Obituary. Mrs. Elsie M. Morehouse, 1884-1969
Vol 27, Iss 1, Page 2
The distribution of Cepaea in Scotland
Vol 27, Iss 1, Page 3
Daytime resting sites of Agriolimax reticulatus (Müller) in Woodland
Vol 27, Iss 1, Page 9
Marpessa Laminata (Montagu) Bred in a small box for fifty-four years
Vol 27, Iss 1, Page 11
A note on the validity of Subulina grandis Madge
Vol 27, Iss 1, Page 13
A species of Gullella PFR. (Streptaxidae) introduced into Britain
Vol 27, Iss 1, Page 15
Vitrea diaphana (Studer) in Britain
Vol 27, Iss 1, Page 17
Pisidium pseudosphaerium (Schlesch) New to Ireland
Vol 27, Iss 1, Page 25
Marine Mollusca from the Canary Island of Lanzarote
Vol 27, Iss 1, Page 27
Pseudamnicola confusa (Frauenfeld) at Shirehampton, Gloucestershire
Vol 27, Iss 1, Page 46
Fanatisme du Nobis": A Study of J.-R. Bourguignat and the "Nouvelle Ecole"
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 65
List of J.-R. Bourguignat's Publications on Molluscs
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 87
Adula simpsoni (Marshall) in Shetland
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 96
The Distribution of Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) in Britain
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 97
Population Changes Shown by Cochlicopa lubrica (Müller) in a Grass Sward Habitat
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 101
Agriolimax agrestis (L.) in the Moray Firth Area of Scotland
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 105
A note on the Faeces of Agriolimax reticulatus (Muller)
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 111
Pisidium tenuilineatum Stelfox in Sussex
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 115
Abida secale (Draparnaud) in the North Cotswolds
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 117
A Reassessment of Species Described from East Africa by W. Blume
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 121
Ensis from the Firth of Forth
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 127
Obituary. Percy Elston (?—1969)
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 130
Conchology and Archaeology, Mollusca at Verulamium
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 131
The Identity of Conus mappa (Lightfoot), C. insularis Gmelin, C. Aurantius Hwass in Bruguiére and Hwass's Infraspecific Taxa of C. cedonulli
Vol 27, Iss 3, Page 135
Snail Shells under Starling Roosts
Vol 27, Iss 3, Page 139
The British Distributions of Monacha cantiana (Montagu) and Monacha cartusiana (Müller)
Vol 27, Iss 3, Page 145
Non-marine Molluscs of Borneo: I.Streptaxacea: Streptaxidae
Vol 27, Iss 3, Page 149
Some Aspects of the Behaviour of Pest Species of Slugs
Vol 27, Iss 3, Page 163
Numbers of Shells
Vol 27, Iss 3, Page 171
Pisidium Lilljeborgii Clessin, in the River Teifi, West Wales
Vol 27, Iss 3, Page 177
Obituary Fritz Haas
Vol 27, Iss 3, Page 182
Recent Zonitidae in Hungary
Vol 27, Iss 3, Page 183
The Importance of Mineral Particles in the Diet of Limnaea pereger (Müller)
Vol 27, Iss 3, Page 191
Some Irish Naturalists, mostly Conchological
Vol 27, Iss 3, Page 197
Mollusca of the Iranian Plateau-III
Vol 27, Iss 4, Page 211
On a proposed new genus of Cerithid mollusca from the Dahlak Islands, Red Sea
Vol 27, Iss 4, Page 221
A reappraisal of the geographical distributions of the cockles, Cardium edule L and C. glaucum Bruguiére
Vol 27, Iss 4, Page 225
Rissoa violacea Desmarest, Rissoa lilacina Récluz, Rissoa rufilabrum Alder and Rissoa porifera Lovén and their distribution in British and Irish waters
Vol 27, Iss 4, Page 235
A note on the acceptability of various weeds as food for Agriolimax reticulatus (Müller)
Vol 27, Iss 4, Page 249
WILLIAM PENNINGTON COCKS (1791-1878), a west country naturalist
Vol 27, Iss 4, Page 253
On Fagotia acicularis (Férussac) from the quaternary deposits in the valley of Helme and Unstrut
Vol 27, Iss 4, Page 257
Three lamellibranchs apparently new to Britain
Vol 27, Iss 4, Page 266
Vol 27, Iss 4, Page 268
Descriptions of two new species of fossil freshwater mussels (Unionidae) from Greenland
Vol 27, Iss 4, Page 269
Tellina serrata Brocchi a British species
Vol 27, Iss 4, Page 272
Obituary. Captain Cyril Diver (1892-1969)
Vol 27, Iss 4, Page 273
The Ampullariidae, an historical survey
Vol 27, Iss 7, Page 453
Studies on variation and life history in the prosobranch Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant)
Vol 27, Iss 7, Page 463
Relationship of size to age in the cockles Cerastoderma edule and C. glaucum from the river Crouch estuary, Essex
Vol 27, Iss 7, Page 475
Marine Mollusca from Bahrain Island, Persian Gulf
Vol 27, Iss 7, Page 491
Report on the marine Mollusca collected by the British Dahlak Quest Expedition, Red sea, 1969-1970
Vol 27, Iss 7, Page 497
Two new species of Marginellidae from West Africa
Vol 27, Iss 7, Page 503
A record of slug movements in late summer
Vol 27, Iss 7, Page 505
Vertical range of molluscs on Ben Lawers, Scotland
Vol 27, Iss 7, Page 509
Lauria sempronii (Charpentier) living in Britain
Vol 27, Iss 7, Page 517
Obituaries—Arthur Wilson Stelfox, 1883-1972
Vol 27, Iss 7, Page 520
Obituary Cyril Philip Castell, 1907-1972
Vol 27, Iss 7, Page 535
The zoogeography of the non-marine Mollusca of East Africa
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 291
Monodonta (Oxystele) fulgurata Philippi, a synonym of Oxystele variegata (Anton)
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 349
The Reverend E. P. Blackburn and his mollusc collection
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 353
The Cook voyages and conchology: a supplementary note
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 357
The British distribution of Pomatias elegans (Müller)
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 359
The distribution of Helicodonta obvoluta (Müll.) in Britain
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 363
Two species of gastropod Mollusca new to the Irish fauna
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 371
On the nomenclature of the common dog-whelk
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 373
Dormancy in Lymnaea peregra (Müller) during periods of dryness
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 377
Vertigo lilljeborgi Westerlund in North Wales
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 387
Theba pisana in Guernsey, 1971
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 391
A proposed termination to the widely accepted junior synonymy of Cardium parvum to C. exiguum
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 397
A significance in the number of ribs on the shells of two closely related Cardium species
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 401
Notes on the occurrence of Vertigo Geyeri Lindholm in Ireland
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 411
Agriolinrax caruanae Pollonera and other non-marine Mollusca in Faroe
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 419
Captain Cyril Diver-Addenda
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 422
Some fossil molluscs from Muruarot Hill (Turkana district, Kenya)
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 423
Obituaries—L. W. Stratton (1900-1971)
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 427
Schilder, Franz Alfred (13 April 1896-11 August 1970)
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 429
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 429
Alkins, William Alkins (1896-1969)
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 432
Kennelly, Dennis Harper (1890-1971)
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 433
Corrections to J. Conch. vol. 27, no. 4
Vol 27, Iss 5-6, Page 451