Notes on the taxonomy and biology of species of 'Parasarcophaga' Johnston and Tiegs and 'Baranqvisca' Lopes (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) associated with spiders in eastern Australia
Vol 13, Iss 1/2, Page 1, Date 1986-04
Some early stages of 'Calochrysa' Banks (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae)
Vol 13, Iss 1/2, Page 11, Date 1986-04
A small portable light trap for collecting microlepidoptera
Vol 13, Iss 1/2, Page 15, Date 1986-04
Some early stages of 'Charaxes latona' Butler (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Charaxinae)
Vol 13, Iss 1/2, Page 20, Date 1986-04
Observations on 'Liphyra brassolis' Westwood (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in north Queensland
Vol 13, Iss 1/2, Page 22, Date 1986-04
Studies on the migration of 'Danaus plexippus' (L) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the Sydney area
Vol 13, Iss 1/2, Page 27, Date 1986-04
Some new records of Psocoptera from Norfolk and Phillip Islands
Vol 13, Iss 1/2, Page 33, Date 1986-04
An accumulative bibliography of Australian entomology
Vol 13, Iss 1/2, Page 35, Date 1986-04
The hawk moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) of Christmas Island, Indian Ocean
Vol 13, Iss 3/4, Page 37, Date 1986-07
A new species of 'Liodrosophila' Duda (Diptera: Drosophilidae)
Vol 13, Iss 3/4, Page 41, Date 1986-07
Notes on a collection of butterflies from the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland
Vol 13, Iss 3/4, Page 43, Date 1986-07
New species names in Tipulidae (Diptera)
Vol 13, Iss 3/4, Page 49, Date 1986-07
Biological control in agricultural IPM systems [Book Review]
Vol 13, Iss 3/4, Page 50, Date 1986-07
An accumulative bibliography of Australian entomology
Vol 13, Iss 3/4, Page 51, Date 1986-07
The life history of 'Trapezites iacchoides' Waterhouse and 'Trapezites phigalioides' Waterhouse (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Trapezitinae)
Vol 13, Iss 5/6, Page 53, Date 1987-02
Notes on the behaviour and nests of an Australian masarid wasp 'Paragia (Paragia) decipiens decipiens' Shuckard (Hymenoptera: Vespoidea: Masaridae)
Vol 13, Iss 5/6, Page 59, Date 1987-02
The life history of 'Appias ada caria' Waterhouse and Lyell (Lepidoptera: Pieridae: Pierinae)
Vol 13, Iss 5/6, Page 66, Date 1987-02
The occurrence in Australia of 'Chthonius tetrachelatus' (Preyssler) (Pseudoscorpionida: Chthoniidae)
Vol 13, Iss 5/6, Page 68, Date 1987-02
New records of Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) from central Australia
Vol 13, Iss 5/6, Page 71, Date 1987-02
A new genus of clubionoid spider from Western Australia (Arachnida: Araneomorphae)
Vol 13, Iss 5/6, Page 77, Date 1987-02
Book announcement [Book Review]
Vol 13, Iss 5/6, Page 82, Date 1987-02
An accumulative bibliography of Australian entomology
Vol 13, Iss 5/6, Page 84, Date 1987-02
A new species of 'Heteroconis' Enderlein (Neuroptera, Coniopterygidae) from Western Australia
Vol 14, Iss 1/2, Page 1, Date 1987-05
A new species of 'Mesodina' Meyrick from the Northern Territory (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)
Vol 14, Iss 1/2, Page 4, Date 1987-05
Redescription and generic position of 'Psocus striatifrons' McLachlan (Psocoptera: Psocidae)
Vol 14, Iss 1/2, Page 13, Date 1987-05
The specific status of 'Pauropsalta nigristriga' Goding and Froggatt (Homoptera: Cicadidae) with the description of an allied new species
Vol 14, Iss 1/2, Page 17, Date 1987-05
'Pseudotaenia waterhousei' (V. d. Poll) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in New South Wales
Vol 14, Iss 1/2, Page 23, Date 1987-05
Note on aerial swarming of 'Perissomma' (Diptera: Perissommatidae)
Vol 14, Iss 1/2, Page 29, Date 1987-05
Escape behaviour of insects on fire-blackened tree trunks in East Gippsland
Vol 14, Iss 1/2, Page 31, Date 1987-05
The life history of 'Yoma sabina parva' (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Nymphalinae)
Vol 14, Iss 1/2, Page 34, Date 1987-05
Notes on the feeding habits of burrowing bugs of the genus 'Adrisa' (Heteroptera: Cydnidae)
Vol 14, Iss 3, Page 37, Date 1987-08
The butterflies of Murray Island, Torres Strait, Queensland
Vol 14, Iss 3, Page 39, Date 1987-08
The life history of 'Neptis praslini straudingereana' de Niceville (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Nymphalinae)
Vol 14, Iss 3, Page 43, Date 1987-08
Notes on the biology of 'Candalides cyprotus cyprotus' (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Vol 14, Iss 3, Page 45, Date 1987-08
Mealybugs (Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae) from the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra
Vol 14, Iss 3, Page 49, Date 1987-08
Plant virus epidemics: Monitoring, modelling and predicting outbreaks [Book Review]
Vol 14, Iss 3, Page 53, Date 1987-08
An accumulative bibliography of Australian entomology
Vol 14, Iss 3, Page 54, Date 1987-08
The butterflies (Lepidoptera) of Christmas Island, Indian Ocean
Vol 14, Iss 4/5, Page 57, Date 1987-11
The 'Sunorfa' of Australia (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae)
Vol 14, Iss 4/5, Page 67, Date 1987-11
New and interesting butterfly records from northern Queensland and Torres Strait
Vol 14, Iss 4/5, Page 71, Date 1987-11
The life history of 'Croitana arenaria' Edwards, 1979 (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Trapezitinae)
Vol 14, Iss 4/5, Page 73, Date 1987-11
Biological observations on the mud-dauber wasp 'Sceliphron formosum' (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
Vol 14, Iss 6, Page 78, Date 1988-01
The life history of 'Hypocysta angustata angustata' Waterhouse and Lyell and 'Hypocysta irius' (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae)
Vol 14, Iss 6, Page 83, Date 1988-01
New distribution records for some butterflies and hawk moths from far northern Queensland
Vol 14, Iss 6, Page 87, Date 1988-01
Some new larval food plants for north Queensland Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera)
Vol 14, Iss 6, Page 89, Date 1988-01
A revision of the genus 'Hypochrysops' C. and R. Felder (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) [Book Review]
Vol 14, Iss 6, Page 91, Date 1988-01
The life histories of 'Pasma tasmanica' (Miskin) and 'Toxidia rietmanni' (Semper) (Hesperiidae: Trapezitinae)
Vol 14, Iss 6, Page 93, Date 1988-01
Notes on the distribution and biology of 'Theryaxia suttoni' Carter (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)
Vol 14, Iss 6, Page 98, Date 1988-01
An accumulative bibliography of Australian entomology
Vol 14, Iss 6, Page 99, Date 1988-01