Rulingia borealis, a new combination based on R. malvifolia var. borealis (Malvaceae s.l. or Sterculiaceae)
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 517, Date 2005
New and noteworthy plant species recognised as naturalised in Western Australia
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 523, Date 2005
Further new taxa in Dryandra R.Br. (Proteaceae : Grevilleoideae)
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 337, Date 2005
A taxonomic revision of Drosera section Stolonifera (Droseraceae) from south-west Western Australia
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 355, Date 2005
Reinstatement of Burchardia congesta (Colchicaceae)
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 347, Date 2005
A rare and endangered new subspecies of Eucalyptus sargentii (Myrtaceae) with high potential for revegetation of saline sites from south-western Australia and notes on E. diminuta and E. sargentii subsp. fallens
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 395, Date 2005
Re-assessment of the saline-dwelling Eucalyptus spathulata complex (Myrtaceae) from southern Western Australia
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 403, Date 2005
New taxa, a new record and a rediscovery in Western Australian Haloragis (Haloragaceae)
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 431, Date 2005
Astus, a new Western Australian genus of Myrtaceae with heterocarpidic fruits
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 495, Date 2005
A new heterocarpidic fruit type for the Myrtaceae, with dehiscent and indehiscent loculi, in two genera from Western Australia
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 485, Date 2005
A taxonomic update of Petrophile sect. Arthrostigma (Proteaceae)
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 457, Date 2005
Two new species of Brachyloma (Epacridaceae) from the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 331, Date 2005
A taxonomic review of Dicrastylis sect. Corymbosae (Lamiaceae: Chloantheae), incorporating Mallophora as a new synonym
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 445, Date 2005
Goodenia pedicellata (Goodeniaceae), a new species from the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia
Vol 15, Iss 3, Page 513, Date 2005