Ramboldia blochiana, a new sorediate species in the Ramboldia russula group
Vol 9, Page 1
Syncesia mascarena (Roccellaceae) a new species from La RĂ©union (Indian Ocean).
Vol 9, Page 5
A review of the morphologically similar species Fuscidea pusilla and Ropalospora viridis in eastern North America.
Vol 9, Page 11
A simple clearing technique to aid in the recognition of cilia and rhizinae structure in the Parmeliaceae.
Vol 9, Page 21
A new member of the genus Silobia (Acarosporaceae) from North America.
Vol 9, Page 27
Acarospora benedarensis: a rare terricolous maritime lichen from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
Vol 9, Page 31
Punctelia eganii, a new species in the P. rudecta group with a novel secondary compound for the genus.
Vol 9, Page 35
Calopadia schomerae (Pilocarpaceae), a lichen from Everglades National Park.
Vol 9, Page 39
Studies in lichens and lichenicolous fungi-no. 15: miscellaneous notes on species from eastern North America.
Vol 9, Page 45
A preliminary study of Pleopsidium stenosporum (Stizenb. ex Hasse) K. Knudsen.
Vol 9, Page 77
A range extension for Heiomasia seaveyorum north of tropical southern Florida.
Vol 9, Page 85
How should we deal with the Antarctic and Subantarctic taxa published by Carroll William Dodge?
Vol 9, Page 89
How do you reconcile molecular and non-molecular datasets? A case study where new molecular data prompts a revision of Peltigera hydrothyria s.l. in North America and the recognition of two species.
Vol 9, Page 99
Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, Fascicle IX, nos. 401-445.
Vol 9, Page 111
Index to New Taxa
Vol 9, Page 121