Some Australian bees
Vol 65, Page 28, Date 1913
Notes on catostomoid fishes
Vol 65, Page 45, Date 1913
Notes on some west American Cephalopods
Vol 65, Page 72, Date 1913
Descriptions and records of South American Orthoptera, with the description of a new subspecies from Clarion Island
Vol 65, Page 82, Date 1913
Amphibians and reptiles from Ecuador, Venezuela, and Yucatan
Vol 1913, Page 153, Date 1913
Notes on the types of some American spiders in European collections
Vol 65, Page 177, Date 1913
The fossil Odonate Phenacolestes, with a discussion of the venation of the legion Podagrion Selys
Vol 65, Page 225, Date 1913
A revision of the species of the genus Nemobius (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) found in North America north of the Isthmus of Panama
Vol 65, Page 394, Date 1913
Reptiles collected by the Yale Peruvian expedition of 1912
Vol 1913, Page 506, Date 1913
Contributions to the synonymy of Serpentes in the family Elapidae
Vol 65, Page 508, Date 1913
Fishes from the Madeira River, Brazil
Vol 65, Page 517, Date 1913
A contribution to the knowledge of the Orthoptera of Argentina
Vol 65, Page 273, Date 1913
Notes on some Costa Rican Arachnida
Vol 65, Page 676, Date 1914