Rediscovery of Tetratheca nuda var. spartea (Elaeocarpaceae) in south-west Western Australia and elevation to specific rank as Tetratheca spartea
Vol 18, Page 39, Date 2008
Platytheca anasima (Elaeocarpaceae) a new, geographically restricted species from the Whicher Range, south-west Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 31, Date 2008
An annotated census of the mosses of the Perth Region, Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 1, Date 2008
Coronidium, a new Australian genus in the Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae)
Vol 18, Page 295, Date 2008
Notes on the genus Chrysocephalum (Angianthinae: Asteraceae) with the description of one new species from Western Australia, and a new combination
Vol 18, Page 331, Date 2008
A new subspecies of Gnaphalium indutum (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae)
Vol 18, Page 291, Date 2008
Kennedia lateritia, a new name for Kennedia macrophylla (Fabaceae)
Vol 18, Page 340, Date 2008
A review of Acacia coolgardiensis (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) and closely related species in Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 107, Date 2008
Acacia diallaga (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae), a new geographically restricted species with diallagous phyllodes from the Midwest Region of south-west Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 127, Date 2008
Three new species of Leucopogon (Ericaceae: Styphelioideae: Styphelieae) from the far south-west of Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 61, Date 2008
Acacia umbraculiformis (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae), a new species related to A. quadrimarginea from the Midwest Region of south-west Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 133, Date 2008
Elucidation of Olearia species related to O. paucidentata (Asteraceae: Astereae)
Vol 18, Page 83, Date 2008
Further new taxa in Banksia (Proteaceae: Grevilleoideae)
Vol 18, Page 53, Date 2008
Atriplex eremitis (Chenopodiaceae), a new species from northern Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 49, Date 2008
New species of Olearia (Asteraceae: Astereae) from Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 97, Date 2008
A new species of Rorippa (Brassicaceae) from southern Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 79, Date 2008
New taxa of Acacia (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) and notes on other species from the Pilbara and adjacent desert regions of Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 139, Date 2008
A revision of Eucalyptus ser. Cornutae subser. Conjunctae (Myrtaceae) from the south coast of Western Australia, including the description of four new taxa and comments on the hybrid origin of E. bennettiae
Vol 18, Page 197, Date 2008
An updated diagnosis for Eucalyptus series Accedentes (Myrtaceae) and a new mallee species for the series occurring in far western Australia
Vol 18, Page 189, Date 2008
Pilostyles coccoidea (Apodanthaceae), a new species from Western Australia described from morphological and molecular evidence
Vol 18, Page 273, Date 2008
Seorsus, a new Gondwanan genus of Myrtaceae with a disjunct distribution in Borneo and Australia
Vol 18, Page 235, Date 2008
Tecticornia papillata (Chenopodiaceae: Salicornioideae), a new andromonoecious samphire from near the Carnarvon Range, Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 259, Date 2008
Recognition of new taxa in Grevillea (Proteaceae: Grevilleoideae) from south-west Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 223, Date 2008
New combinations in the genus Dysphania (Chenopodiaceae)
Vol 18, Page 267, Date 2008
Stylidium perplexum (Stylidiaceae): a remarkable new triggerplant from south-west Western Australia
Vol 18, Page 285, Date 2008
Lepidosperma amansiferrum is an orthographic error of L. amantiferrum
Vol 18, Page 339, Date 2008