melastomataceae: Miconieae), una nueva especie para Costa Rica
Vol 5, Page 110, Date 1995
Justicia nevlingii (Acanthaceae), a new species from Mexico
Vol 5, Page 114, Date 1995
A Note on the Kazakh Endemic Lappula zaissanica (Boraginaceae)
Vol 5, Page 119, Date 1995
New species of Gibsoniothamnus (Bignoniaceae: Schlegelieae)
Vol 5, Page 120, Date 1995
Two new species of Weinmannia (Cunoniaceae) from the Venezuelan Guayana
Vol 5, Page 125, Date 1995
New Combinations in Eastern North American Elymus (Poaceae)
Vol 5, Page 128, Date 1995
Festuca diclina (Poaceae), a new species from northwestern Mexico
Vol 5, Page 129, Date 1995
Three new species of Rustia (Rubiaceae, Condamineeae) from Panama and Ecuador
Vol 5, Page 133, Date 1995
New orchid species from Costa Rica
Vol 5, Page 140, Date 1995
Two new species of Paspalum (Poaceae: Paniceae) from Brazil
Vol 5, Page 146, Date 1995
The genus Polycarpon (Caryophyllaceae) in South America, with one new species from the Norte Chico of Chile
Vol 5, Page 152, Date 1995
New species of the Southern African genus Geissorhiza (Iridaceae: Ixioideae)
Vol 5, Page 156, Date 1995
Nolina cismontana (Nolinaceae), a new species name for an old taxon
Vol 5, Page 162, Date 1995
Nomenclatural changes in Polygonum, Persicaria, and Aconogonon (Polygonaceae)
Vol 5, Page 165, Date 1995
Una especie nueva de Rhamnus (Rhamnaceae) del Cerro Salomón, Sierra Atravesada, Oaxaca, México
Vol 5, Page 167, Date 1995
New species and combinations in Millettia Wight & Arnott and Pongamiopsis R. Viguier (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae-Millettieae) from Madagascar
Vol 5, Page 171, Date 1995
Another new, nearly extinct species of Hibiscadelphus (Malvaceae) from the Hawaiian Islands
Vol 5, Page 183, Date 1995
A new species of Tournefortia (Boraginaceae) from La Planada, Colombia
Vol 5, Page 188, Date 1995
Aristida tuitensis (Poaceae: Aristideae), a new species from El Tuito, Jalisco, Mexico
Vol 5, Page 190, Date 1995
Novelties in the neotropical genus Ouratea Aublet (Ochnaceae)
Vol 5, Page 193, Date 1995
New species and combinations in Rubiaceae from Costa Rica and Panama
Vol 5, Page 201, Date 1995
Novelties and notes in North American Aristida (Gramineae)
Vol 5, Page 209, Date 1995
Two new species of the genus Sterigmapetalum (Rhizophoraceae) from the Venezuelan and Brazilian Amazonian region
Vol 5, Page 223, Date 1995
Taxonomic changes in Ixonanthaceae from the Venezuelan Guayana
Vol 5, Page 227, Date 1995
Three new combinations in Pfaffia (Amaranthaceae) from the New World tropics
Vol 5, Page 230, Date 1995
Paspalum morichalense (Poaceae: Paniceae), a new aquatic species from South America
Vol 5, Page 234, Date 1995
A new species of Brachynema (Olacaceae) from South America
Vol 5, Page 238, Date 1995
Dos especies nuevas del género Drosera (Droseraceae) in Venezuela y otros comentarios taxonómicos
Vol 5, Page 241, Date 1995
Palisota flagelliflora (Commelinaceae), a new species from Cameroon with a unique habit
Vol 5, Page 246, Date 1995
Typification of Pinus apulcensis Lindley (Pinaceae), a misinterpreted name for a Latin American pine
Vol 5, Page 252, Date 1995
Aureliana darcyi, a new species of Solanaceae from Brazil
Vol 5, Page 257, Date 1995
Carex radfordii (section Laxiflorae: Cyperaceae), a new species from the southern Appalachians
Vol 5, Page 259, Date 1995
New species of Southern African Moraea (Iridaceae-Iridioideae), and the reduction of Rheome
Vol 5, Page 262, Date 1995
A new Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae) from the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica
Vol 5, Page 270, Date 1995
Two new species in Cuphea (Lythraceae), and a note on Alzateaceae
Vol 5, Page 272, Date 1995
Muhlenbergia aguascalientensis (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Eragrostideae), a new species from Mexico
Vol 5, Page 278, Date 1995
New taxa and combinations in the tribe Juanulloeae (Solanaceae)
Vol 5, Page 281, Date 1995
A new species of Sicydium Schlechtendal (Cucurbitaceae: Zanonieae, Zanonieae, Sicydiinae) for the Flora Mesoamericana
Vol 5, Page 284, Date 1995
Conceveiba parviflora (Euphorbiaceae), a new species from Panama and Colombia
Vol 5, Page 287, Date 1995
A new Votomita (Melastomataceae) from Panama
Vol 5, Page 290, Date 1995
New names in Papaver section Meconella (Papaveraceae)
Vol 5, Page 294, Date 1995
Lectotypification of Kengyilia mutica (Keng ex Keng & S.L. Chen) J.L. Yang, Yen & Baum (Poaceae), and change of circumscription
Vol 5, Page 297, Date 1995
Dracontium croatii (Araceae), a new species from the western slopes of the Andes in Ecuador
Vol 5, Page 301, Date 1995
A new Blakea (Melastomataceae: Blakeae) from Tapantí National Park, Costa Rica
Vol 5, Page 305, Date 1995
Placement of Arabidopsis parvula in Thellungiella (Brassicaceae)
Vol 5, Page 309, Date 1995
New species of Cestrum (Solanaceae) and synonymy under two widespread species
Vol 5, Page 311, Date 1995
Two new species of Fuchsia section Fuchsia (Onagraceae) from southern Ecuador
Vol 5, Page 318, Date 1995
Gladiolus somalensis (Iridaceae), a New Species from Northeastern Somalia
Vol 5, Page 325, Date 1995
Some taxonomic changes in Syringa (Oleaceae), including a revision of series Pubescentes
Vol 5, Page 329, Date 1995
Homalia pennatula (Musci: Neckeraceae), a new combination from Southeast Asia, with a key to the species of Homalia
Vol 5, Page 334, Date 1995
Polygonum hickmanii (Polygonaceae), a New Species from California
Vol 5, Page 336, Date 1995
Una nueva especie de Marsdenia (Asclepiadaceae) de México
Vol 5, Page 337, Date 1995
New taxa of Corispermum L. (Chenopodiaceae), with preliminary comments on the taxonomy of the genus in North America
Vol 5, Page 340, Date 1995
A new species of Geonoma (Arecaceae) from Panama
Vol 5, Page 354, Date 1995
Nomenclatural notes on the Myrsinaceae of China
Vol 5, Page 357, Date 1995
New Andean Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) with distinctive vegetative characters
Vol 5, Page 362, Date 1995
New combinations and a new variety in Mesoamerican Dalbergia (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae)
Vol 5, Page 368, Date 1995
Three new species of Clavija (Theophrastaceae)
Vol 5, Page 370, Date 1995
Eltroplectris brachycentron Szlachetko (Orchidaceae), a new orchid species from Bolivia
Vol 5, Page 375, Date 1995
New taxa of Rubiaceae from Amazonian Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
Vol 5, Page 379, Date 1995
Inga megaphylla (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae), a new species from western Amazonia (Colombia, Peru) with comments on architectural features unusual in the genus Inga
Vol 5, Page 384, Date 1995
Encephalartos imbricans (Zamiaceae): A new species from Uganda
Vol 5, Page 388, Date 1995
Kengyilia guidenensis (Poaceae: Triticeae), a new species from western China
Vol 5, Page 395, Date 1995