New records of Lycaenidae and Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera) from northern Queensland
Vol 9, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1982-06
Notes on the biology and morphology of Hesperilla sarnia Atkins (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)
Vol 10, Iss 1, Page 6, Date 1983-06
A reappraisal of Clematostigma Enderlein with notes on related genera (Psocoptera: Psocidae)
Vol 9, Iss 5, Page 71, Date 1983-01
List of the buprestidae (Coleoptera) of the Sydney basin, New South Wales, with adult food plant records and biological notes on food plant associations
Vol 9, Iss 6, Page 81, Date 1983-04
Insect pheremone technology: Chemistry and applications. (American Chemical Society Symposium series, 190) [Book Review]
Vol 9, Iss 6, Page 99, Date 1983-04
Phylogeny and relationships of the Papilio fuscus group of swallowtails (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)
Vol 9, Iss 5, Page 63, Date 1983-01
New food plants, life history notes, and distribution records for some Australian Lepidoptera
Vol 9, Iss 6, Page 97, Date 1983-04
The occurrence of Ogyris (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in empty saturniid cocoons
Vol 9, Iss 6, Page 95, Date 1983-04
Two new minor pests of ripe cocoa pods in Papua New Guinea
Vol 9, Iss 5, Page 61, Date 1983-01
Eggs of some Tasmanian Noctuidae (Lepidoptera)
Vol 9, Iss 4, Page 49, Date 1982-09
New Tasmanian Trechini (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Vol 10, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1983-06
A revised key to the species of Psilopsocus Enderlein (Psocoptera: Psilopsocidae) with new records of Ps. mimulus Smithers, a probably phragomotic species
Vol 10, Iss 2/3, Page 33, Date 1983-07
Observations on Scaraphites rotundipennis (Dejean) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) a pest of golf courses on Flinders Island
Vol 10, Iss 4, Page 41, Date 1983-09
Notes on the life history of Bindahara phocides yurgama Couchman (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Vol 10, Iss 2/3, Page 35, Date 1983-07
Migration records in Australia. 3. Danainae and Acraeinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
Vol 10, Iss 2/3, Page 21, Date 1983-07
The egg and first instar larva of Italochrysa insignis (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae)
Vol 10, Iss 2/3, Page 29, Date 1983-07
Notes on a deformed worker of the ant genus Iridomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Vol 10, Iss 1, Page 11, Date 1983-06
Colonisation of seedling acacias by arthropods in southern Victoria
Vol 10, Iss 1, Page 13, Date 1983-06
Occurrence of leaf-mining Diptera in cultivated crops
Vol 10, Iss 1, Page 9, Date 1983-06
The food of adult Osmylidae: Kempyninae (Neuroptera)
Vol 10, Iss 4, Page 45, Date 1983-09
A survey of the Aphodiinae, Hybosorinae and Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from small wet forests of coastal New South Wales. Part 1: Nowra to Newcastle
Vol 9, Iss 4, Page 42, Date 1982-09
Dirhinus rufricornis (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Chalcidae: Dirhininae), a parasite of Diptera, two of which are primary parasites of Orthoptera
Vol 9, Iss 2/3, Page 27, Date 1982-07
A new species of Amblyseius Berlese from the New Hebrides with notes on closely related species from Australia, Japan and China (Acari: Phytoseiidae)
Vol 9, Iss 2/3, Page 33, Date 1982-07
Aggregation of adults in two Australian species of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera)
Vol 9, Iss 1, Page 4, Date 1982-06
Two new species of Australian Bembix sand wasps, with notes on other species of the genus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae)
Vol 9, Iss 1, Page 7, Date 1982-06
Aphyopsocus gen. nov., a remarkable new genus of Caeciliidae (Psocoptera) from south-eastern New South Wales
Vol 9, Iss 1, Page 13, Date 1982-06
Butterflies of the upper Jardine River, Cape York Peninsula
Vol 9, Iss 2/3, Page 21, Date 1982-07
An accumulative bibliography of Australian entomology
Vol 9, Iss 2/3, Page 39, Date 1982-07
An accumulative bibliography of Australian entomology
Vol 9, Iss 1, Page 19, Date 1982-06
Parasitism of the Australian plague locust Chortoicetes terminifera (Walker) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) by Prionyx saevus (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
Vol 10, Iss 5, Page 67, Date 1983-12
The early stages of Rapala varuna simsoni (Miskin) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) from south-eastern Queensland
Vol 10, Iss 4, Page 56, Date 1983-09
Migration records in Australia, 4. Pieridae (Lepidoptera) other than Anaphaeis java teutonia (F.)
Vol 10, Iss 4, Page 47, Date 1983-09
A cautionary note on the use of oviposition records as larval food plant records
Vol 10, Iss 5, Page 64, Date 1983-12
A new species of Lasiopsocus Enderlein (Psocoptera: Psocidae) from New South Wales
Vol 10, Iss 5, Page 61, Date 1983-12
An accumulative bibliography of Australian entomology
Vol 10, Iss 4, Page 59, Date 1983-09