Zelleromyces hispanicus sp. nov. (Russulales, Elasmomycetaceae), an organge-red species possibly related to Lactarius aurantiacus
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 99, Date 1998
Effects of monensin on ultrastructure and chemical composition parietal fractions of Botrytis cinerea
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 63, Date 1998
Relation of Leucopaxillus giganteus, basidiomycete of fairy rings, with soil microflora and grassland plants
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 45, Date 1998
Zelleromyces giennensis sp. nov. (Russulales), a gasteroid fungus from the southern of Spain
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 107, Date 1998
A new Lactarius species rom Scandinaviain the section Dapetes
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 87, Date 1998
Populations of fungi in some reservoirs in Serbia
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 79, Date 1998
The genus Aleurocystis
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 93, Date 1998
Response of Aspergillus carbonarius to Tween 80. Mycelial growth, protein, RNA and chitin content
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 25, Date 1998
Screening of antimicrobial activities by aquatic hyphomycetes cultivated on various nutrient sources
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 33, Date 1998
Volatile components of fresh Agrocybe aegerita and Tricholoma sulfureum
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 15, Date 1998
Patrick Joly (6 novembre 1932-22 octobre 1997)
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 1, Date 1998
Tuber pseudoexcavatum sp. nov. A new species from China commercialised in Spain, France and Italy with additional comments on Chinese truffles
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 113, Date 1998
Estudio micolögico de la reserva de la biosfera “El Canal y los Tiles” (La Palma, Islas Canarias). iv. Agaricomycetidae (3a parte). Género Inocybe
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 121, Date 1998
Macrofungal flora associated with Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Manetti ex Carrière H — Ectomycorrhizal fungi in a cedar plantation (Djurjura mountains. Algeria)
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 139, Date 1998
New taxa and new combinations proposed in Cryptogamie-Mycologie 19(1-2)
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 163, Date 1998
Calvatia pygmaea (Gasteromycetes) in the deserts of Baja California Sur (Mexico)
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 131, Date 1998
Instructions aux auteurs
Vol 19, Iss 1-2, Page 165, Date 1998