Obtegomeria (Lamiaceae), a new genus from South America
Vol 8, Page 1, Date 1998
A new species of Dubauatia (Asteraceae-Madiinae) from Kaua'i, Hawaiian Islands
Vol 8, Page 4, Date 1998
A new species of Zamia (Zamiaceae) from Ecuador
Vol 8, Page 12, Date 1998
New species and new combinations of Urtica (Urticaceae) from South America
Vol 8, Page 15, Date 1998
New species and names in Ecuadorian grasses (Poaceae)
Vol 8, Page 23, Date 1998
New names and new combinations in Campanulaceae
Vol 8, Page 31, Date 1998
Nemacladoideae, a New Subfamily of Campanulaceae
Vol 8, Page 36, Date 1998
Ceropegia striata, a new species of Asclepiadaceae in central Madagascar
Vol 8, Page 38, Date 1998
A new and an emended species of Mouriri (Melastomataceae)
Vol 8, Page 41, Date 1998
Ecuadendron (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae: Detarieae): A new arborescent genus from western Ecuador
Vol 8, Page 45, Date 1998
Bromus catharticus in South America (Poaceae: Bromeae)
Vol 8, Page 1, Date 1998
Amyris oblanceolata (Rutaceae), a New Species from Nicaragua
Vol 8, Page 61, Date 1998
Notes on Central America Scutellaria (Lamiaceae)
Vol 8, Page 62, Date 1998
Stenopadus andicola sp. nov. (Asteraceae: Mutisiae), a new generic record for Ecuador
Vol 8, Page 67, Date 1998
New Names in Chinese Apiaceae
Vol 8, Page 70, Date 1998
Two new species of Larnax (Solanaceae) from Ecuador
Vol 8, Page 72, Date 1998
Nomenclatural changes in Leptochloa P. Beauvois sensu lato (Poaceae, Chloridoideae)
Vol 8, Page 77, Date 1998
Croton martianianus (Euphorbiaceae), a new species from Mexico
Vol 8, Page 81, Date 1998
Acanthosyris annonagustata (Santalaceae), a new species from eastern Ecuador
Vol 8, Page 84, Date 1998
A new species of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) from Veracruz, Mexico
Vol 8, Page 87, Date 1998
Trifolium jokerstii (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae), a new species from Butte County, California
Vol 8, Page 91, Date 1998
New Taxa, New Combinations, and Observations in Kengyilia (Poaceae: Triticeae)
Vol 8, Page 94, Date 1998
Identity and Typification of Dracontium dubium Kunth (Araceae)
Vol 8, Page 101, Date 1998
Novelties in Neotropical Sapindaceae II. Averrhoidium, Serjania, and Porocystis
Vol 8, Page 105, Date 1998
Two new species of Brachymenium (Bryaceae) from Central America, with a key to the species of Brachymenium in Central America
Vol 8, Page 107, Date 1998
Five new species of Macromitrium (Musci: Orthotrichaceae), with a key to the species of Macromitrium in Central America
Vol 8, Page 113, Date 1998
Delimitation of the genus Nasturtium (Brassicaceae)
Vol 8, Page 124, Date 1998
Two new subspecies of Quararibea yunckeri (Bombacaeae) from Edo. Veracruz, Mexico
Vol 8, Page 127, Date 1998
A new species of Jacquinia (Theophrastaceae) from Veracruz, Mexico
Vol 8, Page 129, Date 1998
Lycianthes jalicensis (Solanaceae), a new species from Jalisco, Mexico
Vol 8, Page 133, Date 1998
A new species of Marcgravia (Marcgraviaceae) from the Venezuelan Guayana
Vol 8, Page 137, Date 1998
A New Combination in Tarenna (Rubiaceae) from Central Africa
Vol 8, Page 140, Date 1998
Deherainia lageniformis (Theophrastaceae), a new species from Costa Rica
Vol 8, Page 141, Date 1998
Triniochloa gracilis (Gramineae: Pooideae), a new species from the Sierra Madre del Sur, Mexico, and a key to the species in the genus
Vol 8, Page 144, Date 1998
Two new species of Festuca (Gramineae: Pooideae) from Mexico
Vol 8, Page 147, Date 1998
New species and notes on the natural history of Markea (Solanaceae) from Colombia and Ecuador
Vol 8, Page 152, Date 1998
A new species of Passiflora (Passifloraceae) from Ecuador with notes on the natural history of its herbivore, Heliconius (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiiti)
Vol 8, Page 162, Date 1998
New taxa and nomenclatural notes on the flora of the Marojejy Massif, Madagascar. I. Capparaceae: A new species of Crateva
Vol 8, Page 167, Date 1998
New taxa and nomenclatural notes on the flora of the Marojejy Massif, Madagascar. II. Anacardiaceae: A new species of Campnosperma
Vol 8, Page 170, Date 1998
Chaptalia hermogenis (Asteraceae: Mutisieae), a new species from the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest
Vol 8, Page 173, Date 1998
The Tribal Position of Hypocalyptus Thunberg (Fabaceae)
Vol 8, Page 178, Date 1998
A new species of Leptochloa (Poaceae, Chloridoideae) from Sri Lanka
Vol 8, Page 183, Date 1998
An infrageneric classification for Poa in North America, and other notes on sections, species, and subspecies of Poa, Puccinellia, and Dissanthelium (Poaceae)
Vol 8, Page 187, Date 1998
Some New Combinations in the Flora of Sikkim
Vol 8, Page 203, Date 1998
Rotheca (Lamiaceae) revived
Vol 8, Page 204, Date 1998
Croton yecorensis (Euphorbiaceae), a new species from Northwestern Mexico
Vol 8, Page 207, Date 1998
Nanarepenta juxlahuacensis (Dioscoreaceae), una nueva especie de Oaxaca, México
Vol 8, Page 210, Date 1998
Two new species of Heteropterys (Malpighiaceae) from southern South America
Vol 8, Page 215, Date 1998
The status of Teesdaliopsis and Teesdalia (Brassicaceae)
Vol 8, Page 218, Date 1998
Carex mckittrickensis (Cyperaceae), a new species from western Texas
Vol 8, Page 220, Date 1998
Bulbophyllum involutum Borba, Semir & F. Barros (Orchidaceae), a new species from the Brazilian "Campos Rupestres"
Vol 8, Page 225, Date 1998
Two New Combinations in Madhuca (Sapotaceae)
Vol 8, Page 230, Date 1998
A new species of Rustia (Rubiaceae, Rondeletieae) from Bilsa Biological Station, Esmeralda Province, Ecuador
Vol 8, Page 231, Date 1998
Cardiospermum cuchujaquense (Sapindaceae), a new species from Sonora, Mexico
Vol 8, Page 235, Date 1998
A new species of Ditassa (Asclepiadaceae) from Espi|rito Santo, Brazil
Vol 8, Page 239, Date 1998
Two New Combinations in Stuckenia, the Correct Name for Coleogeton (Potamogetonaceae)
Vol 8, Page 241, Date 1998
A new Hymenocallis (Amaryllidaceae) from Sonora, Mexico
Vol 8, Page 242, Date 1998
A new species of Calycopus (Myrtaceae) from the Campos Rupestres, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Vol 8, Page 244, Date 1998
New species and combinations in Mesoamerican Randia (Rubiaceae: Gardenieae)
Vol 8, Page 247, Date 1998
Sinopsis del género Lacmellea en Mesoamérica, con una nueva especie de Costa Rica
Vol 8, Page 259, Date 1998
Three new species and a new combination in Vallesia (Apocynaceae)
Vol 8, Page 263, Date 1998
New Names in Plectranthus (Lamiaceae) and Allied Genera from the Ethiopian Region
Vol 8, Page 265, Date 1998
Three new species of Erica (Ericaceae) from South Africa
Vol 8, Page 267, Date 1998
Novedades en Thelypteris subg. Amauropelta (Thelypteridaceae) de Brasil y Paraguay
Vol 8, Page 275, Date 1998
Saurauia homotricha (Actinidiaceae), a new species from Honduras and Nicaragua
Vol 8, Page 280, Date 1998
New species of Trichocentrum (Orchidaceae) from the Andes with a realignment of the Trichocentrum pulchrum group
Vol 8, Page 283, Date 1998
New combinations in Malva (Malvaceae: Malveae)
Vol 8, Page 288, Date 1998
Paepalanthus humilis Sano, a new species of Eriocaulaceae from Bahia State, Brazil
Vol 8, Page 298, Date 1998
Novelties in Sauvagesioideae (Ochnaceae) from Venezuela and Guyana
Vol 8, Page 301, Date 1998
Pitcairnia mirandae (Bromeliaceae)--a new species from Chiapas, Mexico
Vol 8, Page 304, Date 1998
Species status for a Sonoran Desert annual member of Oenothera sect. Anogra (Onagraceae)
Vol 8, Page 307, Date 1998
A New, Dioecious Species of Hedyotis (Rubiaceae) from Kaua'i, Hawaiian Islands, and the Taxonomy of Kaua'i Hedyotis schlechtendahliana Resolved
Vol 8, Page 311, Date 1998
A new species of Wikstroemia (Thymelaeaceae) from Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands
Vol 8, Page 318, Date 1998
Generic Evaluation of Boleum, Euzomodendron, and Vella (Brassicaceae)
Vol 8, Page 321, Date 1998
A new Pegaeophyton (Brassicaceae) from Nepal
Vol 8, Page 327, Date 1998
A new species of Aldina (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae) from Venezuelan Guayana
Vol 8, Page 330, Date 1998
A New Combination in Melanthium L. (Liliaceae)
Vol 8, Page 332, Date 1998
A new southern hemisphere species of Potentilla (Rosaceae)
Vol 8, Page 333, Date 1998
New species of Diplusodon (Lythraceae) from Brazil
Vol 8, Page 337, Date 1998
A new combination and a new synonym in Vigna (Fabaceae: Phaseoleae) for the Flora de Nicaragua
Vol 8, Page 352, Date 1998
New species of Ribes (Grossulariaceae) from South America
Vol 8, Page 354, Date 1998
Una nueva especie de Pachycereus (Cactaceae) del occidente de México
Vol 8, Page 359, Date 1998
New synonymy and useful taxonomic characters in Smilax (Smilacaceae) from the Venezuelan Guayana
Vol 8, Page 364, Date 1998
Reduction of Barnardiella, Galaxia, Gynandriris, Hexaglottis, Homeria, and Roggeveldia in Moraea (Iridaceae: Irideae)
Vol 8, Page 371, Date 1998
Agapetes subsessilifolia (Ericaceae), a New Species from the Eastern Himalayas
Vol 8, Page 378, Date 1998
The Mexican Chaptalia hintonii is a Gerbera (Asteraceae, Mutisieae)
Vol 8, Page 380, Date 1998
A new species of Calyptranthes (Myrtaceae) from coastal forests of Brazil
Vol 8, Page 386, Date 1998
Supplemental notes on New World Xyris (Xyridaceae)
Vol 8, Page 388, Date 1998
A new nematopoid species of Xyris (Xyridaceae) from Guyana
Vol 8, Page 399, Date 1998
Antidaphne hondurense Kuijt, a second Mesoamerican species of Eremolepidaceae
Vol 8, Page 402, Date 1998
Disa virginalis (Diseae: Orchidoideae: Orchidaceae): A New Species from Southern Africa
Vol 8, Page 405, Date 1998
Eight new taxa and two new reports of Bambuseae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) from Colombia
Vol 8, Page 408, Date 1998
Salpinctes (Apocynaceae) Is a Synonym of Mandevilla
Vol 8, Page 429, Date 1998
A new species of Erica (Ericaceae) from South Africa
Vol 8, Page 430, Date 1998
A new cauliflorous species of Dioclea Kunth (Leguminosae: Phaseoleae) from southeastern Brazil
Vol 8, Page 433, Date 1998
New species of Sapranthus B. C. Seemann and Unonopsis R. E. Fries (Annonaceae) from Mesoamerica
Vol 8, Page 436, Date 1998
A new Zamia (Zamiaceae, Cycadales) from eastern Chiapas, Mexico
Vol 8, Page 441, Date 1998
Three new species of Pilocarpus Vahl (Rutaceae) from Brazil
Vol 8, Page 447, Date 1998
A new species of Lobelia (Campanulaceae) from Brazil
Vol 8, Page 457, Date 1998
Humiles, a New Section of Pleione (Orchidaceae)
Vol 8, Page 461, Date 1998
Novelties in Chinese Populus and Salix (Salicaceae)
Vol 8, Page 464, Date 1998
Validation of Hao's New Chinese Taxa in Salix (Salicaceae)
Vol 8, Page 467, Date 1998