A synopsis of the lichen genus Heterodermia (Physciaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in eastern North America
Vol 6, Page 1
Caloplaca obamae, a new species from Santa Rosa Island, California
Vol 6, Page 37
A new species of Sphaerellothecium (Mycosphaerellaceae) on Placidium lacinulatum
Vol 6, Page 41
Pseudevernia furfuracea, the mummy's lichen at the Farlow Herbarium
Vol 6, Page 45
Opegrapha moroziana (Roccellaceae, Lichenized Ascomycetes), a new sorediate saxicolous species from eastern North America
Vol 6, Page 51
Pertusaria andersonii (Pertusariaceae, Lichenized Ascomycetes), a new species from high elevations of the southern Appalachian Mountains of eastern North America.
Vol 6, Page 55
Naetrocymbe herrei (Pleosporales: Ascomycetes), a new lichenized saxicolous species from the coast of central California, U.S.A.
Vol 6, Page 59
Contributions to the Lichen Flora of North Carolina: A Preliminary Checklist of Lichens of the Uwharrie Mountains
Vol 6, Page 65
Two New Usnic Acid Containing Species of Lecanora from Western North America
Vol 6, Page 73
Lichens and related fungi of Highstead Arboretum, Fairfield County, Connecticut
Vol 6, Page 81
Lichenicolous Fungi and some lichens from the Holarctic
Vol 6, Page 87
Cladonia maritima, a new species in the C. cervicornis group from western North America.
Vol 6, Page 121
Contributions to the lichen flora of Pennsylvania: Notes on the lichens of a remarkable talus slope in Huntingdon County
Vol 6, Page 125
Observations on the genus Neolamya, with the description of the new species N. xanthoparmeliae (Ascomycota, genera incertae sedis)
Vol 6, Page 137
Four novel lichen taxa in the lichen biota of eastern North America
Vol 6, Page 149
The Fellhanera silicis group in eastern North America
Vol 6, Page 157
Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, Fascicle VII, Nos. 301-350
Vol 6, Page 175
Index to new taxa proposed in vol. 6
Vol 6